Philippine Diabetes Remedy!
Here’s a possible remedy for diabetes and it comes from the Philippines. I was doing my research and went to one of my favorite websites when it comes to alternative health remedies –
A reader reported that eating green bananas (unripened bananas). Why green bananas instead of yellow ripe bananas?
The reader states that green bananas are starch resistant. Starch also known as carbohydrates and these starches mess with your sugar levels in your body.
Green bananas nourish the good bacteria in your body while it kills bad bacteria & viruses. He states one of his kin, a Type 2 diabetic, drinks alcohol while on a non-diabetic diet yet he keeps his blood sugar in check because he eats green bananas.
He also states a diabetic neighbor had his toe amputated with the rest of his foot in jeopardy – also being amputated. The neighbor started eating green bananas. Guess what happened?
The diabetic sore was healing and the neighbor eventually started working again. He also applied silver water (colloidal silver) to his diabetic sore to enhance the healing process.
1st Note: When your grocery store start putting out fresh bananas, you’ll see GREEN bananas alongside yellow bananas. The green bananas will sit there a few to several days and eventually turn into yellow bananas. So grab them green bananas with your doctor’s approval.
2nd Note: Them yellow bananas after sitting there awhile will start showing brown spots on the outer skin and on the banana flesh itself. This means the bananas are more sweet tasting. I’ve seen people eat em’ up like candy with brown spots all over the banana flesh.

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