Top Ten Vegetables And Legumes That Fight Diabetes!

According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report – 2017, approximately 30,000,000 of all ages in the USA had diabetes which is 9.4% of the entire population.  Approximately 5% have Type 1 Diabetes.  Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States.

Some people have diabetes for 07 to 10 years without the symptoms of blurry vision, excessive thirst, increased urination, and weight loss.  The American Diabetes Association is attempting to identify the millions of people that aren’t aware that they have diabetes.

Early diagnosis and treatment for diabetes may be a sure bet to avoid complications.  Diabetes kills approximately 160,000 Americans each year and is one of the leading causes of death by disease!

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99+ International Diabetes Preventers, Fighters, Killers And More!

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Here are the Top Ten Vegetables And Legumes To Fight Diabetes:

  • Beans
  • Green Beans
  • Kale
  • Kundru
  • Lentils
  • Mung Bean Soaked Fermented Water
  • Okinawan Sweet Potato
  • Okra
  • Spinach
  • Tepary Beans
  • Natural Tasty Diabetes Preventor

OK, let’s start with tasty Beans.


Beans are high in fiber, low in fat, low in sodium, low in cholesterol, and packed with Vitamins, minerals, and mother nature’s way of providing protein from plants.

Beans are a source of water-soluble fiber, which helps lower BAD low-density lipo-proteins (LDL), rich in B Vitamins, folic acid, and the minerals copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.  Beans are an economical source (pennies per pound) of delicious nutrition.  Beans have been shown to lower cholesterol.

According to studies at the University of Kentucky, University of Minnesota, and studies in the Netherlands, beans consumed on a regular basis can lower cholesterol.

At the University of Kentucky, Dr. James Anderson, regularly prescribes dried beans – a cup of cooked pinto or navy beans a day – to lower blood cholesterol.  Dr. Anderson has documented that cholesterol levels drop by an average of nineteen percent, even with men with extremely high cholesterol counts-over 260 milligrams per deciliter.  One man brought his cholesterol down from 274 to 190; another participant lowered his from 218 to 167!

Beans were noted to sweep the bad cholesterol LDL out of the blood and improved the critically needed good cholesterol HDL.  Dr. Anderson’s bean diet improved the ratio an average of 17 percent!  Potentially life-saving numbers, uh!  Beans are also considered good bets as cancer preventers.

Beans are concentrated carriers of protease inhibitors which are enzymes that can counteract the activation of cancer-causing compounds in the intestine.  Protease inhibitors can turn off oncogenies, which are carriers found in every normal cell that when activated may lead to cancer.

Beans are rich in compounds called lignans that are anticancer on their own and are converted by colon bacteria into hormone-like substances that according to some scientists may help fight off breast and colon cancer.

According to researchers at the Nutritional Science Department, University of California, Berkeley, beans are good for your colon because they help increase “fecal output” which is noted as a sign of good health and helps alleviate symptoms or reduce chances of colon or rectal cancer, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids, and bowel irregularities.

“Fecal output” also appeared to stimulate colonic bacteria to throw off chemicals called volatile short chain fatty acids, that help lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and may inhibit colon cancer.  See Lentils and Tepary Beans.


Green beans also known as string beans and snap beans.  Greens beans provide:

  • Copper
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Molybdenum
  • Potassium
  • Vitamins A, B6, C and K.

The fiber in green beans helps those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and those suffering from high cholesterol.  Green beans also help those afflicted with diabetes because green beans help maintain blood sugar levels.


Kale is super vegetable as a potential preventative of several cancers including lung cancer.  Noted to be one of the richest of all green vegetables in cartenoids (anticancer agents).

A highly nutritious food, spinach has 36 milligrams of cartenoids per 100 grams.  However, an equal amount of kale has more than twice the amount of cartenoids (78 milligrams).

Too bad kale isn’t a popular food item in the United States and Western countries.  A study in Singapore noted that kale, along with common dark-green leafy vegetables like Chinese mustard greens, has significantly diminished the risk of lung cancer!

Kale also demonstrates its ability to prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) via a carotenoid called lutein.  In an 18-month study at the University of Southern California, a group of 480 men and women with no history of heart disease were tested for serum lutein.

Those people with the lowest levels of serum lutein concentrations, had a ‘five-fold greater increase in carotid artery thickness.’

According to Dr.Fuhrman (Los Angeles Atheroclerosis Study), kale contains a special protective protein called Nrf2.  This Nrf2 and here’s a quote:  “It creates a sort of Teflon coating in your arteries to keep plaque from adhering.” 

Kale may also aid those afflicted with diabetes.  Kale has more nutrition values than spinach.  Kale could help improve blood glucose control because kale is loaded with fiber.

Studies have shown that a high consumption of fiber lowers blood glucose levels for Type 1 Diabetics and improve blood sugar, lipids and insulin levels for Type 2 Diabetics.


Also known as the Little Gourd, is a vegetable from India, South-Asian Islands, West Inies and Hawaiian Islands.  The Kundru Fruit looks like small cucumbers.

According to a study at the Bangalores Institute of Population Health and Clinical Research (India), 200 participant that tasted the curried vegetable had their fasting sugar levels drop by 16%.

A study by Dr. Ganapathi Bantwal, the Associate Professor of Endocrinology, St. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, of 30 participants in their initial diabetic stages were given a 01-gram capsule of frozen dried Kundru a day for 03-months.  “It was found that this reduced their blood sugar levels considerably…”


An international 25-year study that included 12,763 people from Japan, United States and 06 European countries found that legumes like lentils were linked to an 82% reduction in the risk of death from heart disease.  Why?  Cause lentils include:

  • Fiber
  • Folate
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Protein

George Matelijan, the author of “The World’s Healthiest Foods,” calls magnesium – “nature’s own calcium channel blocker,” a type of drug that fights hypertension.

According to the journal – Clinical Nutrition – eating 01 serving of lentils each week CAN CUT TYPE 2 DIABETES BY 33%.  Why?  Lentils are fiber-rich and have slow burning carbohydrates that keep blood-glucose and insulin levels low.  Plus, lentils help you feel full a lot longer, thus preventing you from eating more.

1st Note:  I try to conduct more R & D on my ‘intensive research’ so I went out and purchased 07 01-pound bags of Lentils at $01.54 each for a total price of $10.78 excluding taxes.

Lentils are a healthy food choice

2nd Note:  I priced Lentils at  If you want to save money, they offer Lentils in 25-pound and 50-pound bags!!!

3rd Note:  I just made a big DELICIOUS meal of lentils and here are the details.

Recipe:  01 medium size pot with lid, 01 spoon, 01 heaping tablespoon of coconut oil (cold), 01-cup of lentils and 02 ½ cups of pure water.

Step 01:  Place the lentils in the pot.

Step 02:  Pour the water in the pot with the lentils.

Step 03:  Add the heaping tablespoon of cold coconut oil.

Step 04:  Heat on low heat – simmer – for 30 – 45-minutes.  Test the texture to your liking.

Step 05:  The lentils will at least double in size.  This recipe will provide 02 meals.

Step 06:  I added my own concoction to my meal.  See Laydon’s Healing Spice Concoction followed by a couple pinches of sea salt.

SEE Natural Tasty Diabetes Preventor and Tepary Beans below.

1 in 5 US adolescents is now prediabetic, study says


Here’s another segment from one of my favorite alternative health websites –   Mung Bean, also called moong bean, green gram, and mung Sanskrit / mudga is a plant, a legume.  The mung bean is cultivated China, India, Korea, Pakistan and Southeast Asia.

So what does mung bean have to do with diabetes?   It has absolutely no scientific research to back it up, just a testimonial from one of its users.

Mung Bean soaked fermented water contains L. Casei, a probiotic bacteria – a good bacteria, a good bacteria that kills a bad bacteria called Staphylococcus Aureus (S. Aureus), a bad bacteria said to responsible for causing Type 2 Diabetes.

To make your own Mung Bean Soaked Fermented Water, I have to leave you hanging otherwise I’d give you the step-by-step instructions right now.  But what I researched, had me confused.

I was impressed with testimonials of diabetics who consumed Mung Bean Soaked Fermented Water.


The Japanese Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas), also called Okinawan Sweet Potato has been used for centuries by the Japanese people to treat:

  • Anemia
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure

The sweet potato grows in the mountainous area between Osaka & Hiroshima and grown on the island of Okinawa, Japan.  It’s also grown in Hawaii.  An extract from the sweet potato demonstrates that it can stabilize blood sugar for Type 2 Diabetics.

A study in Austria and Italy included 60 Type 2 Diabetics.  The participants consumed 04 grams (.14 ounces) of the extract each day.  After 03-months many of the participants dropped their blood sugar levels by 15 points.  Participants also dropped their total cholesterol levels by 30% to include the bad cholesterol (LDL) by 13%.

One important fact about the Japanese Sweet Potato.  Blueberries are noted to be LOADED with antioxidants.  However, the Japanese Sweet Potato has 150% more antioxidants (anti-aging) than blueberries!  And delicious blueberries ain’t no slouch when it comes to antioxidants.


Okra is from the same plant family as cotton.  Okra refers to the edible seedpods of the plant.  Its peels, seeds and water provide a variety of medicinal uses.  Okra provides:

  • Calcium
  • Fiber
  • Folic Acid
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C

Okra may help manage blood sugar in Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational diabetes.  In Turkey, roasted okra seeds are used treat diabetes – lowering blood sugar.  Okra water is used to lessen the effects of diabetes symptoms.  Okra water is made by placing okra seeds in pure water and soaking them overnight.


A cup of raw spinach furnishes only 12 calories, whereas a cup of cooked spinach furnishes only 42 calories.

Spinach is very low in fat, furnishes Vitamin A as carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, calcium, iron, and many other nutrients.  Spinach provides that much needed fiber to help prevent cancer and helps to lower cholesterol, lose weight, and control diabetes!

According to Dr. Richard Shekelle, an epidemiologist at the University of Texas, spinach has it all including the ability to rev up the metabolism.  According to the Journal of American Medicine, spinach is called ‘king of vegetables.’

One of many dark green vegetables, spinach tops the list (along with carrots) of foods eaten most often by people worldwide with lower rates of all types of cancer, especially cervical, colon, endometrial, esophageal, laryngeal, lung, pharyngeal, prostate, rectal, and stomach.

Spinach provides high amounts of chlorophyll, which is a noted cancer blocker.  Italian studies found that spinach, in test tube tests, was dramatic at blocking the formation of one of the most powerful carcinogens known – nitrosamines.

Of the foods tested (carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, and strawberries), spinach juice was by far the most potent!  Spinach contains folic acid, which is noted as a mood booster.   Are you suffering from depression?  Eat spinach!

An amino acid called homocysteine found in the blood is noted to increase the risk for heart disease.  To counter homocysteine levels, Doctor Havala Hobbs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, recommends a cup a day of dark green leafy vegetables like spinach.


White and red tasty tepary beans are grown on the flood plains.  Like all desert vegetation, they have a unique way of resisting the hot desert heat.

Great food to fight diabetes and for diabetic patients because it helps avoid those sudden spikes in blood sugar.

SEE Natural Tasty Diabetes Preventor below.


North American Indians of 150 to thousands of years ago of just about any tribe were for the most part in EXCELLENT PHYSICAL CONDITION.

They ate off the land that provided them meat, insects, fruits, vegetables, fresh pure water and plenty of physical activity.  Today, many Indian tribes are extinct but the ones that have survived are facing serious health issues.

On 141925M July 2004 (Wednesday), 60 MINUTES aired a segment on the Unites States southwestern Indians, namely the Pima & Tohono O’Odham Indians (Arizona) who may be, pound for pound, the most obese & sickly Americans in the entire United States.

Approximately 70% of Indians over the age of 35-years old are obese and afflicted with sickly and potentially killer diabetes.

Why?  It’s very simple, it’s the killer Standard American Diet (SAD) and the snacks and fast foods are loaded with killer saturated fats, salt, SUGAR,…

The Pima and Tohono O’Odham Indians (Arizona) are dying right before our eyes.  Even Indian kids as young as 04-years old are afflicted with diabetes.

But 01 nun in particular is doing something about it.  Sister Martha Mary Carpenter, Principal of St. Peters Indian School has completely BANNED ALL SUGAR from the school.  She also ESTABLISHES A PT (PHYSICAL TRAINING) PROGRAM for the school kids.

Once they get off the bus when it arrives at school, they RUN!  PT is the 1st activity for the kids so they get their metabolisms revved-up before classes.

Another front has been established to fight obesity and diabetes.  Indians are going back to eating the way their ancestors ate.  Eating various cactus plants, squash, melons, and ESPECIALLY THE DIABETES FIGHTERTEPARY BEANS.

Alerts reader to the contents of this book.
99+ International Diabetes Preventers, Fighters, Killers And More!

Paperback Book—————Kindle E-Book

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