Here’s another medicine for pets that is being used by humans for serious life-threatening maladies.
WAIT. Before you read this important blog post, please read:
Unknown COVID-19 Killer – Ivermectin!
Fenbendazole Pet Medicine KILLS CANCER In Humans!
OK, this ‘Intensive Research’ comes from one of my most favorite health websites Lee Euler and Susan Clark [Editors] –
Somebody real smart started an annual alternative healthcare conference. In this case it’s called the Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference. Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference has been around for more than 20-years. And this year (2021), it was held in West Palm Beach, Florida.
At this conference, one of the alternative cancer treatments revealed was a medicine used to treat pets and animals for parasites. The animal medicine is being used to fight cancer in humans. It’s called Febendazole.
What is Febendazole?
Febendazole, initially named Panacur, has been around since 1974. It’s a medicine for pets and all types of animals. It’s used to fight parasites in animals from dogs to seals. Febendazole is noted to have no or minimal side-effects in animals.
How does Febendazole fight cancer?
Febendazole stopped cancer growth and its development. Febendazole kept cancer from eating one of their favorite foods – sugar (glucose). CANCER LOVES SUGAR. There are other factors of Febendazole multi-role in killing cancer but in my humble opinion, taking away cancer’s food source is the main reason.
Are there any revealing studies on Febendazole to fight cancer?
Here are a couple studies that demonstrate GREAT HOPE to those poor souls afflicted with cancer(s) who have only conventional medicine (Chemo Therapy, Radiation Therapy, Surgery,…) to remedy their sickly cancer(s):
- Year 2008: Back in 2008, researchers at John Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore conducted their own research with Febendazole complimented with vitamins. The researchers were surprised at their findings – ‘significant inhibition of tumor growth.’
- Year 2018: Indian scientist discovered that Febendazole can be used against cancer.
The Doctor’s Book Of Survival Home Remedies
Joe Tippins Incredible Story!
Here’s the healthy story very worthy of your attention.
SEE 2nd Febendazole Video at the end of this blog post.
In August 2016, Joe Tippins out of Oklahoma, was diagnosed with cancer. The cancer was located on his lung. Another trip to the doctors at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, the doctors alerted Joe Tippins that the cancer had spread throughout his entire body.
The doctor word is metastasized. Metastasize means the cancer has travelled throughout the body and now the body has several cancers taking over and killing the body.
Most cancer patients have a hard enough time fighting off a single cancer via conventional medicines of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. But fighting multiple cancers, it’s almost hopeless.
In Joe Tippins case, the doctors at the MD Anderson Cancer Center instructed him to go home and seek hospice care (final healthcare before death).
A Veterinarian heard about Joe’s serious cancer diagnosis and called him. The Veterinarian told Joe there’s a medicine used to treat parasites in animals, is also being used to fight cancer in humans.
A related story was told to Joe. A woman diagnosed with one of the worst cancers – a brain cancer called Glioblastoma, took this pet medicine and was healed-up real quick. The life span of Glioblastoma cancer patients that are too sick to receive conventional medicine (chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery), is only 03-months.
This pet medicine is used to fight parasites in dogs and many other animals. It’s called Febendazole.
Joe wisely started taking Febendazole. He had nothing to lose. His doctors already gave him a ‘death sentence.’ Joe stated: “The cancer had spread to my neck, my right lung, my stomach, my liver, my bladder, my pancreas and my tail bone. Dozens of tumors.”
After 03-months of daily doses of Febendazole, in May 2017, Joe went to the hospital and took a PET scan. The PET scan searched for cancers in Joe’s body. The scan resulted in NED which means ‘No Evidence of Disease.’ The several cancers that were located all over his body were all gone. ALL GONE! Joe beat the odds BIG TIME!!!
Joe told his story to an audience at the Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference. He also published his Febendazole’s dosage on his blog post. His very popular blog post was even translated to Chinese. Approximately 5 million people already read his breakthrough blog post.
Testimonials of cancer-ridden patients who tried Joe’s Febendazole dosage supported Joe’s results. Joe was posting 03 to 07 testimonials on his Facebook page each week. Their testimonials gave Febendazole the credence that this pet medicine is effective in STOPPING and KILLING cancers.
Check this out. If you were to pay out of your own pocket, anti-cancer conventional medicines like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery,… cost tens of thousands of dollars. But an anti-parasite pet medicine like fenbendazole is a lousy $8.20 a box.
I checked out a source to purchase Febendazole. The source was
Here’s what stated about Febendazole (Panacur C Canine Dewormer):
- Dosage Sold: 03 01-gram packages
- Price: $8.20
- How To Use: Consult your doctor
- Shelf Life: Unknown
- Restrictions: Consult your doctor
Now here’s the deal. If the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) approves Febendazole for human consumption, you can bet the price will sky rocket.
The only place I can think of to purchase Febendazole at super cheap prices is in Mexico. Then you have to insure Febendazole is an authentic product. You also have to consider purchasing large quantities of Febendazole. Another important consideration are the legalities of purchasing Febendazole and bringing it back across the U.S. border.
The Doctor’s Book Of Survival Home Remedies
Cancer Deaths In The U.S. of A
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), here are the 2019 stats for Cancer Deaths:
- Total Cancer Deaths: 599,601
- Males: 315,876
- Females: 283,725
How Many Of These 599,601 Cancer Victims Would Be Alive If They Knew About Febendazole?
You read the studies on Febendazole and viewed Joe Tippins story. Were these studies BLASTED on:
- ABC News
- BBC News
- CBS News
- Fox News
- NBC News
- The New York Times
- The Wall Street Journal
If Febendazole was blasted on just one of major networks above, there’s a 100% sure bet, cancer deaths for 2019 would be THOUSANDS lower – they’d be alive today!
In an August 2021 blog post, I’ll alert you to another pet / animal medicine that’s safe and is currently being used to fight cancers in humans.
See these healthy blog posts to help you FIGHT & KILL CANCER with your doctor’s approval.
“12 International Cancer Preventers Fighters And Killers!”
Top 11 Cancer Fighting Fruits!
Top 11 Cancer Fighting Vegetables!

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
Can You Beat Cancer Using ‘Mind-Over-Matter?’

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book
The Doctor’s Book Of Survival Home Remedies
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