Eat The Right Stuff Tasty Healthy Fish And Meats!

We already talked about ‘eating the right stuff – fruits and vegetables. Now lets talk about ‘eat the right stuff tasty healthy fish and meats.’

  1. Shellfish
  2. Fish
  3. Chicken
  4. Pork
  5. Turkey
  6. Veal
  7. Keys To Cutting Calories & Fat In Cooking


Shellfish:  Shellfish are low in fat, and furnish fewer calories than beef, furnish a source of calcium, and are extremely tasty.  Here are the calorie counts for four ounces of six types of shellfish.  Shelled clams furnish only 86 calories.

Cooked crab furnishes only 105 calories.  A cooked lobster furnishes only 108 calories.  Canned mussels furnish only 107 calories.  Shelled oysters furnish only 103 calories.  Cooked scallops furnish only 127 calories.  It was once thought that shellfish were hazardous to your cardiovascular system because they elevated blood cholesterol.

Well it is just the opposite.  Shellfish help protect arteries and blood vessels by significantly lowering bad-type blood cholesterol (LDL).  Shellfish carry high concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent blood clots (thrombi) in blood vessels and are noted to be potentially beneficial to many diseases including allergies, asthma, cancer, headaches, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis!

Are shellfish a brain food?  Shellfish, as well as other seafood, do stimulate mental energy!  According to Dr. Judith Wurtman, a leading researcher at MIT, shellfish and fish boost your mood and mental performance.  Why?  Shellfish are low in fat and carbohydrates and almost pure protein which delivers large amounts of an amino acid called tyrosine to the brain.

Tyrosine is then made into two mentally energizing brain chemicals called dopamine and norepinephrine.  Research has proven in both animals and humans that when the brain produces those neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine, mood and energy are boosted!  You have a tendency to think and react more quickly. You are more attentive, motivated, and mentally energetic!  To boost your brain power, a normal dosage would be approximately 04 ounces.

Fish:  Heart-health experts have found the benefits of eating fish are even greater than previously realized.  In 1985 the New England Journal of Medicine found that “the consumption of as little as one or two fish dishes per week may be of preventive importance in relation to coronary heart disease.”  Omega-3 fats in fish benefits the heart by making the blood less prone to the abnormal clotting process that can lead to a heart attack.

Fresh fish rates high for keeping blood pressure in a healthy range.  Jichi Medical School in Japan have shown that levels of “good” HDL cholesterol were high among Japanese who eat the most fish!  Fish may also help those who suffer from arthritis.

According to Dr. Joel Kremer of Albany Medical College in New York, daily supplements of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) fish oil brought dramatic relief to inflammation and stiff joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis.  Fish is less fattening and more digestible than beef.  Fish is high in mineral selenium which has proven to chase away the blues.

There are about twenty varieties of fish that can be purchased at your local supermarket.  Four ounces of fish furnishes anywhere from 89 calories to 236 calories, with raw haddock having the lowest calorie count of 89 and four ounces of canned herring rates the highest calorie count of 236.

  • Salmon is low in saturated fat and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon provides only 233 calories per 04.5 ounce steak and only 06 grams of fat per 03 ounces.

According to researchers at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, they have successfully blocked both migraine headaches and kidney disease with Omega-3 fish oils.  Migraines generally eased up in about 60 percent of those who took fish oil capsules for six weeks.  The number of migraine attacks dropped from 02 per week to 02 every 02 weeks and they were less severe!

Those patients diagnosed early with kidney disease, showed a retardation of kidney deterioration by switching from animal fat to Omega-3 fish oils.  According to Dr. Uno Barcelli, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Cincinnati, “It seems fish oil must be used relatively early in the disease process.”  Fish oil therapy had no effect on patients with advanced kidney disease.

Is fish a brain food?  It sure is!  Fish is noted to be food for thought!  According to Dr. Judith Wurtman, principal investigator at MIT, the high protein in fish, namely the amino acid tyrosine, may boost the brain neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, which energizes your mind and makes you feel more alert.  Three or four ounces of fish (broiled or grilled) is sufficient.

WARNING:  Fast food fish is noted to have 1/10 of Omega-3 fish oil compared to a can of Chinook salmon.  Fast food fish is mostly made from whitefish already low in fat and Omega-3’s.  Too much Omega-3 may block normal blood clotting and lead to excessive bleeding.  Researchers have discovered that Omega-3 fish oil capsules can actually aggravate diabetes by producing a steep rise in blood sugar and a drop in insulin secretion.

Chicken:  Eat chicken instead of high fat and high cholesterol red meat.  Four ounces of cooked white meat provide only 245 calories, while dark meat provides 285 calories.  Chicken has far less fat and cholesterol than a T-bone steak, but is equal in protein.  Cook with the skin on the chicken, but DO NOT EAT THE SKIN.

WARNING:  Chickens are a great money-maker.  To ensure those pecking chickens grow as fast as possible, some chicken farms may introduce chemicals to the chickens so they weigh the most in the least amount of time.

These chemicals are passed on to the consumer – YOU!  Before you purchase that poultry, investigate where and how it was raised.  You might be better off buying your chicken meat from a small poultry farmer who has no need to pump his chickens up with hormones and chemicals!  You’ll probably save some money too!

Pork:  According to the American Heart Association, fresh pork cuts contain an average of 31% less fat than reported in the early 1980’s.  Besides being lower in fat, pork is 17% lower in calories and 10% lower in cholesterol than in 1983.  Pork offers more nutrient value for fewer calories as previously thought.

Turkey:  A protein-rich food that elevates the brain’s levels of dopamine and norepinephrine (two neurotransmitters that help us to react quickly, feel motivated, and mentally energetic).  Just 04 ounces of raw turkey provides only 145 calories and only 05 grams of fat.  Compare this to an equal portion of ground beef that will provide a whopping 313 calories and 23 grams of fat.  Replace that ground beef with turkey; like hamburger, meat loaf, and spaghetti sauce.  Eating turkey will help lower your serum cholesterol.

Veal:  Veal is the leanest form of beef.  It is a bit more expensive, but it provides the taste without the fat and is loaded with protein, niacin, and iron.  Four ounces of cooked veal has only 244 calories.


  • Trim fat before cooking.
  • Roast or broil meat on a rack.
  • Brown meat, then drain fat before continuing to cook in pan.
  • Remove fat (skim from top) from stews or soups after chilling.
  • Use low fat cooking methods such as bake, broil, microwave, roast, stir-fry, or braise.

eat the right stuff tasty healthy fish and meats

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