The Doctor Told Me You Have Three Weeks To Live!

Here’s my true story and I have doctor bills to back up this story.  Here’s the true story of:  The Doctor Told Me You Have Three Weeks To Live.  OK, here it goes.

You Have Three Weeks To Live:  The main reason I added Lyme Disease in this blog post is because a couple years ago I was diagnosed with it.  Once you got it, it knocks ALL the stuffins’ out of you.  You have NO STRENGTH to do anything.  You feel so weak, just getting out of bed to use the bathroom is like a death march.  Here, let me tell you the whole story so you can get a good chuckle out of it. 

About late May of 2014 – I woke-up feeling sick and extremely weak.  Like a stubborn me, I suffered thinking I’d get better real quick.  I always felt and still do think I have an extraordinary SUPER STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM (keep reading).  As the hours and a few days went by I got weaker and weaker.  I barely had the strength to get out of bed and go to the bathroom.

Approximately a month earlier (late April 2014), I was bitten by the same female raccoon 02 different times.  Once on the top front of my left foot and the very next day she sneaked up on me and bit me near my Achilles heel on the right foot.  I started thinking the raccoon bite may be the cause of my weakness.

I then started thinking about rabies.  That’s when I seriously started thinking about going into Sparta. IL to the hospital emergency room.  A month after I was bitten twice by the same raccoon.

On 27 May 2014, it took everything I had just to shower, dress, get in my vehicle and drive to the hospital in Sparta, IL.  I slowly walked into the emergency room and sat down at the receptionist office.

She asked me ‘what’s wrong?’ and I told her ‘I got bit twice by a raccoon.’  She then asked me ‘how long ago?’  I told her ‘about a month ago.’  I knew something was wrong when she replied with ‘Oh my!.’

They did the administrative thing taking my personal data and health insurance data, they took my vitals, put me in a room and I waited for the doctor to see me.  After 20-minutes, the doctor came in who already read what was written down about me but he wanted to hear everything for himself and I told him everything you just read.  He asked me ‘how come you didn’t come in immediately after you got bit by the raccoon?’  I told him ‘I felt fine till a few days ago.’

He looked disgusted and walked out.  About 05-minutes late he came in looked me in the eyes and told me – and here’s the exact quote – “You Have Three Weeks To Live!”  I said nothing, not a word.  I showed no emotion – nothing.  I guess he expected me to start crying or something.  I showed absolutely no emotion and I said nothing.

When he told me “You Have Three Weeks To Live!” the first exact thing I thought to myself was “Three weeks isn’t long enough to settle my affairs.”  The doctor turned around and walked out of the room and came back a few minutes later and again told me “You Have Three Weeks To Live!”  And asked me again why I waited so long after being bit by the raccoon.

No joke, he left the room again and came back and again told me “You Have Three Weeks To Live!”  Again, he got nothing out of me.  And again, he left the room, came back and told me “You Have Three Weeks To Live!”  That doctor thought I was afflicted with rabies and 99.9999999% of people that are afflicted with rabies die a horrible death.

This time he must have talked to a doctor at Saint Louis University (SLU) Hospital in Saint Louis, MO and he decided to send me there immediately by ambulance.  I refused and said I could drive there.  He said ‘NO’ because I was now in their care and an ambulance will show-up and take me there in a few minutes.  Did you know that 70-mile drive to the hospital cost $1,500 DOLLARS!!!!!!  Glad I had health insurance.  I stayed at SLU hospital from Sunday to I think Thursday.  The bottom line, I was scheduled to take all the rabies series shots, and I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and diagnosed with Lyme Disease.  Remember me telling you I think I have a ‘an extraordinary SUPER STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM’?

They told me from the Lyme Disease, it would take me 08-months, 08-months to recover.  After I got back from the hospital, I was 100% in just 02-weeks!!!!

If you go out in the woods a lot, consider protecting yourself from them rabid critters and from Lyme Disease.  The nurses told me that Forest Rangers / Park Rangers get the rabies series shots as protection because of their jobs.

As far as Lyme Disease, as far as I know there is no 100% Lyme Disease prevention vaccine for humans.  You just have to constantly inspect yourself and others for ticks and remove & kill them immediately.

Lyme Disease Update:  You just read about Lyme Disease and “You Have Three Weeks To Live!”  That doctor thought I was afflicted with rabies and 99.9999999% of people that are afflicted with rabies die a horrible death.  I think there are only 01 or 02 people ever recorded to have survived rabies.

Anyway, the last couple of years, I’ve been sick – meaning I’ve been feeling weak.  I sleep a lot.  My legs always feel weak.  I have no strength to do anything but sit.  But I’m not down for the count like I viewed a lady on YouTube who suffers from Lyme disease.  She said she was so sick, just picking up and using the salt / pepper shaker knocks the stuffins out of her.  Now that’s being very sickly.

Anyway, I’ve been looking for a remedy – not to cure Lyme Disease, but looking for a remedy to feel and be more vibrant.  And today, 06 July 2017 (Thursday), I think I found a remedy.  OK, here it goes.  Here’s a list of a few things that actually BOOSTED my energy levels and they’re worthy of your attention.

  • Special Breathing Exercise
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Coconut Oil
  • Tongue Scraping
  • Carnivora
  • Venus Fly Trap
  • Distilled Water

Let’s start with Special Breathing.

  1. a) Special Breathing Exercise: Have you ever yawned? Sure you have.  That’s your body trying to tell you that you may need more oxygenated blood to your tired body, your tired hungry cells!

This subject should probably be titled “Healing At The Cellular Level.”  First let me tell you a bona fide fact.  Most of us humans (99.9999999) are shallow breathers.  Unless you’re a Yogi, Tibetan Monk, into meditation, or Mind-Over-Matter applications like Visualization, you have no idea how to breathe better so it’s more healthy & relaxing.

Every Mind-Over-Matter application that I’ve investigated the since the 1990s have had some form of “special breathing” involved in the practice.  So there’s got to be something special about breathing – special breathing.

First let me tell you why even a simple deep breath now and then is beneficial and healthy for you and I dare your doctor to say “that’s BS, I don’t want you to breathe differently, it’s bad for you and everybody.”

Every cell of your body needs nutrients and oxygen.  and there are a lot of cells in your body aching for precious fuel it never really gets because you’re a shallow breather!  Are you ready for this – there are 100,000,000,000,000 (01-hundred trillion) cells in your body.  Oxygen is one of those vital nutrients.  Your body has the innate ability to heal itself starting at the cellular level.  One cell in your body is a lot smarter for your health than any doctor.

Let me give some eye-opening healing information about healing at the cellular level.  The following data is taken directly from the Gettysburg Program (667-page version).

Cell — The cell is the basic unit of all living things.  Many HEALING ASPECTS that you read throughout this book BEGAN AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL!  Through proper nutrition, exercise, supplements, your thoughts and other treatments (alternative and conventional), YOUR BODY HAS THE ABILITY TO HEAL ITSELF!

We’ll take a closer look at this remarkable working miracle!  This single unit of life has its own organization and function.

  • The nucleus of the cell is the command headquarters for the entire unit. Imagine this if you can – messages encoded within the nucleus of each cell would require 3,000 volumes of books, with each book having 1,000 pages, with each page having 1,000 words!
  • Each cell can replicate itself to an exact likeness. When a cell is worn-out or aged, it will self-destruct.
  • Each cell has an energy factory called the mitochondria. The mitochondria manufactures all the energy it needs to live and do its work.
  • Each cell also has a protein manufacturing plant called the endothelial reticulum.
  • Each cell has a storage warehouse called the golgi body. The golgi body stores the manufactured product until it is needed.
  • Each cell has a sentry or security force. The security force allows only that substance that is needed to enter the cell interior and lets waste material exit the cell.

Now do you understand the importance of proper nutrition, exercise, and an overall healthy lifestyle.  One more time, YOUR BODY HAS THE ABILITY TO HEAL ITSELF!

Again, the data was taken from the Gettysburg Program (667-page version) – see IRISAP in POC Section.  Now let’s get back to your shallow breathing.  Notice your breathing right now as you read this.  YOU’RE A SHALLOW BREATHER!  You’re taking in only 20% of the oxygen you could take in if you weren’t a shallow breather!  And think of what all that EXTRA GOOD OXYGEN will do for YOU at the cellular level!

Remember you have 100,000,000,000,000 cells in your body right now and all are aching for that precious fuel- oxygen!  And they’re all trying so hard to keep you healthy.  With the proper nutrition, supplements, exercise, OXYGEN, and thoughts, your body has the inherent ability to heal itself!  When you take in extra oxygen and hold it in your lungs for 15 – 20 seconds or more, that vital nutritious oxygen goes to your lungs and the oxygen is passed on to the blood running throughout your lungs.  But now that blood has more nutritious oxygen than it’s had in a long time.  The cells throughout your body are dilated and hungry waiting for more of the same precious fuel – oxygen.  That vital fuel fires-up every cell in your body which reflects INCREASED ENERGY and may have a beneficial side-effect of weight loss and other healing benefits!

Another healing fact you have to know about deep breathing is that it’s aerobic breathing.  Aerobic meaning an injection of more oxygen into your body to stimulate blood circulation.  Most folks know the word aerobic from vigorous exercise.  Vigorous exercise noted to speed up the metabolism to lose weight.

But with deep breathing you get the same aerobic injection of oxygen without the vigorous sweating exercise of running 03 miles, jazzercise, calisthenics, stair-stepping…  So, do your aerobics while watching TV!

So, here’s one simple form of a breathing and it’s easy and FREE.  In the POC Section are other POCs to get different and advanced healthy breathing techniques.

Step 01:  Find a quiet time (30 minutes) & place in your home.

Step 02:  Laying down or sitting-up, let out all the air in your lungs and inhale through your nose (filters air) a real deep till you can’t take-in any more air.

STEP 03:  Hold the breath for 15 – 20 seconds and quickly force out all the air out through your lungs.

Step 04:  Once all the air is expelled, take a deep breath through your nose and hold it for 15-20 seconds and release.

Step 05:  Repeat Steps 02 – 04 for 30 minutes.

Step 06:  You can use visualization with your deep breathing to help heal your body.  Close your eyes, when you exhale – imagine all the toxins from head to foot being forced out of your body through your mouth.

Add color to the toxins like brownish red.  When you deeply inhale imagine inhaling a bright white light that enters your nostrils, goes to your lungs and spreads throughout your body.

And as you hold your breath for 15-20 seconds that bright white light turns into shiny chrome knights with chrome swords on white dressed-up stallions.  The knights are fighting, slashing, stomping and killing disease, fat… and even fixing and repairing damaged parts of your body. You can even visualize the bright white light going to a specific part of your body when you deeply inhale for extra healing!

Repeat for 30-minutes!  Visualization must be used in a quiet and isolated place in your home.  Is this all there is?  Is it that easy?  NO!  You can’t expect results unless you practice this special breathing at least 30-minutes every day.  So dedicate 30 minutes of your day to deep breathing exercises.  Heck, you can do it while you’re driving your car (do not use visualization).

Follow the recommended instructions only as per your doctor’s approval.

b) Dark Chocolate: Delicious Treat For Immediate Energy! You might be feeling weak so I thought I’d add this segment in here.  I was doing some research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and came across a remedy for it.  I was feeling slow and weak and gave it a try.  Guess what happened?  It worked!  May be it was all in my head, but who cares it worked anyway.  The remedy is cocoa.

Meaning I bought some chocolate candy to eat.  But not any chocolate – it has to be dark chocolate.  I went and bought a whole bag of bite size dark chocolate candies and put them in the freezer (taste even better frozen).  Hershey offers a few candies.  Look for the words “Special Dark.”

c) Coconut Oil: Of all the edible oils, coconut oil may be on top of the heap or at least near the top as having the most benefits to the human body inside and out. Between coconut water, coconut milk, coconut meat, coconut oil and even the husk, the coconut may be king.

As far as using coconut oil to help energize me, I add a good heaping tablespoon of coconut oil to all my hot meals.  I have actually felt more energy because of eating coconut oil.  Why coconut oil?  Cause coconut oil has Anti-Bacteria, Anti-Fungal, and Anti-Viral properties.  In my humble opinion, coconut oil supports the immune system in a 24-hour battle fighting trillions of bad guys throughout the body.  See “The Many Benefits Of Coconuts, Peanuts, And Other Tasty Nut Foods!” at

d) Tongue Scraping: Years ago (2014), I was doing my own R & D on what’s called Oil Pulling. Oil Pulling is simply swishing coconut oil in your mouth for 20-minutes.  Oil Pulling is supposed to clean your mouth of debris that’s not beneficial to your health.  Why use coconut oil for Oil Pulling?

Cause coconut oil has Anti-Bacteria, Anti-Fungal, and Anti-Viral properties which gives your own immune system a better chance to improve your health cause now it can fight other bad guys throughout your body.  See “The Many Benefits Of Coconuts, Peanuts, And Other Tasty Nut Foods!” at

Anyway, I tried Oil Pulling for a few days and I figured I don’t have the time (20-minutes) to do Oil Pulling every day.  There has to be a shortcut.  So, I knew the tongue itself is LOADED with all kinds of nasty stuff.  So, I went out and purchased an Orabrush tongue scraper for a few bucks.  First thing in the morning, after showering, I scrape my tongue a few times and wash it off with water and repeat 02 more times.  It takes about 45-seconds versus 20-minutes for Oil Pulling.  Then I’ll brush my teeth and gargle with some cinnamon mouth wash.  Believe it or not I can feel the difference in my health versus not scarping my tongue every morning.  Cause if you don’t scrape your tongue, all that nasty stuff will end up being swallowed and now your immune system is fighting more battles to try to keep you healthy.  Bottom line – tongue scraping works.

e) Carnivora: If you have any pets, you have to get my book – “How I Saved My Cat Sylvester when 05-Months Of Vet Drugs Failed!” Back in the 1st week of January 2013, the vet wanted to put Sylvester to sleep.  Today as I write this (07 July 2017 – Friday), Sylvester is still alive.

I’ll tell you all about this stuff called Carnivora in my paperback book.  This stuff WORKS!!!!  You can take a look at the description and 02 videos at

f) Venus Fly Trap: Now getting back to stuff I’ve tried to counter being tired all the time – 24/7. The stuff above – Carnivora is expensive but worth every penny.  But for my own R & D, I’ve looked into a similar Immune Boosting product called Venus Fly Trap from a company called Eclectic Institute.  It comes in a 01-fluid ounce bottle.

As of 06 July 2017, I’m declaring that Venus Fly Trap (VFT) has made a definite difference in the way I feel.  I’m now up and about doing more chores around the house and on my property than ever before.

And the best part, in my humble opinion, it works just as good as Carnivora and for about half the price.  If you go to it will cost about $18 bucks.  As a matter of fact, hold-up, BAMM!

I just purchased (071041C July 2017 – Friday), 02 more bottles at $19.95 a piece for a total of $39.90 and that includes FREE shipping cause I’m a Prime Member ($99.00 a year – I watch a lot of movies on Amazon).  The Order Statement tells me the order will get here to my house on Tuesday (11 July 2017).

That’s how sure I am of this product.  And here’s a better part of my own R & D.  I DO NO USE it full strength.  I take an empty 01-fluid ounce bottle and fill it ¾ full of pure filtered water and then I add only 07 droppers of VFT.  My dose per day is only 05 droppers of the diluted VFT per day.  As a matter of fact – BAMM!  I just took my dosage just 20-seconds ago – BAMM!.  Man oh man, I feel like going out and finding a Vietnam Draft Dodger and putting him in headlock!!!!

g) Distilled Water: Everybody needs drinking water to survive. But I bet you never heard of drinking distilled water.  Looking for a way to get more energy, led me to drinking distilled water and I drank a lot of it.  Why distilled water?  First of all, NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER, one more time, NEVER drink tap water.

Distilled water IS NOT LOADED with fluoride, chlorine and other carcinogenic substances like tap water.  And I don’t even trust bottled water.  I do drink water from my Brita water filtered pitcher but distilled water is pure water.  But better than bottled distilled water is distilled water from a distiller so you can make your own distilled water.  Distilled water is pure water and has ZERO impurities.  Distilled water has no beneficial minerals of any sort.  As a matter of fact, distilled water grabs impurities already in the body and they are purged out of the body.

When I started drinking distilled water, within 24-hours I already started feeling more energy.  For approximately 01-month, as far as water goes, I drank all distilled water.  I was so impressed with the results with drinking distilled water, I plan on purchasing a distiller instead of drinking bottle distilled water.  Drinking out of plastic containers isn’t the best thing to do for your health.

PS  I seriously think the combination of all the energy booster I just talked about – synergistically work together to help me feel a lot better.  But the VFT, helped put me over the top.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  In my own case, one super healthy benefit of drinking distilled water is I found it was a ‘sugar buster.’  I’ve never heard or read anywhere about drinking distilled to curb the sugar habit.  While on my 30-day R & D of drinking distilled water, my consumption of drinking sodas dropped about 95%.  I only drank a soda if I was out to have a meal.  While drinking distilled water, the urge to drink sodas diminished to nothing.  Why?  I have no idea.  I’m just telling you what happened to me.

VERY MOST IMPORTANT NOTE UPDATE:  The months of November and December 2017 I stopped taking all those important supplements.  I also STOPPED or SERIOUSLY CURBED MY SUGAR INTAKE on everything I ate and drank.

The empty and weak feelings I had in my legs 24/7 went away and I now have 24/7 energy!  In my own case, I found that SERIOUSLY CURBING MY SUGAR INTAKE made all the difference in the world.

And NO JOKE, I was influenced by my new Survival Book:  “99+ International Diabetes Preventers, Fighters, Killers And More!” now at

The Doctor Told Me You Have Three Weeks To Live

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

The Doctor Told Me You Have Three Weeks To Live

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

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