07 Healing Wonders You Have To Know Right Now!

’07 Healing Wonders You Have To Know Right Now’ introduces you to a few of the many Healing Wonders that are proven to work and are used by self-reliant folks all over the world.  Here’s a list of the ’07 Healing Wonders You Have To Know Right Now’ we’ll talk about in this blog post.


Seven Healing Wonders!

Here are some international healing wonders you should look into.  Let’s start with Tai Chi.

1. The Amazing Healing Benefits Of Tai Chi!
2. The Amazing Healing Benefits Of QiGong!
3. Pranic Healing!
4. Healing Black Dirt!
5. More Healing Black Dirt!
6. Multiple Healing Wonders Of Rebound Exercise!
7. Famous Healing Willard Water!

First and foremost, for just about any alternative practice is that you have to BELIEVE IT WORKS. You have to have that curious interest that compels you to try it because you believe some benefit big or small will come from it. When you went to your doctor for that prescription, YOU ALREADY BELIEVED that it will benefit you because you know that doctor went through medical school, you know he\she and trust him\her, you know of all the thousands of drugs out there he picked a particular drug that would benefit and remedy your malady – YOU BELIEVE!

Experts say prayer – which is considered an alternative health practice – is one of the most powerful Mind-Over-Matter practices in the world! Why – cause those that practice it believe so much, so overwhelmingly that it works, something actually happens!!! Not 100% of the time but quite often enough that it compels them to keep praying all the time and even non-believers turn to their new God whatever faith – to pray too!

There are more than 60 alternative health practices and all have one common denominator that makes them work – faith! During the Korean War when US Forces were almost pushed into the ocean by advancing North Korean forces, medical supplies were so exhausted, doctors gave critically wounded soldiers sugar tablets and at the same time gave them a positive affirmation.

“Take this, this will stop the pain and you’ll feel better!” Guess what happened? Faith also called the “placebo affect” stopped the pain! Those critically wounded soldiers had a sincere belief that that worthless sugar pill (unknown to them) was actually a strong pain killer.

The Amazing Healing Benefits Of Tai Chi!

Tai Chi is an amazing gentle exercise that millions of people all over the world practice every day and swear by its healing benefits!

Tai Chi may date back to the 13th century. Legend states that it was developed as a fighting practice by a Taoist monk named Zhang Sanfeng. Today, Tai Chi is part of a daily “exercise” for many dedicated practitioners in China as well as millions all over the world. Kids to folks in their 90s, healthy folks to sickly ones practice Tai Chi on a regular basis.

This gentle “exercise” addresses muscular fitness, breathing, endurance, flexibility, relaxation and mental fitness. No equipment, tools, timely preparation is required to practice Tai Chi and only 30-minutes is required each day to acquire its healing benefits.

One very important ingredient in Tai Chi that demands belief – belief that it exists in the life force called chi or qi. This chi is energy that is all around us and in each living thing on Earth. When the chi is disturbed or interrupted it causes pain, disease, mental illness, even death.

The practice of Tai Chi helps to revitalize your body, your spirit so you can live to your full potential.

Tai Chi may help you with common maladies like depression, digestion, hypertension, insomnia, stomach aches… There are different stances, positions, forms and movements that make-up Tai Chi for the beginner and advanced practitioner.

Next we’ll look into the cousin of Tai Chi called Qi Gong. And you won’t believe the healing benefits and results from this other gentle “exercise!”

The Amazing Healing Benefits Of QiGong!

QiGong has been used for more than 5,000 years and may be one of the most powerful hidden alternative therapies ever known.

In China, qigong is vital to the countries health care system. It is not only practiced by 200 million Chinese every single day, it is practiced by millions of others all over the world. Doesn’t matter if you’re young, old or disabled, something is going on and beneficial with this ancient alternative therapy.

QiGong is a combination of gentle movements, breathing and meditation to improve blood circulation (blood rules), enhance the immune system and get the vital flow of energy known as qi to flow freely throughout the body.

Again, if you don’t believe in QiGong and the invisible energy known as qi it ain’t gonna work! So let me tell you more about QiGong and this invisible energy known as qi.

QiGong involves the practice of simple gentle exercise movements involving special breathing to complex movements where heart rate, brain wave frequency and other major organ functions can be altered by the QiGong practitioner. QiGong is noted to stimulate as well as nourish the practitioners body with qi – qi that can break down energy blockages which in turn promotes blood flow (blood rules) and fires-up the practitioner’s immune system.

The practice of QiGong activates the electrical flow throughout the body – your entire body is a very complex circuit board. Block any part of that circuit board anywhere on your body and you got pain, lack of movement, lack of function and or disease.

Now with the energy of qi also called a universal life force – one could heal the body starting at the cellular level. Remember what I said about healing at the cellular level in September 99 AASN: “Every cell of your body needs nutrients and oxygen. And there are a lot of cells in your body aching for precious fuel… there are 100,000,000,000,000 (1-hundred trillion) cells in your body.”

I’ve already told you that your body has the inherent ability to heal itself. Sometimes it needs a little nudge from one or more of the 60 Alternative Practices. You decide – it’s your call –it’s your body. See IRISAP in the POC Section for the 667-page Gettysburg Program. If you’re interested in practicing the gentle exercises of QiGong, your local library or your video store may have videos on QiGong.

Healing & Self-Defense!

Now QiGong is not only known for its healing gentle exercise but it is used for healing and self-defense! QiGong Masters are using QiGong to heal their patients of sickly disease. They’re using the universal life force – qi – and transferring it from their own body to parts of the patient’s body where the flow of energy is blocked. This type of healing is not only practiced by QiGong Masters it is learned and practiced by ordinary folks like you and I. It’s called Pranic Healing.

Pranic Healing!

Pranic Healing is using this universal life force that is present in your body, ground, air, plants… and people are actually using it to heal themselves and their patients. But guess what? If you don’t believe it doesn’t work ain’t nothin’ gonna happen! As a matter of fact if you believe it works it will work even though 100-years from now they find its worthless! Then why did it work anyway? Cause YOU BELIEVED IT WAS GOING TO WORK AND IT DID!

I have several documentaries of Master and novice martial artists harnessing this “qi” to not only strike with great power at their opponent, break huge blocks of ice, multiple pieces of wood, but also use this “qi” to neutralize the vicious unblocked powerful punches, strikes, kicks to the practicing martial artists.

I have undoctored documentaries of 250-300 pound football players striking these martial artists in the groin, throat, chest with everything they got and failed to hurt the martial artists using “qi” to neutralize the strike. The vicious strikes should have easily rendered the person on the ground, incapacitated and in the hospital for immediate medical attention especially the martial artist who took the vicious strikes directly to the throat. If they faked it I don’t know how.

At this time, this subject needs RFIR. If I find a source that offering a homer-study course to teach self-defense using this “qi”, I’ll let you know in a future AASN.

So now you know the powerful healing, and self-defense applications of QiGong and Qi. If you’re interested, consider getting your own video to practice these gentle exercises in the privacy of your own home.

Healing Black Dirt!

Find some rich black dirt and you may find some healing dirt that may remedy several maladies.  And now there’s evidence that rich black dirt may contain a specific healing bacterial ingredient. There’s good bacteria and bad bacteria and rich black dirt may contain good bacteria called homeostatic soil organisms (HSOs). HSOs when in the human body, destroy dangerous organisms that are bad for our health like molds, parasites, yeast, and other microorganisms that interfere with proper digestion and absorption of food.

Millions and millions of North Americans are sickly because their HSOs intake is deficient. According to Jordan Rubin, N.D. “…soils have been depleted of HSOs, and out intake has dropped.” Research indicates that as many as 92% of people suffering from many gastrointestinal problems from indigestion to irritable bowel syndrome could find relief in 04-months from taking HSOs. According to Paul Goldberg, D.C. “HSOs help crowd out the bad organisms that prevent proper digestion and trigger pain.”

And HSOs may offer some fighting help when it comes to preventing arthritis. According to gastroenterologist Joseph Brasco, M.D., coauthor of Restoring Your Digestive Health – “Research shows that the more HSOs people eat, the lower their risk of ever developing arthritis.”

And HSOs may offer some help to remedy asthma and allergies. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 35 million Americans are afflicted with allergies or asthma. According to Paul Goldberg, “…when patients take 04 to 18 HSO caplets daily for 04 months, their asthma and allergy symptoms are reduced by 70%.

When immune cells are regularly exposed to healthy HSOs, they learn to stop overreacting to dust, animal dander, pollen, and other harmless particles in the environment. That means less lung, airway, and sinus inflammation.”

HSOs are known to help prevent and or remedy:
• Asthma
• Constipation
• Food Allergies
• Heartburn
• Indigestion
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Joint Stiffness
• Pain
• Rheumatoid Arthritis

No, you don’t have to go look for and eat rich black dirt to get your intake of healthy HSOs. HSOs can be found at local healthfood stores.

Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

More Healing Black Dirt!

Jordan Rubin’s TRUE STORY!!!

We may have come from the oceans millions of years ago, but we humans may be solidly connected to the Earth’s soil. Microbes found in the soil called Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSOs – beneficial bacteria, good bacteria) are proving to be the super healers for the human body and probably all sorts of animal critters too.

According to Jo Handelsman, a professor of plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin, “Unknown organisms make up 99.9% of all microbes in the soil.” About 01 gram of soil (equal to a packet of sugar), may contain as many as 10,000 unknown species. Answers to curing cancers, heart disease, degenerative diseases, auto-immune diseases, obesity,… may be right under our feet – found in healthy soil. With the earth’s soil depleted of nutrients like HSOs, it’s no wonder that more than 85% of all Americans (author’s estimate) are sickly, and dying.

But to prove the efficacy of HSOs where everything else has failed, let me relate a true life-saving story, a testimonial for HSOs. Before we start let me give a direct quote from the Gettysburg Program about a sickly and deadly disease – Crohn’s Disease.

** (Direct quote from the Gettysburg Program): “Crohn’s disease is a chronic granulomatous inflammatory disease of unknown etiology, involving any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus, but commonly involving the terminal ileum (the distal portion of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum), with scarring and thickening of the bowel wall. It frequently leads to intestinal obstruction and fistula (an abnormal passage) and abscess formation (a localized collection of pus caused by suppuration buried in tissues, organs or confined spaces) and has a high rate of recurrence after treatment. And colitis is inflammation of the bowel.”

In 1994, super-healthy 19-year old, 6’1″ Jordan Rubin was a scholarship student at Florida State University who was suddenly stricken with Crohn’s colitis. Once the disease was diagnosed, it was treated with massive doses of antibiotics (intravenous and oral). These massive doses of antibiotics only worsened his sickly condition.

Jordan was desperately fighting for his life. His weight went from a healthy 180-pounds to a sickly 104-pounds. Jordan and his family sought help from more than 70 health professionals around the world. He even consumed more than 300 nutritional supplements but nothing detoured his slow path to a sickly death. Jordan was finally sent home in a wheelchair to die.

Finally, in 1996, Jordan discovered a new supplement that contained HSOs. Taking HSOs complimented with a healthy diet, in 04-months, Jordan’s health took a 180-degree turn for the better. With the HSO supplements, his body began to heal itself. In only 04-months, he regained his healthy weight and did what 30 health professionals and 300 supplements couldn’t do – he beat the sickly and deadly Crohn’s colitis. Today Jordan is as healthy as ever and weighs in at a healthy 195-pounds. Jordan didn’t stop there though, he wrote a book about his life-threatening ordeal and his impressive recovery called Patient Heal Thyself.

How did these HSO help save Jordan’s life? HSOs are noted to provide:

a) Alpha-interferon:  Alpha-interferon is potent immune system enhancer and potent virus inhibitor. HSO’s help promote the production of more natural alpha-interferons.

b) Antigens:  Aid in the production of proteins that act as antigens that boost the immune system to manufacture antibodies to fight off disease.

c) Fights Bad Guys:  Fights bacteria, fungi, parasites, pathological molds, and yeast.

d) Hydrocarbons:  Hydrocarbons are better broken so to better break down food for its different nutritional values; thus allowing for better nutrition absorption.

e) Intestines:  Flush out decay, debris, and waste from inside the intestines.

f) Lactoferrin:  As a by-product, lactoferrin is manufactured which aids in retrieval of iron from foods. Lactoferrin is also found in women’s breast milk and is a very powerful fighter of infection and disease. Lactoferrin now shows promise as a natural but very powerful cancer fighter.

g) Toxic Waste:  Metabolize proteins to eliminate toxic waste from the body.

I (author) highly encourage you to go to your local library and get Jordan’s book – “Patient Heal Thyself” so you’re super healthy Anytime Anywhere! And see Eating Dirt Formula & Dirt Food in the September 2000 AASN, and Dirt Vittles in the April 2002 AASN. Now I know why I’ve never seen a sickly earth worm! Have you? Ha ha ha!!! Seriously, for a quality HSO supplement see Vitamin Shoppe and Garden of Life Products in the POC Section.

Most Important Note:  The more I research about HSO’s the more I like them good bacteria guys and the good they do for the body. But one fact I really like is that HSOs help detoxify the body so your body can help heal itself (see Item e) Intestines). By the time you read this, I’m already doing my own guinea pig tests (on myself) on an HSO product to see what it can do for me. So, again, I highly encourage you to look deeper into HSOs so Your More Healthy Anytime Anywhere!

Multiple Healing Wonders Of Rebound Exercise!

What the heck is rebound exercise? I’m going to tell you about an exercise that has proven to be very healthy and very worthy of your attention. It’s called rebound exercise.

Rebound exercise is the act of bouncing up and down to exert the right amount of gravitational pull. At the top of the bounce you’re weightless. At the bottom of the bounce you’re subject to 2 to 4 “Gs” (gravity forces).

So what? Bouncing up & down, what’s the big deal? With the bouncing up and down, your 100,000,000,000,000 (1-hundred trillion) cells in your body weigh more due to the Gs. Because of the Gs, those cells begin a cleansing action at that cellular level and they become stronger. The arteries begin to cleanse themselves too as does the lymphatic system (immune system).

And here’s are some more bonuses. Rebound exercise improves the performance of your heart, tones muscles, strengthens skeletal mass, improves energy,…

And since your health improves at the cellular level there’s a list of other healthy benefits. Here’s a list of some of them:
• Arthritis
• Brain functioning
• Cancer fighter
• Coordination
• Constipation
• Digestion
• Endurance
• Eyesight
• Heart disease fighter
• Immune system
• Lower blood pressure
• Metabolism
• Muscle mass
• Muscle toning
• Osteoporosis
• Premature aging fighter
• Sleep
• Toxin discharge
• Varicose veins
• Weight loss

So you see there are multiple benefits to healthy rebound exercise. And rebounding is a gentle low impact exercise. According to NASA research, our cells live in a zero gravity environment. But add some G forces to our cells, it aids in toxin elimination and stimulates the Lymphatic system (immune system). NASA found that people that used rebound exercise had 68% better results than people who jogged.

According to the Institute for Vibrant Health, other rebound exercise machines are inferior. Inferior exercise machines that could cause injuries to the joints (ankles, knees,…) and back injuries.

Famous Healing Willard Water!

Willard Water – 60 MINUTES

In November of 1980, CBS’ 60 Minutes was sent to Rapid City, South Dakota, to do a feature called “Doc’s Wonder Water.” The CBS’ 60 Minutes investigative team was sent to expose a fraud. What they found was an amazing true story about a newly invented form of water which was actually producing what could only be called miraculous results! Catalyst Water has since been improved since 1980 and is made in an FDA approved facility using the latest in state of the art mixing, filling and processing equipment.

Water is the most important biological factor sustaining living organisms. Water molecules improve and speed up cell movement, nutrients moving into and out of living organisms cells.

Catalyst water is pure ordinary water which has been treated with a catalyst. The catalyst appears to change the molecular structure of the water, making the molecules smaller.

When this happens, the water becomes more penetrable, and anything dissolved in the water like beneficial nutrients from food, minerals and Vitamins is more readily absorbed into our bodies. Smaller water molecules are able to penetrate the cell walls at a greater rate and carry beneficial nutrients to where it needs to be.

The bio enhanced water is also unique with a pH (percentage of hydrogen) of 12 which means bacteria can not live in a high pH. The inventor also states that his “water” also contains small amounts of several harmless ingredients such as liquid road salt, sodium silicate, magnesium sulfate and sulfated castor oil.  Catalyt Water was invented by Dr. John Wesley Willard (Doc).

Also known as “Bio Enhanced” or “Catalyst Enhanced” Water.  Catalyst Water is non toxic, non carcinogenic and has been used for approximately 40 years without anyone having any adverse reaction or adverse effects from it! Catalyst Water can be used internally and externally. Below is a list of recorded testimonial benefits of the REAL Willard Water!

Human Effects of Willard Water!

• Aches Reduced
• Alertness
• Antioxidant
• Arthritis
• Back Problems
• Bronchitis
• Calming Effect
• Circulation (feet & hands)
• Colds (fewer)
• Complexion Color
• Constipation
• Energy
• Food Absorption
• Free Radical Scavenger
• Hair Improvement
• Happier
• Healing (quicker)
• Hemorrhoids
• Sutures (fast healing – spray with WW)
• Memory Improvement
• Nail Improvement
• Nutrient Absorption
• Nutritional Supplements Work Better
• Pain Reduced
• Reduced Swelling
• Skin Rashes
• Sleep Improvement
• Stress Reducer
• Toxin & Waste Elimination

Note:  Besides drinking WW, some people sprayed the malady directly with WW or soaked in a bathtub treated with WW. And what about critters? If WW worked for humans why not critters? Here are some testimonial results from happy pet owners.

Animal Effects of Willard Water!

• Anti-social
• Arthritis
• Calming Effect
• Longevity
• Overall Health
• Performance (greyhounds)

My Results of Willard Water!

Folks for this research (July – August 2001), I purchased an 08-ounce bottle of The Real Willard Water! I purchased the darker color of Willard Water because it had a bunch of additional minerals that the clear Willard Water doesn’t have. Anyway, the health results do sneak up on you. But two that stood out immediately are ENERGY and SLEEP IMPROVEMENT. I since stopped taking any Willard Water and no doubt know there’s a degradation of energy and sleep.

As you read this, I’m back on Willard Water, but instead of buying the small bottle, you get a MUCH BETTER DEAL when you buy the bigger bottles which last a lot longer! You just add 1-ounce of concentrated Willard Water to a gallon of pure water and you got a GALLON OF WILLARD WATER!

WARNING:  In the Gettysburg Program, I gave you a FAKE catalyst water POC – I’m sorry, I got fooled too. Go to the POC Section and get a POC for the AUTHENTIC WILLARD WATER! Don’t believe a word of this segment. Call right now and they’ll send you a FREE multi-page brochure on this amazing special water that helps your body heal!

Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

07 Healing Wonders You Have To Know Right Now
Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

07 Healing Wonders You Have To Know Right Now

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

07 Healing Wonders You Have To Know Right Now

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

07 Healing Wonders You Have To Know Right Now

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

07 Healing Wonders You Have To Know Right Now

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

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