Eat The Right Stuff Tasty Healthy Fruits!

According to the American Medical Association and the National Academy of Science, consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day for good health and to avoid cancer, heart disease, and other health risks. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, 68% of all disease is diet related. The Standard American Diet is out of balance, consisting of far too much saturated fat, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol. Fiber is lacking as is regular exercise and supplements of Vitamins, minerals, and other health supplements that you’ll read about that have benefited multitudes of Americans and healthy people throughout the world. So what foods are good to eat?  Let’s carry-on with ‘eat the right stuff tasty healthy fruits.’

Here’s a list of the ‘eat the right stuff tasty healthy fruits’ we’ll discuss:

  1. Apples
  2. Apricot
  3. Bananas
  4. Berries
  5. Cherrie
  6. Cranberries
  7. Figs
  8. Grapefruit
  9. Melons
  10. Oranges
  11. Papaya
  12. Peaches
  13. Pears
  14. Pineapples
  15. Prunes

Apples:  Of all the ‘eat the right stuff tasty healthy fruits,’ apples may be the King of Fruits!

“An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away?”  The apple may be the King of the fruit world. Apples have been eaten by man since at least the New Stone Age, nearly 6,000 years ago. There are several thousand varieties of apples due to grafting; from the wild apple to produce strains that are less resistant to disease and apples that have particular flavors and colors. Two main groups of apples are sweet one’s for eating and sharper varieties for cooking or making alcoholic drinks.

Apples are rich in many needed minerals and Vitamins and may help “Keep the doctor away.” Apples are rich in soluble fiber, which has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and lower your blood pressure. Apples also help to dampen the appetite and the juices in apples are noted to kill infectious diseases.

According to Dr. James Anderson at the University of Kentucky School of Medicine, soluble fiber prevents hunger pangs by steadying your blood sugar level. Apples have virtually no saturated fat, cholesterol, or sodium. A medium apple furnishes only 81 calories. Apples contain pectin for those heart healthy wannabe’s. Eat an apple prior to bedtime. The pectin will keep your brain chemicals levels stable throughout the night. You’ll wake-up happy and refreshed!

According to studies, even the aroma of apples can also calm you down, reducing anxiety. The juices in a fresh apple are noted to be strong virus fighters.

According to a study at Michigan State University, subjects who ate two apples a day had less tension, fewer headaches, and less frequent emotional upsets.

According to a study at Yale University, researchers noted that the scent of spiced apples produces a calming effect which aids to lower blood pressure!

According to Italian, Irish and French researchers, apples help keep the cardiovascular system healthy. Apples put a dent in blood cholesterol. A research team headed by R. Sable-Amplis at the University of Paul Sabatier, Institute of Physiology, in Toulouse, was excited to find that apples triggered a 28-point drop in cholesterol in normal hamsters and a spectacular 52-point drop in cholesterol in animals with genetically high cholesterol! Dr. Sable-Amplis asked a group of 30 middle-aged healthy men and women at the university not to change their diet except to eat 02 or 03 apples every day for a month.

By month’s end, the apples lowered the cholesterol in 24 of the 30 participants, HDL went up, and LDL dropped! One participant’s cholesterol dived 30 percent! Dr. Sable-Amplis thinks the apple’s secret is pectin, which is a soluble fiber.

According to a French study, eating 02 apples a day may lower your cholesterol level by at least 10 percent and by as much as 30 percent! Why? Apples and prunes are rich in a soluble fiber called pectin. Studies reveal that consuming 15 grams of pectin per day for a few weeks can result in a 05 percent reduction in total serum cholesterol.

Apricots:  A raw 03-ounce apricot provides only 41 calories, provides a generous amount of potassium (good for your heart), is high in fiber, provides complex carbohydrates, and is very low in fat and sodium. Another plus for apricots is that it is loaded with beta carotene. According to studies at the National Cancer Institute beta carotene, which your body converts into Vitamin A, combats several common cancers! The apricot may be the best recognized cancer inhibitor, especially against smoking-related cancers, including lung. Dried apricots have a higher concentration of beta carotene than the raw fruit!

WARNING:  The apricot kernel is poisonous because of amygdalin or laetrile content. Consuming quantities of these seeds has caused serious poisoning especially in children.

Bananas:  Guess which single product is the #01 seller at most WalMarts?  Yep, believe it or not it’s bananas.  Apples may be the King of Fruits, so Bananas may be the Queen of Fruits.

A medium banana furnishes only 100 calories, has hardly any sodium, and is a modest source of Vitamin C. Bananas are also offers fiber for the heart healthy concerned and provides potassium which helps in controlling blood pressure. Bananas are packed with Vitamin B6 which helps prevent depression. One banana provides 35% of the B6 RDA. Eating a banana helps combat hunger pangs and leaves you feeling satisfied and full. Bananas also help you remain alert and energetic because the fructose sugar that is encased in fiber and carbohydrates is slowly released into your system.

In the 1930s, medical literature noted that bananas were a cure for ulcers. Experimenting with mice, researchers isolated a chemical in ripe and unripe bananas that suppressed acid secretion, thus blocking the development of ulcers in animals.

Modern teams of British and Indian researchers have discovered why the banana-eating rodents end up with about 1/3 fewer and less severe ulcers. Bananas work just like the most sophisticated drugs (carbenoxolone), but without the side-effects like high blood pressure. Bananas strengthen the surface cells of the stomach lining, forming a sturdier barrier against noxious juices. The British researchers’ bottom line: “The role of bananas in folk medicine as an antiulcerogenic agent, at least against gastric ulcers, appears justified….”

Berries:  If you’re watching your weight, try eating some berries. Berries are low calorie – low fat sweets, that have hardly any sodium, a great source of potassium, and supplies fiber that helps you absorb fewer of the calories that you do eat. Berries are also an aid in the improvement of your blood pressure. A cup of strawberries has the lowest count at only 45 calories and a cup of blueberries has the highest count of 81 calories. The calorie count for raspberries and blackberries fall in between these two very tasty treats. Berries have natural fructose sugar to satisfy your sweet-craving, therefore an aid to weight-loss! See my Book 169+ Lose It Or Else Accelerated Weight-Loss Facts, Tricks, And More!

Did you know blueberries are a common Swedish folk remedy for diarrhea? In Sweden, dried blueberry soup has been used by physicians to treat childhood diarrhea. According to Finn Sandberg, professor of pharmacology at Uppsala Biomedical Center in Sweden, 05 to 10 grams (1/3 of an ounce) of dried blueberries is the dosage for diarrhea.

Why do blueberries work so well against diarrhea? Blueberries contain high concentrations of compounds that KILL both bacteria and viruses! In Canadian tests, crushed blueberries destroyed nearly 100 percent of polio viruses within 24 hours, even when the blueberries were diluted 10 times! According to Dr. Amr Abdel-Fattah Ismail, formerly a plant physiologist with the United States Department of Agriculture and now vice-president of the Maine Wild Blueberry Company, blueberry soup is a popular cold remedy on the European ski slopes.

Cherries:  A cup of sweet red cherries furnishes 82 calories, whereas a cup of sour red cherries furnishes only 52 calories. Cherries may be a great diet aid. If you enjoy sweets, substitute that 300 calorie candybar for cherries that will not only satisfy your sweet tooth but fill you up. Cherries are a good source of Vitamin A, low in sodium, a modest fiber content for your heart, and no fat.

According to a 1950 writing by Ludwig Blau, Ph.D., in the Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, he cured his crippling gout that confined him to a wheelchair by eating 06 to 08 cherries each day! He noted that as long as he ate cherries, the gout stayed away! He also annotated that 12 others who suffered from gout also ate or drank cherry juice and they were also completely free of gout!

Prevention magazine printed Ludwig Blaus’s advice and testimonials started to pour in to Prevention magazine! Many wrote and said initially consuming 15 to 20 red or black cherries a day then 10 a day after that worked to remedy their affliction with gout!

According to a study at Forsyth Dental Center, cherry juice is a potent antibacterial agent against tooth decay! They noted that black cherry juice blocked 80 percent of the enzyme activity leading to plaque formation, which is the groundwork to tooth decay.

Cranberries:  Folk medicine and many physicians have recommended cranberries because of their powers against infections of the bladder, kidneys, and urinary tract. For more than 50 years, scientists have studied the healing effects of cranberries.

According to a study led by Dr. Prodromos N. Papas, professor emeritus of clinical urology at Tufts University School of Medicine, 16 ounces of cranberry juice was fed each day for three weeks to 60 patients with acute infections of the urinary tract. Fifty-three percent of the patients improved dramatically, another 20 percent moderately, and after 06 weeks 17 patients were completely free of urinary infection!

Research revealed that unique cranberry chemicals give infectious bacteria the brush-off by wrapping the bacteria or cells in a Teflon like coating so that they don’t attach themselves to any part of the urinary tract and are harmlessly flushed away!

There is evidence that cranberries may be helpful in retarding or dissolving calcium-type kidney stones. It is believed cranberries acidify the urine enough to help dissolve the calcium oxalate that accumulates to form stones. Another theory is that cranberries may prevent bacteria from gathering together to promote stones.

Figs:  The medicinal benefits of the figs go back to the Old Testament. However, modern research has already used figs to fight cancer and bacteria!

According to Japanese scientists at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research at the Mitsubishi-Kasei Institute of Life Sciences in Tokyo, “The use of the fig fruit as a traditional anticancer agent is widespread all over the world.”

Japanese scientist have isolated an anticancer chemical (benzaldehyde) in figs and used it to treat cancer patients. The Japanese scientists gave oral doses of the fig distillate to cancer patients with some success. Later they injected the fig chemical (benzaldehyde) with great results!

Fifty-five (55) percent of the patients with advanced cancer improved when injected with doses of a benzaldehyde derivative. Seven patients went into complete remission! Twenty-nine went into partial remission! Patients given the fig substance generally lived longer! Scientists have also isolated fig enzymes called ficins that help digestion. Fig juice has also been noted to kill bacteria and kill roundworms in dogs.

Grapefruit:  A grapefruit furnishes only 80 calories, is rich in Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, pectin, high in delicious fiber, and free of fat and sodium. Grapefruit can economically fit into most budgets. According to Dr. James Cerda of the University of Florida, grapefruit is noted to dissolve fat and cholesterol! It’s made up of long-chain molecules for fuel and it fills you up! It’s great for helping you lose weight!

Consumed before bedtime, grapefruit can help promote sound sleep. When consumed in the morning, grapefruit is noted to help prevent constipation.

Melons:  Melons on an average provide approximately 55 calories per cup. Melons provide one of the highest fiber content of any food, while providing generous amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and more than 800 milligrams of much needed potassium (1/2 cantaloupe). Melons are a great source of ‘pure’ water (grown organically).

Oranges:  A medium orange furnishes only 62 calories, has virtually no sodium and hardly any fat, and is a great way to get your Vitamin C. The U.S. Department of Agriculture found that almost every milligram of Vitamin C in oranges do survive the transition from the orange grove to frozen orange juice concentrate. Oranges lower the risk of some cancers, as well as effectively lowering blood cholesterol and fighting arterial plaque!

Papaya:  Mexican Indians say that papaya has healing powers. A regular size papaya provides only 160 calories, Vitamin C, a significant source of folic acid, fiber, and very low in sodium. It is best to pick a papaya when it is just turning yellow. Papayas provide healthy digestive properties (enzyme called papain) that have a direct tonic effect on the stomach.

Peaches:  A regular size peach has only 37 calories and provides Vitamins C and A. The skin of a peach can be removed very easily by boiling it just a minute or so and then dropping it in very cold water for a about a minute. Peaches are easily digestible and provide a high fiber content while promoting regularity.

Pears:  Worldwide, pears are the second most important fruit crop after apples, but in the United States they rank third after apples and peaches. With 3,000 varieties in the Unites States, only a handful are commercially consumed. Six ounces of raw pears provide only 101 calories and 46 calories per half (dried). Pears provide a fair amount of Vitamin C and iron while aiding in digestion. Pears are an excellent source of roughage while being an aid in regularity.

Pineapples:  Two slices of pineapple provide only 90 calories, Vitamin C, and very little sodium. When picking fresh pineapples at the supermarket, ensure the leaves are dark green. A natural enzyme found in pineapples, called bromelain, is a nutrient that increases the body’s ability to break down fats and protein promoting body metabolism! Pineapple is rich in manganese and helps satisfy your sweet tooth!

Prunes:  If you don’t know it by now, prunes are well known as an excellent laxative. During the 1950s and 1960s, the United States Department of Agriculture’s Western Regional Research Center devoted considerable manpower and money to find the laxative power in the prune.

The USDA gave up the studies in the late ’60s. Scientific evidence of exactly how and why prunes work as a great laxative are unknown at the time of this writing. However, prunes have proven their worth as a laxative.

At Essex County Geriatric Center in Belleville, New Jersey, the center’s head dietician, physician, and nutritionist decided to take 300 elderly patients off laxatives; many of which were constipated and dependent on their daily laxative pills. The staff began by adding two-thirds of an ounce of high-fiber bran to the morning oatmeal. This worked in 60 percent of the cases. The remaining difficult cases, the staff added up to a half a cup of prune juice a day. One year later, 90 percent of the residents were off laxatives, preferring dietary-imposed regularity. The patients stated they felt better and the pharmacy bills for laxatives fell by $44,000 the first year!

WARNING:  Some of the food items listed in the remaining portion of this section may be contradictory to what is listed and annotated as the FIVE DEADLY WHITES!

eat the right stuff tasty healthy fruits

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