First of all, let me tell you I got nothing against vets. They’re a 1,000-times smarter that me. Plus, they got the best patients in the world that never complain – critters.


Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

In my book above, I tell you How I ‘Saved My Cat Sylvester.’  Plus, I’ll tell you how I saved 02 other cats. Now just recently, I saved another one of my cats.  It took almost a month to do it but it worked and I never went to vet. I SAVED A LOT OF MONEY. But it’s likely the vet would have advised me to put her to sleep anyway.

On 05 May 2019, a female cat named Count, STOPPED EATING.  I mean she ate NOTHING nor drank anything.  I let this go on for 02 more days so she could try to heal-up herself.  Purging your system (not eating) detoxes your body. I was hoping a DETOX might do the trick.

Well after 02 days, she still ate nor drank anything.  This is where I stepped-in and started force feeding her and giving her some special hand-picked over-the-counter medicine that is available to everyone.

I force fed Count for 03-weeks (day & night) and gave her my hand-picked medicine (day & night).  Now, 03-weeks later, she’s eating on her own.  She would have surely died a couple weeks ago, but I didn’t give-up on her and you shouldn’t give-up on your pet(s) when they get real sick.

I made a diary of what I did for Count, and I added it to my book.  If you have pets, this ‘healing’ book is very worthy of your attention.

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

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