03 Healing Oils You Cant Live Without!

Here are ’03 Healing Oils You Cant Live Without.’  Special oils proven throughout history, scientific studies and testimonials from ordinary sickly folks that regained their vibrant health.


“Italy and Greece have lower heart disease and stroke”

“People in the Mediterranean have been noted to develop far less heart disease than Americans”

“…rates high for keeping blood pressure in a healthy range.  Jichi Medical School in Japan have shown that levels of “good” HDL cholesterol were high among Japanese…”

“It provides something that enables men to bear hard stress and continue to do hard labor without deteriorating.  It particularly affects physical endurance and heart response.”

Olive Oil!

Olive oil varies in quality.  The term “virgin” is loosely applied.  Originally it meant that the oil was from the first pressing of the fruit, as opposed to the second or third pressing.  Olive oil when unrefined has a greenish tinge and a pungent flavor.  It is preferred to refined oils because the health qualities are intact.

I’ve found that Extra Virgin Italian Olive Oil (cold pressed), is one of the best bets for a quality oil.

Many studies have shown that populations using large amounts of olive oil like Italy and Greece have lower heart disease and stroke.  Olive oil is rich in Vitamin E and a known antioxidant.  Olive oil is linked to longevity – olive trees have been known to live as long as 3,000 years!

Olive oil may be one of the best choices when cooking with oils.  Olive oil IS NOT saturated fat but is a monounsaturated fatty acid, which is stable at high temperatures and less prone to oxidation than other vegetable oils.  Extra Virgin Oil is probably your best choice of all the other oils.  Avoid refined vegetable oils.

All cooking oils are 100% fat.  Vegetable oils contain a combination of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats in varying proportions.  There is no such thing as a saturated-fat-free oil or one containing purely monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat.

One study may contradict another study concerning the health benefits or negative results of one oil or another.  One fact is agreed upon by most studies.  Consuming products that have saturated fat has been linked to a very long list of diseases.

The bottom line is to cut the fat.  If oils are required for cooking, cook with monounsaturated fats since studies are still finding their beneficial affects towards health for you above polyunsaturated fats.

According to the American Journal of Nutrition, smelling olive oil may help you lose weight.  Why?  Cause it increases the feelings of being full.

During a 02-day study, 11 male subjects were fed low-fat yogurt, and half of those subjects were fed yogurt mixed with fat-free olive oil extract.  After the snack, German researchers measured the men’s brain activity.

It turns out the group that ate yogurt with the olive oil extract had increased blood flow in brain, particularly the areas of the brain associated with fat consumption.  Why?  It’s due to the scent of olive oil, which help you feel full.

“Healing Benefits Of Shark Liver Oil!”

Initially a Scandinavian folk medicine, Shark Liver Oil has been used for centuries for common colds, flues, minor aches and inflammation.  Shark Liver Oil has now drawn the attention of scientist, doctors and health enthusiast all around the world!

Its early research focused on enhancing the immune system, radiation treatment protection, and reduction in the mortality rate of cancer patients.  Health enthusiast have noted benefits of Shark Liver Oil such as ameliorating, healing, reversing, preventing: accelerated wound healing, allergies, asthma, atherosclerosis, brain tumors including other cancers, Candida fungus, colds, chronic fatigue syndrome, cosmetic decline, flu…

What gives Shark Liver Oil its healing benefits?  Shark Liver Oil contains squalene, omega-3 oils (EPA & DHA), alkylglycerols (AKGs), and other substances, but for this IRISAP Special Report, we’ll talk about the special healing ingredients above.

What is squalene?

An element of shark oils, squalene is generally related to Vitamin A.  Some shark livers contain as much as 65% squalene by weight.  Used in the cosmetic industry, it is noted to benefit the skin with the use of skin moisturizers.

What are Alkylglycerols (AKGs)?

AKGs support the requirements of the white blood cell (immune system).  Oil-based chelating agents, AKGs remove toxins like mercury from the body.  Benefits of AKGs are noted to be:

  • anti-bacterial
  • anti-fungal
  • anti-inflammatory (arthritis)
  • arterial walls become more elastic
  • asthma
  • heavy metals are removed via oil-based chelating.
  • immune system enhancement
  • inhibits blood clots
  • lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
  • promotes vasodilatation (lowers blood pressure)
  • protection from radiation
  • psoriasis and other skin problems
  • raising HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol)

Can AKGs really support my immune system?

AKGs are noted to boost the immune system, even though it is not completely understood how it works.  AKGs are instrumental in production and stimulation of white blood cells in bone marrow.  Besides Shark Liver Oil, AKGs are found in saltwater & freshwater fish, cows, and sheep.  Mother’s milk has 10-times more AKG’s than cow’s milk.  Your liver, spleen and bone marrow (part of the immune system), have AKGs.  However, the most AKGs are found in deep water sharks!

Where can I get these AKGs?

AKGs are just one component of Shark Liver Oil.  An authentic Shark Liver Oil product can be acquired from companies listed below at the end of this Special Report.

What about the other ingredient in Shark Liver Oil, Omega-3 oils?

Heart-health experts have found the benefits of eating fish are even greater than previously realized.  In 1985 the New England Journal of Medicine found that “the consumption of as little as one or two fish dishes per week may be of preventive importance in relation to coronary heart disease.”  Omega-3 fats in fish benefits the heart by making the blood less prone to the abnormal clotting process that can lead to a heart attack.

Fresh fish rates high for keeping blood pressure in a healthy range.  Jichi Medical School in Japan have shown that levels of “good” HDL cholesterol were high among Japanese who eat the most fish!  Fish may also help those who suffer from arthritis.

According to Dr. Joel Kremer of Albany Medical College in New York, daily supplements of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) fish oil brought dramatic relief to inflammation and stiff joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

According to researchers at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, researchers have successfully blocked both migraine headaches and kidney disease with Omega-3 fish oils.  Migraines generally eased up in about 60 percent of those who took fish oil capsules for six weeks.  The number of migraine attacks dropped from 2 per week to 02 every 02 weeks and they were less severe!

Those patients diagnosed early of kidney disease, showed a retardation of kidney deterioration by switching from animal fat to Omega-3 fish oils.  According to Dr. Uno Barcelli, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Cincinnati, “It seems fish oil must be used relatively early in the disease process.”  Fish oil therapy had no effect on patients with advanced kidney disease.  Remember, to acquire an authentic Shark Liver Oil supplement, please do your own research and ask folks at your local healthfood store.

Wheat Germ Oil For After-Burner Performance!

Here’s a health supplement worthy of your attention and it may give you that after-burner performance.  This healthy supplement is called wheat germ oil.  Wheat germ is part of the wheat plant that’s responsible for sprouting and making new wheat plants.

The wheat germ is alive with life and is made-up of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.  Just a half-cup of wheat germ contains 24 grams of protein.  It includes minerals like calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, and potassium.  It also includes B Vitamins, and Vitamin E.

Now wheat germ oil is pressed out of the wheat germ.  The wheat germ oil is rich in fat soluble Vitamins.  According to Dr. T. K. Cureton, head of the University of Illinois Physical Fitness Laboratory, wheat germ oil may help maintain endurance in athletic performance.

A single daily teaspoon of wheat germ oil along with exercise has shown to increase men’s physical endurance by as much as a whopping 51%!  This amazing find was based on Dr. Cureton’s 04-year research that includes tests on 200 men including college men, middle-aged men, swimmers, wrestlers,…

According to Dr. Cureton, “Wheat germ oil is a valuable dietary supplement to men doing hard exercise, and it has possible application to competitive sports.  We have tried it sufficiently to believe that this is true.  It provides something that enables men to bear hard stress and continue to do hard labor without deteriorating.  It particularly affects physical endurance and heart response.”

Note:  All the B Vitamins aid to maintain healthy eyes, hair, liver, mouth, muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract, nerves and skin.  B-Complex Vitamins are coenzymes involved in energy production.  B-Complex Vitamins may be useful to combat depression or anxiety.  The B Vitamins should be taken together.

Other Healthy Uses Of Wheat Germ!

VITAMIN B1 (THIAMINE):  Vitamin B1 enhances circulation and assists in the production of hydrochloric acid, blood formation, and carbohydrate formation.  Vitamin B1 affects energy, growth disorders and learning capacity.  Vitamin B1 is needed for muscle tone of the intestines, stomach, and heart.  Thiamin is noted as a brain booster because it helps produce the messages your brain sends out to nerve cells.  Thiamin is vital to memory and learning.

Sources of Vitamin B1 are asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, dried beans, brown rice, egg yolks, fish, organ meats (kidney, liver, heart), many nuts, oatmeal, peanuts, peas, plums, pork, poultry, dried prunes, raisins, rice bran, sardines, soybeans, turkey, wheat germ, and whole grain.

Vitamin B1 is noted to repel bugs!  Many testimonials of outdoors people have noted that mosquitoes simply want nothing to do with you.  According to one study, Vitamin B1 did not prevent mosquito bites (controlled study) but may help in the prevention of the pain and itching brought on by the bites.   Consuming sulfur, like garlic, is also noted to have repelling effect on many insects including mosquitoes.

Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

VITAMIN B6 (PYRIDOXINE):  According to the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, it has determined the Recommended Dietary Allowance of Vitamin B6 for adult males is 2mg and 1.6mg for adult females per day.  Vitamin B6 is involved in more bodily functions than any other nutrient.  Vitamin B6 affects both physical and mental health.  Vitamin B6 is beneficial for those suffering from water retention.

This Vitamin is essential for the production of hydrochloric acid as well as the absorption of fats and protein.

This Vitamin aids in maintaining sodium and potassium balance while promoting red blood cell formation.  Vitamin B6 is required by the nervous system, needed for normal brain function and synthesis of RNA and DNA.  This Vitamin activates many enzymes and aids in B12 absorption, immune system function, and antibody production.

Vitamin B6 plays a role in cancer immunity and arteriosclerosis.  This Vitamin inhibits the formation of a toxic chemical called homocysteine.  Homocysteine attacks the heart muscle and allows the deposition of cholesterol around the heart muscle.  Pyridoxine may also be useful in preventing oxalate kidney stones.

It also acts as a mild diuretic.  Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) reduces symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.  It also helps in the treatment of allergies, arthritis, and asthma.  Carpal tunnel syndrome is linked to Pyridoxine deficiency.  The lack of Vitamin B6 may enhance the formation of coronary artery blockages.

Sources of Vitamin B6 are from all foods.  However, significant sources of Vitamin B6 are avocado, bananas, beans, brown rice, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, chicken, eggs, fish, meat, peas, spinach, sunflower seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, and whole grains.

WARNING:  Antidepressants, estrogen, and oral contraceptives may increase the need for Vitamin B6 in the body.  Extremely high doses of Vitamin B6 can be toxic.

Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

VITAMIN E:  According to the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, it has determined the Recommended Dietary Allowance of Vitamin E for adult males is 10mg per day and for adult females is 8mg per day.   Vitamin E is an antioxidant that prevents cancer and cardiovascular disease!

Vitamin E improves circulation, repairs tissue, and is useful in treating fibrocystic breast and premenstrual syndrome.  Vitamin E promotes normal clotting and healing, reduces scarring from wounds, reduces blood pressure, aids in preventing cataracts, improves athletic performance, and aids in leg cramps!  Vitamin E prevents cell damage and the formation of free radicals as well as retards aging and may prevent age spots.  Zinc is essential to maintain proper levels of Vitamin E in the blood.

Sources of Vitamin E are dry beans, brown rice, cornmeal, cold-pressed vegetable oils, eggs, desiccated liver, milk, oatmeal, organ meats, sweet potatoes, wheat germ, whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds.  Processing, storage, and cooking cause some loss of Vitamin E from foods.

Did you know there’s a fruit-derived substance that has 20 times more antioxidant activity than Vitamin C and 50 times more antioxidant activity than Vitamin E?  It’s non-toxic and effective.  It’s called Oligometric Proanthocyanidin and it’s called Grape Seed Phytosome and it’s from Enzymatic Therapy.

WARNING:  Do not take iron and Vitamin E at the same time.  People suffering from diabetes, rheumatic heart disease, or an overactive thyroid should not use high doses.  People suffering from high blood pressure should start with a small amount and increase slowly to the desired amount (Seek advice from your Doctor).

Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

IMPOTENCE:  Impotence is an inability to maintain an erection of the penis.  Causes of impotence are alcoholism, antidepressants, antihistamines, chemotherapy for cancer (generalized weakness), decreased hormonal levels, eating foods containing Diethylstilbestrol (causes destruction of virility in men), estrogen (treatment for prostate cancer), heating the genitals (by saunas or hot tubs), high blood pressure medications, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, low blood sugar, lowered pineal gland and hippocampus function, narcotics (decreased libido), organic nervous conditions, overconsumption of caffeine, psychological nervous conditions, scar tissue from previous surgery in the gonadal area, smoking (constricts arteries in the gonadal area causing decreased blood supply), tranquilizers (decreases sex drive and causes nerve blockage), ulcer medications, and wearing tight pants (slows down the production of male hormones).

Oysters and clams are rich in zinc, an important mineral for prostate gland function, normal sperm count, and sexual libido.  Other sources of zinc are wheat germ and organ meats.

Folic Acid — Folic acid is considered brain food and needed for energy production and formation of red blood cells.  It helps with protein metabolism.  In addition to protecting against adult diseases, folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects in a fetus’s developing nervous system by 50 percent!

The evidence is so strong that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all women who may become pregnant consume 400mcg of folic acid a day.  Folic Acid helps regulate embryonic and fetal development of nerve cells, vital for normal growth and development.  Folic Acid works best with Vitamin B12.  A sore, red tongue may be one sign of Folic Acid deficiency.

Significant sources of Folic Acid are barley, beans, beef, bran, brown rice, cheese, chicken, dates, green leafy vegetables, lamb, lentils, liver, milk, oranges, organ meats, split peas, pork, root vegetables, tuna, wheat germ, whole grains, whole wheat and yeast.

 WARNING:  Oral contraceptives may increase the need for Folic Acid.  High doses of Folic Acid for extended periods should be avoided by anyone with a hormone-related cancer or convulsive disorder.


WHEAT GERM WEIGHT-LOSS:  Wheat germ is part of the wheat plant that’s responsible for sprouting and making new wheat plants.  The wheat germ is alive with life and is made-up of proteins, vitamins and minerals.  Anyway, quite some time back, I interviewed a friend who told me their mother lost weight using wheat germ.  All she did was add wheat germ to EVERYTHING she ate.  From breakfast to dinner meals and even snacks, wheat germ was always part of the meal.  It was as simple as that.  I use Kretschmer Wheat Germ.  It’s an excellent healthy food additive.

Note: Try a hefty combination of Wheat Germ (03 tablespoons), Sprouts (02 handfuls) and your favorite salad dressing for a super healthy meal.

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