14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know!

Here are ’14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know!’  First let me tell you that doctors dentists, nurses and veterinarians (pet doctors) are a 1,000-times smarter than I am.  If you need medical attention for yourself, family friends or pets – always seek professional medical attention.

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However, there may be times when no professional medical attention is available.  And times when medical attention is close by, but you may have no health insurance nor any money and you have to take matters in your own hands. Here are several international first-aid applications used by soldiers, mountain men, Indian,critters,…  Let’s start with Amazing Cabbage First-Aid:

  1. Amazing Cabbage First-Aid
  2. Ammonia Emergency Stimulant
  3. Civil War Pine Pitch Pills
  4. Cure For Killer Back Spasms From Hell
  5. Emergency Surgery
  6. Emergency Suturing
  7. Guayaki Fat Cure
  8. Guayaki Saliva Cure
  9. Healing Negative Ions
  10. Healing Pitch
  11. Heinerman Frostbite Remedy
  12. Indian Healing Survival Tricks Using Beavers
  13. Israeli Lace Instant Instep Remedy
  14. Laydon’s Burn And POUNDING Pain Remedy

Amazing Cabbage First-Aid:  Of all the ’14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know!’, this first-aid application uses the UNKNOWN healing qualities of a head of cabbage.  OK, here’s the true story.

Approximately 15 December 2011 (Thursday) I (author) woke-up with my right knee in pain that ached 24-hours a day non-stop.  From what I can tell, directly over the kneecap was a “bubble” of liquid the size of a 50 cent piece.  Water on the knee???  Anyway, the pain progressed where it was even difficult to sleep.  Then finally on the evening of 18 December 2011 (Sunday) I took action.  There are hundreds of remedies in this Survival Program but I wanted to add another.  So I went to this website I gave you years ago – www.earthclinic.com  And read about the additional amazing benefits of cabbage – namely joint pain.  I modified what I read and here it is:

Ingredients:  Fresh head of green cabbage, small plastic bag and bandage wrap.

Step 01:  Take the fresh head of green cabbage and tear away and discard the first few outer leaves (debris and discolored)

Step 02:  Carefully tear away 05 or 06 large leaves.

Step 03:  Remove any large stalks on any of the leaves so you end-up with pliable cabbage leaves.

Step 04:  Place all the pliable leaves in the plastic bag and secure the opening of the bag.

Step 05:  Gently roll the cabbage leaves against themselves so bruising is caused so to release their healing ingredients.

Step 06:  Remove the cabbage leaves from the plastic bag and place them directly on the injured part of the joint.  The cabbage leaves can be placed one on top of the other (which is what I did) or spread to cover the entire circumference of the joint.

Step 07:  Secure the cabbage leaves by wrapping the bandage with several snug but NOT TIGHT wraps.  The “cabbage bandage” should be applied prior to going to sleep.

What you just read is exactly what I did.  I woke–up the next morning (Monday) and was very surprised that there was great improvement.  My knee wasn’t 100% but the pain was 95% gone and mobility about 80%.  I did not reapply the cabbage bandage, but as the days went on, my right knee kept improving.  The kneecap area is still tender to the touch but overall, the cabbage bandage did the trick.

UPDATE:  02 months later, my knee is in 100% working order thanks to the Amazing Cabbage Remedy which deserves more “intensive research.”

Ammonia Emergency Stimulant:  An emergency stimulant to bring an unconscious victim to the state of consciousness is using ammonia diluted in water using a 01-part ammonia to 03 parts water concoction.  A handkerchief or other cloth material is saturated in this concoction.  Adjust concoction as necessary but never use 100% pure strength ammonia.

Civil War Pine Pitch Pills:  Savvy Union POWs imprisoned at Andersonville Prison, Georgia (American Civil War) took pine pitch and rolled it into small balls the size of pills.  The pine pitch pills was homemade medicine to combat diarrhea.  The Union POWs were onto something.  Little did they know that pine pitch would later prove to be a healing wonder.  See Healing Pitch.

Cure For Killer Back Spasms From Hell:  Since I can remember, since I was a kid, I’ve always had lower back spasms that hurt so bad, they’d take my breath away and even paralyzed me.  I’d be on the floor, if I moved a fraction of an inch in any direction the spasms would viciously contract again and again.  And it would take a loooong suffering week or so before they’d eventually fade away.

I’ve tried prescription drugs, shots straight into my back, over-the counter medications, and salves,… Not until the mid-1990s while writing the 667-page Gettysburg Program (alternative health) did I find a super cheap miracle ingredient that practically banished those killer back spasms from my life.  Here’s the whole story so you’re pain-free starting today (>>>with your doctor’s permission<<<).

To get rid of my back spasms, I take 01 capsule of cayenne pepper (powder – Dr. Quinn’s Power Plus) – 130,000 SHU or Hot Sauce (The Spice Wagon – Fire For Effect) – 100,000+ SHU) with plenty of water (keep reading).

Capsicum (cayenne) — Herbal parts are taken from berries and fruits.  It acts as a catalyst for herbs and provides apsaicine, capsacutin, capsaicin, capsanthine, capsico, PABA, & Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C (rich source), E, ascorbic acid, calcium, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulphur, and zinc.

Capsicum is the source of over 100 varieties of Cayenne Pepper, from heat ranges of mild paprika to the extremely hot habanera.  It’s been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years!  Capsicum aids digestion, improves circulation, and stops bleeding from ulcers.  It is noted to also be good for the kidneys, lungs, spleen, pancreas, heart, and stomach.

It’s also noted to help remedy chronic fatigue, depression, gastric ulcers, and prostration.  Skin ointments that contain capsaicin have been noted to significantly relieve the pain of arthritis, herpes zoster, and diabetic neuropathy (causes pain and tingling in the legs).  Capsaicin is noted to deplete Substance-P, a neuropeptide produced by the nerves that carry pain sensation. You’ll find many new pain-relieving products on the market containing capsicum-capsaicin! Most herbalists have noted that cayenne pepper stops bleeding!

Below is a list of capsicum and their measurements in Scoville Heat Units (SHU).  Most actual cayenne pepper is rated between 30,000 to 80,000 Scoville Heat Units. Cayenne just refers to one variety of capsicum. ALL hot peppers are capsicum.

  • Paprika – 0 Scoville Heat Units (SHUs).
  • Jalapeno – 50,000 to 80,000 SHUs.
  • Serrano – 100,000 SHUs.
  • African Bird – 200,000 SHUs.
  • Mexican Habaneros – 250,000 to 300,000 SHUs (HOT!!!).

Researchers in Great Britain and Japan have found that cayenne can cause the body to burn up to 25% more calories in a day than it normally would!  Cayenne has the ability to deplete a chemical in the pain-transmission nerves known as Substance-P. Cayenne is being tested as an all-around analgesic-painkiller!

According to Thomas Barks, Ph.D., head of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Tucson, a single injection of capsaicin fights certain types of chronic pain in guinea pigs for weeks! Rubbing an ointment of capsaicin on the skin actually numbs the pain locally!

In his book, Left for Dead, Richard Quinn the author, relates a fascinating true story. He was struck with a heart attack which was followed by bypass surgery.

The bypass surgery was supposed to “make him as good as new.”  Well it didn’t, and his cardiologist stated, “there is nothing more we can do.”  After months of moping, Richard Quinn took some advice from a friend.  Richard purchased only 69 cents of cayenne pepper (red), filled several capsules and swallowed them!

The very next morning, Richard Quinn got up and shoveled 04 feet of wet snow off his 28-foot porch!  That happened in 1980. Richard Quinn studied the medicinal values of herbs and launched his own company “Heart Foods Company Inc.” – now Cayenne Company. Read Richard Quinn’s book, Left for Dead at your local library, purchase it at your local bookstore, or order it from R.F. Quinn Publishing Company by calling 1-800-229-3663.  His book is packed with information on cayenne pepper and other herbs.

Most Important Note:  I buy & use Dick Quinn’s Power Plus (200 capsules – 130,000 SHU).  I used to take 04 capsules at a time.  Now I only take 01.

Plus I have a salt shaker of 1/3 cayenne, 1/3 sea salt and 1/3 black pepper and sprinkle this concoction on my meals.  You’ll read more once you become a full subscriber.  But for right now, let’s carry-on with more benefits of cayenne.

The Thais (Thailand) use capsicum chili peppers as a seasoning and as an appetizer with their meals.  Their blood is infused with chili pepper compounds several times a day.  Thai physicians have for some time credited regular consumption of chili peppers as the reason that thromboembolism (life-threatening blood clots) are rare among Thais compared to Americans!

German researchers as early as 1965 found chili peppers beneficial for the blood as a fibrinolytic (clot-dissolving) stimulant.  After more testing, Sukoon Visudhiphan, M.D. and his colleagues at the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok suggested that the frequent stimulation of the clot-dissolving mechanism by chili peppers helps keep the Thais immune to thromboembolism (life-threatening blood clots)!

Emergency Surgery:  On 08 May 1822, Mountain Man Jedediah S. Smith and fellow explorers / mountain men, stepped-off into the vast wilderness to the west.  Their expedition of discovery & trapping had them suffering from sickness, severe injuries, starvation, despair, and death from Mother Nature and all She possesses and from various hostile Indians and even ornery attacking critters.  For 08-years, Jedediah and the remaining survivors roamed and trapped the vast wilderness, finally returning to Saint Louis on 10 October 1830.

Several mountain men were riding their horses in a file along a thickly vegetated creek bottom.  Without warning, a grizzly attacked out of nowhere.  Jedediah was out front at point and returned when he heard Tom Fitzgerald yell out “Grizzly!”

The mountain men instinctively secured their weapons and shots rang out.  The grizzly got more angry and ran along the file of mountain men.  Coming to an open area, the mad galloping grizzly met Jedediah coming to the aid of his fellow mountain men.

The grizzly instantly attacked Jedediah’s head and face.  The grizzly jaws opened & closed continuously on Jedediah’s unprotected head and simultaneously its super powerful claws ripping at Jedediah’s unprotected face.  Jedediah’s head and face were spilling out blood and half his face lay loosely hanging from his head.  Jedediah fell to the ground and the angry grizzly unmercifully attacked the near dead Jedediah.

This time the fangs of the grizzly crunched into Jedediah’s mid-section.  Luckily, his ball pouch and butcher knife stopped the fangs from piercing into his already half-dead body.

Several mountain men arrived to rescue Jedediah but had no clear shot.  Finally, Black Harris (Moses Harris), stepped forward and took the shot.  The bear stood still for a couple seconds and fell over dead.

Looking down at Jedediah, the mountain men were paralysed at the horrible sight before them.  Jedediah’s head and face were so mangled they were stunned and unable to apply any medical aid.  Brave Jedediah feebly dictated orders.  He told Jim Clyman to get his thread & needle.  He ordered another mountain man to get some fresh water.

On orders from Jedediah, Clyman washed away the blood, and cut-away the blood-clotting hair.  Clyman then began to sew Jedediah’s flesh together.  Remarkably, Jedediah never complained or showed he was in any pain.  He remained calm and in-charge.  His fellow mountain men knew Jedediah was in immense pain but were amazed at Jedediah’s calmness.

Jedediah’s ear was hanging from his head by a thin piece of flesh.  He ordered Clyman to sew his ear to his head.  Clyman initially refused – there was nothing to sew it to.  Jedediah ordered him to sew his hear to his head as best he could.

After suturing the face and ear back to his head, a layer of buffalo tallow (fat) was applied to the entire area to aid in healing.  On top of the buffalo tallow, a pad of buffalo wool was secured to the deep wounds.  And to secure everything, a band of soft muslin (strip of cotton fabric) was secured to the face and head.

After applying this medical attention, his fellow mountain men begged to carry Jedediah to camp but he waved them off.  Getting on his horse, Jedediah rode slowly to camp along with his hovering bodyguards.  Laying Jedediah to rest, all the mountain men were sure he wouldn’t live long.  But bad ass Jedediah refused to die.  Only 01 week later, he led his fellow mountain men westward.  Jedediah’s wounds healed completely leaving manly-looking scars and raised eyebrows.

Most ordinary “soft” men would have died real quick.  Jedediah was both stubborn and well versed in the “Art of Suffering!”  Plus Jedediah was a deep believer in God Almighty!

Note:  It’s important to know that there were no medical doctors attached to the General Ashley Expedition.  Jim Clyman who sutured Jedediah’s deep wounds was no doctor nor had any formal medical training.  The buffalo tallow used helped deter infection and heal the deep wounds.  The protecting pad of buffalo wool and band of soft muslin also helped deter infection and protected the wounds so they could heal.

Emergency Suturing:  On 14 November 2002, a local TV station (Belleville, IL) issued a new medical finding concerning cuts and suturing.  It stated that unless the wound is real deep, near nerves, or bleeding profusely there is no need to suture the wound.  Protecting it with a bandage should get it to heal on its own.

Earlier, I gave you some first-aid hints using 100mph tape (military grade carpet tape) that’s already wrapped around all the 75+ Use Survival Kits I sent you.  That 100mph tape will help protect the wound and can be used as an emergency ‘suture’ without actually sewing the wound shut with thread and a needle!

Guayaki Fat Cure:  The jaguar was greatly respected for it stalked man to include a lone Guayaki Indian (Paraguay, South America) and the results were a feast for the hungry jaguar.  However, the expert predator was also stalked and eaten by the Guayaki Indians.  Its meat was a delicacy.  But its fat was used as a proven medicine.  Jaguar fat was saved and used to remedy all kinds of pains relating to bones throughout the body.

We know these common pains as arthritis, condomillatia, and rheumatoid arthritis.  For proof that there’s something to this healing fat, you have to see Indian Healing Survival Tricks Using Beavers.

Guayaki Saliva Cure:  How many times have I related the possible healings using your own saliva?  Well, more than a few times.  Anyway, Guayaki Indians (Paraguay, South America) used saliva as one of their medicines.  But the best healing saliva came from pregnant women.  Why pregnant women?  Cause they carry more immune system chemicals that fight-off disease and foreign bodies that may bring harm to the body, especially the unborn child.  Anyway, the Guayaki pregnant woman will take her saliva and smear it over the infected area.  The saliva is noted to be very potent.

Healing Negative Ions:  I’m telling you with the IRISAP Survival Program (http://www.survivalexpert.com) you have in front of you, you know more REAL wilderness survival than 99.9999% of folks walking this Earth!  And did you notice when you’re outdoors you feel better – you feel good don’t you!  You know why?  It’s because of negative ions!  Negative ions are charged particles of oxygen.  According to Pierce J. Howard, Ph.D., author of The Owner’s Manual For The Brain, multitudes of negative ions can be found near beaches, mountains, and moving bodies of water.  When negative ions are inhaled, they produce a chemical reaction within our bodies boosting serotonin levels that are instrumental in lifting our mood, making us feel much better.

Doctor Howard goes on to say “The air at the beach contains negative ions, but in homes and offices, there may be only a few hundred – or even zero.”  Getting a good helping of negative ions improves our health.  Howard goes on to say “The result is that our moods rise, our stress dissolves, we have more energy, and we even sleep better at night.”

Ion researcher Michael Terman Ph.D., at Columbia University states, “At the shore, it’s the pounding of the surf on land that creates negative ions in the air.  But thunderstorms do the same thing, by pounding the earth with heavy rains.”  Terman goes on to say “Negative ions seem to be most plentiful in humid environments.  So if you expose yourself to humidity, you’ll likely get an energizing and mood-lifting dose of negative ions.”  So if you’re not out in the wilderness, just step outside on your porch after a thunderstorm has long passed and get a good helping of negative ions – heck open up the windows to get the whole house full of negative ions!

So next time you’re outdoors and are feeling blue, feeling down in the dumps, or a survivor in your group has a bad attitude, – instead of slapping that whacked-out survivor around or securing him 50-meters downwind next to your latrine, GO STATIC near a beach, moving water source, mountains, or hunker down after a thunderstorm and collect some healing, healthy, negative ions and carry-on with the 8 Elements of Survival (Fire, Water, Shelter, First-Aid, Signal, Food, Weapons, and Navigation).

Negative ions have been studied to have the following positive effects on the body:

  • Improve one’s energy
  • Improve mood
  • Fight depression
  • Fight fatigue
  • Reduce or eliminate stress
  • Improve sleep

But what if I want negative ions in my home right now 24-hours a day?  You can purchase a negative ion generator which are found at your local hardware stores.

Healing Pitch:  No, I’m not talking about the pitch that comes from the processing of coal tar, wood tar, or petroleum.  I’m talking about readily available pitch, the sap that comes from coniferous trees like pine trees.  Pitch ranges in color from a very light straw color to a deep dark brown color, and that sticky pitch has healing qualities.  Pitch has been used long ago to treat gun-shot wounds back in the Old West days and beyond.  Why?  The ingredients in pitch are proven to offer anti-bacterial properties, anti-viral properties, infection-fighting properties, and immune boosting properties,…  International studies and regular folks have used pitch and pitch extracts to help remedy:

  • Anti-Viral
  • Burns (topical)
  • Cuts (topical)
  • Hemorrhoids (topical)
  • Immune System Booster
  • Nail Fungus
  • Open Wounds (topical)
  • Puncture Wounds (topical)
  • Radiation Damage
  • Ringworm (topical)
  • Scabies (topical)
  • Skin Abrasions (topical)
  • Skin Ulcers (topical)
  • Streptococcus Mutans (bacteria found in dental cavities)
  • Warts (topical)

Now that you know the healing qualities of pitch, don’t get mad next time you go outdoors, finding pine sap on your gear, hands, and clothes.  Collect some of it for emergency fire-starting and emergency first-aid.  But if you want ready-to-go pitch products, here’s a company I listed several years ago.  The company is called NATR.  You know what NATR stands for – Native American Tree Resin; and NATR offers some amazing products that contain healing pitch (resin and sap) from Douglas Firs and Yellow Pines off the California Pacific Coast.  Products like PAV, Turpoleen, Kare Plus, O’Healive Oil, and Tag-Away.  By the way, PAV contains petroleum jelly.

Heinerman Frostbite Remedy:  Dr. John Heinerman, author of Natural Remedies From Around The World, is a renowned medical researcher.  He’s authored more than a dozen books and many have been translated into 12 different languages.  And his latest book – Natural Remedies From Around The World – is worthy of your purchase.

This frostbite remedy comes from Walter Crawford Kelly’s (cartoon strip – Pogo) grandfather.  During WWII, Kelly worked in the Foreign Language Institute of the Armed Forces Institute.  He wrote up language manuals.  One day he was out in the cold too long and was struck with frostbite on his fingers and toes.  Remembering an old frostbite remedy from his grandfather, Kelly went to work putting the frostbite concoction together.

He took a teaspoon of good ol’ Ben Gay and stirred in ONLY 05-drops of turpentine.  Once the frostbite concoction was thoroughly stirred together, it’s applied to each frostbite site.  The feet are then covered and protected with wool socks and the hands and fingers covered and protected with cotton gloves.  Kelley stated it worked so good ‘the effects of the frostbite had completely disappeared from these body extremities.’

Indian Healing Survival Tricks Using Beavers:  In North America, beavers also called castor (Greek) numbered in the millions from north of the Gulf line and east of the Great Plains and also west of the Great Plains.  Beavers provided food, clothing, tools, and used to barter for other materials from surrounding Indian tribes and white man traders.  As one Indian stated to father Le Jeune “The beaver does everything well, it makes kettles, hatchets, swords, knives, bread; and, in short, it makes everything.”  Below are a few beaver survival tricks used by various Indian tribes (Assiniboins, Bannocks, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Chippewa, Crees, Crows, Flathead, Huron, Iroquois, Micmac, Nez Perces, Ottawas, Sioux, Snakes) and fur trappers in North America during the 1500s – 1800s.

Note:  This segment is focused on First-Aid Applications.

a) Beaver Food: Beaver food is important cause I believe it reflects the healing qualities of all beaver parts. Those very busy intelligent beavers had a good appetite.  Their favorite tree food was the aspen tree followed by the cottonwood.  Indians looked for these trees and signs of gnawing, cutting, wood chips, and drag marks to beaver lodges.  Sections of these trees were anchored underwater for winter food.  The cold water kept the wood fresh and green.  Other tree foods included alder, bird’s eye maple, black ash, box elder, pin cherry, poplar trees, silver maple, viburnum – witch hopple, white ash, wild cherry, yellow birch trees,…

b) Healing Castoreum: Castoreum was from the beaver itself. A waterproofing oil from the castoreum sac – 02 large glands located in front of the rectum.  The beaver grooms itself for hours with this waterproofing castor oil.  This foul scented oil was used in various trappings. Many recorded accounts have touted castoreum as a healing wonder.  Castoreum was not only a great ingredient to bait natural and manmade beaver traps but may also be a healing wonder!  As early as 400 B.C., Hippocrates suggested that castoreum may be a valuable curative.  The following are noted accounts of healing castoreum:

  • Alertness
  • Colic
  • Deafness
  • Earache
  • Gout
  • Headache
  • Hiccoughs
  • Insomnia
  • Liver tumors
  • Rattlesnake snakebite
  • Sciatica (back & leg pain)
  • Scorpion stings
  • Spider stings
  • Tarantula stings
  • Toothache (You must see 2nd Pounding Toothache Remedy.)
  • Vision
  • Water Moccasin snakebite

c) Beaver Fat: Not only was castoreum touted as a healer, the beavers fur was also used as a healer. Folks wearing  beaver hats said they could think clearer!  And beaver skin was also touted as a healer and so was its fat.  Indians carried bladders of beaver fat to help remedy:

  • Animal bites
  • Burns
  • Insect bites
  • Prevent facial frostbite
  • Scratches
  • Sores

Note:  How about other animal fat?  Makes you think uh; but keep reading why beavers heal.

d) Castoreum Insulator: And as an old Indian trick I’ve told you about a few times before, Indians smeared beaver fat over the hands, arms, feet, legs, and entire body to protect them and insulate them from cold temperatures even when submerged in freezing water. See Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (VPJ) Healer.

e) Healing Beaver: You just read data on the healing wonders of castoreum, beaver fur, beaver skin, and beaver fat. Does it really work and if it does why?  Well folks you heard it here first.  In my very humble opinion it works and here’s why.  The beavers favorite and main diet consists bark and wood of many trees.  And that wood may contain trace elements of a healing ingredient called proanthocyanidins – namely a supplement you can buy that has proanthocyanidins called pycnogenol.  And the beaver’s diet may reflect on the healing qualities of its fur, skin, castoreum, and fat.  And eating a daily diet of proanthocyanidins may be the secret behind the healing qualities of the beaver.

“In 1535, the French explorer, Jaques Cartier, became ice bound on the St. Lawrence River.  With no fresh vegetables or fruit, his crew came down with scurvy.  Local natives helped the crew with a tea brewed from needles and bark of Canadian pine trees.  The scurvy was eliminated and Cartier recorded the good news in his journal.  400 years later, a French bioflavonoid researcher recognized that the tea must be rich in flavonoids and isolated the active component, proanthocyanidins, in samples of pine bark from the St. Lawrence River Basin.  He also tested other pine trees from around the world and discovered that the richest source of proanthocyanidins was from the French maritime pine, Pinus Maritima.  Pycnogenol was the result.”  

When you get in a jam do you have to use the Pinus Maritima tree to prevent scurvy and add those vital nutrients for better health?  Heck no.  For proof, German POWs used a different pine tree and so did pioneers throughout North America.

For you folks that have the Gettysburg Program (110-page version or 667-page version) , you know what I’m talking about.  But for you folks that don’t have the Gettysburg Program, here’s a rewrite about pycnogenol.

What is Pycnogenol and what can it do for me?

Pycnogenol is an extract from the maritime pine consisting of proanthocyanidins and water-soluble nutrients.  Pycnogenol, a specific blend of bioflavonoids (patented), a “super protector nutrient” is a made up of powerful antioxidant nutrients for use to scavenge free radicals.

The mixture of nutrients can help you live better longer, stay healthier and appear more youthful.

Pycnogenol is noted to protect you from approximately 80 diseases, including arthritis, cancer, heart disease and most non-germ diseases which are linked to the deleterious chemical action of free radicals.

It is well known and documented that antioxidant nutrients protect the body’s cells from the attack free radicals.  Free radicals form during normal metabolism and are multiplied by environmental pollutants and radiation.  Pycnogenol slows the damage associated with aging, restores elasticity and smoothness to skin because of its influence on skin protein, nourishes blood cells and blood vessels.

This amazing antioxidant alleviates hay fever, other allergies, strengthens capillaries to reduce edema, bruising and varicose veins…  If Pycnogenol was not safe, it would not have been allowed to be sold in so many countries for so many years.  As long as Pycnogenol is sold without drug-like claims, it is available as a nutrient-rich food supplement.

Is Pycnogenol safe to use?

Pycnogenol has been extensively tested for decades.  Studies include acute and gross toxicity, mutagenicity, carcinogenic and teratogenic studies.

Can Pycnogenol help with Allergies?

It has been noted for some time that bioflavonoids can control allergies.  Allergies are usually treated with antihistamines.  Antihistamines work by interfering with the binding of histamine to cells after its release.  Pycnogenol and other bioflavonoids act to prevent histamine release in the first place.

Many physicians in Europe reported that Pycnogenol was their first recommendation for hay fever and related allergies.  In their opinion, Pycnogenol is extremely effective, safe and available at a lower cost than synthetic drugs.

How about varicose veins?

According to a German study, 77% of 110 people (84) with varicose veins showed a clear improvement in the size of their varicosities.

How about Diabetic Retinopathy?

Pycnogenol has been licensed in France for years to treat diabetic retinopathy.  In one clinical study where 40 patients were given 80mg to 120mg of Pycnogenol daily for a week followed by 40mg to 80mg daily for up to four months, ninety percent of the recipients had a reduction in micro capillary bleeding and their eyesight improved!

Note:  You can find pycnogenol supplements at your favorite health food store.

f) Beaver Band-Aid: Let me give you one more healing use of beaver parts. Matted beaver hair was used on wounds to stop the bleeding.  And it was thought a good blood stopper after other stypics (astringents) failed.

g) Treblinka Fur Healer: I’m going out on a limb here so here it goes. Some prisoners of Treblinka (Treblinka, Poland – WWII) actually recovered from their wasting away and here’s how they did it.

The sickliest of prisoners were hidden in piles of fur coats taken from thousands of Jews living in ghettos.  Hiding prisoners slept all day long and rested.  This may go on for days.  Tea was smuggled to them by other working prisoners.  The piles of furs were safe hiding places for German guards feared the piles of furs and kept their distance for they assumed the furs were saturated with lice that carried typhus.

Now how did some of the sickliest prisoners of Treblinka recover from their wasting away.  Was it the rest?  Was it the tea*?  Was it the combination of rest and tea?  In my humble opinion, it was none of these.  I feel these sickly prisoners were actually recovered from the furs around them.  The healing furs were probably beaver furs.

Israeli Lace Instant Instep Remedy:  Of all the ’14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know!’, this first-aid application is so simple.  It cured the constant instep pain in both feet instantly.  OK, here’s the true story.

I (author) call this Israeli Lace.  I thought you might want to know about the “Israeli Lace” discovered by yours truly!!!  While a young buck Sgt. working in Phase 1 Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC – Green Berets) at Camp Mackall, NC (late 70s early 80s) I had the very rare opportunity (experimental) to see one class of Phase 1 students come through made up of Officers and Enlisted.  Phase 1, back then, was only for enlisted soldiers but they wanted Officers to go thru Phase 1 for a change.  Anyway, this particular Phase 1 Class had foreign officers from all over the world.

This class was historical because it had 02 Israelis, and their sworn enemies right next to them, 02 Egyptians and 02 Jordanians.  Plus 02 South Korean Officers as well as several more foreign Officers and a bunch of American Officers & Enlisted.

One day while doing an open-ranks inspection, I came upon the Israeli Officer.  I gave him the usual look up and down and noticed his boots were laced differently.  They were laced in a S-fashion rather than the standard military criss-cross method!  I made no comments to him and went on to the next soldier.

During Phase 1 there is a great deal of physical training (ruck force marches, runs, self-defense, obstacle courses, land navigation, and patrolling plus if you have to take more than 02-steps in any direction while on the compound during daylight hours, you have to run!!!) in other words you’re always on your feet moving from A to B all day and night for 30-days.

Now here’s my point to the “Israeli Lace.”  I’ve always had problems with my instep.  It hurts, itches, and bleeds due to the way the boot and the tongue of the boot rubs against the instep of my foot cause the way the boot laces are criss-crossed.  I remembered how the Israeli Officer laced-up his boot so I thought I’d give it a try!  First, I completely unlaced both my boots.  I tied an over-hand knot in one end of the shoe string and ran it through the outer left grommet of the left boot.

The shoe string didn’t feed completely through because the over-hand knot held it in place.  Then I fed the shoe string through the inside right grommet followed by the outside left grommet and continued this S-weave till the shoe string is now hanging outside the right grommet of the left boot.  To secure it I simply tied a half-hitch and tucked the remaining lace in my boot.

I laced-up my right boot the same way.  I got up and walked around and I couldn’t believe it!  It CURED the instep problems right then and there – INSTANTLY!!!  I’ve walked around in pain for years and the CURE was so simple!  Too good to be true!  So to prove it I carried-on with the ruck-runs and runs with full gear and my instep felt great!  I then called it the “Israeli Lace” cause I got the idea from an Israeli Officer!  Go Israel – The Chosen People!

If you have problems with your instep, give the Israeli Lace a try!  Let me know if it works for you!  But that’s not the end of the story.  If you wear boots for your outdoor adventures (I hope you do) throw out those regular shoe strings and “Israeli Lace” your boots with 550-cord.  550-cord is actually parachute cord and the tensile strength of the cord is 550-pounds, thus 550-cord!  Inside the outer cord are 04-strands of smaller but strong cord!  Using 550-cord, if your boot lace is 33-inches long, like mine are, with 02 550-cord laces you actually have 330-inches of cord (02 outer & 8 inner).

330-inches of cord on you at all times to Survive Anytime Anywhere!  The cord can be used for many, many field-craft applications!  So lace up your boots using 550-cord & lace em’ up using “Israeli Lace!”

Oh almost forgot, to keep the ends of the 550-cord from fraying once you measure out your 02 laces for your boots, burn both ends shut using a match!  Be careful cause the nylon cord will melt and drip and it’s painfully hot!  You must see Aching Feet No More.

Laydon’s Burn And POUNDING Pain Remedy:  Of the ’14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know!’, pay attention to this first-aid application cause like all the other first-aid application – IT WORKS!

I heard a story of a lady that burned her fingers from hot grease.  The burn site (tips of 03 fingers – 1st and 2nd degree burns) was 1/3rd the size of my burn (keep reading).

After everything was said and done, the uninsured casualty paid more than $800.00 of medical bills.

The morning of 010900C October 2006, I (author) was pouring boiling hot water right off the stove into my Thermos thermos bottle to make tea.  This way I can make twice the amount of tea using only 03 tea bags instead of the recommended 06 tea bags.  By steeping the tea bags in the thermos for a couple hours, I get the same amount of tea for 1/2 the price.

Anyway, I was pouring boiling hot water straight off the stove into my thermos through a funnel.  The funnel moved and the hot boiling water poured onto my left hand.  It took a second or 02 for the burn to register.

I stopped pouring the hot water on my hand and wrist but I stubbornly still held my thermos so not to spill the contents into the sink.  It turns out half my hand and part of my wrist had very bad burns (STOP SIGN RED) and then the NON-STOP STINGING THROBBING PAIN followed.  I gotta tell you, CONTINOUS PAIN will stop you from making the correct survival decisions cause you’re overwhelmed with nagging pounding pain – you can’t think straight.   So you have to do something to STOP or at least minimize the pain.

Anyway, I initially put some Super PAV ointment on it but the pain didn’t lessen a lick.  So I went to my A-Z Index to find some home remedies for the burns (all red – [completely burned-off all the skin], swelling, and blistering).

The following is my own R&D for burn remedies and I even gave them a rating for pain and timeliness.

a) Super PAV: Super PAV from NATR IS great topical healer but it does nothing immediately for pain.  After a few hours, I took off the Super PAV and then tried Sensodine Fresh Mint Toothpaste (SFMT).

b) Sensodine Fresh Mint Toothpaste (SFMT): I have to tell you, this toothpaste works. The pain is 95% gone!  I applied a good dose of this toothpaste and gently covered all the areas.  Within minutes I started feeling relief and within 30-minutes, the pain was 95% gone.  Reapply as needed.  What about other toothpastes?

Note:  Toothpaste must be a white paste not a gel.  SFMT is green in color.

c) Colgate Cavity Protection (CCP): Colgate has more than a few toothpaste products. You need the original white paste  Anyway, I removed the SFMT by gently rubbing the area under cold water.  The SFMT had some lasting pain relief even after it was completely removed for it took 06-minutes for the burning pounding pain to return with a vengeance.  Anyway, I generously applied CCP to the burn site.  In only 04-minutes, I already started feeling pain relief.  And like the SFMT, 95% of the pain is gone.  Reapply as needed.

1st Most Important Note:  Under cold running water, I gently removed the CCP to carry-on with the remaining burn pain remedies.  After waiting 01-hour, the PAIN DID NOT RETURN!  The hand remained somewhat swollen with a little blistering and discolored, but the PAIN DID NOT RETURN!  Thus I discontinued my R&D for I will not deliberately burn myself with boiling hot water.  Just to make sure, I reapplied the CCP to ensure the burning pain did not return.  However, if you truly want this R&D, send me $50,000.00 and I’ll do it just for you!!!!  Yes, I’ll put everything on camera.  BOTTOM LINE – CCP IS THE BEST POUNDING PAIN & BURN REMEDY!

2nd Most Important Note:  In my humble opinion, CCP works so good against burns, a fresh tube of CCP should be in every medicine cabinet, every first-aid kit, every fire truck, every ambulance, and every emergency room.  Trust me, I’m telling you this is the best burn remedy that I have ever come across and used – IT WORKS!  Now let’s carry-on with my R&D.

d) Nature’s Gate Winter Gel Natural Toothpaste(NGWGNT): The reason I added NGWGNT is because in the 2008 AASN – Toothpaste Fire-Starting, you’ll learn how I used it to start an emergency fire. Now let’s see if we can extinguish burning pain with it.  I stated earlier that you should use toothpastes that have paste in them and not gelsNGWGNT own name states that it’s a gel but let’s see if it works anyway.

I liberally applied NGWGNT to the burn site and did get some relief but I was still in pain.  The NGWGNT was better than nothing.  Again, see Colgate Cavity Protection(CCP).

e) Tomato: Slice a tomato and place the fresh slice(s) on the burn site. Repeat as necessary.

f) Onion: Slice an onion and place the fresh slice(s) on the burn site. Repeat as necessary.  Onion is complimented with antibacterial qualities.

g) Potato: Slice a potato and place the fresh slice(s) on the burn site. Repeat as necessary.

h) Honey: Liberally apply honey to the burn site. Clean and reapply as necessary.  RFIR

i) Acupressure: First degree burns are indicated by a redness of skin. This can be brought on by exposure to the sun, heat, or chemicals.  More serious burns are categorized as 2nd (blisters), 3rd (destruction of skin), 4th (muscle & bone damage & destruction), and 5th degree burns (muscle & bone damage & destruction).  This acupressure application is orientated towards 1st degree burns only.  The points are located on the inside of each hand where it meets the wrist and centered on the crease located there.  Apply firm pressure.  Pain should diminish soon.  Repeat application as needed.

Note: RFIR = Requires Further Intensive Research.


Burn Remedy Pain Definitions!

I divided pain remedy into the following ratings based on pain relief itself and the time it took to relieve the pain.

Excellent Plus—Relieves pain within 30-minutes and initially 90%+ of the pain is gone.  Soon after there is 100% pain relief and the pain does not return (01+ hour) even after the concoction is completely removed.  Highly recommended.

Excellent—Relieves pain within 30-minutes and 90%+ of the pain is gone.

Good—Relieves pain within 60-minutes and 70%+ of the pain is gone.

Fair—Relieves pain within 90-minutes and 50%+ of the pain is gone.

Poor—Fails to relieve any  pain for 03+ hours.

RFIR—Requires Further Intensive Research.

Burn Remedy Pain Ratings!

a) Super PAV: Poor

b) SFMT: Excellent

c) CCP: Excellent Plus

d) NGWGNT: Fair

e) Onion: RFIR

f) Tomato: RFIR

g) Potato: RFIR

h) Honey: RFIR

i) Acupressure: RFIR

RFIR = Requires Further Intensive Research

BOTTOM LINE:  Colgate Cavity Protection (original white paste toothpaste) is the BEST & QUICKEST BURN & POUNDING PAIN remedy I have ever used.


Pain Relief For Cuts:  On 04 September 2015 (Friday), I got a good cut from one of my cats.  Even for a small cut – it hurt.  I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before, but remember in the 2007 AASN – Laydon’s Burn Remedies?  Remember I talked about Colgate Cavity Protection CCP’ – (original white paste toothpaste)?

Remember I said it took away the POUNDING PAIN in about 02-minutes and never came back.

Well I have 03 tubes of that stuff standing by 24/7 CAUSE IT WORKS!  So pain is pain.  Why wouldn’t CCP work for pian from a cut?  So I applied some CCP and YES in about 02-minutes the pain was gone! But the story doesn’t end there.

On 05 September 2015 (Saturday) at 0730 hours, I was laying in bed.  A cat named Cocoa (female black cat) was underneath the covers next to me.  Another cat jumped on the bed next to me and Cocoa went ballistic.  In the 500mph slicing with her front paws I got cut 03-times on my left index finger.  Instantly the PAIN kicked-in.  Again, I went to my medicine cabinet in the bathroom and applied the CCP.  This time I started my chrono on my watch.

In only 01-minute and 35-seconds I noticed the pain going away.  In 02-minutes and 07-seconds the pain was gone completely and never returned.

Now you know Colgate Cavity Protection CCP’ – (original white paste toothpaste) can be used for PAIN no matter its source.  Wait, I’m not done yet, why stop the PAIN in a survival situation or any situation?  Here’s a quote from the Anytime Anywhere Survival Program: Pain is your body’s way of telling you that you have an injury.  Pain in itself is not harmful, but it does make you uncomfortable.  You may not notice the pain if your mind is concentrated on other matters.

If you let it, pain can get the best of you.  It can weaken your WILL TO SURVIVE.  Tolerate the pain by understanding it’s source and nature.  Recognize it as something to be tolerated.  Concentrate on things you need to do (think, plan, & keep busy).  Take pride in your ability to tolerate the pain.

EMERGENCY POUNDING PAIN UPDATE:  Of all the ’14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know!’ – YOU HAVE TO READ THIS SEGMENT to prove Colgate Cavity Protection Toothpaste really works!

What you just read previously was written and updated on 07 September 2015.  Talk about BAD LUCK.  It is now 071825C September 2015 (Monday).  About 10-minutes ago, I was running in my house like a sissy girly man.  I was out at my carport cleaning it up when I somehow got ZAPPED in my left hand on all 05-fingers at the same time.  I thought I hit a live wire.  It felt like painful JOLT OF HIGH VOLT ELECTRICITY!  It was instant EXPLODING PAIN!

As I ran off I glanced to my right and behind me and sighted 01 may be 02 wasps.  I ran into my bathroom and grabbed the cardboard box of Colgate Cavity Protection CCP’ – (original white paste toothpaste).

MAN oh MAN those 05 stings hurt like crazy and they tagged me on all 05-fingers all at the same time.  I’ll be honest with you, the pain didn’t go away in 02-minutes.  This time it took about 05-minutes.  At this time there is no swelling.  If there was, I’d already be on my way to the hospital.  Thank God I’m not allergic to bees, wasps,…  I’d probably be dead.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  Now that you read & viewed ’14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know!’ You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere.  However, before you go out on your next outdoor adventure, please re-read “How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure!”

14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

Thank you for taking interest in my Survival Work.  I just re-published “169+ Mountain Man Survival Tricks!”  I’ve added more mountain man survival tricks from one of the baddest men to ever walk this Earth – mountain man James ‘Jim’ Clyman.

Here’s a list of the survival subjects you can learn from so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!

  • Mountain Man – James ‘Jim’ Clyman
  • Clyman’s Catching Beavers
  • Lewis & Clark Beaver Attractant
  • Clyman’s Campfire Learnin’
  • Clyman’s Evasion
  • Clyman’s Water Finding
  • Clyman’s On The Job Doctoring
  • Jedediah’s Emergency Surgery
  • Crow Indian ‘Art Of Suffering’
  • Clyman’s Buffalo Hunt
  • Clyman’s Fire-Starting
  • Clyman’s Fighting Hypothermia
  • Clyman’s Buffalo Hunt, Again
  • Clyman’s Water Finding, Again
  • Clyman’s 600-Mile Evasion
  • Clyman’s Evasion, Again
  • Mountain Men Best Guides & Best Advice
  • Mountain Man Tasty Canine Vittles
  • Invisible Mountain Men
  • Clyman’s Weather Forecasting
  • Clyman’s Catfish Fishing
  • Clyman’s Bear Hunting

And don’t forget about all the other “169+ Mountain Man Survival Tricks!” from all the other bad ass mountain men.

14 Emergency First Aid Applications You Have To Know

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

See     ”52 Survival Books!”

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