The Five Deadly Whites Are Slowly Killing You!

How’s your overall health?  ‘Are the Five Deadly Whites slowly killing you?’  Let me tell you about the Five Deadly Whites via a Question and Answer format.

What are the Five Deadly Whites (FDWs)?

The five deadly whites are (listed in order as the most dangerous threat to your health): Meat, Dairy, Salt, Sugar, and White Flour.

  • Meat – Meat contains fat and fat is already linked to many cancers, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes… Meat eaters consume over 50 pounds of fat (cholesterol) each year!
  • Dairy – Pasteurized milk changes the calcium to an inorganic form which can not be assimilated by your body. Animal products are noted to be sources of LDL (bad cholesterol).
  • Salt – Your body needs sodium but the sodium chloride (table salt) may be toxic to your body!
  • Sugar – Sugar is linked to a wide variety of health problems and noted to hinder your immune system.
  • White Flour — White flour is missing most of the good ingredients prior to its processing. It’s bleached, synthetic Vitamins added, and it’s called “enriched.”  Remember the saying    I gave you in Section 01 concerning bread “The whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead!”

Now let’s look at each one of these FIVE DEADLY WHITES and see what they are and WHY they’re a serious health threat to you and possibly others around you.  We’ll start with meat.


What is the definition of meat?

Meat is defined as the edible flesh (soft tissue of the body – animal) of mammals as distinguished from that of fish or poultry.  Edible flesh including poultry and some fish and shellfish.

Sounds harmless to me.  How can meat be harmful to my health?

Meat contains fat and fat is ALREADY LINKED to heart disease, many cancers, many degenerative diseases too numerous to annotate, and DON’T forget about obesity – FAT makes you fat.  Americans consume HUGE AMOUNTS of fat each year.  As of 1991, the average American consumes approximately 50 pounds of fat each year!  That was data from 1991!  You can bet that the average American consumes even more!

You already read the multitudes of deaths caused by heart disease and cancer in the previous sections!  Fat and cholesterol go hand in hand and where you find a high cholesterol count, odds are you’ll find THE SILENT KILLER – hypertension – high blood pressure!

If meat is so dangerous, people should be dropping dead all around me!

They are!  More than 1,400,000 Americans die each year from Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke.  Imagine that many people in front of you!  Each year the death toll starts all over again!  01, 02, 03, 500, 20,000, 500,000, 1,000,000, and 1,400,000 plus!!!

I need to eat meat.  What about all the protein and other nutrients I’d be missing if I didn’t eat meat?

Yes you do need those vital essentials and nutrients.  However, when any food is heated and cooked, the heat causes a chemical reaction.  Protein and those very important enzymes aren’t the same beneficial nutrients anymore!  They’re practically worthless to your body.  Ensure you read about protein in Section 14.  So now you’re consuming meat that has fat that is harmful and DEADLY in more ways than one and the nutritional value is just about worthless!

I thought meat was really good for you.  Is it really that bad for your health?

If you think the beef you purchase at your local grocery store comes from cattle grazing on chemical-free and toxin-free grassy hillsides, well you better you think again.  Nowadays, its difficult to find fresh organically raised meat.  A large percentage of cattle are raised in the quickest, cheapest, and most unnatural manner possible.  Why?

Money is the motivation in the meat producing business.  The use of drugs are common in raising cattle.  Cattle are loaded with antibiotics, drugs, pesticides, and synthetic Vitamins.  Prior to being led to slaughter, cattle are loaded with tranquilizers and meat tenderizers.  Other animals like chickens, lambs, pigs, and veal calves are also raised in very unnatural manners.  The tainted meat is passed-on to the consumer.

Why are so many Americans afflicted with heart disease, cancer and dozens of other diseases?

Depending what and where you buy it, meat is loaded with saturated fat.  Saturated fat is linked to heart disease, cancer and many degenerative diseases.  In other words, saturated fat is linked to suffering and death!  If you must eat meat, purchase the leanest meat you could find.  To make it juicier, put some Extra Virgin Olive Oil on it and make sure there are PLENTY of fruits, vegetables, and good clean water!  If you like a salty flavor without the salt, try Bragg Liquid Aminos.  It contains 15 healthy amino acids!


Dairy products are harmful to my health?  You’re joking?

First we’ll talk about milk.  I’d like to see evidence where milk-producing cows are absolutely free of drugs, toxins, and antibiotics which may be passed on to the consumer.

Second, when milk is pasteurized, meaning it is heated to temperatures of 160 degrees or more, that heat causes a chemical reaction that changes calcium to an inorganic form which cannot be assimilated or used by your body as previously thought.

Third, dairy products – animal products are a source of low-density lipo-protein (LDL), BAD CHOLESTEROL!  High cholesterol leads to heart attacks, heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases!  Americans have an average cholesterol of 212 because of the unhealthy Standard American Diet and poor eating habits.

Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.  More Americans die of heart disease than all cancer deaths combined.  Approximately 1,500,000 heart attacks take place each year with approximately 250,000 which are fatal within fifteen minutes.

Diet Investigation – Standard American Diet (SAD)


Did you know the word “salary” comes from the Latin word “sal,” which means salt.  The Roman soldiers were said to be “worth their salt.”  They were often paid in salt rather than money.  Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is composed of 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride.  It’s essential to life and is a very important mineral to your body.  Without it, you would die.  This mineral helps maintain fluid levels between the cells and the blood system and also acts as an electrolyte to help chemical and electrical reactions in your body.

However, if your consuming too much salt, high blood pressure may surface.  Salt related health problems are caused by diets consisting of high quantities of REFINED sodium compounds and a couch-potato life style.  Table salt (the stuff you buy at the grocery store) is an inorganic (not usable by your body) compound of sodium and chlorine.  It’s toxic!

Table salt lacks more than 80 minerals which protect your body from the toxic effects of pure sodium chloride!  Table salt, which is almost pure sodium chloride, is heated in an oven and stripped of its vital buffer minerals and may contribute to cardiovascular disease.  If you like a salty flavor without the salt, try Bragg Liquid Aminos.  It contains 15 healthy amino acids!


In my most humble opinion (I’m no healthcare professional of any sort), of ‘are the Five Deadly Whites slowly killing you’SUGAR is the worst of all the Five Deadly Whites.

Sugar is a sweet crystalline carbohydrate, sucrose.  During the American Revolution, Americans consumed about 20 pounds of sugar per year.  Today it’s about 125 pounds of sugar per year!  The average American consumes 100 grams of cane and beet sugar daily.  Of the refined foods that Americans eat, none is so damaging as sugar.  Sugar has been linked to degenerative disorders such as aging, cataracts, diabetes, hypoglycemia, tooth decay, and stomach problems.

Sugar has also been linked to impairing the immune functioning system.  Studies have shown that sugar can distort the chemistry of antibodies or reduce lymphocyte cells, which are important to the immune response.  To compound matters, a diet high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and sugar only increases the risk factors associated with heart disease.  The more processed foods that you eat, the more processed sugar you consume.

Consumable products include cake, canned vegetables, cookies, medications like cough syrup – cough drops, ketchup, frozen vegetables, salad dressing, soft drinks, soups, TV dinners, and even tobacco products like cigars, cigarettes, and pipe tobacco.  Try replacing raw honey for that refined unhealthy sugar and read about stevia in this particular section.  An unknown sweet health threat is called aspartame; a synthetic sweetener (brand names NutraSweet & Equal) has been linked to many health problems.

What is aspartame?

More than 40 years ago a chemist, in search for a medicine to relieve ulcers, came across a new discovery we now know and use as Aspartame.  Aspartame, a synthetic sweetener (brand names NutraSweet & Equal), has been linked to many health problems.

Aspartame is linked to many health problems?

Yes, aspartame is noted to generate methanol in the intestinal tract, which small amounts of this toxin could cause significant eye problems.  Methanol is a colorless, poisonous liquid used chiefly as a solvent fuel.  Aspartame is noted to cause brain tumors in rats.  An increase of the incidence of brain tumors in the U.S. has been noted since aspartame was added to our food supply!  According to the National Cancer Institute, the incidence of common primary malignant brain tumors is on the rise coinciding with the licensing of aspartame for use in beverages in July 1983.

Are there other health problems associated with Aspartame?

You bet!  It’s also suspected of causing seizures.  H. R. Roberts, M.D., F.A.C.P., testified before Congress and the FDA.  He feels aspartame may be responsible for the increasing number of eye problems.  He advises patients afflicted with vision problems like black spots, blurred vision, bright flashes, decreased vision, tunnel vision, and other eye problems eliminate aspartame from their diet for a month prior to any aggressive treatment.  In many cases, restricting aspartame may alleviate many of these vision symptoms.

Aspartame is also linked to the following symptoms\afflictions:

  • aches & pains
  • anxiety attacks
  • blindness
  • confusion
  • depression
  • difficulty breathing
  • edema
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • hearing loss
  • heart palpitations
  • hyperactivity
  • memory loss
  • menstrual problems
  • muscle aches
  • nausea
  • numb arms
  • ringing in the ears
  • skin lesions
  • sleeplessness
  • many more!!!

I don’t consume any synthetic sweeteners like NutraSweet & Equal, so I’m OK, right?

You’re a long way from being OK!  A long way!  In 1991 there were 1,500 products sweetened with aspartame.  One year later there were 4,000 products sweetened with aspartame.  By 1996 there may be more than 15,000 products containing aspartame!  Many products containing aspartame are probably in your kitchen right now and you’ve been consuming them for months or years!

If you’ve suffered or are currently suffering from any of the symptoms or afflictions annotated on the previous page, first look at the least intrusive treatment – YOUR DIET and look into your consumption of Aspartame!  An alternative to aspartame is called stevia!

What is stevia?

The Japanese developed a method of refining the sweet glycosides out of the stevia leaf creating a new product, called Stevioside, which is 300 times sweeter than sugar!  At the time of this writing the FDA allowed stevia to be used as nutritional\dietary supplement and not as a food additive (food manufacturing companies cannot use it).  Stevia is noted to be superior to aspartame (brand names NutraSweet & Equal) which has been linked to health problems.  Stevia may be purchased at health food stores.

What about saccharin, is it safe?

Saccharin is a white crystalline powder, having a taste about 500 times sweeter than cane sugar, used as a calorie-free sweetener.  Let me give you a quote from Sweet N Low’s pink sugar packet that contains saccharin and is sold everywhere: “Use of this product may be hazardous to your health.  This product contains saccharin which has been determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals.”  Sweet’N Low is a granulated sugar substitute.  If you use this product, read and reread the “WARNING” till it sinks in!


White flour is missing most of the good ingredients (bran and germ) prior to its final processing.  It’s bleached, synthetic Vitamins added (coal-tar-derived–carcinogenic), and it’s called “enriched.”  Go figure!  Remember the saying I gave you concerning bread “The whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead!”   Even when bread is baked, the chemical reaction with heat actually destroys many of the nutrients that were there prior to baking!

are the five deadly whites slowly killing you
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