Here’s ‘safe’ technique you can do to see how it really feels when you’re going hypothermic. Meaning your body temperature goes under 98.6-degrees Fahrenheit and continues to drop. We are all warm-blooded creatures of comfort.
When our body temperature drops below 98.6-degrees Fahrenheit and continues to drop, DEATH IS AN ABSOLUTE SURE THING unless you do something to:
- STOP the drop in temperature
- STOP and reverse the drop in temperature
- Apply a proven Mind-Over-Matter Application
- Get rid of the source of freezing temperatures
- Get super pissed-off stubborn
- Immediately return to sheltered warm environment
Listen, I’ve faced hypothermic situations many many times and I have gone hypothermic several times.
Going Hypothermic Eating Ice Cream!
Here’s a simple tasty way to feel the beginnings of going hypothermic so you RECOGNIZE the threat and AVOID going into an irreversible hypothermic death sleep.
STEP 01: Insure you have a family member, friend or more with you in Steps 02 – 06 in case you need help.
STEP 02: Do this in the winter months where it’s already cold outside
STEP 03: Turn-up the temperature inside the house to 80-degrees or more.
STEP 04: Go outside without any warm clothing and sit in a chair. Stay there for at least 30-minutes or till you start shivering. Shivering is a sign that your body temperature is starting to drop below 98.6-degrees Fahrenheit. Have a family member or friend stay with you. They are wearing warm clothing.
STEP 05: Here’s the tasty part of the test. Once you start shivering, have your assistant give you a spoon and a GIANT helping (01 ½-quart) of delicious frozen ice cream. Start eating the ice cream.
Almost immediately you’ll start shivering non-stop. Shivering means your muscles in your body twitching to build-up heat to counter the drop in body temperature.
But guess what? In most cases (98%) shivering won’t save your life. You have to counter the continuous drop in body temperature. You can have a core body temperature of a constant 96-degrees Fahrenheit, and you’ll shiver but you’ll live because you stopped the continuous drop in body temperature.
STEP 06: Now that you got a good ‘taste’ of going hypothermic, STOP eating the delicious ice cream and all parties return to the inside of the house where it’s 80-degrees Fahrenheit. Give the tester a cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate. Continue the hot cups till all shivering stops. Still monitor the test subject throughout the day and night.
You just got a splinter taste of going hypothermic.
Author’s ‘Art Of Suffering!
You already read:
- Author’s Own Mind-Over-Matter Application To IGNORE Cold Weather
- ‘Art Of Suffering’ throughout this Survival Book
Here’s what I do just to get a taste of the ‘Art Of Suffering.’
When temperatures are freezing or below, I deliberately AVOID wearing any ‘hot gear’ (warm clothing). I’m just wearing my underwear, shirt, pants, and Denver Bronco baseball cap.
I’m outside on my property or in the city walking around. Sometimes I’m out at Scott AFB walking around like its summer time.
I do this for at least a few to several hours. Doing this has me
- maintain respect for Mother Nature and all She possesses
- maintain my high tolerance for freezing temperatures while using my Mind-Over-Matter Application
YES, I also eat a good helping cherry-flavored ice cream to get my core temperature to drop and get a good feel for the ‘Art of Suffering.’ Shivering non-stop, I know my body temperature is definitely below 98.6—degrees Fahrenheit and dropping. No problem, I use my Mind-Over-Matter Application to counter my hypothermic state.
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