The famous anti-cancer Budwig Diet has been in use since the late 1960s. The Budwig Diet is a simple diet of a few ingredients
designed to fight cancer and other maladies. The Budwig Diet was developed in the 1950s by Dr. Johanna Budwig.
To better understand the simplicity and reasons behind the Budwig Diet, let’s look at the person that invented the diet that could defeat cancer and other maladies. Let’s take a look at her fantastic stats:
Name—————————–Johanna Budwig
Born——————————30 September 1908 (Wednesday)
Place Of Birth————–Essen, Germany
Higher Education——–02 Doctorates
Doctorate Degrees——Physics and Chemistry
Other Achievements:
- Author (06 books, translated in other languages)
- Articles (many)
- Researcher
- Pharmacist
- Studied Medicine
- Deaconess
- Inventor (submitted many international patents)
- Consultant
- Healer
- Speaker
- Nobel Prize Nominee (nominated 07 times for Medicine in 1979)
- Established ‘Recuperation Clinics’
- Healing Testimonials——–(Testimonials – Budwig Center – Natural Treatments)
Age At Death——————-95
Date Of Death—————–19 May 2003 (Monday)
Place Of Death—————-Freudenstadt, Germany
The Budwig Diet: Consuming multiple servings of low-fat cottage cheese and flaxseed oil per day. Fresh fruits and vegetables can compliment the diet. Dr. Johanna Budwig is quoted to say: “Our eating habits, often lack the highly unsaturated fatty acids and contain an excess of known artificial oils and trans fats (or partially hydrogenated oils).”
1st Note: Dairy products, meats, processed foods and sugar are banned from the Budwig Diet.
2nd Note: Dr. Johanna Budwig was extremely intelligent. Another of her claims to fame was that she was an inventor. Dr. Budwig submitted many patents. For example, in 1982, she submitted a patent to increase the radiation absorption in cooling water at nuclear power plants with the use of ruby lasers.
Budwig Diet Recipes To Fight Cancer!
10 Best Flaxseed Oils 2018 (00:04:45)
Anticancer Recipes NOT Drugs from The Book A Day in the Budwig Diet (00:07:36)
Budwig Diet Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese (00:08:31)
Budwig Protocol for Cancer made delicious (00:04:03)

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
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