09 Smart Critter Survival Tricks You Can Copycat!

Them critters are smarter than most people think, even them scientist.  It’s thought that animals sole reason for their survival is instinct.  But in my humble opinion, them critters – all critters can evaluate, they can reason, they can decide.

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And here are ’09 smart critter survival tricks you can copycat’ to prove how smart they are and you can copycat their survival tricks so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!  OK, let’s get started.

  1. Anti-Predator Trick
  2. Bigfoot Duck Hunting
  3. Bigfoot Fishing Trick
  4. Bigfoot Pounding Stick
  5. Northern Bobwhite Bird
  6. Lazy Eagle
  7. Osprey
  8. White-Tailed Ptarmigan
  9. Critters Survive Killer Desert Temperatures
  10. Gambel’s Quail
  11. Green Heron
  12. Ambushing Heron
  13. Rock Wren
  14. Cottontail Rabbits

Anti-Predator Trick:  One more survival trick that small white-tailed deer (fawns) do for their survival is to freeze in place.  They’ll lay motionless in the vegetation.  Their spotted coats help them blend with the vegetation and the spotted sunlight that hits the forest floor.  If a predator is nearby, they freeze in place.  Why?  Cause movement always attracts the eyes which brings focus to where the movement is coming from no matter how minute the movements is.

Another trick they use to avoid predation is their lack of scent as a newly born, they have little smell for the predator to guide them to the fawns.

Bigfoot Survival Tricks!

Since Bigfoot stories are so popular and all over YouTube, I thought I’d add these ‘Smart Critter’ survival tricks in here so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere just like them bigfoot critters.

Bigfoot Duck Hunting:  I have to interrupt here and give you this true story.  First of all, with all the species here on Earth, I believe Bigfoot and other strange critters do exist.

I’ve never seen any of these type of critters nor do I want to.  I also believe those type of strange critters demonstrate intelligence far far above the average critter walking around.  See ‘Panamanian Monster’ (my own experience – author) in “55+ True Incredible Mysteries” at www.survivalexpertbooks.com

I’m not making this up.  In the documentary – “Alien Creatures From Beyond:  Monsters, Ghosts And Vampires.”  At approximately 00:06:17 in the documentary, 02 female witnesses came in contact with a bigfoot creature.

They observed that in one hand the bigfoot creature had his ducks and in the other hand the creature was carrying a stick.  The investigators couldn’t figure out how the stick the bigfoot was carrying related to the ducks (they weren’t IRISAP subscribers like YOU).  In my humble opinion, that smart bigfoot creature used his stick to bring down the ducks as they took off from their feeding, socializing, resting,…


Whether the stick the 02 ladies observed in the bigfoot’s hand was straight or curved – in my humble opinion, that smart big foot critter was using a ‘duck stick’ / ‘rabbit stick’ to incapacitate the ducks.

Note:  Duck Sticks and Rabbit Sticks are the same weapon.  The sticks via their fast flight are designed to incapacitate small game and slow down big game (striking the legs for big game).  See Bigfoot Fishing Trick and Bigfoot Pounding Stick below.

WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!  While I’m on the subject of them Bigfoot critters, here’s another story worthy of your hunting attention (fishing is part of hunting).  This survival trick is a direct quote from my Survival Book – “269+ International Fishing Tricks And More!” at wwwsurvivalexpertbooks.com

Bigfoot Fishing Trick:  I already told you about ‘concussion type fish.’ (“269+ International Fishing Tricks And More!”) – www.survivalexpertbooks.com)

  • Concussion Fishing (in this Survival Book)
  • Herter Fishing Trick
  • Nowlin’s Fish Stunner (in this Survival Book)
  • Pelican Fish Stunner (in this Survival Book)

See “269+ International Fishing Tricks And More!” at www.survivalexpertbooks.com

I was listening to some videos on YouTube.  One video perked-up my ears.  It was about a group of 04 Bigfoot critters fishing.  I have never seen one of them critters nor do I want to.  Here’s the info of the video:

More Bigfoot Stories (00:17:15)———–Beyond Creepy

Go to approximate time hack – 00:01:45

In case this YouTube video is deleted, here’s the word-for-word transcript which you’ll realize is a fishing trick that really works and you may be able to replicate this Bigfoot Fishing Trick.

“The witness does not reveal the specific date for the encounter, however if it’s true, it does suggest that some of the bigfoot researchers who proclaim the creatures as benign, may not be entirely accurate.

The witness a native American man who was only a boy at the time, recalled that he set off for a fishing trip with his grandfather – a three day hike into the forest.

The river they went to forked to the west and towards the south.  They always went to the west fork for some reason.  On the day, the witness woke early.  His grandfather was still sleeping, so he decided to head on down to the south fork for a morning hike.  As he reached the area, he began to hear talking and loud splashing.  The area was extremely remote.  Nobody ventured out there and for this reason it peaked the interest of the witness.

 He decided to go in and investigate.  His hike to the South Fork would suddenly take a very strange turn.  The voices got louder and weirder.  I thought poachers were there and they’ll shoot anyone who catches them.  So I hid in the trees and crept-up.

 I saw three big hairy men fishing.  According to the witness there were four of them in total.  Three large males and what looked like to him, a leaner, smaller female standing on the shore.  He claims that one was in the water up to his waist hitting the water with his hands cupped together, causing a big blast of water to shoot up.  When he did that, fish would fly-up and the other two males who were also in the water but closer to the shore, would grab them.  They were fast and accurate he recalled.

From there the two would throw the fish up on the bank where the female picked them up and stuffed them into what looked like a huge tumble weed or round wad of woven twigs. 

 The witness was completely stunned.  I couldn’t believe my eyes he wrote of thee encounter.  At some point the creatures seized their activity.  Almost in unison, they looked over in the direction of the witness.  And then scrambled off into the forest.

 Despite their size, the witness was impressed by how graceful their walking was, almost cat-like soft and swift.  When he returned to his camp his grandfather was awake and was calling for him.  I ran up to him and he looked at me.  He said ‘you saw them didn’t you?’  I nodded, he said ‘That’s why we can’t go down to the South Fork.’  He told me I was lucky to be alive.  To never go down there again.  That is there place and we don’t intrude.

To prove this Bigfoot Fishing Trick really works, see similar ‘concussion fishing tricks’ like:

  • Concussion Fishing (in this Survival Book)
  • Herter Fishing Trick
  • Nowlin’s Fish Stunner (in this Survival Book)
  • Pelican Fish Stunner (in this Survival Book)

See “269+ International Fishing Tricks And More!” at www.survivalexpertbooks.com

If you like true bigfoot stories and other strange stuff, go to my FREE website – www.truescaryvideos.com for hours and hours and hours of FREE FREE FREE hand-picked true scary entertainment.

Bigfoot Pounding Stick:  White-Tail Bucks hop and beat their hooves into the ground.  It is believed they do this as an early warning of danger for other deer.  When this is done, other deer are compelled to perk-up and investigate where the danger is.  This may flush them from their hiding position or at least have them move a bit so you can locate them (movement attracts the eyes).

You can imitate this hoove-pounding sound by pounding your Forked Walking Stick or a good sized rock into the ground.

Over the years, I heard plenty of stories of folks all across North America who had Bigfoot encounters and they stated them critters were also pounding away against trees, tree stumps, logs, boulders using big rocks and other natural materials.  Were these Bigfoot imitating deer to get deer to come to them.  I surely believe so.  I’ve heard plenty of stories of them Big Foot critters with unbelievable speed running-down deer and capturing deer with their bare hands.

And I heard a few stories where a few of them Bigfoot critters would work together to capture deer.  Again, I have never seen any of them Bigfoot critters nor do I want to.  I say leave them critters alone.  See Bigfoot Duck Hunting and Bigfoot Fishing Trick.  See “99+ International Pied Piper Tricks To Compel All Types Of Animals To Come To You” at www.survivalexpertbooks.com

Northern Bobwhite Bird:  Northern bobwhite birds are reddish brown in color and are about 10-inches long.

They have a chicken-like appearance and are found in the eastern half and northwestern US of the United States all-year round.  Like the military, they have an ingenious technique for 360-degree security.  In the late hours of the day in their nest, they form a circle – all facing outward, each watching their own sector for danger.  When out of their nest, if approached they FREEZE in place so not to give away their position (movement attracts the eyes).  If the predator comes to close, they suddenly scatter in all directions.  One word you can learn from them and be aware of your surroundings Anytime Anywhere.

Lazy Eagle:  No, not lazy – smart!  Our national emblem was almost a turkey, yes a turkey!  On 20 June 1782 the Continental Congress adopted the American Eagle as our national emblem.

Benjamin Franklin was opposed to it cause he stated the American eagle “hardly inspires respect and certainly do not exemplify the best in American character.”

He said this because the American Eagle attacks smaller prey, weaker birds, and it’s a sedentary creature.  And we can learn from the eagle.  The American Eagle doesn’t waste his energy looking continuously for prey, it stays perched till it sights its target on land or just under the surface of the water.  And you can be lazy too.  You have plenty of traps and snares in Section 13 (Anytime Anywhere Survival Program).  Just set em’ up and forget about em’.  Like the Fish Stake-Out, Bottle Traps, Branch Snares,…

Osprey:  The Osprey is found in the western US and most of Canada and Alaska during the summer months.  It hunts small rodents and other birds, but it’s favorite vittles are those tasty fish!  To get the fish the osprey dives to its target, levels off before hitting the water, and with talons extended secures the fish!  But one IMPORTANT factor the osprey takes into account is the refraction of the water.  The fish IS NOT where it seems to be so it takes the refraction of the water into account and adjusts its flight, contact with the water, and the grasping of the fish.  Why should you know this?  Cause if you go spear fishing you too have to take into the account of the water refraction and adjust cause the fish is not where you think it is.  Do some tests and find the water refraction for your fishing spot, and time of day (angle of sun).

White-Tailed Ptarmigan:  The ptarmigan has a very good defensive tactic.  Not only is its white body perfectly camouflaged against the snow that it’s almost invisible, it uses another tactic that insures its invisibility – it freezes in place, it’s absolutely motionless.  Not even its natural enemies, the arctic fox, jeer falcon, wolves,… can detect it.  It’s molded perfectly with its surroundings.

Remember I said it several times, “movement always attracts the eyes” and the ptarmigan AVOIDS any little movement.  As a matter of fact, hunters, hikers,… have accidently stepped on this critter because its camouflage and stillness was perfect.  Indians used this same technique!  By the way the ptarmigan survives the cold night temperatures by burrowing into the snow.

Critters Survive Killer Desert Temperatures:  The desert is absolutely unforgiving.  The desert critters will kill you dead, the cold temperatures at night will send into hypothermia and the baking heat temperatures literally bake you to death.  How can YOU survive this unforgiving environment?  First AVOID it (PRSC – Planning, Recon, Security and Control), but if you can’t you a might want to copycat the desert critters who survive baking temperatures day after day.

Temperature studies on US western deserts have revealed some baking information:

06-feet high temperatures can reach 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

12-inches off the ground temperatures can increase to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

01-inch off the ground temperatures can reach a 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

At ground level, the temperatures still increase to a killer 180-degrees Fahrenheit.

Here’s how many desert critters survive baking desert temperatures.  They go underground.  Look at the following data that could save your life based on the same temperature data above:

06-inches below the surface the temperature drops to 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

12-inches below the surface the temperature drops to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

18-inches below the surface the temperature will drop to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

36-inches below the surface the temperature will drop to a cool room temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit!

But wait!  Digging should be during hours of limited visibility (after dusk) when temperatures are lower.

Now you know about these killer daytime temperatures and how to counter them by copycatting desert critters that burrow underground to escape the heat!

Gambel’s Quail:  Here’s another desert critter we can learn from.  The Gambel’s Quail is about 12-inches long with several colors to it but identified by its black chin.  It’s located throughout the year in southwestern US.  The parents have a unique way to safeguard their young during movement.  The male will lead with all the younguns following close behind.  The rear security is brought up by the mother.  At nightfall before going to sleep, the Gambel’s Quail gather in large numbers at a water site to drink.


Green Heron:  The green heron is mostly white with a dark bluish color covering its tail, wings, beak, and top of its head.  A small patch of bright yellow is found in front of both eyes.  The green heron is found on all continents except the bitterly cold Antarctica.  This very smart critter is the only species of heron that actually uses lures to bait fish to the water’s surface where it quickly grabs them.  The green heron stands in shallow water or on rocks in deeper water.

When fish swim nearby it drops a small leaf on the water’s surface to lure its prey.  It also uses earthworms, bits of plastic, ants, feathers, nuts, and flies.  And when these natural lures aren’t available, it’s been known to break off and use twigs!  When it drops the lure in the water, it works because the fish are ATTRACTED to the small splash and motion of the lure in the water.  Can you use this neat fishing survival trick?  Sure you can!  Now here’s how another species of heron easily catch those tasty fish.

Ambushing Heron:  All other species of heron do not use the green heron’s fish-catching trick.  They use another fish-catching trick that really works.  Fish keep alert to what’s happening on the surface whether it’s their next meal or a potential predator.  If you fish – STAY OUT OF SIGHT!  Anyway, most other species of heron hide among the rocks so they won’t alert the wandering swimming fish.  When the fish unknowingly come within striking range, the heron grabs them with their quick beak.  Can you hide among the rocks with a homemade net, spear, basket trap,… (consider water temperature, current, critter threats, floating debris,…)?  If not, make a homemade blind!

Rock Wren:  This bird with its 06-inch long-beak, grayish brown on top, and whitish underpart is found throughout southwestern US throughout the year and as far north as southernmost Canada during the summer months.  Remember I told you not to ever throw anything away because it can always be used for something!  Well the rock wren collects all kinds of knickknacks like stones, metal, shells, bones,…  It uses them to make a path to its nest.

Whether it does this as a navigational marker, barriers against predators, help keep its nest dry,… is unknown.  One rock wren nest was found with more than 1,600 objects!

If you’re in trouble and come across a rock wren’s nest, there’s no doubt you can use many of those items found at its nest to satisfy some or all the 8 Elements of Survival (Fire, Water, Shelter, First-Aid, Signal, Food, Weapons, and Navigation).  Just be careful and watchful for those venomous critters (snakes, scorpions,…) when picking up any items from the ground.

Cottontail Rabbits:  The most common rabbit throughout North America is the cottontail.  No doubt you’ve seen them in your own yard and in your neighborhood.  The average litter size for cottontails are 05 bunnies.  The cottontails eyes are set up on the side of their heads so they have a very wide field of view.  The wide field of vision is 270-degrees, just 90-degrees shy of a complete 360-degree circle.  Their other great sense is their hearing.

Their big, long, parabolic ears can rotate to collect sounds from just about all directions.  Their wide field of view and parabolic rotating ears are great early detectors for those hungry predators.  They eat a variety of vegetation from Spring to Fall.  In the winter, they’ll eat bark (look for their signs).  They even eat their own droppings to get the nutrients out of them.  A few times I’ve been tempted to set up a trap and snare in my back yard for a tasty cottontail meal but I will never do it (against IL law) as long as I have a couple bucks in my pocket to buy food.  Those cottontails are readily available everywhere.  Most species of rabbits like above ground shelters like stacked up brush, which most predators can’t penetrate.

 1st Note:  032030C June 2001 – I was just out doing some R&D at a nearby park when I spotted 02 cottontails about 15-meters from me.  They spotted me first, I saw them in their frozen state, then they sprinted forward for 05 meters then froze again and I froze with them.  The cottontails actually moved in a synchronized fashion.  Their moves were in sync!  I  s l o w l y  reached down to start my stop watch on my Casio and those hopping critters stayed motionless for 05 minutes and 49 seconds.  The only reason they moved was a group of 04 people came up from my 6 o’clock to scare them off.  Both cottontails moved off together when the group was about 15-meters from them.  Why did they freeze?  They were just doing their own survival trick to keep from being noticed by predators.  Remember ‘movement attracts the eyes,’ that’s why they froze in place, plus they moved exactly in sync with each other!

 2nd Note:  Remember I said cottontails are very common throughout North America.  I see them all the time around my neighborhood.  About a 10-minute walk away from my house is an open area next to the park and graveyard.  This open area is about 200-meters by 200-meters and it’s not only full of all kinds of vegetation and weeds and such, but it’s full of cottontail rabbits and if I and others did a drive like the Indians did, we’d have plenty of rabbit vittles.

How do I know there’s rabbits in that field?  Cause like I said, critters like hiding in that vegetation that offers cover, concealment, food, shelters,…  Plus, last year (Summer 2000) I saw this guy plowing-up the field and there were all kinds of rabbit critters hopping around!  I’d estimate at least 35 rabbits in just that one small field!

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  Now that you read & viewed ’09 smart critter survival tricks you can copycat’  – You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere.  However, before you go out on your next outdoor adventure, please re-read “How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure!”

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