First of all, I want to tell you that I’m a Patriot (see About The Author) but I’m Not A Sheep. Even though I’m retired military, I actually looked into going back in the U.S. Army after 911. But a Lieutenant Colonel at 9700 Page, Overland, MO (old Federal Records Center) told me I’d stay stateside and do Administrative work. To hell with that, I wanted to deploy overseas. I found out later, I should have went to see a regular Army Recruiter to re-enlist and deploy. Listen, I AM NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORIST. I just want to tell you about ‘The STUPID OBVIOUS.’
911 Is Fake – The Stupid Obvious!
WAIT WAIT WAIT, before we start, check out this story:
Lin Wood Claims No Planes Hit Twin Towers and Pentagon on 9/11: ‘We Got Played’
02 October 2021 (Saturday)
NOTE: For some reason the headline above doesn’t come up on my search. Let me make it up to you. Let me give you this real quick. Before you start reading this detailed blog post, do this, do this it will only take you a few minutes. I say all them planes are FAKE. Go to YouTube and search for the passenger planes that hit the North and South Towers.
- SLOW them down
- Pause them
- Enlarge the screen
Do you see any 05-foot large UNITED or AMERICAN lettering across any of the fuselages? And look how dark the planes appear on those different videos. That day it was SEVERE CLEAR! An absolutely cloudless, bright sunny day. The sun should be sparkling off those planes. Now, READ THE REST OF THE UNOFFICIAL STORY!!!!
I go into far far greater ‘Stupid Obvious’ on why those 911 planes were fake. Let’s get started.
NO, the sad and tragic deaths of 911 are real. The way everybody thinks it took place is FAKE. It’s been almost 20-years since the tragic multiple 911 attacks. I’m not here to point fingers. I’m here to give you something to think about, – ‘The STUPID OBVIOUS’ – with respect to 911.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog post has an 10,000+ word count and is complimented with photos and videos. Please read this entire blog post and you decide what really happened on 911. If you already agree with the ‘Official Version’ of 911, maybe I can get you to start scratching your head and at least start to doubt the ‘Official Version.’ Please COPY this link and send it to your friends who aren’t SHEEP:
Why I Wrote “Fake 911 Planes.”
Take a look at this video. Small birds weighing 07-pounds to large birds like a 24-pound Canadian Goose hitting commercial planes and military aircraft. Look at the damage those birds did to those aircraft.
Now look at these 18 videos of United Airlines Flight 175 slicing CLEANLY through the South Tower, PENETRATING tons and tons of good ol’ American steel horizontal and vertical I-Beams and tons and tons and tons of good ol’ American concrete.
MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: See 8) FDR Drive (00:04:02), you can see the nose of Flight 175 come out the other side of the South Tower in absolutely perfect condition after penetrating TONS and TONs and TONS of steel I-Beams and concrete! And ENLARGE and SLOW DOWN, PAUSE 14) Park Foreman (00:08:38). Do you see any 05-foot tall UNITED lettering across the fuselage?
Here’s CLOSE-UP IMAGE of the nose of United Airlines Flight 175 slicing CLEANLY through the South Tower, PENETRATING tons and tons of good ol’ American steel horizontal and vertical I-Beams and tons and tons and tons of good ol’ American concrete. And LOOK, the nose of the plane is in perfect condition!!!
How on Earth can a bird cause so much damage to aircraft, where as those planes on 911 penetrated tons and tons and tons of steel and concrete at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon? I say ‘Fake 911 Planes.’ OK, got you all warmed-up? Let’s get started.
”Fake 911 Planes – The Stupid Obvious!”
OK, go grab your popcorn, snacks & drink and lay down in your favorite comfortable recliner. Are you comfortable? Good.
OK, let’s get started. I’m going to cover the following 911 Subjects:
- Introduction
- Here’s What ‘OFFICIALLY’ Happened…
- Twin Towers Estimated Stats (each Tower)
- Passenger Liners Construction
- 01 Passenger Liner Versus 05 Floors
- Google The Key Words For Bird Impacts
- How On Earth Can Passenger Planes Penetrate…
- Instantaneous Deceleration
- Twin Tower Under Construction
- Twin Tower Nets
- If Those Were Real Passenger Planes…
- Construction Of The Pentagon
- If That Was A Real Passenger Plane
- Shanksville, Pennsylvania Crash
- If That Was A Real Passenger Plane
- Show Me One Single Photograph… And I’ll Shut Up
- Want More ‘Stupid Obvious’ Proof Those 911 Planes Were Fake
- Advanced Technologies
- Where Are All The Passengers And Crews
- Veteran Pilots Unable Replicate 911 Flights
- Why Plan And Execute 911
- It’s Sad
- Was 911 A Sacrifice For A Higher Cause?
- Videos And Websites Worthy Of Your Attention
- I Can’t Believe It! I Can’t Believe It!
- Amazing Grace

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
Before you read 911 Is Fake – The Stupid Obvious – you gotta watch this video.
Here’s a video showing 18 impacts from alleged United Airlines Flight 175 impacting into the South Tower.
Fast forward to (00:04:50) to 8) FDR Drive. Here you see the NOSE of United Airlines Flight 175 penetrate clean through the South Tower and coming out the other side. The nose of United Airlines Flight 175 is untouched – undamaged after going through tons and tons and tons of good ol’ American steel horizontal and vertical I-Beams and tons and tons and tons of good ol’ American concrete. This video told me “No Way.” I then started doing my own research which you’ll soon read right now.
Here’s the image of United Airlines Flight 175 impacting into the South Tower and it goes clean through the entire South Tower. Look at the image and video – SEE THE NOSE OF Flight 175 COMING OUT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SOUTH TOWER.
‘And this ‘live’ from the FOX Chopper 5’
The video you just viewed is the main reason I wrote-up 911 Is Fake – The Stupid Obvious. This OUTRIGHT FAKE VIDEO was pushed on the American public immediately after 911 and I can’t believe nobody is screaming about The STUPID OBVIOUS.
See the plane coming in from the left prior to hitting the south façade of the South Tower. See Video –
The Window Cleaner Of The World Trade Center 2001 (00:02:35) At 00:00:39, look at the nose of the plane come out the other side of the South Tower. Rewind and pause to see it clearly – the nose of United Airlines Flight 175. All I can say is IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE. Not in a trillion years.
See the nose of the plane coming through the north façade of the South Tower with no damage to the nose of the plane. See Video – ‘The Window Cleaner Of The World Trade Center 2001’
NOTE: The nose of the passenger plane is made of plastic. Why? Because that is where the radar components are located. And radar scans far easily through plastic versus a metal covering. How in the HELL can the nose of the plane made of plastic stay intact while penetrating TONS & TONS & TONS of steel and TONS & TONS & TONS of concrete?
BUT KEEP READING. BELOW I GOT A VIDEO OF FLIGHT 175 hitting the South Tower but coming from the OPPOSITE DIRECTION!!!! I’m not you. KEEP READING!
The shocking and catastrophic events that took place on the morning of 11 September 2001 – Tuesday (911) will forever be etched in the books of American history.
But the truth behind the events of 911 are officially hidden in official volumes of academic slight-of-hand whitewash.
Here’s What ‘OFFICIALLY’ Happened On 11 September 2001 (Tuesday)!
- The World Trade Center (07 buildings), the largest financial market in the entire world and the United States military complex (Pentagon) & its leadership (possible White House target) was attacked beginning at 0846 hours Eastern Time. Once the terrorist attack on the United States was understood, an ‘ATC Zero’ was ordered. An ‘ATC Zero’ means all domestic and foreign flights already within the borders of the United States are grounded immediately. Foreign flights already enroute to the United States were ordered to turn back to their original airport or land at airports outside the borders of the United States.
- At 0846 hours Eastern Time, American Airlines Flight 11 with 92 passengers and crew aboard (including 05 hijackers) crashed into the World Trade Center – North Tower. It was initially reported that this crash was accidental till approximately 17-minutes later United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the World Trade Center – South Tower.
- At 0903 hours Eastern Time, approximately 17-minutes later, United Airlines Flight 175 with 65 passengers and crew aboard (including 05 hijackers), crashed into the World Trade Center – South Tower.
- At 0937 hours Eastern Time, American Airlines Flight 77 with 58 passengers and crew aboard (including 05 hijackers), crashed into the Pentagon.
- At 1003 hours Eastern Time, United Airlines Flight 93 with 37 passengers and crew aboard (including 04 hijackers), crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
—————————-Twin Towers Estimated Stats (each Tower)!
Construction Began————————————————————————————–August 1968
Construction Finished———————————————————————————-1973
WTC Complex Construction Finished, Buildings 01 thru 07————————-1987
Cost To Build Both Towers—————————————————————————-$1.5 Billion
Workers———————————————————————————————————Up To 3,500
Total Man Hours——————————————————————————————-Unknown
Number Of Floors (Above Surface)—————————————————————-110
Number Of Sub-Floors (Below Surface)———————————————————05
Height———————————————————————————————————–1,350 ft (411 mts) (1/4 mile)
Measurement Each Side——————————————————————————-205-feet (62 mts)
Total Square Footage———————————————————————————–13,400,000
Concrete——————————————————————————————————212,200 cubic yards
Estimated Tons Of US Steel————————————————————————-100,000 tons (200,000,000 pounds)
Weight of Twin Tower———————————————————————————-500,000 tons (1,000,000,000 pounds)
Estimated Life Span————————————————————————————-Year 2073 or longer
Glass————————————————————————————————————300,000 sq. ft.
Observation Deck—————————————————————————————–Roof
Antenna (North Tower roof)————————————————————————-100-feet
Tourist Per Day (Both Towers)———————————————————————–Up To 90,000
Passenger Liners Construction!
First of all, I’m no engineer of any type nor am I a qualified pilot. I’m just trying to tell you THE STUPID OBVIOUS.
Now get this. American Airlines Flight 11 and United Flight 175 are ‘LIGHTER THAN AIR’ aircraft. By being propelled through the air, due to the construction of the wings, the forced airflow under the wings has far greater air pressure than the airflow over the wings. The great pressure under the winds lifts the aluminum plane in the air.
All passenger flight aircraft are long HOLLOW TUBULAR fuselages made of light aluminum with an outer thin skin of aluminum. Again, to lift that fuselage with all equipment and passengers into the air, the airflow / pressure under each wing is much greater than the airflow pressure over the wings.
And to thrust the plane through the air to get the lift are 02 powerful jet engines. A huge and powerful jet engine with the approximate thrust of 77,000 – 80,000 lbf (pounds of force) is attached under each wing.
The weight of an average passenger flight aircraft (a 737 for example) is estimated to be about 175,000 pounds (87 tons) which includes:
- Weight of the plane:————————90,000 pounds
- Fuel:————————————————-40,000 pounds
- Passengers, crew and cargo:———-45,000 pounds
Compare the weight of each Twin Tower of 500,000 tons compared to the weight of a single passenger plane weighing in at only 175,000 pounds (87 tons). Each Twin Tower is 5,747 times heavier than an average passenger plane.
Remember, each passenger liner aircraft, no matter how big it is, is still a HOLLOW TUBULAR section of aluminum. How on Earth can a HOLLOW TUBULAR section of aluminum penetrate clean through tons & tons & tons of steel and concrete?
And now let’s talk about the wings. Each left & right wing of any passenger liner is attached to the fuselage. How on Earth can the wings stay attached to the fuselage and penetrate clean through tons and tons and tons of concrete and steel along with the hollow tubular fuselage?
01 Passenger Liner Versus 05 Floors!
The construction of the Twin Towers began in August 1968. Construction was completed 05-years later. Each Twin Tower was complimented with 110 floors and 05 sub-floors. It took 212,200 cubic yards of concrete and 100,000 tons of steel to construct each Twin Tower. That’s an average of 1,845 cubic yards of concrete per floor and 869 tons of steel per floor.
A single cubic yard of concrete weighs approximately 4,050-pounds. So 1,845 cubic yards of concrete weighs approximately 7,472,250 pounds or 3,736 tons. 3,736 tons of concrete plus 869 tons of steel comes to an approximate total of 4,605 tons of concrete and steel per floor.
An average weight a passenger liner including fuel, passengers and cargo comes to 175,000 pounds (87 ½ tons).
So we have 87 ½ tons going up against 4,605 tons on just 01 floor of the Twin Tower. But reports stated each plane impacted on several floors simultaneously. We’ll round it down to just 05 floors. 05 Floors comes to 23,025 tons of concrete and steel.
23,025 tons of concrete and steel against 87 ½ tons of airplane. 05 floors outweighed a passenger airliner by 263-times! Who’s the winner?
The interlocking grids of giant steel I-beams and steel girders complimented with 212,200 cubic yards of concrete made both Twin Towers almost indestructible (see photo below). It is reported prior to 911, that each Twin Tower was designed to withstand an impact from passenger aircraft (see construction photos below).
Hey, I’m too dumb to understand physics. But I know, that there ain’t no bloody way a real passenger plane that can go up against any modern day building constructed of tons and tons and tons of steel and concrete.
Google The Key Words ‘Bird Impacts On Planes!’
There are pictures of birds that collided with passenger liners. Look at the damage that single small bird did to a passenger liner. That bird weighed maybe 07-pounds or more.
- Google: Images for bird hitting plane nose
- Google: Bird hitting wing of plane
- Google: Passenger plane crashes into buildings
Look at the damage that single 07-pound bird did to those planes constructed of aluminum. You saw the photos of that lone bird impacting against a plane. IMAGINE THIS!!! IMAGINE just 01 steel I-Beam from the Twin Tower flying through the air and impacting the same plane as the bird did. That steel I-Beam would instantly KILL the crew in the cockpit and then cut the plane in-half in a ½-second in mid-air killing the rest of the occupants.
Now explain to me:
How On Earth Can Passenger Planes Penetrate Each Of The Twin Towers That Are Constructed Of Tons & Tons & Tons Of Concrete And Steel?
Real passenger aircraft should have INSTANTANEOUSLY broken-up, crumbled-up, PANCAKED on impact into a trillion pieces once it hit the immoveable massive wall of tons and tons and tons of steel and concrete for each of the Twin Towers. I’m saying those aircraft were not real passenger planes that impacted on the Twin Towers but were advanced holographic technologies with sound effects complimented with very sophisticated synced demolitions.
Here’s a quote I got off Wikipedia:
Jules Naudet filmed the impact of Flight 11 as it crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Witnesses saw the plane flying at low altitude over Manhattan and thought the aircraft was in distress. Lieutenant William Walsh of the FDNY (who appears in the documentary film 9/11) witnessed the aircraft:
“We were under the impression – he looked like he was going down, but we didn’t hear any mechanical difficulty. We couldn’t figure out why an American Airlines plane would be so low in downtown Manhattan. We sort of expected him to veer off and go into the Hudson.
But he just rose a little bit, his altitude, leveled off, and he was headed straight for the Trade Center. So just before he got to the Trade Center, it seemed as though he gained power. We were just watching this airplane on target for the World Trade Center. All of a sudden, boom! HE DISAPPEARS INTO THE TRADE CENTER.”
He didn’t say CRASH as in massive plane debris flying everywhere outside the Twin Tower, he said “He DISAPPEARS into the Trade Center” – Folks, that’s Advanced Holographic Technologies with sound effects complimented with sophisticated synced demolitions, all paid for by your US taxes.
Instant Deceleration!
Thank you for staying with me so far. I’m making a point here so hang in there with me.
The 2nd most popular and used assault rifle in the world is the American M16 Assault Rifle. The M16 fires a 5.56mm bullet. That bullet is a solid FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) aerodynamically shaped bullet that travels approximately 853 meters per second or 2,800 feet per second or 1,908 miles per hour. If you fire that M16 at point blank range into water, that speeding solid bullet traveling at 1,908 miles per hour INSTANTANEOUSLY starts slowing down on impact with the water and slows down to nothing travelling only several feet through the water before it stops completely. To prove my point, see this YouTube Video:
Physics of firing a gun under water (00:01:11)
American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower at approximately 465 miles per hour. United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower at approximately 590-miles per hour. The videos show both Flights penetrated / sliced clean through their respective Towers through tons and tons and tons of concrete and steel without slowing down.
If you shoot a solid 5.56mm bullet travelling at 1,908 miles per hour (more than 04-times faster than Flights 11 & 175) at any building constructed of steel and concrete, that bullet travelling at 1,908 miles per hour will NEVER NEVER NEVER, one more time, NEVER penetrate clean through any steel & concrete building. The bullet will just simply ricochet off the wall or stop dead when it hits the face of the hard wall.
American Airlines Flight 11 travelling at 465 miles per hour and United Airlines Flight 175 travelling only 590-miles per hour CAN NOT penetrate / slice through tons and tons and tons of concrete and steel and maintain their speeds travelling through more tons and tons and tons of steel and concrete.
American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 hit rows and columns of steel I-Beams supported by more steel I-Beams. See photo below.
See the image below and watch the video of Flight 175 travelling clean through the entire South Tower and the Nose Section is still intact?????!!!!!!????? What kind of FAKE CRAP is that? SORRY, video was taken down.
‘And this ‘live’ from the FOX Chopper 5’
I like this video because it’s looped. It plays over and over again, non-stop so can see the nose of Flight 175 coming out the other side of the South Twin Tower. SORRY, video was taken down.
Here’s a better photo. Smoke is going towards the South Tower. United Airlines Flight 175 is going AGAINST THE SMOKE from the North Tower. Compare this photo to the photos below.
When 911 initially happened, I was sleeping. I got a call that morning which woke me up and it was an old Special Forces soldier that told me “Turn on your TV.” I did, and I was shocked like everybody else. But you know what I did that nobody else did?
I started taping non-stop using my VHS recorder. I taped non-stop 24-hours a day for several days. I ran out of blank VHS tapes and taped over some of my VHS tapes that had some of my favorite shows.
Anyway, as I’m writing this blog post up, I went back to those DVDs (transferred the VHS tapes to DVDs) and I started watching them.
You see that image above where Flight 175 hit the South Tower and went clean through it and its nose section is still undamaged / it’s intact?????!!!!!!?????
That video was obviously taken from the west since the North Tower is on the left and the South Tower is on the right and the smoke from the north tower is going towards the South Tower, thus a southerly direction. Flight 175 hitting the South Tower came in from a southerly to northerly direction – it’s going AGAINST THE SMOKE from the North Tower.
Now check out these images using my I-phone from one of my 911 Tapes that I recorded that morning on 911:
The North Tower is smoking with Flight 175 coming in from a northerly direction (right side of North Tower) GOING WITH THE SMOKE.
Here’s another photo with Flight 175 getting closer to the North Tower (close to right side of North Tower) and closing-in on the South Tower.
Now here’s photo of the fireball from the South Tower after impact from Fight 175.
CAN YOU SEE THE THESE ARE FAKE VIDEOS??? Look again, can you see they’re FAKE? Did you find the outright FAKE yet?
OK, I’ll show you.
You know that the North Tower was the first Tower to be hit. OK, good. Look at the smoke coming from the North Twin Tower. These photos taken from videos are FAKE because:
- In the 1st photo, United Airlines Flight 175 flying and crashing into the South Tower was GOING AGAINST THE SMOKE that’s coming from the North Tower.
- In the set of 2nd photos, United Airlines Flight 175 flying and crashing into the South Tower was GOING WITH THE SMOKE that’s coming from the North Tower.
Somebody or a group of somebodies making those FAKE videos EFF-UP Big Time!!! They got United Airlines Flight 175 hitting the South Tower coming from OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS. One plane is GOING AGAINST THE SMOKE and another plane is GOING WITH THE SMOKE! These images are taken from FAKE videos shoved down the throats of the American public and to the world!
WAIT WAIT! I know what you’re saying: “The wind shifted and the smoke is going the opposite direction!”
NO, the smoke from the North Tower is still going towards the South Tower in all the videos and all these images taken from those videos.
Here’s that 1st image again. The plane is going AGAINST THE SMOKE. But more important, look at the nose of the plane coming out the other side of the South Tower.
‘And this ‘live’ from the FOX Chopper 5’
See the plane coming in from the left prior to hitting the south façade of the South Tower. See Video –
The Window Cleaner Of The World Trade Center 2001 (00:02:35) At 00:00:39, look at the nose of the plane come out the other side of the South Tower.
See the nose of the plane coming through the north façade of the South Tower with no damage to the nose of the plane. See Video – ‘The Window Cleaner Of The World Trade Center 2001’
Twin Tower Under Construction!
I’m saying to you, those 911 planes are not real planes. Those passenger planes, no planes, CAN NOT SLICE THROUGH tons and tons and tons of concrete and rows and rows of steel I-Beams. Just one, just one of those steel I-Beams would stop a passenger liner. But look, here’s some close-up photos of the grid of vertical & horizontal I-Beams when the Twin Towers were under construction. It’s one set of close quarter I-Beams Columns after another set after another set after another set that are supported, interlocked, welded, riveted by horizontal I-Beams below and above.
The entire structure of each Tower was designed to easily withstand an impact from a passenger liner. I’d say any REAL PLANE hitting the Tower would simply crumble / pancake on impact and not penetrate the Tower. Each Twin Tower was built to last 100-years. OK, here’s that close-up image.
Here’s an image of 03 floors. Look at the close proximity of all those steel columns of I-Beams that are supported by more horizontal steel I-Beams above and below. And if you look inside, more columns of I-Beams. So no matter which way the structure is hit, you have columns and columns of I-Beams throughout the structure. I read that those vertical I-Beams are 03-feet apart from each other (see MOST IMPORTANT NOTE below). And I haven’t talked about the tons of concrete on each floor.
Here’s a close-up of a section of the steel structure.
Now ask yourself this: Can any aluminum plane with a HOLLOW tubular fuselage SLICE CLEAR THROUGH this steel structure of columns and columns of steel I-Beams supported above and below by more steel I-Beams and tons and tons of concrete like you saw in those videos? Can the wings attached to the fuselage of Flight 175 SLICE CLEAR THROUGH this steel structure of columns and columns of steel I-Beams supported above and below by more steel I-Beams and tons and tons of concrete like you saw in those videos?
I’m no engineer. C’mon. C’mon. There must have been a few hundred of these GIANT Steel I-Beams (vertical [columns] & horizontal) for each of the 110 floors PLUS all that concrete. Ain’t NO WAY, NO WAY, NO WAY any passenger plane can CUT THROUGH / SLICE THROUGH TONS and TONS and TONS of STEEL and CONCRETE. See Twin Towers Estimated Stats (each Tower). And see those IMAGES again, of those 05-pound birds hitting those planes.
Twin Tower Nets!
I read that when the Twin Towers were under construction, the vertical I-Beams are constructed in close proximity to each other. The steel I-Beams are just 03-feet apart. That means American Airlines Flight 11 (impacting on the North Tower) and United Airlines Flight 175 (impacting on the South Tower) both with a total wingspan of 130-feet, each impacted against 43 steel I-Beams, 43 steel I-Beams.
Just 01 single steel I-Beam could decimate a passenger liner, but 43 steel I-Beams that are supported above and below by more steel I-Beams and I haven’t added the tons and tons of concrete. The 43 I-Beams and tons and tons of concrete would instantly disintegrate a passenger on impact.
However, let’s compromise with what those 911 videos are showing everyone. Did you get a good look at those images of steel I-Beams when the Twin Towers were under construction?
Let’s fantasize and say those passenger planes could penetrate into the Twin Towers. All those vertical and horizonal steel I-Beams would act like a NET and CAPTURE the passenger planes. At best, may be one-quarter of the passenger planes might penetrate their respective Twin Tower before the NET OF STEEL I-BEAMS stop and hold the passenger planes in-place.
However, I would say if those were real passenger planes, upon impact with the Twin Towers, the passenger planes would instantly pancake against the walls of the Twin Towers and NEVER penetrate and slice through the Twin Towers like you observed in those videos of FAKE PLANES.
MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: Here’s a quote I got off the internet concerning the construction of the Twin Towers: “Essentially, each tower was a box within a box, joined by horizontal trusses at each floor. The outer box, measuring 208 feet by 208 feet (63X63 m), was made up of 14-inch (36-cm) wide steel columns, 59 per building face, spaced just over 3 feet (1 m) apart.”
A truss is a framework, typically consisting of rafters, posts, and struts, supporting a roof, bridge, or other structure.
So now we have each of the passenger liners going through several horizontal trusses, approximately 43 14-inch wide steel columns and all those tons and tons of concrete.
The Twin Towers were constructed like a “a box within a box, joined by horizontal trusses at each floor.” C’mon, think about it. Can Flight 11, Flight 175 or any plane, penetrate a wall of 14-inch wide steel columns spaced 03-feet apart? A holographic plane complimented with advance synced demolitions can, but not a real passenger plane.

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
If Those Were Real Passenger Planes That Hit The Twin Towers –
Where The Heck Is All The Massive Amounts Of Flights 11 & 175 Plane Debris: With each passenger plane impacting on each of the Twin Towers:
- Where the heck is the 180,000 pounds of plane debris from Flight 11 and Flight 175?
- Where are the 316+ passenger & crew seats?
- Where are the 04 wings (total wingspan 260-feet)?
- Where is the 02 nose sections with cockpits?
- Where are both 18-foot tall & 20-feet wide tail sections (vertical stabilizers, horizontal stabilizers, rudders, elevators, trim tabs)?
- Where are the 04 huge engines (practically indestructible)?
- Where are the sections of both 155-foot long fuselages?
- Where are the air frames from both aircraft?
- Where are the 04 sets of main landing gear of 16 giant tires & rims (practically indestructible) and 02 nose gear tires?
- Where are the miles of wiring?
- Where is all the aluminum flooring & carpet?
- Where are all the bodies?
- Where are all the body parts?
- Where is all the luggage?
- Where is all the carry-on luggage?
- Where is all the clothing from the passengers & crew themselves, clothing from their luggage and clothing from their carry-on luggage? (luggage protected clothing from initial impact, explosions and fires).
- Where are the heck are the 02 BRIGHT ORANGE INDESTRUCTIBLE Flight Recorders (Black Boxes) from American Airlines Flight 11 (North Tower) and United Airlines Flight 175 (South Tower)?
- Where the heck is the 180,000 pounds of plane debris from American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175?
IMPORTANT NOTE: Flight Recorders (Black Boxes) are located in the tail section of planes and are designed to be almost indestructible. They are designed to withstand crashes and fires so investigators can get the recorded flight data and figure out what caused the crash. The flight recorders are located in the rear of the plane to give it the best chance to stay intact from the crash.
Again, check out this video released to the public. It shows the nose of Flight 175 penetrating clear through the entire South Twin Tower from one side to the other side with absolutely NO DAMAGE to the nose of the plane. IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE, one more time, IMPOSSIBLE. Meaning it’s FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE!!!
‘And this ‘live’ from the FOX Chopper 5’
Remember, here are those images of that 05-pound bird hitting the nose of the passenger liner. Google these Key Words for authentic crash images:
- Google: Images for bird hitting plane nose
- Google: Bird hitting wing of plane
- Google: Passenger plane crashes into buildings
Construction Of The Pentagon!
You thought the Twin Towers were built tough, the Pentagon (top military complex), was built to Military Specifications!
But get this – what are the odds? Ground Breaking Ceremonies for the Pentagon was conducted on 11 September 1941. 60-years later to the exact day, the exact day, American Airlines Flight 77 CRASHED into the Pentagon on 11 September 2001! What are the odds? What are the odds? Somebody behind 911 doesn’t like the military!!!
———————————-Construction Of The Pentagon Stats!
Ground Breaking Ceremony—————————————————————11 September 1941
Construction Finished———————————————————————–15 January 1943
Estimated Man Hours————————————————————————Unknown
Shape————————————————————————————————-Pentagon, 05 Sides
Interior———————————————————————————————–05 Rings
Number Of Floors——————————————————————————-05
Corridors (hallways)————————————————————————-17.5 miles
Passenger Elevators—————————————————————————70
Total Square Footage————————————————————————6,636,360 square feet
Roof Height————————————————————————————–71 feet
Center Courtyard—————————————————————————–05 acres (20,234 square meters)
Reinforced Concrete————————————————————————-680,000 tons of sand
Outer Wall Thickness————————————————————————Unknown
Renovation Started————————————————————————–1998 (asbestos removal, blast windows, steel reinforced walls, install elevators,…)
Renovation Completed———————————————————————-2001
Occupancy——————————————————————————————23,000 military & civilians and 3,000 support personnel
Estimated Life Span————————————————————————–Unknown
The Pentagon is located in Arlington County, Virginia, U.S. Across from the Pentagon is the Arlington Cemetery. Its construction began in 1941 and because of World War II, construction was rushed to completion in 1943. The Pentagon is a five-sided (Pentagon), 05-story and 02 sub levels military complex. Renovations began in 1998 to include newly re-enforced walls of “web of steel columns and bars to withstand bomb blasts.”
At approximately 0937 hours, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at dang near at ground level. Some reports stated it hit the ground first and then hit the wall of the Pentagon. Did you see the footage after the crash? Where the heck is all the massive amounts of plane debris? The 02 wings with the engines should have been sheared-off the split split second the wings hit the Pentagon wall.
If That Was A Real Passenger Plane That Hit The Pentagon –
Where The Heck Is All The Massive Amounts Of Flight 77 Plane Debris: With the passenger American Airlines Flight 77 impacting on the Pentagon:
- Where are the 188+ passenger & crew seats?
- Where are the 02 wings (total wingspan 130-feet)?
- Where is the nose section with cockpit?
- Where is the 18-foot tall & 20-feet wide tail section (vertical stabilizer, horizontal stabilizer, rudder, elevators, trim tabs)?
- Where are the 02 huge engines (practically indestructible)?
- Where are the sections of both 155-foot long fuselage?
- Where is the air frame of the aircraft?
- Where is the landing gear of 09 giant tires & rims (practically indestructible)?
- Where are the miles of wiring?
- Where is all the aluminum flooring & carpet?
- Where are all the bodies?
- Where are all the body parts?
- Where is all the luggage?
- Where is all the carry-on luggage?
- Where is all the clothing from the passengers & crew themselves, clothing from their luggage and clothing from their carry-on luggage? (luggage protected clothing from initial impact, explosions and fires).
- Where the heck is the 90,000 pounds of plane debris from American Airlines Flight 77?
Here’s an exact quote from Stormin’ Norman – General Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. (Coalition Forces leader in the 1st Gulf War): “It’s amazing that the pilot could have come in at the level he did and hit it without hitting something ahead of time. It was obviously a very experienced pilot.”
Hey, Stormin’ Norman ain’t stupid. He just told everybody, no passenger plane hit the Pentagon.
See Very Experienced Pilots Couldn’t Do It! below.
I’m still going through my recordings from 911 and I came across this with respect to the attack on the Pentagon.
A witness (no name given) to the in-coming flight that hit the Pentagon stated: “So it looked to be uh, maybe a twenty passenger corporate jet, no markings on the side. Coming in at a shallow angle like it was landing right into the side of the Pentagon. And then a huge fireball perhaps five times the height of the Pentagon.”
The NBC reporter named Norah O’Donnell, just 30-seconds later stated: “As firefighters rushed to put out the flames. America learned that the Pentagon had indeed taken a direct hit. Not from a corporate jet, but from another hijacked plane. American Airlines Flight 77, enroute from…”
Here’s an authentic eye witness and he was shut down real quick because his observations didn’t match the ‘Official Version.’ He observed an aircraft / a missile, that was 10-times smaller than American Airlines Flight 77. I’d like to find this eye witness (if he’s still alive) and interview him. Now let’s carry-on with Shanksville, Pennsylvania Crash.
Shanksville, Pennsylvania Crash!
On 911 at approximately 1003 hours, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, PA. Flight 93 was believed to target the White House, the Capitol or Camp David. Passengers of Flight 93 are believed to be alerted to the previous 03 terrorist acts at both the Twin Towers & the Pentagon and the passengers and crew took matters into their own hands. The brave passengers and crew advanced on the 04 hijackers that resulted in the plane crash near Shanksville, PA.
If That Was A Real Passenger Plane That Crashed Near Shanksville, Pennsylvania –
Where The Heck Is All The Massive Amounts Of Flight 93 Plane Debris: With the passenger plane impacting near Shanksville, PA:
- Where are the 182+ passenger & crew seats?
- Where are the 02 wings (total wingspan 130-feet)?
- Where is the nose section with cockpit?
- Where is the 18-foot tall & 20-feet wide tail section (vertical stabilizer, horizontal stabilizer, rudder, elevators, trim tabs)?
- Where are the 02 huge engines (practically indestructible)?
- Where are the sections of both 155-foot long fuselage?
- Where is the air frame of the aircraft?
- Where is the landing gear of 09 giant tires & rims (practically indestructible)?
- Where are the miles of wiring?
- Where is all the aluminum flooring & carpet?
- Where are all the bodies?
- Where are all the body parts?
- Where is all the luggage?
- Where is all the carry-on luggage?
- Where is all the clothing from the passengers & crew themselves, clothing from their luggage and clothing from their carry-on luggage? (luggage protected clothing from initial impact, explosions and fires).
- Where the heck is the 90,000 pounds of plane debris from United Airlines Flight 93?
If you look at the Shanksville photographs, there’s NOTHING. NO REGULAR PLANE DEBRIS at the impact site!!! Something is EFFED-UP real bad somewhere. Where is the 90,000 pounds of plane debris? I read one report that the a ‘black box’ was found 25-feet underground at the crash site. I guess the rest of the 90,000 pounds of plane debris is another 25-feet below where they found the ‘black box’ because the black box is located in the tail section of the plane.
Show Me One Single Photograph Just One Single Photograph And I’ll Shut Up!
Plane Crashes Throughout History: As far as I know, all previously reported (news, photos, videos) passenger plane crashes into buildings and on land, PRIOR TO 911, there was ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS, one more time, ALWAYS photographs & videos of LARGE AMOUNTS OF PLANE DEBRIS like:
- passenger seats
- 02 wings
- nose section with cockpit
- tail section
- 02 or 04 huge engines
- fuselage
- air frame of the aircraft
- landing gear
- miles of wiring
- aluminum flooring & carpet
- bodies
- body parts
- luggage
- carry-on luggage
- clothing
Show me one single photograph, show me just one single authentic photograph, any photograph, any video from the past 80-years of plane crashes into buildings or plane crashes into the ground PRIOR TO 911 WHERE THERE WAS NO PLANE DEBRIS LIKE THE 04 911 PLANE CRASHES AND I’LL SHUT THE HELL UP!
Want More ‘Stupid Obvious’ Proof Those 911 Planes Were Fake – Here’s ‘The Stupid Obvious!’
Here’s some more ‘Stupid Obvious.’ I want to tell you about:
- Airline Designs & Logos
- Windows
- Shiny Reflections
- Anti-Collision Strobe Lights
- Wake Turbulence
- Exhaust Smoke Trails
- Serial Numbers
- American Flags
- Plane Disappears And MELTS
On 11 September 2001 (Tuesday), the weather was reported to be ‘Severe Clear.’ Meaning:
- The weather was absolutely perfect
- There wasn’t a cloud in the sky
- The sun was shining with full brilliance
- Visibility was unlimited
- No high winds
In other words, the sky was blue as can be and the sun was shining. Now get this, when American Airlines Flight 11 was in-flight to hit the North Tower and United Airlines Flight 175 was in-flight to hit the South Tower, where are the:
- Airline Designs & Logos: Where are the Airline Logos. Each plane is painted with their own Designs & Logos – Jesus Christ, it’s frickn’ Advertising. American Airlines Flight 11 had a GIANT ‘A/A’ on its 18-foot tall vertical stabilizer and the GIANT word ‘AMERICAN’ painted across its fuselage. And United Airlines Flight 175 had the GIANT word ‘UNITED’ painted across its fuselage. Did you see any Airline designs & logos on any of the 911 aircraft? No! Neither did I.
- Windows: Where is the row of 46 windows across the fuselage? It was a shiny clear day, yet I don’t see any windows shining through the hollow fuselage. Flight 11 had approximately 46 windows on each side of the fuselage. Flight 175 had approximately 46 windows on each side of the fuselage. Plus, both aircraft had wrap-around windows around the cockpit. Where are the 92 see-through windows?
- Shiny Reflections: Remember I said the weather was Severe Clear, it was a perfect day. The brilliant sun was out with not a single cloud in the sky. American Airlines and United Airlines like to keep their passenger planes super clean inside and out. It’s Severe Clear and the sun was out, then how come Flight 11 and Flight 175 aren’t glistening as they fly through the air? Those planes have a high gloss finish on them and their design and logos – it’s Advertising! The plane’s surfaces (fuselage, wings, tail section, windows) should be REFLECTING sunlight from the sun.
- Anti-Collision Strobe Lights: ALL planes in flight have Navigation Lights and Anti-Collision Strobe Lights. The Navigation Lights are a Green Light located on the tip of the starboard wing (right) and a Red Light located on the tip of the portside wing (left). That way when pilots see each other at a distance, they know whether the other plane heading in their direction or going away from them so to avoid mid-air collisions. Also, there are 05 Anti-Collision Strobe Lights (blinking bright white lights) are located on the tip of each starboard (right) wing and portside wing (left) wing, top of the fuselage, belly (bottom) of the fuselage towards the tail section and on top of the vertical stabilizer. That’s a total of 05 BLINKING STROBE WHITE LIGHTS blinking non-stop while the plane is operation (in-flight and on the ground). DID YOU SEE ANY BLINKING ANTI-COLLISION LIGHTS (top middle of fuselage, rear belly of fuselage, both wing tips, top of vertical stabilizer) and Navigational Lights on any of the 911 passenger flights? Neither did I.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember, on 911 it was ‘Severe Clear.’ The weather was perfect and visibility was unlimited. Anti-Collision Strobe Lights are BRIGHT WHITE LIGHTS that blink about once every second. And it’s so BRIGHT, according to pilots while in-flight, the Anti-Collision Strobe Lights can be seen up to 20-miles away. And on the ground, Anti-Collision Strobe Lights can be seen to an AGL (Above Ground Altitude) of 40,000-feet (07-miles).
Even in fog, you can still see the Anti-Collision Strobe Lights. But on 911, it was ‘Severe Clear’, a perfect sunny, cloudless day with unlimited visibility. And as I stated, there are 05 Anti-Collision Strobe Lights blinking all the time non-stop on each of the passenger liners. Did you see any blinking Anti-Collision Strobe Lights in any of the 911 videos? No! Neither did I.
- Wake Turbulence: Flight 11, Flight 175, Flight 77 and Flight 93 are all large aircraft with 130-foot wingspan and a very powerful jet engine under each wing. Their wings should have left behind trails of wake turbulence and the jet engines should have left behind trails of wake turbulence that anyone could see on the perfect day of weather. On ALL of the 911 videos that I viewed MANY TIMES, I saw no trail of wake turbulence left behind by the wings and jet engines of any of the passenger aircraft.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It’s like this. IT IS OUTRIGHT IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE for a boat going through water not to leave a wake, a trail of turbulence behind the boat. And the same thing applies to passenger aircraft with a 130-foot wingspan and especially a powerful jet engine under each wing.
- Exhaust Smoke Trails: On 911 it was a super clear day and sunny bright. Flight 11, Flight 175, Flight 77 and Flight 93 all had a very powerful jet engine under each wing to keep that 175,000-pound plane in the air. WHY aren’t there 02 trails of smoke from the exhaust from both powerful jet engines as the planes flew to their targets. There should be at least 02 trails of smoke from both powerful jet engines. I watched plenty of videos multiple times and I didn’t see any smoke trails. No smoke trails, no real plane!
- Serial Numbers: All aircraft (planes and helicopters) have Serial numbers. The Serial Numbers are painted towards the real of the plane. And I noticed, the airlines use contrast, so the Serial Numbers are more visible. If the plane is painted in a light color, the Serial Numbers are painted in dark letters. If the plane is a dark color, the Serial Numbers are painted in a light color. I estimate the size of each Serial Number are just a bit bigger than the windows – about 12-inches tall and 09-inches wide. Here’s an example for a UNITED Air Lines plane.
Did you see any Serial Numbers on any of the 911 aircraft? NO! Neither did I.
- American Flags: I checked-out plenty of passenger aircraft. They all had the good ol’ Red White and Blue American Flag painted on the aircraft. Like the image above, the American Flags are located just forward of the aft door (rear) above the rear row of windows on the starboard side (right) and portside (left) of the aircraft. I estimate the dimensions of the US Flag to be 05-feet long by 01 ½-feet wide. I didn’t see any US Flags on any of the 911 videos. Did you see any US Flags on any of the 911 aircraft?
Note: The American Flag could also be positioned:
- just forward of the aft door (rear) above the rear row of windows (portside & starboard)
- middle of the fuselage and above the row of windows (portside & starboard)
- Plane Disappears And MELTS: Check this out. At approximately 0903 hours Eastern Time on 911, United Airlines Flight 175 impacted on the south façade of South Tower.
I watched this video many times. Look at the image below. Just prior to impact, the vertical stabilizer disappears, portside of the tail section disappears and the portside wing from the engine to the wingtip also disappears.
Look at the image from the video below. The nose of the plane has MELTED into the South Tower. The cockpit and the front portion of the fuselage have MELTED into the South Tower. Do you see it?
Look again, there is ABSOLUTELY NO CRASH DEBRIS. There should be plane debris and tower debris INSTATANEOUSLY upon impact.
Watch the video, United Airlines Flight 175 MELTS into the South Tower. The entire plane MELTS into the South Tower and then there’s debris and smoke at the impact site followed by a fireball explosion. See 991 Videos And Websites Worthy Of Your Attention.
(See YouTube Video – 18 Views of “Plane Impact” in South Tower | 911 World Trade Center (00:11:02) [see – 10) Michael Hezarkhani])
What does this mean? AGAIN, those 911 planes are not real planes. They’re advanced holographic technologies.
Advanced Technologies!
Those planes that hit both Twin Towers were not real passenger planes. Both planes were a dull dark color with no United Airlines or American Airlines paint design, no logos and no windows. With all those windows, you should be able to see through both glistening aircraft. No serial numbers, no blinking strobe lights, no smoke trails, no vortices (is this a word?) either.
Both planes were of USA Advanced – Holographic Technologies with sound effects and complimented with very sophisticated demolitions. The videos are fake and complimented with CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery). Can I prove it? Heck no, nor can anyone else. I’m just telling you The Stupid Obvious.
Only a fake holographic plane can pierce through / slice through tons and tons and tons of concrete and steel, complimented with sophisticated demolitions. Since I’m telling you those planes aren’t real, then where the heck are all the passengers & crews from all 04 passenger real planes?
Where Are All The Passengers And Crews!
I’m saying NO REAL PASSENGER FLIGHTS IMPACTED into both Twin Towers, the Pentagon and near Shanksville, PA. Those holographic passenger planes that were observed on 911, originated from advanced USA holographic technologies. And sophisticated synced demolitions were used in the destruction of both Twin Towers, Building #7 (47 floors), the Pentagon and the crash site near Shanksville, PA. And the videos are complimented with CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery).
So what happened to all the 252 passengers and crew members (hijackers included) of the original passenger flights of Flight 11 (North Tower), Flight 175 (South Tower), Flight 77 (Pentagon) and Flight 93 (Shanksville, PA)?
At best, the passengers and crews were put in a forced witness protection program and at worst, they are no longer with us mortals here on Earth.
NOTE: There’s no doubt in my mind, a modern day CGI expert could rip apart the 2001 911 videos. Or at least give solid proof that those planes in the videos were not real planes.
Veteran Pilots Unable Replicate 911 Flights!
I use to take flying lessons in a Cessna 172. By comparison, flying a passenger liner has got to be 1,000-times more complicated. Having a pilot license for a Cessna 172 doesn’t qualify anyone or give anyone the flying experience to anyone to fly any passenger plane.
Accomplished veteran pilots have come forward to say those beginner pilots / hijackers couldn’t possibly fly with precision flying into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Why?
Cause in flight simulators, veteran pilots couldn’t do it even with their THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of hours of experienced flying time.
Note: Read Stormin’ Norman – General Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. quote under – ‘Where The Heck Is All The Massive Amounts Of Flight 77 Plane Debris.’
Why Plan And Execute 911?
Why Plan And Execute 911? If it’s an inside job, I can only guess, this is pure conjecture, the bottom line is money. And I ain’t talking about billions of dollars. I’m talking about TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Can I prove it? Heck no, nor can anyone else prove it.
But those behind it and all those involved & supported 911 have to be pure effn’ evil. Pure effn’ evil human beings to deliberately plan and murder THOUSANDS of American and allied men, women and children in the Twin Towers and at the Pentagon. And all those hundreds of First Responders who lost their lives.
And who knows what happened to the 252 passengers and crew members (hijackers included) of:
- American Airlines Flight 11
- United Airlines Flight 175
- American Airlines Flight 77
- United Airlines Flight 93
911 – It’s Sad!
Of the THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of sad stories about 911, here’s just 02 of them.
One of the few survivors that escaped the Twin Towers stated as he was rushing down the many staircases, he witnessed people trapped in their wheel chairs and they couldn’t use the inoperable elevators nor the staircase. Their fate was sealed.
One of the few survivors that barely escaped from the North Twin Tower just before it collapsed, stated as she and others were rushing down the staircases, firefighters were rushing up the staircases. She said she and others clapped and praised the brave firefighters. The brave firefighters rushed up the staircases to save others but were hopelessly trapped when the Tower collapsed.
Approximately 340 firefighters and 71 police officers died trying to rescue 911 victims. 08 EMS personnel from private companies were also lost.
It’s all very sad.
Was 911 A Sacrifice For A Higher Cause?
I just said that those behind and those that supported 911 have to be pure effn’ evil. Hey, I’m not privy and never have been privy to intelligence only known to the top leadership of the US Government and her allies.
Could 911 be a sacrifice to AVOID or PREVENT a known future MEGA DISASTER that would make 911 look like a drive-by shooting? May be 911 was a sacrifice.
May be those very few ‘in the know’ saw the BIG PICTURE in the near future and didn’t like what was coming and used 911 as a ‘STOP’ to change history, to prevent a future major catastrophic event that would kill hundreds of thousands or millions of innocent Americans and Allies. Those that work in intelligence, know what I’m talking about. Those others that are scratching their head, may think I’m a nut. I don’t give a rat’s ass.
Here’s an example of – Was 911 A Sacrifice For A Higher Cause?
Remember the murdering and ALMOST UNSTOPPABLE ISIS (Islamic State Iraq and Syria) who terrorized the Mid-East region for years starting in 2010. However, back in the mid to late 1990s, somebody in the American Intelligence Community discovered a potential global black plague-like murdering slaughtering machine.
ISIS became a full blown international threat in 2014, and formed by its founder, terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
ISIS’s trade mark was cutting off their victim’s heads. ISIS also crucified their victims. This alone intimidated all those brave enough to fight them and cowered those that couldn’t fight back. Those fanatical murdering cowards of cowards slaughtered untold tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children and infants. They abided by no Geneva Convention and slaughtered their captured military opponents. ISIS even slaughtered their own kind who stepped out of line. One report had ISIS disciplining their out of line soldiers permanently, by boiling them in oil while they were still alive! ISIS abducted and slaughtered journalists, tourists, homosexuals,…
ISIS had absolutely NO PROBLEM in recruiting more fanatical piece of sh!+ murdering cowards of cowards. ISIS had absolutely NO PROBLEM in recruiting more fanatical piece of sh!+ murdering cowards of cowards even though the recruits knew the mighty military wrath of the United States, her Allies and even enemies of the United States were working together to pummel ISIS into black burning ashes no matter where they’re located. Their recruits funneled into the Mid-East from all over the world to include the United States and all her Allies. These recruits were lured to the fight to become fukn’ hero freedom fighters. Hero freedom fighters who were trained and ordered to commit crimes against humanity.
Most Dangerous Thing ISIS Had Going For Them!
But here’s one of the most dangerous things ISIS had going for them. The lure to be a hero freedom fighter didn’t physically recruit everyone that wanted to deploy and fight over in the Mid-East region. ISIS unknowingly recruited stay-at-home wanna-be freedom fighters. Stay-at-home wanna-be freedom fighters INSPIRED by ISIS. Stay-at-home wanna-be freedom fighters INSPIRED by ISIS right here in the United States, her Allies and 3rd world countries.
Think of all those thousands and thousands of abused kids, those bullied kids, those neglected kids here in the mighty United States of America. Thousands and thousands of potential murdering terrorists. Now they see a chance to get even, to get their revenge. It’s payback time. A chance to be a to become fukn’ hero freedom fighter. All they need is a little inspiration from them piece of sh!+ ISIS terrorists and you got a kid getting his dad’s weapons and he’s off to ‘get some.’ And YES, they don’t care about being killed or may commit suicide cause, they were told, they’ll go to their heaven and they’ll be a bunch of virgin girls waiting for them.
Hey, these INSPIRED ISIS wanna-be freedom fighters could pop-up anywhere. You can’t identify them, they could be your father, mother, sister, brother close friend, neighbor, policeman, your boss, the fast-food worker,…
Here are a just a few examples of Stay-At-Home Wanna-Be Freedom Fighters INSPIRED by ISIS to be fukn’ hero freedom fighters:
- 23 September 2014: In Melbourne, Australia, an 18-year old ISIS sympathizer attacked 02 counter-terrorism officers just outside the police station. The ISIS sympathizer was shot dead.
- 23 October 2014: In Queens, New York, a man with a hatchet attacked 04 of New York’s finest. ISIS claimed the attack was a ‘direct result’ from its September 2014 call to action. The status of the hatchet-yielding ISIS sympathizer is unknown.
- 26 January 2015: At least one gunman disguised as a vacationer opened fire at a Mediterranean beachfront. At least 38 vacationers were killed, most of them were British.
- 21 August 2015: A gunman opened fire aboard a packed high-speed train going from Amsterdam to Pairs. The gunman wounded several passengers before he was tackled and secured by 03 Americans.
- 02 December 2015: A couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, CA. FBI officials stated the couple was inspired by ISIS.
- 07 January 2016: A Philadelphia police officer sitting in his police car was shot by a man who did it in the name of Islam and the Islamic State.
- 11 January 2016: A teenager yielding a machete, attacked a Jewish teacher in Marseille, France. The teenager told police he attacked the Jewish teacher in the name of God and the Islamic state.
- 12 June 2016: A man called 911 and claimed allegiance to the Islamic State terrorist group. This man armed with an assault rifle and pistol, attacked an Orlando, Florida gay nightclub and killed 49 patrons and wounded another 53 patrons. This was the worst mass killing in Florida’s history.
I had to add the following so you can get a bad taste for these piece of sh!+ cowards of cowards called ISIS / ISIL.
- 24 December 2014: A Royal Jordanian Air Force pilot was captured after his F-16 fighter jet crashed near Raqqa, Syria. He was captured by ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), also known as ISIS. On 03 January 2015 (Saturday), Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh was burned alive in a cage by his captors. This brutal murderous act just pissed-off Jordan and the fight against ISIS / ISIL got personal.
What If The US And Allies Didn’t Go Into Iraq And Afghanistan?
May be if 911 didn’t happen and the US & Allies didn’t go into Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas of interest, ISIS may have gained the much wider foothold & support it needed to be UNSTOPPABLE and spread its slaughtering wrath within the borders of the United States, within the borders of our allies and spread their murdering slaughter throughout the world. This is all my pure conjecture but a good one don’t you think?
1st NOTE: Hey, I’m all for freedom fighters. The United States of America was born because of George Washington himself and his bands of freedom fighters. But when you deliberately & repeatedly slaughter the innocent and the unarmed defenseless, you’re not a freedom fighter, you’re nothing more than another worthless piece of sh!+ coward terrorist. If a realistic true movie was made about ISIS and their atrocities, war crimes, human trafficking, human rights abuses,… they’d have to give the movie an XXX-Rating.
2nd Note: At the time of this writing ISIS is still conducting operations in the Mid-East area. They should be severely dealt with by not only the United States military but all our Ally militaries and enemy militaries to make ISIS extinct. Any known supporters of ISIS around the world, should be arrested and charged accordingly.
3rd Note: I’ve never hidden the fact that I’m 110% for EIT (Enhanced Interrogation Techniques). But you have to leave it to the pros who answer to know one and not no 3rd rate Army National Guard unit. Hey would you rather play ‘nice’ or have a nuke go off in a stadium of 20,000 football fans? Most Americans don’t know that there are many terrorist groups and non-terrorist people across the globe that ABSOLUTELY HATE the United States 24/7 for all they’re worth.
Getting Back To – Was 911 A Sacrifice For A Higher Cause?
Did those very few ‘in the know’ see the BIG PICTURE in the near future and see the UNSTOPPABLE SLAUGHTERING VIRUS of ISIS spreading all over the globe? Did they use 911 as a sacrifice so to deploy US and Ally military forces into the Mid-East to STOP ISIS from developing into an UNSTOPPABLE SLAUGHTERING VIRUS.
Here’s some more STUPID OBVIOUS – I ALREADY know for a stone cold 110% fact that I don’t know 99.999% of what is really going on here in the US, abroad and ‘elsewhere.’ I don’t have a ‘need to know’ and 99.999999% of the US population and 99.999999% of the worldwide population doesn’t have a ‘need to know’ either.
Me, I already know I’m 20 levels below whale sh!+ and deliberately kept in the dark and I don’t care that I’m 20 levels below whale sh!+ and deliberately kept in the dark!+!!!!!!!
However, I don’t have to act like I’m a bloomin’ effn’ idiot and pretend that I can’t see what might be going on. I can recognize ‘The Stupid Obvious’ and I hope you can too.
See Interview with «The most dangerous man in America»… in the 911 Related Videos And Websites… below.
911 Related Videos And Websites Worthy Of Your Attention For ‘The Stupid Obvious’!
09.11.01: The Towers Are Hit (00:07:17)
9/11/01: They Are Deceiving You: The No Plane | Hologram | CGI Theory (01:29:52)
18 Views of “Plane Impact” in South Tower | 911 World Trade Center (00:11:02) [see – 10) Michael Hezarkhani]
Captured Islamic State suicide bomber: ‘I’m so sorry’ (00:03:29)
CIA Confidential – 9/11 Mastermind (Documentary) | 2/2 (00:28:04)
CNN 9-11-01 – Live as Tragedy Occurred (01:56:59)
Eyewitness News at 11:00 p.m. on September 11, 2001.(01:01:39)
Former Airport Ticket Agent Feels Responsible For 9/11 (00:01:43)
Former Owner of Flight School That Trained 9/11 Pilots Recounts Lost Fortune (00:03:24)
Jailed ISIS fighters open up about war with the West (00:03:41)
‘Jihadi Jack’: Channel 4 News exclusive interview (00:05:11)
‘Jihadi Jack’: parents give first TV interview (00:07:43)
‘Jihadi Jack’ learns from ITV News he’s no longer a British citizen | ITV News (00:02:40)
John Lear dit tout -ext: Hologrammes fantastiques (00:03:46)
Let’s Talk About Flight 93 – 9/11 (00:12:41)
Meet Abu Azrael, ‘Iraq’s Rambo’, the most renowned fighter in Iraq (00:12:40)
Physics of firing a gun under water (00:01:11)
Pilot Reveals Suicide Mission To Take Down 9/11 Plane (00:01:43)
The Holograms and the Two Towers (00:07:10)
The Window Cleaner Of The World Trade Center 2001 (00:02:35)
At 00:00:39, look at the nose of the plane come out the other side of the South Tower.
Ticket Agent Recalls Encounter With 9/11 Terrorists (00:05:09)
Unique, rare 9/11 material shot from the Hudson (00:07:28)
U.S. Intelligence 9/11 and Iraq: A Whistleblower’s Story (00:58:30)
‘Why I left UK to fight ISIS in Syria’ BBC News (00:03:46)
‘Why I went to live with Islamic State’ – BBC News (00:14:56)
Workers claim to have seen 9/11 hijackers at Logan before attack (00:02:31)
World Trade Center – Beautiful Building (00:03:38)
End Of 911 Videos And Websites
I Can’t Believe It! I Can’t Believe It!
You already know I can’t believe that on 11 September 2001 (Tuesday), 04 real passenger planes were hijacked on the same day and within minutes of each other, 03 of the 04 planes smashed & penetrated through their targets.
But worse yet, I can’t believe the mighty United States of America’s 16 Spy Agencies didn’t see it coming. Did you know the mighty United States of America has 16 spy agencies and have the support of spy agencies of our allies and in very rare cases, help from our enemies?
I can’t believe that America’s 16 spy agencies and God knows how many sub-spy agencies exist, didn’t see 911 coming whether it was sponsored from an outside source or it was an inside job.
Each and every day, an enormous amount of money is spent on the 16 Spy Agencies of the mighty United States of America to keep us all safe. If I had just 01-hour, just 01 single hour of the funds spent on our 16 Spy Agencies, I could live off the interest alone for the rest of my life! I can’t believe America’s Intelligence Community didn’t see it coming. I can’t believe it. If they did see it coming, and I’m 110% sure they did, they were ordered to look the other way, stand-down or else.
This is for all the 911 victims and the 1st responders who gave their lives trying to save 911 victims.
Amazing Grace!
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me;
I once was lost but now I’m found,
Was blind, but now I see.
Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed.
by Rev. John Newton
PS Hey, if you want to read some more ‘Stupid Obvious’ see:
PPS I could do more on ‘The Stupid Obvious” like:
- Are We Alone
- The Moon Landing
- Abandoned American POWs
- World War III Is Inevitable
but I don’t have the time nor the motivation. WAIT WAIT, see Book below!!
PPPS At the time of this writing, the following United States Airlines (major Airlines) are still in business:
- Alaska Airlines
- Allegiant Air
- American Airlines
- Delta Air Lines
- Frontier Airlines
- Hawaiian Airlines
- JetBlue
- Southwest Airlines
- Spirit Airlines
- United Airlines
Please COPY the link below and send it to your friends so they could at least start scratching their heads and maybe doubt the ‘Official Version’ of 911:
You just read one of the ‘The Stupid Obvious.’ There are several more waiting for you. The ‘Stupid Obvious’ will re-educate you and re-wire your ‘Stupid Obvious’ thinking so you can see the truth.
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
See The Stupid Obvious books (Paperback & E-Book).
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