28 International Snakebite Remedies!
Snakebite Remedies Used By Texas Rangers, Indians, Bushmen,…
In the United States alone, there are 20 known venomous snakes roaming its lands and swimming its waters. Throughout the world there are approximately 600 known species of venomous snakes. Approximately 5,400,000 people worldwide are bitten by snakes each year. And according to top sources, worldwide approximately 200 people a day, 200 people every 24-hours, die from venomous snakebites.
All experts agree that when bitten by a venomous snake, the casualty should be transported (carried) to the nearest medical facility like RIGHT NOW, not as soon as possible, but RIGHT NOW. And I (author) agree.
But what if you or somebody in your party are tagged (bitten) by a venomous snake and you’re not able to get transported to a medical facility and unable to communicate to authorities to get emergency first-aid to your location?
If you try to walk to any available help, you’re aiding the venom to course through your body even faster, thus enabling the venom to incapacitate you and kill you a lot quicker.
What are you going to do to slowdown, to counter, to neutralize the killer venom in your body?
You have to do something? You have to do something NOW!
There is one snake that has killed more U. S. Army Special Forces candidates and qualified SF soldiers (Green Berets), in training environments, it’s the deadly Water Moccasin (Cotton Mouth). Watch the video below.
What Is The Treatment For Snake Bites?
Hang in there with me. At the end of this blog post, I’ll give 01 of the 28 International Snakebite Remedies that are included in both of my Survival Books below.
“28 International Snakebite Remedies” gives you snakebite remedies used for hundreds to thousands of years by the Real Survivors. Real Survivors like:
- Old West Texas Rangers
- Old West Pioneers
- Old West Mormons
- Native American Indians
- African Bushmen
- Few Modern Day Survival Experts
Once you read and re-read (highly recommended)
“28 International Snakebite Remedies”, you’ll know more about snakebite remedies than 99% of most folks walking this Earth.
Hopefully I motivated you to get your own
“28 International Snakebite Remedies” so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!
IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR OWN “28 International Snakebite Remedies” and you plan to venture outdoors in the near future, then here’s my best advice:
- Before venturing outdoors, ‘think of 12 things that will KILL YOU, HURT YOU and cause you LOSS OF EQUIPMENT.’ COUNTER all of them before you venture outdoors.
- NEVER venture outdoors alone (what if you get tagged by a venomous snake? – you’re screwed)
- Even if you’re going on a short 02-hour hike, ALWAYS carry a backpack that has the 8 Elements of Survival.
- Carry a map & compass and ALWAYS know your exact pinpoint location
- Carry a satellite phone with back-up batteries for emergency communications
- Carry a set of Walkie-Talkies with back-up batteries for you and your friend in case there is a break-in-contact or deliberate separation
- Carry a primary and back-up weapons (rifle & pistol)

Paperback Book———-Kindle E-Book
SEE “How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure!”
- First Aid For Snake Bites!
- Snakes And Snakebite Remedies!
- 99+ Snakes, Snakebites, Snakebite Remedies And More!
What Is The First Aid Treatment For Snake Bite?
Let me give you one option of many. Here’s some background information about the man behind this unknown snakebite remedy (01 of 28) I’m about to reveal to you.
Horace Kephart was born 08 September 1862 when the American Civil War was already several months old.
A very avid outdoorsman, Kephart wrote volumes on camping. So much so and evident was his expertise, Kephart is known as the “Dean of American Campers.”
One of his most complete writings is his combined 02-Volume, 405-page & 479-page book is Camping And Woodcraft which is rich in camping tricks of the trade.
But another of Kephart’s claim to fame’ was his instrumental work to establish the mountainous 2,050-mile Appalachian Trail that runs from Newfoundland, Canada to Alabama, United States.
Kephart’s Snakebite Remedy Kit: Kephart has a snakebite remedy kit I never thought of, using a chemical that I’ve used hundreds of times – potassium permanganate.
His snake bite remedy kit includes:
- a sharp instrument to make an incision at the snakebite site
- a constricting band to use as a tourniquet to stop the tainted poison blood flow to the rest of the body
- a small portion of potassium permanganate.
Snake Bite Venom Treatment
Here’s the step-by-step snake bite venom treatment as per Kephart’s instructions:
Step 01: Immediately after the venomous snakebite, a tourniquet is applied above the wound so the tourniquet is between the snakebite site and the heart.
Step 02: A small incision is made at the snakebite site to bleed the wound of tainted blood and access for potassium permanganate.
Step 03: Potassium permanganate is applied directly to the bleeding site to neutralize the poisonous venom.
Why does this snakebite remedy work? Well let’s take another look (from December 1999 AASN – Newsletter) at the definition of potassium permanganate.
According to The Facts On File Dictionary Of Chemistry (page 182) quote:
“Potassium permanganate is used in volumetric analysis as an oxidizing agent, as a bactericide, and as a disinfectant.”
In my humble opinion, maybe with the combined efforts as an oxidizing agent, bactericide, and disinfectant it’s synergistic (more potent together) in countering the hemotoxins and or neurotoxins injected by the venomous slithering ornery critter.
Note: Before 911, potassium permanganate and many other chemicals were very easy to buy through the internet and mail-order. After 911, many companies stopping selling chemicals to private citizens. Just shop around via the internet, there are potassium permanganate sellers. They may ask you a few questions. Just be truthful.
WAIT? What about your pet dog?
How to treat a dog snake bite?
I’m no medical Doctor nor a qualified Veterinarian. I can’t legally prescribe plain ol’ water. But the same application you just read can be applied to your dog. REMEMBER, there are 28 International Snakebite Remedies included in both of my Survival Books above.
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