12 International Cancer Preventers Fighters And Killers!
Here are ’12 International Cancer Preventers Fighters And Killers’ you have to know right now so you’re still here decades from now.
Listen, let me ask you this question. Does conventional medicine of drugs and surgery really work to fight cancer? 500,000 Americans die each year, each year, from cancer and those are old stats. 500,000 Americans die each year from cancer! That’s about 25 Infantry Divisions each year! That’s 10-times the soldiers that were killed during the 19-year Vietnam War. Again, each year, 500,000 Americans die each year from cancer!
Global cancer statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries
I’m going to cover the following Cancer Preventers, Fighters And Killers:
- Alkaline Diet
- Apricots
- Amish Cancer Flusher
- Anti-Cancer Cruciferous Twelve
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Strawberries
- Selenium
- Sweet Potato
- Synergistic Approach To Attack And Kill Cancer
- Mushrooms
- Music And Sound Therapy

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Alkaline Diet Fights Cancer
The famous Alkaline Diet is focused on reducing the risk of disease. But many users use the Alkaline Diet for weight-loss. The American diet (see The Five Deadly Whites) have consumers with a lopsided pH balance where the body is acidic which opens the door to sickly maladies and killer maladies like cancers. Experts state cancers have a hard time living in an alkaline environment. So to counter the acidic foods – the acidic body, and bring the body into a healthier pH balance is to introduce the body to alkaline type foods. A healthy pH balance for the human body is approximately 7.30 to 7.45. Here are some foods noted to be on the alkaline side (mild to highly alkaline):
- Alfalfa Grass (highly alkaline)
- Alfalfa Sprouts (highly alkaline)
- Almonds
- Apples
- Apricots
- Artichokes
- Asparagus
- Avocado (highly alkaline)
- Avocado Oil
- Bananas
- Beets
- Broccoli (highly alkaline)
- Butter Beans
- Cabbage (highly alkaline)
- Capsicum / Pepper
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Celery (highly alkaline)
- Cherries
- Coconut
- Collard Greens
- Cucumber (highly alkaline)
- Distilled Water (see Distilled Water)
- Flax Oil
- Garlic (highly alkaline)
- Grapefruit
- Green Beans
- Kale (highly alkaline)
- Leeks
- Lettuce
- Lima Beans
- Mustard Greens
- Navy Beans
- New Baby Potatoes
- Okra
- Olive Oil
- Onion
- Peas
- Pomegranate
- Potatoes
- Pumpkin
- Radishes
- Raisins (highly alkaline)
- Red Cabbage
- Red Onion
- Squash
- Soy Beans
- Spinach (highly alkaline)
- Tomatoes (highly alkaline)
- Turnip
- Watermelon
- Wheatgrass Garlic (highly alkaline)
- Zucchini
Note: You can test your own pH level (saliva & urine) by purchasing pH Test Strips (litmus papers) at your local drug store for $10 to $20. See pH Medicine.
Apricots Fight Cancer
A raw 03 ounce apricot provides only 41 calories, provides a generous amount of potassium (good for your heart), is high in fiber, provides complex carbohydrates, and is very low in fat and sodium. Another plus for apricots is that it is loaded with beta carotene. According to studies at the National Cancer Institute beta carotene, which your body converts into Vitamin A, combats several common cancers! The apricot may be the best recognized cancer inhibitor, especially against smoking-related cancers, including lung. Dried apricots have a higher concentration of beta carotene than the raw fruit!
WARNING: The apricot kernel is poisonous because of amygdalin or laetrile content. Consuming quantities of these seeds has caused serious poisoning especially in children.
Amish Cancer Flushers
The Amish know the deal when it comes to fighting cancer. Here are the healthy foods that help flush carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) out of your body and fight specific cancers:
- Beans = colon cancer
- Beet = cervical cancer
- Blackberry Tea = general
- Broccoli = general
- Brussels Sprouts = general
- Cabbage = general
- Carrots = colon cancer
- Cauliflower = breast cancer & general
- Chives = stomach cancer
- Garlic = stomach & colon cancer
- Leeks = stomach cancer
- Onions = stomach cancer & general
- Pear = colon cancer
- Radishes = general
- Shallots = stomach cancer
- Spinach = lung cancer & general
- Sweet Potato = general
- Tomatoes = stomach, pancreatic & general
- Vitamin C = mouth, esophagus & stomach cancers
See Anticancer Cruciferous Twelve below.
Anti-Cancer Cruciferous Twelve
To botanical historians the “Anticancer Cruciferous Twelve” all have flowers that resemble a crucifix or cross; thus cruciferous. They all share common chemicals that can counteract some of the destruction from carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals / ingredients).
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Cress
- Horseradish
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Mustard Greens
- Radish
- Rutabaga
- Turnip Greens
Broccoli Fights Cancer
Did you know broccoli is America’s favorite vegetable? One stalk of cooked broccoli furnishes only 45 calories and .2 grams of fat. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, broccoli is the leading source of dietary fiber, packed with potassium, provides Vitamin B, low in fat and even calcium (for strong bones and teeth). Broccoli is noted for its cancer-fighting properties (chemoprotectant). Broccoli may be the number one cancer-fighting vegetable. Researchers at Johns Hopkins of Medicine in Baltimore have isolated a ‘chemoprotectant’ substance called sulforaphane which has been identified in broccoli.
Sulforaphane may be the most potent cancer protecting agent to date! Sulforaphane actually stimulates the body’s cells to produce cancer fighting enzymes. Other cancer-fighting chemicals are indoles, carotene, and Vitamin C. Broccoli is noted to help flush fat out of your system.
Spinach Fights Cancer
A cup of raw spinach furnishes only 12 calories, whereas a cup of cooked spinach furnishes only 42 calories. Spinach is very low in fat, furnishes Vitamin A as carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, calcium, iron, and many other nutrients. Spinach provides that much needed fiber to help prevent cancer and helps to lower cholesterol, lose weight, and control diabetes!
According to Dr. Richard Shekelle, an epidemiologist at the University of Texas, spinach has it all including the ability to rev up the metabolism. According to the Journal of American Medicine, spinach is called ‘king of vegetables.’
One of many dark green vegetables, spinach tops the list (along with carrots) of foods eaten most often by people worldwide with lower rates of all types of cancer, especially cervical, colon, endometrial, esophageal, laryngeal, lung, pharyngeal, prostate, rectal, and stomach.
Spinach provides high amounts of chlorophyll, which is a noted cancer blocker. Italian studies found that spinach, in test tube tests, was dramatic at blocking the formation of one of the most powerful carcinogens known – nitrosamines. Of the foods tested (carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, and strawberries), spinach juice was by far the most potent! Spinach contains folic acid, which is noted as a mood booster. Are you suffering from depression? Eat spinach!

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Strawberries Fight Cancer
Fresh strawberries are so DELICIOUS, you just gotta add em’ to your diet to fight cancer. Whether you eat them like they are or you make a cold strawberry smoothie, you can’t lose with strawberries. Why can’t you loose with strawberries? Strawberries provide antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, quercetin and ellagic acid.
The antioxidants fight off free radicals that cause cancer. The fiber along with the strawberry seeds and flesh escort toxins out of your body. Quercetin can start a thing called apoptosis which causes the cancer cells to commit suicide.
And ellagic acid fights cancer as an antioxidant, it helps deactivate carcinogens (cancer causing elements), and helps slow the reproduction of cancer cells. Strawberries with all their unique cancer-fighting ingredients help fight bladder cancer, breast cancer, esophagus cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer,…
Selenium Fights Cancer
Selenium is an essential mineral, being a constituent of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. It’s believed to be closely associated with Vitamin E in its function, but it occurs in toxic levels in several kinds of plants growing in soils with high levels, causing disease in grazing animals.
Selenium is an important antioxidant especially when it’s combined with Vitamin E. As an antioxidant, selenium protects the immune system by preventing the formation of free radicals. Selenium, with Vitamin E, works synergistically to help in the production of antibodies and also noted to maintain a healthy heart. Selenium deficiency is linked to cancer and heart disease.
Sources of selenium may be found in Brazil nuts, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, brown rice, chicken, dairy products, liver, onions, salmon, seafood, tuna, vegetables, and whole wheat.
WARNING: No side effects have been found to date.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Sweet Potatoes Fight Cancer
One medium sweet potato baked in its skin, then peeled furnishes only 160 calories. It’s very nutritious, low in fat, and furnishes Vitamin A that has eight times the recommended allowance. Vitamin A in sweet potatoes comes in the form of carotene and has the potential to reduce the risk of lung cancer. The National Cancer Institute shows that eating 1/2 cup of sweet potatoes or other bright orange vegetables can reduce the likelihood of lung cancer by as much as 50 percent! Smokers have a 20-30 times higher risk of cancer than nonsmokers.
Synergistic Approach To Attack And Kill Cancer
The definition of Synergistic is: “The interaction or cooperation of two or more substances or agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.”
In other words, in my book below, there are several dozen more applications to DEFEAT CANCER, like:
- 1st STOP EATING “The Five Deadly Whites”
- Foods and Drinks
- Special Food Diets
- Detox Therapies
- Mind-Over-Matter Applications
- Special Supplements
- Essential Oils
- Special Alternative Therapies noted to fight cancer. Now what would happen if a person attacked their cancer using alternative methods. The person can synergistically attack their cancer by using for example:
- Eat raw fruits and vegetables
- Employ Gerson Therapy
- Employ a DETOX Therapy like Colon Therapy on a weekly basis
- Employ a Mind-Over-Matter Application like Visualization
- Employ taking a supplement like Wheat Germ Oil.
- Employ the Power Of Touch.
- Employ The Apoptosis 13 to fight and defeat cancer.
Can you see the BIGGER FIGHT against cancer using a combination of cancer fighting application versus a single application. In my humble opinion, fighting cancer synergistically has the potential to beat cancer more effectively than the conventional method of drugs and surgery.
Mushrooms Fight Cancer
At this time few medicinal benefits from the popular and common mushroom in the United States have been researched and proved.
However, four Oriental mushrooms (shiitake, oyster, enoki, and tree) contain compounds that can stimulate the immune system, inhibit blood clotting, and retard the development of cancer. Japanese scientists have analyzed the medicinal qualities of mushrooms, especially the shiitake mushroom which is popular in the United States.
Scientists note that some mushrooms possess properties that may strengthen the immune system against a variety of infections, cancer, and possibly autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, and multiple sclerosis.
The most common and best-studied mushroom with the greatest therapeutic qualities is the shiitake, also known as “golden oaks” in the United States. In 1960 Dr. Kenneth Cochran of the University of Michigan launched a study of the shiitake mushroom. He discovered this mushroom contained a compound called lentinan, a long-chained sugar called a polysaccharide, which has a strong antiviral potential that stimulates the immune system functions!
Shiitake stimulates the immune system to produce more interferon, which is a natural defense agent against viruses and fighting cancers. The shiitake compound, lentinan, has proved itself in fighting cancers. It has been tested in leukemia patients in China and on breast cancer patients in Japan.
In follow-up Japanese tests, lentinan was found to be far more effective against influenza viruses than a powerful antiviral drug called amantadine hydrochloride. More tests found that lentinan is a broad-spectrum killer of various viruses.
Consuming shiitake could help lower blood cholesterol and even block the bad effects of highly saturated fats. In one study, a group of thirty healthy young women drove their blood cholesterol down by an average of 12 percent by simply eating 03-ounces of shiitake each day for a week.
Could shiitake counter the effect of fat in the diet? In another study, one group ate two ounces of butter every day for a week; their cholesterol went up 14 percent. Another group ate the same amount of butter every day for a week, but added three ounces of shiitake. Guess what? Their blood cholesterol dropped 04 percent instead of rising 14 percent (non-eaters of shiitake)!
Music And Sound Therapy Fight Cancer
If there is one thing that motivates every person walking this Earth – it’s MUSIC! When it comes to music – to each his own. Sound Therapy is based on the idea that sound and music can influence our health through both its calming and energizing effects on the brain hypothalamus and central nervous system.
Sound Therapy is used in hospitals, schools, and psychological treatment programs to alleviate pain, improve movement and balance, lower blood pressure, overcome various learning disabilities, promote endurance and strength, and reduce stress!
Here’s an idea I just thought of. Defeat your malady with a synergistic combination of Music And Sound Therapy with Visualization.
Here’s an example for you ladies, besides you STOPPING all eating of The Five Deadly Whites and eating the Eating The Right Stuff annotated throughout this book, how about each day for 30-minutes, you go to a quiet place in your house and you play your favorite Elvis Presley songs while you’re visualizing thousands of miniature Elvis Presleys dressed in their white capes surrounding and fighting your cancer in or outside your body in a fierce military battle like fashion!
You visualize & hear all the shooting, hand-to-hand combat, bayonet charges, explosions, yelling,… Then all those thousands and thousands of miniature Elvis Presleys clean-up the battle area and get rid of all the millions of dead cancer cell bad guys. But they’re not done yet. The military Infantry Divisions of Elvis Presleys refit. They get ready for the next battle.
In the meantime, small units of Elvis Presley miniatures conduct recon missions throughout your body looking for more cancer cells and other less serious maladies.
Once they find them, they call in napalm air strikes of jet planes flown by Elvis Presley pilots. The napalm air strikes burn the cancer cells to dead ashes. And more Infantry units of Elvis Presley’s are already enroute to finish-off the surviving bad guys.
And these battles continue till you are COMPLETELY FREE OF CANCER! This just an example. Trick is – do this combination of Music and Visualization Therapy every single day for at least 30-minutes, maybe twice a day or more if you want.

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