Harvard Medical School Study!
According to a 05-year study from Harvard Medical School, people that ate tomatoes or strawberries every week, had the lowest chances of dying from cancer.
This fits right in with cancer-prevention recommendations that the National Cancer Institute and other groups have issued based on current knowledge of how diet affects diseases.
A 02 1/2 inch tomato furnishes only 23 calories, provides fiber, is low in fat and sodium, and rich in vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium.
If you’re watching your weight, try eating some berries. Berries are low calorie – low fat sweets, that have hardly any sodium, a great source of potassium, and supplies fiber that helps you absorb fewer of the calories that you do eat.
Berries are also an aid in the improvement of your blood pressure. A cup of strawberries has the lowest count at only 45 calories and a cup of blueberries has the highest count of 81 calories.
The calorie count for raspberries and blackberries fall in between these two very tasty treats. Berries have natural fructose sugar to satisfy your sweet-craving, therefore an aid to weight-loss!
Onion Extract!
Researchers at Harvard School of Dental Medicine discovered that putting onion extract on cultures of oral cancer cells from animals significantly inhibited proliferation of the cancer cells and destroyed some. As a matter of fact, the National Cancer Institute has funded much research on sulfides in onions and garlic, naming them promising agents in fending off cancer!
Avoid Trans-Fatty Acids!
It may be wise to avoid processed products like margarine, chips, and cookies that have trans-fatty acids. According to a study by Dr. Walter Willett, of Harvard University, trans-fatty acids double the risk of heart attack.
Trans-fatty acids may also contribute to cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Read the contents before you purchase the product.
Look for “partially hydrogenated oils.” If you read this, AVOID IT!
It is noted that Japanese eat great quantities of seaweed. Epidemiologists have noted that Japanese women have a fraction of breast cancer in comparison to American women. Japanese women who are diagnosed with breast cancer live longer than American and British women.
A 1974 Japanese study noted that kelp not only helps prevent the development of breast cancer, but that it could also treat existing tumors! Kelp was instrumental in slowing the progression of breast malignancies in 95% of test animals.
Sixty percent of these test animals went into complete remission!
Dr. Jane Teas of the Harvard School of Public Health speculates that the chemical called fucoidan in seaweed may be instrumental in the anti-cancer capacity of kelp.
Dr. Teas also notes that seaweeds have potent antibiotic properties. Researchers at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine in Honolulu noted that a dried version of seaweed, called wakame, helped cure and prevent lung cancer in laboratory animals!
These researchers found that the active ingredients in seaweed boosts the immune system! Kelp tablets may available in many health food stores.
According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (public health school of Harvard University), “Eating two servings of this fruit (Avocados) weekly can reduce risk of heart disease.”
Eating at least two servings of avocado weekly was associated with lower risk of developing several types of heart disease, a new study suggests.
“Our study provides further evidence that the intake of plant-sourced unsaturated fats can improve diet quality and is an important component in cardiovascular disease prevention,” said Lorena S. Pacheco, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.
This is what I do to ripen avocados real quick.
Step 01: Purchase avocados that are hard to the touch.
Step 02: Place 02 avocados in a small brown paper bag and twist it shut. Write the date on the bag.
Step 03: Wait 04 days and check avocados for any give in the texture. If not re-check on day 05, 06 or 07.
Step 04: Cut avocado in half and remove the seed.
Step 05: Fill the 02 avocado depression with tuna & Miracle Whip or any other dressing of your liking and ENJOY – MMMmmmmmm!
“159 Special Diets To Fight Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity And More!”
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