WARNING WARNING: The following blog post includes some cussin’ and racial words. AVOID this blog post if you’re offended by the truth. Like I stated before: “We’re not living in ‘Leave It To Beaver’ Land” where everything is almost utopic. I tell you like it is. I’m not intimidated by anything or anyone. I’m no racist. I’ll hammer on my own kind and I do when they act like pieces of sh!+.

First, let me tell you that there are state laws, county laws and local city ordinances on the books that fine those inconsiderate people that are Disturbing The Peace.

However, there may not be state laws, county laws and local city ordinances on the books that address how loud the noise / music is allowed coming from a moving vehicle, home, apartment,…

However, unwelcome and unwanted loud horrible sound called rap crap sh!+ coming from moving and parked vehicles and home dwellings that disrupts, disturbs and interrupts the peace and calm of surrounding home dwellings, businesses,… violates local ordinances, state laws and federal laws.

Reading blotter reports in local newspapers, police are ticketing and arresting inconsiderate people for playing their loud rap crap sh!+ (keep reading), but that’s not enough.

When I temporarily lived in Pueblo, Colorado (2003 – 2004), myself (Hispanic) and a security guard (Hispanic) that lived across the street were the only ones, the only ones on the whole block or 02 or 03 that repeatedly confronted the idiot (Hispanic guy) that raced his car up & down the street and played his super loud rap crap sh!+.

One day, another idiot (white guy) down the block went up and down the street playing his super loud rap crap sh!+ with its booming pounding base that went through the walls & windows of my Mom’s house. This pissed me off even more. Why?

My Mom Is Dying!

My Mom was laying in her special hospice bed in the living room and she had to hear that loud rap crap sh!+ on one of the last days of her life. I immediately, got in my car and went down the block and stopped at the house where that inconsiderate selfish piece of sh!+ lived. I was cussing full blast at him and his wife or girlfriend came out the front door and I was still cussing.

In between all the cussing, I told him ‘my Mom is dying and she had to hear your loud rap crap sh!+ on her last days here on Earth.’ I was hoping, hoping real bad he’d leave his front yard and confront me off his property and meet me in the street and I wanted him to throw the first punch (witnesses on both sides of the street were now watching) and minutes later, the ambulance would find him unconscious on the street laying in his own pool of blood. But I was shocked, really shocked. He apologized and I went back home and never heard any loud rap crap sh!+ from him ever again.

Years earlier, I bought a house in Belleville, IL. It was a quiet neighborhood. The houses were identical because it used to be military housing decades ago. As the years passed, the neighborhood was going to sh!+. One problem was pollution. I was one of the few neighbors who bagged all my leaves and cut grass clippings for the garbage guys to pick-up once a week. Most everybody else burned their leaves and grass clippings and the neighborhood looked like a dense fog set-in but it was choking smoke from burning leaves and grass clippings. Several times, I’d leave my windows open and come home to find my entire house smelled like smoke.

But was even worse than the filthy smelly smoke was the vulgar loud rap crap sh!+ I had to tolerate and a band across the street that practiced frequently and they sounded like sh!+ anyway. I walked across the street and kindly asked them to lower the volume. They said OK. I went back to my house and a few minutes later, they started playing their loud awful sounding music again. Finally, I started calling the police about the wanna-be band and the black guy playing his loud banging booming rap crap sh!+.

The guy in the band was in the Air Force. One morning at about 2am, the police showed up, the band quit but he (white guy) was inside his house playing his own loud rap crap sh!+. The police pounded and pounded on his front door but nobody answered the door. All this time everybody up & down the block could hear his loud rap crap sh!+ and the police pounding on his door. After 10 or 15-minutes, he finally answered the door and he mouthed-off to the police and that was it. In 02-seconds, he was face-first on the sidewalk, he was arrested & handcuffed on the spot and off that piece of sh!+ went. One of the cops went inside and turned off that loud vulgar rap crap sh!+.

As far as the black guy, one night I was outside in my front yard and he walked up the block a few houses from where he lives and stopped across the street from me and yelled at me, asking me if I called the cops on him. I yelled “yeah, I called the cops” and he yelled back – quote: “I’m going to beat your brains out.” In a split second I yelled “c’mon” motioning him to come across the street. Plus, I was calling him every profanity I could think of.

He was calling me a ‘wetback’ and I countered with ‘c’mon nigger – let’s go’ motioning him to come across the street. I kept yelling at him motioning him to come across the street. Like a loud mouth chicken sh!+, he stayed where he was on the sidewalk across the street. I sized him up from the get go. He was my size and I was extremely confident, I could have him bleeding and unconscious – on my property – in less than 60-seconds. I figured if the cops came and found him on my property, they’d believe that he attacked me and I was just defending myself. The loud mouth chicken sh!+ never crossed the street but kept threatening to kill me. With all the yelling, somebody called the cops and they arrived real quick.

I ended up across the street in a neighbor’s house (white couple) because they were the ones that called the police. I was being questioned by one cop in the house and another cop questioned the black guy and his white wife outside in their front yard. He and his wife wanted to press charges against me because I was calling him a nigger. And I wanted to press charges because I told the cops he said repeatedly that he was going to kill me (beat my brains out).

At the time I was working (Contract Security) for Homeland Security and I was only 01 of 07 of 170 Protective Security Officers with a TOP SECRET Clearance. If he pressed charges, I figured I’d probably lose my job and TOP SECRET Clearance. So I dropped my charges and they dropped their charges. It turns out, the policeman told me minutes later, that the piece of sh!+ just got out of prison just a couple months earlier. If I carried-on with my charges, he no doubt would get sent back to prison real quick and I’d probably lose my job with Homeland Security.

Are ‘Disturbing The Peace’ Laws Being Enforced?

Sure, everybody has the right to listen to their own type of music.


Now here’s my question for YOU. Are ’Disturbing The Peace’ laws being enforced? NO, absolutely not. Not like they could be. It’s not the fault of law enforcement**, it’s because people are scared to call the police because of retaliation from dumb ass punks who play their loud rap crap sh!+.

People have got to start putting their foot down in their neighborhoods and start calling the police to enforce the ‘Disturbing The Peace’ laws. If you don’t want to do it on your own, get together with your neighbors and TAKE BACK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

You are:

  • not paying your mortgage
  • not paying your rent money
  • not paying your taxes

to hear their loud rap crap sh!+. Your taxes pay for protection from criminals and that includes inconsiderate, don’t give a sh!+ people who violate ‘Disturbing The Peace’ local ordinances and state laws.

YES, I’m focusing on that loud rap crap sh!+. Why?

Because 99.999% of the time when I hear that loud rap crap sh!+ annoying noise, it’s that pounding booming rap crap sh!+. Once a year or so, I might hear somebody playing their country western music, rock n’ roll or some other legit music real loud – but it’s very very rare compared to hearing that vulgar loud rap crap sh!+.

** If police did this, all they have to do is stay static at a major intersection. Every 10-minutes at worst, somebody will be going by playing their loud rap crap sh!+. Can they automatically pull over the car? Probably not. However, most cops are extremely observant and can can sight a ‘Probable Cause’ (unsafe vehicle) to pull over the inconsiderate dumb ass. See ‘Loud Music May Be Violating Local Ordinances And State Laws Inside Or Near The Following Locations’ below.


If you’re a concerned citizen and tired of hearing your neighbors loud rap crap sh!+ – get together with your neighbors and CALL THE COPS. TAKE BACK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD – TAKE BACK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD cause their loud rap crap sh!+ is seriously affecting your health right now and here are some Stats to prove it.

Loud Pounding Booming Rap Crap Sh!+ And It’s Sickly Affects!

  • Hearing Loss
  • Increase In Blood Pressure
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Loss of Sleep
  • Added Unnecessary Stress
  • Increased Chances Of Stroke
  • Increased Chances of Heart Attack
  • Tinnitus (non-stop ringing in the ears)

Loud Music May Be Violating Local Ordinances And State Laws Inside Or Near The Following Locations:

  • Airports
  • Apartment Complex
  • Camping Areas
  • Cemeteries**
  • Churches and property
  • College Campus
  • Fast Food Restaurants
  • Gas Stations
  • Grocery Stores
  • Hotels
  • Hospitals
  • K-Marts
  • Laundromats
  • Local City Parks
  • Malls (inside & out)
  • Military Installations (throughout)
  • Motels
  • Museums
  • National Parks
  • Nursing Homes
  • Police Stations
  • Post Office
  • Private Property
  • Private Schools and property
  • Public Libraries
  • Public Roads (unable to hear sirens )
  • Public Schools and property
  • Public Transportation (trains, buses, railways, taxis, planes, subways,…)
  • Recreational Vehicles Camping
  • Rest Areas
  • Restaurants
  • Sporting Events
  • State Parks
  • Stores (small & property)
  • Stores (large & property)
  • Trailer Parks
  • Universities
  • US Governments Buildings and Property
  • WalMart Parking Lots

Drivers Playing Loud Rap Crap Sh!+ May Lead To Other Violations / Charges:

When courageous people call their local law enforcement complaining about that loud rap crap sh!+, once the police run the driver’s information and inspect the vehicle (plain view, probable cause, driver’s permission or search warrant), there’s a 10% chance the traffic stop may be lead to common infractions like:

  • Arrest Warrant
  • Disrupting Church Services (mass, wedding, baptism, funeral,…)
  • Disrupting Funeral Procession (enroute to cemetary)**
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Drinking in public
  • Driving an unsafe vehicle (many possible violations)
  • Driving on a suspended license
  • Driving on expired license
  • Driving on expired registration
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
  • Failure to appear in court
  • No vehicle insurance
  • No vehicle registration
  • No driver’s license
  • Possession of illegal drugs
  • Prior convictions
  • Prior traffic violations
  • Stolen items
  • Stolen plates
  • Stolen vehicle
  • Transporting open liquor containers
  • Underage drinking
  • Unlawful possession of false identification
  • Unlawful possession of firearm
  • Warrant for probation violation
  • and more common infractions
  • Serious warrants (fugitive on the run, escaped convict,…)

** What a disgrace, what a disgrace. The poor deceased person is on their way to their final resting place and some piece of sh!+ has no respect for the deceased nor the several dozen of the deceased family members, friends, co-workers,… Their playing their vulgar loud booming rap crap sh!+ as this pour soul passes by on their way to their resting place.

Music Torture!

I’d never call that rap crap sh!+ – music (see POCs at the end of this blog post). However, it could definitely be used for torture – ‘music torture’. ‘Music Torture’ has been used in the past to get barricaded fugitives to surrender. Some of the most well-known uses were to torture the Panama dictator Manuel Noriega while he seeked protection in a church (last week of December 1989).

In the 2nd Gulf War, dictator Sadaam Hussein’s 02 sons were barricaded in a building, were slammed with ‘music torture.’ The ‘music torture’ didn’t get them to outright surrender but no doubt they got no sleep and their mental faculties along with their hearing were shot to hell.

Child Abuse!

PS Remember when I told you I was living in Belleville, IL? Let me give you another example how those idiots playing their loud rap crap sh!+ don’t give a rat’s ass about their surrounding neighbors.

One day I went shopping at Carlyle Plaza. I completed my shopping and was loading up my vehicle with my groceries. And hundreds of meters away, I could hear it coming. Some inconsiderate piece of sh!+ was playing their loud rap crap sh!+ you could literally hear it at least a mile away.

And sure enough this punk kid and his wife entered the same parking lot I was parked. I looked up and observed their vehicle with these big speakers in the back of their vehicle. Guess what I observed only several inches awa from those 02 big speakers spitting out that loud booming rap crap sh!+?

The couple had their infant in a child seat just a few inches, just a few inches away from those 02 big speakers. The infant had to be no more than 02-years old. I bet the kid was already stone deaf. These 02 people are supposed to be called parents who are supposed to care for their child. This is child abuse. No doubt that poor infant is abused with that loud rap crap sh!+ at home too. Their loud rap crap sh!+ no doubt has made their kid stone deaf and has harassed / tortured tens of thousands of people and no doubt attributed to the poor health of those same tens of thousands of people over the years.

Again, TAKE BACK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD and start calling the cops when your inconsiderate neighbors force you to hear their loud vulgar loud rap crap sh!+.

PPS Hey, I too like jamming away and hearing my favorite legit music loud. But I play my Rock n’ Roll, Motown, comedy recordings, radio, podcasts,… loud ONLY in my vehicle and ONLY loud enough so only I can hear it with my windows rolled-up. I live out in the country and I only have 02 neighbors. Once I turn off the hard top, out of consideration for my neighbors (hundreds of meters away), I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS TURN OFF my rock n’ roll music,… and all they can barely hear are my 04 tires rolling over the gravel rocks. And even if I didn’t turn off my music in my vehicle, I doubt if they could hear it anyway.

If You’re Reading This!

If you’re reading this and you play your rap so only you can hear it – I THANK YOU VERY MUCH and so do THOUSANDS of other people who love their peace and quiet. Thank you for being mature and considerate towards your neighbors you know and the thousands of neighbors you don’t know.

If you’re reading this and you play that loud rap crap sh!+ so loud everybody else is forced to hear that annoying vulgar rap crap sh!+, I hope somebody with some balls calls the law on your inconsiderate dumb ass and I hope the police officer gives you a $100 fine on the spot or a date to appear in court for Disturbing The Peace.

Hey, I say: “Live And Let Live” But when play your loud booming vulgar rap crap sh!+ so loud, you’re forcing hundreds – thousands of your neighbors to live a miserable and stress-filled life that affects their health in a sickly way. So please, “Live And Let Live.” Turn it way down so only you can hear it.

Decaying & Cancerous Neighborhoods And Cities!

I wrote an article on defending yourself against a home invasion. I also wrote that some neighborhoods and cities are already so saturated with piece of sh!+ scumbags, that it’s better to not only leave the neighborhood and city, but to move hundreds of miles away. I live out in the country. I only have 02 neighbors and they’re hundreds of meters away.

If I had the money, I’d by all the properties (occupied & vacant land) around me and rent the 02 houses near me to police officers and their families. And grateful for their hard work and not getting paid nearly enough, I’d rent the properties to both police officers and their families for only $20 a month. Just enough for a couple dinners of my choice twice a month!

But I’d have 02 points in the rental agreement:

  • NO fu&%n’ loud music – NEVER
  • No shooting firearms for target practice nor hunting

Internet Points Of Contact

Keith Richards: Rap is for ‘Tone-Deaf People’

The Examiner: Rap the biggest con in history of music

Jerry Garcia: “rap isn’t music”

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