Top Seven Snacks To Fight Heart Disease (proven to work)
INTRODUCTION: You’re going to read the very basics of how your amazing heart works non-stop 24/7. Then you’ll read the basics of heart disease. Then I’ll tell you about the “Top Seven Snacks To Fight Heart Disease!”
Cardiovascular Disease – 1st Leading Killer Of Americans!
What is the heart and what does it do?
The heart is a constant working muscle that beats approximately 100,000 times and pumps 4,000 gallons of blood each 24 hours!
The amazing work your heart does in one single day is equal to lifting 100 pounds one foot off the ground 1,500 times!
In your lifetime, your heart will pump some 400,000 tons of blood without rest! Amazing isn’t it!
The heart provides life required nutrients and oxygen to all tissues of the body and even the heart itself.
What is heart disease?
The heart has a separate circulatory system which nourishes the heart with nutrients and oxygen. This circulatory system is made-up of two coronary arteries that are about the size of a pencil.
These two coronary arteries subdivide and encircle the entire heart. Heart disease is the result of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis sometimes called “hardening of the arteries.”
It’s a progressive condition in which deposits of cholesterol and lipids and other cellular waste accumulate on the inner walls of coronary arteries. This accumulation of cholesterol, lipids, and cellular waste becomes plaque. As the plaque accumulates, blood vessels become inelastic and clogged.
This leads to arteries that harden and become clogged. At times, a blood clot will form on the plaque buildup and block the entire artery. A heart attack or stroke is imminent.
Basically, cardiovascular disease takes the form in one or more of the following manners:
- Plaque that narrows arteries, inhibiting blood flow.
- Accumulation of sticky fragments, called platelets, that form clots.
- Spasms of arteries and blood vessels, creating restrictions that stop the heart and shut-off the blood to the brain – causing strokes.
Did you know every 02 minutes one woman dies of heart disease. Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from heart disease alone!
Far too many will die because they were diagnosed too late, follow an unhealthy diet, and are ignorant of many healthy alternatives to recovery.
Cardiovascular disease (commonly called heart disease) is the #1 KILLER of Americans. Every 40 seconds somebody in the USA has a heart attack, which results in killing approximately 630,000 Americans each year (2015 data from the Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke)!
SEE “Left For Dead” at the end of this blog post.
If conventional and alternative medicines could find a healthy blend of treatments, multitudes of patients afflicted with heart disease and many other diseases and maladies would be spared.
What causes coronary blockages?
According to Dr. Dean Ornish’s Reversing Heart Disease:
“coronary blockages form when the lining of the coronary artery is damaged from excessive dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and nicotine.”
The body attempts to repair the injured/damaged lining by placing cholesterol, collagen and other materials over it like a band-aid.
When this becomes chronic (damage to the coronary lining) the pile-up of these band-aids begins to block the arteries. After time this coronary blockage may become life threatening.

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What is a heart attack?
A heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when one or more of the coronary arteries is partially blocked by atherosclerosis and a blood clot plugs the remaining opening.
The part of the heart muscle beyond the blockage is deprived of oxygen which results in injury or death of that part of the heart muscle.
If that part of the heart muscle is large enough or is a vital area of the heart, the casualty will die. Heart disease is the number one cause of death and disability in the United States.
In 1988, it was estimated $60 billion was spent on the treatment and care of heart attack victims (hospitalization, loss of work, medication, and therapies).
SEE “Left For Dead” at the end of this blog post.
Cardiovascular Disease (National Center for Biotechnology Information – NCBI)
Here are the Top Seven Snacks To Fight Heart Disease:
- Almonds
- Brazil Nuts
- Dark Chocolate
- Jello
- Pistachio Nuts
- Popcorn
- Sardines
Healthy Snacking – American

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OK, let’s start with Almonds.
Almonds are packed with:
- Calcium
- Fiber (more than any other nut – 03 grams per ounce)
- Folic acid
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Riboflavin
- Vitamin E (helps prevent artery clogging, boost immunity, helps prevent cancer, and anti-aging).
Brazil Nuts are rich in selenium, an antioxidant linked to low rates of cancer and heart disease.
According to Donald J. Lisk at Cornell University, just eating one Brazil nut a day would keep you sufficient in selenium. However, eating more than one-half dozen Brazil nuts everyday could cause nausea.
I had to add this in here because I was stationed in Panama when I was in the US Army. The Kuna Indians are located on a chain of islands – San Blas Archipelago on the Atlantic side of the Panama.
At the very end of Fort Davis, Panama near its entrance, there was an old WWII, 02-story barracks of San Blas Indians (all male) who lived there full time with the permission of the US government.
Those San Blas Indians were super hard workers and excellent excellent cooks. A couple of them worked in the Shoppette. It was part store and part cafeteria.
I remember going in there many times and ordering a 04-egg omelet with all the fixins’. Man oh man that omelet was super Super Super Super DELICIOUS.
Anyway, the Kuna Indians with their low blood pressure were noted to be practically immune to hypertension (high blood pressure) even as they grow older. How? What the heck are they doing? What the heck are they eating?
Dr. Norman Hollenberg, a Harvard cardiologist wanted to know what was going on with the Kuna Indians.
Dr. Hollenberg found that the Kuna Indians drink large amounts of cocoa (minimally processed). The lightly processed cocoa is loaded with flavanols. Flavanols are noted to improve blood vessel flexibility. Dark chocolate has more flavanols that regular chocolate.
And depending how dark chocolate is processed, may address the amount of flavanols in that particular dark chocolate product. So go ‘Kuna’ and consider adding tasty dark chocolate to your diet. See Flavanols. And see Free Radicals And Antioxidants! and Pycnogenol The Antioxidant Of Choice!
I gotta tell you something else about them Panamanian folks. Fort Davis, Panama was located on a huge section of real estate – US Property. The grounds were manicured better than a golf course.
Them Panamanians (we called them LBGs – Little Brown Guys), were super hard workers cutting all those acres and acres of grass and always fighting back the jungle at the huge perimeter of Fort Davis.
What did they use to keep the acres and acres of grass manicured better than a golf course? NO, they used NO riding lawn mowers or even NO push mowers.
To cut the acres and acres of lawn to perfection, they used a weed eaters. To fight back the jungle, they used a stick and a machete!!!!!! All of BACK-BREAKING WORK to us ‘Creatures of Comfort’ Americans.
ME, on my property, I cut about 02 acres of grass with my push mower and it takes me a day and a half. Sometimes 02-days. So my point! Maybe ‘Dark Chocolate’ has a role in their superior working abilities.
While serving in the U.S. Army at Fort Davis, Panama, I was told one diet aid used under the care of a physician is Jello! Yes, Jello.
Overweight GIs would eat Jello to lose weight! Why does it work? Jello is mostly water and water has NO FAT, NO CARBOHYDRATES, – it’s water.
The overweight GIs could eat as much Jello as they wanted but were not allowed regular meals. Try NO SUGAR Jello to help you lose weight.

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Pistachio nuts are no doubt delicious. But what about its health benefits? Pistachio nuts have been eaten since 6,000 BC.
Pistachios are native to Asia but are now grown all year long in many countries to include the United States.
Pistachio nuts provide a bounty of nutrients:
- Amino Acids
- Fats (polyunsaturated, monounsaturated)
- Carbohydrates
- Fiber
- Minerals (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, sodium, zinc)
- Protein
- Vitamins (A, Betaine, B6, C, E, Folate, K, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid Choline, Riboflavin, Thiamine, )
The regular consumption of pistachio nuts are heart healthy cause they:
- Decrease levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)
- Provide antioxidants
- Provide the good fats
Eaten as a healthy snack, plain popcorn (no butter and no salt) compared to beef provides 67% as much protein, 100% as much iron, and an equal amount of calcium.
One and a half ounces of plain popcorn supplies as much energy as two eggs without the fat and cholesterol.
Plain fiber packed popcorn is great for snacking versus those potato chips, cheese crackers and other snacks that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar.
Try hot air cooked plain popcorn instead of oil cooked or prepackaged microwave popcorn.
When you go to the movie theater or the stadium to watch baseball, football, soccer or any other sport, ask the vendor what kind of oil the kernels are popped in. Coconut oil is the preferred and healthy cooking oil for popcorn.
Sardines in oil are one of my favorite tasty foods and they may be a great aid to help your weight-loss goals.
Here’s a quote from Muscle Mag (December 2009): “heavyweight when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids. These ‘phat’ fats have been found to stimulate fat burning so you drop more blubber, and they aid in fending off a range of diseases almost biblical in scope – cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and heart disease, to name a few.
Best of all they’re ridiculously cheap.”
I love sardines and here are the 03 brands that I eat:
- Beach Cliff Sardines (in soybean oil) (no carbohydrates & no sugars)
- Brunswick Sardines (in olive oil) (no carbohydrates & no sugars)
- King Oscar (in extra virgin olive oil) (no carbohydrates & no sugars)
According to a Danish study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that there was a 38% reduction in ischemic heart disease among women who ate sardines.
Note: A can of sardines has a long shelf life of approximately 05-years, so stock-up when they go on sale.

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Summary: Now you got a good ‘taste’ of delicious snacks to help you fight and SURVIVE heart disease. Plus, as you just read, these snacks have plenty of other health benefits. Upon your doctor’s approval, consider adding some or all of these snacks to your diet.
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