Your pets can easily be infected with parasite worms. Here’s I easily fight and kill intestinal parasites that infest my cats.

The other option is taking your pet to your local vet. And I can tell you, it’s going to cost you. I use to spend BIG BUCKS on drugs from the local veterinarian. Here’s a far cheaper and effective option to kill parasite worms infecting your cats.

Ingredients: Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, small water-proof container (secure Diatomaceous Earth), ¼ teaspoon, 03-ounce empty Fancy Feast can container, 20-ounce Friskies Party Mix empty container, 40-ounce Purina Fancy Feast dry kibble and 15 lb. Purina Cat Chow dry kibble or smaller bag. See photo below.

Step 01: Pour 07 cans (03-ounce) of Purina Cat Chow in the empty Friskies Party Mix container.

Step 02: Add heaping ¼ teaspoon of Diatomaceous Earth on top of the Purina Cat Chow.

Step 03: Pour 03 cans (03-ounce) of Purina Fancy Feast in the empty Friskies Party Mix container. I add the Purina Fancy Feast to the Purina Cat Chow to give it more taste.

Step 04: Close-up the container tight with the lid.

Step 05: Rotate the Friskies Party Mix container 50 – 75 times horizontally & vertically so to thoroughly mix all the ingredients.

Step 07: Feed your cat the concoction. The oils in the dry kibble should absorb the Diatomaceous Earth in an hour or so. However, I’ve fed my cats with the Diatomaceous Earth still showing on the dry kibble and they ate their food with no problem. I fed the infected cats this concoction for a solid 03-weeks and I have yet to see any evidence of worms.

About once every few weeks, I feed them this concoction as maintenance. This concoction is super cheap as compared to drugs prescribed by a veterinarian.

Concoction: 07 parts Cat Chow Complete, 03 parts Fancy Feast and heaping ¼ teaspoon of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. Mix thoroughly in container.

Why does this concoction work to kill intestinal worms?

When your pet eats this concoction, they’re consuming Diatomaceous Earth.

Under the telescope, Diatomaceous Earth has sharp edges. Externally, it’s used to kill fleas, bed bugs,… that come in contact with it. The Diatomaceous Earth cuts them up and dries them up.

Internally, Diatomaceous Earth with its sharp edges comes in contact with the intestinal worms and eventually kills them by cutting into the intestinal parasite worms.

It took about 03 solid weeks of feeding selected cats this concoction before I saw no evidence of parasitic worms.

NOTE: I got nothing against them pet doctors. They’re a 1,000-times smarter than me and they got the BEST PATIENTS in the world – CRITTERS!!!

But I gotta tell you, I don’t have the money to spend on expensive drugs for all my pets. I’d rather treat them myself and save the money to feed them real good food. Besides, I stay away from all types of medical drugs myself and I do the same for my pets.

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