13 Lose It Or Else Weight Loss Facts And Tricks!

Pound for pound, according to MarketWatch, the United States of America “…is the most obese nation in the world…”  Here are ’13 lose it or else weight loss facts and tricks.’

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization:

  • Obesity increases risk of cancer, coronary artery disease, Type 2 Diabetes and stroke.
  • 02 of every 03 Americans are overweight or obese
  • Obesity is a contributing factor to approximately 100,000 to 400,000 deaths in the US each year.
  • 39.6% of US adults over 20 years of age are obese

Below are 13 Lose It Or Else Weight-Loss Facts & Tricks to start you on your hiking path to ‘get your skinny on!’

  1. Kimchee
  2. McBarroon Diet
  3. Nuts To Obesity, Cancer And Heart Disease
  4. Peanut Butter Weight-Loss
  5. Tasty Peanut Butter Snack
  6. Potatoes For Weight-Loss
  7. Garcinia Cambogia
  8. Lose Fat By Eating Fat
  9. Coconut Oil
  10. Count To 20
  11. Hot Weight-Loss
  12. Spinach Has It All
  13. Write Yourself A Contract

Kimchee:  The 1st time I ate Kimchee, I said “How can people eat this?”  Well, after the 2nd & 3rd try “I love it!”  Kimchee is a very popular Korean food.  I believe it originated in Korea.  Kimchee is a combination of cabbage, other vegetables, spices,…  I was told that Kimchee is made by storing its raw contents in closed containers in underground buried holes where it is allowed to age and ferment.  The end result is a very spicy and tasty vegetable meal that still has those much needed weight-loss enzymes!

Now here’s the good part why Kimchee is a potential great weight-loss meal!

  • Kimchee’s total fat content – ZERO
  • Kimchee’s saturated fat – ZERO
  • Kimchee’s cholesterol content – ZERO
  • Kimchee’s calories per serving – only 05,…

Kimchee also contains hot spices that will fire-up your metabolism.

Now you don’t have to bury cabbage in your backyard, you can buy Kimchee at most grocery stores.  Let me ask you something and this is not a joke.  Have you ever seen an overweight Korean?  A Korean that isn’t eating the Standard American Diet (SAD)?  Well, there you go.

McBarroon Diet:  According to Jan McBarroon, M.D., a specialist in weight control, “Maintenance is what matters.  It took me years to figure out the secret.  I had to start eating and stop dieting.”  “I lost 50 pounds – five times!”  Here are some basics for her weight-loss program:

  • Limit calories to 1,200 daily. For maintenance (after reaching your weight goal) limit yourself to 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day.
  • 60 to 70 percent of your calories should come from carbohydrates like bread, fruits, lentils, pasta, rice, vegetables…
  • No more than 20 calories of protein per day.
  • Reduce fat intake to 10 to 20 percent of total calories. Three grams of fat for every 100 calories.
  • Drink 64 ounces or eight 08-ounce glasses of water per day.

IMPORTANT:  Most Americans gain weight because they eat so much so late at night!  Your body has two sets of enzymes.  One burns food as energy and is activated in the morning.  The other enzyme stores food as fat and is activated in the afternoon and evening.

  • King, Queen And Pauper: Eat like a king at breakfast, a queen at lunch and a pauper at night!  Exercise daily and supplement your diet with these nutrients!
  • Chromium Picolinate: Regulates blood sugar levels and keeps a lid on insulin, which is an appetite stimulant and fat-making hormone!
  • Super Blue Green Algae (SBGA): A pure plant protein and an excellent, non-stimulating appetite suppressant.  Cuts hunger!
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract: A metabolic enhancer.  It revs-up your fat-burning engine and is a natural appetite suppressant.  See Garcinia Cambogia.

Nuts To Obesity, Cancer And Heart Disease:  Nuts (almonds, macadamians, pecans, soy) may help you lose a lot a weight!  Why?  Well you actually need fat in your body to process food nutrients through your bloodstream.  Nuts contain one of the best fats – monounsaturated fats.  Studies have shown that nuts with these “good fats” actually suppressed the appetite and participants actually lost weight.  Why?  The body got the signal it was full because of the nutty omega fatty acids.  So nuts to obesity,…

Peanut Butter Weight-Loss:  Nutritious peanut butter helps with weight-loss.  According to Richard Mattes Ph.D., R.D. and other researchers, people who ate peanut butter felt satisfied longer than other snacks.  They not only felt more satisfied but lost 15-times as much weight as those that passed on food.  A great snack is peanut butter on celery sticks – MMMMMmmmmm!

And here are some more Peanut Butter Facts to back-up this claim:

Fact 01:  American consume approximately 700,000,000 pounds of peanut butter each year!  That’s about a katrillion zillion peanuts!

Fact 02:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain 16 grams of fat – the GOOD fat!

Fact 03:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain 190 calories!

Fact 04:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain sufficient amounts of folate as 05 raw carrots or 01 1/2 cups of raspberries.

Fact 05:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain sufficient amounts of Vitamin E as in 20 apricots or 20 bananas or 20 slices of whole wheat bread!

Fact 06:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain sufficient amounts of zinc as in 03 cups of cooked broccoli or 40 dried plums.

Fact 07:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain sufficient amounts of magnesium as 04 cups of cooked pasta or 20 cooked eggs.

Fact 08:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain sufficient amounts of potassium as in 02 cups of cottage cheese or 01 1/2 cups of blackberries.

Fact 09:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain sufficient amounts of copper as in 03 cups of cooked white rice or 06 cups of apple juice.

Fact 10:  02 tablespoons of peanut butter contain sufficient amounts of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Fact 11:  Experts state women can have 04 tablespoons of peanut butter a day while men can go crazy and eat 06 tablespoons of peanut butter a day to cover the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance)!  Look at all that food you have to eat to get the nutrients your body needs whereas all it takes is 04 to 06 tablespoons of peanut butter a day.  Plus – MMMmmmmmmm!

Tasty Peanut Snack:  Since we’re talking about tasty peanut butter.  How about a tasty peanut butter snack?  I’ve found that celery sticks go great with peanut butter.  But not any celery sticks.  You have to find the Organic celery sticks.  Why?  Not only are organic celery stick certified to be pesticide free, I’ve found that organic celery sticks are a bit smaller and more TENDER and they taste better.  The price of Organic celery sticks is a bit more but worth the price cause you’ll end up with some very tasty peanut butter and celery snacks!  PLUS, this tasty snack will help you lose weight.

Potatoes For Weight-Loss:  The potato originated in South America.  Botanically, the potato is related to the eggplant.  The potato is a tuber, according to Dr. Mike Samuels the author of Heart Disease.  A medium potato provides only 110 calories, Vitamin C & B6, significant niacin, more potassium (don’t peel, 60% is close to the skin) than a large banana and is low in sodium.  A processed potato chip has six times the calories, 400 times the fat and 250 times the salt of the same amount of a natural unprocessed potato chip.

Do you think these saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol packed potato chips might hinder you from the healthy body and longer life you deserve?  If you must have your potato chips, try making your own without the great amount of saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol.  Shop around for a product that can turn potato slices into fat-free, sodium-free, low-calorie potato chips.

According to Dr. John McDougall, director of the nutritional medicine clinic at St. Helena Hospital, in Deer Park, California, potatoes are an excellent food for rapid weight loss.  (DO NOT put the fat tasty stuff on potatoes like butter, margarine, sour cream…)  Potatoes are a great source of fiber and other nutrients mentioned above, help lower cholesterol while protecting against strokes and heart disease!

White raw potatoes have high concentrations of protease inhibitors, which are compounds known to void-out certain viruses and carcinogens.  Of several foods, inhibitors found in the potato were found to have the strongest antiviral powers!  Potato chemicals stopped viruses better than soybean inhibitors which are considered one of the fiercest antiviral agents.  Potatoes, especially the skins, are rich in chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol which prevents cell mutations leading to cancer.

Potato skins were found to have antioxidant activity – neutralizing “free radicals” that damage cells leading to many disorders including cancer.

It’s a crying shame!  According to the Agriculture Department and National Cancer Institute, the closest many children get to a vegetable is eating French fries!

Note:  A news story went viral (2017 -2018) reporting about an Australian man named Andrew Taylor who ate potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 01-year and lost 50 kilograms (110 pounds).

Garcinia Cambogia:  A weight-loss herb from India.  This herb has an ingredient that blocks excess glucose from turning into fat.  One over-the-counter product that has a garcinia cambogia extract is called Citrimax.  Garcinia cambogia ia a metabolic enhancer.  It revs-up your fat-burning engine and is a natural appetite suppressant.  HOLD THE PHONE!!!

As of this update (23 March 2014) – Garcinia Cambogia has been touted as a real option to helping you lose all that unhealthy weight that’s been holding you down for years.  You know the famous health professional Dr. Oz?  I’m gonna give you a quote from a website and give you the website itself:

According to Dr Oz – “this is in my opinion, the biggest breakthrough in weight loss supplements to date. Not only is it super effective but very affordable.”

http://celebeautymag.com/diet/burn-fat.html   NO, I ain’t making a dime on this referral!

Lose Fat By Eating Fat:  Replace those saturated fats with Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)!  MCTs have been used in medicine for almost 40 years for patients who have difficulty digesting or absorbing nutrients or who need a rapidly available source of energy.

MCTs are 1/3 to 1/2 the size of long chain triglycerides (LCTs) which are found in virtually all oils in the foods we eat like butter, margarine, animal fats and vegetable oils.  MCTs are much more water-soluble than LCTs meaning there are rapidly burned for energy.

LCTs (fat) on the other hand, may be stored in the body and utilized at a later time.  MCTs may be a great diet replacement for LCTs.

Coconut Oil:  Coconut oil got a bad rap years ago.  Sixty-five percent of coconut oil’s saturated fat is mostly made up of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).  Populations like Polynesian Puka Puka and Tokelau islanders that consume most of their fat from coconut oil have low rates of heart disease!  See MCT in Doctor Words.

Coconut oil (MCT), unlike other oils, is less likely to attribute to obesity.  Why?  Your body easily converts coconut oil into energy rather than depositing calories as body fat.

Coconut oil also kills germs!  It contains anti-microbial components like mother’s milk.  The Polynesian Puku Puku and Tokelau islanders live in an environment ideal for parasites.  There protected from parasites by the coconut oil in their diet.

It may be wise to avoid processed products like margarine, chips, cookies… that have trans-fatty acids.  According to a study Dr. Walter Willett, of Harvard University, trans-fatty acids double the risk of heart attack.  Trans-fatty acids may also contribute to cancer, diabetes and obesity.  Read the contents before you purchase the product.  Look for “partially hydrogenated oils.”  If you read this, AVOID IT!  See Omega Nutrition.

Count To 20:  20 minutes that is!  Why?  Next time you get a food craving, make yourself wait 20 minutes.  Most food cravings that aren’t due to hunger will subside in 20 minutes.  If after 20 minutes, you still feel hungry, drink plenty of clean water and EAT THE RIGHT STUFF!  Walking and other vigorous exercise has been noted to kill food cravings.

Hot Weight-Loss:  When the urge to eat is overwhelming try a HOTTTTT Indian, Mexican, or other spicy cuisine.  According to Maria Simonson, Ph.D., Sc.D., professor emeritus and director of the Health, Weight and Stress Program at the John Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, “The flavor is so intense that you’ll find yourself eating much smaller portions than you would of bland or sweet foods.”  An additional bonus of HOTTTT spicy foods, spices and herbs is that they heat your entire body which speeds up your metabolism!

Spinach Has It All:  A cup of raw spinach furnishes only 12 calories, where as a cup of cooked spinach furnishes only 42 calories.  Spinach is very low in fat, furnishes Vitamin A as carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, calcium, iron and many other nutrients.  Spinach provides that much needed fiber to help prevent cancer and helps to lower cholesterol, lose weight and control diabetes!

According to Dr. Richard Shekelle, an epidemiologist at the University of Texas, spinach has it all, including the ability to rev up the metabolism.  According to the Journal of American Medicine, spinach is called ‘king of vegetables.’

One of many dark green vegetables, spinach tops the list (along with carrots) of foods eaten most often by people worldwide with lower rates of all types of cancer, especially cervical, colon, endometrial, esophageal, laryngeal, lung, pharyngeal, prostate, rectal and stomach cancers.

Spinach provides high amounts of chlorophyll which is a noted cancer blocker.  Italian studies, found that spinach, in test tube tests was dramatic at blocking the formation of one of the most powerful carcinogens known – nitrosamines.  Of the foods tested (carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, strawberries…), spinach juice was by far the most potent!  Spinach contains folic acid which is noted as a mood booster.  Are you suffering from depression?  Eat spinach!

Write Yourself A Contract:  Write yourself a contract – a promise to lose weight.  Or you can write the contract to your spouse, child, friend, pet critter,…  That contract obligates you to lose weight and will give you that “kick in the butt” to “lose it or else” and this is the Special Intelligence Report that will help you keep your contract to your loved one(s).  You can write the contract so it’s broken-up in phases like:

Phase 01:  Starting tomorrow, I’ll completely stop eating candy, salty snacks,…  I’ll completely stop eating high-fat foods, high cholesterol foods,…

Phase 02:  Starting tomorrow, I’ll start eating fruits, vegetables and start juicing.

Phase 03:  In a few days, I’ll start walking a little bit.

Phase 04:  In 02-weeks I’ll work up to walking 02-miles a day and at a faster pace.

Phase 05:  In 02-weeks I’ll lose a total of 04-pounds.

Phase 06:  In 03-weeks I’ll lose a total of 06-pounds.

You got the idea —

And most important about the contract, write the unhealthy consequences of not completing your part of the contract like, high cholesterol (LDL), heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke,… – early DEATH!!!

OK, tonight before you go to bed, draft-up a contract for starters.  And after that “Visualize yourself thin” and vibrantly healthy.  And while you’re at it “Visualize” a battle going on in your body of good guys travelling throughout your heart and circulatory system destroying killer artery-blocking plaque.

And another group of good guys travelling throughout your ENTIRE body and especially organs (lungs, liver, pancreas,…) killing cancer cells, bad bacteria, bad fungi, hook worms,…

13 lose it or else weight loss facts and tricks

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