Did You Know There Are 20 Ways Water Kills, Hurts, Heals And Saves Lives Every Day?

Here’s a list of 19 Ways Water Kills, Hurts & Saves Lives Every Day:

  • Drownings
  1. Alcohol Related
  2. Non-Swimmers
  3. Cold Water
  4. RMS Titanic
  5. Hypothermia Water Survival Table

  • Dry Drowning
  • Cold Water Diving Reflex
  1. Shallow Water Blackout

  • Water Thermal Conductivity
  • Suspended Animation
  1. Siberian Cold Heart Operation

  • Hypothermia
  • Drinking Salt Water
  • Drinking Too Much Salt Water
  • Drinking Too Much Fresh Water
  • Drinking Contaminated Water
  • Tap Water
  • Tsunamis
  • Flash Floods
  • Mud Slides
  • Dehydration
  1. Lack Of Water Dulls The Mind

  • Forced Hydration
  • Swimming Pools
  • Red Tide Sure Killer
  • Emergency Fire-Starting
  1. Water
  2. Urination
  3. Saliva
  4. Snowball
  5. Drop of water

  • Cold Water Cures

OK, let’s get started with the obvious – Drownings.

DROWNINGS:  According to the latest statistics, approximately 3,500 to 4,000 Americans drown each year.  That’s 09 to 10 drowning every day throughout the United States.  And approximately 320,000 people worldwide drown each year.  That comes to 36 drownings every hour, 24-hours a day.

Before I carry-on, let tell you something.  If I said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times, if you can’t swim – STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ALL WATER OBSTACLES (creeks, rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, swamps,…) and all swimming pools.

a) Alcohol Related Drownings: The exact number of alcohol related drownings each year is unknown.  But alcohol related drownings include:

  • Collisions with other watercraft
  • Hitting swimmers
  • Falling overboard
  • Unable to swim (strong swimmer)
  • Unable to swim (non-swimmer)
  • Cold water (strong & weak swimmer)

b) Non-Swimmers: Non-swimmers are a threat to themselves and even strong swimmers when near or in a water environment.  If you’re a non-swimmer near any water obstacle or already in a water obstacle – YOO’RE ASKING FOR IT!  The only time a non-swimmer should be in a water environment is when the non-swimmer is in the shallow end of the swimming pool and taking swimming lessons under the observation of life-guards.

c) Cold Water: Trust me on this one.  We are all warm-blooded fragile creatures of comfort.  I don’t care if you’re Mark Spitz (09 Olympic Gold Medals) or Michael Phelps (23 Olympic Gold Medals), once you’re submerged in cold frigid water, your swimming abilities go out the window like right now.  Your body, the muscles in your body go to crap super quick and the muscles in your body can’t or won’t perform like you want them to because of the frigid water temperatures.  Here’s an historical example:

d) RMS Titanic: The night the RMS Titanic sank (14 – 15 April 1912 – Sunday / Monday night) in the North Atlantic Ocean, water temperatures were estimated at 28-degrees Fahrenheit.  This would have the Titanic passengers in the water with a survival time of 10-minutes or less.  My point to this, is that when submerged in frigid cold water even much less cold water, it could be extremely dangerous.  Moving salt water does not freeze.  Below is the Hypothermia Water Survival Table.  And see Water Thermal Conductivity below.

Hypothermia Water Survival Table


         Water Temperature             Exhaustion & Max Time               Unconscious Survival Time


—————–32.5° F                                      15-min                                                  15-45 min


—————–32.5°-40° F                               15-30min                                              30-90 min


—————-40°-50° F                                   30-60min                                              01-03 hrs


—————50°-60° F                                     01-02hrs                                               01-06 hrs


————–60°-70° F                                       02-07hrs                                               02-04 hrs


————–70°-80° F                                       03-12hrs                                               03 hours+

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  Folks, I know what I’m talking about when it comes to the misery of being cold and wet and surviving when submerged in cold water environments.

DRY DROWNING:  The following segment on Dry Drowning was taken from www.kdsk.com on approximately 11 June 2017.  Drowning is the 5th leading cause of unintentional injury in death in the United States and 01 in 05 are children 14-years and younger.

Most people have never heard of Dry Drowning.  Did you know children die of drowning on dry land with no water around.  Dry Drowning also called ‘secondary drowning’, can strike hours after a child has had a near drowning experience.

According to Purva Grover, medical director at the Cleveland Clinic Children’s Pediatric Emergency Department, if a child ingests just a “few gasps” of water in a swimming pool, is at risk for Dry Drowning at a later time.

Purva Grover states: “You might not witness your child inhale any pool water, but it is important to watch out for signs soon after an event that could cause dry drowning.”

Dry Drowning happens after a child inhales water through the mouth or nostrils which ends up in the lungs.  The lungs spasm which makes breathing difficult, the lungs are irritated from the water and fill even more with its own fluids.

According to Purva Grover, the symptoms of Dry Drowning can surface 24 to 48-hours after inhaling water.  The symptoms of Dry Drowning are:

  • Coughing
  • Fever
  • Mood swings
  • Struggling for breath
  • Vomiting

Purva Grover advises:  “My best advice is when a child has a near-drowning event in water, the first thing is to get a professional opinion.”

COLD WATER DIVING REFLEX:  Folks, one of the most unforgiving environments are frigid cold weather environments.  Worse yet are killer cold water environments.  The human body is not designed to hold-up in cold weather environments for any length of time or even short periods.

Once the core temperature drops below 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit – problems arise and get worse real quick the lower the body temperature drops.  Simple shivering is a sign of hypothermia.

As I said, killer cold water environments are the worst.  But there may be a way to bring back the dead, it’s called Cold Water Diving Reflex.  Let me go back in time and tell you a true story so you can better understand Cold Water Diving Reflex.

Several years ago, during the cold winter months in Fargo, North Dakota, an 11-year old boy with his sled was having fun like any other boy.  The boy and his sled were over frozen water when he fell through the ice.

Fargo Rescue and other nearby departments were soon dispatched to the scene.  Rescue workers deployed their boats into the water, breaking the ice and probing for the boy’s body with grappling poles.

As more and more minutes went by, one would think that there was no hope for the young boy.  But the rescue workers knew something most people are unaware of – it’s called Cold Water Diving ReflexCold Water Diving Reflex not only retards the metabolism but puts the body’s main organs in suspended animation to hold-off death!

The multiple rescue workers were betting that if they found the boy real soon, Cold Water Diving Reflex would help them save the boy.

After 45 minutes under water, the boy was finally hooked – they found him.  He was brought into the boat where they brought him to shore.  His body temperature was only 77-degrees – he was dead dead!  Immediate CPR was applied to the boy on the way to the hospital.  The paramedics revived the boy!

At the hospital, the young boy made a full recovery!  He was under the frigid water for 45-minutes and survived!  He survived because of Cold Water Diving Reflex!

a) Shallow Water Blackout: Most folks when they witness or find a person that has just drowned they give-up on them. They figure they’re dead dead.  Nobody can do anything.  Well that’s not the case.

When I was in the military, I talked with several soldiers who failed the US Army Scuba School and they all told me the same thing.  They all had to pass “pre-scuba” before being allowed to go to scuba school.  Pre-Scuba is like scuba school.  Bottom line you have to prove you’re a dang good swimmer.  Anyway, these soldiers told me they’d deploy to Key West, Florida and they’d do their swimming drills (no air) and underwater stress drills and eventually scuba students would pass out underwater – Shallow Water Blackout.

They told me Shallow Water Blackout was very common in the US Army Special Forces scuba school – no big deal, it happens all the time and frequently.

The instructors would drag you out of the water, and easily revive you.  With Shallow Water Blackout you’re not drowned yet.  They told me with Shallow Water Blackout the muscles in the bottom of your neck save you.

These muscles tighten-up & close and stop any water from getting in your lungs.  After a few minutes, these same muscles can’t hold their grip any longer and they relax and let the water in your lungs – now it’s drowning.

They told me most scuba students get revived and are asked if they want to quit – most say NO and keep going but a few say yes.

Some scuba students have several Shallow Water Blackouts but they’re stubborn, they have big hearts and keep trying but are terminated anyway because they’re a threat to themselves and the scuba team.  They need to practice to be in better shape and especially a better swimmer to prevent Shallow Water Blackout .

You ever hear about people jumping into cold water head first and immediately drown?  The water was so cold, they probably took a gasp of air or tried to and sucked in all that cold water.  Well in most cases, they did not drown – it’s Shallow Water Blackout .  Just put them on their stomach and pump the water out of them and they’ll come to.

If not, call 911 first and immediately start CPR.  Now you know the difference between Shallow Water Blackout and drowning.

Note:  Some of these Special Forces soldiers that failed scuba school told me they were so traumatized from their Shallow Water Blackout(s) that when they re-deployed back to their home (Fort Bragg, Fort Campbell, Fort Lewis,…), for a few weeks they were actually scared to take a bath or take a shower.

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WATER THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY:  In my humble opinion, you’ll die a lot quicker in super cold water or just plain cold water temperatures than you will being dry in your clothes and exposed to super cold air temperatures and here’s why.  It’s called Water Thermal Conductivity (WTC).  Water has a thermal conductivity that’s about 25-times greater than still air.

And worse yet, if that cold water is moving, the thermal conductivity is 50 to 100-times greater!  Meaning that cold water will drop your core body temperature from a normal 98.6-degrees Fahrenheit to a hypothermic state, then a suspended animation state, then death, a heck of a lot quicker (like – right now) than a cold air temperature and that’s even if you’re SWIMMING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!

Remember that Hypothermia Water Survival Table I gave you earlier in this Survival Book?  Check out those survival times in cold water according to the water temperature.  And don’t forget about the victims of the Titanic.  Here’s a quote from that Table:

“The night the RMS Titanic sank (14 – 15 April 1912 – Sunday / Monday night) in the North Atlantic Ocean, water temperatures were estimated at 28-degrees Fahrenheit. 

This would have the Titanic passengers in the water with a survival time of 10-minutes or less.  My point to this, is that when submerged in frigid cold water even much less cold water, it could be extremely dangerous.” 

See Ice Support Measurements Table and Cold Water Diving Reflex – They’re Still Alive.

Most Important Note:  In my other Survival Book “American Elite Fighters – Are US Tax Payers Getting Their Money’s Worth?”  I relate one story where I was in excellent shape and a darn good swimmer.  But one swim test I took (fatigues & gear), the water was super cold water – it was like my body refused to work.  I couldn’t swim.

Half way through the swim test, my breast stroke gave out, I couldn’t side stroke, so I flipped over on my back and kicked & stroked for every inch closer to the end.  I barely passed the swim test all because the super cold water had my body shutting down.  It was warmer outside than inside the building.

I have no idea how they got that water to be so cold.  I’ve done plenty of swim tests in my military career and patrolled plenty of water-laden swamps, some with the cold water just barely below my chin, but them PT (physical training) tests followed by them swim tests for the Advanced Navigation Course whooped me real good.  I barely passed the swim tests so I know them poor Titanic victims didn’t stand a chance.

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PS  Here’s a perfect example of WATER THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY.   Next time you’re having a cookout on a hot beautiful day, fill your cooler with your favorite drinks followed by cubed ice.  Wait about 30-minutes.  Take one of your drinks, open it and take a drink.  Is it cold like you want it?  Probably not.

Now add water to your cooler till the combination is like slushy.  Wait just 05-minutes minutes.  Take another drink from your cooler, open it and take a drink.  You’ll find your drink is much colder than the 1st one without the WATER THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY.

Now imagine yourself in that same cold water?  It’s lights out permanently unless you remedy the survival threat real quick.  See EMERGENCY FIRE-STARTING below.

SUSPENDED ANIMATION:  Here’s the Google definition:  Suspended animation is the temporary slowing or stopping of biological function so that physiological capabilities are preserved. It may be either hypometabolic or a metabolic in nature. It may be induced by either endogenous, natural or artificial biological, chemical or physical means.

a) Siberian Cold Heart Operation: Super high tech medical devices and machines are not available in Siberia. So doctors like Dr. Elena Litasova at the Institute of Circulation and Pathology in Novosibirsk_________, performs a medical operation without a heart & lung machine.  What does she use?

Plain ol’ ice.  The ice reduces the body temperature down to 72-degrees Fahrenheit.  The heart and blood flow are temporary stopped to avoid oxygen deprivation.  The “cold heart operation” is performed and later the heart re-started.  For proof this technique may work, see Cold Water Diving Reflex.

HYPOTHERMIA:  We are warm-blooded fragile creatures of comfort.  Our normal core body temperature thermostat is set at 98.6-degrees Fahrenheit.  When that core temperature drops below 98.6-degrees Fahrenheit, hypothermia begins to take effect on our bodies.  The lower the body temperature drops, the more the body is unable to conduct normal body functions and abilities.

Cold water robs the body of heat 32-times faster than cold air temperatures.  Early recognizable symptoms of hypothermia are:

  • uncontrolled shivering
  • slurred speech

Our bodies are very very fragile and they have a fragile internal stove that attempts to keep our body at a healthy constant temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.  When your body is exposed to cold air or frigid cold water temperatures it attempts to keep you warm, but it can’t possibly maintain a body temperature of 98.6 degrees because the volume of cold air or water is beyond colossal.

Your body can’t possibly put out enough heat to warm an entire ocean to meet an equilibrium temperature so your body is warmly safe.  And your body can’t possibly put out enough heat to warm all the cold air around you to meet an equilibrium temperature so your body is warmly safe at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

It’s impossible.  This is how killer equilibrium is taking effects on survivors in cold weather environments every second of every day.

Stages of Hypothermia are:

  • Hypothermic state
  • Suspended animation state (see COLD WATER DIVING REFLEX)
  • Death


DRINKING SALT WATER:  Most people and even the experts will tell you that you can’t drink salt water because it will lead to serious medical ailments.  And I agree.

However, in an emergency situation, small portions of salt water can be consumed to save your life when faced with severe dehydration.  Let me tell you about Dr. Alain Bombard, author of The Bombard Story.

Dr. Alain Bombard proved salt water can save lives of lost isolated survivors out at sea.  Dr. Bombard studied the effects of consuming salt water and found that the body can consume allowable amounts of salt water to hydrate the body without deadly results.

To prove his research, on 19 October 1951, Dr. Bombard set out at sea on his 01-man rubber dingy.  With no support, no food nor fresh water to consume on his 65-days out at sea,

Dr. Bombard drank fresh water squeezed from fish, salt water and rain water.  Bombard also ate birds and fish he captured while out at sea.  Bombard did eat 01 small meal while briefly aboard a ship.

In total, Bombard drank fresh water he squeezed from the fish he captured, drank rain water, and of his 65-days out at sea, he drank sea water for a total of 14-days.

Bombard also discovered that salt water can be consumed WITHOUT the sickly & deadly affects preached by seamen to experts across the globe and throughout history.

Bombard found that a castaway could drink up to 01 1/2 pints of salt / sea water a day without ill effects.  A pint and a half is about 24-ounces of water or 03 full cups of water.

However, consuming large amounts of sea water causes inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis) which leads to death.

1st Note:  Besides drinking fresh fish water & salt water; rain water was also consumed when available.

2nd Note:  Bombard states that there is a definite difference in taste between Mediterranean Sea water and Atlantic Ocean water.  He states: “Atlantic water tastes absolutely delicious compared with that of the Mediterranean.  Much less salty and quenches my thirst perfectly.”

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DRINKING TOO MUCH SALT WATER:  As you just read drinking too much salt water causes inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis) which may cause death.  The best bet when absolutely no fresh water is available (as in being a castaway), consider drinking minute amounts of salt water spread over the day and night and buying yourself time for the next freshwater rainfall.

DRINKING TOO MUCH FRESH WATER:  Drinking too much fresh water can lead to death too.  Commonly called Water Intoxication.  Believe it or not, drinking too much water could kill you dead.  The medical term for Water Intoxication is called Hyponatremia and people have died from drinking too much water.  Don’t believe me?

Google this headline and read it for yourself:  “The hiker who died from drinking TOO MUCH water: Excess fluid and lack of food caused her brain to fatally swell”  And here’s a Water Intoxication story for you.

On 12 January 2007 (Friday), twenty-eight year old Jennifer Strange, from Rancho Cordova, California (suburb of Sacramento) died within several hours after taking part in a competition to win a Nintendo console.  The competition was called “Hold Your Wee For A Wii.”  Players would try to drink as much water as possible without urination.

After the competition, Ms. Strange called her supervisors at her workplace and complained of a severe headache and that she was heading home.

Her mother found her deceased daughter at her home.  The next day, the assistant Sacramento County Coroner Ed Smith stated the preliminary findings indicated evidence of “consistent with a water intoxication death.”

Note:  Hyponatremia (water intoxication) takes place when the body’s sodium level drops below normal levels.  Drinking too much water in a short period of time dilutes the sodium levels in the bloodstream, causing the brain to swell and push against the skull.  Hyponatremia symptoms include nausea, severe headaches, weakness, vomiting, and in severe cases, seizures, coma and death.

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DRINKING CONTAMINATED WATER:  According to www.theworldcounts.com worldwide each year, approximately 3,575,000 people die from water related diseases.  This is equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every hour. Most of these people are children (2.2 million).

TAP WATER:  Hey, I stopped drinking Tap Water about 15-20 years ago.  When I was doing contract work for Homeland Security (2004 – 2014), I talked to one of the maintenance guys at a Federal site.  He told me the details of how the city of Saint Louis, MO processes their water used by the St. Louis populace.  It was absolutely disgusting.  That tap water was crystal clear but if you knew:

  • Where that water came from
  • How they filter it
  • How they purify it
  • And what’s in it

you’d NEVER DRINK a single drop of that tap water.

And that process is the same process used by most water processing facilities throughout the United States.

Here’s my blog post you gotta see:

Tap Water Kills And Here’s Photographic Proof!

TSUNAMIS:  If you live inland and on top of a mountain at 9,000-feet above sea level, I doubt you’ll ever have to worry about any tsunamis wiping out your existence.

A tsunami is a very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.  Many tsunamis travel as fast as 375 miles per hour!  Once they reach shallow water, they pile up into KILLER CRESTS as high as 200 feet!  In April 1946, a tsunami was recorded to have traveled from across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii (2,250 miles) in only 04 hours and 34 minutes – an average speed of a super-quick 495 miles per hour!  Folks, like flash floods, firestorms,… you can’t outrun em’!

Let me give you 02 recent historical examples of the MASSIVE DEVASTATION of tsunamis:

  • Mother Of All Tsunamis
  • Fukishimu Nuclear Disaster

a) Mother Of All Tsunamis: The Mother Of All Tsunamis (so far), hit on 26 December 2004. A massive tsunami surprised 12 nations in the Indian ocean and Bay of Bengal killing approximately 231,452 people and causing $10.7 billion in damage.  The unforgiving killing and destruction conjured-up the largest international relief effort the world has ever known.

But tribes called the Sentinelese, Shompens,… located in the Bay of Bengal had their own simple Pacific Tsunami Forecaster and escaped the tsunami’s destruction without a single fatality.   They saw the waters at seashore recede and they immediately ran inland and uphill to safety.  Minutes later, the unforgiving tsunami struck but found no ignorant ones to take their lives.  And these island people had other survival tricks to forecast killer tsunamis like:

  • Behavior of birds, and other wildlife
  • Measuring water depth with oars
  • Smelling the wind
  • 03 Elephants located at Yala National Park were observed running from the beach to higher ground
  • Flamingos abandoned their nesting sites to higher ground
  • Pet dogs refused to go on their daily runs saving their owner’s lives

Note:  It was recorded that animals of all sorts sensed the in-coming tsunami and smartly headed rapidly inland and to higher safer ground.

If you want more unknown forecasting tricks, see my Survival Book below:

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b) Fukishimu Nuclear Disaster: Is it possible that the ENTIRE – the ENTIRE Pacific Ocean (165,200,000 square miles of ocean and 187,000,000,000,000,000,000 (187 quintillion) gallons of ocean water) is now ‘POISONED’ to some degree of poisonous nuclear radiation from the 2011 Fukishimu Nuclear Disaster? Here it is in a nutshell.

At 1446 hours [2:46pm] (Japanese Standard Time) on 11 March 2011 (Friday), an undersea megathrust earthquake (named The Great East Japan Earthquake) measured at a magnitude of 9.0 – 9.1 and located approximately 43 miles east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tōhoku and 18 miles underwater [38º 06’ 12’ North Latitude and 142º 51’ 36” East Longitude] created a gigantic & powerful tsunami (tidal waves) measuring at heights of 133-feet.

The tsunami headed west and southwest directly to the east coastline of northern Japan.

According to the Japanese National Police Agency, the tsunami caused the following damage and deaths:

  • 15,894 confirmed deaths
  • 2,562 people missing
  • 6,152 people injured
  • 228,863 people temporarily or permanently relocated
  • 127,290 buildings totally collapsed
  • 272,788 buildings half collapsed
  • 747,989 buildings partially damaged
  • Damaged roads, railways, fires and a dam collapse
  • Level 7 meltdowns at 03 nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant complex

Approximately 50-minutes after the earthquake that created the tsunami, the tsunami hit Fukushima.  The towering tsunami waves climbed over Fukushima’s 33-foot sea wall that was designed to protect the plant from an event like this.

The rushing water invaded the Fukushima plant.  Diesel engines designed to power the coolant pumps for the nuclear reactors were rendered useless by the flooding sea water.

Secondary emergency pumps from batteries kicked-in to keep the fuel rods from a nuclear meltdown but the emergency backup batteries only lasted till the next day and the meltdown began.  Hydrogen explosions followed making the Fukushima nuclear meltdown inevitable.

The nuclear meltdown was initially reported as not an issue but many tests and investigations of the plant, surrounding sea water and its marine life proved severe radiation contamination.  And worse yet, radiation from the melt down may still be leaking from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean more than several years after the initial disaster.

What can be done to clean up the entire Pacific Ocean from radiation poisoning?  I figure it would take an ultra-advanced technology that has yet to be discovered / invented that neutralizes radioactivity.  With this segment, I’m just making you aware of the possible threats to your life (cancers) with respect to any activities connected to Pacific Ocean waters.

FLASH FLOODS:  A flash flood is a rapid flooding of low-lying areas: washes, rivers, dry lakes and depressions. It may be caused by heavy rain associated with a severe thunderstorm, hurricane, tropical storm, or meltwater from ice or snow flowing over ice sheets or snowfields.  Just 06-inches of fast-moving water can take you off your feet.

Did you know that flash floods kill an average of 88 people in the United States each year.

MUD SLIDES:  Mudslides / landslides happen when the high ground is saturated with water which causes water saturated earth, rock and debris to travel downhill.  Imagine moving quicksand coming at you – that’s a mudslide and once you’re enveloped in it – you’re screwed.  Approximately 25 – 50 people are killed by mudslides / landslides each year in the United States.

Mudslides / landslides mostly occur in all 50 states but the higher rates of mudslides / landslides occur in the states of Alaska, California, Hawaii Oregon and Washington.

Worldwide, between the years 2004 to 2010, approximately 30,000 people were killed in mudslides / landslides.

DEHYDRATION:  The lack of water will eventually incapacitate and possibly KILL the person in as little as 03‑days (bodily functions cease, survival mistakes…).

Dehydration severely dulls the mind.  Even simple decision making is very difficult.  A severely dehydrated person will have difficulty figuring out 35 divided by 7 (took me 30 – 45 seconds)!!!  KEEP READING.

Severe dehydration also affects the ability to remember.  Short‑term memory is severely affected.  Speech is also affected.  Putting a comprehendible thought together in words is difficult.

To another severely dehydrated person he/she makes sense and is understood, but to an outside source who has all his/her mental faculties it would seem as though the person is drunk!  I KNOW, because I suffered all these affects while attending the US Army SERE Instructor Course.  KEEP READING

Continued dehydration could cause death due to major organs of the body shutting down.  A minimum of 64-ounces of water must be consumed to maintain health and performance in a non‑survival environment.  Much more water is needed in survival situations.

a) Lack Of Water Dulls The Mind: Here’s a true story that may have you chuckle and at the same time WARN YOU of the dangers of dehydration. This is a direct quote from my Survival Book below.

The SERE Instructors Kept Laughing At Us!  Why?

We now had a little more than 03-weeks behind us in SERE School.  Just a 05-more days to go.  At this point we were really tore-up. Especially mentally tore-up.  We were assembled and briefed on the isolation phase part of the SERE course and taken to our individual isolation sites which were a good distance apart.  If caught in another SERE student’s isolation area – it was immediate termination.

We had to complete several field-craft tasks (traps and snares, hide site, clandestine fires, weapons, diary – logbook, survival site sketch map,…).  Remember I said the instructors said “dehydration dulls the mind” – well you’re going to get a good laugh at this just like the SERE cadre.  YouTube didn’t exist back then, but if they did video record myself and the Navy student being briefed prior to isolation phase, I’m sure the video would get millions of views (keep reading).

Myself and a Navy guy (not the one that selfishly ate all our ‘on-the-run’ jungle food) were the last ones to be isolated in our own isolation sites.  The SERE instructor briefed us and asked if there were any questions.  The Navy guy started talking and I noticed the instructors were laughing!  I couldn’t understand it.

He talked some more and both SERE instructors laughed some more.  I asked a question or said something and again both SERE cadre laughed!  The Navy guy said something else and again the SERE instructors laughed.  We were asking serious questions and they laughed every time we said anything!  Why?

This is serious training and these SERE cadre are laughing every time we talked.  It turns out we were both so SEVERELY DEHYDRATED it affected our mental faculties.  We both had a hard time putting a good coherent sentence together.

Doing simple 2nd grade school math was a challenge.  To the SERE instructors we sounded like were drunken idiots.

But to each other we sounded OK since we were both screwed-up.  Thinking back to the previous days of the evasion phase of the testing, how we navigated with pin point precision and evaded 02 platoons of infantry (80 soldiers) in the hot humid jungle for those days of evasion is unbelievable.

Isolated for 03 – 04 days we went through our field-craft.  On the 4th day SERE instructors would come to our sites and grade our field-craft.  This was another MUST PASS or fail part of the SERE School.  My memory was shot.  I laid down my home-made weapon and couldn’t remember where I put it.

Almost in a panic, I scurried around my survival site picking up scraps of anything I could find to put a weapon together real quick.  Plus, it had to pass their test which was 03 hard whacks against the nearest big tree!  I got lucky.  Just before the SERE instructor arrived, I had a new club weapon!

I don’t know exactly what day I did this during the isolation phase, but I remember sitting down on a log and checking out my mental status just like the SERE cadre told us.  They told us to do a simple math problem.  Remember “dehydration / lack of water dulls the mind.”  I did a simple math problem.  35 divided by 07 equals ?????  I thought hard to solve the problem.

05 seconds went by, 10 seconds went by, 30 seconds went by.  It was either30 seconds or up to 45 seconds went by and the answer 05 popped in my head.  Man, I was messed-up.  It should usually take a person no more than a half a second to come up with the answer.  It took me 30 to 45 seconds!  As bugs bunny would say I was “non-compus mentis” – crazy!


“10 Killer Hot Desert Survival Tricks You Must Know!”

See ‘Green Berets Slowly Dying’

One Second Test For All Outdoor Folks!

are you scared of the dark

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

10 killer hot desert survival tricks you must knowPaperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

FORCED HYDRATION:  The scheduled activity of drinking clean water fluids or other healthy fluids whether the person is thirsty or not.  Forced hydration prevents dehydration and heat casualties.  Forced hydration schedule MUST BE CONSIDERED when in a hot & humid environment (normal activities) and ALL survival environments.

Also consider the workload and medical conditions of personnel.

To get all survivors to drink more water, consider adding drink enhancement products to give the water some great taste.


Emergency Fire-Starting Using Drink Enhancement Products!

SWIMMING POOLS:  Do you like doing laps in a swimming pool or just like hanging around in your own pool in your backyard?  And by the way, have you been having some problems with your teeth?  Here’s something worthy of your attention.

I came across and article in a magazine called Cooking Light, dated July / August 1991, page 08.  The article is titled:  Test The Waters For Healthy Teeth.

59 swim team members who swam laps every day were given dental exams.  23 of the 59 swim team members showed signs of enamel erosion.  Teeth enamel erosion symptoms included:

  • Cavities
  • Chalky white teeth
  • Gritty teeth
  • Painful chewing
  • Rough teeth
  • Transparent teeth
  • Yellow teeth

What was the link between teeth enamel erosion and swimming in swimming pools?

Pool water is routinely treated with chemicals to keep the pool water safe for all swimmers.  The pool water had a low pH balance, meaning the water was acidic.

According to Tom Reeves of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) out of Atlanta, Georgia, if the pool water has a pH balance below 6, there’s a threat to the swimmer(s).  But you would have to spend an ample amount in the water on a daily basis over 03 or 04-weeks before tooth erosion becomes evident.

RED TIDE SURE KILLER:  Algae has been around since the dawn of time and many species are found throughout the world, and it’s a food source for uncountable species, even humans.  But one species of algae called Dinoflagellate – also called Red Tide is sure death.  This killer algae multiples to as many 6,000 Dinoflagellate in a single drop of water.

And it can be identified by the water that it breeds in by turning it red as blood, thus Red Tide.  This Red Tide can kill millions of fish and any animals and humans that enter its waters.  Its poisonous toxins overwhelm the body defenses and paralyzes the central nervous system resulting in sure death in or out of the water.  

a) Location:

 b) Description: Water is red colored.

 c) Edible Parts:

 d) Medicinal Uses:

 e) Killer Parts:

09 sure death poisons and venoms

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

EMERGENCY FIRE-STARTING:  Did you know you can start emergency fires to SAVE YOUR LIFE using:

  • Water
  • Urination
  • Saliva
  • Snowball
  • Drop of water

NO B.S., no joke because I recorded all of them in videos and this barely barely scratches the surface.

If you venture outdoors, do the obvious and always carry protected matches and lighters with you.  But you still need to know alternative ways to start emergency fires because YOU JUST NEVER KNOW what could happen.

Without me talking for an hour, go to:

Save My Life… Survival Program!

and download that PDF file and PRINT IT OUT.

And see

Emergency Fire-Starting Using Drink Enhancement Products!

COLD WATER CURES:  If there is one thing I hate more than 08-legged spiders, it’s cold frigid water.  I can still hold my own when it comes to cold weather to include being soaking wet with cold water (surface or submerged) but I just have a lot of “Art Of Suffering” memories (military) when it comes to cold water.  Anyway, did you know plain ol’ cold water has some very beneficial effects?

According to Gurudev Khar Khalsa, a noted Sat Nam Rasayan Healer and Kundalini Yoga Teacher from Los Angeles, California: “Cold Water Massage Therapy is one of the healthiest and most inexpensive of therapies.  Simply massage the body with almond oil before taking a shower.  Shower in cold water until your body temperature rises and no longer feels cold, but toasty and warm.  Make sure the bathroom is heated.  Never get out of a cold shower into a cold room.”

And here’s list maladies remedied by cold water and complimentary benefits of taking cold showers – Brrrrr:

  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety Attacks
  • Asthma
  • Awake
  • Blood Cholesterol Lower
  • Blood Circulation
  • Blood Pressure Reduced
  • Blood Sugar Lowered
  • Body Feels Warmer
  • Body Odor Eliminated
  • Calming Effect
  • Cleanses Circulatory System
  • Clearer Mind
  • Complexion
  • Concentration Improvement
  • Depression Eliminated
  • Dry Skin
  • Eliminates Poisons & Toxins
  • Energy
  • Feelings Of Euphoria
  • Five Senses Improved
  • Flushes Organs
  • Focus Improvement
  • Hair Improvement
  • Headaches Eliminated
  • Heart Problems
  • Heightened Awareness
  • Immune System Booster
  • Learning Improvement
  • Less\No Colds
  • Less\No Flu
  • Leg Bloating\Pain,…
  • Libido Improvement
  • Mental Faculties Improved
  • Migraines Eliminated
  • Mood Improvement
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Pain
  • Panic Attacks
  • Positive Thoughts
  • Pulse Rate Lower
  • Rashes
  • Refreshed
  • Skin Improvement
  • Sinusitis
  • Sleep Improvement
  • Strengthens Nervous System
  • Strengthens Mucous Membranes
  • Stress Buster
  • Sweating Reduced
  • Utility Bill Reduced
  • Zest For Life

I’ve told you before that the BLOOD RULES!  It’s apparent to me that cold showers get the blood moving thus the many benefits of plain ol’ Cold Water Cures!


Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

HYDROTHERAPY:  Hydrotherapy is the use of water, ice, steam, and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health.  Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation, and the application of hot and\or cold compresses.  Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program.

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