If you want some GOOD CHUNKS of already proven healthy hints on improving your own health, you might want to know some international health secrets unknown to most Americans. International health secrets from the longest living people on Earth who live longer and have more vibrant lives than most of the people on Earth.
This is just Part 1 and more is coming real soon.
Considering all factors, in my humble opinion, there is a five-way tie for the healthiest and longest living people on Earth. The most healthiest countries on Earth are:
- Iceland
- Japan
- Finland
- Switzerland
- Spain
Did you see the mighty United States of America on the short list above? OK then. Let’s start with the people of Iceland.

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Super Healthy People Of Iceland!
Time Magazine and USA TODAY did a feature story on the healthy people of Iceland. Time Magazine stated: “Iceland is now the healthiest country in the world.” Icelanders (357,000 population), have an average life expectancy of 84-years and a couple months.
So what are Icelanders doing to live longer, healthier and have more vibrant lives versus Americans in the United States and the rest of the world?
Iceland is an island located southeast of Greenland and northwest from Great Britain in the super cold waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is about 39,769 square miles and about 7/8th the size of New York state. Due to their location, Icelanders eat a lot of delicious fish. It was thought that all the fish they ate was the reason for Icelanders being so much healthier than the rest of the world.
But it was discovered fish isn’t the sole answer. Iceland has the longest chain of 130 volcanoes (30 active volcanoes) in the world. Because of the volcanic ash throughout the Iceland island, the Iceland soil is LOADED with 02 vital minerals for vibrant health:
- Selenium
- Sulfur
Iceland knew their soil was rich in Selenium and Sulfur but chemical fertilizers destroyed these vital minerals. So early on, the country of Iceland issued a TOTAL 100% BAN ON ALL CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS throughout Iceland.
The Vital Mineral – Selenium!
I already wrote about the benefits of the vital mineral – Selenium. YOU MUST SEE: A Brazil Nut A Day!
Me, I have sea salted Brazil Nuts in my fridge and ‘I eat one a day to keep the doctor away.’ Your body can not produce its own selenium. So you have to get selenium from your diet or a supplement. Approximately 55 micrograms (mcg) daily is required.
SEE A Brazil Nut A Day! for sources of Selenium.
Here Are Some Healthy Benefits Of Selenium. Selenium fights, improves, aids, ameliorates:
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Anti-Inflammatory Effects
- Antioxidant
- Asthma
- Breast Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- DETOXIFIES At The Cellular Level
- Elevates Glutathione in your body (See The Mother Of Antioxidants below)
- Immune System
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Lung Cancer
- Metabolism
- Osteoarthritis
- Prostate Cancer
- Senility
- Thyroid Function
Now let’s carry-on with the vital mineral – Sulfur.
The Vital Mineral – Sulfur!
The other vital mineral in Iceland’s soil is SULFUR. SULFUR, also spelled Sulphur. SULFUR is a mineral. SULFUR helps to DETOXIFY your body, promote improved healing, and boost resistance to disease.
With Iceland’s soil LOADED with SELENIUM, SULFUR and many other nutrients, you know their home-grown fruits and vegetables are some of the healthiest foods on Earth.
Since we can’t live in Iceland, here are some common foods, herbs and an amino acid that have traces of SULFUR right here in the United States and the rest of the world. Let me tell you about these common foods, then I’ll tell you the link between SELENIUM & SULFUR and The Mother Of Antioxidants.
GARLIC: Garlic contains Vitamins A, B1, C, E, calcium, germanium, iron, potassium, SELENIUM, SULFUR, zinc and a score of trace elements (see additional mineral and Vitamins information below).
According to Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer of the University of California at San Diego, SELENIUM, one of the important trace elements from garlic, offers protection against cancer and atherosclerosis and helps normalize blood pressure! Germanium, another important trace element found in garlic, stimulates oxygen circulation throughout your body. The United States produces approximately 400 million pounds of fresh garlic each year which is an increase of 100 million pounds over the last decade!
European, Oriental, and American doctors have recognized the powers of garlic. Doctors and scientists say that garlic has a wide range of DETOXIFYING and microbe fighting properties. SULFUR compounds and allicin are attributed to the wonder healing of garlic. Allicin, one of the SULFUR compounds in garlic, is one of the most active.
Garlic contains over 70 SULFUR compounds that work together to initiate biological activities such as antibacterial, antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, cancer fighter, cardiovascular helper, heart nutrient, high blood pressure medicine, immune booster, and a skin cancer fighter.
According to an analysis conducted by the Department of Agriculture, a single clove of garlic contains minerals and Vitamins along with its unique high concentration of SULFUR compounds:
- 7 calories
- .01 mg B1
- .004 MG B2
- 4 mg calcium
- 5 gm carbohydrate
- .01 grams of fat
- .07 mg iron
- .02 mg niacin
- 10 mg phosphorus
- 26 mg potassium
- .31 grams of protein
- .9 mg sodium
- .7 mg Vitamin C
In the former Soviet Union, garlic was used to kill bacteria and fight infections. Garlic has been tested to be more effective than antibiotics for specific types of bacterial infection called ‘gram negative.’ Throughout Europe garlic has earned the name ‘Russian Penicillin.’ During World War II, garlic (Russian Penicillin) was widely used by combatants on all sides.
Approximately 400 million pounds of garlic are harvested each year in the United States with California harvesting about 90% of it followed by Oregon, Nevada, Washington and New York.
Consuming SULFUR, like garlic, is also noted to have repelling effect on many insects including mosquitoes. When in the US Army (Airborne Infantry and Special Forces), GIs like myself ate matchheads to repel insects like mosquitoes. It WORKED!
Garlic aids in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, cancer, circulatory problems, colds, digestive problems, heart disorders, insomnia, flu, liver disease, sinusitis, ulcers, and yeast infections!
Garlic is undoubtedly one of the most valuable foods on the planet earth! A natural antibiotic, garlic protects the body from infection, DETOXIFIES the body, strengthens the blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure!
See “The Amazing Benefits Of Garlic And Apple Cider Vinegar!”
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV): ACV is packed with amino acids, healthful enzymes, and trace elements. It contains more than thirty needed nutrients, a dozen minerals, and several Vitamins, essential acids, and enzymes. ACV has a tart taste and a germ-killing acid and pectin for those heart healthy concerned.
ACV is a great source of calcium, chlorine, fluorine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, and SULFUR. The body requires 22 essential minerals for health and 19 of them are found in ACV! Potassium in ACV is known for its aid to overall circulation.
CYSTEINE: Cysteine, an amino acid and is the principal source of SULFUR. SULFUR helps to DETOXIFY your body, promote improved healing, and boost resistance to disease. Cysteine is important to the growth of nails, skin, and hair. Cysteine is important because it creates a master anti-oxidant – Glutathione (keep reading).
ALFALFA: Herbal parts are taken from its leaves, petals, flowers, and sprouts. Alfalfa provides biotin, calcium, choline, inositol, iron, magnesium, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), phosphorus, potassium, protein, sodium, SULFUR, tryptophan (amino acid), Vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, K, and U. Alfalfa alkalizes and DETOXIFIES the body especially in the liver. Alfalfa is beneficial for anemia, all colon disorders, arthritis, diabetes, hemorrhaging, promoting pituitary gland function, and helps remedy ulcers. Alfalfa also contains an anti-fungus agent.
Alfalfa contains chlorophyll, which has been found to aid in the healing of intestinal ulcers, anemia, asthma, athlete’s foot, body & breath odor, bleeding gums, burns, cancer, constipation, eczema, gastritis, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, infections, liver disorders, and reduction in pus formation.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
CATNIP: Herbal parts are taken from the leaves. Catnip provides acetic acid, biotin, buteric acid, choline, citral, dipentene, inositol, lifronella, limonene, manganese, nepetalic acid, volatile oils, PABA (para-aminobenzoic), phosphorus, sodium, SULFUR, valeric acid, and Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12. Catnip controls fevers and is also good for colic, colds, convulsions, flu, inflammation, and pain. Catnip stimulates the appetite, aids digestion as well as sleep, and helps relieve stress. Catnip enemas help reduce a fever quickly.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
DANDELION: Herbal parts are taken from tops, leaves, and roots. Dandelion provides biotin, calcium, choline, fats, gluten, gum, inositol, inulin, iron, lactupicrine, linolenic acid, magnesium, niacin, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), phosphorus, potash, proteins, resin, SULFUR, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, P, and Zinc. This herb is noted as being able to cleanse the bloodstream as well as the liver, and increase the production of the bile.
This herb is used as a diuretic and helps improve the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and stomach. Dandelion herb is also taken for abscesses, age spots, anemia, boils, breast tumors (may aid in the prevention of breast cancer), cirrhosis, constipation, cramps, fluid retention, gout, hepatitis, jaundice, and rheumatism. The dandelion herb reduces serum cholesterol and uric acid.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
EYEBRIGHT: Eyebright has been used to heal eye disorders for several hundred years. In Roman times, it was called Euphrasia which means “cheerfulness due to improved vision.” Eyebright is listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. It is also listed in the American Illustrated Dictionary reference book as an eye remedy. Herbal parts are taken from the entire plant except the root.
Eyebright provides bitters, inositol, volatile oils, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), SULFUR tannis, Vitamins A, B3, B5, B12, C, D and E. Eyebright is used as an eyewash, relieves discomfort from eyestrain, minor irritations, and generally good for all eye disorders.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
JUNIPER BERRIES: Herbal parts come from berries and fruits. This herb provides alcohols, cadinene, camphene, flavone, volatile oils, resin, sabinal, sugar, SULFUR, tannins, and terpinene. This herb helps relieve inflammation and sinusitis. Juniper Berries also are noted for treating problems of the bladder, hypoglycemia, kidneys, pancreas, and ulcers. This herb helps regulate sugar levels and also used as a diuretic.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.

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KELP: Herbal parts are taken from leaves. Kelp provides alginic acid, biotin, bromine, calcium, choline, copper, inositol, iodine, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), potassium, SELENIUM, sodium, SULFUR & Vitamins A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, and Zinc. This herb is noted as being beneficial to sensory nerves, brain tissue, membranes around the brain, and the spinal cord. It is also used for problems with goiter, hair loss, obesity, and ulcers. It’s also good for the arteries, nails, and thyroid function. Kelp protects against the effects of radiation. It helps to soften stools as well as helping with mineral deficiency.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
LOBELIA: Herbal parts are taken from flowers, leaves and seeds. Lobelia provides alkaloids, chelidonic acid, isolobeline, lobelic acid, lobeline, SELENIUM, and SULFUR. This herb is noted as a cough suppressant and helps to reduce fever and reduce cold symptoms. It is also beneficial in treating angina pectoris, asthma, colic, bronchitis, epilepsy, laryngitis, and sore throats. Lobelia also aids in hormone production.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
MULLEN: Herbal parts are taken from the leaves. Mullen provides aucubin, choline, hesperidin, magnesium, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), saponins, SULFUR, verbaside and Vitamins B2, B5, B12 and D. Mullen is noted for relief of difficult breathing, asthma, glandular swelling, and hay fever. Mullen herb is also used as a pain killer, aids in sleep, as a laxative. Mullen also helps get rid of warts.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
ONIONS: Onions may be a potential source of possible cancer antidotes because of their concentrated SULFUR compounds that are able to TURN OFF cell changes preceding cancer growth. Researchers at the M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute have isolated propylsulfide in onions that in tests blocked enzymes needed to activate a potent cancer-causing substance.
Researchers at Harvard School of Dental Medicine discovered that putting onion extract on cultures of oral cancer cells from animals significantly inhibited proliferation of the cancer cells and destroyed some. As a matter of fact, the National Cancer Institute has funded much research on sulfides in onions and garlic, naming them promising agents in fending off cancer!
SARSAPARILLA: Herbal parts are taken from the roots. Sarsaparilla provides copper, fat, glycosides, iron, manganese, essential oil, parillin, resin, saponins, sarsaponin, sitosterol, stigmasterin, sodium, sugar, SULFUR, Vitamins A, and D, and Zinc. This sweet herb is used for epilepsy, gout, herpes, impotence, leukorrhea, liver problems, nervous system disorders, rheumatism, stress, and venereal disease!
Sarsaparilla also helps to reduce fever, helps clear skin problems (eczema and psoriasis), controls diabetes, kidney disorders, and stomach disorders. This herb also regulates hormones, increases energy and protects against harmful radiation.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
WHITE OAK BARK: Herbal parts are taken from the bark. White Oak Bark provides calcium, cobalt, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, SULFUR, and Vitamin B12. This herb is noted for the treatment of bladder problems, fever, gallstones, goiter, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, PMS, sores, and varicose veins. White Oak Bark is also good for the teeth.
Follow the recommended dosage and instructions from the label and as per your doctor’s instructions.
Here Are Some Healthy Benefits Of Sulfur. Sulfur fights, improves, aids, ameliorates:
- Anti-Aging
- Bones
- Collagen Production (cartilage, ligaments, skin, tendons)
- Cysteine (amino acid)
- Dermatitis
- DETOXIFIES At The Cellular Level
- Dry Skin
- Elevates Glutathione in your body (See The Mother Of Antioxidants below)
- Hair Growth
- Hair Loss
- Hair Rejuvenated
- Improves Complexion
- Inflammation
- Insulin Production
- Itchiness
- Joint Connective Tissues
- Joint Mobility
- Joint Pain
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Nails
- New Cell Growth
- Pre-Mature Aging (skin appearance, wrinkles)
- Promotes Cellular Regeneration
- Reverses ‘Hardening Of The Arteries’
- Scars
- Senility
- Supplies Oxygen At The Cellular Level
Before I tell you about The Mother Of Antioxidants, let me tell you about the 70 Trillion Cells In Your Body. Selenium, Sulfur and The Mother Of Antioxidants, are key to Super Heath at the cellular level.
70 Trillion Cells In Your Body!
The cell is the basic unit of all living things. Many HEALING ASPECTS BEGIN AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL! Through proper nutrition, exercise, supplements, other treatments (alternative and conventional), and even your own thoughts (Mind-Over-Matter), YOUR BODY HAS THE INNATE ABILITY TO HEAL ITSELF!
Let’s take a closer look at this remarkable working miracle – the CELL! This single unit of life has its own organization and function.
- NUCLEAS: The nucleus of the cell is the command headquarters for the entire unit. Imagine this if you can – messages encoded within the nucleus of each cell would require 3,000 volumes of books, with each book having 1,000 pages, with each page having 1,000 words!
- CELL REPLIFICATION: Each cell can replicate itself to an exact likeness. When a cell is worn-out or aged, it will self-destruct.
- MITOCHONDRIA: Each cell has an energy factory called the mitochondria. The mitochondria manufacture all the energy it needs to live and do its work.
- ENDOTHELIAL RETICULUM: Each cell also has a protein manufacturing plant called the endothelial reticulum.
- GOLGI BODY: Each cell has a storage warehouse called the golgi body. The golgi body stores the manufactured product until it is needed.
- SECURITY FORCE: Each cell has a sentry or security force. The security force allows only that substance that is needed to enter the cell interior and allows waste material exit the cell.
Now do you understand the importance of proper nutrition, exercise, and an overall healthy lifestyle. One more time, YOUR BODY HAS THE INATE ABILITY TO HEAL ITSELF! Now let’s carry-on with The Mother Of Antioxidants.
The Mother Of Antioxidants!
This very split-second as you read these words, your body, your immune system is fighting bad guys inside and outside your body. These bad guys are called free radicals, bacteria, germs, viruses and other foreign materials. Free radicals are linked to 50 medical problems including various forms of cancer, premature aging, heart disease, cataracts and even AIDS!
Your immune system is working every split second 24/7/365. Your body’s immune system normally makes proteins called antibodies to protect your body against viruses, bacteria and other foreign materials.
Antigens stimulate production of antibodies which can neutralize or destroy invading organisms. Antigens on the body’s own cells are called autoantigens. Antigens on all other cells are called foreign antigens
Your immune system is a combination of cells and proteins that assist in the host’s ability to fight and resist foreign substances such as viruses and harmful bacteria. The liver, spleen, thymus, bone marrow and lymphatic system are interrelated in the immune system’s normal function.
Unfortunately, your own immune system could be OUTNUMBERED and OUTGUNNED. If that happens, you fall ill and that illness could cascade into a state so sickly, you could end up DEAD. What if your immune system is OUTNUMBERED and OUTGUNNED by free radicals, bacteria, germs, viruses and other foreign materials and then you breathe-in the COVID-19 Virus? Unless you have a very good doctor backed-up by some heft drugs, and a lot of GOOD LUCK, odds are you’re TOAST (dead),
However, let’s go back in time and as I always say in my Survival Books – “AVOID the survival threat from the beginning.” Remember me telling you about SELENIUM and SULFUR?
The minerals SELENIUM and SULFUR are a POWERFUL POWERFUL, one more time, POWERFUL COMBINATION for your vibrant health. SELENIUM and Sulfur both have their own health benefits but both SELENIUM and Sulfur elevate the increase of The Mother Of Antioxidants – GLUTATHIONE!
Glutathione, The Mother Of Antioxidants is the:
- US Cavalry (Old West)
- Texas Rangers (Old West)
- Broken Arrow (see Note below)
- Hatchet Teams (see Note below)
- Mike Force (see Note below)
- Search And Destroy (see Note below)
- Delta Force (see Note below)
- Fix Bayonets (see Note below)
of rescuers and lethal fighters to help you heal-up and defend your body against all the bad guys 24/7/365.
The link between SELENIUM and SULFUR is both these vital minerals elevate Glutathione levels in your body. Here are some SUPER HEALTHY STATS on Glutathione you have to know.
The Mother Of Antioxidants:
- GLUTATHIONE is produced in each of the 70 Trillion Cells in your body
- GLUTATHIONE supports your immune system
- GLUTATHIONE has more healing power than any man-made medicine
- GLUTATHIONE shields your body against age-related maladies
- GLUTATHIONE is 5,000 times stronger than other antioxidants in your body
- GLUTATHIONE and its POWERFUL HEALING is annotated in more than 100,000+ medical studies
- GLUTATHIONE DETOXIFIES your body of acid residues, bacteria, carcinogens (cancer causing), chemicals, fungi, toxins,…
- GLUTATHIONE supports all the organs of your body
- GLUTATHIONE protects the mitochondria (TRILLIONS OF ENERGY FACTORIES) of each of your 70 Trillion Cells in your body
- GLUTATHIONE is deficient in more than 80% of all Americans
- GLUTATHIONE levels drop as you age, especially for senior citizens
Where Can You Get A Quality Product With Selenium, Sulfur And Glutathione?
You can easily go online or go to your local health food store to purchase Selenium, Sulfur and Glutathione separately. But dosage and quality are ALWAYS QUESTIONABLE.
Here’s a proven quality product called SELENEXGSH that provides SELENIUM, SULFUR and GLUTATHIONE. SELENEXGSH is not sold in any stores. Here’s North American Nutra’s offer & guarantee in writing:
“Yes! I want the full power of Selenex GSH to help shield my body from health concerns and stimulate my natural defense with the clinical-studied power of glutathione! I want to find and keep robust health with your breakthrough. You promise me that it has to work to my full satisfaction or I can return it within 90 days for a full refund, less S&H.”
Selenex GSH is sold for $39.95 a bottle (60 capsules) and FREE postage & handling. However, at the time of this writing, they are selling Selenex GSH for $19.95 a bottle with FREE postage & handling. Additional bottles are also offered. If you decide not to get this product, at least write them and get on their mailing list for future offers.
North American Nutra
201 US Route 1, #118
Scarborough, ME 04074
Phone: 1-800-649-4791 (call 24/7)
And YES, I (author) take Selenex GSH myself.

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Note: These military terms are quotes taken from my 02 Survival Books below.
- Broken Arrow: A term used during the Vietnam war to alert all available friendly supporting assets that an American military unit is about to be overrun and destroyed. Require all available supporting assets to deliver available firepower to destroy advancing enemy personnel.
- Hatchet Teams: During the Vietnam War, Hatchet Teams were US Army Special Forces soldiers (Green Berets) and other small military units designed to deliberately close with and destroy selected enemy personnel of high value or designated small numbers of enemy personnel.
- Mike Force: During the Vietnam War, a Mike Force is a reactionary force that was designed to reinforce Special Forces A-Camps that are under attack by a superior enemy force.
- Search And Destroy: Seeking out enemy personnel with the mission of their total destruction.
- Delta Force: The US Army Delta Force. Absolutely the most professional soldiers I was ever associated with during my 20-years in the Army. However, I’d rather work with the US Army Special Forces (Green Berets) because they’re very well trained and down to Earth.
- Fix Bayonets: The last command in the final defense or final offense for close quarter combat with the enemy. Some of the most heroic and most bloody combat actions in military history from the Revolutionary War to the Gulf Wars took place when the command to “FIX BAYONETS” was ordered. It’s either THEM or you & your comrades.
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This concludes Longest Living People On The Earth Part 1. Come back next month for Longest Living People On The Earth Part 2.
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