Cancer Fighting Oils!
Top 5 Cancer Fighting Oils: In my humble opinion, according to my research, the Top 5 Cancer Fighting Oils and fighters of other maladies are:
- Castor Oil
- Frankincense Oil
- Myrrh Oil
- Oil Of Oregano
- Wheat Germ Oil
OK, let’s start with Castor Oil.
Healing Wonders Of Castor Oil!
Part I
Part II

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The following detailed segment on Castor Oil is done in a Question and Answer Format so to better understand the subject.
Can you give me some general information about Castor Oil?
Castor Oil is extracted from the castor bean plant and it’s been used for thousands of years for just about every malady – sickness you can think of!
Castor Oil packs (more on this later) have been used with amazing results that most medical doctors would say is impossible. It is even taken internally.
Ask your own physician about the healing qualities and successes of Castor Oil. He\she may probably just laugh or discredit you and tell you to stay away from that nonsense! You have the right to investigate any health – at least look into it.
Many varieties of sickly and deadly maladies have responded positively to the amazing healing qualities of Castor Oil. Castor Oil is a POTENT CLEANSER – DETOXIFIER! This means it gives your cleansed body the inherent ability to heal itself!
What is Castor Oil composed of?
Castor Oil is mainly composed of ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid is an unsaturated hydroxy fatty acid. A high viscosity oil, some have described it as a nutritious oil.
It’s noted to be an excellent emollient and lubricant as well as demonstrating antimicrobial activities. Below is a composition of Castor Oil:
- Ricinoleic acid——————–89.5%
- Oleic acid————————-03.0%
- Palmitic acid———————-01.0%
- Stearic acid———————–01.0%
- Dihydroxystearic acid————–00.7%
- Eicosanoic acid——————–00.3%
- Linoleic acid———————-00.3%
- Linolenic acid———————00.3%
What is the healing secret to Castor Oil?
First of all, like many natural and extremely safe supplements like herbs, foods (raw fresh fruits & vegetables), miracle waters, other oils…, and 60 remarkable alternative healing therapies & treatments, research needs to be conducted! Research results you may NEVER see! Not in your lifetime.
Why many natural supplements and alternative therapies work – exactly work is unknown! There is a lot of good scientific evidence why many supplements work and why some Alternative Therapies work. But to find the EXACT reason why they any healing takes place needs much more research.
Heck, scientist and researchers are still conducting research on water – plain ol’ water! I forget the name of the field of studying water – but that’s all these scientists and researchers do – study water! And they’ll be doing it as long as there is money to finance the research!
To come up with bonafide reasons why Castor Oil works along with hundreds of other alternative supplements and treatments & therapies – well don’t hold your breath.
My best advice is to try to go back to the basics which is to use common sense and do what your doctor advises (as long as it works) and ALWAYS keep an open mind to other Alternatives Therapies that are safe and help your body to heal itself!
What are some healing benefits of Castor Oil?
The following is a partial list of reported healing results using Castor Oil packs. For many of the maladies listed below, a Castor Oil Pack on the abdomen has demonstrated remarkable results. Later you’ll see how to make these healing Castor Oil packs.
- abdominal problems
- aching feet
- acne
- appendicitis
- arthritis
- back pain
- bath pruitis (itching)
- beautiful complexion
- cancer
- colitis
- constipation
- corns
- cyst
- ear problems
- edema of the ankles
- esophagus
- flactuence
- gall bladder conditions
- hearing loss
- hematoma (bleeding under the skin)
- hernias
- Hodgkin’s Disease
- hyperactivity (tranquilizing effect)*
- inflammations
- liver conditions
- insomnia
- irregular-painful toe nails
- lesion
- liver spots
- migraine headaches
- Multiple Sclerosis
- nausea – vomiting
- pain
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Ringworm
- sciatic pain
- severe skin abrasions (sans scars)
- skin abrasions
- skin cancer
- skin rash
- smashed or crushed finger – toe nails
- snoring (Castor Oil pack placed on abdomen)
- sprained ankle
- stretch marks
- vaginitis
- varicose veins
- warts
How do I make Castor Oil Packs?
First of all, INSURE you have the cooperation and support of your doctor when using Castor Oil. Also insure you read additional and revealing information on Castor Oil (see below). Below is a step-by-step list for making Castor Oil Packs:
a) Gather the following items:
01) Bath Towel (white)
02) Castor Oil (see Point of Contact)
03) Clear plastic sheet
04) Electric heating pad
05) Flannel cloth – large (wool)
06) Pan (10 x 14 inches)
06) Safety pins
b) Take you flannel cloth and fold it so that it is 02 to 04 layers and measures 10 by 14 inches. I’ll give you a POC that offers Castor Oil as well as reusable wool flannel (18 X 24-abdominal & 12 X 18-other areas). Place the flannel cloth in the pan.
c) Pour Castor Oil in the pan and completely saturate the entire wool flannel cloth.
d) Remove the flannel and remove excess Castor Oil by wringing it out in the pan – but the it must be wet but not dripping wet.
e) Apply the saturated flannel cloth to the abdomen (stimulates the thymus – immune system for overall health) or the treated area.
f) Place a clear plastic sheet over the treated area followed by the heating pad. Set the heating pad on low and make adjustments if necessary.
g) Wrap the affected area with the white towel.
h) Castor Oil pack remains in place for 60 to 90 minutes and repeated daily – 03 to 07 days a week.
i) A plastic sheet may be placed on the bed if pack is used while laying down or sleeping.
j) Castor Oil packs may be reused as long as the oil doesn’t become rancid. You can place them in clear plastic bags and place them in your refrigerator.
For other areas when using Castor Oil for external use, use smaller flannel pieces. You may also use gauze pads and even band-aids.
If you have aching feet, saturate a pair of white socks in Castor Oil and wear some old shoes or slippers while walking around or when sleeping!
Again, many times Castor Oil packs are placed on the abdomen which gets the immune system to “kick-in” its healing power! For other treated areas, simply apply the Castor Oil pack directly over the treated area.
Can I take Castor Oil internally?
Yes you can. I advise you to read any available materials on Castor Oil and I HIGHLY ADVISE you to seek advice from your physician prior to consuming any Castor Oil.
What kind of Castor Oil should I get and where can I buy it?
Like Olive Oil, INSURE the Castor Oil you do purchase is:
a) Cold Pressed
b) Cold Processed
c) NO additives
d) Organic Certified
Listed below is a Point Of Contact you should be aware of.
Association for Research
Enlightenment, Inc. (ARE)—————-1-800-333-4499
Association for Research Enlightenment, Inc., (ARE) continues the work of a man named Edgar Cayce who founded the ARE in 1931. ARE is an international network of people and volunteers who are interested ancient civilizations, dream interpretation, ESP & psychic development, holistic healing, meditation, reincarnation, spiritual growth, the purpose of life, and much more.
There are many benefits to ARE members such as: ARE Camp, ARE Conferences and Seminars, ARE books by mail, The New Millennium Journal, Venture Inward Magazine, and much more. They’ll send you a catalog of their books. One of which is called The Oil That Heals(Castor Oil). Call Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, for your free information packet!
The King of Oils – Frankincense Oil!
Frankincense is mentioned 68-times in the Bible and is also called “The King Of Oils.” We all know the story from the Bible of the Three Wise Men. The Three Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem (southern region of Judea) shortly after the birth of Jesus.
The Three Wise Men presented Jesus with 03 gifts. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Frankincense Oil comes from the Boswellia sacra tree and from similar species of trees (Ethiopia, Somalia, Oman and Yemen). The use of Frankincense is recorded as far back as 3,000 B.C.!
A single Boswellia sacra tree can produce a couple pounds of resin each year and the trees can live for hundreds of years.
Frankincense Oil is now more popular than ever as an alternative medicine to fight cancers. Frankincense can be used for aroma therapy, consumed and applied to the skin to remedy a variety of maladies like:
- Acne
- Anti-aging
- Antiseptic
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Bad breath
- Bloating
- Boils
- Bowel movements
- Bronchitis
- Cancer fighter
- Cancer Killer (Apoptosis)
- Cancer (stops cancer from spreading)
- Cancer (stop cancer cell growth)
- Cavities
- Chronic colitis
- Crohn’s Disease
- Cold
- Constipation
- Coughing
- Depression
- Digestive disorders
- Dispel negative feelings
- Dry skin
- Eczema
- Enhance mental faculties (see 2nd Note)
- Fatigue
- Fingernail rejuvenation
- Flu
- Flush out excess water
- Headaches
- Improve memory
- Increases blood flow
- Indigestion
- Infections
- Insect bites
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Irritated skin
- Leaky gut syndrome
- Menopause symptoms
- Mouth sores
- Mouthwash
- Mood enhancer
- Mood swings
- Muscle aches
- Nausea
- Overall wellness
- Pain killer
- Promotes relaxation
- Promotes sleep
- Razor bumps
- Reduce inflammation
- Reducing scars
- Regulate menstrual cycle
- Rejuvenate feet
- Rejuvenate hands
- Relieve anxiety
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Scars
- Skin elasticity
- Skin imperfections
- Skin rejuvenation
- Skin tone
- Slow signs of aging
- Speed up healing
- Stomach aches
- Strengthen gums
- Strengthen hair roots
- Strengthens immune system
- Stretch marks
- Stop bleeding of minor wounds
- Toothaches (see Clove Oil) <<<<<<<<<<
- Tooth decay
- Uterine health
- Wrinkle fighter
1st Note: Frankincense Oil can be taken orally (adults only). A single drop of Frankincense Oil added to a carrier (tablespoon of coconut oil, or honey, or water…) should be considered safe.
2nd Note: Back in October & November 2016, I conducted my own R & D on Frankincense Oil. Every day, I applied a few drops to the back of my neck and massaged it in. I found that MY MENTAL FACULTIES INCREASED LIKE NEVER BEFORE.
Let me give you an example. People would ask me a question and in a split split second I was already spitting out the answer.
I answered their questions so fast like I already knew what they were going to ask me!! I got some weird looks too! I even surprised myself. Never have I ever answered questions so fast. Since then I have stopped using the Frankincense Oil.
About a week after I stopped applying Frankincense Oil to the back of my neck, my mental faculties returned to ‘normal’ – retarded state. I plan to continue my R & D after I re-publish this Survival Book (early May 2017).
WARNING: Frankincense Oil is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers.
WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! I’m not done yet. Below are some FREE videos from YouTube you gotta check out.
Essential Oils As Medicine:
Essential Oils Guide (00:35:12)——–YouTube
Frankincense, Magical Healing Essential
Oils. [Young Living] (00:09:59)——–YouTube
Frankincense Stimulates Apoptosis
(Cancer Cell Death) Pt2w/Ant-Aging!
Essential Oil Video (00:20:04)———YouTube
Frankincense Testimonial (00:02:11)—-YouTube
Uses And Benefits Of Frankincense (00:07:20)—————-YouTube
The Queen of Oils – Myrrh Oil!
Myrrh is mentioned 152-times in the Bible and botanically known as “Commiphora myrrha.” We all know the story from the Bible of the Three Wise Men.
The Three Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem (southern region of Judea) shortly after the birth of Jesus. The Three Wise Men presented Jesus with 03 gifts.
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Myrrh Oil is processed from the resin of the Commiphora myrrha tree (Horn of Africa & Middle East). Myrrh Oil has been used for at least 5,000 years. Myrrh is related to Frankincense.
Myrrh Oil and Frankincense Oil may be the most popular oils in the world.
Myrrh Oil can be used for aroma therapy, consumed and applied to the skin to remedy a variety of maladies like:
- Antidepressant
- Antimicrobial
- Anti-tumor
- Antiviral
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Athlete’s Foot
- Blood circulation
- Colds
- Cough
- Cramps
- Diabetes
- Diarrhea
- Eczema
- Fever
- Food Poisoning
- Gas relief
- Gingivitis
- Healing wounds
- Immune booster
- Itching
- Laryngitis
- Measles
- Mood Swings
- Mouth ulcers
- Mumps
- Normalizes menstruation
- Phyorrhoea (inflammation of the gums)
- Premature aging
- Ringworm
- Scars
- Strenghthens gums
- Thrush
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
WARNING: Pregnant women should not consume Myrrh Oil. Consult your doctor.

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“Super Fighting & Healing Oil Of Oregano!”
Once you read this Special Report, I bet you’re going to be so motivated to get this super healing wonder in your anxious hands, that you’ll call the POC I’m going to give you within 10-seconds after you finish reading this very important Special Report.
This healthy data was taken directly from the 2005 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletter (2005 AASN) and is written in a Question and Answer Format so you can better understand how powerful and important this healing wonder may be to you and your family member’s benefit for the rest of your lives Anytime Anywhere! Are you ready? OK, let’s get started with the history of healing oregano.
01) What is oregano and what is its healing history?
There are 60+ various species of oregano that come from the mint family, but very few oregano species have the super healing qualities we’ll talk about in this Special Report. Oregano is commonly known as a seasoning herb, marjoram – (Origanum vulgare).
The antiseptic powers of oil of oregano are gigantic and make most other natural remedies and even synthetic drugs look weakly by comparison. Oil of oregano’s wide and long resume of healings throughout history to the present day are very impressive (keep reading).
Without any assistance from other natural remedies or synthetic drugs, oregano kills fungus or blocks its growth. Oil of oregano also attacks and outright destroys antibiotic-resistant super-germs, bacteria, molds, parasites, viruses, yeast,…
In ancient times, the Greek Empire grew oregano along their hillsides. The Greeks used oregano for a variety of medicines which may explain why the Greeks were so powerful both mentally and physically.
Greek physicians used oregano to treat asthma, congestive heart failure, headaches, lung disorders, narcotic poisoning, open wounds, plant poisoning, seizures, venomous bites,…
Approximately 3000 B.C., the Babylonians used oregano as a cure for lung and heart diseases. They also used oregano for treating wounds and venomous bites.
In the Middle Ages (476 AD to 1453 AD), Islamic physicians used oregano spices and oil of oregano as a germ killer. In the 9th century, a historian recorded that open markets in Baghdad, Iraq, sprinkled oregano on produce to keep it fresh. He recorded the vegetables went unspoiled for up to 02-weeks in the open air without any refrigeration.
Over thousands of years, oregano was eaten as food in the Mediterranean, Middle East, & Eastern Europe and each culture had their own oregano recipes. Some sprinkled oregano on their food while others added food to their oregano.
02) What types of healing oreganos are there?
There are oil of oregano, oregano juice and crushed wild oregano. The crushed wild oregano, the entire herb in its natural state is processed by being sun-dried.
Oregano juice is the water soluble extract of wild oregano and processed and extracted by steam distillation. Oil of oregano is also produced by steam distillation.
True healing oregano grows wild on rock or calcium-loaded soils. Oregano is loaded with minerals like boron, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc,… Ounce for ounce amazing super oregano has 16-times more calcium than milk.
And its heavily loaded with zinc, ounce for ounce, more zinc than cheese, peanut butter, salmon, sardines,… Oregano also contains Vitamins like beta carotene, niacin, riboflavin (B complex), thiamine (B complex), Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. And oregano has anti-oxidant qualities, fighting free-radicals that cause disease, aging,… Oregano could be considered a super food.
03) What are the healing ingredients in oregano?
Oil of oregano contains a host of ingredients like carvacrol – its main ingredient. Carvacrol is a phenol which is a POWERFUL ANTISEPTIC. It also contains another phenol called thymol. Together both phenols work SYNERGISTICALLY, meaning the combination is more powerful together than alone.
Oil of oregano contains more than 50 compounds that possess antimicrobial functions with carvacrol and thymol being the main ingredients.
Other ingredients include:
- Alpha-humulene
- Amyl Furan
- Beta-Bisabolene
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Camphene
- Carene
- Cineole
- Cis-dihydrocarvone
- Cis-sabinene Hydrate
- Cymene
- Decane
- Germacrene D
- Hexanal
- Hexenal
- Limonene
- Linalool
- Linalyl Acetate
- Methyl Carvacrol
- Myrcene
- Nonanal
- Nonane
- Ocimene
- Phellandrene
- Pinene
- Sabinene
- Spathcoulane
- Terpinen-4-ol
- Terpinene
- Terpinolene
- Thymol
- Trans-dihydrocarvone
- Undecane,…
A study at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington D.C., headed by Harry G. Preuss, M.D., tested the efficacy of oregano against Candida albicans (yeast infection) and found that oregano “can act as a potent antifungal agent against Candida albicans.” Business Weekly magazine states “Oregano could turn into the next wonder drug.”
04) Go back to the fungus part. Fungus is dangerous isn’t it?
It surely is. Fungus lives off dead or dying tissue and it lives among live tissue outside and inside your body that causes all types of sickly maladies.
Listen to this, health-care in the United States runs more than a TRILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! Yet Americans are the most chronically sickliest people on Earth. More than 60% of all Americans are overweight.
And Americans are the most fungally infested people on Earth and fungus is responsible for a many sickly maladies, some of which eventually leading to a costly sickly death.
Here’s a good reason why Americans are the most fungally infested people on Earth. AMERICANS LOVE SUGAR, AMERICANS ARE ADDICTED TO SUGAR. Just about every food, drink, and snack that is consumed by Americans has sugar in it.
On the average, each American consumes a whopping 150-pounds of sugar each year! That’s about 06 1/2-ounces of sugar each day! And that sugar is a food source for fungus, fungus that’s inside you right now. No wonder you feel or are sick all the time.
And fungi are a survivor, it’s difficult to kill. In nuclear bomb testing of the 1940s and 1950s, microbes were tested against radiation fallout. It turned out that Candida albicans, a fungus\yeast, SURVIVED THE DEADLY RADIATION FALLOUT. Fungi is a survivor, difficult to kill, yet oil of oregano attacks and kills fungi easily, it’s no contest.
And as I stated earlier, oil of oregano also attacks and outright destroys antibiotic-resistant super-germs, bacteria, molds, parasites, viruses, yeast,…
05) Why haven’t I heard about super healing oregano before now?
The true healing oregano products haven’t been around that long. They were introduced in the United States about 1996. At the same time there are federal laws prohibiting “cure-all” advertising. Plus, when folks do read the amazing super healing testimonials of oregano, most think it’s too good to be true.
06) Are these super healing oregano products a cure-all?
It sure seems like they are but they’re not, no one natural or man-made medicine is a cure-all. These super healing oregano products help your body to heal itself by going after the antibiotic-resistant super-germs, bacteria, fungus, molds, parasites, viruses, yeast,… inside and outside your body so your immune system can fight better to heal you.
With super healing oregano products, your immune system is no longer out-manned and out-gunned by antibiotic-resistant super-germs, bacteria, fungus molds, parasites, viruses, yeast,… invading your body.
07) What are some noted benefits of super healing oregano products?
Here’s an exceptionally long list of what oregano kills (bad guys), as well as its benefits for ameliorating a wide variety of disorders. And this isn’t a complete listing either.
Odds are YOU or someone close to you is troubled by one or more of the following health maladies and should take a closer look at super healing oil of oregano. OK, here’s that list in alphabetical order:
Note: As I’ve always said “Try the least intrusive method(s) first to remedy your health problem before going forward with conventional medicine of drugs and/or surgery.”
- Acne
- Alcoholic Neuritis
- Allergies
- Animal Bites
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Athlete’s Foot
- Back Pain
- Bad Breath
- Bed Sores
- Bladder Infections
- Boils
- Bromidrosis (body odor)
- Bronchitis
- Bruises
- Burns
- Bursitis
- Candidiasis
- Canker Sores
- Cellulitis
- Chicken Pox
- Cholera
- Colds
- Cold Sores
- Colitis
- Congestion
- Constipation
- Cough
- Crohn’s Disease
- Croup
- Dandruff
- Dengue Fever
- Dental Cavities
- Dermatitis
- Diaper Rash
- Diarrhea
- Diphtheria
- Diverticulitis
- Ear Aches
- Ear Infections
- Ebola
- Eczema
- Emphysema
- Encephalitis (includes West Nile virus)
- Esophagitis
- Fatigue
- Fingernail Fungus
- Flactuence
- Flu
- Food Poisoning
- Frostbite
- Frostburn
- Gastritis
- Genital Herpes
- Giardiasis
- Gonorrhea
- Gout
- Gum Disease
- Hantavirus
- Headaches
- Hepatitis
- Hiatal Hernia
- Hives
- Impetigo (skin infection)
- Ingrown Toenail
- Insect Bites
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Jock Itch
- Kidney Infection
- Kills Amebas
- Kills Antibiotic-Resistant Super-Germs
- Kills Bacteria
- Kills Camphylobacter
- Kills Clostridium
- Kills Cryptosporidium
- Kills Cyclospora
- Kills E. Coli
- Kills Enterobacter
- Kills Fleas
- Kills Flukes Cholera
- Kills Fungus
- Kills Germs
- Kills Giardia
- Kills Lice
- Kills Parasites
- Kills Salmonella
- Kills Shigella
- Kills Viruses
- Kills Worms
- Kills Yeast
- Laryngitis
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Leg Cramps
- Listeria
- Low Blood Pressure
- Lower Lung Conditions
- Lyme Disease
- Malaria
- Measles
- Mumps
- Nail Fungus
- Neuritis
- Open Wounds
- Oral Lesions
- Paronychia (nail infection)
- Peptic Ulcer
- Pneumatic Conditions
- Pneumonia
- Poison Ivy
- Poison Oak
- Poison Sumac
- Psoriasis
- Prostate Disorders
- Prostatis
- Pruritus (itchy skin)
- Radiation Injuries
- Rash
- Ring Worm
- Rosacea (face rash)
- Scabies
- Seborrhea
- Shingles
- Sinusitis
- Skin Cancer
- Sleeping Sickness
- Sore Throat
- Spider Bites
- Spinal Infection
- Splinters
- Sports Injuries
- Stomach Disorders
- Sunburn
- Tartar
- Tendinitis
- Thrush (mouth infection)
- Tick-borne Illness
- Tooth Abscess
- Toothache
- Tonsillitis
- Tuberculosis
- Upper Respiratory Tract Conditions
- Urinary Infection
- Varicose Veins
- Venomous Bites
- Vitiligo (skin pigment)
- Warts
- Wounds
08) How do I know how to use oregano for a particular malady?
First, so I won’t get sued by some weasel money-hungry lawyer, I have to tell you that this Special Report like everything else in this IRISAP Survival Program is for “informational use only.” Second, you must see your physician before you engage in any alternative supplement.
Odds are your doctor might say “baaa hum bug” and prescribe more drugs. However, YOU and YOU ALONE are the final approving authority for your precious health. Without your health, you got diddly squat – no matter how rich you are.
OK, now to answer your question. I’m way ahead of you, below is a GREAT book you have to get for valuable information on super healing oregano. This 203-page book will give you all the information you need to act upon for this super healing herb.
Plus, when you send for FREE information from the POC below, they also give doses and instructions for their authentic oregano products.
09) Are there fake oregano products out there?
Yes, you bet there are. Not until 1996 were true medicinal oregano products available in the United States. Before this time and the present, fake oregano products appear on healthfood store shelves throughout the country.
These fake oregano products have little or no medicinal qualities. Fake oregano products that carry the name but are products like marjoram oil, Spanish oregano, thyme oil,…
10) Where can I read more about super healing oregano?
Here is a book you have to get as soon as possible (beg borrow or go to your local library):
The Cure Is In The Cupboard——-by Dr. Cass Ingram
(How To Use Oregano For Better Health). I used this book as one of my references for this Special Report.
Wheat Germ Oil For After-Burner Performance!
Here’s a health supplement worthy of your attention and it may give you that after-burner performance. This healthy supplement is called wheat germ oil.
Wheat germ is part of the wheat plant that’s responsible for sprouting and making new wheat plants. The wheat germ is alive with life and is made-up of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
Just a half-cup of wheat germ contains 24 grams of protein. It includes minerals like calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, and potassium. It also includes B Vitamins, and Vitamin E.
Now wheat germ oil is pressed out of the wheat germ. The wheat germ oil is rich in fat soluble Vitamins. According to Dr. T. K. Cureton, head of the University of Illinois Physical Fitness Laboratory, wheat germ oil may help maintain endurance in athletic performance.
A single daily teaspoon of wheat germ oil along with exercise has shown to increase men’s physical endurance by as much as a whopping 51%! This amazing find was based on Dr. Cureton’s 04-year research that includes tests on 200 men including college men, middle-aged men, swimmers, wrestlers,…
According to Dr. Cureton:
“Wheat germ oil is a valuable dietary supplement to men doing hard exercise, and it has possible application to competitive sports. We have tried it sufficiently to believe that this is true.
It provides something that enables men to bear hard stress and continue to do hard labor without deteriorating. It particularly affects physical endurance and heart response.”
Note: All the B Vitamins aid to maintain healthy eyes, hair, liver, mouth, muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract, nerves and skin. B-Complex Vitamins are coenzymes involved in energy production. B-Complex Vitamins may be useful to combat depression or anxiety. The B Vitamins should be taken together.
Summary: Now you got a good ‘taste’ of oils to help you AVOID and fight cancer. Plus, as you just read, these oils have plenty of other health benefits. Upon your doctor’s approval, consider adding some or all of these oils to your diet and body maintenance.

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