Gifford Pinchot National Forest Claims Two Bigfoot Hunters!
The Gifford Pinchot National Forest is located in the southwestern part of Washington State in Lewis County. It includes 1,312,000 acres (2,050 square miles) of mountains, valleys, grasslands, waterfalls, rivers, steep slopes, watersheds,… According to Skamania County Sherrif’s Office, two bigfoot hunters from Portland, Oregon were found dead in a Washington State forest. A 59-year old man and a 37-year old man appeared to have died from exposure. The two bigfoot hunters were found in a heavily wooded area. Both men were reported to be searching for a Sasquatch (Bigfoot).
Two bigfoot hunters, were reported missing early Christmas morning 2024. The 03-day search included 60 volunteers, the U.S. Coast Guard and law enforcement.
During the 03-day search, the weather was reported to include freezing temperatures, snow and heavy rain.
Why Venture Into The Wilderness During Inclement Weather?
I don’t know the exact weather conditions when both men departed for the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. If the weather was prohibitive, why go on the adventure in the first place? I’m sure both men are intelligent and had a boat load of common sense and would have ABORTED any ideas of venturing into the wilderness into winter storm conditions. So, I’m assuming the winter weather conditions were minimal when they departed on their outdoor adventure.
Why Didn’t The Two Bigfoot Hunters Walk Out?
According to reports, their vehicle was parked at or near Willard, Washington. I believe the searchers used their parked vehicle as a starting point. Both men trekked into the wilderness. The exact distance from where they were found to their parked vehicle is unknown. There were no reports nor any evidence that the men were lost and wandered deeper into the wilderness. My point is, if both men could trek into the wilderness under their own power, why didn’t they trek out of the woods to the safety of their vehicle? I assume both men were fresh with a bountiful Christmas meal in their bellies. Why did they go static and die in-place?
Even if the weather got bad and they were caught in a winter storm, why didn’t they trek out under their own power? The WORST thing you could do in a winter storm is to go static unless you’re prepared to go static and prepared to brave the winter storm.
Again, I don’t know how far away their vehicle was to their last known location, but it couldn’t have been that far (03 to 05-miles). If you simply KEEP MOVING, KEEP MOVING, KEEP MOVING, your body will warm-up instead of going hypothermic. Sure, you’ll be cold, but you simply KEEP MOVING and it fights-off going hypothermic.
And I’m saying this from many many experiences of going hypothermic and fighting it off.
So, I felt this news story was strange. Call me crazy, this is what I think really happened to those two men.
Two Bigfoot Hunters Were Forced To Go Static Which Led To Their Deaths!
Before I go into my most humble theory why those 02 hunters lost their lives, let me give you some background information on them oversized bigfoot critters. Let’s start with _________________.
- Patterson Bigfoot Videos Is FAKE: I’d like to say I look at things from a different perspective than most people. I’ve studied that Patterson Bigfoot Video and viewed it more than most folks. And I’ve listened to and studied many many many eyewitness bigfoot accounts from folks across North America. The eyewitness accounts DO NOT MATCH UP with the Patterson Bigfoot Video.
- Bigfoot Creatures Demonstrate Intelligence: Them bigfoot creatures, through their actions and holding back and observing, demonstrate:
- Intelligence
- Understand Consequences
- Reasoning
- Communication Skills
- Planning
- Empathy
- Employ Strategies & Tactics With Companions Against Humans
- Superior Day & Night Eyesight
- Superior Hearing
- Superior Smell
- Superior Strength
- Superior Athleticism
- Superior Swimmer
- Superior ‘Art of Suffering’ (tolerating the elements)
- Superior Wilderness Survival Skills
- Recognize And Respect Armed Humans
- Associated with Advanced Technologies
- Bigfoot Creatures Are Territorial: Them oversized critters may migrate throughout the seasons to harvest food, but once they go static in one area, they seem to be territorial. I’ve listened to many eyewitness accounts where them bigfoot creatures ‘scare off’ hunters, hikers, fishermen,… They don’t like humans eating their foods, drinking their water,… YES, they could easily kill any human, but they understand the consequences of humans being found dead.
It’s Obvious To Me…!
The news reports of these 02 men found dead in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest is minimal. And each published report has no depth and they seem to copycat the prior news reports.
It’s unknown:
- If either or both men were armed.
- If they had communications (cell phones, satellite phones,…)
- If they were wearing extreme cold weather gear
- If they carried backpacks that contained the 8 Elements of Survival
- If they carried and employed any audio and/or video recording devices (why go looking for them bigfoot critters and can’t prove you actually ran into any of them)
It’s obvious to me:
- They failed to properly plan their adventure: Their kinfolk alerted authorities but gave no exact pinpoint location to their whereabouts otherwise the search teams wouldn’t have spent 03-days looking for the 02 men.
- Failed to check weather forecast: The winter weather was minimal when they departed. If not, why depart the safety of their homes and vehicle in the first place. The weather worsened hour-by-hour and day-by-day. One report, a spokesman gave praise to all the teams of searchers for braving the cold inclement weather of snow, rain and the terrain.
Two Bigfoot Hunters Involuntarily Went Static In The Deep Wilderness!
As I stated earlier, them bigfoot critters demonstrate intelligence. Just because they’re covered in fur and hair and live in the wilderness, we shouldn’t pre-judge them as plain ol’ stupid.
If there is one place where them bigfoot critters are known to roam and live in North America, it’s the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. I believe the 02 men found what they were looking for. But they found more than one of them pissed-off oversized critters. This is where their strategy and tactics kicked-in. The multiple bigfoot critters could have EASILY slaughtered both men in just a few seconds.
But they didn’t, they understood the consequences if they did slaughter both men where they hunkered down. Instead, the multiple bigfoot critters surrounded both men and let the wrath of Mother Nature and all She possesses finish them off via the killer cold weather which invited hypothermia. A most perfect crime.
Both men bravely stood their undefendable cold ground and slowly succumbed to the elements of cold temperatures, snow on the ground and rain. Them bigfoot critters contained their prey till it’s prey went hypothermic and died in-place.
If You Don’t Agree With My Theory, Then Why?
Why didn’t both bigfoot hunters walk out under their own power. They were fresh (just had a Christmas meal & hydrated) and healthy.
- Why go static. There’s no doubt in my mind, both men weren’t outright stupid. The two bigfoot hunters already knew the consequences of staying in-place under freezing conditions – YOU’RE DEAD.
- Why go static. They already knew how long it took them to their current location from the safety of their vehicle. It’s not like it was 120-mile death march. It was probably only a few to several miles. Sure you’re cold, just step-off and KEEP FU#*n’ MOVING!!! You’re cold body and feet will start warming-up – just KEEP FU#*n’ MOVING!!! Trust me on this one (see About The Author).
- I tried to find an update (11 Feb. 2025) on this news story. And I attempted to find any autopsy reports. Nothing.
THANK YOU for reading my most humble opinions. My thoughts go out the families of both men. And those who read this blog post, maybe you can learn from it, so it doesn’t happen to you.
Paperback Book—————E-Book
Most Important Note: On page 122, I give a survival trick that could have SAVED THEIR LIVES. NO, it’s not rubbish. I used it myself several times.
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