07 International Heart Attack Preventers Fighters And Killers!
Cardiovascular disease (commonly called heart disease) is the#1 KILLER of Americans. Every 40 seconds somebody in the USA has a heart attack, which results in killing approximately 630,000 Americans each year (2015 data from the Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke)!
If conventional and alternative medicines could find a healthy blend of treatments, multitudes of patients afflicted with heart disease and many other diseases and maladies would be spared. Here are ’07 International Heart Attack Preventers Fighters And Killers!’
What is the heart and what does it do?
The heart is a constant working muscle that beats approximately 100,000 times and pumps 4,000 gallons of blood each 24 hours! The amazing work your heart does in one single day is equal to lifting 100 pounds one foot off the ground 1,500 times! In your lifetime, your heart will pump some 400,000 tons of blood without rest! Amazing isn’t it! The heart provides life required nutrients and oxygen to all tissues of the body and even the heart itself.

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What is heart disease?
The heart has a separate circulatory system which nourishes the heart with nutrients and oxygen. This circulatory system is made-up of two coronary arteries that are about the size of a pencil. These two coronary arteries subdivide and encircle the entire heart. Heart disease is the result of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis sometimes called “hardening of the arteries.”
It’s a progressive condition in which deposits of cholesterol and lipids and other cellular waste accumulate on the inner walls of coronary arteries. This accumulation of cholesterol, lipids, and cellular waste becomes plaque. As the plaque accumulates, blood vessels become inelastic and clogged.
This leads to arteries that harden and become clogged. At times, a blood clot will form on the plaque buildup and block the entire artery. A heart attack or stroke is imminent. Basically, cardiovascular disease takes the form in one or more of the following manners:
- Plaque that narrows arteries, inhibiting blood flow.
- Accumulation of sticky fragments, called platelets, that form clots.
- Spasms of arteries and blood vessels, creating restrictions that stop the heart and shut-off the blood to the brain – causing strokes.
Did you know every 02 minutes one woman dies of heart disease. Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from heart disease alone! Far too many will die because they were diagnosed too late, follow an unhealthy diet, and are ignorant of many healthy alternatives to recovery.
Cardiovascular disease (commonly called heart disease) is the #1 KILLER of Americans. Every 40 seconds somebody in the USA has a heart attack, which results in killing approximately 630,000 Americans each year (2015 data from the Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke)! If conventional and alternative medicines could find a healthy blend of treatments, multitudes of patients afflicted with heart disease and many other diseases and maladies would be spared.
What causes coronary blockages?
According to Dr. Dean Ornish’s Reversing Heart Disease:
“coronary blockages form when the lining of the coronary artery is damaged from excessive dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and nicotine.”
The body attempts to repair the injured/damaged lining by placing cholesterol, collagen and other materials over it like a band-aid. When this becomes chronic (damage to the coronary lining) the pile-up of these band-aids begins to block the arteries. After time this coronary blockage may become life threatening.
What is a heart attack?
A heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when one or more of the coronary arteries is partially blocked by atherosclerosis and a blood clot plugs the remaining opening. The part of the heart muscle beyond the blockage is deprived of oxygen which results in injury or death of that part of the heart muscle.
If that part of the heart muscle is large enough or is a vital area of the heart, the casualty will die. Heart disease is the number one cause of death and disability in the United States. In 1988, it was estimated $60 billion was spent on the treatment and care of heart attack victims (hospitalization, loss of work, medication, and therapies).
What are some factors leading to heart disease and heart attacks?
A lifestyle of poor eating habits and the craving for that cigarette are factors leading to a heart attack. Factors such as a diet high in saturated fat and high cholesterol isn’t healthy for your circulatory system.
High blood pressure, high cholesterol, stress, obesity, diabetes, and smoking are other factors that must be understood, brought under control and reversed if possible. A family history of heart attack at an early age is an indicator of increased risk for the entire family.
What are some warning signs of an impending heart attack?
- Pressure, fullness, squeezing pain in the center of the chest lasting 02 minutes or more.
- Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck, jaw, arms, or back.
- Severe pain, lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea and/or shortness of breath.
WARNING: All signs may not occur in every heart attack. If one symptom occurs get help immediately. Warning signs may even be different between men and women. See your doctor.
Are You At Risk For Heart Disease?
Take this heart disease test. If you check any of these items SEE your physician as soon as possible.
______ Bad eating habits\habits (saturated fats, cholesterol, sugar, salt, no fiber, no fruits, no vegetables, drinks alcohol, smokes). If you can’t answer some of these questions you need an immediate check-up (physical)!
______ Diabetes
______ Family history of cardiovascular disease
______ High Total Cholesterol Level
______ Low HDL level (good cholesterol)
______ High LDL level (bad cholesterol)
______ High Triglycerides
______ Hypertension (high blood pressure)
______ Male
______ Overweight
______ Personal history of cardiovascular disease
______ Physical inactivity
______ Post-menopausal female
Note: Again, if you check any of these items SEE your physician as soon as possible.
How to calculate your own BMI.
STEP ONE: Multiply your weight in pounds by 0.45 to get kilograms.
Example: 140 pounds X .45 = 63 kilograms.
STEP TWO: Multiply your height in inches by 0.025 to get meters.
Example: 67 inches X 0.025 = 1.675 meters
STEP THREE: Square the answer in STEP TWO to get your height measurement in meters.
Example: 1.675 X 1.675 = 2.805
STEP FOUR: Divide your weight in kg (STEP ONE) by your height in meters (STEP THREE).
Example: 63 divided by 2.805 = 22.45.
A BMI of 19 to 25 is healthy.
A BMI of 27 to 30 means you are at risk and it is advisable to lose weight (see your doctor).
NOTE: BMI is a standard measure of body fat used to monitor obesity.

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07 Foods And Spices That Fight Heart Disease!
Here are 07 Foods And Spices That Fight Heart Disease.
- Apples
- Artichokes
- Beans
- Can Of Sardines
- Kale Super Food
- Onions – Good Cholesterol Booster
- Tumeric Super Spice
Apples: “An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away?” The apple may be the King of the fruit world. Apples have been eaten by man since at least the New Stone Age, nearly 6,000 years ago. There are several thousand varieties of apples due to grafting; from the wild apple to produce strains that are less resistant to disease and apples that have particular flavors and colors. Two main groups of apples are sweet one’s for eating and sharper varieties for cooking or making alcoholic drinks.
Apples are rich in many needed minerals and Vitamins and may help “Keep the doctor away.” Apples are rich in soluble fiber, which has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and lower your blood pressure. Apples also help to dampen the appetite and the juices in apples are noted to kill infectious diseases.
According to Dr. James Anderson at the University of Kentucky School of Medicine, soluble fiber prevents hunger pangs by steadying your blood sugar level. Apples have virtually no saturated fat, cholesterol, or sodium. A medium apple furnishes only 81 calories. Apples contain pectin for those heart healthy wannabe’s. Eat an apple prior to bedtime. The pectin will keep your brain chemicals levels stable throughout the night. You’ll wake-up happy and refreshed!
According to studies, even the aroma of apples can also calm you down, reducing anxiety. The juices in a fresh apple are noted to be strong virus fighters.
According to a study at Michigan State University, subjects who ate two apples a day had less tension, fewer headaches, and less frequent emotional upsets.
According to a study at Yale University, researchers noted that the scent of spiced apples produces a calming effect which aids to lower blood pressure!
According to Italian, Irish and French researchers, apples help keep the cardiovascular system healthy. Apples put a dent in blood cholesterol. A research team headed by R. Sable-Amplis at the University of Paul Sabatier, Institute of Physiology, in Toulouse, was excited to find that apples triggered a 28-point drop in cholesterol in normal hamsters and a spectacular 52-point drop in cholesterol in animals with genetically high cholesterol! Dr. Sable-Amplis asked a group of 30 middle-aged healthy men and women at the university not to change their diet except to eat 02 or 03 apples every day for a month.
By month’s end, the apples lowered the cholesterol in 24 of the 30 participants, HDL went up, and LDL dropped! One participant’s cholesterol dived 30 percent! Dr. Sable-Amplis thinks the apple’s secret is pectin, which is a soluble fiber.
According to a French study, eating 02 apples a day may lower your cholesterol level by at least 10 percent and by as much as 30 percent! Why? Apples and prunes are rich in a soluble fiber called pectin.
Studies reveal that consuming 15 grams of pectin per day for a few weeks can result in a 05 percent reduction in total serum cholesterol.
Artichokes: A medium artichoke furnishes only 53 calories and is low in fat. Artichokes contain calcium, iron, phosphorous, niacin, Vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. Studies in Japan, Switzerland, and Russia provide evidence that artichokes lower cholesterol. Cynarin which is a drug derived from artichokes lowers cholesterol. Cynarin is well known to be “liver protective” in both animal liver cells and living animals.
Russian scientists noted that the edible parts of artichokes were noted to exert an anti-inflammatory activity in dogs. In 1969, French scientists were so successful in using artichoke extract for treating liver and kidney ailments, they took out a patent on it! Artichokes are available throughout the year but their freshest peak production are the Spring months. Artichokes are consumed by eating the tender part of the leaves.
Draw the leaf between the teeth to eat the tender meaty portion. Discard the leaf. Eventually, you’ll get to the very delicious heart or bottom of the tasty artichoke. It’s very tasty and VERY HEALTHY for you!
Beans: Beans are high in fiber, low in fat, low in sodium, low in cholesterol, and packed with Vitamins, minerals, and mother nature’s way of providing protein from plants. Beans are a source of water-soluble fiber, which helps lower BAD low-density lipo-proteins (LDL), rich in B Vitamins, folic acid, and the minerals copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Beans are an economical source (pennies per pound) of delicious nutrition. Beans have been shown to lower cholesterol.
According to studies at the University of Kentucky, University of Minnesota, and studies in the Netherlands, beans consumed on a regular basis can lower cholesterol.
At the University of Kentucky, Dr. James Anderson, regularly prescribes dried beans – a cup of cooked pinto or navy beans a day – to lower blood cholesterol. Dr. Anderson has documented that cholesterol levels drop by an average of nineteen percent, even with men with extremely high cholesterol counts-over 260 milligrams per deciliter. One man brought his cholesterol down from 274 to 190; another participant lowered his from 218 to 167!
Beans were noted to sweep the bad cholesterol LDL out of the blood and improved the critically needed good cholesterol HDL. Dr. Anderson’s bean diet improved the ratio an average of 17 percent! Potentially life-saving numbers, uh! Beans are also considered good bets as cancer preventers.
Beans are concentrated carriers of protease inhibitors which are enzymes that can counteract the activation of cancer-causing compounds in the intestine. Protease inhibitors can turn off oncogenies, which are carriers found in every normal cell that when activated may lead to cancer. Beans are rich in compounds called lignans that are anticancer on their own and are converted by colon bacteria into hormone-like substances that according to some scientists may help fight off breast and colon cancer.
According to researchers at the Nutritional Science Department, University of California, Berkeley, beans are good for your colon because they help increase “fecal output” which is noted as a sign of good health and helps alleviate symptoms or reduce chances of colon or rectal cancer, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids, and bowel irregularities. “Fecal output” also appeared to stimulate colonic bacteria to throw off chemicals called volatile short chain fatty acids, that help lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and may inhibit colon cancer.
Can Of Sardines: Sardines in oil are one of my favorite tasty foods and they may be a great aid to help your weight-loss goals. Here’s a quote from Muscle Mag (December 2009): “heavyweight when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids. These ‘phat’ fats have been found to stimulate fat burning so you drop more blubber, and they aid in fending off a range of diseases almost biblical in scope – cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and heart disease, to name a few. Best of all they’re ridiculously cheap.”
I love sardines and here are the 03 brands that I eat:
- Beach Cliff Sardines (in soybean oil) (no carbohydrates & no sugars)
- Brunswick Sardines (in olive oil) (no carbohydrates & no sugars)
- King Oscar (in extra virgin olive oil) (no carbohydrates & no sugars)
According to a Danish study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that there was a 38% reduction in ischemic heart disease among women who ate sardines.
Note: A can of sardines has a long shelf life of approximately 05-years, so stock-up when they go on sale.
Kale Super Food: Kale is super vegetable as a potential preventative of several cancers including lung cancer. Noted to be one of the richest of all green vegetables in cartenoids (anticancer agents). A highly nutritious food, spinach has 36 milligrams of cartenoids per 100 grams. However, an equal amount of kale has more than twice the amount of cartenoids (78 milligrams). Too bad kale isn’t a popular food item in the United States and Western countries.
A study in Singapore noted that kale, along with common dark-green leafy vegetables like Chinese mustard greens, has significantly diminished the risk of lung cancer!
Kale also demonstrates its ability to prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) via a carotenoid called lutein. In an 18-month study at the University of Southern California, a group of 480 men and women with no history of heart disease were tested for serum lutein. Those people with the lowest levels of serum lutein concentrations, had a ‘five-fold greater increase in carotid artery thickness.’
According to Dr.Fuhrman (Los Angeles Atheroclerosis Study), kale contains a special protective protein called Nrf2. This Nrf2 and here’s a quote: “It creates a sort of Teflon coating in your arteries to keep plaque from adhering.”
Onions – Good Cholesterol Booster: A 1/2 cup of raw onions provide only 27 calories and are inexpensive. Onions are used in just about every dish imaginable, from appetizers to main courses to soups to even jellies.
Onions can be eaten raw, they can be pickled, sauteed, deep fried, boiled, or steamed onions help boost the good cholesterol which is HDL (High Density Lipo-proteins), lower total blood cholesterol, slow down blood clotting, thin the blood, kill bacteria, and may even counteract against some allergic reactions.
Dr. Victor Gurewich, professor of medicine at Tufts University, prescribes and tells his patients to “Eat onions.” Dr. Gurewich notes that raw, strong onions elevate critical HDL-type blood cholesterol. The typical therapeutic dose is only 1/2 a medium-size raw onion – or equivalent juice – each day.
Dr. Gurewich says that is usually enough to “dramatically raise” HDLs (good cholesterol) an average of 30 percent in about 03 out of 04 heart disease patients! In a few cases, HDL levels have doubled or tripled on the onion regimen! He says that raw onions work best because cooking lessens or destroys the onion’s power to raise HDLs. Raw or cooked onion works as a natural anticoagulant to help prevent life-threatening blood clots that may cause heart attacks and strokes!
According to a study in India, test participants were purposely fed fat-intensive meals that raised their cholesterol to dangerous levels, thus increasing the risk of blood clots. The participants were then given only two ounces of onion, which was added to their diet, and their cholesterol levels were quickly brought within safe limits!
Onions may be a potential source of possible cancer antidotes because of their concentrated sulfur compounds that are able to turn off cell changes preceding cancer growth. Researchers at the M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute have isolated propylsulfide in onions that in tests blocked enzymes needed to activate a potent cancer-causing substance.
Researchers at Harvard School of Dental Medicine discovered that putting onion extract on cultures of oral cancer cells from animals significantly inhibited proliferation of the cancer cells and destroyed some. As a matter of fact, the National Cancer Institute has funded much research on sulfides in onions and garlic, naming them promising agents in fending off cancer!
Tumeric Super Spice: Tumeric is the main spice (bright yellow color) found in curry powder / curry dishes. But for this segment we’ll concentrate on Tumeric. Tumeric has been used in India for its medicinal benefits for thousands of years.
One of tumeric’s compounds – curcumin, it alone has a laundry list of healing benefits behind it. It’s reported that curcumin may be more beneficial than using a variety of prescription drugs. Tumeric provides vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, potassium and zinc. But the most valuable is the compound curcumin.
Tumeric has a list of healthy benefits to fight, heal, relieve maladies like:
- Acne
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Antibacterial
- Anti-cancer properties
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antitumor
- Anti-ulcer
- Antiviral
- Arthritis relief
- Brain booster
- Bronchitis
- Burns
- Dandruff
- Detoxes the liver
- Diabetes
- Diarrhea
- Dry skin
- Eczema
- Eliminates intestinal worms
- Facial hair
- Fights foreign invaders
- Hair growth
- Headaches
- Heals wounds
- Heart health
- High blood pressure
- Improves immune system
- Indigestion
- Jaundice
- Liver health
- Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL)
- Menstrual cramps
- Oily skin
- Pain relief
- Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
- Reduces depression
- Scalp treatment
- Skin lightening
- Stretch marks
- Strong antioxidant
- Weight-Loss
- Wrinkles
After conducting my ‘intensive research’ on Tumeric, I decided to add it on a regular basis to my own updated Laydon’s Healing Spice Concoction. By the way, back in 1994, I discovered that cayenne pepper (150,000 SHU) CURED my almost 40-years of super painful paralyzing back spasms.

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