11 Alternative Health Care Practices That Work!

I strongly believe in alternative healthcare practices because I know they work because I’ve benefited from them myself over the past couple of decades.  Your body has the innate ability to heal itself, all it needs is a ‘kick start’ to get it going to heal itself – thus, 60 Alternative Therapies.  I have nothing against conventional medicine of drugs and surgery.  They have their place.  Them doctors, nurses and other healthcare professional are a heck of a lot smarter than I am, but I have the right to take care of myself when I want to  Here  are ’11 Alternative Health Care Practices That Work!’

But here’s a key to getting these alternative therapies to work – YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THEY’LL WORK FOR YOU.  There are about 60 Alternative Healthcare Therapies but here 11 alternative healthcare therapies I’m sure you’ll find very interesting.

  1. Chelation Therapy
  2. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  3. Magnetic Field – Practitioner
  4. Massage – Practitioners
  5. Naturopathic Medicine
  6. Pet Therapy
  7. QiGong
  8. Raw Food Diet
  9. Reflexology
  10. Vision Therapy
  11. Your Own Healing Hands.  Reiki Really Works And Here’s Absolute Proof!

Chelation Therapy — American Board of Chelation Therapy (ABCT) defines chelation therapy as “A form of medical therapy designed to restore cellular homeostasis by the use of metal binding and/or bio-inorganic agents.  The proper application of this modality also requires knowledge of nutrition and exercise, as well as expertise in helping to implement other lifestyle changes.”

Chelation Therapy is a painless process of involving intravenous drips of EDTA to remove metals and toxins from the blood and to reverse atherosclerosis!

Chelation Therapy gives the patient another option to bypass surgery and angioplasty reduces high blood pressure and helps reverse age-related degenerative diseases.

Chelation Therapy uses EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid) or other supplements to carry out heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and arsenic, as well as other foreign substances from the body.  In the process of chelation, a larger protein molecule surrounds or encloses a mineral atom.  The purpose of chelation is to increase the flow of blood to the vital organs and tissues of the body by reducing calcium deposits in the arteries and blood vessels.  Chelation agents are used to bind with heavy toxic metals such as cadmium, lead, and mercury, and to excrete them from the body.  Chelating agents are available in over-the-counter formulas that can be taken orally at home or administered intravenously under the supervision of your doctor.  Chelation Therapy has been used effectively to treat arteriosclerosis for over 40 years in the US!

Chelation Therapy works like a magnet attracting metal shavings.  When administered as an infusion into the blood stream, it removes metals and metal compounds from the body including but not limited to calcium (works against calcium in atherosclerotic pathology).

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)“EMDR is a powerful tool for the treatment of traumatic stress reactions including PTSD.  It has been utilized with remarkable effects in both the acute and prolonged versions of traumatic stress.” — Jeffrey Mitchell, Ph.D., President, International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Elliocot City, Maryland.

EMDR Therapy is in its infancy but is proving to work where other conventional and alternative treatments have failed!  EMDR was developed by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D.  She believes that rapid eye movement (back-and-forth like those eye movements during your deepest phase of sleep known as REM) may help those people with traumatic memories.

How does it work?  Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. theorized that eye movements help your brain change (chemical reaction) the traumatic information to a less distressing form.  This therapy disconnects the emotional stress that is attached to the memory.  EMDR has been noted to work for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Chronic Depression.

Magnetic Field – Practitioners — Magnetic Field Therapy utilizes solid state magnets, pulsed magnetism, and electro-magnetic frequency generators to positively influence a wide variety of common health complaints and chronic degenerative conditions.  Research in the Magnetic Field Therapy is taking place in 30 Universities in Germany and is beginning to expand in the U.S.

Folks listen up!  I’m gonna tell you about a 4000-year-old Chinese technique that is noted to work where most other therapies and treatments have failed!  A 4000-year-old Chinese “electromagnetic therapy” method that not only has the ability to control stress, but can also help prevent disease – even reverse disease!  First, let me give you some historical information!  The last 20 years, the use of magnets (not regular magnets) has grown enormously!  Magnets have been instrumental in speeding up soft tissue healing, mending bone fractures, helping sleep disturbances, and much, much more.

How do magnets work?  A magnet emits an energy field that stops the destruction of tissue and at the same time enhances your body’s own healing mechanism.

Let’s get back to the 4000-year-old Chinese “electromagnetic therapy” I was talking about.  A magnet called a neodymium magnet, a very potent magnet, is encased in a carrier that fits around your wrist which just happens to be over a powerful acupuncture point, which is known in Chinese medicine as acupuncture point P-6!  The band that encases the neodymium magnet not only stimulates the P-6 point (snap the band against your wrist) but also the nerve pathway which leads to the thalamus (the thalamus is a receiver and coordinator of sensory information in your brain) and your limbic system of your brain where emotion is centered (it disconnects the negative thought pattern characteristic of anxiety)!   There are some great testimonials concerning this therapy in Journal of Longevity Research, Volume 3/No.1.  See Journal of Longevity Research in Section 25 and subscribe today!  Ask about back issues!

Anyway, let me list a few bottom line testimonials:

  • Anxiety reduction
  • Breast cancer
  • Chronic depression
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Chronic headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Pain
  • Stress reduction

Massage – Practitioners — Massage is the systematic, therapeutic stroking and kneading of the body.  Massage has a sedating or relaxing effect on muscles.  Massage is designed to improve circulation and cellular waste removal.  Massage goes much deeper than conditioning muscles and cleansing the body.

Touch is a human necessity.  Skin, the organ of touch, with hundreds of nerve reflectors and 15 feet of tiny blood vessels per square inch, is probably the most complex organ in the body after the brain.  Every massage movement sends multiple signals throughout the nervous system.

There are different styles of massage as well as different types of strokes.  Styles of massage are: Amma Massage, Esalen Massage, Lomi Massage, Organ or Lymphatic Drain Massage, Rehabilitate or Medical Massage, Sports Massage, Subtle Touch Massage, and Swedish Massage.  The different types of strokes or movements are:  Brushing, Effleurge, Kneading, Nerve Compression, Petrissage & Range of Motion, Tapotement, Touch, and Vibration.

Types of Massage Therapy

Amma Massage: This is based on ancient Oriental traditions that gave birth to Shiatsu and Kahuna energy-based massage.  Amma works tsubos or energy points, stroking away from the heart.

Esalen Massage: A blend of Eastern and Western approaches, primarily Swedish and acupressure; stresses empathy, communication, and nurturance above the technique.

Lomi Massage: Based on a Hawaiian Kahuna tradition, Lomi massage works deep tissue.

Organ or Lymphatic Drain: Encompasses several styles; focuses on stimulating internal organs such as the liver, kidney, or colon to flush toxins and mucus.

Rehabilitate or Medical Massage: A medical specialty “physiatry,” developed for World War II amputees and other wounded veterans.  This technique focuses on relieving pain from neurological problems.

Sports Massage: This technique is used as part of athletic training.  It focuses specifically on muscle recovery rate to alleviate the aches and pains of exertion and competition.

Subtle Touch: This technique infuses touch with inspiration; reaches into muscle tension to conduct and melt away painful emotional holdings.

Swedish Massage: Original health spa and sports club massage;    uses a set routine of basic strokes to work over the entire body.

Types of Strokes and Movements for Massage Therapy

Brushing: This is light fingertip contact done slowly and rhythmically to spread general sensations over the body (may tickle).  This is often done as a finishing stroke.

Effleurge: Light stroking, firm and gentle; centripetal effleurage moves toward the heart, stimulating circulation; rotary or spiral effleurage stimulates the smaller blood vessels in the skin.

Kneading: This is rhythmic lifting and squeezing of flesh.

Nerve Compression: This is exerting firm pressure to relieve knots or pain at nerve points.

Petrissage: This is firm friction stroking, both deep and superficial.

Range of Motion: This is passive exercising by rotating, flexing, and extending body and limbs to mobilize joints and boost secretion of synovial fluids.

Touch: This is simple placing or molding of the hand over a part of the body.

Tapotement: This is light hacking, tapping, or clapping over muscles and the fleshy parts of the body.

Vibration: This is rapid shaking and pulsating which is done by hand or with a machine.

Naturopathic Medicine — Naturopathic Medicine is a system based upon natural principles of health and a respect for the healing power of nature.  It utilizes natural therapies such as acupuncture, diet, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, lifestyle counselling, and homeopathy to help restore health and balance in the body.  Naturopathic Medicine is a medical practice using herbs and other various methods to produce a healthy body state by stimulating innate defenses without the use of drugs.

Naturopathy’s goal is to induce health by making the individual\patient more resilient, and the immune system stronger.  The first step of naturopathy is to prevent or intervene in the development of disease through a variety of health care methods.

Three basic principles of naturopathy are:

  • The body has a natural drive to maintain equilibrium, trying to heal itself to return to that equilibrium.
  • The root of all disease is the accumulation of waste products, toxins, and bodily refuse due to poor lifestyle habits and ignorance.
  • The body contains the innate wisdom, the intelligence, and the power to heal itself provided we enhance rather interfere with this power.

Pet Therapy — Many studies have noted that pet owners have less illness, recover from illness faster, and are likely to live longer!  Pets actually take care of their owners in more ways than you know.  And it’s been proven that pets, all kinds of critters, help lower their owner’s blood pressure.

QiGong — Until 1980, this 5,000 year old practice (QiGong), was kept as a secret within families and religious temples.  QiGong is an ancient oriental technique which uses movement and breathing to stimulate the natural healing energies within the body.  Practiced regularly it has been shown to enhance overall vitality, reduce the effects of stress, and assist in the resistance to disease.  The world’s largest medicineless hospital, the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center is located in Qinhuangdao, China.

Its founder is Dr. Pang Ming, a Qigong Grandmaster who is trained in both Western and Chinese traditional medicine.  Since its initial practice in 1988, the clinic has treated more than 180 different diseases (100,000 patients+) with a 95% success rate!  Beat that success rate “conventional medicine!”  The center avoids medicines and special diets and favors exercise, love, and life energy which is known as chi!

Raw Food Diet — Probably the BEST DIET I’ve come across is the Raw Food Diet.  This diet consists of raw fruits & vegetables and juicing.  This diet is similar to the Gerson Diet, with the exception of consuming large amounts of grain.  This diet has literally solved a wide variety of health problems where conventional medicine has FAILED!  Yes, even terminal cases!

Vsion Therapy — Vision Therapy and Guided Imagery are HEALING POWERS OF THE MIND and they work with the creative ability of your imagination.  By utilizing Vision Therapy or Guided Imagery, you may be able to heal yourself by building strong pictures in your mind of what you desire to happen to you and BELIEVE that your creative mind pictures are REAL.  The SECRET to building positive images in your mind is to visualize precise details. Imagine how your creative details FEEL, LOOK, SOUND, SMELL, and TASTE!  Trick your body into believing it is REAL!

In the past decade, Vision Therapy and Guided Imagery have been instrumental in treating numerous illnesses including cancer, heart disorders, and diseases of the immune system!  The following are some proven examples:

  • A young boy with hemophilia confined to his wheelchair used his imagination to lower pain and “stop my bleeds.” He imagined flying a diving fighter plane through the blood vessels in his body and dropping Factor 08 which is a much needed clotting substance.
  • A 09 year-old boy diagnosed with an inoperable and incurable brain tumor used a Star Wars scenario to defeat his deadly brain tumor. The young boy imagined himself as Luke Skywalker and his deadly brain tumor as the evil invader.  The young boy’s creative space battle was so effective that 5 months later the deadly brain tumor was gone!
  • A woman diagnosed with breast cancer used her imagination to defeat this potentially life-threatening disease. She imagined small delicate birds searching her breast for crumbs, gold crumbs, which represented her cancer.  Each day the birds would eat the golden crumbs until they had their fill.  She would then imagine a pure being of intense spiritual white light entering her body.  Sometime later, the woman went in for a checkup.  The mammogram revealed that the BREAST CANCER DISAPPEARED!
  • A man diagnosed with throat cancer imagined his disease-fighting white blood cells as miners with pix axes, chopping away at the tumor and hauling it away to the dump. His tumor shrunk to half its size and the doctors were able to operate.  The man left the hospital 02 days later as he imagined he would!
  • A man defeated his cancer by imagining the cancer in his body as tiny creatures and his white blood cells as heroic white knights on horseback. Riding to his rescue, his white knights lanced and trampled the tiny cancer creatures until they were defeated!

Vision Therapy and Guided Imagery may be just as effective in healing other disorders and disabling injuries.

Your Own Healing Hands.  Reiki Really Works – Here’s Proof:  I’m very confident you got your money’s worth in this Book huh!  But to make sure you get more than your money’s worth I want to relate another TRUE healing story to you with respect to my cat named Obsidian (black male cat).

In the afternoon of 06 July 2011 (Wednesday), I attended a Reiki class and received a Certificate Of Attunement, meaning I now possessed the healing powers of Reiki.

Reiki means universal life force energy.  An energy that is around us all the time.  And to grasp – (channelize) that healing energy and transfer to another person or animal to a specific part of the body for healing, that’s using Reiki via your hands because there are things called Chakras in both of your hands.  To activate this healing energy like me, you must see a Reiki Master.  I wanted the Reiki qualification in case I needed it in an emergency situation Anytime Anywhere when no professional medical care is available.

Anyway, that evening I returned home.  Doing the usual house work, I finally rested a bit in the living room.  Ol’ Obsidian came up to me and jumped on the recliner next to me and started meowing wanting some food.

Then I got the idea to try my new Reiki training on Obsidian.  You see, Obsidian has always had problems with his skin / fur.  He doesn’t have a shiny smooth coat of fur like his twin brother Obama.  He’s always scratching his itching fur.

Well I activated both hand chakras as taught in class.  I grabbed Obsidian and placed him in my lap and secured him with my left hand.  I then hovered (not touching him) my right hand over Obsidian’s back.  Instantly Obsidian kept looking back behind him like I was touching him or pulling on his fur, but I never touched him.

I kept hovering my right hand over him (not touching him) and he kept looking back to see what was going on.  This was my proof that the power of healing Reiki really works because Obsidian could actually feel the energy flowing from my right hand into his body.  He repeatedly kept turning around because he could feel something happening on his backYou might fake it with a human but not a cat!!!

I highly recommend that you get a book on Reiki and read the whole book.  If you think it’s for you, look-up a local Reiki Master and make an appointment.  I think I paid only $50 for the whole initial process back then and you’re Reiki qualified forever.

11 Alternative Health Care Practices That Work
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