Longest Living People Part 2!
INTRODUCTION: In the Longest Living People On The Earth Part 1, we talked about the healthy people of Iceland. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the super healthy people of Japan.
You’ll read about specific foods and their health benefits to fight cancer, heart disease and other maladies. You’ll read Japanese clinical studies, scientific research and discoveries.
And last, I’ll tell you about a supplement most people have never heard of that help Japanese pensioners to be some of the most healthiest and longest living people on Earth.
Elderly Japanese are no doubt some of the most healthiest people on Earth. Japan has the most Centenarians of any country on Earth. Japanese senior citizens who are over 100-years old.
All this healthy data are quotes from my 02 Survival Books below.

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OK, let’s get started with delicious Artichokes.
Super Healthy People of Japan!
Here are several healthy reasons why Japanese live vibrantly longer than most people on Earth.
ARTICHOKES: A medium artichoke furnishes only 53 calories and is low in fat. Artichokes contain calcium, iron, phosphorous, niacin, Vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. Studies in Japan, Switzerland, and Russia provide evidence that artichokes lower cholesterol.
Cynarin which is a drug derived from artichokes lowers cholesterol. Cynarin is well known to be “liver protective” in both animal liver cells and living animals.
Russian scientists noted that the edible parts of artichokes were noted to exert an anti-inflammatory activity in dogs. In 1969, French scientists were so successful in using artichoke extract for treating liver and kidney ailments, they took out a patent on it!
Artichokes are available throughout the year but their freshest peak production are the Spring months. Artichokes are consumed by eating the tender part of the leaves. Draw the leaf between the teeth to eat the tender meaty portion. Discard the leaf. Eventually, you’ll get to the very delicious heart or bottom of the tasty artichoke. It’s very tasty and VERY HEALTHY for you!
CABBAGE: One cup of raw, coarsely shredded cabbage furnishes only 15 calories, while a cup of cooked cabbage is only 29 calories, .1 gram of fat, and low in sodium. Raw cabbage is high in Vitamin C and potassium.
Cabbage is known to reduce the risk of cancer of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Cabbage stimulates the immune system and kills bacteria and viruses. Cabbage is also noted to help flush fat out of your system.
Cabbage also prevents and heals ulcers according to studies at Stanford University School of Medicine. This same study found that a quart of cabbage juice a day healed ulcers 83% faster than standard treatments producing results in three weeks or less.
These same benefits of cabbage can be found in other cabbage vegetables like Brussels sprouts (miniature cabbage), cauliflower, turnips, kale, broccoli, Chinese broccoli, and Chinese cabbage.
Studies in Greece, Japan, and the United States have indicated that people who eat the most cabbage not only have the least colon cancer but also have the lowest death rates. According to A.M. Liebstein, M.D. “cabbage is therapeutically effective in conditions of asthma, cancer, diseases of the eyes, gangrene, gout, pyorrhea, rheumatism, scurvy, tuberculosis… Cabbage is excellent as a vitalizing agent, blood purifier, and anti-scorbutic.”
In 1931, a German scientist experimenting with deadly radiation noted that rabbits survived a lethal dose of radiation if they ate cabbage leaves prior to exposure. French scientists came to the same conclusion during 1950 studies.
In 1959, 02 United States Armed Forces researchers fed diced raw cabbage (with broccoli & beets) to guinea pigs before and after giving them 400 rads of deadly whole body X radiation. All the guinea pigs that were not fed vegetables died within 15 days and more than half of those guinea pigs pre-fed vegetables survived!
The guinea pigs that were fed vegetables after the radiation exposure lived longer. It was concluded that those guinea pigs fed cabbage and broccoli before and after their exposure to radiation were the most likely to survive. Beets proved to have no effect.
MUSHROOMS: At this time few medicinal benefits from the popular and common mushroom in the United States have been researched and proved. However, four Oriental mushrooms (shiitake, oyster, enoki, and tree) contain compounds that can:
- stimulate the immune system
- inhibit blood clotting
- retard the development of cancer
Japanese scientists have analyzed the medicinal qualities of mushrooms, especially the shiitake mushroom which is popular in the United States.
Scientists note that some mushrooms possess properties that may strengthen the immune system against a variety of infections, cancer, and possibly autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, and multiple sclerosis.
The most common and best-studied mushroom with the greatest therapeutic qualities is the shiitake, also known as “Golden Oaks” in the United States.
In 1960 Dr. Kenneth Cochran of the University of Michigan launched a study of the shiitake mushroom. He discovered this mushroom contained a compound called lentinan, a long-chained sugar called a polysaccharide, which has a strong antiviral potential that stimulates the immune system functions!
Shiitake stimulates the immune system to produce more interferon, which is a natural defense agent against viruses and fighting cancers. The shiitake compound, lentinan, has proved itself in fighting cancers. It has been tested in leukemia patients in China and on breast cancer patients in Japan.
In follow-up Japanese tests, lentinan was found to be far more effective against influenza viruses than a powerful antiviral drug called amantadine hydrochloride. More tests found that lentinan is a broad-spectrum killer of various viruses.
Consuming shiitake could help lower blood cholesterol and even block the bad effects of highly saturated fats. In one study, a group of thirty healthy young women drove their blood cholesterol down by an average of 12 percent by simply eating 03-ounces of shiitake each day for a week.
Mushrooms Lower Bad Cholesterol (LDL)!
Could shiitake counter the effect of fat in the diet? In another study, one group ate two ounces of butter every day for a week; their cholesterol went up 14 percent.
Another group ate the same amount of butter every day for a week, but added three ounces of shiitake. Guess what happened?
Their blood cholesterol dropped 04 percent instead of rising 14 percent (non-eaters of shiitake)!
SOYBEANS: Soybeans are inexpensive and nutritious. One-half cup of raw soybeans provides only 385 calories, while one-half cup of cooked soybeans provides only 150 calories. Soybeans are high in calcium, iron, potassium, and protein. The fat in soybeans is unsaturated and has a low content of sodium.
Research indicates that soybeans may:
- lower serum cholesterol
- reduce triglycerides
- help regulate blood sugar
- relieve and prevent constipation
- lower the risk of cancer
- prevent or dissolve gallstones
Lower Degenerative Diseases!
Degenerative diseases, from arthritis to cancer, are noted to be substantially lower in Japanese men and women than their American counterparts! Why?
One reason is Japanese have much less fat in their diet and Japanese eat a great deal more soy products like miso, soy drinks, soy sauce, and tofu. Soy beans contain phytochemicals called polysterols and saponins which are noted to lower cholesterol.
Other phytochemicals found in soybeans are called isoflavones, genistein, and daidzein, also called phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are noted to ease menopausal symptoms, protect women against the effects of too much estrogen (breast and endometrial cancer), and may help protect men against prostate cancer!
Soybeans also contain anticarcinogens. Studies have noted that soy components have inhibitory effects on leukemia and cancers of the breast, colon, lung, prostate, and stomach!
According to Japanese surveys searching for foods that protect against cancer, one of which was miso, a soybean-paste soup. Japanese men and women who consumed one bowl of miso a day had a one-third lower risk of stomach cancer than those who never ate miso!
YAMS: According to the National Cancer Institute, men who consumed only a half cup of sweet potatoes, carrots, or winter squash were only half as likely to develop lung cancers than those who ate almost none.
In 1984, Japanese researchers discovered that the sweet potato had “markedly strong antioxidative activity,” which counters or neutralizes free radicals that ravage bodily cells, creating disorders, cancer, and aging.
Do you want Twins? Dr. Percy Nylander, a professor at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, has studied the Nigerian Yoruba tribe. The Nigerian Yoruba tribe has by far the highest rate of double births in the entire world! Twice the rate of any place in the world! Why? The Nigerian Yoruba tribe eat enormous amounts of yams – it’s the staple of the tribal diet.
Yams are high in hormone-like substances that trigger the release of other hormones, including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). FSH is found in high levels of Yoruba mothers of twins and is thought to stimulate the ovaries to release more than one ovum, establishing the stage for double conception.
It is noted that Yoruba women who no longer eat the yam as part of the tribal diet for the Western diet had fewer twins.
To support the information you just read, according to the World Atlas (software), Nigeria’s yearly consumption of yams topped the chart with 16,000,000 metric tons! Japan (12th place) consumed 169,000 metric tons and the United States didn’t even place on the chart!
The Nigerians consume a great quantity of yams in comparison to all countries in the world and this strongly indicates the reason they have the highest double births rate in the entire world!
FIGS: The medicinal benefits of the figs go back to the Old Testament. However, modern research has already used figs to:
- fight cancer
- fight bacteria
According to Japanese scientists at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research at the Mitsubishi-Kasei Institute of Life Sciences in Tokyo, “The use of the fig fruit as a traditional anticancer agent is widespread all over the world.”
Japanese scientist have isolated an anticancer chemical (benzaldehyde) in figs and used it to treat cancer patients. The Japanese scientists gave oral doses of the fig distillate to cancer patients with some success. Later they injected the fig chemical (benzaldehyde) with great results!
Fifty-five (55) percent of the patients with advanced cancer improved when injected with doses of a benzaldehyde derivative.
- Seven patients went into complete remission!
- Twenty-nine went into partial remission!
- Patients given the fig substance generally lived longer!
Scientists have also isolated fig enzymes called ficins that help digestion. Fig juice has also been noted to kill bacteria and kill roundworms in dogs.
FISH: Heart-health experts have found the benefits of eating fish are even greater than previously realized. In 1985 the New England Journal of Medicine found that “the consumption of as little as one or two fish dishes per week may be of preventive importance in relation to coronary heart disease.”
Omega-3 fats in fish benefits the heart by making the blood less prone to the abnormal clotting process that can lead to a heart attack.
Fresh fish rates high for keeping blood pressure in a healthy range. Jichi Medical School in Japan have shown that levels of “good” HDL cholesterol were high among Japanese who eat the most fish! Fish may also help those who suffer from arthritis.
According to Dr. Joel Kremer of Albany Medical College in New York, daily supplements of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) fish oil brought dramatic relief to inflammation and stiff joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
Fish is less fattening and more digestible than beef. Fish is high in mineral selenium which has proven to chase away the blues.
There are about twenty varieties of fish that can be purchased at your local supermarket. Four ounces of fish furnishes anywhere from 89 calories to 236 calories, with raw haddock having the lowest calorie count of 89 and four ounces of canned herring rates the highest calorie count of 236.
- Salmon is low in saturated fat and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon provides only 233 calories per 04.5 ounce steak and only 06 grams of fat per 03 ounces.
Migraine Headaches!
According to researchers at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, they have successfully blocked both migraine headaches and kidney disease with Omega-3 fish oils.
Migraines generally eased up in about 60 percent of those who took fish oil capsules for six weeks. The number of migraine attacks dropped from 02 per week to 02 every 02 weeks and they were less severe!
Kidney Disease!
Those patients diagnosed early with kidney disease, showed a retardation of kidney deterioration by switching from animal fat to Omega-3 fish oils.
According to Dr. Uno Barcelli, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Cincinnati, “It seems fish oil must be used relatively early in the disease process.” Fish oil therapy had no effect on patients with advanced kidney disease.
Fish Is A Brain Food!
Is fish a brain food? It sure is! Fish is noted to be food for thought! According to Dr. Judith Wurtman, principal investigator at MIT, the high protein in fish, namely the amino acid tyrosine, may boost the brain neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, which energizes your mind and makes you feel more alert. Three or four ounces of fish (broiled or grilled) is sufficient.
WARNING: Fast food fish is noted to have 1/10 of Omega-3 fish oil compared to a can of Chinook salmon. Fast food fish is mostly made from whitefish already low in fat and Omega-3’s. Too much Omega-3 may block normal blood clotting and lead to excessive bleeding. Researchers have discovered that Omega-3 fish oil capsules can actually aggravate diabetes by producing a steep rise in blood sugar and a drop in insulin secretion.
Fighting Breast Cancer!
KELP: It is noted that Japanese eat great quantities of seaweed. Epidemiologists have noted that Japanese women have a fraction of breast cancer in comparison to American women. Japanese women who are diagnosed with breast cancer live longer than American and British women.
A 1974 Japanese study noted that kelp not only helps prevent the development of breast cancer, but that it could also treat existing tumors! Kelp was instrumental in slowing the progression of breast malignancies in 95% of test animals. Sixty percent of these test animals went into complete remission!
Dr. Jane Teas of the Harvard School of Public Health speculates that the chemical called fucoidan in seaweed may be instrumental in the anti-cancer capacity of kelp. Dr. Teas also notes that seaweeds have potent antibiotic properties.
Researchers at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine in Honolulu noted that a dried version of seaweed, called wakame, helped cure and prevent lung cancer in laboratory animals! These researchers found that the active ingredients in seaweed boosts the immune system! Kelp tablets may available in many health food stores.
Fighting Heart Disease And Strokes!
OLIVE OIL: See Mediterranean Diet below. Olive oil varies in quality. The term “virgin” is loosely applied. Originally it meant that the oil was from the first pressing of the fruit, as opposed to the second or third pressing.
Olive oil when unrefined has a greenish tinge and a pungent flavor. It is preferred to refined oils because the health qualities are intact.
I’ve found that Extra Virgin Italian Olive Oil (cold pressed), is one of the best bets for a quality oil. Many studies have shown that populations using large amounts of olive oil like Italy and Greece have lower heart disease and stroke.
Olive oil is rich in Vitamin E and a known antioxidant. Olive oil is linked to longevity – olive trees have been known to live as long as 3,000 years!
Olive oil may be one of the best choices when cooking with oils. Olive oil IS NOT saturated fat but is a monounsaturated fatty acid, which is stable at high temperatures and less prone to oxidation than other vegetable oils. Extra Virgin Oil is probably your best choice of all the other oils. Avoid refined vegetable oils.
All cooking oils are 100% fat. Vegetable oils contain a combination of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats in varying proportions. There is no such thing as a saturated-fat-free oil or one containing purely monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat.
One study may contradict another study concerning the health benefits or negative results of one oil or another. One fact is agreed upon by most studies.
Consuming products that have saturated fat has been linked to a very long list of diseases. The bottom line is to cut the fat. If oils are required for cooking, cook with monounsaturated fats since studies are still finding their beneficial affects towards health for you above polyunsaturated fats.
People in the Mediterranean have been noted to develop far less heart disease than Americans, even though they drink, smoke, and even consume as much or more saturated fat than Americans! What are they doing different?
Their diet consists of an oil they use on their vegetables, grain-rich dishes, and meats. They even dip their bread in it! It’s olive oil! Yes, olive oil.
One added bonus of monounsaturated fats is they maintain HDL (high density lipoprotein) that helps prevent heart disease. Olive, peanut and canola oils are noted to be highest in monounsaturated fats.
Ensure you read the Nutrition Facts label on any cooking oil. Look for the word “monounsaturated.” Look for the least amount of saturated fats and the most monounsaturated fats.
WARNING: ENSURE you use “cold pressed” olive oil! Use all cooking oils sparingly!
Why are people who live by the Mediterranean Diet, healthier than Americans despite their high tobacco consumption, low exercise level, and modest health-care system?
Healthy Mediterranean Diet!
MEDITERRANEAN DIET: The Mediterranean Diet is a diet low in meat, but high in cereal, fruit, grain, legumes, monounsaturated fats, nuts, and vegetables. Recent French Study found that the Mediterranean Diet after a heart attack was 70 percent more life-saving than the Standard American Diet (low-fat diet-less than 30 percent fat calories). Some Harvard Researchers favor the Mediterranean Diet over the Standard American Diet.
A research effort, called the Seven Countries Study, examined 12,763 men ages 40 through 59 in the Netherlands, Finland, Italy, Greece, Croatia and Serbia, Japan, and the United States.
Ten years after their initial screening, the study reported several important results:
- Mediterranean groups had lower death rates from all causes than the northern European and American groups.
- Lower mortality from coronary heart disease in the Mediterranean countries.
- Men at the peak of their lives (45 years) have longer life expectancies in Greece than in any other European or North American country despite their high tobacco consumption, low exercise level, and modest health-care system.
The Mediterranean Diet is based on traditional eating patterns evolving over centuries in Greece, Italy, North Africa, Southern France, Spain and several Middle Eastern nations. All share a general pattern of cooking and ingredients.
The diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. The principal fat is OLIVE OIL! Lean red meat is eaten only a few times a month and in small portions.
Eating foods from animal sources – namely dairy products, fish, and poultry is low to moderate. Wine is drunk with meals. Plenty of crusty country-style bread is enjoyed with each meal.
The major fat used in the Mediterranean Diet is olive oil! Olive oil is primarily a monounsaturated fat, which is noted to lower harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) blood cholesterol and may increase good high-density lipoprotein (HDL) blood cholesterol. Olive oil isn’t the only key to a healthy diet.
Mediterranean Eating Tips:
- Switch to olive oil (extra virgin).
- Avoid butter and margarine. There is nothing wrong with putting olive oil on toast or whole grain bread.
- Cut meat consumption. If you do eat meat, ensure it’s lean. Try small portions of poultry or fish with plenty of vegetables.
- INCREASE fruit and vegetable consumption.
- Eat plenty of whole grain bread. The darker the better (ingredients not burnt).
- Eat a salad at the beginning and end of each meal.
- Wine at each dinner meal. It’s been noted that a couple glasses of wine each day may protect against coronary heart disease. Read about the benefits of red wine in Section 21 – see heart disease!
Cholesterol And Its Effects On Your Life?
The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that everyone over 20 years of age should have their cholesterol level tested and aim for a measurement of 200 mg/dl or less.
A high cholesterol reading may lead to heart attacks while a lower cholesterol reading puts you at a much lower risk.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 50 percent of Americans ages 20 through 74 have borderline to high cholesterol levels.
Only an estimated 30 percent of those know their cholesterol level. Americans come in second behind people in Finland that have the highest cholesterol average of 265.
Bad Cholesterol Kills!
You can’t see it. You can’t feel it. You can’t hear it. You can feel fine while your high cholesterol is sneaking up on you. High cholesterol leads to heart attacks, heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases!
Americans have an average cholesterol of 212 because of the unhealthy Standard American Diet and poor eating habits. Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.
More Americans die of heart disease than all cancer deaths combined. Approximately 1,500,000 heart attacks take place each year with approximately 250,000 which are fatal within fifteen minutes.
Japanese Have Lower Cholesterol Than American!
On the other side of the table, the Japanese have an average cholesterol reading of 165. Did they read this book? No, it hasn’t been translated in Japanese. Japanese have a diet that is low in animal fat. They eat lots of vegetables and grains. The National Cholesterol Education Program of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute states:
- Cholesterol reading UNDER 200 is desirable.
- Cholesterol reading of 200 to 239 is borderline high.
- Cholesterol reading of 240 and above is HIGH.
These are average cholesterol levels for the average American and the average American has the average heart attack! Get the idea?
My research has indicated that a cholesterol reading of 200 should be your initial goal. The ultimate goal of your cholesterol reading should be 150. Consult your doctor on a healthy cholesterol level for you. Your doctor measures cholesterol in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). A reading of 200 is at the point at which you are at risk of a heart attack.
Risk Of Heart Attack Doubles!
The risk of a heart attack DOUBLES if your cholesterol reading is between 200 to 250. If your cholesterol reading is between 250 and 300 your risk of heart disease DOUBLES AGAIN. Over 50% of Americans have a cholesterol reading between 200 and 239. Nearly 40 million Americans have high cholesterol readings in excess of 239. See Artichokes.
The Japanese developed a method of refining the sweet glycosides out of the stevia leaf creating a new product, called Stevioside, which is 300 times sweeter than sugar! At the time of this writing the FDA allowed stevia to be used as nutritional\dietary supplement and not as a food additive (food manufacturing companies cannot use it).
Stevia is noted to be superior to aspartame (brand names NutraSweet & Equal) which has been linked to health problems. Stevia may be purchased at health food stores or from Body Ecology (1-800-4STEVIA) and Consumer Direct (1-800-947-6417).
WARNING: If you must use any sugar product, use it sparingly.
Is Chlorinated Water Safe To Drink?
According to my research, the human body has no need for chlorine. Chlorine used for water purification is a bleaching gas. Almost twenty years ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) detected a number of chlorinated carcinogens (cancer causing substances) in the drinking water of several cities in the United States.
According to a small-scale study by Ronald Pataki of New Jersey City, New Jersey, people over 50 years of age with heart disease drank tap water in quantities correlating with the severity of their heart disease. The more chlorinated water they had drank in the past, corresponded to the seriousness of their heart disease.
He also found that those people over 50 years of age not afflicted with heart disease, drank bottled water, boiled water (boiling water releases the chlorine, which bubbles out as gas in the steam), or mostly other fluids.
Dr. Joseph Price of Saginaw General Hospital in Michigan stated to a reporter that “chlorine is the cause of an unprecedented disease epidemic which includes heart attacks and strokes. Chlorine is an insidious poison.
Most medical researchers were led to believe it was safe, but now we are learning the hard way that all the time we thought we were preventing epidemics of one disease, we were creating another. Two decades after the start of chlorinating our drinking water in 1904, the present epidemic of heart trouble and cancer began.”
Dr. Price tested the effects of chlorine on chickens. Chickens receiving chlorinated water showed evidence of either atherosclerosis of the aorta or obstruction of the circulatory system.
See Tap Water Kills And Here’s Photographic Proof!
Japanese Abandoned Chlorinated Water After World War II!
Japan abandoned chlorination after the post-World War II occupation by American troops. The Japanese heart disease death rate is one-sixth of the United States (as of 1977, current data concerning chlorine is unavailable). Treating water using the benefits of ozone instead of chlorination is noted to be superior form of purifying water.

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COENZYME Q10 (CoQ10): CoQ10 was discovered in 1957 by Fred Crane, M.D., from the University of Wisconsin. He isolated CoQ10 from beef hearts. CoQ10 is a Vitamin-like substance that resembles Vitamin E, which may be more powerful as an antioxidant.
Of the 10 common coenzyme Qs, only CoQ10 is found in human tissue. CoQ10 declines with age and should be supplemented in the diet. CoQ10 plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of the immune system and the aging process!
The New England Institute reports that CoQ10 alone is effective in reducing mortality in experimental animals afflicted with tumors and leukemia. It’s noted that CoQ10 may be helpful in the complete remission of many cancers!
In Japan, CoQ10 is being used in the treatment of:
- heart disease
- high blood pressure
- enhance the immune system
Research has revealed that CoQ10 benefits allergies, asthma, and respiratory disease as well as treating the brain for anomalies of mental function associated with Alzheimer’s Disease and schizophrenia.
The amazing CoQ10 is also beneficial in aging, candidiasis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, periodontal disease, and obesity. AIDS is a primary target for research on CoQ10 because of its immense benefits to the immune system. The use of CoQ10 is a major step forward in the prevention and control of cancer.
Use caution when purchasing CoQ10 because not all products are offered in its purest form. CoQ10’s natural color is bright yellow\orange and has very little taste in the powdered form.
CoQ10 should be kept away from heat and light since pure CoQ10 will deteriorate in temperatures above 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
Sources of CoQ10 are:
- mackerel
- salmon
- tuna
- sardines
- liver
- spinach
- cauliflower
- broccoli
- oranges
- strawberries
- peanuts
- pistachios
Sardines contain the largest amounts of CoQ10.
CoQ10 Strengthened Diseased Hearts!
One study published in the American Journal of Cardiology (1985), 150mg of CoQ10 taken daily by heart patients for 04 weeks reduced the incidence of angina attacks from 5.3 to 2.5 per day. The researchers concluded that CoQ10 actually strengthened the diseased heart, which allowed it to reach higher levels of energy before pain or oxygen deprivation occurs.
In another study published in the American Journal of Cardiology 1990, a long-term study of 126 patients with severe cardiomyopathy that took supplements of CoQ10 prolonged their lives by years, not weeks or months – YEARS! In some patients the disease was eliminated entirely!
Other published studies have noted that CoQ10 helps a wide variety of illnesses, including:
- Cancer
- chronic fatigue
- periodontal disease
WARNING: To date, no side effects have been documented. Ensure you purchase authentic CoQ10. Some companies put dyes in their fake CoQ10 to achieve the orange color that is found naturally in pure CoQ10!
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
LIVER DISEASE: When the liver is being assaulted by toxins or infections, it is dependent upon high-quality and easy-to-digest protein and concentrated Vitamins.
Acute And Chronic Hepatitis!
According to Japanese studies, acute and chronic hepatitis and early liver damage via alcohol abuse, indicate that the nutritional content of Spirulina boosts the liver’s recuperative powers after 02 to 06 weeks of Spirulina supplementation in both medicated and unmedicated patients.
…cured all symptoms of gastric ulcers!
ULCERS: According to a 1965 test reported in the “Japan Medical News,“ two grams of supplemental Spirulina cured all symptoms of gastric ulcers! Also, seven out of nine cases of duodenal ulceration were completely cured, while the other two cases noted marked improvement.
The chlorophyll coats the irritated stomach lining, inhibits maladaptive pepsin secretions and reduces tissue inflammation. Spirulina contains mesafirine which is a potent ulceration inhibitor.
VELVET DEER ANTLER: This 2,000-year old medicine is opening eyes and perking up the ears of many health enthusiasts throughout the world. Velvet Deer Antler (VDA) actually comes from the harvested antlers of deer who shed them every year. Absolutely no harm comes to any deer in the harvest of antlers.
Nutrients contained in the antlers of deer and elk originate from the plants and herbs (medicinal) they consume on a daily basis.
During the mating season, deer and elk undergo hormonal shifts which is why they grow antlers. The nutrients, as well as growth factors, found within the antlers are concentrated.
When consumed by humans, VDA stimulates natural hormonal secretions which produce energy, strength, and vitality. Athletes, coaches, and trainers throughout the world are turning to this amazing and natural supplement.
Russian and Ukrainian scientists have found that antler extracts given to athletes:
- accelerated recovery from high-intensity training programs
- increased work capacity
- decreased skeletal muscular fatigue
- improved mental function
VDA produces a holistic effect throughout your entire body and is not a targeted medication. VDA is noted to speed up the healing process according to Dr. Takikawa & Dr. Kajihara of Japan.
WARNING: VDA is not recommended for use during pregnancy because it may affect the activity of two reproductive hormones (LH-luteinizing hormone & FSH-follicle stimulating hormone).
BURDOCK ROOT (Arctium lappa): Burdock Root is used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat cancer. Recently, Japanese researchers discovered a new kind of desmutagen in this herb capable of decreasing cell mutation and inhibiting tumors!
Burdock Root is noted to reduce mucus and prevent formation of gall and kidney stones. Its Vitamin A and selenium help eliminate free radicals and its chromium content helps regulate blood sugar.
This herb has been known for centuries as a powerful blood purifier. This has attracted the attention of cancer researchers from Hungary and Japan. In 1984, Japanese scientists working at Nagoya University discovered a substance in burdock root capable of reducing cell mutation. They named it “the B-factor” for burdock factor.
The Chinese consider burdock root an excellent rejuvenator and aphrodisiac. Burdock root is rich in Vitamins B-complex, E, and P. This amazing herb also contains generous amounts of chromium, cobalt, iron magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, and zinc.
Burdock root is composed of carbohydrates (mostly inulin), mucilage, starches and some sugar. Inulin, the main ingredient in burdock root has been noted to have remarkable curative powers.
Inulin helps strengthen organs and its natural sugar content helps regulate blood sugar metabolism. Inulin in burdock root may play a key role in helping remedy diabetic conditions, because of its ability to regulate sugar metabolism.
Flor*Essence has been shown to eliminate the need for insulin in diabetics! In animal experiments, this herb has been noted to destroy bacteria and fungus cultures, as well as showing strong anti-tumor activity.
INDIAN RHUBARB ROOT (Rheum palmatum): Rhubarb root, in small amounts, acts as a gentle laxative and purges the body, especially the liver, of wastes and toxic matter. It helps counteract acids due to indigestion. Its malic acid carries oxygen to all parts of the body, and aiding in healing.
Rhein, present in the root, inhibits disease causing bacteria and candida albicans in the intestines, reducing fever and inflammation.
Studies conducted in the 1980’s demonstrate that rhubarb root also has antibiotic and anti-tumor properties. This detoxifying herb has been known for centuries throughout the world for its healing properties.
As early as 220 B.C., the Chinese used rhubarb root to rid the blood of toxins which they felt were responsible for many diseases.
Rhubarb root purges the body of bile, parasites, and stagnating food by stimulating the gall duct to expel toxic waste matter! It is noted to alleviate chronic liver problems by cleansing the liver.
It improves digestion and increases the appetite. According to studies conducted in the 1980’s, rhubarb root extract contained antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antitumor properties!
According to studies at the Oriental Medicine Research Center in Tokyo, Japan, rhein an amazing substance found in this herb is noted to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines.
Dr. Brusch added 04 other herbs to the core formula when he found that the additional herbs worked as powerful potentiators to the original core formula.
The formula with four additional herbs is called Flor*Essence has been proven by Dr. Brusch to be more effective than the original Essiac formula. Other vital potentiating herbs included are:
- Blessed Thistle
- Kelp
- Red Clover
- Watercress
The true healing power of Essiac\Flor*Essence is derived from the synergistic effect of the entire formula and not from the individual healing properties existing from each the herbs that make-up the formula. Essiac was the original formula.
Now with its additional herbs, it is now being sold as Flor*Essence. However, there are authentic and fake Essiac formulas out there. Ensure you purchase an authentic Essiac formula.
BARLEY GREEN: First let me tell you that there are other barley green type products out there in the market place. I’ve annotated many amazing nutritional supplements throughout this section and this book and I’ll ALWAYS point you in the right direction to get the best and authentic product!
As for the amazing benefits of Barley Green, I’ll tell two (2) sources to get the authentic product and how to earn some money by simply spreading the word! More on this later!
First let me give you a little history about the healthiest and the most beneficial authentic Barley Green product that I’ve come across through my 04 1/2 years of research!
Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara was the owner of Yamashiro Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., that produced more than 200 health products and employed 700 people. He was a researcher, scientist, and the inventor of more than 300 patented products. In 1963, Dr. Hagiwara became seriously ill.
He had improperly handled and been exposed to organic mercury while working in his lab. Dr. Hagiwara’s physical and mental health deteriorated. His teeth fell out and he developed red sores.
He tried his own company’s drugs, hormones, and synthetic Vitamins without success! He was disgusted and realized that his products were useless!
Dr. Hagiwara was determined to turn his ill health around for the better. He began research to find the best natural source of five essential types of nutrients (chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals, proteins, and Vitamins) that are vital for VIBRANT HEALTH!
The doctor found that these nutrients were abundant in the green juices of vegetables! Researching and evaluating dozens of green vegetable plants, Dr. Hagiwara selected the young, green leaves of barley!
Dr. Hagiwara developed a spray-dried powder process (green juice from the young barley green plants) which he named Green Barley Essence! Barley Green is organically grown (NO pesticides or chemical fertilizers).
Barley Green provides more than 16 Vitamins, 23 minerals, 18 amino acids, numerous usable enzymes (20), potassium, calcium, iron, and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) which is a super scavenger that destroys damaging free radicals that are linked to cancer, heart disease, and many other illnesses!
Barley Green is a very safe and super nutritious product. Barley Green is probably the most nutritionally dense foods that has ever been found and developed.
It’s been used for more than 20 years by more than 02 million Japanese and has been used in the United States and Canada since 1982!
This authentic Barley Green product along with Herbal Fiberblend, a raw food diet, AVOIDING the FIVE DEADLY WHITES, and exercise has succeeded where conventional medicine has outright failed!
I’m not talking about a scratch on the arm, I’m talking about INCURABLE CANCERS, HEART DISEASE, CHRONIC PAIN, and MANY DEGENERATIVE DISEASES.
NOTE: For best results place Barley Green under your tongue, or with distilled water or fresh carrot juice (30 minutes before a meal or two hours after a meal). DO NOT consume Barley Green with fruit juice because Barley Green is highly alkaline and mixing it with fruit juice netralizes Barley Green because fruit juice is acidic.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
GINSENG, SIBERIAN: Other commonly used forms of ginseng are Korean or Chinese (panax ginseng). When purchasing an effective and potent ginseng, look for a ginseng product with the highest percentage of ginsenosides which are the active components of Ginseng.
Herbal parts are taken from the roots. Siberian Ginseng provides arabinose, calcium, camphor, 07 adaptogenic compounds called eleutherosides A thru G, iron, mucilage, panaxosides, resin, saponin, starch, & Vitamins A, B12, and E.
Ginseng is used to stimulate the male sex glands and aids in relieving stress (strengthens adrenal glands). This herb aids in cocaine withdrawal.
It is also noted for its ability to help with energy, chest problems, colds, diabetes, promoting lung functioning, immune system, normalizing blood pressure, radiation protection, and stimulate appetite!
Research conducted in Europe, Japan, and Russia confirmed ginseng’s ability to reduce stress and improve mental function. Ginseng was given to telegraph operators. They experienced improved concentration, less mistakes, and less fatigue.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Green Tea Fights Cancer, Cholesterol And Bacteria!
ANTITUMOR\ANTIMETAGENESIS ACTIVITY: According to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 902 Chinese with esophageal cancer and 1,552 healthy Chinese in Shanghai, China discovered that consuming green tea reduced esophageal cancer risk by 57% in men and 60% in women!
In other studies, animals consuming green tea and green tea extract were noted to be significantly protected against ALL forms of cancer! Green tea has a antimutagenic effect (blocks the development of carcinogens in the intestinal tract and the blood).
According to Dr. Fung-Lung Chung of the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, N.Y. Green Tea consumption may explain Japan’s lower death rate for lung cancer. Dr. Chung stated that Japanese men smoke more than Americans but have a lower risk of lung cancer!
CHOLESTEROL LOWERING: The polyphenols in green tea, as well as catechins, are noted to lower blood fat levels.
In a 02-year study of 1,306 males in Japan, it was noted that green tea consumption was instrumental in cholesterol reduction.
Nine cups or more of green tea per day resulted in an 08 mg\dl reduction. The participants did not change their dietary habits or any other variable.
Another study involved 6,000 non-drinking, non-smoking women of 40 years or older who consumed at least five cups of green tea per day. The study found a 50% reduction in stroke rate!
ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES: Green tea is also noted for its antibacterial properties. According to Japanese studies, green tea extract inhibited the growth of many bacteria that cause bacteria!
Green tea is noted to inhibit growth of all 24 bacterial strains isolated from infected root canals.
Fighting AIDS!
AIDS: In 1981, doctors in San Francisco and New York City reported the first cases of what is now known as AIDS. AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, a condition in which the immune system cells have been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It’s the only disease in which the virus attacks T-cells!
The body can no longer fight off illnesses caused by bacteria, fungus, virus, or other pathogens because the compromised immune system is unable to defend your body.
Approximately 35 million people worldwide have already died from AIDS, 36.7 million people worldwide are infected with HIV.
Billions of dollars a year are spent on health care in support of AIDS patients, yet only millions are spent on research.
Garlic, Aloe Vera, Colloidal Silver,… Fights AIDS!
From 1981 to 2020, approximately 32,000 Americans died of AIDS! According to Dr. Abdullah’s report, the discovery (benefits of garlic) has far reaching implication not only for cancer and infections but also for AIDS.
Garlic may boost the ability to overcome the many fungal-type infections that hit AIDS patients. Dr. Abdullah brags that he eats several raw garlic cloves every single day and has not had a single cold since initiating the garlic regimen in 1973! Read about the Immune System in this section.
In a 06-month study conducted by a family physician, 29 AIDS patients were given nutritional supplements, essential fatty acids, and Aloe Vera juice, along with their regular diet.
Most of the patients with symptoms reported their energy levels improved within 03 to 05 days and all began to gain weight! In Japan, CoQ10 is being used in the treatment of heart disease, high blood pressure, and to enhance the immune system.
A researcher at Brigham Young University sent Colloidal Silver to two different labs. One of the labs, UCLA Medical Center, stated “It killed not only the HIV Virus but every virus that was tested in the lab.”
“Roger’s Recovery from AIDS.” Roger Cochran recovered from AIDS. This is a must read book if diagnosed with AIDS or if you’re suffering from other degenerative diseases. Roger Cochran’s recovery incorporated at least three Alternative Therapies:
- Fasting (not eating regular meals)
- Juicing
- Detoxification Therapies
The following data was obtained from an Associated Press (10 Nov. 95): An Australian with the AIDS virus who unknowingly infected that country’s blood supply 14 years ago, may have given scientist stronger evidence that a live AIDS vaccine may work. The Australian and six people infected by his plasma have been healthy with a normal immune system for 14 years, because they have a genetically weak strain of the AIDS virus.
The Australians’ HIV is missing parts of a gene called nef, which is believed to stimulate HIV to reproduce frantically until it overwhelms the victim’s immune system. So if nef isn’t working properly, immune cells can control HIV like they fight most viruses.
Finding a promising AIDS vaccine is probably several years away and several more additional years of testing and approval! According to Medical World News (Dec. 1987), acemannan “shows preliminary signs of boosting AIDS patients’ immune systems and blocking the human immune-deficiency virus’ spread, without toxic side effects.”
Researchers at the Naval Medical Research Institute made a breakthrough that could lead to a cure for AIDS. Ten participants infected with HIV, which causes AIDS, had their blood tested after an experimental therapy that demonstrated that it not only killed or dramatically reduced the virus but it rapidly grew new white blood cells! According to Navy Captain Carl June who leads a team of Navy, Army, and civilian researchers, white blood cells increased 8,000-fold!
Japanese Super Food!
I saved the best for last. Harvard University’s School of Public Health declared the people of Japan as the ‘most healthiest and longest living people on Earth.’ Why?
Many Benefits Of Chlorella!
It’s because of a special algae called chlorella. Let me tell you about chlorella.
Chlorella is noted to be a natural medicinal algae. Chlorella has more chlorophyll and DNA\RNA than any known edible food.
Chlorophyll is a fascinating nutrient because of its similarity with human blood! Almost TWINS except chlorophyll contains magnesium in the position where hemoglobin contains iron. Natural chlorophyll can only be obtained from leaves and plants (chlorella).
Chlorella has more protein than beef or soybeans, generous amounts of B-12, more nucleic acid than sardines, a great source of beta carotene, 19 amino acids, and more than 20 Vitamins and minerals! More than 800 scientific medical journal articles have established Chlorella as totally non-toxic!
The Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida has effectively treated 1,000 patients with chlorella who endured blood sugar problems, heart disease, liver disorders, Pancreas disorders, and other ailments!
According to doctors at the Medical College of Virginia, patients afflicted with brain tumors maintained a strong immune system while being given chlorella for more than a year!
List Of Benefits Of Chlorella!
The following are noted beneficial effects of Chlorella:
- Acts as a body cleanser and deodorant
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- BOOST Immune System
- Cancer fighter
- Clears bowel toxins
- Common cold
- Controls bad breath
- Detoxifies**
- Diabetic ulcers
- Eases diabetic problems
- Eases PMS and menopause discomforts
- Flu
- Hardening of the arteries
- Hay fever
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Hypoglycemia
- Lessens effects of environmental pollution
- Liver disorders
- Mental depression
- Pancreas disorders
- Raises body’s natural interferon levels
- Relieves chronic abdominal gas
- Relieves chronic constipation
- Relieves menstrual cramps
- Relieves side-effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatment
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Skin disorders
- Slows down aging
- Sinusitis
- Stimulates estrogen functions
- Stomach ulcers
- Viral infections and more
** Combines and inactivates heavy metals and chemical toxins out of the intestines! Detoxifies the liver of alcohol and ethionine.
60,000 Documented Centenarians!
Japan is the undisputable #1 country on Earth with the most centenarians. Japan has more people over the age of 100 than any other country on Earth.
JAPAN HAS 60,000 DOCUMENTED CENTENARIANS. This reflects the undisputable overall superior health of the people of Japan.
What are the Japanese Centenarians and Japanese populace doing right? Here’s what they’re doing. They’re supplementing their diet with Chlorella. But not any regular Chlorella, a specially produced superior Chlorella.
This is what I received when I ordered SUN Chlorella.

This superior Chlorella is called SUN Chlorella. SUN Chlorella is a Super Food. SUN Chlorella fights, improves, aids, ameliorates:
- Aches
- Alertness
- Bloating
- Blood Pressure
- Blood Sugar
- Cholesterol
- Clear thinking
- Concentration
- Constipation
- DETOX at the cellular level
- Digestion
- Endurance
- Energy
- Fatigue
- Flexibility
- Focus
- Gas
- Generate new cells
- Immune System
- Indigestion
- Joint soreness
- Memory
- Oxygenates blood
- Pains
- Premature aging
- Produce new cells
- Regularity
- REMOVES dioxins (toxic chemicals)
- REMOVES heavy metals (copper, cadmium,…)
- REMOVES mercury
- REMOVES PCBs (toxic pesticides & herbicides)
- Revitalize old cells
- Sex drive
- Skin
- Skin rashes
- Sleep
- Stamina
- Stiffness
- Stimulate repair and growth of cells
- Sugar cravings buster (I can attest to this one)
- Weight Loss
- Vision
Centenarian (Wikipedia)
What makes SUN Chlorella superior to other chlorella products?
Hideo Nakayama first tried chlorella to improve his own health. Turning his health around, he was so impressed with his results using chlorella, he founded his company.
Hideo Nakayama wanted to improve the growing and harvesting of chlorella. In 1981, he discovered a way to break the outer cell wall while keeping the precious nutrients. This process is called the DYNO-Mill.
The DYNO-Mill process:
- Gave Chlorella twice the digestibility
- Gave Chlorella twice the bioavailable to cells and organs
- Gave Chlorella twice the health-boosting properties
SUN Chlorella is the only company (45+ years) that has a superior chlorella product. Millions of people throughout the world choose SUN Chlorella as their daily health supplement.
NASA Chooses SUN Chlorella For Astronauts!
SUN Chlorella, ounce for ounce has:
- Superior Chlorella species – Chlorella pyrenoidosa
- 06-times more beta-carotene than spinach
- More dietary fiber than fruits and vegetables
- More protein than soy
- More nucleic acid than sardines (premature aging)
- 50 times more antioxidants and flavonoids than Vitamin C or Vitamin E (fighting free radicals)
- Highest concentration of chlorophyll (see Chlorophyll above)
- Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) revitalizes cells
- SUN Chlorella is grown in the tropics for sun exposure
- SUN Chlorella is grown from pure mountain water
- NO artificial ingredients
- NO fillers
- NO gluten
- GPM Certified in Japan
Even NASA gives their astronauts SUN Chlorella to supplement their diet while in space.
Awhile back, I did a blog post on SUN Chlorella. “I (author) take SUN Chlorella myself. I like the DETOX aspect of SUN Chlorella.”
You can see that blog post here –
Amazing Internal Cleansing Super Food – Sun Chlorella!
Here’s SUN Chlorella’s contact information:
SUN Chlorella USA
3305 Kashiwa Street
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: 1-888-214-8691
Fax: 1-310-891-0621

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
SUMMARY: You read about specific foods and their health benefits to fight cancer, heart disease and other maladies. You read Japanese clinical studies, scientific research and discoveries.
You read about a supplement most people have never heard of that help Japanese people and Japanese seniors to be some of the most healthiest and longest living people on Earth.
Japanese seniors are no doubt some of the healthiest people on Earth. Japan has the most Centenarians of any country on Earth.
All this healthy data are quotes from my 02 Survival Books above.
See Longest Living People On The Earth Part 1!
Longest Living People Part 2!
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