What the heck is nitric oxide? First of all, we’re not talking about something you put in your car (nitromethane) or something to make you laugh at the dentist office (nitrous oxide).
Nitric Oxide is a unique molecule that your body produces to get all 50 to 70 Trillion Cells in your body to communicate with each other via transmitting signals. Let me STOP for a couple minutes and let me tell you about the 70 trillion cells in your body.
70 Trillion Cells In Your Body!
The cell is the basic unit of all living things. Many HEALING ASPECTS BEGIN AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL! Through proper nutrition, exercise, supplements, other treatments (alternative and conventional), and even your own thoughts (Mind-Over-Matter), YOUR BODY HAS THE INNATE ABILITY TO HEAL ITSELF!
Let’s take a closer look at this remarkable working miracle – the CELL! This single unit of life has its own organization and function.
- NUCLEUS: The nucleus of the cell is the command headquarters for the entire unit. Imagine this if you can – messages encoded within the nucleus of each cell would require 3,000 volumes of books, with each book having 1,000 pages, with each page having 1,000 words!
- REPLICATE ITSELF: Each cell can replicate itself to an exact likeness. When a cell is worn-out or aged, it will self-destruct.
- MITOCHONDRIA: Each cell has an energy factory called the Mitochondria. The Mitochondria manufacture all the energy it needs to live and do its work.
- ENDOTHELIAL RETICULUM: Each cell also has a protein manufacturing plant called the Endothelial Reticulum.
- GOLGI BODY: Each cell has a storage warehouse called the Golgi Body. The Golgi Body stores the manufactured product until it is needed.
- SECURITY FORCE: Each cell has a sentry or Security Force. The Security Force allows only that substance that is needed to enter the cell interior and allows waste material exit the cell.
Now do you understand the importance of proper nutrition, exercise, and an overall healthy lifestyle. One more time, YOUR BODY HAS THE INATE ABILITY TO HEAL ITSELF!
Now let’s get back to Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide is molecule that is produced by the body to help all the cells in the body (70 TRILLION), to communicate with each other via trillions of signals.
And the reason for the massive continuous communication between the trillions of cells is survival – the vibrant health of your body. Again,
Nitric Oxide is instrumental in the following cellular activities:
- Behavior
- Dilating Blood Vessels – Regulate Blood Pressure
- Enhance Sleep Quality
- Enhance The Senses
- Immune System
- Increase Endurance
- Increase Strength
- Memory
- Reduce Inflammation
To increase Nitric Oxide in the body is through exercise and or weight-lifting. With more needed blood being pumped throughout your body, the arteries release Nitric Oxide which RELAXES and WIDENS the blood vessel walls which allows more needed blood to pass throughout your body.
SEE – Inactivity KILLS 5,300,000 People Worldwide Each Year!
Because of this amazing activity of Nitric Oxide, in the last 20 years, 60,000 studies have been conducted on Nitric Oxide. There’s great healing interest in Nitric Oxide.
YOU MUST SEE The Longest Living People On Earth – “What the heck are they doing?”:
- Longest Living People On The Earth Part 1!
- Longest Living People Part 2!
- Longest Living People Part 3!
- Longest Living People Part 4!
- Longest Living People Part 5!
Production Of Nitric Oxide!
Now when you age, there is less Nitric Oxide being produced. So what do you do? Diet.
Below is a list of foods, snacks and supplements that aid in the production of Nitric Oxide:
- Amino Acid – L-Arginine
- Amino Acid – L-Citrulline
- Animal Organs
- Beets
- Black Tea
- Cayenne Pepper
- Cranberries
- Dark Cocoa (see Note below)
- Garlic
- Honey
- Kale
- Onions
- Oranges
- Pistachios
- Pomegranate
- Salmon
- Shrimp
- Spinach
- Walnuts
- Watermelon
Note: In my Survival Book below, I talk about the amazing benefits of Dark Chocolate in 01 of the 104 AASNs. See AASN #051 – This Tribe Is Dang Near Immune To High Blood Pressure in my Survival Book below.
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
Seriously consider Nitric Oxide when it comes to keeping you heart attack proof and stroke proof.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

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