Top Eight Fruits To Fight Heart Disease!
INTRODUCTION: You’re going to read the very basics of how your amazing heart works non-stop 24/7. Then you’ll read the basics of heart disease. Then I’ll tell you about the “Top Eight Fruits To Fight Heart Disease!” Then I’ll tell you a True Healing Story Using Cayenne Pepper! And it cost pennies instead of tens of thousands of dollars of conventional medicine of drugs and surgery.
Cardiovascular Disease – 1st Leading Killer Of Americans!
–What is the heart and what does it do?
The heart is a constant working muscle that beats approximately 100,000 times and pumps 4,000 gallons of blood each 24 hours!
The amazing work your heart does in one single day is equal to lifting 100 pounds one foot off the ground 1,500 times!
In your lifetime, your heart will pump some 400,000 tons of blood without rest! Amazing isn’t it!
The heart provides life required nutrients and oxygen to all tissues of the body and even the heart itself.
–What is heart disease?
The heart has a separate circulatory system which nourishes the heart with nutrients and oxygen. This circulatory system is made-up of two coronary arteries that are about the size of a pencil.
These two coronary arteries subdivide and encircle the entire heart. Heart disease is the result of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis sometimes called “hardening of the arteries.”
It’s a progressive condition in which deposits of cholesterol and lipids and other cellular waste accumulate on the inner walls of coronary arteries. This accumulation of cholesterol, lipids, and cellular waste becomes plaque. As the plaque accumulates, blood vessels become inelastic and clogged.
This leads to arteries that harden and become clogged. At times, a blood clot will form on the plaque buildup and block the entire artery. A heart attack or stroke is imminent.
Basically, cardiovascular disease takes the form in one or more of the following manners:
- Plaque that narrows arteries, inhibiting blood flow.
- Accumulation of sticky fragments, called platelets, that form clots.
- Spasms of arteries and blood vessels, creating restrictions that stop the heart and shut-off the blood to the brain – causing strokes.
Did you know every 02 minutes one woman dies of heart disease. Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from heart disease alone!
Far too many will die because they were diagnosed too late, follow an unhealthy diet, and are ignorant of many healthy alternatives to recovery.
Cardiovascular disease (commonly called heart disease) is the
#1 KILLER of Americans. Every 40 seconds somebody in the USA has a heart attack, which results in killing approximately 630,000 Americans each year (2015 data from the Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke)!
SEE “Left For Dead” at the end of this blog post.
If conventional and alternative medicines could find a healthy blend of treatments, multitudes of patients afflicted with heart disease and many other diseases and maladies would be spared.

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What causes coronary blockages?
According to Dr. Dean Ornish’s Reversing Heart Disease:
“coronary blockages form when the lining of the coronary artery is damaged from excessive dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and nicotine.”
The body attempts to repair the injured/damaged lining by placing cholesterol, collagen and other materials over it like a band-aid.
When this becomes chronic (damage to the coronary lining) the pile-up of these band-aids begins to block the arteries. After time this coronary blockage may become life threatening.
–What is a heart attack?
A heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when one or more of the coronary arteries is partially blocked by atherosclerosis and a blood clot plugs the remaining opening.
The part of the heart muscle beyond the blockage is deprived of oxygen which results in injury or death of that part of the heart muscle.
If that part of the heart muscle is large enough or is a vital area of the heart, the casualty will die. Heart disease is the number one cause of death and disability in the United States.
In 1988, it was estimated $60 billion was spent on the treatment and care of heart attack victims (hospitalization, loss of work, medication, and therapies).
SEE “Left For Dead” at the end of this blog post.
Top Eight Fruits To Fight Heart Disease!
- Apples
- Bananas
- Blueberries
- Coconuts
- Grapefruits
- Lemons
- Oranges
- Pomegranates
OK, let’s get started with delicious Apples.
APPLES: “An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away?” The apple may be the King of the fruit world. Apples have been eaten by man since at least the New Stone Age, nearly 6,000 years ago.
There are several thousand varieties of apples due to grafting; from the wild apple to produce strains that are less resistant to disease and apples that have particular flavors and colors.
Two main groups of apples are sweet one’s for eating and sharper varieties for cooking or making alcoholic drinks.
Apples are rich in many needed minerals and Vitamins and may help “Keep the doctor away.” Apples are rich in soluble fiber, which has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and lower your blood pressure.
Apples also help to dampen the appetite and the juices in apples are noted to kill infectious diseases.
According to Dr. James Anderson at the University of Kentucky School of Medicine, soluble fiber prevents hunger pangs by steadying your blood sugar level.
Apples have virtually no saturated fat, no cholesterol and no sodium. A medium apple furnishes only 81 calories. Apples contain pectin for those heart healthy wannabe’s.
Eat an apple prior to bedtime. The pectin will keep your brain chemicals levels stable throughout the night. You’ll wake-up happy and refreshed!
According to studies, even the aroma of apples can also calm you down, reducing anxiety. The juices in a fresh apple are noted to be strong virus fighters.
According to a study at Michigan State University, subjects who ate two apples a day had:
- less tension
- fewer headaches
- less frequent emotional upsets
According to a study at Yale University, researchers noted that the scent of spiced apples produces a calming effect which aids to lower blood pressure!
According to Italian, Irish and French researchers, apples help keep the cardiovascular system healthy. Apples put a dent in blood cholesterol.
A research team headed by R. Sable-Amplis at the University of Paul Sabatier, Institute of Physiology, in Toulouse, was excited to find that apples triggered a 28-point drop in cholesterol in normal hamsters and a spectacular 52-point drop in cholesterol in animals with genetically high cholesterol!
Dr. Sable-Amplis asked a group of 30 middle-aged healthy men and women at the university not to change their diet except to eat 02 or 03 apples every day for a month.
By month’s end, the apples lowered the cholesterol in 24 of the 30 participants, HDL went up, and LDL dropped! One participant’s cholesterol dived 30 percent! Dr. Sable-Amplis thinks the apple’s secret is pectin, which is a soluble fiber.
According to a French study, eating 02 apples a day may lower your cholesterol level by at least 10 percent and by as much as 30 percent! Why? Apples and prunes are rich in a soluble fiber called pectin.
Studies reveal that consuming 15 grams of pectin per day for a few weeks can result in a 05 percent reduction in total serum cholesterol.
PS My favorite apples are Granny Smith apples and Delicious Red apples. When I eat them, I refrigerate them so they’re cold. I take a sharp knife and eat them a slice at a time with a little bit of sprinkled sea salt.
BANANA SLICES: A medium bananas furnishes only 100 calories, has hardly any sodium and is a modest source of Vitamin C. Bananas also furnish fiber for the heart healthy concerned and provides potassium which helps controlling blood pressure.
Bananas are packed with Vitamin B6 which helps prevent depression. One banana provides 35% of the B6 RDA. Eating a banana helps combat hunger pangs and leaves you feeling satisfied and full.
Bananas also help you remain alert and energetic because of the fructose sugar that is encased in fiber and carbohydrates is slowly released into your system.
In the 1930s, medical literature noted that bananas were a cure for ulcers. Experimenting with mice, researchers isolated a chemical in ripe and unripe bananas that suppressed acid secretion, thus blocking the development of ulcers in animals.
Modern teams of British and Indian researchers have discovered why the banana-eating rodents end up with about 1/3 fewer and less severe ulcers. Bananas work just like the most sophisticated drugs (carbenoxolone), but without the side-effects like high blood pressure.
Bananas strengthen the surface cells of the stomach lining, forming a sturdier barrier against noxious juices. The British researchers’ bottom line: “The role of bananas in folk medicine as an antiulcerogenic agent, at least against gastric ulcers, appears justified…”
BLUEBERRIES: Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants that fight-off free radicals that cause cancer, slowing the aging process and help with nervous system and cognitive functions of the brain.
Blueberries show promise to fight cancers and diabetes. But one important ingredient that blueberries provide are ellagic acids which induce apoptosis. Apoptosis gets cancer cells to commit suicide – they self-destruct!
And here are some more healthy benefits of consuming those delicious blueberries. Did you know blueberries are a common Swedish folk remedy for diarrhea? In Sweden, dried blueberry soup has been used by physicians to treat childhood diarrhea.
According to Finn Sandberg, professor of pharmacology at Uppsala Biomedical Center in Sweden, 05 to 10 grams (1/3 of an ounce) of dried blueberries is the dosage for diarrhea.
Why do blueberries work so well against diarrhea? Blueberries contain high concentrations of compounds that KILL both bacteria and viruses!
In Canadian tests, crushed blueberries destroyed nearly 100 percent of polio viruses within 24 hours, even when the blueberries were diluted 10 times!
According to Dr. Amr Abdel-Fattah Ismail, formerly a plant physiologist with the United States Department of Agriculture and now vice-president of the Maine Wild Blueberry Company, blueberry soup is a popular cold remedy on the European ski slopes.
WAIT! Blueberries are noted to also help when it comes to a healthy heart.
According to the US Highbrush Blueberry Council, the antioxidants in blueberries fight to reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries.
Studies at the USDA Human Nutrition Center, found that blueberries were Number #01 in antioxidant activity compared to 40 other fruits and vegetables. A cup of blueberries per day is recommended.

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COCONUTS: According to, nutritional values change as the coconut matures.
Move aside Gatoraide – for the liquid inside the coconut is coconut water or called coconut juice and is one of the HIGHEST sources of electrolytes on Earth. Electrolytes are ionized salts in blood, tissue fluids and cells including salts of sodium and potassium.
A substance that can conduct electricity when it is in solution. So? So what? We need electrolytes because our entire body is an electrical system and we need those electrolytes to keep us performing at our best whether we’re running in a marathon or sitting behind a desk.
And the coconut juice is consumed to prevent dehydration, and is used in some areas of the world to hydrate casualties via intravenous tubes and needles.
The fresh white coconut meat is protein rich and loaded with coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in what is called lauric acid which is found in Mother’s milk. Lauric acid has:
- anti-bacteria
- anti-fungal
- anti-viral agents
The super healthy fresh coconut oil and fresh white meat have a laundry list of super healthy benefits like:
- Anti-Bacteria
- Anti-Fungal
- Anti-Viral
- Candida Albicans
- Chronic Fatigue
- Chron’s Disease
- Diabetes
- Digestive Disorders
- Energy Booster
- Heart Disease
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome
- Immune System Booster
- Lowers Cholesterol
- Metabolism Booster
- Rejuvenate Skin
- Thyroid Function
- Weight-Loss
- Wrinkles
Bottom line, now you know plenty of good reasons to mix plenty of fresh coconut slices in your trial-mix.
Note: recommends the best brand coconut oil is Tropical Traditions.
GRAPEFRUIT: A grapefruit furnishes only 80 calories, is rich in Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, pectin, high in delicious fiber, and free of fat and sodium. Grapefruit can economically fit into most budgets.
According to Dr. James Cerda of the University of Florida, grapefruit is noted to dissolve fat and cholesterol!
It’s made up of long-chain molecules for fuel and it fills you up! It’s great for helping you lose weight!
Consumed before bedtime, grapefruit can help promote sound sleep. When consumed in the morning, grapefruit is noted to help prevent constipation.
–LEMONS: One of the best fruits to prevent cancer are lemons. Lemons contain cancer-fighting properties. Lemons and even their peels contain terpenes which show great promise as an anticancer treatment. Research has discovered that lemon extract destroys malignant cells in many cancers to include common cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer.
Lemons have other proven health benefits like:
- Aids in digestion
- Antibacterial
- Antiviral
- Fights parasites and worms
- Helps regulate blood pressure
- Provides antidepressant properties
- Reduces anxiety
- Reduces stress
- Treats acne
ORANGES: A medium orange furnishes only 62 calories, has virtually no sodium and hardly any fat, and is a great way to get your Vitamin C.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture found that almost every milligram of Vitamin C in oranges do survive the transition from the orange grove to frozen orange juice concentrate.
Oranges lower the risk of some cancers, as well as effectively lowering blood cholesterol and fighting arterial plaque!
POMEGRANATES: A recent study demonstrates that the phytochemicals (ellagitannins) in pomegranates inhibit the growth of estrogen responsive breast tumors.
Other studies of pomegranates have found they may have a potential to fight prostate cancer.
An August 2016 study at Stanford University found that men with prostate cancer had slower cancer proliferation (increase in numbers) by drinking pomegranate juice as compared to those men who didn’t drink any pomegranate juice.
Other studies demonstrated that consuming pomegranate juice may prevent skin cancer and lung cancer.
Other studies of consuming pomegranate juice demonstrated promise towards:
- Antibacterial effects
- Antiviral effects
- Arthritis
- Dental plaque (poor dental health is related to heart disease)
- Diarrhea
- Erectile dysfunction
And the best news is pomegranates provide ellagic acids. Ellagic acids induce apoptosis against cancer cells. Cancer cells commit suicide, they self-destruct!
Professor Michael Aviram, a professor of biochemistry at the Technion-Israel Institute in Haifa discovered that pomegranate juice with its unique antioxidants blocked the progression of plaque and reversed plaque build-up.
Patients who drank 08-ounces of pomegranate juice a day for a year proved his discovery. The pomegranate juice activates enzymes that break down oxidized cholesterol.
Left For Dead!
In his book, Left for Dead, Richard Quinn the author, relates a fascinating true story. He was struck with a heart attack which was followed by bypass surgery.
The bypass surgery was supposed to “make him as good as new.” Well it didn’t, and his cardiologist stated, “there is nothing more we can do.”
After months of moping, Richard Quinn took some advice from a friend. Richard purchased only 69 cents of cayenne pepper (red), filled several capsules and swallowed them!
The very next morning, Richard Quinn got up and shoveled 04 feet of wet snow off his 28-foot porch! That happened in 1980.
Richard Quinn studied the medicinal values of herbs and launched his own company “Heart Foods Company Inc.” – now Cayenne Company. Read Richard Quinn’s book, Left for Dead at your local library, purchase it at your local bookstore, or order it from R.F. Quinn Publishing Company by calling 1-800-229-3663. His book is packed with information on cayenne pepper and other herbs.
MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: Last year (July 2020), I ordered another bottle of Dick Quinn’s POWER PLUS (200 CAPSULES – 130,000 SHU). He told me because of the riots in Wisconsin (30 May 2020), they may go out of business. The rioters vandalized / shattered the huge expensive windows in his store front and his insurance wouldn’t cover the cost.

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SUMMARY: Now you got a good ‘taste’ of delicious fruits to help you fight heart disease. Plus, as you just read, these fruits have plenty of other health benefits. Upon your doctor’s approval, consider adding some or all of these fruits to your diet.
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