How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure!

I’m going to show you how to plan your outdoor adventure like a combat soldier.  The absolutely undisputed best planners on Earth to AVOID being killed by their enemy opponents are military personnel.  Plan adventures like combat soldiers.  In this case, I’m going to go off my 20-years of experience in the US Army (Airborne Infantry, Special Forces [Green Berets] and US Army Rangers).  Here are the civilianized versions of military acronyms used by the military units so you can understand them and use them so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere.

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Most folks NEVER plan their outdoor adventure.  In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to plan your outdoor adventure like a combat soldier.  I hope this segment gets you to at least half-way plan your next outdoor adventure.  These military acronyms / planning will surely halp you AVOID WILDERNESS SURVIVAL THREATS from the get go.  I’m going to show you ‘how to plan your outdoor adventure’ like combat soldiers you INCREASE your safety 100-times over.  Let’s start with PRSC.

07 Survival Acronyms!


2) WET

3) 8 Elements Of Survival

4) Priorities Of Work

5) Task Organize

6) Go To Sh!+ Plan

7) Go To Sh!+ Azimuth


Let’s start with PRSC.

  • PRSC: PRSC is a military acronym that stands for Planning, Recon, Security and Control.  PRSC are the US Army’s Principles Of Patrolling and are just 01 of the tools to plan for combat missions (training and real world).  PRSC is such an important tool, it could SAVE YOUR LIFE.  I civilianized PRSC so YOU can AVOID problems, tragedies in the first place.  Let me briefly explain PRSC.

Planning:  Write down on a few sheets of paper what you want to do in your outdoor adventure.  Try to go in detail.  Break it down day-by-day and each day break it down for morning, afternoon and before dusk activities.  You should ALWAYS make camp 02-hours before sunset.  NEVER go camping alone.  Now you got your tentative plan on a piece of paper.

Recon:  Do a recon of your area of interest.  Get maps of the entire area.  Get books of the area.  Go on the internet and get the scoop of the area.  If you can talk to any people that have been there already – that’s good info too.  Get multiple weather reports to the region / area you’re venturing.  Weather itself could kill you.  If proposed bad weather is present during your venture – ABORT your outdoor venture and go another day.  Now that you did a Recon, you may want to adjust your plan.


COUNTER ALL 12+ OF THESE BEFORE you go on your outdoor adventure.  Let me give you an example.  If you and your friends plan on fishing from a boat on several spots over the next 03-days, one thing that could kill you is drowning.  To counter this – EVERYBODY must know how to swim.  EVERYBODY must wear a life preserver at all times.

If you have anybody in your party that can’t swim – ABORT your fishing trip all together or leave the non-swimmer behind.  The non-swimmer in a water-laden environment is a serious threat to himself and all those around him.  After doing Security, odds are you may adjust your Plan or ABORT it all together.

If you say heck with all this ‘how to plan your outdoor adventure.’  Then for yourself and those under your care.  YOU HAVE TO AT LEAST DO SECURITY!  THINK OF AT LEAST 12 THINGS THAT WILL HURT YOU, KILL YOU AND CAUSE YOU LOSS OF EQUIPMENT.  Counter all of them before you walk out that door.  I’m trying to tell you ‘how to plan your outdoor adventure’ so you & those with you (NEVER venture outdoors by yourself) come home safe and sound.  Can you see ‘how to plan your outdoor adventure’ like a combat soldier.    

Control:  Now that you’ve Planned, Reconned, and implemented Security in your outdoor adventure, you’re taking CONTROL.  You’re actually AVOIDING threats in the first place and you’re far more flexible if any threats surface during your outdoor adventure.

I could go on for pages and pages to make you bullet-proof when venturing outdoors.  PRSC is a great start and works so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!  We just covered the very important PRSC.  Can you see the very importance on ‘How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure?’

Plan Your Outdoor Adventure Like Combat Soldiers!

  • WET: WET stands for Weather, Enemy and Terrain.  ALL are obstacles to your outdoor adventure and should be known about, reconned to improve your plan.  Let’s talk about each part of the WET formula.

Weather should ALWAYS be considered in your planning.  In my Survival Newsletters and Survival Books, I talk about different weather problems that can destroy your property, injure you and kill you DEAD.  Weather is the most powerful force on this Earth.  From hurricanes to tornadoes to floods to earthquakes to blizzards… you have to know and plan for the weather.

Yes, fire is included too!  Try wandering into the forest in California and it hasn’t rained in months?  Perfect conditions for a fire that can surround you and cook you well done – may be not?  There are fire blankets you can purchase.

The area you’re going into and the time of year could help you plan for probable weather that may be a problem.  Equipment like the weather radio POC I gave you last issue could save your life by giving you an early warning!

I gave you at least 30 weather forecasting techniques so far in your Survival Program and more are coming!  Learn these weather forecasting techniques applications and “tricks” to insure you’re safe Anytime Anywhere!

Enemy includes everything from plants to insects to critters to even humans, yes your closest friend too – hunting buddy!  Do a little research or ask your buddies who have been there before and know what kind enemy is in the area you’re about to go into.

Know about the plants that you’re allergic to or at least know what they look like.  Is there a lot of poison ivy, poison sumac… in the area and what does it look like?

What about the insects, any problems with army ants, regular bees or even killer bees?  What about the critters, any bear attacks lately, alligator or crocodile attacks or mountain lion attacks…?  What about snakes, are there any poisonous snakes in the area and what kind are they?

What about temperatures, are the ground temperatures steady at 125 degrees in that desert environment at this time of year?

What about accidental shootings by hunters, have there been any lately?  Is your hunting buddy properly trained to use his weapon and not accidently shoot and kill you?  Lots of hunters are killed each year by fellow hunters!  Why?  They NEVER identified their target and shot at what they thought was a deer, or some other game.  Or they flagged (accidently aimed their weapon at their partner) their hunting buddy and the weapon fired.

You have to know your enemy and plan & prepare for it prior going into the area.  Now let’s talk about terrain.

Terrain like Weather and enemy can whoop you real bad and even worse kill you.  When I talk about terrain like mountains, valleys, swamps, desert, cliffs, open area, jungle…, I’m including all the natural and manmade elements that go with that terrain like water obstacles, snow, boulders, loose rock formations, volcanoes, manmade barriers, toxic areas, power lines…

With respect to your terrain, your physical health comes into questioning.  For example, if you plan on walking the Appalachian Trail or wandering through the killer Mohave Desert in mid-summer, and you’re out of shape – you know you are (you have trouble walking up a flight of stairs), you have no business taking on such a task.  To do it by yourself is suicide, you’re asking for trouble and you’re gonna get it!  If you go with friends you’ll soon become a casualty and a now a rescue is inevitable.  So know yourself first.

If you’re out of shape, get in shape prior to such a physical demanding task.  With your doctor’s OK, walking is a good start along with a good healthy fruit, vegetable and juicing diet.

Now terrain all by itself can whoop you real good!  Try walking the TVD (Tennessee Valley Divide), a great workout if you’re in-shape or a potential heart attack if you’re not!  Try walking through a very hot & humid jungle environment without all the other problems in the jungle, you’re in for a real “somebody shoot me” treat!  Try walking through a desert environment like the Mohave Desert in California or White Sands in New Mexico in the dead of summer – you’ll be cussing at yourself for doing something so stupid!  You’ll know what the words “death march” really mean!

You have to properly plan and prepare, I’m telling you from experience!  I’ve been severely whooped in all sorts of terrain, weather, critters all over the US, Central South America, Great Britain, Mid-East, and I’m telling you a little planning and prep (preparation) will go a long way!  I wish I had a $100 for every time I thought I was really going to die from WET!

So please use WET with PRSC when you anticipate any outdoor trip!  So far we covered PRSC & WET.  Can you see the very importance on ‘How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure?’  Is it starting to make sense?  Sure it is.

  • 8 Elements Of Survival:  The 8 Elements Of Survival are Fire, Water, Shelter, First-Aid, Signal, Food, Weapons and Navigation.

01)  Fire:  Fire no doubt will give you that sense of security and well-being in a survival environment.  Helps AVOID the 02 Greatest Enemies of Survival – FEAR and PANIC!  Fire can be used to:

a) Cook your prey (that you’ve caught in one the traps and snares you’ll soon learn about)

b) Keep you warm

c) Keep wild animals away.

d) Signal a rescue party (smoke during the day – fire at night).

e) Purify your water.

f) Dry your clothes.

g) Smoke meat.

h) Prepare parts for all your traps and snares.

i) Much more…


02)  Water:  Water is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL in a survival situation.  Gathering water, filtering it and purifying it should be a continuous process.  You could never get enough water.

Next to immediate first aid (in a life-threatening situation), water should be at the top of your list.  You can go about three weeks without food but you can only go three days without water.

Remember lack of water DULLS THE MIND!  You’re going to be “CLUELESS”, if you’re not continuously hydrated.

Drink, drink, drink and drink water.  When in doubt DRINK!!  Once you’re dehydrated, you’ll have trouble remembering how to do very simple math problems (35 divided by 07 equals daaaahh!!).  Your short-term memory will become even shorter!  Remember this:  When in doubt DRINK WATER – even if you’re not thirsty, drink water!!!

Below are some good reasons to keep gathering water, filtering it and purifying it on a continuous basis!  Also later in this section I’ve listed a few items you might consider for your survival kit to procure water.

a) Hydration (minimum 04 to 05 quarts a day, depending on your activity, temperature and injuries).

b) Hygiene (complete or partial).

c) Cleaning and preparing small game.

d) Cleaning clothes.

e) Preparing herbal teas.

f) Cooking vegetation.

g) Cooking insects.

h) Sterilizing bandages.

i) Much more….

03)  Shelter:  There’s nothing like “Home Sweet Home!”  A shelter will definitely give you that added feeling of security and contentedness in your survival environment!

Once you’ve picked your survival site – a site that satisfies all the elements of survival, make an assessment of your priorities of work and you may begin building a shelter as your first priority (no injuries, water nearby…).  Initially, construct the easiest shelter.  Later, dictating your situation, you may construct a more elaborate shelter to suit your needs!

Shelter also pertains to the protective clothing you are wearing.  Below are a few benefits of shelter.

a) Protection from the elements (cold, wind, sun, rain, snow…)

b) Place to construct survival tools listed throughout this book.

c) Gives a sense of security.

d) Helps AVOID the 02 Greatest Enemies of Survival – FEAR and PANIC!

e) May be identifiable by air or ground rescue.

f) Place to store and safeguard food and water.

g) Much more… See 23 Emergency Shelters That Can Save Your Life!

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  These 8 Elements of Survival are so important.  I stated above, ‘shelter’ also pertains to all clothing including footgear, gloves and headgear.  I highly advise you to re-read this blog post – ‘How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure!’

04) First-Aid:  First of all, I feel EVERYONE should be familiar with basic first-aid.

a) Four life-saving steps (Clear the airway, Stop the bleeding, Treat the wound and Prevent shock.

b) Heimlich Maneuver

c) Treating fractures and broken limbs

d) Psychological first-aid

e) Treating heat and cold casualties.

At the same time, a good healthy diet and the correct supplements will go a long way towards your survival if you find yourself in a survival situation.  A good survival kit could save your life.  Later in this section, I’ve listed a few items you might consider for your survival kit.

05)  Signal:  Is anybody out there?  Don’t count on getting help instantaneously once you find yourself in a survival situation.  Make an assessment of your situation and begin your Priorities of Work.  Depending on your situation, you may want to build a quick shelter from the cold rain, give yourself first-aid and sleep prior to contemplating building any signaling devices.

Here are some hints to enhance your signal efforts.

a) TELL somebody EXACTLY where you are going (your exact route) and when you should return BEFORE you leave on your outdoor adventure.  Remember – ‘Plan Adventures Like Combat Soldiers.’

b) Walkie-Talkies within your group (NEVER venture alone) enhances your adventure. If separated deliberately or accidently – use the Walkie-Talkies.

c) Satellite phones will get you out of jam and could save your life.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you screw everything up and your life is on the line and those kids under your care are on the line – you still got a very good chance to survive Anytime Anywhere.  How?  Cause you read this blog post – ‘How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure’ like a combat soldier!  You pulled out your satellite phone from your backpack and gave the Search and Rescue (SAR) your exact pinpoint location (!

06)  Food:  If there is one thing that will boost your morale in any situation – survival or not – it’s food!  You can go three weeks without food before you’re in serious trouble.  But food is all around you.  From the lowest part of the food-chain (plants), yes to even the human body if it comes to that!  See the “300,000 Plants On Earth – Edibility Test!” at the end of this book.

07)  Weapons:  The Right to Bear Arms (2nd Amendment)!  I hope you seriously consider this Right.  Not only to AVOID The 02 Greatest Enemies Of Survival – FEAR AND PANIC in a survival situation, but to protect yourself!  Why?  Now that you’re in a wilderness environment \ a survival environment, you’re now IN the food-chain!!!  Congratulations!!!

This post will hopefully HELP YOU AVOID A SURVIVAL SITUATION and if you find yourself in a survival situation, HELP YOU SURVIVE IT!!!  Remember:  IMPROVISE, OVERCOME and ADAPT!!!

I always advised my subscribers to ALWAYS carry a primary weapon (rifle) and a back-up weapon (pistol).  A high caliber is recommended depending on the threats out there.  A .22 caliber pistol is worthless against an attacking bear.  Also consider carrying pepper spray.  See Counter Assault and Universal Defense Alternative Products in the POC Section.  Also consider field-expedient weapons.

Listed below are some good reasons to build, carry and use field-expedient weapons.  Later in this section, I’ve listed a few items you may want for your survival kit.

a) Self-protection.

b) Capturing small game.

c) Neutralizing captured game.

d) Psychologically it gives a sense of security and confidence.

f) Helps AVOID FEAR AND PANIC (the 02 Biggest Enemies of SURVIVAL)

g) Used to build other survival tools.

h) Much more…

I’m a big time advocate when it comes to weapons.  YOU HAVE TO BE ARMED at all times.  If you can fight with your hands & feet, that’s great.  But a carrying a concealed weapon is even better.  PLUS consider a back-up weapon or two.  ‘How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure’ is just the very beginning.  I encourage you to read all the other Survival Expert Blog posts.

08)  Navigation:  I’ve said this once already and I’ll say it again: The last thing you need to do is wander off in your survival area and get lost.  All that work you’ve done is for nothing.  Remember me telling you about the lack of water?

Lack of water DULLS THE MIND!  I’m telling it’s so true.  You must consider navigation as part of your survival kit.  Not only making a field-expedient compass but markers to help you find your way back to your survival site!  Why?  Because your mind will deteriorate while you’re out there (dehydration, hunger, depression, despair…).  You will forget!  BELIEVE ME, I’ve been there.  ‘How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure’ will surely help you AVOID many killer threats in a wilderness environment.

Listed below are some things you need to do right away once you find yourself in a survival situation.

a) Build a field-expedient direction Shadow-Tip Method as soon as possible as well as a bottle-top compass. The shadow-tip will be your “BIG Compass” and should be near your shelter – preferably next to your “BIG CLOCK”.  You can also build a compass.  Both should be clear of your regular foot traffic in and around your survival site.

b) Start drawing a sketch map of your survival site and immediate surroundings. Insure you record directions, distances, and descriptions. Try to be as specific as possible.  Why?  Because you’re gonna be more forgetful as time goes on!

c) Make beacon markers throughout your survival area to guide you “home.” Make sure each beacon is different and is recorded on your sketch map with direction, distance and its unique description (branches, sticks, animal skull, etched markings in the ground…).


So please use WET with PRSC  with the 8 Elements of Survival (Fire, Water, Shelter, First-Aid, Signal, Food, Weapons and Navigation) when you anticipate any outdoor trip!  OK, we covered PRSC, WET and the 8 Elements of Survival.  Can you see the very importance on How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure?  Can you see how this planning can SAVE YOUR LIFE and those under your care?  I hope this blog post – ‘How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure’ will motivate you to take the time to wisely prepare before your next venture so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!



How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure

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