To better understand Smudging, this blog post is in a Question and Answer format.  OK, let’s get started with What in the heck is smudging?

What in the heck is Smudging?

Smudging dates back thousands of years.  Some, but not all Native American Indian tribes in their ceremonies have used smudging to cleanse themselves of negative thoughts and negative spirits from their dwellings.  Smudging is also international and used by other cultures worldwide throughout history back to ancient times.

Smudging is done by burning small amounts of dried herbs, incense or a specific wood so the aromatic scent floats throughout the dwelling, near the people wanting cleansing, an object to be cleansed,….

What are the most common burning ingredients used for smudging?

The plant sage.  Some also call Smudging – Saging because the plant sage is commonly used for smudging.  There are 03 species of sage that are very popular with smudging:

  • White Prairie Sage (Artemisia ludoviciana)
  • White Sage (Salvia apiana)
  • Garden Sage / Common Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Why are White Prairie Sage and White Sage so popular?

White Prairie Sage and White Sage are popular plants for smudging because both possess antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities.  And both are noted to help repel insects.

What is antimicrobial?

Microorganisms include bacteria, fungi (mold & mildew), protozoans, viruses,…  Antimicrobials kill or slow down the spread of microorganisms that spread diseases on people, pets and other living things.  Microbes cause things to rot and spoil.  Microbes are found in homes, hospitals and restaurants and cause people to get sick.  Sanitizers and disinfectants are antimicrobials.  And in this case smudging using White Prairie Sage and White Sage could be antimicrobial and help kill microorganisms.

What is antibacterial?

Antibacterial refers to a substance which has the property of destroying or stopping the growth of bacteria.  Bacteria is plural of bacterium.  They are microscopic germs.  Some bacteria are harmful and can cause disease, while other friendly bacteria protect the body from harmful invading organisms.  There is more bacteria in your body than all the people that were ever on the earth!  White blood cells are in constant defense against diseases every minute of every day by engulfing germs and neutralizing their unhealthy effectiveness.  And in this case smudging using White Prairie Sage and White Sage could help kill microorganisms.

Is Smudging scientifically proven to have any benefits?

No, there is no bounty of hundreds of scientific studies and research on the proven benefits of smudging.  However, I (author) consider smudging to be a Mind-Over-Matter Application.  If you BELIEVE, REALLY BELIEVE smudging has benefits, then you may get results.  And this blog post will help give you that nudge to have you start believing that Smudging Really Works!  I (author), BELIEVE IT WORKS because smudging has been continually used for THOUSANDS OF YEARS throughout the world.

Noted benefits of smudging are:

  • Aid in healing the sick
  • Cast out negativity
  • Counter stress
  • Energy booster
  • Enhance focus
  • Enhance memory
  • Mood improvement (negative ions)
  • Release negative ions in the air
  • Sleep improvement
  • Smudge specific objects

Important Note:  Negative ions are charged particles of oxygen.  According to Pierce J. Howard, Ph.D., author of The Owner’s Manual For The Brain, multitudes of negative ions can be found near beaches, mountains, and moving bodies of water.  When negative ions are inhaled, they produce a chemical reaction within our bodies boosting serotonin levels that are instrumental in lifting our mood, making us feel much better.

With respect to negative ions, you must see:

YouTube Smudging Videos!


How to smudge: Burning sage (00:03:20)

How to use Sage to Purify your home [smudging] (00:07:33)

SMUDGING 101: Cleansing Your Home with Sage & Palo Santo (00:04:03)

SMUDGING PRAYER – How to smudge with sage [What to SAY when smudging!] (00:07:37)


How to Burn Sage to Clear Negative Energy & Cleanse your Aura [Very Detailed Video And Demo] (00:12:59)

Native American Traditional Healer teaching how to smudge with intention (00:06:31)

Smudging Ceremony Explained by Stephen Augustine, CBU (00:05:32)

Traditional Indigenous Smudging (00:02:06)

Picking Sage and Great Advice from an Elder (00:07:08)


For many more Mind-Over-Matter Applications, see:

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