At one period in time I contemplated for months about writing to Eric Robert Rudolph (ERR) in prison and asking him to reveal his 05-year evasion and survival in the Nantahala wilderness for my Survival Program. I didn’t want the hassle with the legalities of it all. –
Instead, I’ll cover his evasion and survival tricks from 03 books that were written about his life on the run. Let’s start with a little background history on ERR so you can better understand his beliefs and actions and better understand the following ERR Survival Tricks.
Note: The following information sheds no honor on this convicted criminal. These are just some of the survival tricks ERR used while on his 05+ year run from the law. Selected and hand-picked survival tricks are annotated here so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere! If some of these survival tricks help you out, may be this will help out ERR when he leaves this Earth and meets his Maker.
“There is no hunting like the hunting of armed men!”
by Ernest Hemmingway
Eric Robert Rudolph Background
ERR was born on 19 September 1966 at Merritt, Florida. Being the 5th of 06 children, ERR had 04 brothers and one sister.
At twenty years old, on 04 August 1987, ERR enlisted in the US Army. Why would someone who went against authority want to join the military? ERR told his friend Tom Branham that ‘always wanted to be part of an elite military unit, like the Army Rangers or the Army Special Forces (Green Berets)…’
The conventional Army bored ERR and the chances of even trying out for the Army’s elite Rangers or Special Forces was very slim to none. So ERR deliberately got caught on a urinalysis test and was discharged from the Army under Honorable Conditions.
After his discharge from the US Army (January 1989), ERRs life went south and he overtly went anti-government. Before the bombings:
- (Atlanta, GA – Olympic Games [27 July 1996]
- Sandy Springs Abortion Clinic [16 January 1997]
- Otherside Lounge, Atlanta, GA [21 February 1997]
- Abortion Clinic, Birmingham, Alabama [29 January 1998];
ERR had already been preparing for his life on the run (keep reading).
The bombings I just mentioned above were under intense investigations by the FBI,… The long arm of the law was closing in on ERR and he was tipped-off by a local televised news segment while watching TV in his home. ERR hurriedly packed his ‘evading’ belongings and headed to the dense wilderness of the Nantahala.
ERR was not only a wanted fugitive but a wanted federal fugitive. Eventually the manhunt for ERR would be one of the most massive and longest manhunts in US history, putting ERR on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list (#454), complimented with a $1,000,000.00 bounty.
The manhunt would tally up to more than $24 million dollars and at its peak, have approximately 200 law enforcement officers looking for ERR in the beginning of the manhunt. But after just 03-weeks, the manhunt was scaled back to approximately 20 investigators, 14 support staff, 04 supervisors and access to a helicopter.
Eric Robert Rudolph Survival Tricks!
OK, let’s get started with ERR Pre-Planning.
001) ERR Pre-Planning: There’s plenty of documented evidence that ERR planned his evasion and wilderness survival long in advance. Evading and surviving on the cuff is one thing but preparing for it gives him or anyone a great edge over killer Mother Nature and all She possesses and any pursuers. Here are a few pre-planned applications used by ERR to insure he’s free and had ample supplies to support his evasion.
a) Topographic Maps: Topographic maps are very detailed maps annotating natural and manmade features. Topographic maps are more than likely to scale; colorized that denote elevations, vegetation, water obstacles of all sorts, roads, manmade buildings,… ERR purchased and stole many maps before and during his evasion. No doubt these very detailed topographic maps made ERR very aware of his surroundings for planning, travel, evasion routes, targets, and hideouts while in the vast wilderness environment of the Nantahala National Forest.
b) Surveillance: Before ERR hit any target (supplies, food, vehicles,…) he pulled surveillance on it to get the routine down of its inhabitants, access to target and best time(s) to attack his targets. ERR even pulled surveillance on the very agencies (FBI, ATF, US Marshals, and local law enforcement) out to capture him.
c) Back-Up Plans: If one of ERR’s back-up plans \ missions had to be aborted, ERR was known to wisely have back-up plan \ mission.
d) Evasion Routes: In case ERR ran into trouble, he couldn’t stand and fight. So his best strategy was to evade. And to evade he needed evasion routes which he reconned on foot, by map or both.
e) Isolation: ERR from his pot growing days kept to himself. He sold his pot to folks far from where he currently lived. Odds are if they talked they couldn’t locate him because he didn’t live in the area in the first place. And he kept to himself. “Loose lips sink ships.” And ERR knew the more people around him the odds were higher they’d run at their mouths thus fingering ERR on pot growing to his evasion from the different law enforcement agencies out to hunt him down dead or alive. Throughout his evasion in the wilderness, ERR stayed away from everyone as much as possible. Whether he knew it or not, FBI agents acting as hikers, campers, hunters,… were roaming the Nantahala National Forest. And when he made his bold passive raids at the local WalMart, ERR disguised himself. ERR had a saying he repeatedly bragged about to his captors. He always conducted preplanning prior to executing a mission.
f) Deliberate Targets: Targets of opportunity without pre-planning was the last choice. Best targets (supplies, food, vehicles,…) were deliberate that had pre-planning behind it.
g) Nantahala Recon: Before his evasion, ERR already had great intimate knowledge and experience in the Nantahala National Forest. Without that knowledge he probably would have been captured real quick or been killed by Mother Nature and all She possesses. See Item 001 – ERR Pre-Planning – h) Wilderness Survival. See Item 008 – ERR Nantahala Expert
h) Wilderness Survival: To compliment ERR knowledge and experience in the Nantahala National Forest, he possessed wilderness survival skills that helped keep him alive for 05-years. Many of those skills no doubt saved his life. It doesn’t matter if ERR stole from homes & cabins in the area or that he went dumpster diving, ERR survived where most would easily perish real quick.
002) ERR 1st Battlefield Recovery: This – Battlefield Recovery – is a term used when a soldier recovers anything useable on or near the battlefield /battle area in order to support future military operations. In this case for training purposes, I’ll put ERR in a battlefield scenario. He is completely in enemy territory but very familiar with it and he is up against some of the most academically intelligent law enforcement officers the US has to offer – the FBI, ATF, US Marshals, and local law enforcement.
ERR used battlefield recovery and took advantage of the possessions of George Nordmann. Nordmann spent time with ERR when in his shop – Better Way Health Food Store, back in 1987 when ERR was concerned about all the mandatory vaccine shots on entering the US Army. In May of 1998, as ERR was on the run, Nordmann noticed his hens layed fewer eggs. He also noticed his watchdog Bobo, a collie-chow mix was missing. He later found his dog’s decomposed remains in the woods near his isolated home. And on several occasions, Nordmann noticed missing items like mineral supplements, protein supplements, vitamin supplements, money,… ERR also took advantage of the succulent cherries from the orchard. ERR was continually casing Nordmann and his house & property. He knew Nordmann’s routine, when visitors were expected and where Nordmann hid the key to the front door. And he especially knew there were no law enforcement officers within miles. ERR literally came & went and took what he needed from Normann’s home and property.
003) ERR 2nd Battlefield Recovery: ERR and Nordmann knew each other. On 07 July 1998, Rudolph made his presence at Nordmann’s property. Then Nordmann understood why his hens gave less eggs, his dead dog and the items missing from his home. Rudolph with his long hair in a ponytail, beard and thin body, asked George for some supplies. ERR wanted:
- High fat foods
- High protein foods
- AA Batteries (radio)
- Camouflage Tarp
- Rosary
ERR also wanted to borrow Nordmann’s 1977 Datsun truck. After their 30-minute talk, Nordmann gave ERR a sack of apples, coconut butter, corned beef, home-made bread, oranges, and sardines. ERR said he’d meet Nordmann in 02-days to retrieve his list of supplies. Over time Nordmann purchased supplies for ERR.
004) ERR 3rd Battlefield Recovery: ERR knew Nordmann would not fully support him with supplies. Several days later, Nordmann returned to his home after sleeping at his healthfood store. He found his Datsun truck was missing and items taken from his home. Foods and supplies were taken from Nordmann’s house. On the counter ERR left 05 $100 bills along with a note that read “Sorry you were afraid to help me. The feds and dogs will never find me.”
After a few interviews, it was learned that ERR actually tested Nordmann with a $100 bill that was left in his home. ERR casing Nordmann’s home, saw no signs of any law enforcement officers. ERR then progressed in getting aid from Nordmann. Here’s list of items taken by ERR:
- Batteries (packets)
- Beets (cans)
- Bic Lighter (02)
- Black Beans (bucket)
- Black Eyed Peas
- Book Matches (03)
- Bulgar Wheat (gallon[s])
- Cayenne Pepper (packages)
- Coconut Butter (10 jars)
- Creamed Corn (cans)
- Honey (05-gallon bucket)
- Lentils
- Mineral Tablets (bottles)
- New Testament
- Peas (cans)
- Peroxide
- Pinto Beans (packs)
- Pork and Beans (cans)
- Raisins (gallon[s])
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Spiral Notebook
- Tallow (03 jars)
- Vegetables (assorted)
- Vitamin Tablets (bottles)
These items most certainly supported ERRs evasion. Pound for pound, the foods are high in carbohydrates, sugars, fat and protein and complimented were mineral and vitamin supplements. And the tallow can be used to fry foods as well as keeping warm (fire and body insulation) and used for first-aid. And his main first-aid items in a bottle were smartly the hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. And for mental and spiritual support, he has his bible and spiral notebook for notes. And fires are a must, even clandestine fires. He smartly had book matches and 02 Bic lighters.
005) ERR 4th Battlefield Recovery: ERR entered Nordmann’s home without his permission and recovered needed supplies and utilized his home for his own comfort needs. Did ERR enter other homes throughout the 500,000-acre Nantahala National Forest to recover needed supplies? He surely did. There are more than a dozen accounts of homeowners returning to their properties to find items missing from their homes. But not items a regular burglar would steal. Common items stolen by ERR were:
- Ammunition
- Antifreeze
- Blankets
- Boots
- Maps
ERR was also known to take advantage of his unwelcome squatting by showering, shaving, watching TV, smoking, reading (newspapers),…
ERR was also noted to retrieve food from the dumpsters of McDonalds, grocery stores, movie theaters,… He also raided vegetable gardens.
Note: The dates and times can be correlated to ERR break-ins at the several vacation homes and cabins throughout the Nantahala National Forest. Spikes in electric power usage were recorded by local electric companies. Surges and high electric usages are also recorded by electric utility companies by folks growing marijuana in their homes. Lots of special lights are used to simulate sunlight in order for the rapid growth of marijuana plants.
006) ERR Surveillance: ERR actually pulled surveillance on targets of opportunity and pulled surveillance on the law enforcement task group that was out to capture him. His very patient surveillance paid off and is one of the main reasons he was untouched by the long arm of the law for 05-years.
a) Homes: ERR cased many properties and homes to retrieve needed supplies. See Item 004 Battlefield Recovery.
b) Command Post: ERR pulled surveillance on the very Task Force of law enforcement (Andrews, NC) that hunted him. He contemplated an attack on the command center at Andrews, but chose his own wilderness survival had priority.
c) Car Dealership: ERR cased a car dealership. He needed a truck to haul supplies. He learned all the keys were secured in the facility and all he had to do to get any of the keys was to pry open the back door and put a Dealer Plate on the truck he stole. And that’s exactly what he did.
d) Silos: ERR pulled surveillance on the mother load of food – 30-foot tall silos. ERR could literally recover so much grain (soybeans,… ) he planned to use stolen vehicles to transport his bounty. The large amounts of grain would insure he could survive the brutally cold winter ahead.
007) ERR Entertainment: ERR entertained himself in various ways. Like watching TV in the homes he scavenged from. His radio brought many hours of entertainment. And he even talked to himself. Sometimes reenacting a story he read in a newspaper.
008) ERR Nantahala Expert: When ERR grew his marijuana, he grew it underneath the noses of law enforcement. He knew exactly where to grow it so it goes undetected. He was well acquainted with Nantahala Forest. And when it came to vanishing in the wilderness, ERR chose a remote region of the Nantahala Forest called Fires Creek. Noted to be like virgin territory, Fires Creek offered the best isolated hiding spots in this wilderness territory. Plus, none of his friends nor even family members knew of ERRs camping & hunting ventures into this area. Again “loose lips sink ships.” And to know this area like the back of his hand, ERR purchased many topographic maps of this area. As a matter of fact, during the investigation, it was noted that ERR purchased topographic maps of all of western North Carolina.
In my humble opinion, pound for pound, there are very few people** who were more “boots on the ground” familiar with Nantahala Forest than ERR and that included most of the people that live in this area. With this knowledge and experience of Nantahala Forest, ERR was able to outsmart and outlast the best law enforcement agencies the US has to offer. ERR in my own words, embarrassed the FBI, ATF, US Marshals,…
1st Note: I repeatedly told you throughout this Survival Program to “be an expert in your neck of the woods,” and ERR was surely a survival expert in his neck of the woods – the Nantahala National Forest.
**2nd Note: The FBI had one source that was familiar with western North Carolina but they failed to use it. That source is the US Army Special Forces (Green Berets). Special Forces (SF) candidates have been hiding in those woods for decades. A final Field Training Exercise (FTX) for SF candidates is called Robin Sage. The oversized A-Teams seriously go out of their way to hide themselves and attached guerilla forces. Throughout the Robin Sage FTX, there are platoons of infantry hunting down the several hiding A-Teams who at the same time are conducting military operations. If SF can hide 40 – 60 Special Forces candidates and an additional 30 – 50 guerilla fighters at one site without being detected, no doubt a single individual had no problem! Thus, ERR’s successful 05 1/2-year evasion. Remember what I told you in a prior newsletter “people that get lost can’t be found right away. Then how are you going to find somebody that doesn’t want to be found?”
009) ERR Small & Big Game Killer: ERR and the law enforcement agencies that hunted him were in bear country. Law enforcement dogs that tracked ERR and regular house watchdogs throughout his 05-year evasion and while at his hide sites were a threat to ERR. To neutralize them 500-pound bears and watchdogs, ERR stole radiator fluid. The sweet tasting radiator fluid is sure death to the thirsty critter that drinks it. Several dogs were reported poisoned throughout ERRs survival area. These poisonings may have been the work of ERR to silence the ‘early warning’ dogs and invading bears. As a matter of fact, the FBI retrieved one dead dog and off it went to a lab. Sure enough, the autopsy discovered the dog died from drinking radiator fluid.
010) ERR Small & Big Game Vittles: ERR couldn’t take a chance foraging or fishing at the lower altitudes where the manhunt was more intense. So ERR shot an occasional wild turkey and deer at the higher altitudes. Salamanders (lizard like) were also on the list of emergency foods. The salamanders (500 species) were captured in creeks and fried-up.
011) ERR Raccoon Hunting: I’m not sure if ERR hunted coons but the best time to hunt them is at night. Why? Because their curious eyes glow at night and they could be stunned by a bright light.
Raccoons can be found over southern Canada, the United States and into South America. Raccoons located in the southeastern United States carry rabies. However, for the most part, raccoons are hunted for their fur and meat. The meat can be processed in many ways but marinating the meat for 24-hours is suggested. I haven’t had the opportunity to eat raccoon but I’m told it’s very tasty.
012) ERR Insulating Bedroll: The Nantahala National Forest is bitterly cold and unforgiving during winter months. Most folks to include many law enforcement officers assumed ERR died from winter exposure. But ERR used killer Mother Nature to his advantage. To make an insulating bedroll that protected him against the winter elements, ERR placed several layers of dried leaves around his bedroll. I assume he had a layer or two of dried leaves under his bedroll for you should avoid sleeping on the bare ground because it will suck the heat out of your body.
On super cold days, ERR would hunker down in his bedroll with 03-feet of leaves piled on him for extra warming insulation.
013) ERR Anti-Tracking: ERR went out of his way to keep the law off his back. Dog legs were a must. A dog leg is simply going off your route and literally taking the long way around to your intended destination. ERR also wisely trekked through the thickest woods he could find. He travelled through areas most would not travel through and if they did it would consume time. Cayenne pepper was on ERR’s shopping list and may have been used to neutralize tracking dogs. ERR also trekked alongside and in water obstacles (creeks, streams,…) so to throw the scent off tracking dogs. Plus, it would slow down the dog handlers and the pursuing posse.
Eric Rudolph (FBI)
014) ERR Anti-Infrared: There are various infrareds systems and the way they are employed. In this case infrared detects temperature. ERR knew aircraft (helicopters and planes) may be fixed with infrared systems and could easily detect him at night. When he heard any aircraft within his vicinity, ERR immediately countered infrared detection by burrowing underneath rocks. The infrared could detect a person hunkered within or under vegetation but couldn’t penetrate solid rocks, boulders,…
015) ERR Food Storage: ERR wisely retrieved a variety of foods for the coming months and especially the long winter months ahead. Plastic barrels were used to load, transport, and store foods from regular groceries to grains. Plastic barrels were light yet very durable and with their lids secure were practically air tight. And once cached, it would take some doing to not only find the barrels but to open them. I believe some or all of these barrels had wheels on them for easy and faster transportation.
016) ERR Bear-Proof Food Storage: ERR wisely used water-proof barrels to store foods and equipment. At one campsite on steep high ground, multiple barrels were found hoisted up in trees to prevent tampering from bears. Another trick he used was the barrel itself to keep the bears from climbing the tree(s). ERR sliced strips of plastic from the barrel and nailed them to the base of the tree. That way the slickness of the plastic gave no foot hold to any climbing hungry bears.
017) ERR Barrel Sealer: ERR cached supplies in plastic barrels around his main camp. A bear found one of the caches and mauled the plastic barrel leaving it with tears and holes. ERR used this torn-up barrel to improve the seals at the tops of other cached barrels. ERR melted pieces of the plastic barrel and resealed the tops (openings) of plastic barrels to insure their seals.
Note: The plastic is a petroleum byproduct and a great fuel for fire and can also be formed into a variety of tools.
018) ERR Water-Proof Leggings: ERR needed to cross the Valley River to retrieve food from various dumpsters in the nearby town. He wisely conducted his river-crossings and food raids at night. To keep his feet and legs dry while crossing the shallow Valley River, ERR individually wrapped each foot and leg with a garbage bag.
019) ERR Anti-Hypothermia: Falling in a killer cold creek, ERR nearly lost his life from hypothermia. What saved him was a fire he built to dry himself out. To start that life-saving emergency fire, ERR carried 02 types of fire-starting instruments. Book matches and Bic lighters. The book matches if not water-proof may become useless depending how long they were saturated with water. But wet matches don’t start emergency fires NOW – RIGHT NOW when you need them. However, a Bic lighter and other lighters (flint & electric) are forgiving and can be used real quick after being submerged in water.
020) ERR Intelligence Network: The FBI has a World Class intelligence network or can easily get the goods on anybody and ERR has his own intelligence network that aided his lengthy 05-year evasion. Besides pulling surveillance on the agencies out to capture him, ERR continually read current newspapers on the most massive manhunt in US history. He got the best information on what he was up against. He read current information on their tactics, their size, their key personnel, their logistics, their past search areas,… And no doubt ERR viewed televised national and local news on the massive manhunt against him while invading vacant cabins and homes throughout his evasion area.
021) ERR Cold Remedy: ERR had a simple remedy, rather avoiding colds all together. During his 05-year evasion, ERR bragged he never caught a cold. Why? Because his exposure to humans was minimal. And besides that, viruses don’t live to well in cold environments.
022) ERR Anti-Weathered: On 01 June 2003, ERR was captured by a rookie cop – Jeffery Scott Postell – who captured him while ERR was retrieving food from a dumpster in Murphy, North Carolina. When ERR finally emerged for the locals, the nation, and the world to see, many folks were surprised that he was in such good shape. Many folks expected his face to be weathered after 05-years in the wilderness. And I agree. Why didn’t ERR have a weathered outlook. Heck, hunters who spend a lousy week hunting in the woods look weathered! So what was ERR’s 05-year secret?
No doubt ERR knew how to take care of himself in the woods. And we all know he invaded several homes and took advantage of the several amenities of those vacant homes & cabins. But 05-years of cold, heat, insects, blasting winds (cold & hot), firepits,… No daily use of personal care products, first-aid products, loneliness,… All this takes its toll. Unless, ERR was actually “incognito” under the care or support of one or two collaborators within the Nantahala National Forest or outside of it, he surely took real good care of himself while in the wilderness. If ERR had some confidants, he ain’t talking, not now anyway.
023) ERR Secret Water Basin: ERR had no trouble gathering water. ERR did have a home-made secret water basin 100-yards east of his main campsite. In the thick Nantahala wilderness, FBI Agent Danny Sindall looked for this same secretive stream for years. And here it was just 100-yards from ERRs main campsite. After ERRs capture, law enforcement officers found a shallow hole (water basin) hidden under a rock where fresh cold water was drawn and where ERR conducted physical hygiene and hydrated himself.
024) ERR Recon: ERR definitely did “recons” before he “attacked” any deliberate target. I learned that ERR was an avid reader. He definitely wasn’t lacking with the smarts upstairs. Like I stated earlier, he outwitted, outmaneuvered, outplanned,… some of the most academically intelligent people the US of A has to offer (FBI, US Marshals, ATF, local law enforcement…). Did ERR know the history of the Nantahala National Forest when it came to hiding evading criminals? I don’t know but let’s take a very brief look at the history of the Nantahala National Forest.
a) Cherokee: Cherokee Indians once dominated Nantahala. Nantahala means “Land of the Noonday Sun.” Because of its uncountable vertical gorges and deep creek bottoms, these high and low elevations were in shadows most of the day – thus complimenting the dense wilderness which could easily hide anyone or group of people in thousands and thousands of hide sites.
Approximately 16,000 Cherokee were forced to relocate 800-miles from their homeland to Oklahoma – this historical trek is known as The Trail of Tears. The Trail Of Tears ended in Oklahoma with fatalities totaling more than 5,000 Cherokee lives.
But some 1,000 Cherokee refused to give-in and evaded and hid in the Snowbird Mountains of the Nantahala Forest and went undetected for years.
Cherokee farmer named Tsali may be the most famous evader. US soldiers attempted to move Tsali and his family to Oklahoma. Tsali fought back and 02 soldiers were killed. Tsali and his family evaded deep in the Nantahala wilderness. Hundreds of US troops were deployed and pursued Tsali but found no trace of him and his family. Eventually Cherokee trackers joined the pursuit and Tsali was tracked down and killed. If it were not for the Cherokee trackers who knew the Nantahala and were expert trackers, Tsali would have never been found.
b) Bootleggers: Bootleggers who brew their moonshine evaded to the Nantahala to avoid the law, avoid paying taxes,… From the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 to the present day, bootleggers have secretly conducted their business in the thick wilderness of the Nantahala.
c) Goldman Bryson: A highwayman, Unionist,… Bryson evaded into the Nantahala during the American Civil War. Like ERR, he evaded capture for 05-years till a unit of Cherokee Confederates tracked him down and killed him. And who knows how to track evaders (man or animal) in that wilderness and knows the land that wilderness better than the tracking Cherokee? Only thing I can think of are predator wolves.
025) ERR 6th Sense: ERR knew the best the US of A had to offer was out to hunt him down. During his years of evasion in the isolated wilderness, ERR may have acquired a higher sense of awareness. Like being on point (point man – lead) on a patrol never knowing where the enemy is located or if it’s stalking you (man, beast, WET [see A-Z Index]), ERR senses were being tuned towards that of wild animals in the wilderness.
Picture yourself being on the run with the FBI, ATF, US Marshals, local law enforcement, bounty hunters,… out to get you 24-hours a day. Wouldn’t that put your 05 senses at their maximum – thus developing a new 6th sense for trouble so to AVOID trouble.
Paul Kish, one of ERR’s legal defenders noted ERR as “He was hyper-vigilant in the woods, and therefore hyper-vigilant in the jail and the courtroom. Nothing escaped him. He was able to feel all kinds of things that most people can’t feel. I wouldn’t describe it an animal sense; it was intensely human.” Me (author), I would describe it in the animal sense – a 6th sense, a 6th sense most humans don’t possess now but possessed thousands of years ago.
026) ERR Land Of Plenty: In another book written about ERR, Ms. Kathleen Walls, author of “Man Hunt – The Eric Rudolph Story”, has a bit more hands-on experience than her fellow ERR writers. And she relates the bounty found in the Nantahala -if you know what you’re looking for. Remember, I’ve always told you to “be a survival expert in your neck of the woods.” Here’s a partial list of the bounty found in the Nantahala:
Foods: acorns, asparagus, bears, beechnuts, bilberries, blackberries, black walnuts, blueberries, buckberries, cattails, chicory, chinquapins, crabapples, dandelions, deer, dewberries, duck eggs, ducks, elder berries, figs, fish, gooseberries, haws, hazelnut, hickory nuts, honey, huckleberries, mayapples, maypops, mokernuts, morel mushrooms, mulberries (red & white), paw paws, peaches, plums, poke (leaves & shoots), possum haw (red fruit), raccoon, serviceberries, salamanders, snakes, sparkleberries, turkeys, violet leaves, water cresses, wild apples, wild cherries, wild garlic, wild grapes, wild lettuce, wild onions, wild radishes, wild strawberries, wineberries,…
Get the idea. Are there more edibles in the Nantahala? Sure there are. And even more uses (medicines, stunners, poisons,…) of the dirt, plants, insects, small & big game, terrain, weather,… of the Nantahala to satisfy the 8 Elements of Survival (Fire, Water, Shelter, First-Aid, Signal, Food, Weapons and Navigation).

This Survival Book can only be acquired from the author.

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
NOTE: Again, this write-up sheds no honor on ERR. But if somebody somewhere reads these survival tricks and uses one or more to AVOID a survival threat or REMEDY a survival threat, then I did my job. And ERR’s 05-years of evasion indirectly helped somebody. Too bad somebody didn’t put a boot up ERRs butt and straighten him out while he was in the US Army. I think he’d of made a decent soldier. His lone 05-year evasion proves this.
IRISAP Copyright 2018