08 Mind Over Matter Applications You Have to Know!

Did you know that your POWERFUL SUBCONSCIOUS MIND can process 20,000,000 to 40,000,000 bits of information per second!!!  That’s 20 million to 40 million bits of information per second!!  Whereas your retarded conscious mind can only process a lousy 40 bits of information per second.  Here are 08 Mind Over Matter Applications You Have To Know!

“At The Conscious Level We Are Idiots, As Compared To The Subconscious Level – We Could Be Super Human!”

Joseph A. Laydon Jr. – 1998


I know for a fact that Mind-Over-Matter works.  Let me start with a few of my own of several experiences.

  1. Author’s 1st Mind-Over-Matter Experience
  2. Author’s Own Dowsing Technique
  3. Author’s Mind-Over-Matter To Ignore Cold Temperatures
  4. Prisoner Pink
  5. Faith Healing
  6. The Placebo Effect
  7. Vision Therapy
  8. Subliminal Messaging

Author’s 1st Mind-Over-Matter Experience:  I sincerely believe and actively take part in Mind-Over-Matter Applications.  I’ll tell you why in a second but let me remind you of a true story that happened to me in high school.

It was my senior year in high school and I was talking to a friend by the soda machine.  Back then I’d always always drank grape sodas.  Well I put my money in the machine while talking to my friend.  I just “brailed” my way through the motions of inserting the money, selecting the soda, grabbing the grape soda, opening it and began drinking without looking at the grape soda – all while talking to my friend.

Well I drank at least half the soda.  While in the process of swallowing a gulp of the grape soda, I looked at the can to realize it wasn’t a grape soda but a cola!!!!

As I looked at the can the tastebuds in my mouth went from tasting grape to tasting cola!!!  I fooled myself – I was so sure I was drinking grape soda – the cola didn’t register on my tastebuds!!!!

This is absolutely true story and ever since then, I’ve been interested in Mind-Over-Matter applications.

Author’s Own Dowsing Technique:

Time:  Spring 1985

Location:  Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Subject:  Author’s Own Dowsing Technique

One day while working at the US Army Special Forces (Green Berets) Weapons Branch, I was sitting in the weapons bay – classroom where we taught Phase II Weapons to Special Forces Candidates.  Sitting around during our lunch break, one of the cadre broke out a deck of cards.  They played a bit and then I said something like ‘let me show you all something.’  There were several cadre (06 – 08) eye witnessing the following event.

I told one cadre to shuffle the cards and pick out a single card and show all the cadre but not to let me see the card that was picked.  I told him to place the card in the deck and shuffle the deck.  He shuffled the cards and I told him to pass the cards over and let another cadre member shuffle the cards.  About half a dozen cadre got their turn to shuffle the cards.  I then told them to take the deck and cut it and place the two sections of the deck side-by-side.

I then took my right-hand – palm down and placed it or hovered it over each deck.  I did this back and forth 02 or 03 times to confirm my choice.  You see when I placed my hand over the deck that had the card they picked, my hand – namely the tips of my fingers would tingle.  And sure enough the fingers tingled.  I said “the card is in that deck” pointing to the deck.  They looked at me like I was crazy.  I told them to discard the other deck and deal the remaining cards into 06 – 07 decks with 05 or so cards per deck.  They did what I told them.

With several smaller decks of cards in front of me, I again hovered my right-hand – palm down and hovered it over all the decks and once or twice more to confirm.  I stated “the card is in that deck” pointing to the deck of only several cards.

Looking at me strangely, I told them to get rid of all the other cards and place the remaining several cards side-by-side.  They did as I requested and again I hovered my right-hand – palm down over the remaining several cards.  I confidently stated “that’s the card” pointing to it.  They looked at me like I was nuts and flipped over the card I picked and the room bursted in shouts.  They asked me how I did it – they thought it was a trick so I did the same “dowsing for cards” again (02 – 03 times) to prove myself and again I picked the correct card.  Once I proved myself, one cadre member wanted to take me to Las Vegas and others wanted to take me to some local poker games in Fayetteville.  I declined stating “it doesn’t work that way.”

How does this hand dowsing work?  I’m not sure, all I know is that my hand – fingers tingle.  It’s a form of dowsing.  I have never tried to do this with other applications to find things like water, oil, minerals, precious metals.  This is a true story – I’m sure those former weapons cadre that were present that day may not remember me as a weapons instructor but they will always remember me for that special magic-like application to pick out 01 specific card from an entire deck of cards using no trickery, no magic – just pure 6th sense.

Author’s Mind-Over-Matter To Ignore Cold Temperatures:  Author’s Own Mind-Over-Matter Application To IGNORE Cold Weather!  Thinking Of The Past!

“Aren’t you cold?” they would ask.  When I worked at the post office in St. Louis, I’d be on the roof taking a break with nothing on but shirt and pants.  It was cold hovering around freezing temperatures.  People would ask me “Aren’t you cold?”  I would say “no”.  Sometimes I would say “I don’t feel it like you do.”  What am I doing to overcome the cold-weather temperatures?

Being in the military, one thing they (leadership) almost NEVER NEVER do is stop the training for bad weather, no matter how bad it got.  As a matter of fact, they were more than a few times when as a young private, I thought I was going to freeze to death.  I thought if I even dozed-off I’d be dead.  I agree with this policy, just because the weather gets bad, the war doesn’t stop.  Besides you can use the bad weather to your advantage in offensive operations especially at night.

Anyway, through the years of military training (Infantry – 82nd Airborne & Army Special Forces [Green Berets]) and multitude of times of being exposed to bad, miserable, weather; I became immune to it.  How?  Whenever bad & miserable weather was around me, I simply thought of when it was really bad.  I had the past and 20-years of miserable weather to draw from – I’d think of when it was really bad and when I did, the present miserable weather was nothing more than a refreshing crisp awareness that I was still alive and I just carried-on!  So when faced with freezing temperatures, I knew it was nothing compared to what I survived before.

Besides I knew it wasn’t going to last like the long hours and days of continuous miserable near-death weather I faced many times before.

When I first moved to my current home back in October of 2007, I adopted a 1,000-gallon watergarden with a few koi fish.  Today I have about 60 koi fish.  Anyway, every few weeks, I’d get in the watergarden and clean my home-made filtration / aeration units.  In the cold months from November to March, I’d get in the watergarden with absolutely no protective clothing like waders or scuba wear.  I’d get in the super cold water wearing my pajamas and socks – nothing more.  In a split second once I entered the super cold water it would hurt.  I’d then use my own Mind-Over-Matter application as stated above TO IGNORE the stinging super cold water.  And hour or so later, I’d finish cleaning the units and climb out of the watergarden with no ill effects like hypothermia.  But today, with my increasing age, why prove I can withstand super cold water – today I wear waders when I get in my watergarden.

Prisoner Pink:  Sheriff Joe Arpaio out of Phoenix, Arizona wanted to change the attitude of the prisoners in his jail, so when it came time to repainting the jail, he had all the prisoner cells painted pink.  Why?  After doing his research, he found that the color pink (not hot pink) is supposed to have a calming effect.  So he thought, why not have the prisoners see pink where ever they look, thus calming them down – thus decreasing prison violence.  This calming effect will lower prisoner violence against other prisoners and prison guards.  This simply has a little safer environment for everyone.  And yes colors do have Mind-Over-Matter effect – IF YOU BELIEVE!!!!!

Faith Healing:  I would say that most Faith Healers are outright scumbags doing their scams to take the hard-earned money from very desperate sickly and dying people in their last attempt to cure their sickly maladies.  However, do Faith Healers really heal people?  No, but the healing comes from the people themselves cause THEY BELIEVED WITH ALL THEIR HEART, WITH ALL THEIR BEING THAT THEY ARE BEING HEALED!   It’s like The Placebo Effect, Healing Shaman and Shaman Magic (see in this book).  So bottom line, in my humble opinion, most Faith Healers are lying scumbags but the recipients don’t know any better and are actually healing themselves cause they BELIEVE they are being healed (thus – Mind-Over-Matter) by God Almighty via the Faith Healer.

Note:  I had to add this in here cause when I watched television (haven’t watched TV since October 2007), I’d see this all the time.

I see evangelist “healing” the sick.  Whether on TV or live, they use “shotgun healing” stating something like “…someone has a severe pain in their right leg…”  No Sh!+ someone has a severe pain in their right leg!  With millions and millions of viewers, odds are somebody has got to have a pain in their right leg!  Then they say “I command thru the power of God that pain be gone – be gone!”  That one lone viewer in Anywhere, USA BELIEVES the evangelist and God are talking and healing him/her!  And guess what happens!  The pain goes away!  Is this a real miracle of Mind-Over-Matter!  In my humble opinion, God had nothing to do with it.  God in his wise ways gave us a body & mind that has the capabilities to heal itself and others!  Like I stated many times before, if you don’t BELIEVE, ain’t nuthin gonna happen!

The Placebo Effect:  Dr. Bernard Siegal, author of Love, Medicine & Miracles, revealed in his book the absolute power of the mind via The Placebo Effect.  Dr. Siegal’s patient called “Mr. Wright” was close to death.  Wright was hospitalized and had cancerous tumors in his abdomen, armpits, chest, groin, and neck.  His spleen and liver were enlarged and he could only breathe via an oxygen machine.  Almost 02-quarts of milky white fluid had to be pumped from his chest.

Wright was simply waiting to die.  Waiting to die, Wright learned of a new cancer drug called Krebiozen.  Clinical trials would start on terminal cancer patients that had 03 to 06 months to live, but Wright didn’t qualify, he had hours may be days to live.

Wright pleaded and begged his doctor for the new drug.  Finally, Wight was allowed the new cancer drug.  On Friday the drug was administered to the near dead patient.

On Monday morning, his Doctor returned to the ward expecting Mr. Wright to be near death.  Instead he was shocked to find his patient was walking around the ward laughing it up – talking with all the nurses.  Wright was immediately examined and they found his tumors has shrunk down to half their size!

Mr. Wright was injected with more of the new miracle drug Krebiozen.  Only 02-weeks later, Wright was examined and they found no sign of any of the cancerous tumors in his abdomen, armpits, chest, groin, and neck.  Heck, they sent him home – he was cured.  Wright was in absolute great health for 02-months.

Two months after he left the hospital, news about the new miracle drug Krebiozen hit the newspapers, radio & TV and the news wasn’t good.  The effectiveness of Krebiozen was in doubt and this news immediately sent Wright in a relapse and his tumors came back like magic.  Wright was back in the hospital.

Wright’s doctor explained to him that the old Krebiozen had some problems with it during shipping and not to take it to heart what he heard on the news.  He also stated that a new and far more potent Krebiozen (double strength) is on the way.  A day later, Wright was injected with the new and more powerful Krebiozen.  Guess what happened?  Wright again made a full recovery – no sign of any cancerous tumors in his abdomen, armpits, chest, groin, and neck!  And guess what again?  The new and more powerful Krebiozen was only plain ol’ distilled water!

But the story doesn’t stop there.  In a couple days Wright was sent home making a full recovery and was vibrantly healthy for 02-months.  Then the AMA (American Medical Association) reported that Krebiozen was “worthless in the treatment of cancer.”  This news sent Wright to another relapse where he was again hospitalized.  Two days later Wright passed away.  In my humble opinion, if Wright would have been protected from any negative news about Krebiozen, he’d of lived a long life.

Note:  The placebo could be absolutely worthless, absolutely B.S. but those on the receiving end of the ‘healing’ placebo BELIEVES it’s a miracle drug, thus they heal themselves with their own mind.

Here’s another true story with respect to The Placebo Effect.

Doctor William Collins was a surgeon during the Korean War.  Working day and night, Dr. Collins developed appendicitis and was immediately admitted to surgery.  Recovering, Dr. Collins wanted to return to surgery.  Already dosed-up with the pain killer morphine, doing surgery on a patient, Dr. Collins demanded more morphine to stop his pain.  The nurse denied him another dose of morphine stating he already had the maximum amount of the pain killer.  Dr. Collins ordered the nurse to give him more morphine.  The nurse complied and Dr. Collins severe pain went away and he carried-on with surgery.  The next day after waking-up, Dr. Collins reviewed his own medical records.  It turns out the nurse didn’t give him any morphine to stop his severe pain.  The nurse only gave him a shot of saline solution (salt water)!  Great Mind-Over-Matter story uh!

Vision Therapy:  Vision Therapy is Visualization except in this case, the user’s goal is healing.  Vision Therapy and Guided Imagery are HEALING POWERS OF THE MIND and they work with the creative ability of your imagination.  By utilizing Vision Therapy or Guided Imagery, you may be able to heal yourself by building strong pictures in your mind of what you desire to happen to you and BELIEVE that your creative mind pictures are REAL.  The SECRET to building positive images in your mind is to visualize precise details. Imagine how your creative details FEEL, LOOK, SOUND, SMELL and TASTE!  Trick your body into believing it is REAL!

In the past decade, Vision Therapy and Guided Imagery have been instrumental in treating numerous illnesses including cancer, heart disorders and diseases of the immune system!  The following are some proven examples:

  • A young boy with hemophilia confined to his wheelchair used his imagination to lower pain and “stop my bleeds.” He imagined flying a diving fighter plane through the blood vessels in his body and dropping Factor 08 which is a much needed clotting substance.
  • A 09 year-old boy diagnosed with inoperable and incurable brain tumor used a Star Wars scenario to defeat his deadly brain tumor. The young boy imagined himself as Luke Skywalker and his deadly brain tumor as the evil invader.  The young boy’s creative space battle was so effective that 05 months later the deadly brain tumor was gone!
  • A woman diagnosed with breast cancer used her imagination to defeat this potentially life-threatening disease. She imagined small delicate birds searching her breast for crumbs, gold crumbs which represented her cancer.  Each day the birds would eat the golden crumbs until they had their fill.  She would then imagine a pure being of intense spiritual white light entering her body.  Sometime later, the woman went in for a checkup.  The mammogram revealed that the BREAST CANCER DISAPPEARED!
  • A man diagnosed with throat cancer imagined his disease- fighting white blood cells as miners with pix axes, chopping away at the tumor and hauling it away to the dump. His tumor shrunk to half its size and the doctors were able to operate.  The man left the hospital 02 days later as he imagined he would!
  • A man defeated his cancer by imagining the cancer in his body as tiny creatures and his white blood cells as heroic white knights on horseback. Riding to his rescue, his white knights lanced and trampled the tiny cancer creatures until they were defeated!

Subliminal Messaging:  Do Subliminal Messages really work so good that they’re illegal to use?

Subliminal Messages (audio, image or both) are transmitted briefly yet unperceived consciously, yet perceived unconsciously.  Stimuli transmitted (audio, image or both) to the receiver (you) below the conscious threshold for unconscious perception.  In other words, messages (audio, image or both) you receive subconsciously.  You consciously have no idea you’re seeing or hearing messages.

Here’s where subliminal messages started.  In 1957, at Fort Lee, New Jersey drive-in theatre, a tachistoscopically was used to display images on a drive-in movie screen.  A tachistoscopically is a device that flashes images onto a screen.  In this case a drive-in movie screen.  The tachistoscopically flashed the words “Drink Coke Cola” and the words “Eat Popcorn” at a speed of 1/3000th of a second every 05-seconds during the movie.  These subliminal messages were employed for 06-weeks to 45,699 drive-in movie goers for the movie Picnic.  A New York market researcher named James Vicary stated the subliminal messages actually increased Coke Cola sales by 57.7% and popcorn sales by 18.1%.  Once the word was out about how these subliminal messages influenced movie goers to purchase more popcorn and Coke Cola without their knowledge, criticism over flowed from ordinary folks to politicians.

It turns out that James Vicary, in 1962 confessed that the whole subliminal message thing was false.  But over the years and to this very day, subliminal messages over the radio and viewing screens are banned in the Australia, Canada, Europe, Great Britain, US,…

Back in the 1970s, after its investigation, the US Federal Trade Commission states:  “subliminal advertising is contrary to public interest and intended to be deceptive, and that any (TV) station employing them risks losing its license.”

The question is, is employing subliminal messages against any US state and Federal laws?  I couldn’t find any laws against the use of subliminal messages.  Which brings me to this.

Subliminal messaging must be doing something or it would have turned to rust decades ago.  Subliminal messaging products have been selling very well.  There are a large number of popular self-improvement products sold all over the world using subliminal messaging.  I’m sure some of them companies are making a killing killing and others are overflowing with $$$$$$$$$!!!

08 mind over matter applications you have to know

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