Tufts University Intensely Researched Foods!
Founded in the year 1852, Tufts University is located on the border cities of Medford and Somerville, Massachusetts. Tufts University graduates are some of the most academically achieved scholars in the world. Tufts University is known for its ‘intensive research’ and discoveries and here are some samples.
Dr. Gurewich Study
Dr. Victor Gurewich, professor of medicine at Tufts University, prescribes and tells his patients to “Eat onions.”
Dr. Gurewich notes that raw, strong onions elevate critical HDL-type blood cholesterol. The typical therapeutic dose is only 1/2 a medium-size raw onion – or equivalent juice – each day.
Dr. Gurewich says that is usually enough to “dramatically raise” HDLs (good cholesterol) an average of 30 percent in about 03 out of 04 heart disease patients!
In a few cases, HDL levels have doubled or tripled on the onion regimen! He says that raw onions work best because cooking lessons or destroys the onion’s power to raise HDLs.
Raw or cooked onion works as a natural anticoagulant to help prevent life-threatening blood clots that may cause heart attacks and strokes!
India Onion Study
According to a study in India, test participants were purposely fed fat-intensive meals that raised their cholesterol to dangerous levels, thus increasing the risk of blood clots. The participants were then given only two ounces of onion, which was added to their diet and their cholesterol levels were quickly brought within safe limits!
Onion Nutrition
A 1/2 cup of raw onions provide only 27 calories and are inexpensive. Onions are used in just about every dish imaginable, from appetizers to main courses to soups to even jellies.
Onions can be eaten raw, they can be pickled, sauteed, deep fried, boiled, or steamed onions help boost the good cholesterol which is HDL (High Density Lipo-proteins), lower total blood cholesterol, slow down blood clotting, thin the blood, kill bacteria, and may even counteract against some allergic reactions.
AGAIN, Dr. Victor Gurewich, professor of medicine at Tufts University, prescribes and tells his patients to “Eat onions.” Dr. Gurewich notes that raw, strong onions elevate critical HDL-type blood cholesterol. The typical therapeutic dose is only 1/2 a medium-size raw onion – or equivalent juice – each day.
See Onion Diet in the Survival Book below.
Two Cloves Of Garlic
According to Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Letter, two cloves of garlic per day may be as potent as some cholesterol-lowering drugs. Garlic may also prevent blood clots that could block arteries and lead to stroke.
Note: I try to add freshly sliced sweet onions to my cooked meals.
Urinary Tract Infections
According to a study led by Dr. Prodromos N. Papas, professor emeritus of clinical urology at Tufts University School of Medicine, 16 ounces of cranberry juice was fed each day for three weeks to 60 patients with acute infections of the urinary tract.
Fifty-three percent of the patients improved dramatically, another 20 percent moderately, and after 06 weeks 17 patients were completely free of urinary infection!
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