A Brazil Nut A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!

Brazil Nuts could be your life-saver health-wise and Brazil Nuts could be your life-saver when in a wilderness environment.  Let’s start with Brazil Nuts For A Healthier You.



Brazil Nuts For Your Health!

Health-wise, Brazil Nuts contain a must have mineral that you need to keep you healthy.  It’s a mineral called SELENIUM.  Let me tell you about SELENIUM.

SELENIUM is an essential mineral, being a constituent of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.  It’s believed to be closely associated with Vitamin E in its function, but it occurs in toxic levels in several kinds of plants growing in soils with high levels, causing disease in grazing animals.

SELENIUM is an important antioxidant especially when it’s combined with Vitamin E.  As an antioxidant, selenium protects the immune system by preventing the formation of free radicals.

SELENIUM, with Vitamin E, works synergistically to help in the production of antibodies and also noted to maintain a healthy heart.  SELENIUM deficiency is linked to cancer and heart disease.

Sources of SELENIUM may be found in:

  • Brazil Nuts (loaded with SELENIUM)
  • Brewer’s Yeast
  • Broccoli
  • Brown rice
  • Chicken
  • Dairy Products
  • Fish
  • Liver
  • Onions
  • Salmon
  • Seafood
  • Tuna
  • Vegetables
  • Whole Wheat.

WARNING:  No side effects have been found to date.

Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

Chase Away The Blues!

Fish are high in the mineral SELENIUM which has proven to CHASE AWAY THE BLUES.


Garlic contains Vitamins A, B1, C, E, calcium, germanium, iron, potassium, SELENIUM, sulfur, zinc and a score of trace elements (see additional mineral and Vitamins information below).

According to Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer of the University of California at San Diego, SELENIUM, one of the important trace elements from garlic, offers protection against cancer and atherosclerosis and helps normalize blood pressure!

Garlic herbal parts are taken from the bulb.  Garlic herb provides allicin, allyl disulfides, calcium, copper, germanium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, phytoncides, potassium, SELENIUM, sulfur, Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, volatile oils, unsaturated aldehydes, and Zinc.  Garlic is undoubtedly one of the most valuable foods on the planet earth!  A natural antibiotic, garlic protects the body from infection, detoxifies the body, strengthens the blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure!

Russian Penicillin!

In the former Soviet Union, garlic was used to kill bacteria and fight infections.  Garlic has been tested to be more effective than antibiotics for specific types of bacterial infection called ‘gram negative.’

Throughout Europe garlic has earned the name ‘Russian Penicillin.’  During World war II, garlic (Russian Penicillin) was widely used on the Western Front.

Other Sources Of SELENIUM!

Burdock Root:  Burdock Root (Arctium lappa) is used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat cancer.  Recently, Japanese researchers discovered a new kind of desmutagen in this herb capable of decreasing cell mutation and inhibiting tumors!

Burdock Root is noted to reduce mucus and prevent formation of gall and kidney stones.  Its Vitamin A and SELENIUM help eliminate free radicals and its chromium content helps regulate blood sugar.  This herb has been known for centuries as a powerful blood purifier.  This has attracted the attention of cancer researchers from Hungary and Japan.

Capsicum:  Capsicum (cayenne) herbal parts are taken from berries and fruits.  It acts as a catalyst for herbs and provides apsaicine, capsacutin, capsaicin, capsanthine, capsico, PABA, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C (rich source), E, ascorbic acid, calcium, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, SELENIUM, sulphur, and zinc.  Capsicum is the source of over 100 varieties of Cayenne Pepper, from heat ranges of mild paprika to the extremely hot habanera.  It’s been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years!  Capsicum aids digestion, improves circulation, and stops bleeding from ulcers.

 Note:  “09 Alternative Practices That Cured My Sickly Maladies!”

Kelp:  Kelp herbal parts are taken from leaves.  Kelp provides alginic acid, biotin, bromine, calcium, choline, copper, inositol, iodine, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), potassium, SELENIUM, sodium, sulfur & Vitamins A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, and Zinc.  This herb is noted as being beneficial to sensory nerves, brain tissue, membranes around the brain, and the spinal cord.  It is also used for problems with goiter, hair loss, obesity, and ulcers.  It’s also good for the arteries, nails, and thyroid function.  Kelp protects against the effects of radiation.  It helps to soften stools as well as helping with mineral deficiency.

Lobelia:  Lobelia herbal parts are taken from flowers, leaves and seeds.  Lobelia provides alkaloids, chelidonic acid, isolobeline, lobelic acid, lobeline, SELENIUM, and sulfur.  This herb is noted as a cough suppressant and helps to reduce fever and reduce cold symptoms.  It is also beneficial in treating angina pectoris, asthma, colic, bronchitis, epilepsy, laryngitis, and sore throats.  Lobelia also aids in hormone production.

Red Clover:  Red Clover herbal parts are taken from the flowers.  Red Clover provides biotin, choline, copper, coumarins, glycosides, inositol, magnesium, manganese, SELENIUM, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, P, and Zinc.  This sweet herb is a blood purifier.  An antibiotic, this herb is used for tuberculosis and to fight other bacteria.  It’s a relaxant and acts as an appetite suppressant.

This herb is noted for treating the AIDS virus, arthritis, gout, inflamed lungs, skin disorders, and whooping cough!  Red Clover has been noted to have positive effects on cancer patients when taken with the herb chaparral (powerful antioxidant)!

Asparagus:  Asparagus is undoubtedly one of the most healthiest foods on Earth!  Asparagus provides no fat, no cholesterol, and hardly a trace of sodium.  Four spears of asparagus provide only 13 calories.  Asparagus is so low in calories that you would have to really eat huge amounts of it to gain weight.

Asparagus is full of three food-based nutrients that help in the defense of cancer.  These elements are Vitamin A, Vitamin C and the mineral SELENIUM which is excellent for its antioxidant properties.  Asparagus also contains small amounts of cholesterol-lowering fiber.  Asparagus is ideal for heart-healthy menus.

According to studies at the University of California and Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, regular asparagus consumption demonstrates lower rates of cancer and heart disease.


Nuts To Cancer!

Nuts to cancer!  Almonds are packed with calcium, fiber (more than any other nut-3 grams per ounce), folic acid, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, and Vitamin E (helps prevent artery clogging, boost immunity, helps prevent cancer and anti-aging).

Brazil Nuts are rich in SELENIUM which is an antioxidant linked to low rates of cancer and heart disease.  According to Donald J. Lisk at Cornell University, JUST EATING ONE BRAZIL NUT A DAY WOULD KEEP YOU SUFFICIENT IN SELENIUM.  However, eating more than half-dozen Brazil nuts every day could cause nausea.

English Nuts are five times more rich in omega-3 fatty acid than all other nuts.  Very few plant foods have this omega-3 fatty acid.  English Walnuts are high in antioxidant anticancer ellagic acid.

Beta-Carotene is a derivative of Vitamin A.  Beta-Carotene is widely accepted today as a cancer preventative.

Japan and Iceland both have low rates of goiter and breast cancer!  Why?  Their soils are rich in both iodine and SELENIUM.  Breast cancer is linked to an iodine deficiency.


An antioxidant is a substance that slows oxidation which include Vitamins C and E as well as the minerals SELENIUM, germanium, superoxide dismutase (SOD), Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), catalase and some amino acids.  Antioxidants are chemical substances that stop the uncontrolled production of harmful free radicals in our bodies and help to protect our bodies’ cells.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration!

Damage to the central area of the retina near the optic nerve usually caused by long-term free radical damage.  Nutrients needed are Beta carotene, folic acid, niacin, SELENIUM, zinc, and Vitamins B-6, C, and E.


Cataract is cloudiness of the eye lens.  The light path is blocked or changed and light is not clear or focused on the retina.  Nutrients needed are calcium, chromium, glutathione, magnesium, SELENIUM, zinc and Vitamins A, C and E.

Brown Spots!

Brown Spots are darkened spots on the skin.  Brown spots are noted to be caused by free radicals.  Toxic oxygen molecules are a major cause of aging and most degenerative diseases.  The best way to prevent brown spots is to supplement your diet with antioxidants like Vitamins A, C, and E and zinc and SELENIUM.

Bottom Line!

Again, according to Donald J. Lisk at Cornell University, JUST EATING ONE BRAZIL NUT A DAY WOULD KEEP YOU SUFFICIENT IN SELENIUM.

But don’t eat any Brazil Nut.  Our soil is depleted of its nutrients.  Try getting Brazil Nuts grown organically (nutrient-rich soil and free of chemicals and pesticides).

Brazil Nuts Could Save Your Life In A Wilderness Environment!

I’ve done extensive research on Brazil Nuts and other nuts for emergency survival uses when in a wilderness environment.

When venturing outdoors, you and each of your friends (NEVER venture outdoors by yourself) should pack some salted Brazil Nuts (a few dozen) in a well-packed water-proofed container and put them in your backpacks.  Brazil Nuts are packed with nutrients like SELENIUM.  If an emergency arises, each of you have an emergency food source.

And for emergency fire-starting, to get your tinder lit up (dry grass), followed by your kindling (dry branches) and then sustaining fuels (dry logs), lite-up 01 single Brazil Nut using your match or lighter.

Did you know a single average Brazil Nut will burn for a full 06 minutes and 31 seconds?




That’s PLENTY PLENTY PLENTY of time to get your dry grass tinder to fire-up.


Note:  Unshelled Brazil Nut.




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