Top Six Herbs To Fight Heart Disease!
INTRODUCTION: You’re going to read the very basics of how your amazing heart works non-stop 24/7. Then you’ll read the basics of heart disease. Then I’ll tell you about the “Top Six Herbs To Fight Heart Disease!” Then I’ll tell you Two True Healing Stories Using Cayenne Pepper! And it cost pennies instead of tens of thousands of dollars of conventional medicine of drugs and surgery.
Cardiovascular Disease – 1st Leading Killer Of Americans!
What is the heart and what does it do?
The heart is a constant working muscle that beats approximately 100,000 times and pumps 4,000 gallons of blood each 24 hours!
The amazing work your heart does in one single day is equal to lifting 100 pounds one foot off the ground 1,500 times!
In your lifetime, your heart will pump some 400,000 tons of blood without rest! Amazing isn’t it!
The heart provides life required nutrients and oxygen to all tissues of the body and even the heart itself.
What is heart disease?
The heart has a separate circulatory system which nourishes the heart with nutrients and oxygen. This circulatory system is made-up of two coronary arteries that are about the size of a pencil.
These two coronary arteries subdivide and encircle the entire heart. Heart disease is the result of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis sometimes called “hardening of the arteries.”
It’s a progressive condition in which deposits of cholesterol and lipids and other cellular waste accumulate on the inner walls of coronary arteries. This accumulation of cholesterol, lipids, and cellular waste becomes plaque. As the plaque accumulates, blood vessels become inelastic and clogged.
This leads to arteries that harden and become clogged. At times, a blood clot will form on the plaque buildup and block the entire artery. A heart attack or stroke is imminent.
Basically, cardiovascular disease takes the form in one or more of the following manners:
- Plaque that narrows arteries, inhibiting blood flow.
- Accumulation of sticky fragments, called platelets, that form clots.
- Spasms of arteries and blood vessels, creating restrictions that stop the heart and shut-off the blood to the brain – causing strokes.
Did you know every 02 minutes one woman dies of heart disease. Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from heart disease alone!
Far too many will die because they were diagnosed too late, follow an unhealthy diet, and are ignorant of many healthy alternatives to recovery.
Cardiovascular disease (commonly called heart disease) is the #1 KILLER of Americans. Every 40 seconds somebody in the USA has a heart attack, which results in killing approximately 630,000 Americans each year (2015 data from the Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke)!
SEE “Left For Dead” at the end of this blog post.
If conventional and alternative medicines could find a healthy blend of treatments, multitudes of patients afflicted with heart disease and many other diseases and maladies would be spared.
What causes coronary blockages?
According to Dr. Dean Ornish’s Reversing Heart Disease:
“coronary blockages form when the lining of the coronary artery is damaged from excessive dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and nicotine.”
The body attempts to repair the injured/damaged lining by placing cholesterol, collagen and other materials over it like a band-aid.
When this becomes chronic (damage to the coronary lining) the pile-up of these band-aids begins to block the arteries. After time this coronary blockage may become life threatening.

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What is a heart attack?
A heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when one or more of the coronary arteries is partially blocked by atherosclerosis and a blood clot plugs the remaining opening.
The part of the heart muscle beyond the blockage is deprived of oxygen which results in injury or death of that part of the heart muscle.
If that part of the heart muscle is large enough or is a vital area of the heart, the casualty will die. Heart disease is the number one cause of death and disability in the United States.
In 1988, it was estimated $60 billion was spent on the treatment and care of heart attack victims (hospitalization, loss of work, medication, and therapies).
SEE “Left For Dead” at the end of this blog post.
Cardiovascular Disease (National Center for Biotechnology Information – NCBI)
Top Six Herbs To Fight Heart Disease!
Top Six Herbs To Fight Heart Disease:
· Capsicum (cayenne)
· Cilantro
· Garlic
· Ginger
· Hawthorn
· Tumeric
OK, let’s start with Capsicum.
CAPSICUM (cayenne): Herbal parts are taken from berries and fruits. It acts as a catalyst for herbs and provides apsaicine, capsacutin, capsaicin, capsanthine, capsico, PABA, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C (rich source), E, ascorbic acid, calcium, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulphur, and zinc.
Capsicum is the source of over 100 varieties of Cayenne Pepper, from heat ranges of mild paprika to the extremely hot habanera. It’s been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years!
Capsicum aids digestion, improves circulation, and stops bleeding from ulcers. It is noted to also be good for the kidneys, lungs, spleen, pancreas, heart and stomach.
It’s also noted to help remedy chronic fatigue, depression, gastric ulcers, and prostration. Skin ointments that contain capsaicin have been noted to significantly relieve the pain of arthritis, herpes zoster, and diabetic neuropathy (causes pain and tingling in the legs).
Capsaicin is noted to deplete Substance-P, a neuropeptide produced by the nerves that carry pain sensation. You’ll find many new pain-relieving products on the market containing capsicum-capsaicin! Most herbalists have noted that cayenne pepper stops bleeding!
Below is a list of capsicum and their measurements in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). Most actual cayenne pepper is rated between 30,000 to 80,000 Scoville Heat Units. Cayenne just refers to one variety of capsicum. ALL hot peppers are capsicum.
- Paprika – 0 Scoville Heat Units
- Jalapeno – 50,000 to 80,000 Scoville Heat Units
- Serrano – 100,000 Scoville Heat Units
- African Bird – 200,000 Scoville Heat Units
- Mexican Habaneros – 250,000 to 300,000 Scoville Heat Units (HOT!!!)
Researchers in Great Britain and Japan have found that cayenne can cause the body to burn up to 25% more calories in a day than it normally would!
Cayenne has the ability to deplete a chemical in the pain-transmission nerves known as Substance-P.
Cayenne is being tested as an all-around analgesic-painkiller! According to Thomas Barks, Ph.D., head of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Tucson, a single injection of capsaicin fights certain types of chronic pain in guinea pigs for weeks! Rubbing an ointment of capsaicin on the skin actually numbs the pain locally!
Blood Clots Are Rare Among The People Of Thailand!
The Thais (Thailand) use capsicum chili peppers as a seasoning and as an appetizer with their meals. Their blood is infused with chili pepper compounds several times a day.
Thais physicians have for some time credited regular consumption of chili peppers as the reason that thromboembolisms (life-threatening blood clots) are rare among Thais compared to Americans!
German researchers as early as 1965 found chili peppers beneficial for the blood as a fibrinolytic (clot-dissolving) stimulant. After more testing, Sukoon Visudhiphan, M.D. and his colleagues at the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok suggested that the frequent stimulation of the clot-dissolving mechanism by chili peppers helps keep the Thais immune to thromboembolism (life-threatening blood clots)! See Richard Quinn’s Heart Disease Cure.
WARNING: Eating great quantities of capsaicin\cayenne is not advised for those suffering from ulcers and hemorrhoids. Eating high amounts of chili pepper by men in India was linked to a 1987 study to higher rates of cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, and pharynx.
However, according to Dr. Terry Laesione, University of Nebraska Medical Center, small doses of capsaicin actually act as antioxidants to block cell damage and may help prevent cancer. High doses and low doses of the same chemical may have the opposite effect in fighting cancer.
SEE “How I (author) Cured My Back Spasms From Hell” at the end of this blog post.
See “Learn How To Stop A Heart Attack In 1 Minute” below.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Now let’s carry-on with the herb Cilantro.
CILANTRO: If you go to the produce department at your local grocery store, you’ll find fresh Cilantro.
Cilantro, also known as coriander. Cilantro provides a bounty of beta-carotene which can aid in lowering the risk of heart disease, prostate cancer and increase the fight against colds and flu. Cilantro is also a powerful detox agent and noted to rid the body of mercury.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Now let’s carry-on with Garlic.
GARLIC: Now let’s learn about the Wonders Of Healing Garlic.
What can you tell me about garlic; what makes it work, and why does it work?
As early as 1500 B.C., it is noted that Egyptians listed 22 garlic prescriptions for a variety of ailments including heart problems, headaches, and physical weakness. Hippocrates, a Greek physician, recommended garlic as a remedy. Chinese Herbal Code indicates that aged garlic has been used for heart problems for over 1,000 years.
Garlic was used by folk healers to fight infection, cleanse the system of harmful substances, reduce high blood pressure, and stimulate the immune system. Recently, the medical field has rediscovered the value and benefits of natural medicines from the plant world. One herb from the plant field noted for its wide range of therapeutic qualities is GARLIC.
Garlic research has focused on many areas including:
- Anti-bacterial effects
- Anti-viral effects
- Antioxidant
- Blood pressure
- Cancer prevention and care
- Cardio vascular care.
- Cholesterol
- Memory improvement
Garlic contains Vitamins A, B1, C, E, calcium, germanium, iron, potassium, selenium, sulfur, zinc and a score of trace elements (see additional mineral and Vitamins information below).
According to Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer of the University of California at San Diego, selenium, one of the important trace elements from garlic, offers protection against cancer and atherosclerosis and helps normalize blood pressure!
Germanium, another important trace element found in garlic, stimulates oxygen circulation throughout your body. The United States produces approximately 250 million pounds of fresh garlic each year which is an increase of 100 million pounds over the last decade!
European, Oriental, and American doctors have recognized the powers of garlic. Doctors and scientists say that garlic has a wide range of detoxifying and microbe fighting properties.
Sulfur compounds and allicin are attributed to the wonder healing of garlic. Allicin, one of the sulfur compounds in garlic, is one of the most active.
It is activated when whole fresh garlic is cut or crushed. It is responsible for garlic’s odor, but more important, allicin is what gives garlic its medicinal power. Allicin is effective against bacteria which causes dysentery, strep throat, staph infections, typhoid along with treating diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, vaginitis, and the list goes on.
Garlic has both antifungal and antibacterial actions. Garlic’s allicin was tested against staphylococcus aureus and found to be equivalent to 15 penicillin units/mg!
Garlic has been shown to interfere with the growth of influenza viruses, reduce levels of coliform bacteria in the large intestines. and inhibit tumor growth!
Garlic has a potent substance called ajoene. Formed with allicin, it is responsible for garlic’s heart-saving, anti-thrombotic reaction. Tests have indicated that ajoene is at least as potent as aspirin in preventing aggregation of blood platelets and keeping blood from clotting.
Garlic is also one of the few foods that contain an adaptogen called germanium.
Garlic is one of the very few foods that contain an adaptogen called germanium. This substance promotes the healing by alerting the immune system, reducing harmful deposits, and destroying free radicals, dangerous byproducts that float throughout the body and cause a decline in health.
Garlic contains over 70 sulfur compounds that work together to initiate biological activities such as antibacterial, antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, cancer fighter, cardiovascular helper, heart nutrient, high blood pressure medicine, immune booster, and a skin cancer fighter.
According to an analysis conducted by the Department of Agriculture, a single clove of garlic contains minerals and Vitamins along with its unique high concentration of sulfur compounds:
- 7 calories
- .01 mg B1
- .004 MG B2
- 4 mg calcium
- 5 gm carbohydrate
- .01 grams of fat
- .07 mg iron
- .02 mg niacin
- 10 mg phosphorus
- 26 mg potassium
- .31 grams of protein
- .9 mg sodium
- .7 mg Vitamin C
In the former Soviet Union, garlic was used to kill bacteria and fight infections. Garlic has been tested to be more effective than antibiotics for specific types of bacterial infection called ‘gram negative.’
Throughout Europe garlic has earned the name ‘Russian Penicillin.’ During World war II, garlic (Russian Penicillin) was widely used on the Western Front.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, California, the largest producing state of garlic, produced approximately 500 million pounds of garlic in 1994.
Can garlic help remedy heart disease?
According to many studies conducted around the world, aged garlic extract reduced total cholesterol levels by up to 30 percent! Garlic also raised HDL (good cholesterol) and reduced hardening of the arteries while lowering LDL (bad cholesterol).
According to Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Letter, two cloves of garlic per day may be as potent as some cholesterol-lowering drugs. Garlic may also prevent blood clots that could block arteries and lead to stroke.
Reduce heart disease risk by adding garlic to your diet (see your doctor)!
Another report notes that garlic helps prevent heart attacks and strokes by controlling atherosclerosis (plaque and fat formations inside the arteries which leads to blockages in the circulatory system), high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high triglycerides.
According to 1970’s studies from German physician, Dr. Hans Reuter, of Cologne, Germany, the effectiveness of garlic against heart disease is based on three fronts – controlling cholesterol, blood pressure and fatty deposits in the arteries. Dr. Hans recommended consuming just one to three cloves of garlic per day.
The British medical Journal, The Lancet, published a study by two Indian cardiologists. The study showed that raw garlic protects you from heart disease.
EAT THE RIGHT STUFF and ensure garlic is part of your diet. Dr. Bordia and Dr. Bansal of the Department of Medicine at R.N.T. Medical College in Udaiipur, India, found that garlic demonstrates to control cholesterol so effectively that it overcomes the cardiotoxic effects of butter fat! In controlled experiments, subjects were given a meal that included a 1/4 pound serving of butter.
As expected, blood cholesterol levels soared. The experiment was repeated, but this time 50 grams of raw garlic (two cloves) were added to the butter. Results were astonishing! The garlic lowered blood cholesterol by more than 25 percent from the pre-meal fasting level.

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…66-year-old woman who looked 44 and acted 22
According to Dr. David Kritchevsky, associate director of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, “I was doing postdoctoral work in Switzerland, when I discovered that my landlady, a 66-year-old woman who looked 44 and acted 22, attributed her good health to the fact that she ate a clove of garlic chopped up in her salad every single night.” This discovery motivated him to begin a serious investigation into garlic’s possible impact on heart disease.
The National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, MD, contains over 125 scientific papers (from 1983 to the present) written about the medicinal value of garlic.
Can garlic help remedy cancer?
There may evidence that garlic fights cancer. The National Cancer Institute scientists are attempting to develop a drug from garlic that may be used to fight cancer. Reduce your cancer risk by adding garlic to your diet (see your doctor)!
Chinese researchers along with scientists at Cornell University and the National Cancer Institute have noted that garlic, as well as onions and scallions, may dramatically lower your risk of stomach cancer. The more you eat, the lower your risk.
Research conducted by Dr. Michael Wargovich of the University of Texas, Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, found that mice treated by a chemical found in garlic are 75 percent less likely to develop malignancies in the large bowel!
According to research from Dr. Tarig Abdullah of the Akbar Clinic and Research Institute in Panama City, Florida, garlic may be extremely beneficial in fighting cancer.
Dr. Abdullah and nine volunteers ate either raw garlic or kyolic extract. He then drew the blood from the volunteers (garlic eaters) and the control group made up of people who had not eaten any garlic.
Extracting key immune components such as white blood cells (attacks and kills invaders) and killer cells from both groups, he mixed the immune components and cancer cells in a lab dish.
The results were astounding! Killer cells from the garlic eaters destroyed from 140 percent to 160 percent more cancer cells than did blood from the non-garlic eaters!
By the way, Dr. Abdullah brags that he hasn’t had a cold since 1973 since he started eating a couple of garlic cloves per day!
According to researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles, aged garlic extract seemed to have the ability to “prevent and control melanoma” which is one of the fastest-growing types of skin cancer in North America.
Are there other maladies that can be remedied or health benefits that can be gained by consuming garlic?
You bet. According to my research, below is a partial list of reported maladies that were overcome, controlled, or at least lessened by nature’s medicine, garlic:
- Amoebic Dysentery
- Asthma
- Athletes Foot
- Blood Clots
- Blood Pressure
- Cancer
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Common Cold
- Controls Triglycerides
- Diabetes
- Expectorant and decongestant
- Heart Disease
- Infection Fighter
- Lowers Cholesterol
- Pain
- Stimulates the Immune System
- Strokes
- Virus Killer
Can garlic be used to protect my garden in the backyard or even my crops in the field?
Instead of using toxic insect repellents to protect your plants and crops from those damaging insects, try garlic as a natural crop or plant protectant, as well as helping you avoid exposure to those unhealthy and slow death toxins!
Horticulturists recommend that you border your plantings with garlic as well as planting garlic among them. Garlic is absolutely harmless to birds, livestock, and wildlife. As a matter of fact, garlic may enhance the health of your pet (see next Q\A)!
Once garlic has protected your plantings through harvest time, at the end of the season you’ll have some garlic for your healthy diet!
Dr. David Greenstock, vice-chairman of The Henry Doubleday Research Association in England, produced a garlic emulsion that kills malaria mosquitoes that are immune to DDT! Below are insect-kill percentages using Dr. Greenstock’s garlic emulsion formula:
Cabbage white caterpillars 98%
Cockchafer larvae 83%
Fireworm infestation 87%
Grey field slugs 82%
Mole crickets 91%
Onion fly larvae 95%
Dr. David Greenstock’s garlic bug spray formula works as reported by Lloyd J. Harris in the book “The Book of Garlic.”
Garlic Bug Spray Formula
“Take three ounces of chopped garlic and let soak in two teaspoons (50cc) of mineral oil for twenty-four hours. Then slowly add a pint of water in which 1/4 ounce of oil-based soap (Palmolive) has been dissolved and stir well. Strain liquid through fine gauze and store in china or glass container to prevent a reaction with metals. Use it in a dilution of 01-part solution to 20 parts of water to begin with, then one to one-hundred thereafter. Apply to plants as spray. This is a simple preparation, effective, and nontoxic. My wife and I have used it and we saved a maple sapling from certain death by caterpillar and aphid infestation.”
Can garlic be used to enhance the health of my pet?
If garlic, with its natural health enhancing attributes, can benefit humans, why not animals? According to researchers at California’s Loma Linda University School of Medicine, garlic has the ability to control parasites because of its powerful antibacterial action.
Richard H. Pitcairn of Eugene, author of Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, notes that garlic helps strengthen animals’ digestion and internal tracts and eliminate worms! Mixing a garlic extract with your pets’ food helps eliminate fleas!
Does cooking destroy the benefits of garlic?
According to the Garlic Information Center in Stuart, FL, cooking will not destroy the benefits of garlic. Cooking garlic is recommended to reduce the harsh side effects and pungent odor of raw garlic and to eliminate any microbial contamination that may come from the soil.
What types of garlic supplements are available to me?
- Garlic Oil – Garlic oil is made by distilling crushed garlic, which is then mixed with vegetable oil and encapsulated.
- Garlic Powder – Garlic Powder is made of dehydrated and pulverized garlic and then put in tablet form or encapsulated.
- Garlic Oil Macerate – Garlic Oil Macerate consists of minced garlic cloves or garlic powder that is mixed into vegetable oil and then encapsulated
- Aged Garlic Extract – Aged Garlic Extract is made from garlic that is cut and aged to convert harsh and odorous compounds like allicin into safe, stable, and odorless compounds.
Folks, only two bulbs of garlic (24 cloves + -) will cost a lousy 45 cents which is much cheaper than purchasing $15 worth of remedies that only treat the symptoms! BOOST your immune system with one of Mother Nature’s many amazing health-enhancing herbs – Garlic!
See your doctor. If you doctor thinks supplementing your diet with natural garlic (not the pill form) is B.S., fire your present doctor get another doctor that has an open mind toward garlic and all the other healthy information in my Survival Book!
REMEMBER, all the information you’re reading in my Survival Book (s) is compiled information from real doctors, scientists, and researchers under medical studies and clinical trials.
We just covered a lot of data about super healthy garlic. Now let me give you the Tonic Of Life!
Tonic Of Life!
Tonic Of Life: According to Dr. Jack Soltanoff, the “Tonic of Life” (garlic, honey, and vinegar), taken three times a day quickly helps joint-stiffened arthritis patients loosen-up and move easily and painlessly. “Garlic, vinegar and honey are incredible fighters of disease and the aging process,” says health expert and cookbook author M.J. Smith.
The terrific trio of garlic, vinegar and honey can cure everything from:
- Acne
- Arthritis
- Cellulite
- Cholesterol
- Hemorrhoids
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Dumping unwanted pounds
The “Tonic of Life” taken three times a day can be made by combining three cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and a tablespoon of honey in a blender. Add a generous amount of orange juice or unsweetened grapefruit juice, mix, and you have the “Tonic of Life.”
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Gilroy Garlic Festival——————-# unavailable
Gilroy Garlic Festival, P.O. Box 2311, Gilroy, CA 95020. People all over the world have celebrated garlic with feasting, festivals and celebration for thousands of years. Since 1978, Gilroy, California the granddaddy of U.S. garlic festivals, is held the last weekend of July each year. The Gilroy Garlic Festival is complete with food booths, a golf tournament and many kinds of contests and exhibitions. The Gilroy Garlic Festival may be the healthiest fun you may have all year. Write for free information.
Now let’s carry-on with Ginger.
Ginger: Herbal parts are taken from its roots & rhizomes. Ginger provides numerous chemical and nutrients like choline, ginerol, Vitamins B3, B5, B9, and several others. Chinese sailors chewed the herb Ginger to prevent seasickness.
According to a published report in the British Medical Journal Lancet, Ginger’s anti-nausea action relives motion sickness and dizziness (vertigo) probably better than the drug Dramamine!
Ancient Indians used Ginger in cooking, to preserve food, and to treat digestive problems.
Ginger is a remedy for:
- Arthritis
- Colds
- Colitis
- Diverticulosis
- Flu
- lower blood pressure
- nausea
- gas
- hot flashes
- indigestion
- paralysis of the tongue
- menstrual cramps
- morning sickness
- nausea
- vomiting
Ginger also stimulates circulation, cleanses the colon, and reduces spasms and cramps.
Researchers proved ginger is better than Dramamine and without the side effect of drowsiness.
According to a study, researchers put people highly prone to motion sickness into a spinning tilted chair. Twenty minutes before the actual test, researchers gave the group 01 of 03 undisclosed capsules.
One type contained a placebo, another contained 940 milligrams of powered ginger root and the third contained 100 milligrams of Dramamine. The participants who took the placebo or the Dramamine didn’t last 06 minutes in the chair without becoming extremely nauseated or vomiting.
However, half of the subjects who took ginger survived the rotating test! Ginger was proven to work better than Dramamine and without drowsiness because it works in the stomach and not in the brain.
According to Danish researcher K.C. Srivastava at Odense University’s Institute of Community Health, ginger is a more potent anticoagulant in test tubes and in rat aortas than garlic or onion, which are well-known blockers of clotting.
Ginger inhibits blood cell synthesis of a substance called thromboxane that signals platelets to stick together, the first step in forming clots.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Now let’s carry-on with Hawthorn.
HAWTHORN: Herbal parts are taken from the berries, fruits, and leaves. Hawthorne provides choline, citric acid, flavonoid, glavone, glycosides, inositol, PABA, purines, saponins, sugar, tartaric acid, and Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12 and C.
Hawthorne is noted to help dilate the coronary blood vessels, RESTORE the heart muscle wall, and lower cholesterol levels.
Hawthorne is used for the treatment of heart disease, sore throats, and skin sores. Also helps relieve abdominal distention and diarrhea. See Capsicum (cayenne).
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Now let’s carry-on with Tumeric.
TUMERIC: Tumeric is the main spice (bright yellow color) found in curry powder / curry dishes. But for this segment we’ll concentrate on Tumeric. Tumeric has been used in India for its medicinal benefits for thousands of years.
One of tumeric’s compounds – curcumin, it alone has a laundry list of healing benefits behind it. It’s reported that curcumin may be more beneficial than using a variety of prescription drugs. Tumeric provides vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, potassium and zinc. But the most valuable is the compound curcumin.
Tumeric has a list of healthy benefits to fight, heal, relieve maladies like:
- Acne
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Antibacterial
- Anti-cancer properties
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antitumor
- Anti-ulcer
- Antiviral
- Arthritis relief
- Brain booster
- Bronchitis
- Burns
- Dandruff
- Detoxes the liver
- Diabetes
- Diarrhea
- Dry skin
- Eczema
- Eliminates intestinal worms
- Facial hair
- Fights foreign invaders
- Hair growth
- Headaches
- Heals wounds
- Heart health
- High blood pressure
- Improves immune system
- Indigestion
- Jaundice
- Liver health
- Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL)
- Menstrual cramps
- Oily skin
- Pain relief
- Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
- Reduces depression
- Scalp treatment
- Skin lightening
- Stretch marks
- Strong antioxidant
- Weight-Loss
- Wrinkles
After conducting my own ‘intensive research’ on Tumeric, like you’re reading here, I decided to add it on a regular basis to my own updated Laydon’s Healing Spice Concoction.
By the way, back in 1994, I discovered that cayenne pepper (150,000 SHU) CURED my almost 40-years of super painful paralyzing back spasms. See Laydon’s Healing Spice Concoction below.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Two True Healing Stories Using Cayenne Pepper!
The following are true stories using the amazing herb – Cayenne Pepper (capsicum):
- How I (author) Cured My Back Spasms From Hell
- Left For Dead
How I Cured My Back Spasms From Hell!
Since I can remember, since I was a kid, I’ve always had lower back spasms that hurt so bad, they’d take my breath away and even paralyzed me.
I’d be on the floor, if I moved a fraction of an inch in any direction the spasms would viciously contract again and again. And it would take a loooong suffering week or so before they’d eventually fade away.
I’ve tried prescription drugs, shots straight into my back, over-the counter medications, and salves,… NOTHING WORKED, NOTHING.
Not until the mid-1990s while writing the 667-page Gettysburg Program (alternative health) did I find a super cheap miracle ingredient that practically banished those killer back spasms from my life. Here’s the whole story so you’re pain-free starting today (>>> with your doctor’s permission <<<).
Initially, to get rid of my back spasms, I’d take 04 capsules of cayenne pepper (powder – Dr. Quinn’s Power Plus) – 130,000 SHU or Hot Sauce (The Spice Wagon – Fire For Effect) – 100,000+ SHU) with plenty of water. BAMMM! I got up the next morning NO BACK SPASMS – NOTHING!
Why did it work? I don’t know why and I don’t care. All I know is that CAYENNE PEPPER WORKED!
Most Important Note: I buy & use Dick Quinn’s Power Plus (200 capsules – 130,000 SHU). I used to take 04 capsules at a time. Now I only take 01 capsule. However, I made a spice concoction that I use all the time.
Laydon’s Healing Spice Concoction!
My stomach can’t handle a whole capsule(s) of pure HOT cayenne pepper like I did in the later 1990s. So, this is what I do today.
I have a salt shaker of black pepper [40%], cayenne pepper (150,000 SHU minimum) [15%], sea salt [15%], garlic powder [15%] and turmeric [15%] spices and sprinkle this concoction on my meals.
Because of this concoction, my KILLER BACK SPASMS FROM HELL are practically non-existent. This concoction WORKS. The main healing spice is cayenne pepper but all the other spices kick-in for their own multitudes of nutrients and preventive medicine qualities.
I might have a back spasm once every 04 – 05 years! Now, let’s carry-on with Left For Dead! for another true story using cayenne pepper.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Left For Dead!
In his book, Left for Dead, Richard Quinn the author, relates a fascinating true story. He was struck with a heart attack which was followed by bypass surgery.
The bypass surgery was supposed to “make him as good as new.” Well it didn’t, and his cardiologist stated, “there is nothing more we can do.”
After months of moping, Richard Quinn took some advice from a friend. Richard purchased only 69 cents of cayenne pepper (red), filled several capsules and swallowed them!
The very next morning, Richard Quinn got up and shoveled 04 feet of wet snow off his 28-foot porch! That happened in 1980.
Richard Quinn studied the medicinal values of herbs and launched his own company “Heart Foods Company Inc.” – now Cayenne Company. Read Richard Quinn’s book, Left for Dead at your local library, purchase it at your local bookstore, or order it from R.F. Quinn Publishing Company by calling 1-800-229-3663. His book is packed with information on cayenne pepper and other herbs.
MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: Last year (July 2020), I ordered another bottle of Dick Quinn’s POWER PLUS (200 CAPSULES – 130,000 SHU). He told me because of the riots in Wisconsin (30 May 2020), they may go out of business. The rioters vandalized / shattered the huge expensive windows in his store front and his insurance wouldn’t cover the cost.
See “07 International Heart Attack Preventers Fighters And Killers!”

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Summary: Now you got a good ‘taste’ of herbs to help you fight heart disease. Plus, as you just read, these herbs have plenty of other health benefits. Upon your doctor’s approval, consider adding some or all of these herbs to your diet.
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