Vegetables That Fight Cancer!
The following 11 Vegetables are historically proven to remedy many maladies. However, in my humble opinion, according to my ‘intensive research,’ the Top 11 Cancer Fighting Vegetables are:
- Alfalfa
- Beans
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Carrots
- Garlic
- Ginger Root
- Kale
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Spinach

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OK, Let’s start with Alfalfa.
Herbal parts are taken from its leaves, petals, flowers, and sprouts. Alfalfa provides biotin, calcium, choline, inositol, iron, magnesium, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), phosphorus, potassium, protein, sodium, sulfur, tryptophan (amino acid), Vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, K, and U. Alfalfa alkalizes and detoxifies the body especially in the liver.
Alfalfa is beneficial for anemia, all colon disorders, arthritis, diabetes, hemorrhaging, promoting pituitary gland function, and helps remedy ulcers. Alfalfa also contains an anti-fungus agent.
Alfalfa contains chlorophyll, which has been found to aid in the healing of:
- intestinal ulcers
- anemia
- asthma
- athlete’s foot
- body & breath odor
- bleeding gums
- burns
- cancer
- constipation
- eczema
- gastritis
- hemorrhoids
- high blood pressure
- infections
- liver disorders
- reduction in pus formation.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Beans are high in fiber, low in fat, low in sodium, low in cholesterol, and packed with Vitamins, minerals, and mother nature’s way of providing protein from plants.
Beans are a source of water-soluble fiber, which helps lower BAD low-density lipo-proteins (LDL), rich in B Vitamins, folic acid, and the minerals copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Beans are an economical source (pennies per pound) of delicious nutrition. Beans have been shown to lower cholesterol.
According to studies at the University of Kentucky, University of Minnesota, and studies in the Netherlands, beans consumed on a regular basis can lower cholesterol.
At the University of Kentucky, Dr. James Anderson, regularly prescribes dried beans – a cup of cooked pinto or navy beans a day – to lower blood cholesterol.
Dr. Anderson has documented that cholesterol levels drop by an average of nineteen percent, even with men with extremely high cholesterol counts-over 260 milligrams per deciliter.
One man brought his cholesterol down from 274 to 190; another participant lowered his from 218 to 167! Beans were noted to sweep the bad cholesterol LDL out of the blood and improved the critically needed good cholesterol HDL. Dr. Anderson’s bean diet improved the ratio an average of 17 percent! Potentially life-saving numbers, uh!
Beans Prevent & Fight Cancer!
Beans are also considered good bets as cancer preventers. Beans are concentrated carriers of protease inhibitors which are enzymes that can counteract the activation of cancer-causing compounds in the intestine. Protease inhibitors can turn off oncogenies, which are carriers found in every normal cell that when activated may lead to cancer.
Beans are rich in compounds called lignans that are anticancer on their own and are converted by colon bacteria into hormone-like substances that according to some scientists may help fight off breast and colon cancer.
According to researchers at the Nutritional Science Department, University of California, Berkeley, beans are good for your colon because they help increase “fecal output” which is noted as a sign of good health and helps alleviate symptoms or reduce chances of colon or rectal cancer, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids, and bowel irregularities.
“Fecal output” also appeared to stimulate colonic bacteria to throw off chemicals called volatile short chain fatty acids, that help lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and may inhibit colon cancer.
Did you know broccoli is America’s favorite vegetable? One stalk of cooked broccoli furnishes only 45 calories and .2 grams of fat.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, broccoli is the leading source of dietary fiber, packed with potassium, provides Vitamin B, low in fat and even calcium (for strong bones and teeth).
Broccoli is noted for its cancer-fighting properties (chemoprotectant). Broccoli may be the number one cancer-fighting vegetable.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins of Medicine in Baltimore have isolated a ‘chemoprotectant’ substance called sulforaphane which has been identified in broccoli.
Sulforaphane may be the most potent cancer protecting agent to date! Sulforaphane actually stimulates the body’s cells to produce cancer fighting enzymes.
Other cancer-fighting chemicals are indoles, carotene, and Vitamin C. Broccoli is noted to help flush fat out of your system.
Brussels Sprouts
One-half cup of raw Brussels Sprouts provide only twenty calories while one-half cup of cooked Brussels sprouts provides 30 calories. A member of the cruciferous vegetable family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower), Brussels Sprouts can fill you up and help you lose weight.
A cooked cup of this tasty treat is rich in Vitamin C, provides a good share of Vitamin A, iron, potassium, riboflavin, and rich in protein. Brussels Sprouts are very low in fat and sodium and provide fiber.
Brussels Sprouts are a good bet to inhibit cancer, especially colon and stomach cancer. According to Dr. Saxon Graham’s 1978 study in Buffalo, New York, Brussels sprouts emerged (along with cabbage and broccoli) as outstanding in saving lives from colon cancer!
According to a study in Norway, eating more cruciferous vegetables, including Brussels Sprouts, may suppress the precancerous growths in the colon called polyps in which cancer initially surfaces. Brussels Sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables may also cut the risk of bladder, esophageal, lung, rectal, stomach and rectal cancer!
Brussels Sprouts Tasty Recipe!
MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: Here’s my quick very tasty recipe for Brussels Sprouts. I normally don’t eat or like the taste of Brussels Sprouts till I cooked em’ up like I do in this recipe.
Ingredients: 24 Brussels Sprouts, sharp knife, frying pan, coconut oil, bowl, fork, sea salt, and wooden spoon.
Step 01: Take a frying pan put it on one of your burners at medium heat.
Step 02: Immediately spoon-out 05 good oversized scoops of coconut oil (will be semi-solid at room temperature) and put them in the frying pan and wait till the coconut oil starts sizzle.
Step 03: Procure 24 Brussels Sprouts and cut off the base (stalk) of each of them. Then remove 03 or 04 outer leaves (debris) and place them in the frying pan.
Step 04: Every couple minutes or so, gently stir the Brussels Sprouts in the frying pan with your wooden spoon till they are all golden brown.
Step 05: Remove to Brussels Sprouts to a bowl and sprinkle them with sea salt. Fork-in and enjoy with a cold bottle of beer.
Note: I tried cooking the Brussels Sprouts with other oils, but coconut oil is the tastiest and it’s a Medium-Chain Triglyceride (MTC) meaning it helps you burn fat far better than other oils that aren’t MTCs.
Carrots are one of the most flavorful and lowest priced foods available. A cup of shredded raw carrots furnishes only 48 calories, while a cup of sliced cooked carrots provides 70 calories.
A medium sized carrot furnishes only .1 gram of fat and only 25 milligrams of sodium. A source of Vitamin A and a moderate amount of Vitamin C, carrots are a potential for preventing cancer.
According to several dozen studies, a high carotene intake has the potential to prevent cancers like:
- lung cancer
- esophagus cancer,
- stomach cancer
- intestine cancer
- mouth cancer
- throat cancer
- bladder cancer
- prostate cancer.
Carrots are a good source of potassium and high in soluble fiber.
An exciting aspect of carrots is their promise in curtailing some of the most deadly, incurable cancers, notably of the lung and pancreas.
According to a 1986 Swedish study, carrots were designated as one of two prominent dietary barriers to pancreatic cancer and the other was citrus fruits. It was noted that eating carrots “almost daily” substantially cut the chances of cancer of the pancreas.
According to a study by a team of researchers at State University of Buffalo, New York, it was noted that men eating the most high carotene foods, including carrots, were about half as likely to develop squamous cell lung cancer.
They concluded the difference between high risk and low risk is only one carrot! According to Dr. Menkes, eating just one carrot a day might prevent 15,000 to 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States! Even after years of smoking, carrots may ease the cancer threat by simply retarding the disease progression.
According to a study in New Jersey by National Cancer Institute epidemiologist Dr. Regina G. Ziegler, three vegetables surfaced in preventing lung cancer – carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark-yellow winter squash.
Dr. Regina G. Ziegler discovered that men who ate a half a cup of carrots or sweet potatoes or winter squash a day were half as likely to develop lung cancer compared to those who hardly ate any of the vegetables.
She also found that non-smoking women exposed to cigarette smoke could slash their risk of lung cancer by eating more carrots!
WARNING: Carrots are very good for you, but if you’ve been snacking on these tasty treats to lose weight, then read this: Eating carrots may raise the blood sugar too high, raising the insulin level so you want to eat more and more! So take it easy on the rabbit food!
Flavonoids may help fight cancer, study finds

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The Wonders Of Healing Garlic!
What can you tell me about garlic; what makes it work, and why does it work?
As early as 1500 B.C., it is noted that Egyptians listed 22 garlic prescriptions for a variety of ailments including heart problems, headaches, and physical weakness. Hippocrates, a Greek physician, recommended garlic as a remedy.
Chinese Herbal Code indicates that aged garlic has been used for heart problems for over 1,000 years. Garlic was used by folk healers to fight infection, cleanse the system of harmful substances, reduce high blood pressure, and stimulate the immune system.
Recently, the medical field has rediscovered the value and benefits of natural medicines from the plant world. One herb from the plant field noted for its wide range of therapeutic qualities is GARLIC. Garlic research has focused on many areas including:
- Anti-bacterial effects
- Anti-viral effects
- Antioxidant
- Blood pressure
- Cancer prevention and care
- Cardio vascular care.
- Cholesterol
- Memory improvement
Garlic contains Vitamins A, B1, C, E, calcium, germanium, iron, potassium, selenium, sulfur, zinc and a score of trace elements (see additional mineral and Vitamins information below).
According to Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer of the University of California at San Diego, selenium, one of the important trace elements from garlic, offers protection against cancer and atherosclerosis and helps normalize blood pressure!
Germanium, another important trace element found in garlic, stimulates oxygen circulation throughout your body. The United States produces approximately 250 million pounds of fresh garlic each year which is an increase of 100 million pounds over the last decade!
European, Oriental, and American doctors have recognized the powers of garlic. Doctors and scientists say that garlic has a wide range of detoxifying and microbe fighting properties.
Sulfur compounds and allicin are attributed to the wonder healing of garlic. Allicin, one of the sulfur compounds in garlic, is one of the most active.
It is activated when whole fresh garlic is cut or crushed. It is responsible for garlic’s odor, but more important, allicin is what gives garlic its medicinal power.
Allicin is effective against bacteria which causes dysentery, strep throat, staph infections, typhoid along with treating diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, vaginitis, and the list goes on.
Garlic has both antifungal and antibacterial actions. Garlic’s allicin was tested against staphylococcus aureus and found to be equivalent to 15 penicillin units/mg!
Garlic has been shown to interfere with the growth of influenza viruses, reduce levels of coliform bacteria in the large intestines. and inhibit tumor growth!
Garlic has a potent substance called ajoene. Formed with allicin, it is responsible for garlic’s heart-saving, anti-thrombotic reaction.
Tests have indicated that ajoene is at least as potent as aspirin in preventing aggregation of blood platelets and keeping blood from clotting. Garlic is also one of the few foods that contain an adaptogen called germanium.
Garlic is one of the very few foods that contain an adaptogen called germanium. This substance promotes the healing by alerting the immune system, reducing harmful deposits, and destroying free radicals, dangerous byproducts that float throughout the body and cause a decline in health.
Garlic contains over 70 sulfur compounds that work together to initiate biological activities such as antibacterial, antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, cancer fighter, cardiovascular helper, heart nutrient, high blood pressure medicine, immune booster, and a skin cancer fighter.
According to an analysis conducted by the Department of Agriculture, a single clove of garlic contains minerals and Vitamins along with its unique high concentration of sulfur compounds:
- 7 calories
- .01 mg B1
- .004 MG B2
- 4 mg calcium
- 5 gm carbohydrate
- .01 grams of fat
- .07 mg iron
- .02 mg niacin
- 10 mg phosphorus
- 26 mg potassium
- .31 grams of protein
- .9 mg sodium
- .7 mg Vitamin C
In the former Soviet Union, garlic was used to kill bacteria and fight infections. Garlic has been tested to be more effective than antibiotics for specific types of bacterial infection called ‘gram negative.’
Throughout Europe garlic has earned the name ‘Russian Penicillin.’ During World war II, garlic (Russian Penicillin) was widely used on the Western Front.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, California, the largest producing state of garlic, produced approximately 500 million pounds of garlic in 1994.
Can garlic help remedy heart disease?
According to many studies conducted around the world, aged garlic extract reduced total cholesterol levels by up to 30 percent! Garlic also raised HDL (good cholesterol) and reduced hardening of the arteries while lowering LDL (bad cholesterol).
According to Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Letter, two cloves of garlic per day may be as potent as some cholesterol-lowering drugs. Garlic may also prevent blood clots that could block arteries and lead to stroke.
Reduce heart disease risk by adding garlic to your diet (see your doctor)!
Another report notes that garlic helps prevent heart attacks and strokes by controlling atherosclerosis (plaque and fat formations inside the arteries which leads to blockages in the circulatory system), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides.
According to 1970’s studies from German physician, Dr. Hans Reuter, of Cologne, Germany, the effectiveness of garlic against heart disease is based on three fronts — controlling cholesterol, blood pressure and fatty deposits in the arteries. Dr. Hans recommended consuming just one to three cloves of garlic per day.
The British medical Journal, The Lancet, published a study by two Indian cardiologists. The study showed that raw garlic protects you from heart disease.
EAT THE RIGHT STUFF and ensure garlic is part of your diet. Dr. Bordia and Dr. Bansal of the Department of Medicine at R.N.T. Medical College in Udaiipur, India, found that garlic demonstrates to control cholesterol so effectively that it overcomes the cardiotoxic effects of butter fat!
In controlled experiments, subjects were given a meal that included a 1/4 pound serving of butter.
As expected, blood cholesterol levels soared. The experiment was repeated, but this time 50 grams of raw garlic (two cloves) were added to the butter. Results were astonishing! The garlic lowered blood cholesterol by more than 25 percent from the pre-meal fasting level.
“…66-year-old woman who looked 44 and acted 22”
According to Dr. David Kritchevsky, associate director of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, “I was doing postdoctoral work in Switzerland, when I discovered that my landlady, a 66-year-old woman who looked 44 and acted 22, attributed her good health to the fact that she ate a clove of garlic chopped up in her salad every single night.” This discovery motivated him to begin a serious investigation into garlic’s possible impact on heart disease.
The National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, MD, contains over 125 scientific papers (from 1983 to the present) written about the medicinal value of garlic.
Can garlic help remedy cancer?
There may evidence that garlic fights cancer. The National Cancer Institute scientists are attempting to develop a drug from garlic that may be used to fight cancer. Reduce your cancer risk by adding garlic to your diet (see your doctor)!
Chinese researchers along with scientists at Cornell University and the National Cancer Institute have noted that garlic, as well as onions and scallions, may dramatically lower your risk of stomach cancer. The more you eat, the lower your risk.
Research conducted by Dr. Michael Wargovich of the University of Texas, Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, found that mice treated by a chemical found in garlic are 75 percent less likely to develop malignancies in the large bowel!
According to research from Dr. Tarig Abdullah of the Akbar Clinic and Research Institute in Panama City, Florida, garlic may be extremely beneficial in fighting cancer.
Dr. Abdullah and nine volunteers ate either raw garlic or kyolic extract. He then drew the blood from the volunteers (garlic eaters) and the control group made up of people who had not eaten any garlic.
Extracting key immune components such as white blood cells (attacks and kills invaders) and killer cells from both groups, he mixed the immune components and cancer cells in a lab dish.
The results were astounding! Killer cells from the garlic eaters destroyed from 140 percent to 160 percent more cancer cells than did blood from the non-garlic eaters! By the way, Dr. Abdullah brags that he hasn’t had a cold since 1973 since he started eating a couple of garlic cloves per day!
According to researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles, aged garlic extract seemed to have the ability to “prevent and control melanoma” which is one of the fastest-growing types of skin cancer in North America.
Are there other maladies that can be remedied or health benefits that can be gained by consuming garlic?
You bet. According to my research, below is a partial list of reported maladies that were overcome, controlled, or at least lessened by nature’s medicine, garlic:
- Amoebic Dysentery
- Asthma
- Athletes Foot
- Blood Clots
- Blood Pressure
- Cancer
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Common Cold
- Controls Triglycerides
- Diabetes
- Expectorant and decongestant
- Heart Disease
- Infection Fighter
- Lowers Cholesterol
- Pain
- Stimulates the Immune System
- Strokes
- Virus Killer
Can garlic be used to protect my garden in the backyard or even my crops in the field?
Instead of using toxic insect repellents to protect your plants and crops from those damaging insects, try garlic as a natural crop or plant protectant, as well as helping you avoid exposure to those unhealthy and slow death toxins!
Horticulturists recommend that you border your plantings with garlic as well as planting garlic among them. Garlic is absolutely harmless to birds, livestock, and wildlife. As a matter of fact, garlic may enhance the health of your pet (see next Q\A)!
Once garlic has protected your plantings through harvest time, at the end of the season you’ll have some garlic for your healthy diet!
Dr. David Greenstock, vice-chairman of The Henry Doubleday Research Association in England, produced a garlic emulsion that kills malaria mosquitoes that are immune to DDT! Below is insect-kill percentages using Dr. Greenstock’s garlic emulsion formula:
Dr. Greenstock’s Garlic Emulsion Formula
Cabbage white caterpillars 98%
Cockchafer larvae 83%
Fireworm infestation 87%
Grey field slugs 82%
Mole crickets 91%
Onion fly larvae 95%
Dr. David Greenstock’s Garlic Bug Spray Formula works as reported by Lloyd J. Harris in the book “The Book of Garlic.”
Garlic Bug Spray Formula
“Take three ounces of chopped garlic and let soak in two teaspoons (50cc) of mineral oil for twenty-four hours. Then slowly add a pint of water in which 1/4 ounce of oil-based soap (Palmolive) has been dissolved and stir well.
Strain liquid through fine gauze and store in china or glass container to prevent a reaction with metals. Use it in a dilution of 01-part solution to 20 parts of water to begin with, then one to one-hundred thereafter. Apply to plants as spray. This is a simple preparation, effective, and nontoxic. My wife and I have used it and we saved a maple sapling from certain death by caterpillar and aphid infestation.”
Can garlic be used to enhance the health of my pet?
If garlic, with its natural health enhancing attributes, can benefit humans, why not animals? According to researchers at California’s Loma Linda University School of Medicine, garlic has the ability to control parasites because of its powerful antibacterial action.
Richard H. Pitcairn of Eugene, author of Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, notes that garlic helps strengthen animals’ digestion and internal tracts and eliminate worms! Mixing a garlic extract with your pets’ food helps eliminate fleas!
Does cooking destroy the benefits of garlic?
According to the Garlic Information Center in Stuart, FL, cooking will not destroy the benefits of garlic. Cooking garlic is recommended to reduce the harsh side effects and pungent odor of raw garlic and to eliminate any microbial contamination that may come from the soil.
What types of garlic supplements are available to me?
- Garlic Oil – Garlic oil is made by distilling crushed garlic, which is then mixed with vegetable oil and encapsulated.
- Garlic Powder – Garlic Powder is made of dehydrated and pulverized garlic and then put in tablet form or encapsulated.
- Garlic Oil Macerate – Garlic Oil Macerate consists of minced garlic cloves or garlic powder that is mixed into vegetable oil and then encapsulated
- Aged Garlic Extract – Aged Garlic Extract is made from garlic that is cut and aged to convert harsh and odorous compounds like allicin into safe, stable, and odorless compounds.
Folks, only two bulbs of garlic (24 cloves + -) will cost a lousy 45 cents which is much cheaper than purchasing $15 worth of remedies that only treat the symptoms! BOOST your immune system with one of Mother Nature’s many amazing health-enhancing herbs – Garlic!
SEE YOUR DOCTOR. If you doctor thinks supplementing your diet with natural garlic (not the pill form) is B.S., fire your present doctor get another doctor that has an open mind toward garlic and all the other healthy information in my book!
REMEMBER, all the information you’re reading in my book(s) is compiled information from real doctors, scientists, and researchers under medical studies and clinical trials.
We just covered a lot of data about super healthy garlic. Now let me give you the Tonic Of Life!
Tonic Of Life
According to Dr. Jack Soltanoff, the following tonic of life (garlic, honey, and vinegar), taken three times a day quickly helps joint-stiffened arthritis patients loosen-up and move easily and painlessly.
“Garlic, vinegar, and honey are incredible fighters of disease and the aging process,”
says health expert and cookbook author M.J. Smith.
The terrific trio of:
- Garlic
- Vinegar
- Honey
can help remedy everything from acne, arthritis, cellulite, cholesterol, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, insomnia, to dumping unwanted pounds!
The tonic of life taken three times a day can be made by combining three cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and a tablespoon of honey in a blender. Add a generous amount of orange juice or unsweetened grapefruit juice, mix, and you have the “Tonic of Life.”
Note: In my humble opinion, the BEST vinegar for consumption is Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
I’ve been drinking this stuff since the mid-1990s.
Ginger Root
Research studies demonstrate that ginger causes cancer cell to commit suicide! Studies show that ginger extract has anti-metastatic properties that keep cancer from spreading.
Ginger also has anticancer properties that cause apoptosis. Apoptosis means cancer cells commit suicide!
Ginger works so good in fighting and killing cancer, it has the potential to replace chemotherapy treatments and radiation treatments.
Ginger extract demonstrates great promise to fight and kill common cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, melanoma cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and rectal cancer.
The good news is ginger can be eaten fresh as it is, dried, powdered, in oil form or juiced.
Other healthy benefits of ginger are:
- Aids digestion
- Antimicrobial properties (concentrated)
- Antiviral properties (concentrated)
- Nausea
- Pain
Kale is super vegetable as a potential preventative of several cancers including lung cancer. Noted to be one of the richest of all green vegetables in cartenoids (anticancer agents). A highly nutritious food, spinach has 36 milligrams of cartenoids per 100 grams.
However, an equal amount of kale has more than twice the amount of cartenoids (78 milligrams). Too bad kale isn’t a popular food item in the United States and Western countries.
A study in Singapore noted that kale, along with common dark-green leafy vegetables like Chinese mustard greens, has significantly diminished the risk of lung cancer!
At this time few medicinal benefits from the popular and common mushroom in the United States have been researched and proved.
However, four Oriental mushrooms (shiitake, oyster, enoki, and tree) contain compounds that can stimulate the immune system, inhibit blood clotting, and retard the development of cancer. Japanese scientists have analyzed the medicinal qualities of mushrooms, especially the shiitake mushroom which is popular in the United States.
Scientists note that some mushrooms possess properties that may strengthen the immune system against a variety of infections, cancer, and possibly autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis and multiple sclerosis.
The most common and best-studied mushroom with the greatest therapeutic qualities is the shiitake, also known as “golden oaks” in the United States. In 1960 Dr. Kenneth Cochran of the University of Michigan launched a study of the shiitake mushroom.
He discovered this mushroom contained a compound called lentinan, a long-chained sugar called a polysaccharide, which has a strong antiviral potential that stimulates the immune system functions!
Shiitake stimulates the immune system to produce more interferon, which is a natural defense agent against viruses and fighting cancers. The shiitake compound, lentinan, has proved itself in fighting cancers. It has been tested in leukemia patients in China and on breast cancer patients in Japan.
In follow-up Japanese tests, lentinan was found to be far more effective against influenza viruses than a powerful antiviral drug called amantadine hydrochloride. More tests found that lentinan is a broad-spectrum killer of various viruses.
Consuming shiitake could help lower blood cholesterol and even block the bad effects of highly saturated fats. In one study, a group of thirty healthy young women drove their blood cholesterol down by an average of 12 percent by simply eating 03-ounces of shiitake each day for a week.
Could shiitake counter the effect of fat in the diet? In another study, one group ate two ounces of butter every day for a week; their cholesterol went up 14 percent. Another group ate the same amount of butter every day for a week, but added three ounces of shiitake. Guess what happened?
Their blood cholesterol dropped 04 percent instead of rising 14 percent (non-eaters of shiitake)!
A 1/2 cup of raw onions provide only 27 calories and are inexpensive. Onions are used in just about every dish imaginable, from appetizers to main courses to soups to even jellies.
Onions can be eaten raw, they can be pickled, sautéed, deep fried, boiled, or steamed onions help boost the good cholesterol which is HDL (High Density Lipo-proteins), lower total blood cholesterol, slow down blood clotting, thin the blood, kill bacteria, and may even counteract against some allergic reactions.
Dr. Victor Gurewich, professor of medicine at Tufts University, prescribes and tells his patients to “Eat onions.”
Dr. Gurewich notes that raw, strong onions elevate critical HDL-type blood cholesterol. The typical therapeutic dose is only 1/2 a medium-size raw onion – or equivalent juice – each day.
Dr. Gurewich says that is usually enough to “dramatically raise” HDLs (good cholesterol) an average of 30 percent in about 03 out of 04 heart disease patients!
In a few cases, HDL levels have doubled or tripled on the onion regimen!
He says that raw onions work best because cooking lessons or destroys the onion’s power to raise HDLs. Raw or cooked onion works as a natural anticoagulant to help prevent life-threatening blood clots that may cause heart attacks and strokes!
According to a study in India, test participants were purposely fed fat-intensive meals that raised their cholesterol to dangerous levels, thus increasing the risk of blood clots.
The participants were then given only two ounces of onion, which was added to their diet, and their cholesterol levels were quickly brought within safe limits!
Onions may be a potential source of possible cancer antidotes because of their concentrated sulfur compounds that are able to turn off cell changes preceding cancer growth.
Researchers at the M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute have isolated propylsulfide in onions that in tests blocked enzymes needed to activate a potent cancer-causing substance.
Researchers at Harvard School of Dental Medicine discovered that putting onion extract on cultures of oral cancer cells from animals significantly inhibited proliferation (increase in numbers) of the cancer cells and destroyed some.
As a matter of fact, the National Cancer Institute has funded much research on sulfides in onions and garlic, naming them promising agents in fending off cancer!
A cup of raw spinach furnishes only 12 calories, whereas a cup of cooked spinach furnishes only 42 calories. Spinach is very low in fat, furnishes Vitamin A as carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, calcium, iron, and many other nutrients.
Spinach provides that much needed fiber to help prevent cancer and helps to lower cholesterol, lose weight, and control diabetes!
According to Dr. Richard Shekelle, an epidemiologist at the University of Texas, spinach has it all including the ability to rev up the metabolism.
According to the Journal of American Medicine, spinach is called ‘King of Vegetables.’
One of many dark green vegetables, spinach tops the list (along with carrots) of foods eaten most often by people worldwide with lower rates of all types of cancer, especially cervical, colon, endometrial, esophageal, laryngeal, lung, pharyngeal, prostate, rectal, and stomach.
Spinach provides high amounts of chlorophyll, which is a noted cancer blocker. Italian studies found that spinach, in test tube tests, was dramatic at blocking the formation of one of the most powerful carcinogens known – nitrosamines.
Of the foods tested (carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, and strawberries), spinach juice was by far the most potent! Spinach contains folic acid, which is noted as a mood booster. Are you suffering from depression? Eat spinach!
Summary: Now you got a good ‘taste’ of delicious vegetables to help you AVOID and fight cancer. Plus, as you just read, these vegetables have plenty of other health benefits. Upon your doctor’s approval, consider adding some or all of these vegetables to your diet.

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