Putin Already Lost Ukraine War!

After several months of prepping and build-up of Russian troops near the Ukraine border, on 24 February 2022 (Thursday), Russian military forces invaded Ukraine. – Путин уже проиграл войну на УкраинеPutin uzhe proigral voynu na Ukraine – Путін вже програв українську війнуPutin vzhe prohrav ukrayinsʹku viynu – – – Russia Can’t Possibly Win Ukraine War…

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Trekking Exercise!

Forked Walking Staffs And Trekking Poles! When you’re venturing the outdoors, two particular items I want to talk about are the Forked Walking Sticks (FWS)/ Staff and Trekking Poles.  Both can be used as: Defensive Weapons Snake Catcher Calendar Pace Count Recorder Shovel Clothesline Depth Finder (crossing water obstacles) Breecher (clear path in front of…

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