I’m no high-ranking Pentagon military strategist. I don’t have access to any TOP SECRET intelligence concerning China’s military threat against Taiwan, the United States and our allies. I’m just an Infantry / Special Forces grunt (About The Author) using common sense and my own ‘Intensive Research.’ Since the 1990’s, before I left the service, I’ve been openly stating the next big war and probably last big war will be the mighty U. S. of A. against China which will of course start-up the draft and drag allies from both sides into the war – thus World War III.
World War III Is Inevitable (It’s Coming)!
NOTE: See more Videos below and browse the 50+ International HEADLINES. International HEADLINES that indicate World War III is inevitable – It’s Coming!
On 09 November 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. A year later, the fall of the Soviet Union was seen by the entire world. On 26 December 1991 the mighty Soviet Union was no longer the powerhouse threat it once was. The next military threat against the mighty U. S. of A. and her Allies, is the Sleeping Dragon – China and her allies.
During the early 1980s, during the Reagan Administration up until the end of the Gulf War, the United States military was on a build-up not seen since World War II. China has outpaced that same military build-up and continues as you read this segment. Look at what they’re doing in the South China Sea (see Videos below).
China’s military might is so HUGE, so HUGE, man for man, bullet for bullet,… if you keep the nukes out of the picture, China can whoop the US and all our Allies combined. In my humble opinion, there will be a Mother of All Wars when the United States attempts to fight China and this will happen when the US steps in to defend Taiwan as per our ‘Treaty’ – a weak treaty between the US and Taiwan (Taiwan Relations Act – Section 2 & Section 3). Here’s some data to back-up my humble opinions.
The Giant Chinese Dragon Advances!
China like the Soviet Union during the Cold war has a history of throwing her heavy weight around to get what she wants.
- During the 1950s, China invaded and seized Tibet, invaded Korea and bombed Taiwanese islands of Matsu and Quemoy.
- During the 1960s, China attacked India and invaded the powerful Soviet Union’s territorial island Damansky.
- In the 1970s, China invaded Vietnam and seized the Paracel Islands.
- In the 1980s, China again invaded India and Vietnam and took the Spratly Islands.
- During the 1990s and to the present, China has harassed Taiwan via their undisputable mighty military muscle.
- China is now fabricating islands in the South China Sea to stretch their ‘so-called territorial Chinese waters.’ And on these islands, they are emplacing military manpower, weapons and landing strips.
- China is claiming more & more ocean real estate, causing international water disputes and near military confrontations between China’s Navy and the United States Navy.
Since the year 1929, China has said Taiwan is her property. The ONLY thing that has deterred China from easily overrunning Taiwan is the United States. In 1950 China Communists forces attempted to overrun Taiwan but the United States 7th Fleet came to their rescue. And throughout the 1950s, the US Navy’s 7th Fleet shielded Taiwan from the Giant Dragon.
In 1954, the United States and Taiwan signed a mutual-defense treaty. When China threatens Taiwan or the P’eng-Hu Islands, the US has an obligation to come to their aid, no doubt with military force and this means not only WAR but World War III.
Taiwan (island – 13,900 square miles) has a population of just over 22 million people and complimented with a modern military. Despite their modern military and no matter how bravely they defend their island, Taiwan military forces are NO MATCH against the Giant Dragon.
China’s wrath could launch thousands of missiles at Taiwan’s military destroying their C4 (Command, Control, Communications, and Computers), followed by bombardment from the sea, followed by thousands of sorties bombing Taiwan into submission, followed by an invasion of hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers. China also has the ability to launch missiles at all US naval ports in that part of the world. China’s missiles (CSS-4 ICBM) can even reach the United States.
China’s Order of Battle (OB) – 2012!
Before I carry-on, let me tell you that this entire segment was initially written back in December 2012. You’ll see why I brought this up in a second.
Order of Battle (OB) is a military term used to estimate the strength of any country’s military force. OB counts EVERYTHING from the Private Know Nuthin’s, to tanks, planes, pilots, ships,… – everything. You know why?
Skirmishes, battles, wars are won on attrition. So first you have to know what your opponent has and how much he has in their corner so you can see if you have a chance of kickn’ their ass. It’s like a skinny kid going up against bully kid that has a weight, height and weapon(s) advantage. Here’s a good example so you can understand what Order of Battle (OB) is all about.
Skinny Kid Against Fat Bully Order of Battle (OB) Example!
Here’s an example of ‘Order of Battle’ on a scale of 02 kids fighting. Pretend the Skinny Kid is the U. S. of A. and the Fat Bully is China.
Skinny Kid Fat Bully Kid
Name: Wendell Name: Billy The Bully
Weight: 115 pounds Weight: 165 pounds
Age: 14 Age: 15
Previous Fights: 0 Previous Fights: 35 (undefeated)
Fight Training: None Fight Training: Street, wrestling and uses hand-held weapons
Criminal Activity: None Criminal Activity: Thefts, assaults & batteries, drugs,…
Arrests: None Arrests: 09
We have Wendell who is out-weighed by the bully by 50-pounds. The bully is the known #01 bad ass bully in the school and the entire city. Even the teachers are afraid of him. Wendell is going to get whooped real good unless he comes up with some ‘Unconventional Tactics.’
So Wendell does a pre-emptive strike as taught to him by his big brother, a U. S. Army Green Beret who is home on leave. His big brother called it a ‘Strike Operation.’ Wendell waits for Billy the Bully on the bully’s own turf, his own neighborhood cause he’ll have his guard down. Wendell is hiding and ambushes Billy the Bully from behind using a Stun Gun that he took from his Mom’s purse. Billy the Bully drops to the hard ground making a loud thud. And when the bully is down, Wendell makes sure he stays down for the count by kicking him real hard in the groin two or three times.
Then while Billy the Bully is crying & moaning on the ground, Wendell the skinny kid leans over the bully and adds some Psychological Warfare and whispers to him in a language the bully can understand: “If you screw with me or any of my friends ever again you fat piece of shit, me and my 02 bigger brothers – both are U. S. Army Green Berets, we are going to beat you 100-times worse and make you disappear. We’re going to Jimmy Hoffa your fu%*n’ fat ass!” And before he walks away, Wendell kicks the fat bully real hard in the stomach. “That’s for taking all my lunch money the last couple years.”
And Wendell checks the bully’s pockets for money. Sure enough, he finds more than a $100 and takes it. “Billy, this is my money, my money. My money you stole from me the last couple years. I figure you owe me a several hundred more dollars from all the injuries, pain and suffering you caused me over the past few years” yells Wendell. And Wendell rears back and kicks the Billy the Bully one more time in the stomach.
But Wendell doesn’t stop there. Over the next few weeks, Wendell makes contact with all the kids beat-up over the years by Billy the Bully and other bullies and they form an alliance. They form ‘The Skinny Kids Alliance’ and plan and execute attacks on all the bullies one at a time. 05 – 08 skinny kids will gang-up on 01 or 02 bullies and whoop on them using unconventional tactics and home-made weapons taught to them by 115-pound skinny Wendell, a future U. S. Army Green Beret.
Wendell teaches all his ‘Brothers In Arms’ another tactic taught to him by one of his big brothers, called ‘Battlefield Recovery.’ They take anything of value from the bullies to include money, cell phones, watches, rings, and even high-dollar footgear. If they find any drugs, they flush it down a toilet. They use these ‘Battlefield Recovery’ items to finance their own war against all these bullies and compensation for all the past losses of money, injuries and pain & suffering brought on by the bullies over the past few years.
A few of the bullies after being beat-up a few times, actually surrendered and turned sides against the other bullies and are now fighting with ‘The Skinny Kids Alliance!’ These skinny kids are future soldiers who will complement the ranks of the United States of American Elite Fighters – the Green Berets, Rangers, Navy SEALs, Delta Force, Marine Force Recon, Air Force CCTs, Air Force Para-Rescue, law enforcement officers, firefighters,…
Let’s pause here real quick with this video:
United States Of America Elite Fighters!
“Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
‘If You Want Peace, Prepare For War’
– The Chinese military – the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) is composed of the following military services:
- Peoples Liberation Army – Army
- Peoples Liberation Army – Navy
- Peoples Liberation Army – Air Force
- Peoples Liberation Army – Rocket Force
- Peoples Liberation Army – Strategic Support Force
Here’s a real quick & very short sample of the Giant Dragon’s OB back in 2012, so you can appreciate the extremely serious threat to the United States and her allies (Taiwan,…):
China’s Order of Battle – 2012!
Military Personnel———————————————————————————————3,030,000
Military Personnel & Reserves:————————————————————————-5,200,000
Eligible Military————————————————————————————————–250,000,000
Fighter Aircraft—————————————————————————————————4,300
Bomber Aircraft————————————————————————————————–1,000
Transport Aircraft———————————————————————————————–650
Destroyer/Frigate Ships————————————————————————————–60
Nuclear Subs——————————————————————————————————-06
Amphibious Landing Ships———————————————————————————-50
China’s Order of Battle – 2018!
Now let’s look at China’s Order Of Battle 06-years later.
Army Personnel—————————————————————————————————–975,000
Army Aircraft———————————————————————————————————1,050
Air Force Personnel————————————————————————————————398,000
Air Force Aircraft—————————————————————————————————3,000+
Naval Personnel—————————————————————————————————–255,000
Naval Ships————————————————————————————————————512
Naval Ships (Auxillary)——————————————————————————————unknown
Naval Aircraft——————————————————————————————————–710+
Rocket Force Personnel—————————————————————————————-100,000
Strategic Support Force Personnel————————————————————————unknown (Cyber Warfare, Electronic Warfare and Space Warfare)
Total Chinese Active Duty———–1,728,000 (not including Strategic Support Force Personnel)
Chinese Para-Military Forces:——-17,835,000 (Reserves and eligible for military service)
Here’s a miniscule hint of what the U.S. of A. and our Allies are up against.
Note: In my most humble opinion, this video represents just 1/1,000th of 01% of the total Chinese Order Of Battle to include Reserves and those eligible for military service.
REVEALING OBSERVATION: If you noticed in this video, each formation of Chinese men and women, they are not from the same military unit. There is no unit integrity (not from the same military unit). How do I know this? Look real close at each marching formation. They are all the same height. These military men and women are from different Chinese military branches & units who were hand-picked according to a required height.
No military unit (squad to battalion) anywhere in the world, has all its military members clocking-in at the same height. Statistically, it’s impossible. And you can bet these Chinese military formations all rehearsed many times prior to this recorded ‘Pass and Review.’ It’s still a very fine show of military discipline (marching). Great ‘Attention To Detail.’
China is no 3rd rate military machine. China’s military is a very serious military threat to Taiwan, the U.S., our allies and the world. See “Author’s Final Notes” at the end of this blog post.
“Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
‘If You Want Peace, Prepare For War’
“Retired US General Says War With China Likely In 15 Years!”
That was the headline of from a conference on 24 October 2018 (Wednesday), when retired Lt. General Ben Hodges spoke at a Warsaw Security Forum in Warsaw, Poland.
Retired Lt. General Ben Hodges has great credibility for he was the former Commander of all US Army forces in Europe (2014 – 2017).
At the Warsaw Security Forum, Lt. General Ben Hodges advises that our European allies must do more to defend themselves and not count on the United States current full support because the United States must focus their forces on defending their interest in the Pacific.
Lt. General Ben Hodges states and this is a quote:
“I think in 15 years, – it’s not inevitable – but it is a very strong likelihood that we will be at war with China.”
Like I said, I’m no military strategist. I don’t have the academic military credentials of General Hodges, but I disagree with General Hodges. War with China is not inevitable – it is inevitable – it’s coming. I’m not privy to the unknown military intelligence that General Hodges had access to, but I’m looking at China’s past military history invasions & current military actions and their past and current military Order of Battle which of course is dictated by the Chinese top leadership who have their short and long-term plans for China as a world power.
Listen, skirmishers, battles and wars are won on attrition. The US and our allies are already far far behind on beans & bullets (Order of Battle) as compared to China and her allies. The U.S. and our allies are already OUTNUMBERED and OUTGUNNED. Even with India as one of our allies with its own mighty Order of Battle, it’s going to be a great bloody mess.
But There Is Hope!
But there is hope. I strongly believe the mighty U.S. of A is playing opossum right now and has been playing opossum for decades. What I mean is somewhere behind layers of closed doors are super-advanced warfare technologies that have the potential to completely decimate any enemy to the U.S. and our allies. And I give you one good hint (a true story) of these super-advanced warfare technologies in my book – “American Elite Fighters – Are U.S. Tax Payers Getting Their Money’s Worth?”, when I talked about the US Navy SEAL’s raid that killed Usama Bin Laden.
If the U.S. doesn’t use super-advanced warfare technologies, the next best option is a good triple helping of old fashion David versus Goliath fighting called Unconventional Warfare.
Secretly infiltrate dozens of U.S. Army Special Forces A-Teams (12 Green Berets) into China itself and bordering countries to train, equip and pay, hundreds of thousands to millions of Chinese civilians and other civilians in bordering countries to take the fight to the Chinese military. Therefore, the Chinese military is focusing on defense within her own borders instead of offensive operations outside her borders and at the same time whittling down the Chinese Order of Battle (attrition) of the mighty Chinese military (Peoples Liberation Army).
This Unconventional Warfare (exclusive Green Beret specialty) will work because just in China alone, there are MILLIONS of Chinese who HATE the current Chinese government and would readily take-up arms to fight for their freedom from decades of oppression. The current Chinese population clocks-in 1,403,500,365 – that’s almost 01 ½ BILLION people. If just 01%, just 01 lousy percent of the Chinese population (14,035,003) wanted to overthrow their government, you got a bunch of Unconventional Warriors ready to take-on their government.
Look at how much havoc & destruction one single lone unconventional warrior did here in the U.S. of A. between 1996 -1998! His name is Eric Robert Rudolph (ERR). The best law enforcement the mighty U.S. of A. has to offer couldn’t find nor capture ERR for 05-years during his lone evasion in the Nantahala National Forest (North Carolina, U.S.A.).
Think of what 14,035,003 unconventional warriors could do in China when trained & equipped by several dozen A-Teams of U.S. Army Green Berets? BAAAM times 14,000,000+ Unconventional Warriors!! BAAAM you got the Chinese leadership and the Chinese military leadership SPAZZING OUT cause they’re taking HEAVY LOSSES throughout their country. Heavy attrition is now having their own massive civilian population turning against their Chinese government.
All they need is some quick unconventional warfare training, weapons & ammunition and many many unilateral operations with other Chinese unconventional warriors in multitudes of coordinated efforts across China to take on the Chinese military while seizing & holding real estate. Rinse and repeat.
How about a good triple helping of Unconventional Warfare and a discreet pinch here & there of U.S. of A. super-advanced warfare technologies.
MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: War with China (World War III) doesn’t mean the end of the world. It simply means a new oppressed-free democratic China and about 10-years of cleaning-up the mess & re-building on all sides.
PS Listen:
“On national defense, your tax dollars are being spent on 05% you know about and 95% you don’t know about.”
And a tiny miniscule of that 95% is being spent on them Generals at the Pentagon thinking decades into the future. And the U.S. military has been doing that ‘what if’ thinking since BEFORE World War II. And I proved it in a segment in my book – “55+ True Incredible Mysteries!” when I covered the ‘pre-planned & deliberate disappearance’ of the famous Amelia Earhart and her world class navigator Frederick Noonan – Amelia Earhart’s TOP SECRET Mission!

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
“Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
‘If You Want Peace, Prepare For War’
Is World War Three Coming?
Here are 190+ International Headlines I came across that support the serious threat of war with China in the near future:
“U.S. joins Australian plan to develop new Pacific naval base.”
17 Nov. 2018 (Saturday)
“Xi Jinping tells Chinese army to be ready for battle.”
06 January 2019
“China Sends Military to Intercept U.S. in Disputed Sea.”
08 January 2019 (Tuesday)
US senator warns: China’s preparing for World War III
31 January 2019
“New Military Budget Targets China Despite Talk Of Mexican Border.”
17 March 2019 (Sunday)
World War III is Coming — And So is the Draft
07 January 2020
“China’s secret weapon could kill 90% of Americans in one strike.”
29 June 2020
Army Releases Ultra Rare Video Showing Green Berets Training In Taiwan
29 June 2020
India-China border tensions flare anew, posing threat of catastrophic military conflict
05 September 2020
“Marines Activate Camp Blaz On Guam, The Corps’ First New Base Since 1952.”
01 October 2020
Note: Camp Blaz is 2,179-miles from Bejing, China.
“The US and China could be headed for a ‘new cold war’ lasting a generation that forces countries to pick sides, one analyst says.”
01 October 2020
“Chinese general says Korean War shows how to defeat America.”
02 October 2020
“To stop a Chinese invasion, Taiwan has to first fight the stigma of military service.”
06 October 2020
“Henry Kissinger: US and China tensions reaching escalations that led to World War I.”
08 October 2020
“Irregular warfare with China, Russia: Ready or not, it’s coming — if not already here”
11 October 2020
“US tells Taiwan ‘to fortify itself’ to repel invasion from China.”
16 October 2020
“U.S. Doubles Spy Plane Missions Near China Since 2009.”
21 October 2020
“US approves $1 billion in new arms sales to Taiwan.”
21 October 2020
“Trump’s security adviser says: China is the threat of the century.”
21 October 2020
“Marines Hop Islands, Set Up Long-Range Fires as Force Preps for Clash with China.”
23 October 2020
“‘It Means War’: China State Media Warns Taiwan Against Warplane Action.”
27 October 2020
“Sunken boats. Stolen gear. Fishermen are prey as China conquers a strategic sea.”
12 November 2020
“Biden vows to defend U.S. allies as China asserts power in Asia.”
12 November 2020
‘Are We Getting Invaded?’ U.S. Boats Faced Russian Aggression Near Alaska
13 November 2020
“Chinese Soldiers Storm Beach in Military Landing Drill Amid Taiwan War Tension.”
17 November 2020
–“State Department warns incoming Biden administration of China’s intent to be top world power.”
17 November 2020
“US, China sleepwalking towards World War III.”
17 November 2020
“Japan and Australia agree to ‘pivotal’ military access pact in deal sure to ruffle China’s feathers.”
17 November 2020
“The US Air Force has ‘studied every single piece of concrete in the Pacific’ to find new places to fight from.”
25 November 2020
“Senate Intelligence Committee leaders warn of Chinese threats to national security.”
04 December 2020
“Chinese Forces Flex Muscles in South China Sea During U.S. Navy Transit.”
09 December 2020
“Taiwan president launches new domestically made patrol ships.”
11 December 2020
“U.S. and France flex muscles in South China Sea, raising Beijing’s ire.”
09 Feb. 2021
“China Warns Biden Not to ‘Flex Muscles’ After Dual Aircraft Carrier Drill.”
09 Feb. 2021
“HMS Queen Elizabeth faces a high risk of ‘incidents’ in the South China Sea.”
23 Feb. 2021
Biden brings no relief to tensions between US and China
02 March 2021
U.S. admiral calls for ground-based offensive weaponry in western Pacific
09 March 2021
China’s Xi Warns of ‘Unstable, Uncertain’ Times, Military Must ‘Be Prepared’
09 March 2021
India to Buy First U.S. Armed Drones to Counter China, Pakistan
09 March 2021
China building offensive, aggressive military, top US Pacific commander says
10 March 2021
China says it will respond to ‘all threats’ as US Navy destroyer USS John Finn sails through Taiwan Strait
11 March 2021
US warship transits Taiwan Strait after admiral’s China invasion warning
‘top US commander warned of the threat to Taiwan of a Chinese invasion within the next six years’
11 March 2021
Marines Need Funding for Missiles that Can Target Chinese Ships, Top Pacific Admiral Says
12 March 2021
Pentagon chief sees Asia ties as deterrent against China
14 March 2021
More Americans view China as the country’s greatest enemy: new poll
16 March 2021
U.S. ‘Critical’ to Taiwan’s ‘Survival,’ Envoy Says As China Eyes Military Takeover
17 March 2021
Taiwan says China bolstering ability to attack, blockade island
19 March 2021
U.S., Chinese diplomats clash in rare public display
(currently – video was taken off the internet)
19 March 2021
New Pentagon No. 2 warns China’s “aggressive” actions pose threat to global order
19 March 2021
India, U.S. to expand military engagement, defense ties
20 March 2021
Philippines accuses China of ‘incursion’ in disputed sea
21 March 2021
China, North Korea Statement of Cooperation Poses New Threat to U.S.
22 March 2021
China, Russia, North Korea, Iran Build Ties as U.N. Friends Feud with U.S.
23 March 2021
‘US military is outgunned’ by China: Jack Keane
24 March 2021
Note: No sh!+. It’s been that way since the 1980s! See China’s ‘Order of Battle’ above.
U.S. and Taiwan Team Up Amid Looming China Coast Guard Threat
25 March 2021
Can China impose military force against Taiwan?
25 March 2021
Endless U.S.-China Contest Risks ‘Catastrophic’ Conflict, Henry Kissinger Warns
26 March 2021
China has a new ship to hunt the US Navy’s submarines
27 March 2021
Philippines deploys air force as tensions over Chinese ships rise
28 March 2021
China sends fighters as Palau president, U.S. diplomat visit Taiwan
29 March 2021
Australia Accelerates Missile Program With Its U.S. Ally
31 March 2021
U.S. in Talks With Australia on Responses to War Over Taiwan, Diplomat Says
01 April 2021
A Chinese Attack on Taiwan Is Getting Closer
02 April 2021
Philippines turns up heat on China over boats massing in South China Sea
05 April 2020
China Sends Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Near Okinawa in Message to US and Japan
06 April 2021
US Military Says Chinese Attack On Taiwan Accelerating As Taiwan Threatens War ‘To The Very Last Day’
07 April 2021
Taiwan vows to fight as China steps up its force
08 April 2021
Antony Blinken Warns China Taiwan Attack Would Be ‘Serious Mistake’ as Military Tensions Mount
11 April 2021
Intelligence Report Calls China Biggest Threat to U.S.
13 April 2021
Taiwan says China flew 25 warplanes into its airspace in the largest breach yet
13 April 2021
Philippines summons Chinese ambassador over vessels in disputed waters
13 April 2021
‘Taiwan is Part of China,’ Says Chinese Navy Warship During Encounter With Taiwanese Vessel
13 April 2021
China Warns It’ll Use Military Action to ‘Stop Taiwan Independence’ as U.S. Officials Visit Island
14 April 2021
China conducts live-fire military drills as Biden friends arrive in Taiwan
14 April 2021
Is China really about to invade Taiwan?
15 April 2021
China Capable of ‘Substantially Subduing’ U.S. at Sea, State Media Boasts
15 April 2021
Taiwan says seeking long-range cruise missiles from U.S.
19 April 2021
New Zealand ‘uncomfortable’ with expanding intelligence alliance when it comes to China: report
19 July 2021
Joe Biden Set To Approve First Arms Sale to Taiwan Amid China Threat
20 April 2021
Taiwan To Begin 24/7 Simulation of Chinese Invasion
20 April 2021
Ret. Gen. Jack Keane warns the U.S. is “outgunned” by China
22 April 2021
Note: Re-read Chinese Order of Battle above.
Japan to host first joint ‘war games’ with US, France
24 April 2021
Taiwan mobilizes forces to thwart Chinese invasion
24 April 2021
UPDATE 1-Chance of China, Taiwan conflict should not be discounted – Australian defence minister
26 April 2021
Australia expanding war games with US amid tensions with China
28 April 2021
Sullivan: China is ‘the most significant’ strategic challenge facing the United States
28 April 2021
The great power race between the US and China is on. And Beijing is confident of winning
30 April 2021
Australian general warned of ‘high likelihood’ of conflict with China: report
04 May 2021
Washington weighs risk of defending Taiwan against China
05 May 2021
Top U.S. general warns of ‘potential international instability’
05 May 2021
Why are Australian officials hinting at war with China?
05 May 2021
The Taiwan war paradox
06 May 2021
Why Australia-China War Talk is Rising Between the Two Nations
06 May 2021
China Is Trying to Build an Atlantic Naval Base
11 May 2021
Japan launches first joint military drill with US, France
11 May 2021
China Media Says U.S. ‘Will Be Defeated,’ Boasts Army Can Overwhelm American Troops
13 May 2021
Pentagon chief unable to talk to Chinese military leaders despite repeated attempts
21 May 2021
Top military official warns US peace with China and Russia ‘fraying’
27 May 2021
China is already winning World War III, via money
29 May 2021
Pentagon Eyes New Bombs for War With China, Not ISIS
01 June 2021
The US Navy is not ready to repair ships damaged in a great power fight with China or Russia, watchdog reports
03 June 2021
US general: China’s Xi Jinping wants to rule the world as ‘only’ superpower, surrounded by ‘vassal states’
04 June 2021
Michael Flynn’s brother takes command of US Army Pacific with goal to combat Beijing
06 June 2021
‘Prepare for War,’ China Military Warns in New Propaganda Poster for Taiwan
10 June 2021
China’s Rocket Force Conducts ‘Carrier Killer’ Exercises With Ballistic Missiles With Range of 2,500 Miles
10 June 2021
Pentagon Chief Defends $715 Billion Budget Aimed at China
10 June 2021
China Increasing Military Capability at ‘Serious and Sustained Rate,’ Top U.S. General Says
10 June 2021
China warns G-7: Days of ‘small’ groups ruling world are over
13 June 2021
Important Note: China is really messing-up when they called-out the G-7. Bad joo joo, bad joo joo. Why? As the quote goes: “You can’t fight money!” The G-7 has more money (to finance a war) than China and her allies could possibly pile together. I’ve said this a hundred times: ‘Skirmishers, battles and wars are won on attrition.’ The G-7 and it’s allies, against China and all her allies is a very lopsided mismatch. China has a HUGE Order of Battle (see above), but when they threaten the G-7, you’re messing-up Big Time. G-7 (Group of Seven) include:
- Canada
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
- United Kingdom
- United States
and you throw-in all the G-7s allies – bad joo joo, bad joo joo for China.
U.S.-China relationship ‘going down a path of great confrontation,’ analyst says
14 June 2021
The US and its G7 allies are confronting China. How worried should Beijing be?
14 June 2021
A Far-Flung Taiwan Island Risks Triggering a U.S.-China Clash
17 June 2021
Opinions | The little-known agreement that could lead the U.S. and China to war
23 June 2021
Joe Biden Keeps Up Pressure on China as U.S. Navy Warship Passes Taiwan Strait
23 June 2021
China ‘Cannot Be Stopped by Anyone,’ Beijing Defense Official Warns U.S.
24 June 2021
Pentagon Insider Warns Joe Biden Against ‘Major War’ With China in Open Letter
24 June 2021
US warns China it stands behind South China Sea ruling and is committed to Philippine defense
12 July 2021
China says its military ‘drove away’ US warship
12 July 2021
Japan Ignores China Warnings, Raises Alarm Over Taiwan in Defense Report
13 July 2021
Japan warns of Taiwan crisis, growing risks from US-China rivalry
13 July 2021
Sen. Cotton expresses ‘real doubts’ about US Navy’s ability to defeat China in battle
13 July 2021
Huge Military Exercise Kicks Off in Australia Amid Tensions with China
14 July 2021
US Air Force to send dozens of F-22 fighter jets to the Pacific amid tensions with China
16 July 2021
WW3 fears as China boasts US would have ‘no chance’ stopping invasion of Taiwan
23 July 2021
Only US clarity can prevent a Chinese invasion of Taiwan
27 July 2021
Lloyd Austin issues warning to China over Taiwan
27 July 2021
China warns UK as carrier strike group approaches
30 July 2021
‘Obey the Rules’: China Warns U.K. After Royal Navy Enters Waters
30 July 2021
U.S. warns China is building more nuclear missile silos
30 July 2021
China is ‘out to get’ US: Larry Lindsey
01 August 2021
German warship heads for South China Sea amid tension with Beijing
02 August 2021
India to deploy naval task force into South China Sea and beyond
03 August 2021
U.S. is concerned about China’s growing nuclear arsenal, Blinken tells Southeast Asian officials
06 August 2021
CIA Weighs Creating Special China Unit
12 August 2021
China State Media Issues War Warning After GOP Senator Tweets About Troops in Taiwan
17 August 2021
Chinese warships, fighter jets conduct drills near Taiwan
17 August 2021
China sends bombers into Taiwan air defense zone
19 August 2021
Biden vowed US would ‘respond’ to Chinese invasion of Taiwan after Afghanistan debacle
19 August 2021
Kamala Harris reaffirms U.S. commitment to keep South China Sea open
23 August 2021
China Has Improved Accuracy of Its Missile Force, U.S. Army Finds
23 August 2021
U.S. Warship Challenges China Claims Over Fortified South China Sea Reef
08 Sep. 2021
US sails through South China Sea days after China institutes new maritime ID rules
08 Sep. 2021
China threatens to send warships inside US territorial waters
08 Sep. 2021
Australia agrees to increased U.S. air deployments after sub deal
16 Sep. 2021
Australia agrees on increased U.S. air deployments in Australia
16 Sep. 2021
Australia says more US troops to come, eyes missile work
16 Sep. 2021
Air Force Commandos Are Preparing For War With Russia or China By Rethinking What A ‘Runway’ Really Is’
22 Sep. 2021
China Sends 24 Fighter Jets Toward Taiwan in Show of Force
23 Sep. 2021
China’s Xi warns of ‘grim’ Taiwan situation in letter to opposition
26 Sep. 2021
WATCH: Biden hosts Indo-Pacific leaders as China concerns grow
24 Sep. 2021
China Sends More Than Three Dozen Warplanes In Skies Near Taiwan In Largest Incursion Yet
02 October 2021
In a Surge of Military Flights, China Tests and Warns Taiwan
03 October 2021
China Flies Record 56 Warplanes Toward Self-Ruled Taiwan
04 October 2021
White House Puts China On Notice
05 Oct. 2021
How the U.S. and China Can Avoid Sleepwalking Into War
05 Oct. 2021
Taiwan “Very Concerned That China Is Going To Launch A War” To Take Over, Foreign Minister Says
05 October 2021
Taiwan’s Defense Minister Says China Could Be Ready To Mount A ‘Full-Scale’ Invasion Of Island By 2025
06 October 2021
Note: If you read China’s HUGE Order of Battle above, in my humble opinion, China could have invaded Taiwan as far back as the 1990s.
China Warns World War Three Could Be Triggered At Any Time
06 Oct. 2021
AUKUS: A game-changing move by President Biden to strengthen the US and our allies
06 October 2021
Chinese Newspaper Chief Uses Twitter to Suggest Killing US ‘Invaders’ in Taiwan
07 Oct. 2021
CIA creates new mission centers focused on China and technology
07 Oct. 2021
US troops secretly training forces in Taiwan for past year: report
07 Sep. 2021
India, China Army Talks to Defuse Border Tensions Fail
11 Oct. 2021
China Says It Carried Out Beach Landing Drills In Province Opposite Taiwan
11 Oct. 2021
India’s military gets combat-ready near China border
21 October 2021
Taiwan says will show firm determination to defend itself
21 October 2021
US Green Berets who’ve trained Taiwanese troops explain how they could fight China and why the US keeps their mission secret
24 October 2021
Taiwan needs to beef up defense against China, minister says
27 October 2021
Note: In my humble opinion (author), if Taiwan beefed-up her current Order of Battle by 10-times, it still wouldn’t be enough to defend her borders and airspace against the massive advance of China’s military forces. Taiwan no doubt requires military support from the U.S. and her allies (Australia, Great Britain, Japan, India,…) to defend Taiwan’s borders. See China’s Order of Battle above.
Blinken warns China over Taiwan
31 October 2021
Will America fight for Taiwan?
05 November 2021
China threatens Taiwan independence supporters with criminal liability for life
05 November 2021
China building mockups resembling US Navy ships for possible target practice: report
08 November 2021
Chinese military builds dummy American aircraft carrier, warships
09 November 2021
China uses mock U.S. warships for missile target practice
09 November 2021
Gen Keane urges US to send message to China that their aggression will be confronted, countered
15 November 2021
Xi Jinping Warns Joe Biden China Could Be ‘Compelled’ to Use Force Against Taiwan
16 November 2021
Taiwan sends jets after 27 Chinese planes enter buffer zone
28 November 2021
Kishida vows to step up Japan defense amid threats
29 November 2021
US Navy commander calls for more aircraft carriers in Pacific to dissuade China, Russia from conflict
30 November 2021
Britain’s MI6 chief shifts focus to China
30 November 2021
Bolstering Taiwan’s Defense Is ‘Urgent Task,’ U.S. Official Says
08 December 2021
Pentagon warns China is preparing for military campaign to take over Taiwan
08 December 2021
China runs roughshod over international law to expand its territory and influence without firing a shot
09 December 2021
China uses abandoned NASA design to develop 6,000-mph hypersonic nuclear missile engine: Report
10 December 2021
Ray Dalio: Any war with China is ‘likely to be around Taiwan’
16 December 2021
Bullish China Warns U.S. Unification With Taiwan Unstoppable by ‘Any Force’
21 December 2021
Gen. Keane warns of China’s significant infiltration of US technology, intelligence
21 December 2021
Germany’s head of navy calls China’s naval power buildup ‘explosive’ and a cause of worry
22 December 2021
China Sent Nearly 1,000 Military Aircraft Near Taiwan in 2021: Taipei
22 December 2021
Taiwan Braces for More Chinese Warplane Flybys in 2022 After Patrols Double
27 December 2021
China warns US will ‘face unbearable price’ on Taiwan
30 December 2021
China harvests masses of data on Western targets, documents show
31 December 2021
Taiwan passes extra $8.6bn defense budget as China threat grows
11 January 2022
US piles on South China Sea pressure with dual carrier strike exercises
12 January 2022
U.S. Dismisses China’s Claims in South China Sea in State Department Report
13 January 2022
South China Sea: US Navy warship USS Benfold challenges Chinese territorial claims
20 January 2022
China flies 39 warplanes into Taiwan’s air defense zone in a day
24 January 2022
Two US carriers enter S. China Sea, to ‘counter malign influence’
24 January 2022
China’s recent military flights around Taiwan show how its bomber fleet is flexing its muscles
26 January 2022
China could invade Taiwan, Rep. McCaul predicts
26 January 2022
Chinese ambassador calls Taiwan ‘the biggest tinderbox,’ warning it could lead to ‘military conflict’ between China and the US
28 January 2022
China Warns U.S. of ‘Full-Scale Confrontation,’ Talks Taiwan, Ukraine in Call
22 February 2022
China Claims Taiwan As Its Own as Russia Tests World With Ukraine
23 February 2022
China Sends 13 Aircraft Toward Taiwan After Island Grounds Some Fighters
14 March 2022
China Planned Taiwan Invasion in Fall, Alleged Russian Intel Leak Claims
16 March 2022
Chinese Pilots Sent a Message. American Allies Said They Went Too Far.
09 June 2022
Air Force Unveils First F-35 Aggressors Dedicated To Chinese Threats
09 June 2022
China warns US it ‘won’t hesitate to start a war’ over Taiwan
10 June 2022
Construction Of Airbase On Tinian Island In Case Guam Gets Knocked Out Has Begun
15 June 2022
Xi Jinping Directs Chinese Troops To Carry ‘Special Military Operations’ Abroad
15 June 2022
‘VERY CONCERNED’: Warning to Australia over China’s latest military move
16 June 2022
US Rejects China’s Claims Over Taiwan Strait as Concerns Grow
18 June 2022
Taiwan scrambles 29 jets to warn away Chinese planes in its air defense zone
21 June 2022
Taiwan Increasingly Confident U.S. Will Help Stop China Invasion
21 June 2022
Taiwan Blasts ‘Big Bully’ China After 29 Warplanes Fly Near Island
22 June 2022
U.S., Japan, Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom form Pacific group
24 June 2022
War with China: Are we closer than we think? | Under Investigation
25 June 2022
The US and its allies are scrambling to respond to China’s intensifying moves in the heart of the Pacific
27 June 2022
‘Guam Has 360-Degree Threat’: US Commander Says Beijing Could Smash Andersen Air Force Base
27 June 2022
US Special Operators Are Picking Up A Softer Skill As They Refocus On Countering China
30 June 2022
Wary of China threat, Taiwanese join Ukraine’s fight against Russia
03 July 2022
U.S. military’s newest weapon against China and Russia: Hot air
05 July 2022
Henry Kissinger warns of war: ‘China and the USA are capable of destroying humanity’
06 July 2022
Heads of MI5, FBI give joint warning of growing threat from China
06 July 2022
US Navy challenges Chinese claims in South China Sea for second time in a week
16 July 2022
A Pelosi trip to Taiwan heightens the risk of an ‘accident’ that triggers a US military crisis with Beijing, top China experts warn
29 July 2022
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Joe Biden exchange warnings over Taiwan
29 July 2022
Chinese state media warn fighter jets escorting Pelosi to Taiwan could be shot down
29 July 2022
US Navy developing water-based drones to combat China pacing challenge, but wary of ‘unproven technology’
31 July 2022
Will China attack Taiwan this fall?
04 August 2022
Taiwan scrambles its fighter jets as Chinese war planes conduct simulated attack, officials say
06 August 2022
Taiwan says China is rehearsing invasion attack
06 August 2022
U.S. Will Continue to Defend Taiwan From China’s Threats: White House
12 August 2022
The US could lose up to 900 warplanes fighting a Chinese invasion of Taiwan but would emerge victorious, says think tank
14 August 2022
China stages fresh military exercises around Taiwan and warns it will ‘crush’ foreign interference as US delegation visits the island less than two weeks after Pelosi’s trip enraged Beijing
15 August 2022
US Sends First Warships to Taiwan Strait Since Pelosi Visit
29 August 2022
Taiwan’s military warns it will counterattack without exception if Chinese forces enter its waters or airspace as Beijing’s ships and planes move nearby
31 August 2022
Taiwan shoots down civilian drone over its island just off China’s coastline
01 September 2022
China has repeatedly simulated attacks on US warships, Taiwan warns
01 September 2022
US Approves $1B Arms Sale To Taiwan As Tensions Rise With China
03 September 2022
Is our Navy ready for a looming Pacific war?
14 September 2022
Lawmakers Want to Increase Military Training for Taiwan as Tensions with China Intensify
16 September 2022
China Already Expects U.S. Forces to Defend Taiwan—Think Tank
20 September 2022
Biden’s Vow to Defend Taiwan Makes US Policy Shift Explicit
20 September 2022
Chinese J-15 Fighters Fly Directly Over U.S. Navy Destroyer In New Video
26 September 2022
Taiwan’s New Amphibious Assault Ship Bristles With Anti-Air Missiles
30 September 2022
China is headhunting former British pilots to train its forces, and the UK military is desperate to stop it, officials say
18 Oct. 2022
China plans to seize Taiwan on ‘much faster timeline,’ Blinken says
18 Oct. 2022
Chinese scientists say they’re working on an anti-ship missile that can fly as high as an airliner and dive as deep as a submarine
20 Oct. 2022
As Xi Jinping Tightens Grip, China Says ‘Closer Than Ever’ To Taking Over Taiwan
26 Oct. 2022
China Wants to ‘Speed Up’ Its Seizure of Taiwan, Blinken Says
27 Oct. 2022
China could be gearing up to invade Taiwan now that President Xi has installed a ‘war cabinet’, veteran investor Kyle Bass warns
02 Nov. 2022
Prime Minister pledges «drastic» increase in Japan’s military capabilities in the face of China’s threat
06 Nov. 2022
Pentagon Official Discusses China’s Timeline for Taiwan Invasion
08 Nov. 2022
China will focus on preparing for WAR, Xi Jinping declares
08 Nov. 2022
China is preparing for war, not saving the planet
17 Nov. 2022
US pushes defense ties with Indonesia as China strengthens
21 Nov. 2022
China says it warned US warship away after ‘illegally’ entering waters off Spratly Islands in South China Sea
28 Nov. 2022
India, US armies hold exercises close to China border
29 Nov. 2022
With eye on China, US to boost military forces in Australia — and ‘invite’ Japan to join in
06 Nov. 2022
China Is Mad: Canada Will Send Warships Through the Taiwan Strait
07 Dec. 2022
Is Japan Getting Ready for a War with China? It Looks Like It
16 Dec. 2022
China sends 39 warplanes and 3 ships toward Taiwan in 24 hours
22 Dec. 2022
China angered, Taiwan cheered by new U.S. defence act
24 Dec. 2022
China sends 71 warplanes, 7 ships toward Taiwan in 24 hours
25 Dec. 2022
China Sails Warships Near Guam in Warning to U.S. Over Taiwan
Note: Guam has been a protective Territory of the United States since 1898. The Guam Organic Act of 1950 established U.S. citizenship for Guamanians. In other words, China messes with Guam, they mess with all 50 States, her territories & her trusts of mighty United States of America.
29 Dec. 2022
US to sell Taiwan anti-tank system amid rising China threat
29 Dec. 2022
China and the US: On collision course for war over Taiwan
29 Dec. 2022
China Is Preparing for War, Retired General Warns
01 Jan. 2023
China warns US not to cross ‘red line’ on Taiwan, use ‘salami tactics’
04 Jan 2023
China renews threat, warns Taiwan independence will be ‘punished’
11 Jan. 2023
Study: U.S. Will Run Out of Anti-Ship Missiles in a Fight With China
25 Jan. 2023
US could quickly run out of munitions in conflict with China, defense industry unprepared: report
29 Jan. 2023
Note: I (author) strongly agree with both headlines above. Remember the ‘Order of Battle’ I talked about above. Remember the Bosnian War (1992 – 1995). The U.S. got involved, remember that? Remember the mighty U.S. dang near ran out of cruise missiles on that police action of a war. Fighting China ain’t gonna be no police action. Remember, I’ve said this a hundred times, “Skirmishers, battles and wars are won on attrition.”
New US Marine units are taking position on ‘key terrain’ around Taiwan as tensions rise with China
01 Feb. 2023
Philippines grant US greater military access as tensions with China mount
02 Feb. 2023
Chinese Media Mouthpiece Beats War Drums, Says U.S. Troops in Taiwan Will Be ‘Wiped Out’ if China Invades
24 Feb. 2023
China Will Attack U.S. Soil If Tensions Boil Over: Army Secretary
02 March 2023
China increases military spending, CIA warns of invasion
06 March 2023
Gen. Jack Keane: US has never seen a threat like China in its history
21 March 2023
China says ‘no force can stand in the way’ of reunification with Taiwan
31 March 2023
Preparing for War With China, U.S. Shrinks Its Navy | Opinion
04 April 2023
China declares its military is ready to fight
10 April 2023
China expert warns war with US could break out ‘very well’ before 2025
10 April 2023
Taiwan claims China is getting ready to ‘launchn a war’ as Beijing issues ‘serious warning’
13 April 2023
China is preparing for war with the West
25 April 2023
U.S. Forces Carry Out Rehearsal for Defense of Taiwan
30 April 2023
Elon Musk Says On US-China Relations Amid ‘Inevitable’ Taiwan Crisis: ‘One Does Not Need To Read Between The Lines’
17 May 2023
China ‘preparing for war’ with US as Beijing’s naval fleet threatens Pacific takeover
03 July 2023
I highly encourage you to look-up these headlines on the internet and read these articles and see the videos below. You decide – ‘World War III Is Coming’???
“Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
‘If You Want Peace, Prepare For War’
YouTube Videos!
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
Read my take on what really happened to Amelia Earhart and her navigator Frederick Noonan – Amelia Earhart’s TOP SECRET Mission! and I back it up with videos you gotta see (55+ True Incredible Mysteries!).
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
PS JFK Special Warfare Center (White House – Fort Bragg), you better start sending them million-dollar babies (Green Berets) to Chinese Language School, if you haven’t already!!! Here’s their first lesson in Chinese Mandarin:
Knee how—————————Hello
Knee how maw———————Hello, how are you?
Author’s Final Notes: China is no 3rd rate country nor is her mighty military machine. China’s Order of Battle alone is more than a match for the mighty U. S. of A. and all her allies. In my humble opinion, the U. S. of A. and her allies are not addressing China’s full potential military wrath. All the indicators are already there for a blind man to see. China wants to be the Number 1 World Power. And one minor stepping stone to World Dominance is Taiwan.
The U. S. military needs to step-up and re-think it’s training for all military personnel. The U. S. military needs to:
- RE-ESTABLISH the ‘Shark Attack’ in Army Basic Training instead of babying the recruits
- STOP the stupid fu#$ daily naps (what dumb ass General allowed that stupid shit? – see note below)
- Stop letting military personnel put their hands in their pockets while on duty (military bearing / discipline out the window)
- Enhance all Special Operations recruitment, training and support
- Army Delta Force
- Army Special Forces
- Army Rangers
- Navy SEALs
- Marine Force Recon
- Air Force Combat Control Teams
- Air Force Para Rescue
- Send lots of military personnel to Chinese Language School (Mandarin)
- “What You Do In Training, You Do In Combat”
“Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
‘If You Want Peace, Prepare For War’
PPS If you know the Army General that allowed U. S. Army soldiers to take daily naps while on duty, tell him I SAID:
- he’s a dumb ass
- he needs to see a shrink
- he needs to be reduced to E-1 Private and booted the fu#$ out of my U. S. Army (see About The Author) Some Sergeant Major with some balls, needs to put a boot up his ass. Hey, bring back on active duty, I’ll put a boot up his ass, then I’ll whoop-up on the MPs trying to pull me off of him!!!
How in the holy fu#$ did he progress to the rank of General???
Priorities Of Work: In training and combat, there are Priorities of Work. SECURITY is ALWAYS #01 (100%, 50%, 33%,…), followed by ‘Situation Dictates’ (re-distribution of ammo, first-aid, maintenance of weapons, food & hydrations, sleep,…). But to willy nilly take a nap, especially in a barracks environment – c’mon. You’re setting these soldiers up for an ass-whoopin’ – meaning coming home in body bags.
And I can go on about the U.S. Army shit-canning the ‘shark attack’, but my blood pressure will rise to dangerous levels. No wonder all these GIs are committing suicide, they’re being treated like babies. I gotta go, it’s my nappy time!!!!!!
You want to read about a bad ass – see 1st Lt. Leon Crane.
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