52+ Survival Books
“So You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!”
Intensive Research Information Services And Products (IRISAP)
IRISAP Logo Copyright 2018
Below is a list of all my 52+ self-published all-around Survival Books. After this list are brief descriptions of each Survival Book. ALL Survival Books are self-published and written solely by the author – Joseph A. Laydon Jr. Absolutely NO ghost writers allowed when it comes to Real Survival. See the THE REAL SURVIVORS and see ‘About The Author.’
Under each Survival Book are the links to www.amazon.com to purchase the Paperback Book, Electronic Book (E-Book) or Audio Book. Amazon will have more details on each Survival Book.
Note: There are more than 100+ Survival Books (Paperback Books, Kindle E-Books and Audio Books).
- “14 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters”
- “14 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters” (AUDIO BOOK)
- “15 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters”
- “15 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters” (AUDIO BOOK)
- “16 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters”
- “16 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters” (AUDIO BOOK)
- “19 Lone Survivors” – They Shouldn’t Be Alive
- “28 International Snakebite Remedies!”
- “35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks!”
- “35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks!” (Spanish version)
- “35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks!” (French version)
- “35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks!” (Italian version)
- “39+ Emergency Applications To Find Direction Without A Compass And More!”
- “55+ True Incredible Mysteries!”
- “72+ Fantastic Mind-Over-Matter Applications You Have To Know And More!”
- “77+ International Forecasters Of Weather, Earthquakes, Tornados And More!”
- “89+ Emergency Cold Weather Survival Tricks And More!” (see “179+ Emergency Cold Weather…)
- “99+ Healings And Cures You Have To Know And More!”
- “99+ International Cancer Preventers, Cancer Fighters, Cancer Killers And More!”
- “99+ International Diabetes Preventers, Fighters, Killers And More!”
- “99+ International Heart Attack Preventers, Fighters, Killers And More!”
- “99+ Snakes, Snakebites, Snakebite Remedies And More!”
- “104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters”
- “139+ Survival Expert Products Catalog”
- “159 Special Diets To Fight Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity And More!
- “169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More!”
- “169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More!” (Spanish version)
- “169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More!” (French version)
- “169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More!” (Italian version)
- “169+ Mountain Man Survival Tricks!”
- “179+ Emergency Cold Weather Survival Tricks And More!”
- “179+ International Emergency Wilderness Shelters And More!”
- “179+ International Killer Hot Desert Survival Tricks And More!”
- “179+ Real Easy Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snack Recipes!”
- “199+ Emergency Traps & Snares And Other Tricks To Capture Any Game!”
- “199+ International Emergency First-Aid Applications And More!”
- “199+ International Survival Tricks Used By Expeditions, Explorers & Lone Survivors!”
- “199+ Poisons And Venoms That Kill, Injure, Stun, Cure And More!”
- “239+ Survival Tricks That Could Have Saved Their Lives!”
- “239+ Texas Ranger, Pioneer, Old West Survival Tricks And More!”
- “239+ Wilderness & Urban Survival Tragedies, Close-Calls And More!”
- “249+ International Emergency Survival Actions, Concoctions, Tricks And More!”
- “259+ International Smart Critter Survival Tricks And More!”
- “269+ International Fishing Tricks And More!”
- “339+ International Emergency Foods, Emergency Water, Lost Home-Made Recipes And More!”
- “375+ International Prisoner Survival Tricks And More!”
- “599+ International Military Survival Tricks And More!”
- “999+ U.S. Army Survival Evasion Resistance & Escape Survival Facts & Tricks!”
- “839+ International Wilderness Survival Tricks Used By Indians, Bushmen, Nomads,… And More!”
- “900+ Military Terms For Recruits, Cadets, Veterans!”
- “American Elite Fighters – Are US Tax Payers Getting Their Money’s Worth?”
- “Anytime Anywhere Survival Program!”
- “Basic, Advanced & Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package!”
- “Basic & Advanced Navigation Workbook And Videos!” (NOT SOLD on Amazon – contact Joseph)
- “Exodus To Genesis!”
- “Fourteen Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without!”
- “How I Saved My Cat Sylvester When 05-Months Of Vet Drugs Failed And Much More!”
- “How To Learn French Fast” – 3,399 Ways To Speak French Instantly!
- “How To Learn Spanish Fast” – 3,399 Ways To Speak Spanish Instantly!
- “Scams, Swindles, Ripoffs & Cons!”
- “Self-Taught Spanish Notebook For Beginners!”
- “Six Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without And More!”
- “The Many Benefits Of Coconuts, Peanuts, And Other Tasty Nut Foods!”
- “The Gettysburg Program – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!” (100+ page version)
- “The Gettysburg Program – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!” (600+ page version)
- “The Stupid Obvious!”
- “Anytime Anywhere Survival A – Z Index Guide” (10,000+ Survival Entries)
“14 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters!”

Paperback Book——–Kindle E-Book
14 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters Description!
Sauna In a Can’ For Emergency Warming Heat: I learned this anti-hypothermia survival tricks when I was a young know-nuthin’ Private in the infantry. This baby is a sure life-saver. I used it many times and it WORKS – it’s a REAL LIFE-SAVER against killer hypothermia.
My Cure For Back Spasms From Hell: Since I was a kid, I’ve always had lower back spasms that hurt so bad, they’d take my breath away and even paralyzed me. I’ll tell you the whole story so you’re pain-free starting today (with your doctor’s permission).
Best Salve I Ever Used And Still Do: I’ve used this concoction on myself and my critters. Since the late 1990s, I’ve saved THOUSANDS on vet & doctor bills.
Mind-Over-Matter To Ignore Killer Cold Temperatures: Author’s Own Mind-Over-Matter Application To IGNORE Cold Weather! “Aren’t you cold?” they would ask. People would ask me “Aren’t you cold?” What am I doing to overcome the cold-weather temperatures?
“Joseph, Do You Have A Photographic Memory?”: This 02-month crash course was an 08-hour a day studying French. Every day we had written tests. I ALWAYS scored 100% on all the written tests down to the accent marks. The French teacher asked me “Joseph, do you have a photographic memory?”
Trick Yourself Into Being Warmer In Frigid Water: “Here’s another unknown “survival trick” to keep you warm by tricking your body into feeling warmer. How it works exactly is unknown to me. Have this “survival trick” on hand when you need it.
Hallet Crocodile Escape Technique: I added this survival trick in here to demonstrate to you that Jean-Pierre Hallet was thinking ‘outside the box’ and it was a SUPER SIMPLE IDEA that no doubt saved his life. This scenario was sure death to 99.999% of most folks but not Hallet.
Gladiator, Zulu And Samurai Warrior Super Foods: Here are 03 Super Foods eaten by World Class warriors like Roman Gladiators, African Zulus Warriors and Samurai Warriors.
Pounding Toothache Pain Home Remedies: I’m putting this toothache remedy in here because some of you can’t afford to pay the dentist their deserving high fees and some of you just want pounding pain relief RIGHT NOW.
U.S. Army Ranger School Hypothermia Remedy: A Ranger student went down for the count due to hypothermia. The U.S. Army Ranger School Hypothermia Remedy worked. It kept him toasty warm and I bet if he was allowed, he would have started patrolling with us again.
Highest Paid Security Guard Jobs Nobody Knows About: I know all about these security guard jobs because I worked on the Heartland contract for more than 10-years. They pay twice to three-times of regular security guard jobs.
Deliberately Homeless And He’s Making Bank ($$$$): You just heard about the “Highest Paid Security Guard Jobs Nobody Knows About.” Now get this. I worked with one PSO (Protective Security Officer) for a few years. One thing I didn’t know – nobody knew it – this PSO was serious about making and SAVING MONEY. I mean SERIOUS about SAVING MONEY.
Author’s 1st Mind-Over-Matter Experience – NO B.S.: I’m setting you up for the next segment – so you know I’m not B.S.ing you. Here’s the 1st time I actually did a Mind-Over-Matter Application and I didn’t plan it nor did I ask for it or anything. It just happened.
Author’s Hand Dowsing – 01 Card Of 52 – NO B.S.: Can you pick 01 selected card out of 52 without knowing what card they picked? Well, I could and here’s the TRUE story with plenty of witnesses.

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NOTE: See 14 Descriptions above and see “104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters” below.

15 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters Description!
Panamanian Fishing Trick To Catch 100 Fish – NO B.S.: In late 1990, I heard about two soldiers who caught more than 100 bass fish in one afternoon while fishing in Gatun Lake, Panama.
No Weapon Goose Final Approach: I was talking to a contract worker. He told me a fascinating story of how EASILY his friend captures geese. He didn’t believe it till he saw it for himself. NO weapons, NO traps & snares.
Mind-Over-Matter Used By Prisoners: I was a 4th grader. The nuns wanted to give us something to remember if we broke the laws when we became adults. A Canon City, Colorado prisoner came to give us a talk. He had an unbelievable Mind-Over-Matter application.
Emergency Food – It’s All Around You: Cows eat it why not you? There are approximately 10,000 species of grass on the planet. A while back (1950s), there was a news headline “Boy Lives Five Days On Diet of Grass”, an 11-year old boy was rescued between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Cabbage Bandage Remedy – I Saved $$$ On Doctor Bills: I woke-up with my right knee in pain that ached 24-hours a day. Directly over the kneecap was a “bubble” of liquid the size of a 50 cent piece. Water on the knee? The pain progressed where it was even difficult to sleep. I took action.
I Collapsed – 2nd Wind Trail-Mix Rejuvenation: After several hours negotiating the steep terrain, my legs collapsed from underneath me and down I went but I couldn’t get up. Trail-Mix rejuvenated my body.
Utah Mormon Water Purifier: I remember we had an intelligence briefing about the area and the people in the area. I only remember that Mormon’s stockaded arms, ammunition and stored consumable supplies like water.
Mountain Man Davy Crockett Hypothermia Remedy: Hypothermia will kill you real quick. Consider this hypothermia remedy used by the famous mountain man Davy Crockett.
Ants For Emergency First-Aid: Did you know ants like bees have an absolutely clean living environment because they have to protect those kazillion eggs. Ants have an antiseptic (disease killer) that they secrete to kill bacteria. If you have a cut, abrasion, injury,…?
“The King Of All Oils”: That May Be An Understatement: Here’s a Special Oil you gotta know about so here it is. Like always, I did the ‘intensive research’ for you and even used it on myself (keep reading).
This Tribe Is Dang Near Immune To High Blood Pressure: High Blood Pressure is called “THE SILENT KILLER.” Let me tell you about a tribe that is ‘dang near immune to high blood pressure’ because of a tasty ingredient they eat.
Emergency Home-Made Gas Masks Or You’re DEAD: Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death from indoor fires. Approximately 50% to 80% of deaths from indoor fires are from smoke inhalation.
Tootsie Roll Candies Saved Their Lives And You Too: In my humble opinion, this BIG eff-up saved many lives. Believe it or not, Tootsie Rolls saved American lives.
Panamanian Monster Was Coming For Me – No B.S.: I was laying on my back looking up to blackness. I heard movement behind me. Listening hard, whatever it was, it had a great deal of weight to it and was walking on 02 legs. I could hear it breaking the deadfall with a “snap” “crack” “snap.”
Amelia Earhart’s TOP SECRET Mission: All those researchers are still trying to find Amelia Earhart’s plane. But they’re all missing the main clue and here it is. What was happening in the world back then?

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NOTE: See 15 Descriptions above and see “104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters” below.

“16 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters!” Descriptions
No Weapon Duck Hunting: The following is a true story of how a grandfather would capture ducks at point blank range. He used NO weapons and NO traps & snares.
Licking Cures That Really Work: Saliva has healing ingredients. You’ve’ heard the saying – “Licking Their Wounds.” I’ll give you 02 HEALING stories that prove saliva has healing ingredients.
Killer Potato Gases Wipes Out Family: A family was wiped out by gases from rotting potatoes. Only one member of the family lived to reveal this tragedy.
900 Armed Japanese Soldiers Slaughtered By Crocodiles: During WWII approximately 1,000 Japanese soldiers entered a mangrove swamp between Burma and Ramree Island. Evacuation ships never showed up. Guess who else showed up?
Buried Alive Survival Tricks: I’m going to give you some buried alive survival tricks used by:
- Group 4 Falck Rescue
- Mountain Man Jedediah Smith
- Andersonville Prison POWs (U.S. Civil War)
3-Year Old Girl Survives 11 Days In Siberian Forest: 03-year old Karina Chikitova with her pet dog wandered away from her home village. She survived 11-days in the unforgiving Siberian wilderness.
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth – Rats: Most folks think the cockroach will be here long after we’re gone. But I’ll put my money on the rat. Rats can no doubt think, reason and communicate with each other. Their military-like actions and attacks are amazing.
Emergency Weather Forecasting Using Ants: Ants are all over the place. Here’s how to forecast a storm using ants.
Desert Overwatch Base: Nobody but nobody does this when venturing into the wilderness. On your next outdoor adventure, consider implementing an Overwatch Base. I’ll give more details.
Inuit Cancer Cure – Still Alive 30+ Years Later: This true story was actually seen on television on Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. This cancer victim was dying from a killer lymphoma cancer till he met the Inuit Eskimos.
Breathing Trick To Power-Up Your 75 Trillion Cells: Approximately 99% of the population are ‘shallow breathers.’ Here’s a very simple breathing exercise that will GIVE YOU IMMEDIATE ENERGY!
Bigfoot Patterson Video Is FAKE – The Stupid Obvious: The Bigfoot Patterson Video, me, I think it’s FAKE. And I give you 09 SOLID REASONS why it’s FAKE and backed-up by Patterson’s own video.
Took Me 30 – 45 Seconds To Figure-Out 35 ÷ By 7 Equals????: Most people have NO IDEA what happens to their body, their brain, when you’re not drinking enough water. I’ll tell you what happened to myself and other students going through the rare U.S. Army SERE Instructor Course.
Special Diets That Reverses Heart Disease: Every 40 seconds somebody in the USA has a heart attack, which results in killing approximately 630,000 Americans each year (2015 data from the Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke)! I’ll give you 02 concoctions that counter heart disease and one is from the famous mountain man – Davy Crockett.
Special Diets That Fight Cancer: Each year there are approximately 500,000 cancer deaths! I’ll give you 02 special diets designed to fight cancer.
Special Diets That Fight Diabetes: According to a 2015 study, approximately 30,000,000 (9.4% of the population) Americans have diabetes. I’m going to give you 02 remedies for diabetes.
BONUS NEWSLETTER – This Health Product No Doubt Saved My Military Career: I was almost medically discharged from the U.S. Army because my feet and knees hurt like hell every second, non-stop 24-hours a day. A few weeks after I completed U.S. Army Ranger School, OUT OF NOWHERE, OUT OF NOWHERE, both my feet and knees went to hell!!!! They hurt like 20 M.Fs. I was CRIPPLED. The Special Forces medics nor the doctors at Womack Army Hospital couldn’t help. I was on my way out of the Army on a medical discharge. Then I discovered an ad in a magazine about this health product, and I was COMPLETELY CURED! Yeah, I said CURED!!!!

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NOTE: See 16 Descriptions above and see “104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters” below.
19 Lone Survivors!
This Survival Book is focused on the actions of Lone Survivors who BEAT THE IMPOSSIBLE ODDS. We can all learn from these 19 Lone Survivors. Here’s list of these 19 Lone Survivors and their short descriptions. Let’s start with Evasion Of Mary Ingles.
- Evasion Of Mary Ingles: In 1755, 23-year old pioneer Mary Ingles was captured by Shawnee Indians in Western Virginia. Enslaved, she finally evaded. You’ll learn the details of her evasion.
- World War II Lone German Survival Tricks: Released from the German Army, he headed to the Austrian forest to avoid the Americans from the west and the Russians from the east. Detailed wilderness survival tricks.
- WWII Japanese Soldier Who Never Surrendered And Evaded For 30 Years: This soldier never got the official word that World War II was over. He carried-on with the fight and survived in the jungle for 30-years.
- 1st Lt. Leon Crane Survived Super Cold Conditions: He bailed out of his bomber into far below freezing conditions. He should have froze to death that 1st night. Learn from his 81 days of stubborn survival of far below freezing conditions.
- Texas Ranger Enslaved For 03 Years By Comanche Indians: This bad ass Texas Ranger was captured and enslaved for 03-years. His 2nd escape attempt, he evaded to safety.
- Bombard Survival Tricks: On 19 October 1951, Dr. Alain Bombard deliberately sailed alone out at sea to prove his theories on surviving on saltwater and many more survival applications, techniques and tricks.
- Eric Robert Rudolph (ERR) Survival Tricks: Fugitive, ERR evaded and hid for 05-years in the Nantahala National Forest. from the best law enforcement agencies the USA has to offer using his own survival tricks.
- Lone Hermit Survivor Fights Off Killer Hypothermia For 3,240 Days & Nights: Christopher Thomas Knight survived where most would perish real quick.
- Major General William F. Dean: This lone evader went down in military history as being the only U.S. General to evade & hide from both North Korean and Chinese soldiers during the Korean War.
- 1st Lt. Nick Rowe – 05 Years To Freedom: This soldier was a POW for 05-years. He hid his true job in the U.S. Army as an Intelligence Officer till Jane Fonda exposed him. Then the crap hit the fan.
- Captain Scott O’Grady’s Evasion: Captain O’Grady lone evasion from Serb forces is dramatic. His training paid off in evading and hiding from both military and civilian searchers.
- U.S. Marine Goes On A Death March: This poor soul literally goes on a Death March.
- Otzi Survival Tricks: On 18 September 1991, a 3,000 year old corpse that was named Otzi (Tootsie). It was the most studied corpse in the world and revealed 09 Otzi Survival Tricks.
- Jean-Pierre Hallet – One Bad Dude: He survived where 99.9999% would have died a horrible death.
- Impossible Jungle Survival: Yossi Ghinsberg, a former Israeli soldier survived 03-weeks alone in Amazon jungle. A book and a movie – ‘Jungle’ was made about his Impossible Jungle Survival.
- Man Survives Underwater For 03 Days: His tugboat sinks and he’s the lone survivor who survives 03 days & nights underwater.
- Impossible Of Impossible Underwater Survival: This was 01 in a BILLION survival successes.
- U.S. Army Green Beret, Greatly Outnumbered & Outgunned: Nobody knows about Staff Sergeant Gregory Allen and how he and his El Salvadorian allies were outnumbered and outgunned.
- 31-Month Evasion Of U.S. Navy Radioman George R. Tweed: Guam was attacked just after Pearl Harbor. His evasion and hiding from Jap soldiers lasted for 31-months.
Get this unique Survival Book now so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
“28 International Snakebite Remedies!”

Paperback Book———Kindle E-Book
STATS: 128-pages and 24,290-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“28 International Snakebite Remedies” covers 28 international snakebite remedies used by the Real Survivors for hundreds to thousands of years.
International snakebite remedies used by African bushmen, famous bad ass Texas Rangers, Native American Indians, WWII Prisoners of War, Mormon Pioneers, Old West Pioneers, very few modern day survival experts,…
I’ll also reveal a snakebite remedy used in the jungles of Central America against the killer Fer de Lance snake and this snakebite remedy is also used to counter the venom of spiders bites like the Brown Recluse, Black Widow,…
What are you going to do when you’re venturing outdoors and you’re tagged by a venomous snake and you’re by yourself? And you have no communications to alert authorities of your pinpoint location and your emergency survival situation. If you try to walk out, you’ll just get the killer venom to course through your body even faster.
African bushmen, famous bad ass Texas Rangers, Native American Indians, WWII Prisoners of War, Mormon Pioneers, Old West Pioneers, very few modern day survival experts,… they had no doctors venturing with them nor in range of any medical facilities. So what did the Real Survivors do to counter venomous snakebites?
They used snakebite remedies passed down from their elders. They used snakebite remedies passed-on by other survivors already experienced in emergency first-aid when it comes to snakebite remedies.
“28 International Snakebite Remedies” covers alternate emergency first-aid when no modern day professional first-aid is available. “28 International Snakebite Remedies” also gives you:
- “17 True Killer Snakebite Stories!”
- “54+ Snake Videos On YouTube!”
- Points Of Contact!
“35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 230-pages & 60,809-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks! This Survival Book gives you my own survival experiences and survival experiences of other REAL SURVIVORS across the globe and throughout history.
You’ll learn real survival tricks like:
• Laydon’s Burn Remedy
• Sauna In A Can (emergency warming heat)
• All Kinds Of Critters Come To You
• No Weapon Duck Hunting
• Goose Final Approach
• True Survival Kits
• Group 4 Falck Survival Trick
• Mind-Over-Matter To Ignore Killer Cold Temperatures
• Emergency Fire-Starting – Rub Your Shoe On A Rock
• and much more.
“35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks!”
“35 Trucos Internacionales Supervivencia En La Naturaleza”
(Spanish Version)
“35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks!”
“35 Astuces De Survie!”
(French Version)
“35 International Wilderness Survival Tricks!”
35 Trucchi Di Sopravvivenza
(Italian Version)
“39+ Emergency Applications To Find Direction Without A Compass And More!”

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 180-pages & 34,0650-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“39+ Emergency Applications To Find Direction Without A Compass And More!” gives you alternative methods to find direction so to get to safety, get to help, get to an environment that is helpful to you. “39+ Emergency Applications To Find Direction Without A Compass And More!” gives you alternative methods to find direction so you’re not overwhelmed with the 02 Greatest Enemies of Survival – FEAR and PANIC. Alternative navigation methods like:
• Barrel Cactus Navigation
• Bombard’s Bird Navigation
• Cattle Drive Navigational Beacon
• Conifer Navigation
• Crescent Moon Navigation
• Fertig Jungle Navigation
• Flying Squirrel Navigation
• Kephart’s Conifer Navigation
• Laydon’s 10-Second Shadow-Tip Method Invention
• Live Tree Navigation
• Overcast Field-Expedient Direction
• Spider Web Navigation
• and more alternative techniques to fi nd direction so you can find your way to safety
NOTE: See “Basic & Advanced Navigation Workbook And Videos!”
“55+ True Incredible Mysteries!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 333-pages and 60,633-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
This Scary Book gives your True Incredible Mysteries like:
- 2,988 Chinese Soldiers Missing – Vanished
- US Navy Fighter Pilots Vanish In Front Of 100+ Witnesses (Puerto Rico)
- Thunderbird – Gigantic Bird Mystery (I [author] actually witnessed this giant bird)
- Slipping Back Into Time
- Panamanian Monster (Author’s own account – NO B.S.)
- Soldier’s Out Of Body Travel
- Amelia’s Earhart’s TOP SECRET Mission
- Cadet Vanished Inside West Point (never seen again)
- Mentally Disappearing Into Thin Air (US Force Recon Marine and US Army Green Beret)
- Hand-To-Hand Combat With Aliens
- Author’s Own True Ghost Stories
- and many more.
If you like the unexplained, the wierd, the mysterious, the strange, the scary,… then 55+ True Incredible Mysteries is for you. Plus, you get the author’s own true incredible mysteries experiences.
How would you like HOURS and HOURS of SCARY videos and podcasts 24-hours a day? ALL for a lousy $1 a month – a lousy $1 a month. Please donate $1 a month. I built a website of hand-picked SCARY videos and podcasts. Please go to:
“72+ Fantastic Mind-Over-Matter Applications You Have To Know And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 218-pages and 12,094-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
If you don’t believe in Mind-Over-Matter, then I’m confident this Survival Book will change your ‘mind’ even on the very first few pages. If you do believe in Mind-Over-Matter, then this Survival Book will Super Boost your own beliefs.
I (author) certainly believe in Mind-Over-Matter and I’ll give you my own true experiences dating back to my days in high school to the present day.
- Amazing Powers Of Hypnotism
- Author’s 1st Mind-Over-Matter Experience
- Author’s Own Dowsing Technique
- Author’s Own Mind-Over-Matter Application
- Author’s Super Memory Trick (My French teacher asked me – quote: “Joseph, do you have a photographic memory?”). NO, it ain’t using any of those memory association tricks.
- Coue’s Auto-Suggestion
- Gulag Lie Through Your Teeth First-Aid
- Hypnosis For Mind Travel
- Power Of Concentration
- Power Of Focus
- Reprogramming Yourself From Failure To Success,…
- Hypnotic Stress Buster
- Hypnotic TOP SECRET
- Mentally Disappearing Into Thin Air
- Mentally Exercising Mind-Over-Matter Trick
- Power Of Visualization
- POW (Prisoner Of War) Mind-Over-Matter
- POW (Prisoner Of War) Mind-Over-Matter, More
- Subliminal Messaging
- Teleportation Of Full Body Double In An Instant
- Teleported Soldier
- Wabisabi Stress Buster
“77+ International Forecasters Of Weather, Earthquakes, Tornados And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 185-pages and 36,498-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“77+ International Forecasters Of Weather, Earthquakes, Tornados And More” is designed to educate and familiarize you with international techniques to forecast possible disasters of weather, earthquakes, tsunamis and more possible disasters. Mother Nature and all She possesses is the most powerful force on Earth. More powerful than all the nukes ever built or ever will be built.
She is absolutely unforgiving especially to the ignorant and the disrespectful. But not you. You need to know “77+ International Forecasters Of Weather, Earthquakes, Tornados And More” so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
- 9-Life Critter Weather Forecasting
- AM Radio Weather Forecasting
- Animal (Cattle) Weather Forecasting
- Ant Weather Forecasting
- Birds Flying Low
- Birds Splashing In Puddles
- Concrete Floor Weather Forecasters
- Cows Predict Rainfall
- Coyote Weather Forecaster
- Dandelion Weather Forecasting
- Forehead Earthquake Forecaster
- Hair Forecasting
- Halo Weather Forecasting
- Handkerchief Weather Forecasting
- Headache Weather Forecasting, 1st
- Headache Weather Forecasting, 2nd
- Heavy Snowfall Forecaster
- Horse Tail Weather Forecasting
- International Insect Weather Forecasting
- Lightning Distance Formula
- Lightning Earthquake Forecaster
- Pacific Tsunami Forecaster
- Pet Earthquake Forecaster
- Red Sky Weather Forecasting
- Simple Temperature Check
- TV Reception Weather Forecasting
- Worm Earthquake Forecaster
- and much more,…
“89+ Emergency Cold Weather Survival Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 199-pages and 40,093-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
IMPORTANT NOTE: SEE “179+ Emergency Cold Weather Survival Tricks And More!” below.
“89+ Emergency Cold Weather Survival Tricks And More” is designed to educate and familiarize you with international survival applications, techniques, and tricks to survive killer cold weather environments. In this Survival Book you’ll learn real survival tricks from the REAL SURVIVORS (Native American Indians, Prisoners Of War, mountain men, pioneers, critters,…) from around the world and throughout history.
“99+ Healings And Cures You Have To Know And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 275-pages and 53,295-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Your body has the amazing and innate ability to heal itself. And it does heal itself many times a day because your immune system is working every split second 24-hours a day fighting-off all sorts of bad guys inside and outside your body.
But sometimes your immune system needs help to cure and heal your sickly body to fight minor to severe maladies. You need something to help out your immune system. You need to a ‘healthy trick’ to give your body a ‘kick in the butt’ to start the healing process.
- Amazing Gua Sha Detox
- Amish Cancer Flushers
- Baker’s All Body Itch Remedy
- 2nd Coma Remedy
- Cabbage Bandage Remedy
- Canadian Diabetes Cure
- Cancer Hospitals & Clinics That Offer Alternative Therapies
- Cannabis Cancer Healer
- Capsicum (cayenne)
- Car Jack Headache Cure
- Clean Yourself Up From The Inside With Amazing Chelation Therapy
- Cold Water Cures
- Color Therapy Application
- Delicious Treat For Immediate Energy
- Coue’s Auto-Suggestion
- Doctor Vernon’s Diabetes Remedy
- Emergency First-Aid For A Heart Attack Victim, 2nd
- Eskimo Diabetes Cure
- Exercise Mind-Over-Matter Trick
- Famous Willard Water
- Fourteen Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without
- Healing And Performance Wonders You’re Not Supposed To Know About
- Healing Black Dirt
- More Healing Black Dirt
- Healing Negative Ions
- Healing Russian Arctic Weed (RAW)
- Healing Silver
- Healing Snake Oil
- Healing Yukky Castor Oil
- Heinerman Hodgkin’s Disease Cure
- Heinerman Lyme Disease Tea
- Inuit Cancer Cure
- Japanese Diabetes Cure
- Kale The Unknown Super Vegetable
- Kelp The Unknown Cancer Fighter
- Laydon’s Burn Remedies
- Laydon’s Healing Spice Concoction
- Magnet Therapy
- Mentally Exercising Mind-Over-Matter Trick
- Mexican Diabetes Cure
- My Family Stopped Eating Sugar For A Year And This Is What Happened
- Natural Tasty Diabetes Preventor
- Onions And Its Many Health Benefits
- Patron Saint For Cancer Patients
- Pet Therapy Stress Buster
- Pickle Juice Remedy
- Placebo Affect, The
- Power Of Touch
- Power Of Visualization
- Multiple Healing Wonders Of Rebound Exercise
- Reiki – I Got The Power
- Richard Quinn’s Heart Disease Cure
- Saliva Healings And Cures
- Guayaki Fat Cure
- Special Diets That Heal
- Super Healing Oil Of Oregano
- Super Powerful Subconscious Mind
- Thais Don’t Get Blood Clots
- The Amazing Healing Benefits Of QiGong
- The Five Deadly Whites
- The Missing Trace Mineral That Heals
- The Mother Of All Antioxidants
- The Root Of All Sickness
- Train Track Healing Treatment
- Tumeric
- VPJ Chesebrough Healer
- White Sugar Cure
- and much more.
“99+ International Cancer Preventers, Cancer Fighters, Cancer Killers And More!”

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 450-pages and 78,702-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
In the United States alone, more than 500,000 Americans die from cancer each year. That’s more than 1,369 Americans dying every 24-hours a day non-stop. That’s about 01 American dying every minute non-stop 24-hours a day. With more than 500,000 Americans dying each year from cancer, in my humble opinion, conventional medicine of drugs & surgery isn’t working. So what’s another option besides conventional medicine of drugs & surgery?
In this Survival Book – “99+ International Cancer Preventers, Cancer Fighters, Cancer Killers And More” I give you the absolutely safest options to prevent, fight and kill cancer. By the way in this Survival Book, you’re actually getting “175+ International Cancer Preventers, Cancer Fighters, Cancer Killers And More!”
- Inuit Cancer Cure (still alive 30-years later)
- Amish Cancer Flushers
- Anti-Cancer Cruciferous Twelve
- Phoenix Tears
- Top 11 Cancer Fighting Fruits
- Top 11 Cancer Fighting Vegetables
- Top 7 Cancer Fighting Herbs
- Top 5 Cancer Fighting Oils
- Top 10 Mind-Over-Matter Applications
- Smoothies That Fight And Beat Cancer
- Budwig Diet
- Coffee Enema Super Detox
- Essential Oils That Fight Cancer
- Fasting Kills Cancer
- Mangosteen Fruit
- Power Of Visualization
- Raw Food Diet
- The Apoptosis 13 (gets cancer cells to COMMIT SUICIDE)
- “You Have Three Weeks To Live” (05+ years later, I’m (me – author) still here)
- and much more,…
“99+ International Diabetes Preventers, Fighters, Killers And More!”

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 429-pages and 71,636-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Diabetes kills more Americans than AIDS and breast cancer combined. In 2010, diabetes killed 69,201 people in the United States. Diabetes kills approximately 1,500,000 people worldwide each year. Right now as you read this description, approximately 30,000,000 Americans have diabetes.
Are there alternative ways to prevent, fight and kill diabetes? Sure there is and in this Survival Book – “99+ International Diabetes Preventers, Fighters, Killers And More” I give you more than 99+ ways to prevent, fight and kill diabetes.
- African Diabetes Remedy
- Canadian Diabetes Cure
- Egyptian Diabetes Remedy
- Eskimo Diabetes Cure
- Israeli Diabetes Cure
- Japanese Diabetes Cures (02)
- Mexican Diabetes Cure
- Philippine Diabetes Cure
- Carbohydrates Are Slowly Killing You Right Now
- Doctor Vernon’s Diabetes Remedy
- Exercise Fights Diabetes
- Fructose Is Slowly Killing You Right Now
- Glycemic Food Index (GFI)
- Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea
- Italian Diabetes Fighters
- Lakey Type 1 Diabetes Cure
- My Family Stopped Eating Sugar For A Year And This Is What Happened
- Pima Indians Avoided Diabetes
- Pistachio Nuts
- Pritikin Diet
- and much more
“99+ International Heart Attack Preventers, Fighters, Killers And More!”

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 428-pages and 75,471-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Cardiovascular disease is the #01 leading killer of Americans. Every 40-seconds an American dies from heart disease. In the year 2015 – approximately 630,000 Americans died from heart disease. Is conventional medicine of drugs and surgery working? If it is why are 630,000 Americans dying each year? And that’s only in the USA. In 2015, approximately 17,700,000 people worldwide died from heart disease. That comes to 48,493 people every single day or 2,020 people every hour or 33 people every minute or 01 person dying from heart disease every 02 1/2 seconds! As you read this description so far, 18 people worldwide just died from heart disease! And when you go to sleep tonight and wake-up the next morning, 16,160 people across the globe already died from heart disease.
Are there alternative ways to prevent, fight and kill heart disease? Sure there is and in this Survival Book – “99+ International Heart Attack Preventers, Heart Attack Fighters, Heart Attack Killers And More” I give you more than 99+ ways to prevent, fight and kill heart disease, like:
- Did you know there are Special Diets designed to fight heart disease?
- Did you know there are special home-made recipes designed to prevent and counter heart disease?
- Did you know there are 29 top fruits, vegetables, herbs and even snacks that fight heart disease?
- Did you know there are special antioxidants (fights the aging process) that help make you bullet proof from not only heart disease but from killer cancer and many many other sickly maladies?
- Did you know there are Mind-Over-Matter Applications that you can use to prevent, fight and kill heart disease?
- Did you know there is a ‘Mother Of All Antioxidants’ and it’s 5,000 times stronger than other antioxidants? More than 80,000 published scientific studies PROVE the iron clad guaranteed health benefits of this ‘Mother Of All Antioxidants.’
LISTEN, listen to me. A heart attack is absolutely unforgiving. Between a heart attack, cancer and diabetes, you have a chance to fight and reverse cancer and diabetes. But if you have a heart attack and you’re alone – Your Toast, Your Tits Up, Your DEAD!!! “99+ International Heart Attack Preventers, Heart Attack Fighters, Heart Attack Killers And More” will show you options to PREVENT a heart attack in the first place. Let me prove it to you today with “99+ International Heart Attack Preventers, Heart Attack Fighters, Heart Attack Killers And More!”–
99+ Snakes, Snakebites, Snakebite Remedies And More!
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 230-pages and 41,795-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
99+ Snakes, Snakebites, Snakebite Remedies And More includes details of venomous snakes all over the world. Venomous snakes in the United States, North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Mid-East, Far East, deserts, jungles, grasslands, mountains,…
This Survival Book covers snakes you can’t outrun, snakes that are ambush predators, snakes that can still kill after their dead, snakes you can’t outswim, spitting snakes, non-venomous snakes that will squeeze you to death,…
This Survival Book covers 28 international snakebite remedies used by the Real Survivors for thousands of years. International snakebite remedies used by African bushmen, famous bad ass Texas Rangers, Native American Indians, WWII Prisoners of War, Mormon Pioneers, Old West Pioneers,… I’ll also reveal a snakebite remedy used in the jungles of Central America against the killer Fer de Lance snake and it’s used to also counter the venom of spiders like the Brown Recluse, Black Widow,…
99+ Snakes, Snakebites, Snakebite Remedies And More won’t make you a herpetologist (snake expert), but reading 99+ Snakes, Snakebites, Snakebite Remedies And More you’ll know more about snakes, snakebites and snakebite remedies that 99% of regular folks. You’ll Be Ready Anytime Anywhere!
“104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 306-pages and 78,010-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
This Survival Book is a compilation of all 104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters that cover:
- Wilderness Survival
- Health Survival
- Crime Survival
- Money Survival
- Other Survivals
The 104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters are all-around survival applications, techniques and tricks and are hand-picked to benefit each subscriber. Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters like:
- Inuit Cancer Cure – Still Alive 30+ Years Later
- Panamanian Fishing Trick To Catch 100 Fish – NO B.S.
- No Weapon Duck Hunting
- Best Salve I Ever Used And Still Do
- ‘Sauna In a Can’ For Emergency Warming Heat
- Ants For Emergency First-Aid
- Emergency Weather Forecasting Using Ants
- My Cure For Back Spasms From Hell
- No B.S.ing Around Home Invasion Self-Defense
- Mind-Over-Matter Used By Prisoners
- “Joseph, Do You Have A Photographic Memory?” asked my French Teacher.
- 900 Armed Japanese Soldiers Slaughtered By Crocodiles
- Gladiator Super Food And Zulu Super Food
- Pounding Toothache Pain Home Remedies
- U.S. Army Ranger School Hypothermia Remedy
- This Tribe Is Dang Near Immune To High Blood
- Emergency Home-Made Gas Masks Or You’re DEAD
- Breathing Trick To Power-Up Your 75 Trillion Cells
- Bigfoot Patterson Tape Is Fake – The Stupid Obvious
- Urticaria 24/7 All Body Severe Itching – My Own Cure
- Tootsie Roll Candies Saved Their Lives And You Too
- Are You Scared Of The Dark? You Should Be
- Panamanian Monster Was Coming For Me – No B.S.
- Highest Paid Security Guard Jobs Nobody Knows About
- Deliberately Homeless And He’s Making Bank ($$$$)
- and much more,…
However, if you don’t want to wait a whole year to receive all 104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters, they are all compiled together in this Survival Book above. SEE 104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters Descriptions!
“139+ Survival Expert Products Catalog!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 539-pages and 84,661-word count
This Survival Book Catalog is a listing of all my Survival Work since 1991 to the present. Most of these Survival Products are “IN YOUR HANDS – HARD PRODUCTS” whether they be Paperback Books, Videos, Survival Tools,…
My other Survival Work are digital Survival Products like my Kindle E-Books. Most folks can’t afford my main Survival Programs:
• 2012 Ultra-Advanced Anytime Anywhere Survival Program TOTAL Package (2012 U-AAASPTP)
• 2012 Pure Advanced Wilderness Survival Program (2012 PAWS Program)
• 2012 Pure Advanced Wilderness Survival Condensed Program (2012 PAWSCP)
So I broke down my Survival Programs into smaller and more affordable Survival Products. Go ahead and go through this Survival Book Catalog at your leisure and decide what you need so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
“159 Special Diets To Fight Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity And More!”
Power Up & Re-Charge Your Ailing Body

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 570-pages and 91,834-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
This 570-page Survival Book reveals 159 Special Diets that provide their own unique ingredients to:
- take the fight to Cancers
- take the fight to Heart Disease
- take the fight to Diabetes
- take the fight to Obesity
- and take the fight to many other sickly maladies.
This Survival Book was not written by a highly educated doctor. So there ain’t no fancy ‘doctor words’ to confuse you. This Survival Book is written in plain, simple to understand English that even a 5th grader can understand. Plus, there is so much detailed data, the Table of Contents is 22-pages so you can find any Special Diet and their details real quick. Let me tell you about 09 of the 159 Special Diets right now. OK, let’s get started with the Special Diet found on page 390.
Special Diet On Page 390 – In this Special Diet, this chemist and inventor stumbled upon this ingredient that was found to heal minor cuts and scratches faster. Years later in his late 50s, he was dying. He took a small dose of his discovery every day and LIVED ANOTHER 40 YEARS! And you’ll read about my own results. And there are 159 more Special Diets because you deserve a healthy vibrant life.
Special Diet On Page 47 – In this Special Diet, this essential nutrient is found in ‘brain foods.’ This unknown nutrient is known to elevate moods, improves learning, improves memory and increases intelligence. In experiments, this same nutrient extended the lives of lab rats up to 40%. This same Special Diet on page 47, provides a host of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to fight several cancers, fight heart disease, fight aging, fight cosmetic decline, strengthens bones & teeth, helps to lower LDL (bad cholesterol), and more. And there are 159 more Special Diets because you deserve a healthy vibrant life.
Special Diet On Page 263 – This Special Diet, it’s #1 mission is losing weight, losing unwanted weight right now. Not next week, not tomorrow – Right Now! I stumbled upon this Special Diet while serving in the U.S. Army. And get this, this Special Diet TRUMPS any diet you ever tried in your life. Not even that famous Doctor on TV knows about this Special Diet. And this Special Diet truly works and works RIGHT NOW. How do I know this? Cause I ate three full fat-laden meals every day, drank a few beers and I didn’t do one second, not one second of any exercise. I was already thin and in great shape and I still lost weight. So much weight and so fast, I had to buy skinnier clothes. You’ll read EVERYTHING on page 263. And there are 159 more Special Diets because you deserve a healthy vibrant life.
Special Diet On Page 476 – I refer you back to these three Special Diets called the Warrior Diets. Throughout history, these three undisputed World Class Warriors had their own unique Special Diets that kept them athletic, kept them strong, kept them maxed-out with energy and kept their endurance at high levels. These bad ass Warriors depended on their own unique Special Diets because their own lives were on the line. And there are 159 more Special Diets because you deserve a healthy vibrant life.
Special Diet On Page 32 – Time Magazine and USA TODAY did a feature story on these people who are noted to be some of the longest living people on Earth? What the heck are they doing? They consume this mineral that not only fights several cancers, it fights heart disease too, plus other health benefits. But in this Special Diet, I’ll tell you how to take this special mineral so it the tastiest ‘pill’ you ever tasted. I take it myself. And there are 159 more Special Diets because you deserve a healthy vibrant life.
Special Diet On Page 248 –I worked with these soldiers while working in South America. These soldiers were in phenomenal shape. I was in shape too, or I thought I was till I went on those ultra barn-burner runs with these soldiers. I made all the runs. I couldn’t fall out because I was representing the mighty U.S. of A. I made all the runs but I was coughing-up my lungs for 30-minutes after each run. Those soldiers were frickn’ Gazelles. One thing I noticed about all these soldiers, they ALL drank their special drinks throughout the day. To keep their drink hot, they had these home-made devices that they plugged into the outlet and the other exposed wired-end, they inserted into their large cup. Looked dangerous to me. But the bottom line, they were all in phenomenal shape, thin and vibrant. They all drank this same drink – a Special Diet found on page 248. And there are 159 more Special Diets because you deserve a healthy vibrant life.
Special Diet On Page 487 – This Special Diet comes in three Parts. I actually ate this diet plenty of times and ‘turned skinny skinny.’ I believed in this Special Diet so much, back in the mid-1990s, I put a BOUNTY on it for anyone to prove me wrong. I put a $10,000.00 BOUNTY on it. As a matter of fact, I named this diet – “$10,000.00 Weight-Loss Bet Diet!” I had $10,000.00 in my savings account to back-up my diet. But I had no takers. On page 489, you’ll read about this diet and why it works.
Note: The $10,000.00 Weight-Loss Bet – money wise – is no longer available but the entire Special Diet is in the Survival Book. And there are 159 more Special Diets because you deserve a healthy vibrant life.
Special Diet On Page 252 – You’ll read about a dying young man who was evaluated by 70 healthcare professionals. He took 300 nutritional supplements. Nothing worked. Nothing worked and he was sent home in a wheelchair to die. He was a 100% sure gonner till he stumbled upon a supplement that REVERSED his sure death diagnosis. You’ll read everything about this Special Diet starting on page 252. And there are 159 more Special Diets because you deserve a healthy vibrant life.
Hey, if you don’t get your own “159 Special Diets To Fight Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity And More!”, let me leave you with this Special Diet – the Trobriand Skinny Diet.
Trobriand Skinny Diet!
Here it is, blunt and to the point. Since most Americans are overweight, I thought I’d add this unknown diet.
Obesity Is Non-Existent: In the South Pacific lay the Trobriand Islands and obesity is about non-existent. Why?
They eat no fried foods.
As a matter of fact, their diet is mainly composed of fish, coconuts and steamed vegetables. It’s that simple.
Source: National Geographic – July 1992
“169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 299-pages and 89,566-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Last I checked, POUND FOR POUND, the mighty US of A is the FATTEST COUNTRY ON EARTH. Back in the 1990s I invented my own diet to lose weight and it was based on one primary rule – TASTE BUDS RULE!!! If it taste good odds are HIGH you’ll stick to your diet and lose weight. So in this Survival Book I give you the delicious diet I invented called the “$10,000.00 Weight-Loss Bet Diet.”
Plus, the majority of this Survival Book is designed so you can MAKE YOUR VERY OWN WEIGHT-LOSS DIET, satisfy your TASTE BUDS and finally lose that unhealthy – unwanted weight.
Plus, I give my other international fantastic weight-loss experiences. Like how I lost 25-pounds in a single week. Or how I lost weight so fast I had to buy skinnier clothes and get this: I ate three restaurant meals a day, drank beers and did no exercise – none.
Plus, I give my other international fantastic weight-loss experiences like:
- How I (author) lost 25-pounds in a single week.
- How I (author) lost weight so fast I had to buy skinnier clothes and get this: I ate three restaurant meals a day, drank beers and did NO exercise – none.
- and much more,…
I challenge anyone to prove me wrong with my “169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More.”
“169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More!”
“169 + Pierde O De Lo Acelerado Datos Para Bajar De Peso, Trucos Y Más!”
(Spanish Version)
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
“169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More!”
“169+ Perdre Ou Autre-Accelere La Perte De Poids Des Faits, Des Astuces Et Plus!”
(French Version)
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
“169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks And More!”
“169 Perderla Oppure Accelerate Fatti Di Perdita Di Peso, Trucchi E Molto Altro!”
(Italian Version)
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
“169+ Mountain Man Survival Tricks!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 322-pages and 67,008-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Some of the baddest men to ever walk this Earth are mountain men. These very brave men ventured into virgin wilderness territories with not only the full wrath of Mother Nature and all She possesses against them but native American Indians – survival experts in their own right – who were out to capture them and kill them dead. Some Indian tribes were experts at a slow tortuous kill.
- 19+ Lewis & Clark Expedition
- Kit Carson
- Daniel Boone
- Jim Beckwourth
- Mountain Man Camp
- Samuel Houston
- Davy Crockett
- Bear Fighting
- Bowie Knife
- Mountain Man Cooking
- Art of Suffering
- Walker Expedition
- Digger Indians
- Jedediah Smith
- Secret Mountain Man Caches
- Jim Baker
- Bear’s Kill Spot
- Indian Fighter
- Tom Fitzpatrick
- Bill Williams
- Invisible Mountain Men
- Hugh Glass
- Mountain Man Fire-Starting
- James O. Pattie
- Mountain Man Torch
- Desert Survival
- Samuel Hearne
- Moose Fighting
- Fighting Blasting Cold
- Hearne Fire-Starting
- Indian Wisdom
- Deer Parts
- Alexander Mackenzie
- Mackenzie Fire-Starting
- Nowlin’s Fish Stunner
- Russell’s Wound Concoction
- Russell’s Fire-Starting
- Sage’s Cottowood Bark Food
- Sage’s Bear Food
- Sage’s Prickly Pear Dessert
- Sage’s Ant Food
- Joseph K. Meek
- Horse Snakebite Remedy
- Human Snakebite Remedy
- Buffalo Chip Stoves
- George Drouillard
- John Colter
- Rattlesnake Concoction
- Bear Grease
- Decoy Buffalo
- Salt Collecting
- Healthy Starvation Food
- Mosquito Repellent
- Injun Ways
- Water Finding
- Blackfeet Indians
- Deer Hunting
- Animal Awareness
- Marksmanship Is Life
- Skunk Vittles
- Hypothermia Fighting
- Charcoal Poultice
- Creek Indians
- Sparking Trees
- Twig Navigation
- Law Of The Wilderness,…
- James ‘Jim’ Clyman
- Clyman’s Fighting Hypothermia
- Clyman’s Catfish Fishing
- Clyman’s Fire-Starting
Wouldn’t YOU like to learn REAL SURVIVAL from some of the baddest men to ever walk this Earth – Mountain Men! “169+ Mountain Man Survival Tricks!” is waiting for you. Get it now before you go out on your next outdoor adventure so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
“179+ Emergency Cold Weather Survival Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 373-pages and 96,234-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
- Apache Hypothermia First-Aid
- Art of Suffering, The
- Author’s Own Mind-Over-Matter Application To IGNORE Cold Weather
- Indian Blizzard Protector
- Heinerman Frostbite Remedy
- Cold Water Diving Reflex – They’re Still Alive
- Prairie Blizzard Forecaster
- VPJ Body Warming Trick
- US Army Ranger School Hypothermia Remedy
- Lone Survivor Fights Off Killer Hypothermia For 3,240 Days,…
- Blizzard Protector
- Buried Alive – Group 4 Falck Survival Trick
- Gottlieb Frostbite Remedy
- Gottlieb Frostbite & Hypothermia Preventative
- Undersnow Shelter
- VPJ Body Warming Trick
- VPJ Peary Uses
- VPJ Swimmer Protectant
- Washakie Indian Frostbite Remedy
- Buffalo Bill Countering Hypothermia
- Immune To Cold (see ‘Art of Suffering’)
- Super Hot Foot Gear (boots good down to 118-degrees below zero)
- Penguin Survival
- Pugh – The Human Penguin
- Hof – The Human Penguin
- and much more,…
- You’re shivering uncontrollably
- You’re cussing non-stop
- Scared to sleep thinking you may not wake-up
- Your fingers won’t work, they feel like wood
- Your jumping up and down
- Your stomping your feet
- You can’t talk to make sense
“179+ International Emergency Wilderness Shelters And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 315-pages and 65,778-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“179+ International Emergency Wilderness Shelters And More!” gives you shelters that will protect you even in the worst killer conditions. We are all very fragile creatures. And because we are all fragile creatures and fragile creatures of comfort, we need shelters to protect us from the many Wraths of Mother Nature and all She possesses.
This Survival Book provides you with more than 179 shelters that you wear on your person and shelters you can set-up to shield you from the killer elements. I’ll tell you about an emergency shelter that will warm you up real quick even if you’re soaking wet in just above freezing weather. This emergency shelter could save your life.
I’ll tell you about dozens of emergency shelters used by the Real Survivors throughout history and throughout the world. I’ll tell you about emergency shelters used by critters. Them critters are World Class survivals and we can all learn from them. I’ll tell you about emergency shelters that are all around you. Just move in and get comfortable. I’ll tell you about emergency shelters that can’t be seen by man nor fancy high-tech equipment.
I’ll tell you about emergency shelters that can’t be bombed away even by direct hits. I’ll tell you about emergency procedures used by American Indians when they were caught out in the open in a blasting blizzard. “179+ International Emergency Wilderness Shelters And More” will have You More Ready Anytime Anywhere.
“179+ International Killer Hot Desert Survival Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 320-pages and 67,777-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“179+ International Killer Hot Desert Survival Tricks And More” is a compilation of my experience, interviews, and “intensive research” of REAL international desert survival applications, techniques and tricks from the REAL SURVIVORS from around the world and throughout history.
You’re learning killer hot desert survival tricks that really work and have worked for hundreds and thousands of years. Real survival applications, techniques, and tricks discovered, invented, and used by Native American Indians, tribes, bushmen, pioneers, mountain men, modern day survivors in desert environments.
And you’ll learn neat desert tricks used by all types of critters who live in killer hot desert environments. Them critters are really smart. And you’re real smart too to be interested in “179+ International Killer Hot Desert Survival Tricks And More!” I guarantee you’ll learn many desert survival applications, techniques, and tricks that could save your life Anytime Anywhere.
- A Desert In The US of A Will Kill You Dead Just About As Quick As A Desert In Africa, China,…!
- Near Desert Survival Tragedy – Getting Cooked To Death!
- Cool Creosote Shelter Trick!
- Cookn’ Heat Casualties!
- AVOIDING Heat Casualties!
- Symptoms Of Severe Dehydration Even the Books Don’t Tell You!
- Cool Shelter
- Kalahari Desert Bushmen!
- Appetite And Thirst Suppressant
- Secret Water Caches
- Water From Dry Dirt
- More Water From Dry Dirt
- Kalahari Underground Fishing
- Air Conditioning In The Desert
- More Air Conditioning In The Desert
- Water From Lianas
- Tagilmus Cool Clothing
- Lazy Desert Pace
- Cool Canteen
- Dowsing For Water
- Water Conservation
- Rationing Water Tricks
- Salt Life-Saver
- Forced Hydration Plan
- Symptoms Of Severe Dehydration
- Undersand Shelter
- Hadzabe Wound Cleaner
- Hadzabe Bush Tunnel
- Hadzabe Night Hunting
- Hadzabe Triangle
- Indian Gatorade
- Mule Water-Finding
- Antelope Water-Finding Trick
- Horse Water-Finding Trick
- Water Holes
- Dowsing For Water
- Desert Water
- All-In-One Emergency Food & Water – Life-Saving Blood!
- Desert Death Is Quick
- Egyptian Air Conditioning
- Babylonian Air-Conditioning
- India Air-Conditioning
- Desert Emergency Water
- Amish Air Conditioner
- Pioneer Air Conditioning
- Old West Air Conditioning
- Secret Caches That Could Save Your Life
- Hypnotize Venomous Snakes To Avoid Their Deadly Bite
- Zuni No Water – I’m Dying Here
- Aztec All-Purpose Plant
- Desert Overwatch Base
“179+ Real Easy Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snack Recipes!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 359-pages and 71,494-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Let me be straight with you. If you’re a super healthy conscious person and watching your weight – good for you, but this book IS DEFINITELY NOT FOR YOU. I gained about 30 – 40- pounds just putting this book together. If you can’t cook a lick, this book is for you. If you’re spending too much money eating at fast food restaurants and regular restaurants cause you can’t cook, this book is for you.
It took me from January 2018 to July 2018 to put these 179+ tasty recipes together in my kitchen and I ATE UP ALL the delicious recipes – MMmmm MMmmm MMmmm GOOOOD!! And you know what? I can’t cook. Well I can’t cook like my Mom, Dad and sisters. But I can conjure-up some tasty breakfast, lunch and dinner meals. And some tasty snacks and desserts too. And now, so can YOU.
- 2nd-Wind Emergency Trail-Mix
- Almond Butter & Jelly Sandwich
- Angus Beef And Prime Rib Beef Taste Test
- Applesauce GIANT Fruit Roll Up
- Asparagus Sautéed In Butter
- Bacon Bits Taste Test
- Bacon Fat Sandwich
- Best Breakfast Meals I Ever Tasted
- Best Containers For Single-Serving Drinks
- Best Cookware I Ever Used
- Best Containers To Store Meals
- Best Delicious Meatballs
- Best 05 Pizzas I Ever Tasted
- BEST – ‘Melt In Your Mouth’ – Hot Rolls On The Planet Earth
- BEST‘MMMmmm MMmmm – Stuffed Mushrooms On The Planet Earth
- Eating Pizza – Honduran Style
- BLT On Treated Toast
- Breaded Butterfly Shrimp
- Breakfast Omelet With All The Fixins’
- Brussels Sprouts Sautéed In Coconut Oil
- Cashew Butter & Jelly Sandwich
- Catfish Filets
- Catfish Nuggets
- Cauliflower Crumbles Jazzed-Up
- Central & South American 03 Common Foods
- Cheeseburger With All The Fixins’
- Chicharrones Delicious
- Chili Beans With Angus Beef
- Chimichangas Jazzed-Up
- Coffee Paratrooper Style
- Coney Island Hot Dog
- Cottage Cheese And Maple Syrup
- Crockpot Stew With All The Fixins’
- Crunchy Chicken Breast Sandwich
- Crunchy Imitation Crab Meat Sandwich
- Crunchy Salmon Sandwich
- Crunchy Tuna Sandwich
- Crunchy White Turkey Meat Sandwich
- Eating A Cheeseburger – Costa Rican Style
- Egg, Bacon & Swiss Cheese Sandwich
- Egg, Bacon SPAM & Swiss Cheese Sandwich
- Elbow Macaroni Beefed-Up
- Fried Bacon Avec Secret Ingredient – MMMmmmmmmmmmm
- Grilled Ham & Swiss Cheese Avec Sautéed Mushrooms Sandwich
- Hamburger Fat Juice
- Hamburger Steak
- Jethro Bodine Tasty Salad
- Jumbo Fantail Shrimp
- Laydon’s Bacon Fat R & D
- Laydon’s Beef Jerky Recipe
- Laydon’s Power Bar Recipe
- Lip-Smacking Messy BBQ Ribs
- Mushrooms Sautéed In Butter The Delicious Way
- No Cooking Dumplings
- Peanut Butter And Honey Sandwiches
- Pinon Nuts Saved The Donner Party
- Popcorn With A Tasty Kick Or Two
- Priming Bread, Hamburger Buns, Hot Dog Buns,…
- Priming Your Thermos Bottle
- Ramen A La Everything
- Roast Beef Dinner
- Salmon Filets Sautéed In Butter
- Sloppy Joe Club Sandwich
- Soft Shell Delicious Messy Tacos
- Spaghetti And Meatballs
- SPAM Delicious (04 flavors)
- US Army Infantry Muddy Foxhole Dessert
- US Army Ranger Pudding
- 25 Delicious Wraps – Mmmmmm’ Mmmmmm’ Mmmmmm’
- Why Cook With Coconut Oil
- Oysters In Oil Taste Test
“199+ Emergency Traps & Snares And Other Tricks To Capture Any Game!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 463-pages and 89,705-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“199+ Emergency Traps & Snares And Other Hunting Tricks To Capture Any Game” includes more than 199 international hunting tricks to catch just about any small and big game to include fish (fresh water and salt water), birds, and insects. The food-chain is LOADED with food and water. And even if everything goes wrong, we can go to the bottom of the food-chain – plants.
At the end of this Survival Book I give you “300,000 Plants On Earth – Edibility Test!” But it may not come to this because in this Survival Book you’re learning from the REAL SURVIVORS. REAL SURVIVORS throughout history and throughout the world who have used simple and ingenious tricks to capture small and big game using traps & snares, barriers, baits, super baits, disguises, lures (on land and in water), hypnotizing critters, channelization, home-made weapons,… And you’ll get some super hunting tricks that require absolutely no weapons, no traps & snares, no blinds,…. Once you read these hunting tricks you’ll say to yourself “Absolutely Amazing!”
And since you’re out in the woods hunting, I’ve added several survival tricks you need to know to get you out of life or death trouble. These survival tricks save your life! These are hand-picked survival tricks that work. PLUS, this Survival Book includes 71 sketches to help you understand the traps & snares and weapons detailed in this Survival Book.
And at the end of this Survival Book, say if everything goes to crap, I’ve included “Laydon’s Emergency Survival Employment Instructions!” Use this to take-charge of your survival situation. Use this to take charge and get your group of survivor friends to work together and survive your situation instead of becoming a another set of ‘dead statistics.’
Whether you’re a World Class hunter, a novice or somebody that’s green to hunting – in my very humble opinion – “199+ Emergency Traps & Snares And Other Hunting Tricks To Capture Any Game!” is very worthy of your attention. I’m very confident you’ll learn a great deal when it comes to hunting any game, small or big, on the water, under water, on land, underground, just like the REAL SURVIVORS have hunted for thousands of years!
- 2nd Cree Indian Geese Decoy
- 6th Hypnotizing Chicken Trick
- 3rd Hypnotizing Frog Trick
- Hypnotizing Lizards
- 4th Super Bait
- Aztec Duck Hunting
- Aztec Duck Sticks
- Bacon Fat (Grease) Shelf Life
- Bottle Trap
- Branch Snare
- Caged Gill Net (Triple Catch)
- Debilitating Rabbit Sticks
- Deer Snare
- Delicious Peanut Butter Deer Bait
- Dip Net Fishing
- Drunk Birds
- Dry Land Fishing Pole
- Eskimo Blind
- Eskimo Duck Bolas
- Eskimo Hookless Lure
- Faceless Hunter
- Fast Critters
- Fast Critters Table Chart
- Figure Four Deadfall
- Fishing Bonfire
- Fishing Hook & Stunner
- Georgia Wild Boar Stunner
- Giant Water Weir
- Gill Net
- Goose Final Approach
- Hypnotizing Alligators
- Joachim’s Traps & Snares
- Jacking
- Jigging Pole
- Kalahari Antelope Snar
- Kalahari Glue Snar
- Kephart’s Branch Snar
- Lichen Emergency Food
- Lift Pole Snare
- Log Drop Trap
- Metal Gill Net
- Minnow Trap
- Noodling
- No Weapon Duck Hunting
- Nowlin’s Fish Stunner
- Onoda Sock Rat Trap
- Pelican Fish Stunner
- Pioneer “Bark The Squirrel” Hunting
- Pioneer Deer Hunting
- Pioneer Wolf Trap
- Pounding Stick
- Pueblo Indian Dead Falls
- Rabbit Dead Fall
- Rabbit Sticks
- Rabbit Stopper
- Salmon Harpoon
- Salt Lick Ambush
- Seminole Hypnotizing Alligator Trick
- Shining
- Simple Snare
- Small Game & Fish Paralyzing Stunner
- Snake Fence
- Snake Trap
- Squirrel Pole
- Super Duck Decoys
- Twitch-Up Snare
- Waiting Snake Trap & Snare
- Worming
- Worm Stick
- Zuni Crow Snare
- Crows Can’t Count
- NG Scottish Camouflage
- Pixelated Camouflage
- Bigfoot Duck Hunting
- Bigfoot Fishing Trick
- Bigfoot Pounding Stick
- Plywood Snake Trap
- Stainless Steel Rat Killer
“199+ International Emergency First-Aid Applications And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 384-pages and 73,714-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“199+ International Emergency First-Aid Applications And More” will show you that there are real alternative remedies to sickness and injuries besides the use of conventional medicine of drugs and surgery.
This Survival Book was constructed in the name of real survival when professional medical support is not available to you. This Survival Book will make you aware there are always alternative options for emergency first-aid when you can only rely on yourself.
- 2nd High Fever Remedy
- 3rd Poison Ivy Remedy
- 2nd Poison Oak Remedy
- Aching Feet No More
- 46 Emergency First-Aid Acupressure Applications!
- Amazing Cabbage First-Aid
- Athlete’s Foot Quick Fix
- Auschwitz Coffee Disinfectant
- Auschwitz Disinfectant
- Baby Colic Remedy
- Back Pain Remedy
- Brown Rice Diet
- Bubblegum Fights Nausea
- Buried Alive – Group 4 Falck Survival Trick
- Byrd Frostbite Remedy
- Cancer Killer You Just Have To Know About Today
- Inuit Cancer Cure
- Candy Remedy
- Chiropractor’s Backache Remedy Concoction
- Chisholm Lice Remedy
- Civil War Pine Pitch Pills
- Color Blue Parkinson’s Remedy
- Coue’s Auto-Suggestion
- Cow Fat First-Aid
- Cure For Killer Back Spasms From Hell
- Deep-Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Remedy Concoction
- Diarrhea Remedies
- Dirt Cheap Poison Remedy
- Frankincense Oil
- Gottlieb Frostbite & Hypothermia Preventative
- Guayaki Fat Cure
- Guayaki Saliva Cure
- Gulag Tuberculosis Remedy
- Healing Ants
- Healing Black Dirt
- Healing Black Dirt, More
- Healing Negative Ions
- Healing Pitch
- Healing Tea Tree Oil
- Heinerman Frostbite Remedy
- Heinerman Hodgkin’s Disease Cure
- Laydon’s Burn And POUNDING Pain Remedy
- Laydon’s Ulcer Remedy
- Licking Cure
- Lyon’s Snakebite Remedy
- Mind-Over-Matter Applications
- Mormon Snakebite Remedy
- Myrrh Oil
- NATR – ‘Medicine Cabinet In A Bottle’ Concoction
- Old West Poisonous Spider Bite Remedy
- Ozark Skin Cancer Remover
- Pickle Juice Remedy
- Placebo Affect, The
- Plants For Emergency First-Aid!
- 5th Poison Ivy Remedy
- Powerful Pine Medicine
- Power Of Visualization
- Prickly Pear Rheumatism & Headache Remedy
- Psoriasis Solar Healer
- Pycnogenol
- Reflexology Emergency First-Aid Applications!
- Second – Wind Trail-Mix
- Severe Wound Remedies
- Spinal Energy Booster
- Stress Busters
- Texas Ranger Snakebite Remedy
- Tired Feet
- Toe Nail Fungus
- Trujillo Anti-Malaria Concoction
- Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (VPJ) Healer
- Washakie Frostbite Remedy
- Worthless Folk Remedies That Worked Anyway
- Car Jack Headache Cure
- Hanneda Life-Saver
- Horse Snakebite Remedy
- Human Snakebite Remedy
- 2nd Pounding Toothache Remedy
- 2nd Pioneer Snakebite Remedy
- Uticaria Healer
- Music That Heals
- Feng Fu Pressure Point
- Healing Memory Remedy
- How To Survive A Heart Attack When Alone
- Swishing Away Toothache Pain In Minutes
- Another POUNDING Toothache Pain Remedy
- Double Nagging Pain – Toothache Pain And Sensitive Teeth Pain Remedy
- Fidgeters May Be Doing Something Healthy That You’re Not
- Cough Remedy (World War II)
- Train Track Healing Treatment (NO B.S
- Healing Snake Oil
- Battlefield Triage Check
- Black Widow Spider Bite Remedy
- Emergency Home-Made Gas Masks
- Eskimo Diabetes Cure
- Doctor Vernon’s Diabetes Remedy
- Dark Chocolate Kills High Blood Pressure
- and much more,…
“199+ International Survival Tricks Used By Expeditions, Explorers & Lone Survivors!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 409-pages and 92,813-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
- Lewis & Clark Expedition
- Donner Party
- Shackleton Expedition (28-man crew given-up for dead)
- Walker & Caddy Expedition
- Fremont Expedition
- Andes Survivors
- Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda (30-year evasion after WWII)
- Dr. Alain Bombard (castaway)
- Enslaved Texas Ranger (03-years)
- Ishi (last surviving member of the Yahi tribe)
- Amundsen Expedition
- Carstens Egeberg Borchgrevink
- Captain Robert Scott
- Sir Douglas Mawson
- Eric Robert Rudolph (05-year evasion in wilderness)
- and much more,…
“199+ Poisons And Venoms That Kill, Injure, Stun, Cure And More!”

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 298-pages and 78,741-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“199+ Poisons That Kill, Injure, Stun, Cure And More!” This Survival Book covers more than 199 poisons found in nature, poisonous chemicals and home-made poisons. There are killer to sickly poisons found in insects, plants, small game, big game, aquatic life, marine life,… There are poisons so lethal, there are no known antidotes.
You’ll read about poisons that have proven to remedy sickly maladies to include killer cancer. You’ll read about poisons that stun in seconds to just a couple minutes. You’ll read about plants that are so poisonous, death is a sure bet. You’ll read about insects that are so poisonous, their super painful stings have been rated on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index.
You’ll read about a vegetable that YOU EAT ALL THE TIME, and this same vegetable harbors a deadly chemical, a chemical so deadly that it wiped out an entire family of four. And this same family, like you, ate this same vegetable all their lives till one day this very edible and tasty vegetable released its SURE KILLER POISON.
You’ll read about a tree that is so poisonous, EVERYTHING about the tree from its leaves to its roots will poison you, even pure clean raindrops that fall off its leaves and onto you – you’re poisoned.
You’ll read about several fantastic snakebite remedies to counter the killer venom of deadly snakes. These unknown snakebite remedies were used by the bad ass Texas Rangers, stubborn pioneers, many Indian tribes throughout North America. You’ll also read about another snakebite remedy used today in the Central American jungles. It’s ingenious. And this same snakebite remedy can be used to counter the venom of Brown Recluse spider bites and Black Widow spider bites.
You’ll also read plenty of antidotes to counter poisons from contact dermatitis plants to killer mushrooms to killer snakebites. I’ll also give you my own SUPER PAIN STOPPER that I used when I got stung by 05 wasps at the same time on my left hand. I thought I hit a live wire. Man oh man my hand was POUNDING WITH PAIN! And I use this same ingredient for severe burns, cuts,… to STOP THE PAIN RIGHT NOW! This Survival Book covers more than 199+ Poisons That Kill, Injure, Stun, Cure And More!
“239+ Survival Tricks That Could Have Saved Their Lives!”
‘Close Calls To Guaranteed Death In The Deep Wilderness!’
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 510-pages and 104,839-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“239+ Survival Tricks That Could Have Saved Their Lives!” – ‘Close Calls To Guaranteed Death In The Deep Wilderness!’
- HUNTER GOES HAND-TO-PAW COMBAT WITH ORNERY BEAR: Here’s a true story that saved this hunter’s life. While the grizzly bear was just starting to kick the crap out of him, he remembered what his grandmother told him and wisely took immediate action. The grizzly bear ran off and he’s ALIVE today and not another mauled DEAD STATISTIC. This lone survival trick is WORTH 1,000-TIMES THE PRICE of this Survival Book because it could SAVE YOUR LIFE!
- CONCUSSION FISHING: I want to tell you about 06 fishing tricks that WORK SO GOOD, they’re ILLEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES under non-survival situations. It’s called Concussion Fishing. Absolutely 100% guaranteed to provide you with more tasty emergency food (fish) than you and 06 co-survivors could eat in a month. PLUS, I give you the “Panamanian Fishing Trick / Secret!” to catch 100+ fish like these 02 soldiers did repeatedly. NO B.S. These 07 fishing tricks are worth 100-times the price of this Survival Book.
- MOTHER OF ALL GUARANTEED DEATH WINTER STORMS: This KILLER WINTER STORM was so cold, almost all the animals in this region became extinct. This KILLER WINTER STORM, has already hit this region in the U.S. not only once but twice. And by the Law of Averages, it’s going to hit this region for the 3rd time in the WINTER of 2026 – 2027. It’s practically guaranteed. It’s the Law of Nature and it’s the Law of Averages. HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS are going to FREEZE TO DEATH because nobody knows it’s coming, except YOU!
- LONE SURVIVOR FIGHTS OFF GUARANTEED HYPOTHERMIA DEATH FOR 3,240 DAYS: This lone survivor survived where most others would go hypothermic and die real quick. You’re ALIVE instead of another frozen stiff DEAD STATISTIC because you know this unknown proven to work freezing cold weather survival trick.
- SAUNA IN A CAN: This baby is a true life-saver when threatened with life or death freezing temperatures. I’ve used it in the dead of winter when I was soaking wet. Sauna In A Can SAVED MY LIFE. Sauna In A Can IS WORTH 1,000-TIMES THE PRICE of this Survival Book because it could SAVE YOUR LIFE and all those precious ones under your care. You’re the HERO instead of you and yours, being more DEAD STATISTICS.
- AUTHOR’S MIND-OVER-MATTER TO IGNORE FREEZING TEMPERATURES: We are all warm-blooded fragile creatures of comfort. When confronted with unexpected killer freezing temperatures, your life is on the line. I’ll give you my own Mind-Over-Matter Application to IGNORE killer cold temperatures, even when submerged in killer cold water. I’ve used it several dozen times after I left the service. I can ‘Turn It On’ at any time.
- GOOSE FINAL APPROACH: If you like the taste of duck, you’re going to go crazy over some tasty goose vittles. You never heard of this emergency survival trick, but I’ll show how to capture tasty geese that require no weapons, no traps & snares, and no decoys.
- NO WEAPON DUCK HUNTING: Did you read ‘Goose Final Approach’? Like ‘Goose Final Approach’, here’s an emergency technique to catch them tasty ducks that require no weapons, no traps & snares, and no decoys.
- Emergency Tasty Foods That Weigh Almost Nothing: These foods weigh dang near NOTHING and they can be used as emergency foods to feed you and cheer you up to help you AVOID the 02 Greatest Enemies of Survival – FEAR and PANIC. And these proven foods are backed-up by scientific research.
Get this Survival Book now so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
“239+ Texas Ranger, Pioneer, Old West Survival Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 337-pages and 72,937-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“239+ Texas Ranger, Pioneer, Old West,… Survival Tricks And More” gives you real life survival actions used by them bad ass to very stubborn folks that lived in the 1800s that just wouldn’t say no and never thought about giving-up when it came to the unforgiving challenges of the new country of the United States.
Pioneers to cowboys to cavalry soldiers to them bad ass Texas Rangers – you’ll learn their unique survival applications, techniques and tricks to overcome the wraths of Mother Nature, attacking Indians, ornery critters, starvation, sickness,…
And their victories and losses are your all-around survival ammunition so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere. Here’s a small list of the “239+ Texas Ranger, Pioneer, Old West,… Survival Tricks And More”:
- 09+ Buffalo Bill Survival Tricks!
- Water Finding
- Critters Find Water
- Invisible Quick Sand
- Countering Hypothermia
- 10 Chisolm Trail Survival Tricks!
- Chisholm Lice Remedy
- Chisholm Ropes
- Chisholm Carbuncle Remedy
- Chisholm Weather Forecasting
- Chisholm Quicksand
- 17+ Comanche Indian And Texas Ranger Survival Tricks
- Go Static Before Dark
- Texas Ranger Snakebite Remedy
- Enslaved Texas Ranger (03-years)
- 13+ More Texas Ranger Survival Tricks!
- Mind-Over-Matter
- Boogie Man Effect
- Shake, Check And Look
- Hand-Pick Your Outdoor Buddies
- Here Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty
- Shining
- Marksmanship
- Cowboy Survival Tricks!
- 15+ Mormon Survival Tricks!
- Salt Collecting
- Ground On Fire
- Shelter Foundation
- Horse Snake Bite Remedy
- Human Snake Bite Remedy
- Black Canker Remedy
- Distance Estimation
- Buffalo Chips Stoves
- Mormon Food Saver
- 43+ Old West Cooking And Older Survival Tricks – Part I
- 07 Foods Of Healthy Pioneers
- Son Of A Gun Stew
- Son Of A Bitch Stew
- Finding Water
- Sting And Insect Bite Remedies
- Bruises And Aching Joints Remedy
- Poisonous Spider Bite Remedy
- Snakebite Remedy
- Dental Hygiene
- Castor Oil Remedy
- Sod Shelter
- Dugout Sod Shelter
- Home-Made Cement
- Buffalo Weather Forecaster
- Smelling For Water
- 29+ Old West Survival Tricks – Part II
- Stampede Survival
- Stunning Horses
- Snake Fence
- Desert Emergency Water
- Desert Ant Jerky
- Buffalo Fat Jerky
- Mountain Men’s Favorite Campfire Fuel
- Prairie Blizzard
- Worthless Folk Remedies That Worked Anyway
- Emergency Salt Source
- Severe Wound Remedies
- Burro Weather Forecasting
- Old West Survival Tricks – Part III
- Tobacco Antiseptic
- Water Finding
- Cold Weather Gear
- Fighting Hypothermia
- Old West Air Conditioning
- Cure-All
- 29+ Unknown Old West Facts
- 09+ Oregon Trail Survival Tricks
- Oregon Trail Waterproofing
- Oregon Trail Folk Medicine
- Oregon Trail Water Filtering
- 13+ Pioneer Survival Tricks
- Pioneer Black Salt
- Pioneer Clothes Washer
- Pioneer Food Storage
- Pioneer Sun Guard
- Pioneer Air Conditioning
- Pioneer Snakebite Remedy
- Pioneer Deer Hunting
- Deer Bait
- Pioneer “Bark The Squirrel” Hunting
- 13+ More Old West Survival Tricks
- Blind Cure
- Wilderness 6th Sense
- Mexican Cactus Healer
- Indian Gator-Aid
- Winter Storm Sky Weather Forecasting
- Healing Pitch
- Smelling Weather Forecasting
- Buried Alive
- The Donner Party!
- Donner Party Fire-Starting
- Donner Party 2nd Weather Forecasting Technique
- Donner Party Frostbite Remedy
- More Old West Cowboy Survival Tricks
- Herd Control
- Triangle Sleep Pattern
- Glowing Weather Forecaster
- Animal Weather Forecaster
- The Famous Underground Railroad
- 03) UR Baby Silencer
- 04) UR Outdoor Hide Sites
- 06) UR Above Ground Hide Site
- 07) UR Indoor Hide Sites
- 09) UR Swamp Evasion
- 13) UR Anti-Tracking
- 15) UR Navigation
You’re learning REAL SURVIVAL from the REAL SURVIVORS more than 120 to 220-years ago. Their unique survival tricks worked for them and these Old West survival tricks could work for you when you get in Life or Death survival situation.
“239+ Wilderness & Urban Survival Tragedies, Close-Calls And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 575-pages and 127,385-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Most people who venture into the wilderness are just simply trying to have a good time and enjoy the magnificent beauty of Mother Nature and all She possesses.
We are all fragile creatures and we are all creatures of comfort. We are absolutely no match for the many wraths of Mother Nature and all She possesses.
Most people (99%) who venture into the wilderness are not fully trained in wilderness survival. And most are not trained to properly plan their outdoor adventure so to AVOID survival threats in the first place.
However, what if I give you “239+ Wilderness & Urban Survival Tragedies, Close-Calls And More!” so you can learn the tragedies and close-calls from HUNDREDS of hikers, campers, fisherman, hunters, skiers, snowboarders, scuba divers, bad ass mountain men, US Army Green Berets, concentration camp prisoners, plane crash survivors, American soldiers in training, American soldiers in combat, American marine, American sailors, WWII Japanese soldiers, evading fugitive, escaped prisoners, castaway, hermits, Old West survivors, Donner Party, boy scouts, American fighter pilots, abductees, climbers, tourists, pets, children, Native American Indians, WWII German evader, survival experts, Expeditions,…
You’ll learn from their last mistakes, their tragedies, their close-calls. After you read “239+ Wilderness & Urban Survival Tragedies, Close-Calls And More!” you’ll have YOUR GUARD UP for the rest of your life and you’ll at least half-way PREPARE YOURSELF before your next outdoor adventure and urban adventure so you don’t end another dead statistic, end up with life-long physical injuries & mental problems, or end up never being seen again like most of the victims in “239+ Wilderness & Urban Survival Tragedies, Close-Calls And More!”
“249+ International Emergency Survival Actions, Concoctions, Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 469-pages and 85,523-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
• Wilderness Survival
• Health Survival
• Crime Survival
• Money Survival
• Other Survival
- Native American Indians
- Bad Ass Texas Rangers
- Auschwitz Prisoners
- Bad Ass Mountain Men
- Prisoners Of War
- International Survival Experts
- Explorers
- Castaway
- US Cavalry soldiers
- Expeditions
- Evaders
- Guinness World Record
- Emergency Weather Forecasting
- International Research & Development
- Alternative health therapies that work
- Mind-Over-Matter applications
- Author’s private interviews
- Author’s own survival Research & Development (R & D)
- and much more,…
- pyramid MLM crap
- push a button internet crap
- mail-order post card crap
Cutler, IL 62238-0048
“259+ International Smart Critter Survival Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 256-pages and 54,289-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
- Ambushing Harris Hawks (work together hunting prey)
- Northern Shrike Bird (secures its prey on thorns or fence to eat later)
- Hauling Dogs
- White-Tailed Ptarmigan (camouflaged & freezes in-place to avoid detection)
- Ambushing Heron (hides to capture fish)
- Callipope Hummingbird (survives cold temperatures by going torpid)
- Badger Shelter System (multiple chambers organized and clean)
- Ermine Shelter Trick (uses prey’s fur to line its undersnow shelter for warmth)
- Pet Earthquake Forecaster (hours & days prior, multiple dogs & cats evade earthquake strike area)
- Devil Dog Licking Cure,… (heals wounds by licking)
- and much more,…
“269+ International Fishing Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 411-pages and 64,117-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
- 3rd Hypnotizing Frog Trick
- 4th Super Bait
- Abalone Vittles
- Amish Fish Bait
- Anamirta Cocculus Fish Stunner
- Athna Dip Net Fishing
- Attacking Fish
- Aztec Duck Hunting
- Aztec Duck Sticks
- Aztec Fishing
- Babasco Vine Fish Stunner
- Barringtonia Fish Stunner
- Black Walnut Fish Stunner
- Bombard Survival Tricks
- Buckeye Fish Stunner
- Cahoques Fishing Trick
- Catching Fish Rhyme
- Catfish
- Cherokee Fish Stunner
- Chickasaw Fish Stunners
- 1st Choctaw Stunning Fish
- 2nd Choctaw Stunning Fish
- 3rd Choctaw Stunning Fish
- 4th Choctaw Stunning Fish
- Choinumne Peeping For Fish
- Clorox Fish Stunner
- Concussion Fishing
- Croton Tiglium Fish Stunner
- Davy Crockett Fishing Rod
- Deadfall Fishing
- Derris Eliptica Fish Stunner
- Drowning – They’re NOT DEAD Yet
- Duboisia Fish Stunner
- Sneaking Up On Ducks
- Fake Fish Bait
- Fish Formula
- Fishing Bonfire
- Fishing Hints
- Fishing Hook & Stunner
- Fishing Lures
- Gill Nets
- Gulag Fishing Tricks
- Hemp Dogbane Fish Stunner
- Herter Fishing Trick
- Hogging For Catfish
- Italian Fishing Trick
- Jacking
- Lime Fish Stunner
- Lobster Trap & Snare
- Long-Term Fish Storage
- Lyon’s Catfish Healer
- Lyon’s Catfish Killer
- Lyon’s Fish Preserver
- Maliseet Night Fishing
- Naskapi Fish Hook
- Nowlin’s Fish Stunner
- Panamanian Fishing Trick\Secret (discovered in Panama but works everywhere)
- Pelican Fish Stunner
- Plant Fish Stunners
- Soapberry Fish Stunner
- Tephrosia Fish Stunner
- Tickling Fish
- Time To Go Fishing
- Trot Line
- Turkey Mullein Fish Stunner
- Underwater Brush Shelter
- Underwater Rock Shelter
- Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (VPJ)
- Wampanoag Fishing Tricks
- Worming
- Worm Stick
- Yawalapiti Stunning Fish
- Metal Gill Net
- Bigfoot Fishing Trick
- 1st Tasty Catfish Bait
- 2nd Tasty Catfish Bait
“339+ International Emergency Foods, Emergency Water, Lost Home-Made Recipes And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 473-pages and 94,334-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
- 300,000 Plants On Earth – Edibility Test
- 07 Foods Of Healthy Pioneers
- Acorns
- Algae Uses
- All Purpose Lichens
- Alternative Drinking Sources
- Amish Emergency Food
- Animal Frying Pan
- Antelope Water-Finding Trick
- Anti-Nuke Food
- Apache Food
- Apache Starvation Diet
- Auschwitz Bone Food (WWII Geman Concentration Camp)
- Aztec Fat Food
- Aztec Salt Procurement
- Baker’s Rehydration Concoction
- Bald Eagle Vittles
- Barrel Cactus Emergency Water
- Birdnest Soup
- Bloody Thirst Remedy
- Gulag Blood Food
- Irish Blood Food
- POW Chicken Blood
- Roasted Blood
- Bombard’s Fish Jerky (Castaway)
- Bombard’s Fresh Water Fish Discovery
- Bombard’s Salt Water Discovery
- Bombard’s Sea Food Discovery
- Bread Of The Desert
- Bread Pudding
- Buffalo Bill Antelope A Comin’
- Buffalo Bill – Critters Find Water
- Buffalo Bill Water Finding
- Buffalo Fat Jerky
- Buhuka Water
- Caiman Fish Stunner
- Candy Remedy
- Catching Ants
- Cattail
- Chicharrones
- Chile Fog Net (capturing water)
- Chippewyan Emergency Food
- Chippewyan Moss Vittles
- Chippewyan Sweet Acorns
- Civil War Acorn Food
- Civil War Bone Butter
- Civil War Rat Vittles
- Concussion Fishing
- Desert Ant Jerky
- Desert Emergency Water
- Desert Pine Nuts
- Dew Ponds
- D & M Water Procurement
- D & M Shoot Fishing
- D & M Concussion Fishing
- Dowsing For Water
- Easy Seal Vittles
- Emergency Salt Source
- Eskimo Drinking Water
- Eskimo Food Cache
- Fertig Emergency Foods (American WWII Evader & Guerilla Fighter)
- Fertig Jerky
- Flutter Kicks Deer Attractor
- Goose Final Approach:
- Grass
- Grass Seeds
- Grasshoppers
- Gulag Bone Food
- Gulag Emergency Food
- Gulag Lard Food
- Healthy Starvation Food
- Henry Bone Soup
- Herter Mud Soup (Survival author)
- Herter Pemmican
- Herter Pond Scum Soup
- Hogging
- Home Emergency Foods
- Home-Made Marrow Soup
- Honey’s Incredible Survival Uses
- Horse Water-Finding Trick
- Hypnotizing A Chicken
- Indian Antelope Lure
- Indian Gator-Aid
- Invisible To Bees To Get Super Nutritious Honey
- Jacking
- Joachim Rabbit Fat Uses (German WWII evader)
- Kalahari Appetite And Thirst Suppressant
- Kalahari Secret Water Caches
- Kalahari Truffles
- Kephart’s 9th Emergency Food
- Kephart’s Emergency Drink
- Kephart’s Emergency Thirsts Suppressants
- Laydon’s Bacon Fat R & D
- Laydon’s Tasty Long-Lasting Beef Jerky Recipe
- Lichen Food
- Long-Lasting Pemmican
- Lyon’s Emergency Food (old subscriber)
- Lyon’s Oceanside Food
- Meek’s Survival Food (Mountain Man)
- Missouri Dumplings Recipe
- Moccasin Food
- Mormon Survival Tricks
- Mule Water-Finding
- Navajo Mushrooms
- Nessmuk Squirrel Dinner
- Onada Jungle Food (30-year WWII evader)
- Paiute Emergency Food
- Peanut Butter Emergency Survival Food
- Pine Tree Food
- Pinon Nut Life-Saver
- Pioneer Food Storage
- Porcupine Delicacy
- Potato Crops
- Potato Peels
- Power Bar Recipe
- POW Cattail Roots (Prisoner Of War)
- POW Fat Food
- POW Fungus Nutrition
- POW Grass Drink
- POW Salt Making
- POW Salt Procurement
- Pronghorn Emergency Winter Food
- Reid Porcupine Vittles
- Sage Brush – Last Chance Food
- Sage’s Ant Food (Mountain Man – Rufus B. Sage)
- Salt Life-Saver
- Seaweed
- Secret Caches That Could Save Your Life
- Secret Caches In Your Favorite Outdoor Area!
- Shackleton Emergency Food
- Sneaking Up On Ducks
- Son Of A Bitch Stew
- Son-Of-A-Gun-Stew
- Sopchoppy Worm Grunting
- Sprouts
- Squirrel Vittles
- Tasty Dirt Vittles – Yummmy
- Them Bones
- Utah Mormon Water Purifier
- Ute Survival Food
- Wahkoonun Food
- Water From Dry Dirt
- More Water From Dry Dirt
- Water Finding
- Worm Sticks
- Tootsie Roll GI Life-Saver
- Bigfoot Fishing Trick
- Military MREs Shelf Life (Packaged)
- Paper That Won’t Burn – American Cup
- Paper That Won’t Burn – Chinese Cup
“375+ International Prisoner Survival Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 409-pages and 108,065-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
- Remarkable Escape Record (British Sergeant named Collins escaped 10 times from various German POW camps)
- Hiding Like A Rabbit
- Fat Lamps
- Compass Making
- Raisin Wine Morale Builder
- Black Gold
- Stalag Luft III Escape
- Green Beret Body Switch
- World War I Escape
- Civil War Escape
- Fat Food
- Volley Ball Comms
- Broom Handle Anesthetics
- Jewish Holocaust Survival Tricks
- Potato Peels
- Hidden Bunkers
- Underground Hides
- US Military Tap Code
- 01-Hand Visual Code
- Wild Boar Tunnels
- Moon Navigation
- Skin Ulcer First-Aid
- Bamboo Stove
- Cattail Vittles
- Licking Cure
- Easy Fish Catching
- Marksmanship Practice
- Moonlight Patrolling
- Guerilla Reverse Ambush
- Locust Vittles
- Rice Wine
- Cobra Bite Remedy
- Fishing With Feet
- Crazy American GIs
- Quan Stove
- Dead Men Have No Property
- Rat Vittles
- Coal Balls
- Chinese Gun Powder
- Cedar Bark Cigarettes
- Salt Water Cure
- Drunk Birds
- Toilet Contraband
- Home-Made Radio
- Mao Tse-Tung Tactics
- The Death Of A Thousand Cuts
- Fetal Beating Position
- Guerilla Medicine
- Lice Deterrent
- Diarrhea Remedy
- National Geographic Lifesaver
- German POW Tricks
- Veterans Versus Recruits
- Explosions At Point Blank Range
- American POWs In Russia
- The Tank
- Roll With The Punches
- Boil Cure
- Cigarettes Talk
- Snow Bath
- Warmer Than Socks
- Bacteria Fighter
- WWII & Korean War Tactics And Facts
- MIAs And POWs Disappear Forever
- Colditz Facts (German POW complex)
- Super Secret Escapes
- Escape Kits
- Ghost Headcount
- Ace Lock-Pickers
- Mass Escape
- Wake Island POW Survival Tricks
- Food Caches
- Easy Water Finding
- Healing Sickly POWs
- Walking Food Cache
- Bullet Wound Bandage
- Anti-Tracking Evasion
- Man Trap
- Hidden Hide Site
- Frozen In Place
- Zero Ward
- World War II Statistics
- Secret Game Making
- Secret Backgammon Game Making
- Remote Game Playing
- Secret Card Making
- Secret Bible Making
- Quad-Lingual
- Mind-Over-Matter
- Developing Total Recall
- Don’t Play With Your Food
- POW Inventions
- Talking To The Animals
- Beriberi Remedy
- Fly Baseball
- Healing Sunbath
- Forecasting Winter
- Maggot Food
- Beriberi Cure
- Urine Cure
- Alcohol Cure
- Straw Clothes
- Marijuana Life-Saver
- Shammed Into Surviving
- Prayer
- Never Say Die Survival
- Crazy GIs
- American POWs Sent To Russia
- Civil War Lice Killer
- Civil War Pet Vittles
- Civil War Ghostie Escape
- Civil War Cold Escape
- Civil War Blocking Misery
- Civil War Art Of Suffering
- Civil War Scorbutics Cure
- Civil War Ventriloquist Escape
- Civil War Vinegar Cures
- Civil War Gangrene Remedy
- Civil War Dirt Bed
- Civil War Misery Buster
- Treblinka Stoves
- Treblinka Lice Fighter
- Treblinka Clothes Hide
- Treblinka Fur Healer
- Auschwitz Disinfectant
- Auschwitz Coffee Disinfectant
- Auschwitz Fire-Starting
- Auschwitz Clandestine Communication
- Gulag Bone Food
- Gulag Lard Food
- Gulag Emergency Food
- Gulag Dead Supply
- Gulag Footgear
- Gulag Scurvy Remedy
- Gulag Chicken Blindness Remedy
- Gulag Fishing Tricks
- Gulag Tuberculosis Remedy
- Gulag Blood Food
- Gulag Blizzard Forecaster
- Gulag Insulator
- Gulag Death Signs
- Escape By Burial
- Cough Remedy
- POW White Ant Sabotage
- POW Fungus Nutrition
- POW Healing Duck Eggs
- POW Emergency Surgical Tools
- POW Russian Food
- POW Blinding Snow Escape
- POW MI-9 Escape Kit
- POW Killer Heart Attack Concoction
- Laydon’s POW Killer Heart Attack Concoction R & D
- Rat Piss Killer
- POW Killer Heart Punch
- POW Creosote First-Aid
- POW Telepathy
- POW Grass Drink
- POW Salt Procurement
- POW Salt Making
- POW Mind-Over-Matter
- Prisoner Killer Plastic Bag
- Prisoner Handcuff Keys
- Prisoner Message Fishing
- Prisoner Mind-Over-Matter
- Prisoner Armor
- Prisoner Postage Stamp Drugs
- Prisoner Shank Sharpening
- Prisoner Can Opener Escape
- Prisoner Home-Made Explosives
- Prisoner Shakedown Boobytrap
- Prisoner Intoxicating Breakfast
- Prisoner 3rd Home-Made Steel Cutter
- Prisoner Bar Spreader
- Prisoner Plastic Wrap Shank
- Prisoner Rope
- Prisoner Bodyguard
- Prisoner Secret Telephone
- Prisoner Cooking Pot
- Prisoner Pitossi Rope
- Prisoner Pitossi Invisibility
- Prisoner Code Writing
- Prisoner Invisible Ink
- Prisoner Code Writing
- Prisoner Escape Artist & Manipulator
- Prisoner Pink (Mind-Over-Matter)
- Lena Constante Survival Tricks
- Prisoner Cigarette Uses
- Prisoner Tap Code
- Prisoner Clandestine Post Office
- Prisoner Measuring Time
- Prisoner Exercises
- The Nazis’ Master Interrogator
- German Interrogation Tricks
- Natascha Kampusch’s Survival
- American POWs Still Alive From The Korean War?
- Cho Chang Ho Escape
- Chang Mu Hwan’s Escape
- Korean War American POWs Still Alive
- American POWs Still Alive From The Vietnam War?
- Late Prisoner Survival Entries!
- POW Monopoly Game Life-Saver
- Evasion Of Mary Ingles
- Shifrin’s False Headcount Escape
- Suitcasing
- Captain Scott O’Grady’s Evasion
- how to survive
- how to tolerate their miserable living conditions
- how to survive their abuse
- how to hide and travel
- how to construct enemy uniforms
- how to construct evasion devices
- how to make counterfeit credentials
- How to make counterfeit currency
- how to secretly communicate with other prisoners
- how to secretly plan and execute escapes
- how to construct underground tunnels
- how to learn a 2nd, 3rd and 4th language
- how to snuggle contraband in and out of prison
- improve your health
- improve your financial situation
- improve your living conditions
- improve where you live
- improve your employment
- divorce the bad people in your life
- and much more
“599+ International Military Survival Tricks And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 556-pages and 151,423-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“599+ International Military Survival Tricks And More!” – Real Survival From Gladiators To Modern Day Warriors
- He Should Have Died At Least 81 Times: On 21 December 1943, a B-24D Liberator Bomber of 02 test pilots and crew took off from Ladd Field, Alaska. Flying at 23,000-feet, approximately 65-milers southwest of Ladd Field, Alaska, the bomber went out of control in a downward spin that pinned both pilots to their seats. The 05-man crew attempted to bail out. Only the co-pilot, 1st Lieutenant Leon Crane, successfully bailed out and landed in the Alaskan wilderness. In his frenzy to get other crew members to bail out, he forgot to donn his cold weather mittens. When the bomb bay doors opened and he bailed out, the temperature was estimated at a KILLER 70-DEGREES BELOW ZERO FAHRENHEIT!!! This was the very beginning of 1st Lieutenant Leon Crane’s 81-day lone survival in the Alaskan wilderness. In my (author) humble opinion, he should have died at least 81-times. But his unique cold weather survival skills saved his life at least 81-times. If you ever venture in cold weather environments, you have read “He Should Have Died At Least 81 Times!”
- Texas Ranger Enslaved For 03 Years By Comanche Indians: On 03 April 1855 (Tuesday) at exactly 12 midnight, Texas Ranger Nelson Lee and others were overran by Comanche Indians. Most were killed immediately except for Lee and 03 other comrades. Texas Ranger Nelson Lee was enslaved for 03-years. After his 2nd escape attempt, Lee evaded to safety and lived to tell of his 03-years enslaved by the Comanche Indians. You’ll learn survival skills he learned from the Comanche Indians as well as Texas Ranger survival tricks.
- The Filthy Thirteen: WWII U.S. Army paratrooper, James ‘Jake’ ‘McNasty’ McNiece and other bad ass fellow paratroopers were up against insurmountable odds. McNeice himself survived 04 combat jumps. Prior to D-Day (06 June 1944), McNeice wanted some good food for himself and 50+ fellow paratroopers in his unit. You’ll learn how he illegally hunted plenty of deer, rabbits and fish on multiple occasions. McNeice and fellow paratroopers fought German paratroopers and whooped em’ all. On another combat action McNeice and 39 other paratroopers were severely outnumbered and outgunned by a battalion of German soldiers (approximately 1,000). Guess who won this combat action? After you read this segment, you’ll want to see your local military recruiters to sign up no matter your age.
- 31-Month Evasion Of U.S. Navy Radioman George R. Tweed: At approximately 0300 hours (3am) on 08 December 1941 (Monday), the island of Guam was attacked by forces from the Empire of Japan. This began the 31-month evasion of U.S. Navy Radioman George R. Tweed. The Japs had a high Yen bounty on Tweed. Other evading American were caught and executed but they couldn’t find Tweed. Tweed with the help of local civilians was constantly evading and hiding. He had 19 hide sites throughout the island of Guam. Some of his helpers were captured and tortured and some were executed. With all of Tweed’s evasions, hide sites are unique survival tricks by Tweed himself and local civilians. One fantastic survival trick by a local civilian is called ‘Cloaking Yourself At Night.’
And there are several more stubborn bad asses who went down in military history to have survived where most others would perish real quick. You’ll get “599+ International Military Survival Tricks And More!” – Real Survival From Gladiators To Modern Day Warriors, so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
“999+ US Army Survival Evasion Resistance & Escape Survival Facts & Tricks!”
STATS: 178-pages and ??,???-word count (hand-written notes)
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Note: This Survival Book can only be acquired directly from the author.
“999+ US Army Survival Evasion Resistance & Escape Survival Facts & Tricks” are my actual notes (UNCLASSIFIED portion of SERE School) from the 01-month US Army SERE Instructor Course (SERE Level B). I took detailed notes throughout the classroom portion of SERE School. And to help me study for the several ‘must pass’ written exams, I made-up my own Q & As (Questions & Answers).
The entire “999+ US Army Survival Evasion Resistance & Escape Survival Facts & Tricks” are still in my own handwritten notes and can only be obtained from the author.
Included in the “999+ US Army Survival Evasion Resistance & Escape Survival Facts & Tricks” are my:
• SERE Notes
• SERE Q & As
• SERE Diary while isolated
• SERE sketch map of isolation site
• SERE Grading Booklet
This is rare and one-of-a-kind Survival Book and you can learn from my SERE notes so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
NOTE: Not sold on Amazon. Can Only Be Obtained From The Author (wwwsurvivalexpert@yahoo.com).
“839+ International Wilderness Survival Tricks Used By Indians, Bushmen, Nomads,… And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 590-pages and 159,903-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“839+ International Survival Tricks From Indians, Bushmen, Nomads,… And More” is a Survival Book of real international wilderness survival. Greatly enhance the safety of all your outdoor adventures with 839+ REAL international survival tricks. 839+ survival applications, techniques and tricks used by Mahagi bushmen, Hadzabe bushmen, Kalahari Desert bushmen, Congo pygmy bushmen, Zulu, Anasazi, Apache, Comanche, Arapaho, Arawak, Aztec, Catawba, Cherokee, Chippewa, Choinumne, Eskimos, Cree, Carrier, Salish, Guayaki, Yahi, Nanticoke, Naskapi, Navajo, Ojibwa, Paiute, Pomo, Prehistoric, Pueblo, Acoma, Zuni, Hopi, Shaman, Tohono O’Odham, Pima, Wampanoag, Athapascan, Seminole. Mohawk, Chipewyan, Penobscot, Yokuts, Tahltan, Ahtna, Shoshone, Mistassini Cree, Osage, Chickasaw, Creek, Cheyenne, Inuit, Anaktuvuk, Digger, Yupka, Sioux, Assiniboine, Blackfoot, Kaibab, Aucas, Maliseet, San Blas,…
And you’ll also read the true detailed events of the survival, escape and evasion of a Texas Ranger enslaved by Comanche Indians for 03-years. You’ll also read the exact details of a long lost “Texas Ranger Snakebite Remedy.”
- Jungle Eyes (learned art to detect hiding enemy)
- Hadzabe Moonshine
- Hadzabe Emergency Fuel
- Hadzabe Wound Cleaner
- Hadzabe Bush Tunnel
- Hadzabe Triangle (sleeping)
- Hadzabe Anti-Tracking
- Kalahari Listening Ears
- Kalahari Secret Water Caches
- Kalahari Water From Dry Dirt
- Kalahari Advancing Crouch
- Kalahari Glue Snares
- Kalahari Underground Fishing
- Kalahari Beetle Juice Beetle Juice Beetle Juice
- Kalahari No Antidote Poison
- Kalahari More Air Conditioning In The Desert
- Kalahari Snakebite Remedy
- Kalahari Stampede Survival
- Pygmy Killer Arrowheads
- Pygmy Poison Arrow Remedy
- Pygmy Concussion Fishing
- Hallet Crocodile Escape Technique
- Pygmy Water From Lianas
- Zulu Long-Term Grain Storage
- Zulu Impondo Zankomo Formation
- Zulu Caterpillar River-Crossing Technique
- Hypnotizing Pythons
- Tagilmus Cool Clothing
- Lazy Desert Pace
- Dowsing For Water
- Tuareg Navigation
- Crescent Moon Navigation Method
- Salt Life-Saver
- Desert Water Holes
- Masai Blood Food
- Wadi Hides
- Traversing Sand Dunes
- Anasazi Weaving Traps And Snares
- Apache Starvation Diet
- Apache Camouflage
- US Army Special Forces Camouflage – Holy Sh!+
- Apache Blood Stew
- Apache Sharpening Flint Blades
- Apache Dog Travois
- Apache Footsore Remedy
- Antelope Bait
- Spider Web Weather Forecasting
- Poisoned Arrowheads
- Hypothermia First-Aid
- Moccasin Food
- Arapaho Waterproofing Hide
- Arapaho Paralyzing Arrows
- Arapaho Mind-Over-Matter
- Arapaho Campfire Fuel
- Arapaho Luring Big Game
- Arawak Trained Fish
- Arawak Snail Hooks
- Aztec Healers
- Aztec Toothpaste
- Aztec All-Purpose Plant
- Aztec Fat Food
- Aztec Long Range Weapons
- Aztec Blowgun
- Aztec Deer Stalking
- Aztec Duck Hunting
- Aztec Fishing
- Aztec Pitfall Trap
- Aztec Salt Procurement
- Catawba Blowgun
- Catawba Insect Repellent And Body Warmer
- Catawba Healers
- Cherokee Blowgun
- Cherokee Stunning More Fish
- Chippewa Moss Vittles
- Chippewa Bark Medicine
- Chippewa Protector Against Lightning
- Chippewa Life-Saving Tinder
- Chippewa Snake Bite Remedy
- Chippewa Raccoon Hunting
- Choinumne Shelters
- Choinumne Deer Encirclement
- Choinumne Descenting
- Choinumne Debilitating Rabbit Sticks
- Choinumne Deer Imitation
- Choinume Fishing
- Go Static Before Dark
- Texas Ranger Snakebite Remedy
- Comanche Favorite Food
- Nelson’s Escape And Evasion (03-year enslaved Texas Ranger)
- Eskimo Waterproof Parka
- Eskimo Drinking Water
- Eskimo Food Cache
- Eskimo Duck Bolas
- Eskimo Pitfall Trap
- Eskimo Caribou Weir
- Eskimo Polar Bear Baits
- Eskimo Ice Thickness
- Fish Follow The Light
- Worm Stick
- Sunburn and Insect Protection
- Eskimo Feather Alert
- Eskimo Seal Imitation
- Eskimo Hookless Lure
- Eskimo Bad To The Bone – Slow Killer
- Eskimo Wolf Lick Killer
- Eskimo Snow Pit Ambush
- Eskimo Bird In The Hand Trap
- Guayaki Fat Cure
- Guayaki Saliva Cure
- Guayaki Camoflage Paste
- Ishi Bow And Arrow Construction
- Ishi Descenting Oneself
- Ishi Rabbit Call
- Ishi Deer Call
- Ishi Deer Imitation
- Ishi Lichen Food
- Ishi Snakebite Remedy
- Ishi Undervegetation Shelter
- Nanticoke Deer Hunting With Fire
- Nanticoke Deer Hunting With Water
- Nanticoke Deer Hunting With A Costume
- Nanticoke Weather Forecasting Tricks!
- Nanticoke Powerful Bows And Arrows
- Naskapi Bear Grease
- Naskapi Fish Hook
- Naskapi Urine Healer
- Navajo Rattlesnake Weather Forecasting
- Ojibwa Deer Hunting
- Ojibwa Bird Pole
- Paiute Lizard Ambush
- Paiute – The Deer Is Over Here
- Paiute Duck Vittles
- Paiute Emergency Food
- Paiute Duck Decoys
- Pomo Insect Eaters
- Pomo Fish Jerky
- Potlatch Rain Gear
- Bullet-Proof Hide
- Cooking With Bamboo
- Animal Frying Pan
- Dew Ponds
- Zuni Adobe Bricks
- Zuni Crow Snare
- Hopi Water
- Pueblo Bark Torch
- Plants Of The Shamans
- Shaman Psilocybe Mushrooms
- Shaman Peyote Cactus
- Shaman Morning Glory
- Shaman San Pedro Cactus
- Shaman Banisteriopsis
- Shaman Angel’s Trumpet
- Indian Gator-Aid
- Inviting Flash Floods
- Wampanoag Land Weir
- Wampanoag Fishing Tricks
- Wampanoag Giant Water Weir
- Wampanoag Deer Snare
- Long Range Boomerang
- Aztec Survival Foods
- Acorns The Unused Food
- Salt Lick Ambush
- Panamanian White Frond Stems
- Panamanian Monster
- Shake, Check And Look
- Swede Compass
- Quicksand Survival
- Chipewyan Emergency Food
- Hooking Waterfowl Snares
- Herter Mud Soup
- Herter Pond Scum Soup
- Montagnais Insect Repellent
- Vicks VapoRub Insect Repellent
- California Laurel Insect Repellent
- Penobscot Brown Bear Killing Trick
- Seminole Hypnotizing Alligator Trick
- Tickling Fish
- Praying For Fish
- Tangling Bird Catcher
- How To Build And Use The Bola
- Buckeye Fish Stunner
- Hemp Dogbane Fish Stunner
- Turkey Mullein Fish Stunner
- Soapberry Fish Stunner
- Caribou Hunting
- Art Of Suffering
- Beaver Bait
- Indian Appetite Suppressant
- Long-Lasting Pemmican
- Laydon’s Bacon Fat R & D
- 2nd Cree Indian Geese Decoy
- Super Duck Decoys
- Dip Net Fishing
- Hopi Snake Catching
- Washakie Frostbite Remedy
- Mistassini Dowsing for Small & Big Game
- Healing Ant Bandage
- Indian Snakebite Remedies
- Edible Cactus Plant Identification
- Prickly Pear Rheumatism & Headache Remedy
- Becoming Invisible
- Pied Piper Calls
- Better Night Hearing
- Jerky – Ba Pa
- Deadly Deadfalls
- Moccasin Soup
- Chickasaw Stunners
- 2nd Duck Feeding Call
- Moose Calling
- 2nd Antelope Lure
- Duck Vittles
- Cricket Temperature Formulas
- Dolbear’s Law
- Pinyon Nuts
- Saguaro Cactus
- Immune To Cold
- Catching Ants
- How To Build And Use The David’s Sling
- Pine Tree Food
- Poison-Tipped Arrows
- Mountain Man Cooking
- Wilderness Cooking
- Plant Navigation
- Rabbit Stopper
- Rabbit Dead Fall
- Deer Call
- Blizzard Protector
- Dog Body Guards
- Fishing Hook & Stunner
- Great Lakes Ice Fishing
- Cherokee Dowsing
- Hypnotizing Castoreum
- Healing Castoreum
- Castoreum Insulator
- Healing Beaver
- Treblinka Fur Healer
- Beaver Band-Aid
- Beaver Deadfall
- Beaver Dam Traps
- Hunters Harvest Moon
- Vertical Fish Stake-Out
- Lakota Rattlesnake Hunt
- Preserving Meat
- Velvet Deer Antler
- Snow Drift Traps
- Sioux Rawhide Glue
- Deer Decoys
- Long-Term Fish Storage
- Best Fire-Starting Tinder
- Poison Arrows
- Dry Land Fishing Pole
- Night Fishing
- Panamanian Fishing Trick\Secret
- Expert Camouflage
- Powerful Bows And Arrows
- Cahoques Fishing Trick
- Food Load Index
- Trujillo Anti-Malaria Concoction
- Alcohol Insect Repellent
- Lyon’s Snakebite Remedy (discovered in the jungles of Central America)
Get this unique and extremely informative Survival Book right now so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
“900+ Military Terms For Recruits, Cadets, Veterans!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 586-pages and 107,631-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“900+ Military Terms For Recruits, Cadets, Veterans,…” is designed to educate and familiarize military newcomers to military terms, abbreviations and acronyms used throughout planning, preparation and execution of training & combat missions and terminology used while associated with the Army Way of Life.
This Survival Book is orientated towards the US Army’s Combat Arms (Infantry, Rangers, Special Forces,…). However, many of these terms apply to all military services. This Survival Book also offers detailed information about Army Branches, Army & Air Force Aircraft, Armored Vehicles, Military Weapons and Military Equipment.
• 201 File
• A-10 Gunship
• Airborne
• AK-47
• Ambush
• America The Beautiful
• Anti-Tracking
• Apache Gunship
• Arms Room
• Art Of Suffering
• Assault Rifle
• Attrition
• Audie Murphy
• Automatic Pilot
• Banana Peel
• Basic Load
• Battlefield Recovery
• Black Ops
• Blitzkrieg
• Boogie Man Effect
• Bouncing Betty
• Briefback
• Buddy Fuc#$%
• Burial Detail
• Button Hook
• Camp Mackall
• Candy Stripers
• Cardinal Direction
• Cat’s Paw
• Checker
• Chosin Reservoir
• CIA (02)
• Code Of Conduct
• Cold Load
• Cold Shock
• Command and Staff
• Commando Crawl
• Cowboy
• Crack To Thump Method
• Cu Chi Complex
• Cup Of Joe
• Dancing
• Dead Duke Bars
• Dead Reckoning
• Defensive Language Aptitude Test
• Defensive Operations
• Dirty Side
• Door Busters
• Double Tap
• Ears
• Effects Of Weather
• Elbow Flashlight
• Emergency Bailout
• Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EITs)
• Esprit De Corps
• Execution
• Eyes On Target
• Fallujah
• Fastrope
• Field Strip
• Final Protective Fires (FPF)
• Fire At Will
• Firefight
• Fire For Effect
• First Sergeant (1SG)
• Five Jump Commando
• Fix Bayonets
• Flag, U.S.
• Flanking Movement
• Front Sight – Front Sight – Front Sight
• Genocide
• GI Party
• Going Medal Of Honor
• Going NCO
• Grandpa
• Green Beret Headgear
• Grudge Fighter
• GT Score
• Guerrilla
• Guerrilla Warfare
• Gunship
• Hamburger Hill
• Hatchet Teams
• Height & Weight Standards
• Hellfire Missile
• Hemotoxin
• Hit Site
• Hollywood Jump
• Horse
• Hypothermia Water Survival Table
• Hypothermia Therapy
• Ice Support Measurements Table
• I’d Rather Shake The Hand
• Impondo Zankomo Formation
• Inclement Weather
• Indirect Fire
• Insubordination
• Israeli Lace
• Japanese Jump Boots
• John Wayne Bars
• Jungle Eyes
• KATUSA (see ROK)
• Khe Sanh
• Knucklehead
• Laydon Zeroing Technique
• Leadership Dimensions Start Here
• Leaders Recon
• Leg
• Letter of Commendation
• Lift And Shift Fires
• Line 9 Medevac
• Little Birds
• Little Feet
• M-21 System
• Mad Minute
• Marksmanship Fundamentals
• Master Blaster Wings
• May Day
• Medal Of Honor
• Mike Force
• Military
• Military Bearing
• Military Pay (Active Duty)
• Million Dollar Babies
• Mil Spec
• Misfire Drills
• Mission Accomplishment
• Monkey Crawl
• Mott Lake
• Movement to Contact
• Mozambique
• National Anthem
• National Cemeteries
• Naval Gunfire
• Need To Know
• Number Combination
• O’Dark Thirty
• One Stop
• On The Way
• Operations Order (Opord)
• Order of Battle
• Out Going
• Out Numbered & Out Gunned
• Panama Invasion
• Paratrooper
• Pentagon
• Picket Fence Perimeter
• Plunging Fire
• Polar Plot
• Poncho Liner
• Porcupines
• Postage Stamp DZ
• Postage Stamp LZ
• Postage Stamp Pick-Up Zone
• POW Day
• Precious Cargo
• Pre-Register
• Primary Plotter
• Put Out To Pasture
• PX Ranger
• Rabbit Round
• Ranger Cookies
• Ranger Eyes
• Ranger School
• Rappell Master
• Reactive Armor
• Recon By Fire
• Redistribution Of Ammo
• Relaxed Grooming Standards
• Reserve Force
• Retrograde Operation
• Retrograde Operation
• Reverse Cycle Training (RCT)
• Reverse Wagon Wheel
• ROK (see KATUSA)
• Rules of Engagement
• Salt Lick Operations
• Satchel Charge
• Security
• Shallow Water Blackout
• Short Round
• Smoked
• Smudging Sights
• Spec 4 Mafia
• Spooks
• Star Clusters
• Stay Behind
• Steel On Target
• Stinger
• “Survival Of The Fittest”
• Sustained Rate Of Fire
• TA-50
• Take It By Force
• Target Acquisition
• Terrorist Organizations
• Tet Offensive
• The Star Spangled Banner
• Three To Five Span of Control
• Time-In-Grade
• Time In Service
• Time On Target
• Tits-Up
• Toast
• T O & E
• Tootsie Roll GI Life-Saver
• Tracer Round
• Tunnel Rat
• Unit Integrity
• US Armed Forces Classes Of Supply
• US Army Special Forces Firebases (USASFFB)
• Vietnamese Aiming Stake
• Volume of Fire
• Wagon Wheel
• Waterboarding
• West Point Hook-Up
• When The Balloon Goes Up
• World War II
• Zero
• Zero Dark Thirty
• The Many Advantages Of Military Life
• Army Branches, Abbreviations, And Their Series Codes
• Armored Vehicles
• Military Aircraft
• Army Rank and Corresponding Pay Grade
• Military Pay Scales POCs
• Military Manuals You Should Know About!
• Laydon’s Zeroing And Target Engagement Techniques!
• Laydon’s Sniper Tricks To Get You On Target!
• How I (author) Outsmarted The Defense Language Aptitude Test (DLAT)!
• Military Movies And Documentaries You Should View!
• “56 Of The Most Famous Military Battles, Raids, Massacres And Bayonet Charges!”
• “The Most Bravest ‘Kids’ During Time Of War!”
• US Army Rifle Drills!
• Military Points of Contact
“American Elite Fighters – Are US Tax Payers Getting Their Money’s Worth?”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 549-pages and 149,672-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
In “American Elite Fighters – Are US Taxpayers Getting Their Money’s Worth?” – you’ll read the many of the author’s experiences while in the:
- 82nd Airborne (Infantry)
- US Army Special Forces Training Group (as a candidate)
- US Army Special Forces Training Group (as cadre)
- US Army 5th Special Forces Group
- US Army 7th Special Forces Group.
- And you’ll read some fascinating true stories from other Special Forces soldiers like – “US Army Special Forces Patrol While Evading, Discovers A Lost City In Deep Jungle!”
Here are a few of the more than 120+ unique military experiences you’ll read about when you get this unique Survival Book. This Survival Book demonstrates that the US Tax Payer – YOU are getting their definitely getting more than their money’s worth.
OK, let’s start with Everybody Is Praying:
- Everybody Is Praying
- Live Rounds – Fix Bayonets
- If I Live Through This – This Is My Last Jump
- Somebody Get Out The Crayons And Color Me Dead
- The Q Course
- I Know I’m Going To Die, I’m A Dead Man
- 3 Congressional Investigations (training abuse that would send us to prison)
- I Saw God (student going through the Q Course)
- Treating Them As Soldiers (we never babied any Special Forces candidate)
- What You Do In Training You Do In Combat
- Life Saving Special Forces Cadre
- Armless Girl Shaming & Motivating America’s Elite Fighters
- Dead Ranger Students
- Advanced Navigation – Blood, Sweat, Tears and Death
- Door Busters – No Sissy SWAT Stuff Allowed
- Killer Sniper Drills (very dangerous training not authorized by the US Army)
- He Ordered Us: “I Want You To Go Out There And Kill Those Mother Fu#$@*s” (my 1st combat patrol)
- Prisoners Tortured To Death (a horrible & painful way to slowly die)
- The Military School That Doesn’t Exist (we were never there)
- US Army Special Forces Patrol While Evading, Discovers A Lost City In Deep Jungle
- 17 Ranger Students Who Were Whooped Into Submission (all quit at the same time)
- Ranger School – I (author) Did The Nearly Impossible
- Somebody Is Watching Us
- These Navy SEALs Are Gonna Kick Our Ass
- We Had Our Own Bodyguards
- Human Trafficking (we couldn’t help her)
- Soldiers Too Scared To Take Showers, Soldiers Too Scared To Take Baths
- Green Berets Left Behind / Abandoned After The Failed Bay Of Pigs?
- If We Contaminate Him, He’s Compromised – He’s A Dead Man
- I Don’t Want To Go (terminated Special Forces candidate)
- I Still Don’t Want To Go (another terminated Special Forces candidate)
- A Serious OPSEC Violation! Ranger Student Never Seen Again
- Green Beret Trick To Avoid Detection Right Out In The Wide Open
- The Most Professional Soldiers I Ever Met And They Ain’t Navy SEALs
- The Kobayshi Maru Raid – We Were Outnumbered & Outgunned So We Cheated
- Panamanian Monster – It Was Coming Directly For Me In The Black Darkness (NO B.S.)
- A Draft Dodger Would Be Ashamed Of Himself
- Mammy-Water (underwater entities)
- The SERE Instructors Kept Laughing At Us! Why?
- MICA Mission (It Was Like Going Back In Time)
- DLAT, My Trick To Pass With A High Score (Language Aptitude Test)
- Air Force Crew Chiefs Got A Good Chuckle
- Kill Em’ Dead Rules Of Engagement
- Russian KGB Agent Got Me Picked-Out
- Mentally Disappearing Into Thin Air (NO B.S. – taught to US Army SERE Level C candidates)
- Outnumbered & Outgunned, A US Army Special Forces A-Team Executes A ‘Button-Hook’ To Finish Off Their Enemy
- Going ‘Medal Of Honor’ On A Monster?
- Task Force-160 – Near Death Jungle Funnel (I remember thinking again and saying to myself “We’re all dead.”)
- and much more,…
After you read this autobiography, you’ll say “yep, I’m getting tax money’s worth and then some.”
Right this very second as you read these very words, US Army Special Forces A-Teams (12-man to 02 or even 01 lone soldier) are currently deployed all over the world. They are deployed in several dozen countries 24/7. It is noted that in the year 2015 alone, US Army Special Forces soldiers were deployed in 135 different countries. Your tax dollars paid for their training and they’re trying to make you proud of the hazardous and challenging work they’re doing. The discreet unique work you’ll never hear about.
“Anytime Anywhere Survival Program!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 552-pages and 114,521-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
The Anytime Anywhere Survival Program is where I started putting my own Survival Course together back in 1991. This Survival Book covers:
- 23 Sections
- 557-pages
- 200 sketches
and covers basic to advanced wilderness survival. Whether you’re a novice or a veteran in the wilderness with respect to hunting, camping, hiking, skiing, fishing,… – you need wilderness survival skills in case you get in trouble.
Survival skills to first AVOID life or death threats in the first place and survival skills that will remedy those killer survival threats so you and your loved ones come home safely. You have to depend on yourself cause when you get in trouble, don’t expect outside help cause it’s not coming.
The Anytime Anywhere Survival Program will have you depending on yourself. Once you read this Survival Book just the first time, You’ll Be More Ready Anytime Anywhere than most folks walking this Earth!
The Anytime Anywhere Survival Program includes 23 Sections and here’s a partial list of the Sections:
• Field-Expedient Shelters
• Field-Expedient Weapons
• Field-Expedient Water Procurement
• Field-Expedient Direction
• True Survival Kits
• Traps and Snares
• Field-Expedient Fire Building
• Game Preparation
• Field-Expedient Weather Forecasting
• and 14 more Sections
“Basic, Advanced & Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package!”
STATS: 590-pages and 152,945-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
This Survival Book is 27-years of experiences, “intensive research”, discoveries, and especially INVENTIONS when it comes to EMERGENCY FIRE-STARTING. NO ‘Rubbing 02 Sticks’ Together here.
This “Basic, Advanced, And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package” Survival Book includes basic-fire-starting (Boy Scout level), Advanced Fire-Starting, and Ultra-Advanced Fire-Starting.
We are all creatures of comfort and we are especially fragile creatures. And to protect, comfort, and support our fragile bodies is one of the greatest inventions of all time – FIRE!
When you go out in the vast beauty of Mother Nature to hunt, camp, hike, fish, explore, and even on combat patrols (military)… the many wraths of Mother Nature and all She possesses is absolutely unforgiving to the ignorant and disrespectful.
Save My Life – Basic, Advanced And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package!
Mother Nature and all She possesses is absolutely unforgiving and doesn’t care if you’re a law-abiding turn the other cheek, pet-loving person or a downright piece of sh!+ scumbag – either way you’re at the mercy of yourself! Only you with your own actions can help you live to see the next day. No wishful thinking here, no SECRET crap here. Your next actions will decide your fate. You are at the mercy of yourself.
The 02 Greatest Enemies of Survival are FEAR and PANIC. And throw in some cold, frigid temperatures – you and everybody with you won’t see sunrise. And if everyone is wet – break out the crayons and color all of you DEAD and that’s a stone cold ‘another set of dead statistics’ fact.
Of the 8 Elements of Survival (Fire, Water, Shelter, First-Aid, Signal, Food, Weapons, and Navigation), pound for pound – FIRE is the most important in most survival situations.
FIRE gives you that sense of security at day and especially at night. 99% of most critters want nothing to do with FIRE. FIRE is a great beacon for rescuers and most important, FIRE keeps killer hypothermia from taking another life – your life.
This Basic, Advanced, And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package Survival Book covers so many ways to start and sustain emergency fires, if you tried to copy all of my applications, it would take you several months to years to try them all out at your leisure.
This Basic, Advanced, And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package Survival Book covers emergency fire-starting that WORKS. NO RUBBING 02 STICKS TOGETHER.
NO, no rubbing 02 sticks together in this Survival Book. I personally never have and never will teach those prehistoric fire-starting methods. Why? They are too hard to get to work. And will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER work when you’re truly hypothermic (keep reading).
You’ll read how the REAL SURVIVORS throughout history and throughout the world started emergency fires.
And you’ll read how I start emergency fires. I teach basic, advanced, and ultra-advanced emergency fire-starting. Most of the advanced and especially the ultra-advanced fire-starting applications ARE MY OWN COPYRIGHTED INVENTIONS!
Hey, if you get in trouble and everybody is starting to go hypothermic, you need an emergency fire NOW, RIGHT NOW. Not 40-minutes or 04-hours from now trying to rub 02 sticks together – YOU NEED A LIFE-SAVING FIRE NOW!
Have you ever been truly hypothermic? Have you ever been truly hypothermic when your hands & fingers will not work (you can’t even use a lighter or matches), you’re shivering non-stop, and cussing up a storm too or trying to cuss! You’re so cold your mental faculties are going out the window too. Simply talking and trying to put words together is difficult. Well I’ve been severely hypothermic several times (military) and only my extreme stubbornness kept me alive.
Save My Life – Basic, Advanced And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package!
Back then I too couldn’t start a life-saving fire if my own life depended on it. And even if I could, the military training prevented violating Noise & Light Discipline. In 1991, when I started putting my own Survival Programs together, I now confidently brag that I have the very best Survival Programs on Earth. And since the late 1990s, I’ve been challenging anyone to come forward and show me a better survival program, course, book,.. (military or civilian) No one has come forward.
Again, you’ll read how I start emergency fires. I teach basic, advanced, and ultra-advanced emergency fire-starting. Most of the advanced and especially the ultra-advanced fire-starting applications ARE MY VERY OWN COPYRIGHTED INVENTIONS! You’ll read how I start emergency fires using:
• shampoos
• mouthwashes
• toothpastes
• cough syrups
• skin lotions
• athlete’s foot creams
• breath sprays
• sleep aids
• chewing gums
• bubble gums
• your spit / saliva
• drink enhancement supplements
• cold medicines
• fever medicines
• anti-itch creams
• your urination
• sore throat medicines
• allergy relief medicines
• pain medicines
• hand sanitizers
• mucus relief medicines
• headache medicines
• breath drops
• sinus medicines
• flu medicines,…
And odds are you have some of these items on you when you’re outdoors but have NO IDEA how to employ them to get an emergency fire started. Don’t feel bad, NOBODY (except my subscribers) can start fires with these DOZENS of personal care products , first-aid products, breath enhancement products, and drink enhancement products. Why? Like I said before – I teach basic, advanced, and ultra-advanced emergency fire-starting. Most of the advanced and especially the ultra-advanced fire-starting applications ARE MY OWN COPYRIGHTED INVENTIONS!
Save My Life – Basic, Advanced And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package!
I know YOU WANT TO BE READY ANYTIME ANYWHERE – so read my book – Basic, Advanced, And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package and You’ll Be More Ready Anytime Anywhere than 99.99999% of most folks walking this Earth.
YES, you’ll be more Ready Anytime Anywhere than even those pretty boys on television teaching survival. None of them can match my military credentials, especially my Survival Programs – none of them. See my military credentials at – About The Author
Save My Life – Basic, Advanced And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package!–
“Basic & Advanced Navigation Workbook And Videos!”
(Obtained Only From The Author)
STATS: 301-pages and 49,791-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
My home-study navigation course starts you out from the beginning like you are a beginner when it comes to learning how to navigate – how to read maps. I start you out like this: draw a circle in the air, go ahead and draw a circle in the air with your index finger. Good. That circle represents a HILL TOP on any map anywhere in the world.
I teach all about those symbols and squiggly lines on your map. What the different colors of a map represent. Then we go into the Military Grid System. You see all those squares on your maps? That’s the Military Grid System.
Then we go into GEO Coordinates. I teach you how to plot and read GEO Coordinates (Geographical Coordinates) of Latitude, Longitude, Degrees, Minutes and Seconds anywhere on the Earth.
In the Workbook are 440 Spot Quizzes and to check your work, ALL the answers are in the Workbook. To insure you understand EVERYTHING, from start to the end of the home-study course are spot quizzes and ALL the answers are in the Workbook. And to INSURE you understand everything, the 06-hours of DVD videos are synced to the written material in the Workbook.
And to really insure you understand EVERYTHING, I give you a FINAL EXAM and you’ll be rewarded with a set of Long-Range Walkie-Talkies. However, to INSURE you pass the FINAL EXAM with a high score to win those Walkie-Talkies, in the Workbook is a Practice Final Exam and to check your work, ALL the answers are in the Workbook. I know you’ll say: “This is the best home-study course I ever purchased. I learned a lot and now I finally know how to really read and navigate any map when I’m outdoors.”
This is included in the “Basic & Advanced Navigation Workbook And Videos”:
• Basic Map Reading DVD Video [01] (02:03:19)
• Field-Expedient Direction DVD Video [01] (02:02:45)
• Basic and Advanced Navigation Workbook (301-pages)
• Basic and Advanced Navigation Workbook DVD Videos [03] (06:30:00)
• 02 Full Large Tenino Maps Sheets
• 02 Military Protractors
• 02 Pencils, Pencil Sharpener & 02 Gum Erasers
• 02 Plastic Clear Rulers (GEO Coordinates)
• Basic And Advanced Navigation Practice Final Exam
• Basic And Advanced Navigation Final Exam
NOTE: The “Basic & Advanced Navigation Workbook And Videos” is only sold through the author. For a FREE “Basic & Advanced Navigation Workbook And Videos”, see ‘Save My Life – Survival Program.’
“Exodus To Genesis!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 222-pages and 34,502-word count
Book Size: 06-inches by 09-inches
An ultra-advanced race of friendly beings called Utopians who look human are concealed in an underground base under Alaska. For decades they have been recruiting selected people on Earth to live on their home world called Genesis.
Genesis is 29 times larger than Earth with thousands of fairy tale like villages on the surface, underground, and underwater. But time is running out.
An armada of aliens called Manjeurs is headed to Earth to harvest billions of people. The Utopians can abide by their Utopian / Manjeur Treaty or stop the Manjeur’s invasion and go to war against hundreds of trillions of Manjeurs and their allies across the universe.
Is Earth and most of its inhabitants doomed or will they be saved by the Utopians?
“Fourteen Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 149-pages and 20,977-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“Fourteen Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without And More” gives you fourteen oils that have international history and international healing benefits. Let me briefly tell you about each healing oil. Let’s start with Shark Liver Oil.
- Shark Liver Oil has been used for centuries and has now drawn the attention of scientist, doctors, and health enthusiast all around the world.
- Olive Oil is used by Mediterranean people who have been noted to develop far less heart disease than Americans.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids have successfully blocked both migraine headaches and kidney disease.
- Flaxseed Oil and low-fat cottage cheese was prescribed by Dr. Johanna Budwig to seriously ill cancer patients. Over a period of approximately 90 days, tumors gradually receded.
- Oil of Oregano’s wide and long resume of healings throughout history to the present day are very impressive. Without any assistance from other natural remedies or synthetic drugs, oregano kills fungus or blocks its growth. Oil of Oregano also attacks and outright destroys antibiotic-resistant super-germs, bacteria, molds, parasites, viruses, yeast,…
- Clove Oil goes after the bad guys (germicide, bactericide,…). It STOPPED my non-stop pounding toothache pain within a couple minutes.
- Wheat Germ Oil is a valuable dietary supplement to men doing hard exercise, and it has possible application to competitive sports. It provides something that enables men to bear hard stress and continue to do hard labor without deteriorating.
- Coconut Oil is rich in what is called lauric acid which is found in Mother’s milk. Lauric acid has anti-bacteria, anti-fungal, and anti-viral agents. The super healthy fresh coconut oil and fresh white meat have a laundry list of super healthy benefits.
- Panaseeda Oil – I read about a German – a 1996 Olympian named Andreas Wecker who won a Gold Medal on the High Bar and won other Olympic Medals. An athlete in phenomenal shape who years later (early 2000s), his health declined in the worst way. In 2005 his health declined so much he weighed-in at a sickly 84 pounds. Andreas Wecker was diagnosed with chronic sickness called Crohn’s disease (inflammatory bowel disease). Close to death, Andreas Wecker turned to an alternative treatment where every conventional method failed. He turned to what is now called Panaseeda Oil.
- Fish Oil brought dramatic relief to inflammation and stiff joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Migraines generally eased up in about 60 percent of those who took fish oil capsules for six weeks.
- Tea Tree Oil is composed of 98 compounds and 06 oil compositions. Tea Tree Oil has antifungal properties, antimicrobial properties, antiseptic properties, and inflammatory properties.
- Turpentine Oil – this is no snake oil. Instead of giving you a good write-up on this unknown healer, I decided to give you a 03-part video so you can get the healing wonders straight from the horse’s mouth!
- Krill Oil also provides canthaxanthin, a potent anti-oxidant. The anti-oxidant potency of krill oil compared to fish oil in terms of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorptance Capacity) values it was found to be 48 times more potent than fish oil.
- Plus, a secret BONUS HEALER in this Survival Book. All this healthy and beneficial information and MUCH MORE in this Survival Book.
- Plus, 02 more Special Special Oils, Incredible Oils, YOU HAVE KNOW ABOUT for your health, your mind and your overall well-being.
“How I Saved My Cat Sylvester When 05-Months Of Vet Drugs Failed And Much More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 123-pages and 21,426-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
I’ve got nothing against vets. They are academically a thousand times smarter than me. I think they have the best jobs in the world because they have the best patients in the world – CRITTERS. Now let me tell you about Sylvester.
Approximately Christmas 2012, I went outside to feed the cats and looking for Sylvester and his mate Oreo. Both are Sylvester Cats / Tuxedo Cats (black & white). Sylvester came up to me limping and I noticed all four of his paws were swollen.
To make a long story short, the vet told me he was the 1st cat he’s ever seen with this auto-immune disease. It’s called “Plasma Cell Pododermatitis.” The vet asked me to consider putting Sylvester to sleep. After 05-months of expensive vet drugs, I finally took matters into my own hands. On 07 June 2013, I took Sylvester off the vet drugs and started giving him a ‘human concoction.’ Within a few days I could already see Sylvester getting better and just a few weeks later he was 100%.
On 10 March 2016, I just updated a video on Sylvester. More than 03-years after he was diagnosed with “Plasma Cell Pododermatitis” (swollen paws) and the vet advised that I have Sylvester put to sleep.
Today (30 August 2019), Sylvester is 100% – he’s still alive! THAT’S MORE THAN 06 ½-YEARS AFTER THE VET WANTED ME TO PUT SYLVESTER TO SLEEP. He’s alive today because of that ‘human concoction’ I gave him the summer of 2013.
As a matter of fact, he has a very good appetite and he lives in my bedroom now – he lives on the dresser. That’s his turf. He has his own unlimited bowl of dry kibble & water and like the other cats, gets fed Fancy Feast canned food or cooked chicken & broth on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
I’ll tell you all about this ‘human concoction’ that saved Sylvester’s life. Plus, I give you loads of other true critters experiences like how I saved my other cat Elden, how I saved Titanic (koi fish), how I care for my 60 koi fish and I invented water filtration / aeration pumps that are far superior to that stuff I used to buy, home-made flea traps superior to the stuff I use to buy,… and much more. If you have any critters, please get this Survival Book for them, cause sometimes them smart vets don’t have all the answers.
“How To Learn French Fast!”
(3,399 Ways To Speak French Instantly!)
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 497-pages and 66,821-word count (word count is probably incorrect due to thousands of French translations)
Book Size: 06-inches by 09-inches
The benefits of speaking a 2nd language is off the charts. And in this language book, I guarantee you, that you’re going to learn and start speaking French within seconds after you open this language book.
You’re going to learn how to speak French fast – like right now. Do this, pronounce the following syllables – pretend it’s English. Read it like you see it. Ready?
May Day
CONGRATULATIONS, you just said in French “Help me!” By the way May Day is the international S O S distress signal understood by billions of people across the globe and it comes from the French words M’aidez = ‘me you help’ – and it’s pronounced May Day. And I give you 3,399 more hand-picked common French sayings.
What’s the difference between my language book and the other million “learn how to speak French” books out there?
• Forget all the rules to learn French like
• Forget French grammar
• Forget French conjugation
• Forget proper & perfect French pronunciation
• Forget repetition of uncommon French sentences,…
Second, I give you more than 4,999+ hand-picked common sentences that people say all the time. I took more than 4,999+ hand-picked every day common sayings from:
• popular movies
• TV shows
• few books.
Very common saying you say every day.
I give it to you in English and right across from it I give you the French translation.
I give you a chapter on how to pronounce all the French letters. Then I give you common French sentences and I spell them out phonetically like the sample above so you can start speaking and learning French right now.
And then I give you more than 4,999+ hand-picked common sentences in English and their French translation.
Then I give Emergency English sentences and their French translation.
Then I give you a Mini English to French Dictionary with more than 700 words and common sayings to reinforce you’re quick-learning of the French language.
Then in the Points of Contact – I give you hand-picked videos that are FREE to watch. Just go to YouTube and type-in the title.
I guarantee you, you’ll be learning French FASTER than attending any course in high school or college or military language school.
“How To Learn Spanish Fast!”
(3,399 Ways To Speak Spanish Instantly!)
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 503-pages and 68,045-word count (word count is probably incorrect due to thousands of Spanish translations)
Book Size: 06-inches by 09-inches
99 Ways To Speak Spanish Right Now!
(CLICK the link above for a printable PDF document)
The benefits of speaking a 2nd language is off the charts. And in this book, I GUARANTEE YOU, that you’re going to learn and start speaking Spanish within seconds after you open this book.
If you had a twin and your twin enrolled in a Spanish course and YOU were given this language book to teach yourself, I absolutely guarantee you that YOU would start learning and speaking Spanish like – RIGHT NOW. Your twin would spend just the first few weeks trying to learn the alphabet, the grammar rules, – blah blah blah… and weeks & months go by. And YOU, you’re already ‘HABLARING’ like you spent months in some Spanish course, and you saved at least several hundred bucks.
YOU, you’re going to learn how to speak Spanish fast – like right now. Do this, pronounce the following syllables – pretend it’s English. Read it like you see it. Ready?
Yo pway dough haw blar ess pan yole.
CONGRATULATIONS, you just said in Spanish “I can speak Spanish!” and YOU did (Yo puedo hablar Español).
What’s the difference between my language book and the other million “learn how to speak Spanish” books out there?
• FORGET all the school rules to learn Spanish like
• FORGET Spanish grammar
• FORGET Spanish conjugation
• FORGET proper & perfect Spanish pronunciation
• FORGET repetition of uncommon Spanish sentences,…
Are you going to be a translator for the President of the United States trying to prevent World War III? OK, then. FORGET all that fancy by-the-book school stuff.
Second, I give you more than 5,999+ hand-picked common sentences that people say all the time. I took more than 5,999+ hand-picked EVERY DAY COMMON SAYINGS from:
• popular movies
• TV shows
• a few books.
Very common saying you say every day. I give it to you in English and right across from it I give you the Spanish translation. I give you a chapter on how to pronounce all the Spanish letters.
Then I give you a chapter on common Spanish sentences and I spell them out phonetically like the sample above so you can start speaking and learning Spanish right now.
And then I give you more than 5,999+ hand-picked common sentences in English and their Spanish translation.
Then I give Emergency English sentences and their Spanish translation.
Then I give you a Mini English to Spanish Dictionary with more than 700 words and common sayings to reinforce you’re quick learning of the Spanish language.
Then in the Points of Contact – I give you hand-picked videos that are FREE to watch. Just go to YouTube and type-in the title.
I guarantee you, you’ll be learning Spanish FASTER, like RIGHT NOW than attending any high school course, any college course, any military course, any fancy home study course costing hundreds of dollars.
Let me leave you with this – read the following as if it were English:
“Tango ham bray eee tango said.”
You just said: “I’m hungry and I’m thirsty” (Tengo hambre y tengo sed). Now you can impress your family and friends before each meal. Was that super easy or what?
99 Ways To Speak Spanish Right Now!
(CLICK the link above for a printable PDF document)
“Scams, Swindles, Ripoffs & Cons!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 151-pages and 22,568-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
First, I’m out to SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. How? To keep you from getting scammed, rip-offed, swindled and conned by scumbags who prey on victims that are ignorant of their schemes.
But not you. After reading this Survival Book, you’ll have your guard up 24-hours a day and I hope you alert those close to you so they’ll be savvy instead of a victim.
Listen, I’m not telling you about scams, rip-offs, swindles and cons just for the heck of it. I’ve been Scammed, I’ve been Rip-Offed, I’ve been Swindled and I’ve been Conned by low-life scumbags and even pieces of sh!+ thieving scumbags who I thought were my friends.
I’ll tell you everything SO IT DOESN’T HAPPEN TO YOU. I hope you learn from my bad experiences and experiences of “ignorant folks who trust everybody” all across this great land.
NEVER NEVER NEVER, one more time, NEVER trust anyone when it comes to your hard-earned money.
“Self-Taught Spanish Notebook For Beginners!”
299+ Common Sayings To Instantly Speak Spanish!
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
This 377-page Notebook is especially designed to help you learn and speak Spanish as soon as you open the notebook. You’ll start learning and speaking Spanish like right now. The Table of Contents has all 299+ common English sayings so you can go to that specific page and INSTANTLY learn and speak Spanish in just seconds.
In this specially designed Notebook has 16 lines per page to take your own notes while going through your Spanish classes in school. And included in this notebook are more than 299+ ways to learn and IMMEDIATELY SPEAK common English sayings in the Spanish language.
Each and every one of the 299+ common Spanish sayings are PHONETICALLY SPELLED OUT so you’re learning and speaking Spanish RIGHT NOW.
Each page has a common saying in English with the Spanish translation below it. And to the right of each of the299+ Spanish translations are the carefully written phonetic spelling of each syllable, each word so you can EASILY SPEAK the complete sentence in Spanish.
Simply pretend you’re reading English to EASILY pronounce each Spanish word and each Spanish sentence.
Here’s an example. You’ll start out real easy like Hello. Its Spanish Translation is Hola and it’s pronounced (pretend you’re reading English) – Oh law.
Congratulations, you just said Hello in Spanish! Was that easy or what? In this Notebook, there are 299+ more common sayings to learn and speak Spanish instantly just like you did with Hola.
And you learn to speak INSTANT Spanish in the:
- Present Tense
- Past Tense
- Future Tense
- and others
In other words, you’ll be speaking INSTANT Spanish like you’ll hear it on the streets.
Hey, don’t worry about:
- Grammar rules
- Conjugating verbs
- Proper Spanish pronunciation
When infants learn Spanish to their parents tell them about:
- Grammar rules
- Conjugating verbs
- Proper Spanish pronunciation
Heck no.
You’ll start SPEAKING SPANISH LIKE RIGHT NOW with “Self-Taught Spanish Notebook For Beginners! – 299+ Common Sayings To Instantly Speak Spanish”!
“Six Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without And More!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 82-pages and 10,420-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: See “Fourteen Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without And More!”
“Six Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without And More” gives you six oils that have international history and international healing benefits.
- Shark Liver Oil has been used for centuries and has now drawn the attention of scientist, doctors, and health enthusiast all around the world.
- Olive Oil is used by Mediterranean people who have been noted to develop far less heart disease than Americans.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids have successfully blocked both migraine headaches and kidney disease.
- Flaxseed Oil and low-fat cottage cheese was prescribed by Dr. Johanna Budwig to seriously ill cancer patients. Over a period of approximately 90 days, tumors gradually receded.
- Oil of Oregano’s wide and long resume of healings throughout history to the present day are very impressive. Without any assistance from other natural remedies or synthetic drugs, oregano kills fungus or blocks its growth. Oil of oregano also attacks and outright destroys antibiotic-resistant super-germs, bacteria, molds, parasites, viruses, yeast,…
Plus, a secret BONUS HEALER in this Survival Book. All this healthy and beneficial information and much more in this Survival Book.
NOTE: See “Fourteen Healing Oils You Can’t Live Without And More!”
“The Many Benefits Of Coconuts, Peanuts, And Other Tasty Nut Foods!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 138-pages and 23,777-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
Sometimes it’s just the most simplest thing that can turn things around for a better you. Like coconuts. Coconuts and all its parts have so many amazing benefits from healing your body, health drinks, foods, and emergency survival uses. This Survival book is blunt and to the point and gives you many uses and benefits of coconuts with all its individual parts.
Did you know there’s a difference between coconut milk and coconut water? And I’ll tell you the healing benefits of coconut water. And how about coconut oil. It’s used for healing, cooking, first-aid, weight-loss,… I’ll tell you everything in this Survival Book.
And coconuts also have emergency survival uses too. You’ll read my own Coconut R & D (Research & Development) in this Survival Book.
And what about other hand-picked nuts? I’ll give you the essential data on hand-picked nuts that provide super energy because they’re loaded with nutrients. Combine these hand-picked nuts together in your own trail-mix and you have a trail-mix superior to those trail-mixes offered in stores. And you can make them far cheaper too.
And I’ll give you my own Power Bar Recipe to compliment what you already have in this Survival Book. Get this Survival Book today. It’s worth far more than the small asking price cause this Survival Book was written for your health today and your healthy future tomorrow.
“The Gettysburg Program – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!”
(100+ page version)
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 138-pages and 35,784-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
“The Gettysburg Program – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You. Your Complete Guide To Better Health And Vibrant Living!” (small version)
There are 02 versions to this super healthy book. Here is the short version (35,000+ word count). You’ll get all 26 abbreviated Sections of this Gettysburg Program so you can benefit immediately from this very healthy information. This small version of the Gettysburg Program will open your eyes to the many alternative ways to improve your health today so your vibrantly healthy tomorrow and decades to come.
I encourage you to get this Survival Book now and highly encourage you to get the full version of the Gettysburg Program (600+ -pages / 220,485 word count) for your vibrantly healthy future.
“The Gettysburg Program – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!”
(590-page version)
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 590-pages and 212,852-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
This is the full version of “The Gettysburg Program. What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You. Your Complete Guide To Better Health And Vibrant Living” (600+ pages). This Survival Book reveals alternative health practices that will spark and ignite your interest in learning more ways to live vibrantly healthy versus depending on conventional medicine of drugs and surgery.
This Survival Book also reveals the everyday sickly threats to your health whether you’re at home, at work or in between. And these 60+ alternative therapies for vibrant health are easy as drinking more pure water and banning all sugar drinks to include diet drinks. You’ll read hundreds and hundreds of healthy facts to get you on a new path to a vibrant healthy future.
Here’s an abbreviated list of the 26 Sections:
• SECTION 01 – Eat The Right Stuff
• SECTION 04 – Cardiovascular Disease,1st Leading Killer Of Americans
• SECTION 07 – High Blood Pressure – “The Silent Killer
• SECTION 13 – The Amazing Benefits Of Garlic And Vinegar
• SECTION 20 – Healing Power Of Chelation Therapy
• SECTION 22 – 60+ Amazing Health Enhancing Alternative Medicine Practices That Work
“The Stupid Obvious!”
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
STATS: 283-pages and 50,852-word count
Book Size: 08 ½-inches by 11-inches
If you’re the type to always believe the ‘Official Story’, then this book is not for you.
If you’re a logical thinking person and not a fanatic about conspiracy theories, yet have an open mind, then I’m confident you’ll enjoy reading ‘The Stupid Obvious.’
I’m going to reveal the ‘Stupid Obvious.’ The ‘Stupid Obvious’ like:
- “Bigfoot Patterson Video Is Fake!”
- “Fake 911 Planes!”
- “Are We Alone?”
- “Abandoned American POWs!”
- “World War III With China Is Inevitable!”
- “Multiple Assassins Murdered President John F. Kennedy!”
- “Amelia Earhart’s TOP SECRET Mission!”
- “Did United States Of America Land On The Moon?”
- “Did Adolf Hitler Escape From Berlin And Evade To Argentina?”
Let’s start with them Bigfoot critters. I’ve never seen one, but I gotta tell you, that video is fake and I’ll tell you why – it’s right in front of you in all the videos – it’s ‘The Stupid Obvious.’
911 has got to be the biggest LIE since the JFK assassination. And I go into great detail on the ‘The Stupid Obvious.’ Once you read and see the photos, you’ll say the Official 911 story is a LIE!
Those poor souls – abandoned American POWs. It pisses me off. I’ll tell you a bunch of ‘The Stupid Obvious’ about American POWS abandoned all the way back to World War I. It’s sad.
I’ve been predicting the next World War is against China and her allies – thus WWIII. I’ll show you ‘The Stupid Obvious.’
Now if you think Lee Harvey Oswald… wait, you’re still with me, you already know there’s no way Oswald… well I go into great detail about the JFK’s assassination. I hope to re-educate you on how it all happened or better yet, it couldn’t happen.
Now as far as Amelia Earhart, she was no doubt a World Class pilot and more than that, she was a patriot. I’m very confident that I’ll prove to you, she and her navigator didn’t get lost and fly off lost into oblivion.
The Apollo Program, did the U.S. of A. land on the moon? I got a double answer for you on this one. And at the same time, I’ll have you scratching your head – asking ‘The Stupid Obvious.’ You don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to see ‘The Stupid Obvious.’
And last, did Hitler, one of the most evil men to ever walk this Earth, did he fake his suicide and escape & evade to Argentina? I bought the ‘Official Story’ most of my life till I started looking into it. I go into great detail on this one and I give you ‘The Stupid Obvious.’
‘The Stupid Obvious’ will re-educate you and re-wire your ‘Stupid Obvious’ thinking so you can see the truth.
“Anytime Anywhere Survival A – Z Index Guide”
(10,000+ Survival Entries)
Only Available To The Author
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