Cancer Fighting Fruits!
The following 11 Fruits are historically proven to remedy many maladies.
However, in my humble opinion, according to my ‘intensive research,’ the Top 11 Cancer Fighting Fruits are:
- Blackberries
- Black Raspberries
- Blueberries
- Cranberries
- Figs
- Graviola
- Lemons
- Mangosteen Fruit
- Red Raspberries
- Strawberries
- Tomatoes

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OK, let’s get started with Blackberries.
The sweet and tart blackberries are loaded with vitamins A, B, C, E & K and complimented with antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin).
Blackberries are also complimented with minerals – copper, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, niacin, pantothenic acid, potassium, pyridoxine and riboflavin. Blackberries are also loaded with phytochemicals.
And studies have shown that blackberries, one of the most potent cancer-fighting foods because blackberries are loaded with cancer-fighting substances like cyanidin3-glucoside, ellagic acid, ligans and flavonoid myricetin.
Elagic acid itself inhibits cancer formation. And elagic acid induces apoptosis! Apoptosis means cancer cells self-destruct, they commit suicide!
Black Raspberries
Black raspberries are also called ‘King of Berries’ because of their superior health benefits. Black raspberries offer biotin, dietary fiber, folate, magnesium, manganese, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K.
A recent study demonstrated that Oregon black raspberries were very high in antioxidants (free radicals fighter).
Black raspberries show great promise in fighting breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, oral cancer and skin cancer.
And here’s the best part. Black raspberries provide such unique nutrients, black raspberries induce apoptosis against cancer. Meaning cancer cells commit suicide, they self-destruct!
Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants that fight-off free radicals that cause cancer, slowing the aging process and help with nervous system and cognitive functions of the brain.
Blueberries show promise to fight cancers and diabetes. But one important ingredient that blueberries provide are ellagic acids which induce apoptosis. Apoptosis gets cancer cells to commit suicide – they self-destruct!
And here are some more healthy benefits of consuming those delicious blueberries. Did you know blueberries are a common Swedish folk remedy for diarrhea?
In Sweden, dried blueberry soup has been used by physicians to treat childhood diarrhea. According to Finn Sandberg, professor of pharmacology at Uppsala Biomedical Center in Sweden, 05 to 10 grams (1/3 of an ounce) of dried blueberries is the dosage for diarrhea.
Why do blueberries work so well against diarrhea? Blueberries contain high concentrations of compounds that KILL both bacteria and viruses! In Canadian tests, crushed blueberries destroyed nearly 100 percent of polio viruses within 24 hours, even when the blueberries were diluted 10 times!
According to Dr. Amr Abdel-Fattah Ismail, formerly a plant physiologist with the United States Department of Agriculture and now vice-president of the Maine Wild Blueberry Company, blueberry soup is a popular cold remedy on the European ski slopes.
One of the best fruits to prevent cancer are cranberries. Cranberries are loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins and phytochemicals.
Cranberries have long been touted to fight urinary tract infections.
And now, research has demonstrated that cranberries prevent the beginning stages of cancer and slow down tumor development. Cranberries may help fight breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer.
The medicinal benefits of the figs go back to the Old Testament. However, modern research has already used figs to fight cancer and bacteria!
According to Japanese scientists at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research at the Mitsubishi-Kasei Institute of Life Sciences in Tokyo, “The use of the fig fruit as a traditional anticancer agent is widespread all over the world.”
Japanese scientist have isolated an anticancer chemical (benzaldehyde) in figs and used it to treat cancer patients. The Japanese scientists gave oral doses of the fig distillate to cancer patients with some success. Later they injected the fig chemical (benzaldehyde) with great results!
Fifty-five (55) percent of the patients with advanced cancer improved when injected with doses of a benzaldehyde derivative. Seven patients went into complete remission! Twenty-nine went into partial remission! Patients given the fig substance generally lived longer!
Scientists have also isolated fig enzymes called ficins that help digestion. Fig juice has also been noted to kill bacteria and kill roundworms in dogs.

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Graviola (Soursop)
“There are approximately 300,000 types of plants that grow on the earth’s surface, in salt water and in fresh water. Of these 300,000 plants on Earth, 120,000 varieties are edible.”
And I believe of all these 300,000+ plants both non-edible and edible, some have super healing ingredients to fight the most deadliest diseases, viruses,… known to man and diseases & viruses that are hitting us now (SARS, COVID-19), and diseases & viruses of the future. Yes, even NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) threats.
One such healing wonder plant is from the beautiful greenish, thick and unforgiving Amazon Rainforest, the plant is called Graviola. Also called Soursop.
Savvy Amazon Indians used Graviola for arthritis, boils, diarrhea neuralgia, dysentery, flu, hypertension, insomnia, malaria, muscle spasm, rashes, rheumatism, ringworm, scurvy, ulcers,…
Back in the early 1990s, a drug company ________, thought Graviola might be a potential money-maker.
What they found was that Graviola was a stalking predator to 12 different types of cancer. It tracked down and went after 12 different types of cancer cells WITHOUT harming any other cells around the sickly deadly cancer cells.
They found that Graviola was estimated to be 10,000-times more potent than expensive top of the line chemotherapy drugs! And using Graviola, there was no hair-loss, nausea, weight-loss, immune system damage,… that’s associated with chemotherapy treatment.
The drug company knew they couldn’t patent Graviola, so they attempted to synthesize it. Their R & D went on for several years but all their attempts failed so they kept Graviola to themselves. Why? Cause Graviola could actually hurt their business.
Graviola could outperform cancer drugs they were currently selling to millions of cancer patients. Luckily for us, an insider went public on Graviola.
Where can you find more information on Graviola? It’s from Health Sciences Institute (keep reading). And there are many more supplements that are worthy of your attention, too many to annotate in this segment, so you have to get on Health Sciences Institute’s mailing list today. See Graviola And How It Can Heal The Cancer at the end of this blog post.
Graviola And How It Can Heal The Cancer (the secret of graviola fruit and how it can kill cancer cells: 10,000 times stronger killer of cancer than chemotherapy)————by GyoBy Brand
One of the best fruits to prevent cancer are lemons. Lemons contain cancer-fighting properties. Lemons and even their peels contain terpenes which show great promise as an anticancer treatment.
Research has discovered that lemon extract destroys malignant cells in many cancers to include common cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer.
Lemons have other proven health benefits like:
- Aids in digestion
- Antibacterial
- Antiviral
- Fights parasites and worms
- Helps regulate blood pressure
- Provides antidepressant properties
- Reduces anxiety
- Reduces stress
- Treats acne
Mangosteen Fruit
The purple Mangosteen fruit is native to southeast Asia. Also known as the “Queen of Fruits” the mangosteen fruit is the size of a small orange. The mangosteen tree grows up to 31-feet high and can bear as many as 1,000 fruits each season.
The magosteen fruit isn’t easy to purchase. Asian markets may have them and if you do get a chance to buy them, they’ll cost you but the cost may be well worth it. Mangosteen shows great promise in fighting cancer.
Mangosteen provides 20 known xanthones. Xanthones are antioxidants. Most of the 20 xanthones are found in the rind of the mangosteen fruit.
Just one xanthone, alpha-Mangostin, demonstrated cancer preventative in animals. The study concluded that xanthones should be used as a cancer preventative and used in cancer treatment.
Other research pointed out that xanthone extracts had positive effects in fighting common cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer,…
Mangosteen extract also showed promise to fight cancer by inducing apoptosis which gets cancer cells to commit suicide – they self-destruct!
Xanthones found in mangosteen fruits have other healthy benefits like:
- Acne
- Alzheimer’s
- Antiaging
- Antibacteral properties
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Antioxidants
- Antiviral properties
- Blood pressure
- Boosts energy
- Diarrhea
- Eczema
- Gum disease
- Increases blood flow
- Protects the heart
- Reduce body temperature
- Reduces cholesterol
- Regulate menstruation
- Stomach disorders
- Thrush
- Tighter skin (juice from peel)
- Urinary disorders
- Viral infections
- Weight-loss
WARNING: Pregnant women must avoid eating the mangosteen fruit.
Red Raspberries
You already read about Black Raspberries. So what’s the difference between red raspberries and black raspberries?
Besides the color, red raspberries are more glossy, red raspberries are more tart, red raspberries are not as sweet as black raspberries.
Nutrition wise red raspberries provide calcium, fiber, iron, manganese, potassium, protein, vitamin C and vitamin K. Red raspberries are cholesterol-free and sodium-free.
Red raspberries also provide cancer fighters of antioxidants and anthocyanins. Red raspberries also have what is called ellagic acids. The red raspberry ellagitannins prevent the destruction of the P53 genes (see P53) in your body.
Studies have also found that the red raspberry ellagitannins induce apoptosis. Apoptosis gets the cancer cells to commit suicide – they self-destruct while not harming the good cells!
Fresh strawberries are so DELICIOUS, you just gotta add em’ to your diet to fight cancer.
Whether you eat them like they are or you make a cold strawberry smoothie, you can’t lose with strawberries. Why can’t you lose with strawberries? Strawberries provide antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, quercetin and ellagic acid.
The antioxidants fight off free radicals that cause cancer. The fiber along with the strawberry seeds and flesh escort toxins out of your body. Quercetin can start a thing called apoptosis which causes the cancer cells to commit suicide.
And ellagic acid fights cancer as an antioxidant, it helps deactivate carcinogens (cancer causing elements), and helps slow the reproduction of cancer cells.
Strawberries with all their unique cancer-fighting ingredients help fight bladder cancer, breast cancer, esophagus cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer,…
A 02 1/2 inch tomato furnishes only 23 calories, provides fiber, is low in fat and sodium, and rich in vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium.
According to a 05-year study from Harvard Medical School, people that ate tomatoes or strawberries every week, had the lowest chances of dying from cancer.
This fits right in with cancer-prevention recommendations that the National Cancer Institute and other groups have issued based on current knowledge of how diet affects diseases.
Summary: Now you got a good ‘taste’ of 11 delicious fruits to help you AVOID and fight cancer. Plus, as you just read, these 11 fruits have plenty of other health benefits. Upon your doctor’s approval, consider adding some or all of these delicious fruits to your diet.

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