09 Diabetes Preventers Fighters And Killers!

According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report – 2017, approximately 30,000,000 of all ages in the USA had diabetes which is 9.4% of the entire population.  Approximately 5% have Type 1 Diabetes.  Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States.  Here are ’09 Diabetes Preventers Fighters And Killers’ that are worthy of your attention.

Some people have diabetes for 07 to 10 years without the symptoms of blurry vision, excessive thirst, increased urination, and weight loss.  The American Diabetes Association is attempting to identify the millions of people that aren’t aware that they have diabetes.  Early diagnosis and treatment for diabetes may be a sure bet to avoid complications.  Diabetes kills approximately 160,000 Americans each year and is one of the leading causes of death by disease!

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  A recent Yale study shows that diabetes is no longer a middle-aged and elderly health problem.  One in four children between the ages of four and eighteen have pre-diabetes.  These numbers reflect the high jump of those afflicted with Type 2 Diabetes.  As of 2015, approximately 30,000,000 (9.4% of the population) Americans have diabetes.

  1. Baobab Fruit
  2. Berberine
  3. Canadian Diabetes Cure
  4. Chromium Picolinate
  5. Doctor Vernon’s Diabetes Remedy
  6. EFT Tapping
  7. Flax Seed Oil
  8. Fructose Is Slowly Killing You Right Now
  9. Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)

Baobab Fruit:  First let me tell you about the Baobab Tree.  The African Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) is literally a life-saving tree (‘tree of life’).  Found in South Africa and Australia, the Baobab trees grow very wide & grows up to 40-feet tall and live as long as 2,000 years.  An ugly tree, its branches look like roots.  Bushmen believed that God found the Baobab so ugly, He ripped the tree from the ground and put it upside down – thus the branches that look like roots.

The Baobab tree is literally a desert life saver for its tree parts provide Bushmen plenty of water, cloth, food, fuel, glue, homes, medicines, rope, shelters,…  As far as water, the Baobab’s root system captures rainfall and thousands of gallons of water can be stored in old hollow trees.  The Baobab trunks are so wide, they’ve been hollowed out and turned into bus stops, jails, lavatories, and shelters for all kinds of critters.  Now that you know about the Baobab Tree, let me tell you what the Baobab Fruit can do for you as far as Type 2 Diabetes.

The baobab fruit is the size of a coconut (03 pounds) and provides:

  • Fiber (helps reduce glycaemic response)
  • Polyphenols (helps reduce glycaemic response)
  • Vitamins A, D & E
  • Vitamin C (03 – 06 times more than an orange)

Studies at Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom and Monash University in Australia.  Different baobab trees throughout Africa were tested.  Extracts of the various baobab trees were added to drinks and white bread.  It turns out the baobab fruit extract:

  • When added to white bread, it reduced the starch breakdown during the digestion process.
  • When added to water, it reduced glycemic response
  • Polyphenols in the baobab extract interrupt the enzyme activity during digestion which prevents the breakdown of starches.
  • The study also found the fiber in the baobab fruit aids to reduce the release of sugars.

Berberine:  Berberine is a natural alkaloid (organic compounds that reacts with the body) found in herbs like barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, Oregon grape, phellodendron and tree turmeric.  Berberine offers:

  • Antibacterial properties
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-tumor
  • Blood glucose-lowering

Studies of berberine found that its possible health benefits include:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Anti-aging
  • Burns (skin)
  • Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Hypertension
  • Immune system support
  • Joint problems
  • Low bone density
  • Lung health
  • Weight control

In one study, Berberine demonstrated control over blood sugar and lipid metabolism equal to a common diabetic drug called Metformin. 

Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

Canadian Diabetes Cure:  According to a Canadian study, approximately “40% of Type 2 diabetes patients can regain normal insulin production and go off their meds in four months!  And it reverses prediabetes, too.”  The Canadian study discovered the patient must:

  • Drop Weight: Losing just 05% of your body weight brings down diabetes markers as much as diabetes medications.  And for prediabetes patients, losing 05% – 07% of your body weight lowers your diabetes risks by 54%.  Losing the weight lowers multi-organ resistance to insulin and gets the pancreas to produce more insulin.
  • Drink A Little Wine: Drinking just 05-ounces of wine 04 or 05 times a week lowers the risk of diabetes by 58%.  The wine slows down the liver’s glucose production.  Beer and hard liquor are not options.  Drink wine.
  • Eat Fresh Fruit: Eating fiber-rich fresh fruits like pears and oranges on a daily basis, reduces the risk of diabetes by 12%.  The fiber in the fruit slows down the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream.
  • Exercise For 10-Minutes: A 10-minute walk after each meal cuts down the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 30%.  In this book, I give several activities and exercises throughout this book and here are just a few of them:
  1. U.S. Army Rifle Drill Exercises (07)
  2. Biking
  3. Cross-Country Skiing
  4. Swimming Fat Burner, US Army Special Forces Style

Chromium Picolinate:  Chromium picolinate is an essential trace mineral which facilitates the action of insulin, glucose and protein and fat metabolism.  Chromium picolinate is noted to enhance the body’s sensitivity to insulin and may reduce blood glucose levels thus reducing complications from diabetes.

This micronutrient may help ameliorate a diabetic condition!  Chromium enhances the body’s sensitivity to insulin (a hormone that helps metabolize sugar).  Chromium has been noted to reduce complications from diabetes by lowering blood glucose levels by 18% and glycosylated hemoglobin by 10%.

Chromium has been noted to stimulate fat loss!  Chromium may do this by having an effect on the satiety center of the hypothalamus, which is part of the brain that signals that you’re full and no longer need to eat anything else.  Chromium also seems to enhance the thermogenic effects of carbohydrate foods.  Chromium also tends to build muscle mass at the expense of fat!  Chromium may enhance thermogenic reactions by activating the sympathetic nervous system, which increases caloric burning.

Doctor Vernon’s Diabetes Remedy:  Doctor Vernon out of Lawrence, Kansas – USA, prescribes a diabetes remedy to his patients the old fashion way.  “People walk into her office afflicted with Type 2 Diabetes and, by every objective medical measurement, walk out cured.”

Dr. Vernon states: “My first line of treatment is to have patients remove carbohydrates from their diets.  This is often all it takes to REVERSE their symptoms, so that they NO LONGER REQUIRE MEDICATION.”

“I believe in in addressing the cause, not the symptoms” she says.  “That’s why I first eliminate the foods that raise blood sugar.  It’s only logical.” 

In 2003, researchers at Duke University set out to test Dr. Vernon’s findings.  The 16-week study found that 17 out of the 21 participants significantly reduced their medication or discontinued it all together.

Dr. Vernon is definitely on the right track.  Check this out –

A study of Greenland’s Eskimos (Inuit) in which prior to the 1980s, they had the LOWEST PREVALENCE OF HEART DISEASE AND DIABETES ON THE ENTIRE PLANET.  A 25-year study found that one 01, only 01, only 01 out of 1,800 Eskimos monitored developed diabetesAgain, that’s just 01 out of 1,800!!  What’s their secret?  A diet entirely of fat and protein with only 03% of it from carbohydrates.

EFT Tapping:  EFT stands Emotional Freedom Technique.  EFT is psychological acupressure WITHOUT the needles.  EFT is psychological acupressure using TAPPING and the same energy meridians used in the traditional acupuncture.  EFT uses a simple TAPPING to remedy all sorts of sickly maladies to include cancer.  Here, let me give you an example.  Take your right index finger and start tap yourself 09-times just below your lower lip.  You just did an EFT!!  CONGRATS!!

Folks all over the US of A and the world swear by EFT.  So what I did for my research, a couple years ago, I purchased an EFT product from Nightingale – Conant.

The EFT product was a great product, very informative and goes into great detail on EFT Tapping.  Better yet, you don’t have to purchase an EFT product to learn how to do it.  In the POC Section are several FREE videos you gotta watch so to learn EFT Tapping.  You may want to employ EFT Tapping along with other options in this book to conquer all your maladies.  Oh, see your doctor about EFT Tapping before employing it.

Flax Seed Oil:  In 1909, the average U.S. person consumed approximately 125 grams (04.4 ounces) of fat per day.  Today the average person in the U.S. consumes approximately 175 grams (06.17 ounces) of fat, an increase of 40 percent or about 50 extra pounds per year and increasing!  Of the total increase in the consumption of fats and oils, shortening, margarine, refined salad oil and cooking oils account for fifty percent.  This increase in fat over the years is undoubtedly linked to the increase in degenerative diseases.  In order to extend the shelf life of many products, essential fatty acids (good fat) have been purposely processed out of most foods.

This is profitable for the manufacturer, but UNHEALTHY to the American consumer – YOU!  Approximately 80% of Americans are deficient in essential fatty acids.  Flax seed has a high content of essential fatty acids.  Flax seed supplies the body with needed essential fatty acids, is richer in Omega-3’s than fish oil, and packs more fiber ounce for ounce than oat bran!  Listed below are some observed benefits of flax seed:

  • Seriously ill cancer patients were treated with flax seed oil and low-fat cottage cheese by Dr. Johanna Budwig. Over a period of approximately 90 days, tumors gradually receded.  Symptoms of anemia, cancer, diabetes, and liver dysfunction were completely alleviated!
  • According to a study in Great Britain by Dr. Sinclair, a relative deficiency of the essential fatty acids plays an important part in the causes of arteriosclerosis, coronary thrombosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, and certain forms of malignant diseases!
  • Dr. J.R. Vane shared the 1982 Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work proving how the metabolism of Omega-3 fatty acids helped prevent heart problems.
  • A U.S. physician, Dr. Donald Rudin, discovered that Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is the basic cause of major mental illness because fatty acids provide the substance upon which niacin and other B Vitamins act to form the prostaglandin-3 series tissue hormones which are special mission fatty acids that regulate neurocircuits through the whole body.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently entered into a 03-year, $2 million contract with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to research the effect of flax seed on various health concerns.

The FDA will conduct experiments confirming flaxseed’s role in fat and cholesterol metabolism, bone mineralization, and the immune system.  This research will make flaxseed one of the most intensively-studied nutrients used in any food product.

Flax seeds are a great source of healthy soluble and insoluble fiber as well as protein.  Just 1/4 cup (50 grams) of flax seed provides 20 grams of fiber.  Remember fiber is noted to ameliorate, heal, or prevent:

  • Colon cancer
  • Constipation
  • Diverticulosis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Improves blood sugar metabolism
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Protects against other cancers
  • Rectal cancer
  • Weight loss
  • Much more


Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

Fructose Is Slowly Killing You Right Now:  Fructose is a sweetner and found in THOUSANDS of food products.  High Fructose Corn Syrup and crystalline fructose is noted to be the worst of the worst when it comes to your health.

According to Dr. Richard Johnson, author of the book – The Fat Switch, “The overwhelming amount of fructose in the standard American diet is a major factor in the rise of diabetes rates in this country (US). 

While glucose is designed to be used by your body for energy (regular sugar is 50% glucose), fructose breaks down into a variety of toxins that can devastate your health.”

Fructose contributes to:

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Depletion of minerals
  • Depletion of vitamins
  • Elevated bad cholesterol (LDL)
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Elevated triglycerides
  • Gout
  • Insulin resistance
  • Liver disease
  • Obesity

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA):  GLA is a regulator of T-lymphocyte function in your body.  GLA can be made from linolenic acid which is found in vegetable oils as long as you’re not deficient in magnesium and Vitamins A, B3, B6, C, and zinc (conversion may be blocked).  Pre-formed sources of GLA are black currant seed oil, borage oil, and evening primrose oil.

Many diabetics may be LOW in essential fatty acids due to the Standard American Diet which is lacking in essential fatty acids as well as many vital nutrients (Vitamins and micronutrients).

According to a 1993 study in England in which 111 diabetic participants consumed 480mg of GLA on a daily basis for one year; improvements were noted “in several parameters” especially neuropathy.  This micronutrient may help ameliorate a diabetic condition!

WARNING:  Hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine, or a high-fat diet may also inhibit the conversion to GLA!

Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

09 Diabetes Preventers Fighters And Killers

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