Learn French Starting Right Now!

Hey, when infants start learning a language, they:

  • Don’t Study Grammar
  • Don’t Study Vocabulary
  • Don’t Study Pronunciation
  • Don’t Study Verb Conjugation
  • Don’t Study The Different Tenses of Past, Present and Future

Call The Air Force!

If you ever see an infant doing any of the above, you better call the Air Force cause that kid ain’t human.  It’s not from this Earth!

How To Learn French Fast!

Here’s How To Learn French Fast:

  • Throw all the rules out the window.
  • Forget Forced Grammar
  • Forget Forced Vocabulary
  • Forget Forced Pronunciation
  • Forget Forced Verb Conjugation
  • Forget Forced Different Tenses of Past, Present and Future

Start Learning French The Instant You Open This Book!

In this English to French Book, you’re getting 4,999+ (I know the cover says 3,399) common everyday sentences from:

  • Popular TV Shows
  • Popular Movies
  • Books

You get the ENGLISH on the left-hand side and right across from it is its translation in FRENCH.   You get:

  • How To Learn French Fast!
  • More Ways To Instantly Speak French!
  • Emergency French!

You’re getting more than 4,999+ common everyday sentences to start speaking French right now!   Again, you’re not learning off the wall French.  These are hand-picked everyday common saying from:

  • Popular TV Shows
  • Popular Movies
  • Books

Start Learning And Speaking French Right Now!

OK, here are 17 examples straight from this 497-page book.

A glass of water.—————–Un verre d’eau
——————————————(on vair    doh)

Anybody got any candy?——Quelqu’un a un bonbon?
——————————————–(kel koon   ah oo bon bon)

Help me.——–M’aider
———————(may day)
(International distress signal – S O S)

How are you?——-Comment allez-vous?
—————————–(kah may tallay vooo)

I don’t know.——Je ne sais pas
————————(Jur ner say pah)
————————(Jurnn say pah)

I know.———Je sais
——————(Jur say)

It’s perfect.——-C’est parfait
—————–(say parfay)

I would like to order now.————–Je voudrais commander maintenant.                                                                                                                  —-———–(Jur voodray coh man day mahn ter naw)

—————–(eh koo tay)

My cat.———–Mon chat.
———————(moh shah)

My dog.———–Mon chien.
———————–(moh sheea)

Pass me the pepper, please.——Passe-moi le poivre, s’il te plaît.
———————————————–(pahss mwa lur pwa-vr seal tur play)

Pass me the potatoes, please.—–Passe-moi les pommes de terre, s’il te plaît.
—————————————————(pahss mwa lay pahmm dur tare, seal tur play)

Pass me the salt, please.——–Passe-moi le sel, s’il te plaît.
———————————————(pahss mwa lur sell seal tur play)

Pass me the vegetables, please.—-Passe-moi les legumes, s’il te plaît.
—————————————————–(pahss mwa lay lay goom seal tur play)

Perfect. Good luck.——Parfait. Bonne chance.
———————————-(parfay bone chauns)

Promise me something.——Promets-moi quelque chose
——————————————(pro may–mwa kell kur chose)


See you later.———-A tout à l’heure.
——————————(ah too ah lure)

See you soon. A bientôt.
——————–(ah be n tow)

See you tomorrow.——-À demain.
———————————–(ah day mah)


Pronounce these words:

Knee How.

Knee How Maw?



You just said:


How are you?

in Mandarin Chinese!!!!!!!  Now you can speak 03 languages!!!  Whooo Hoooo!!!!

Now let’s get your own How To Learn French Fast!

99 Ways To Speak French Right Now
How To Learn French Fast!

Paperback Book—————E-Book

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