09 Sure Death Poisons And Venoms!

This blog post is so important I placed under ‘Wilderness Survival’ but it also applies to ‘Health Survival.’  ‘09 Sure Death Poisons And Venoms’ could be a serious threat to your health at your home and in a wilderness environment.  OK, let’s get started.

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Here’s the list of the ‘09 Sure Death Poisons And Venoms’:

  1. Brown Recluse Spider
  2. Brown Recluse Spider Bite Remedy
  3. Cadet Down For The Count
  4. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  5. Dangerous Household Combinations
  6. Hydrogen Sulfide
  7. Killer Potato Gases
  8. Mold Could Be All Around You – Slowly Killing You
  9. Lipoic Acid To Counter Mushroom Poisoning And More
  10. Radon Gas Poisoning
  11. Rat Piss Killer
  12. Shake, Check And Look

Brown Recluse Spider:  Another multi-legged critter you gotta know about is the brown recluse.  There are approximately 50 species of recluse spiders.  The one we want to talk about is the brown recluse spider.  Like the black widow spider, the brown recluse is shy and comes out at night looking for food.

It can be identified by its brown abdomen and legs, and a dark fiddle-shaped marking on its cephalothorax (1st section of its body).

It could be hiding right next to you right now and you wouldn’t know it.  This domesticated multi-legged ornery critter likes to hide under rocks and under other debris as well as indoors like in dark places in your own house, or the barn, shed, schools, office buildings…

Its venom is necrotic meaning the venom causes skin blisters which could lead to ulcers and blackening of the skin.  The wound site might slowly heal or not at all.  Immediate medical attention is highly advised.  Other symptoms of a brown recluse bite may be a burning-stinging sensation and in some cases, it occurs in the face of its victims even if they weren’t bit in the face.  Restlessness, vomiting and generally feeling like crap are also symptoms of brown recluse bite.  Death from a brown recluse bite is rare but it does happen.  One tragic case from a brown recluse bite happened to a woman in California.  She fell into coma.  05 months later she came out of her coma only to have both arms and legs amputated!

So next time you go venturing under debris or in dark places, WATCH OUT for those black widow and brown recluse critters as well as those stinging deadly scorpions!

Brown Recluse Spider Bite Remedy:  Don’t mean to tease you.  But these 02 remedies are 1,000-times the price of the Survival Book at the end of this blog post.  There are a couple fascinating remedies for a brown recluse spider bites that are very worthy of your attention.  I know you’ve never heard of them and I annotated the details in my Survival Book at the end of this blog post.  See Shake, Check And Look at the end of this blog post.

Cadet Down For The Count:  Of all the ’09 sure death poisons and venoms’ this why I keep telling you to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER venture outdoors on your own.  OK, here’s the true story.

My last 03-years in the Army I volunteered for SROTC (Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps).  The only reason I volunteered for SROTC was to get some college.  Why?  Cause I knew all these hoorah military credentials I have were practically worthless on the outside.  So I figured I could squeeze in some college between my assigned duties at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia.  To make a long story short, they worked me like a dog.  I worked 365-days a year.  Monday thru Friday was all classes.  All weekends were shot because that was the only time the cadets had free time to go to the woods.  Holidays I was catching-up getting ready for the next classes.  All summer months I was at Fort Bragg, NC for Advanced Camp evaluating cadets.  Then back to Mercer preparing for the next school year and it started all over again.

At the end of my military career, I took a 90-day terminal leave – I saved-up 90 days of leave time from those 03-years I spent assigned to Mercer University.  Just thought I’d let you know that you got your tax dollar’s worth.  See my book – “American Elite Fighters – Are US Tax Payers Getting Their Money’s Worth?” – at the end of this book.

Now back to Cadet Down For The Count.  The cadets were training out at Baldwin Forest, several miles outside of Milledgeville, Georgia.  Milledgeville is where Georgia Military College (GMC) is located where I also taught cadets.  The cadets were training out in the woods and everything was going according to the schedule.  Suddenly some cadets ran up to me and said Cadet F________ is on the ground.  It turns out he was severely allergic to a plant and down he went to the ground and he couldn’t get back up.  He was semi-conscious.

I ordered the cadets to secure Cadet F________ and get him to the van.  I then ordered the senior cadet to take charge and get a formation of all cadets at the bus, take a head count and take an inventory of all weapons (rubber weapons) and equipment.  I ordered 04 cadets in the van and one as a navigator to the hospital.  Off we went.  I ordered the cadets with the casualty to MAKE SURE HE STAYS AWAKE.

Keep talking to him asking him easy questions to answer.  I also ordered them to slap the casualty if he started to go under.  My navigator knew Milledgeville and she guided me to the hospital as I carefully ran the red lights and went through the all stop signs.  We arrived safely at the hospital.  It turns out Cadet F_______ was allergic to some type of plant.  Good news he wasn’t going into the Infantry.  A cadet was safely evacuated to the hospital thanks to the training all paid for by your hard-earned tax dollars.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  I added this segment in here to demonstrate the potential of poisonous plants to incapacitate its victims even if they’re only walking by them as did Cadet F___________.

The remedy for this poisonous plant that incapacitated this cadet is what I’ve been saying since DAY 01.  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, one more time, NEVER go out in the woods by yourself.  In Cadet F_____________ case, he had his ‘battle buddy’ with him along with a couple other cadets.  There’s hundreds of thousands plants out there and a kazillion different insects out there waiting to mess you up.  So insure you always venture outdoor’s with your friends.

What if Cadet F__________ was alone when he went down for the count?  He might have succumbed to the poisonous plant(s).  His fellow cadets probably saved his life.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:  Each year in the US, approximately 400 deaths are caused by carbon monoxide poisoning.  Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless, toxic gas that can be emitted by fuel burning appliances if they are not working properly.  If fuels do not burn completely or if fuel-burning appliances are not adequately ventilated, harmful amounts of carbon monoxide may accumulate in your home, automobile…  Portable generators are often to cause to carbon monoxide poisoning.

 What happens if I inhale carbon monoxide?

When inhaled, carbon monoxide is absorbed into the bloodstream where it blocks out oxygen to vital tissues and organs.  It causes fatigue, headaches, nausea and vomiting.  Prolonged exposure can result in unconsciousness, brain damage or even death!

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, carbon monoxide accounts for approximately one-half of all accidental poisoning deaths in the United States, killing approximately 1,800 Americans each year.


What are some signs of carbon monoxide?

Signs of carbon monoxide are:

  • Excess moisture on wall & windows.
  • Stuffy, stale or smelly air.
  • Hot gases escaping from the vent hood of a furnace.

What are some symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?

Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning are:

  • Burning eyes.
  • Confusion.
  • Convulsions.
  • Coughing.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of muscle control.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Redness of skin.


How can I prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in my home or work-place?

There are carbon monoxide alarms on the market.  Like smoke\fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors have saved many lives.  They are well worth the cost of early warning and peace of mind.  Periodically, have a professional check appliances, furnaces, heating equipment, water heaters and other devices that produce combustion gasesInspect for blockage in fireplace chimneys, furnace flues and wood stove exhaust.

  • NEVER use a gas stove for home heating.
  • NEVER use kerosene heaters in enclosed spaces at home or even when camping.
  • NEVER sit in a parked car with the motor running.
  • NEVER have the motor at idle in a garage.
  • NEVER tailgate in stop-and go traffic, you’ll be breathing in approximately 60 parts per million of carbon monoxide which is almost twice the one-hour standard-inside cars stopped in traffic jams.

Dangerous Household Combinations:  Here are some common household consumables that are dangerous when combined together.  Let’s start with Acetaminophen and Alcohol combination:

  • Acetaminophen +  Alcohol  =  Irreversible Liver Damage.  Acetaminophen is a pain relieving drug.  Combination of acetaminophen and alcohol leads to approximately 200 deaths per year in the US.
  • Ammonia +  Bleach  =  Toxic Chloramine Vapors.
  • Battery Brand A +  Battery Brand B  =  Leaking Batteries.
  • Bleach +  Vinegar  =  Toxic Chlorine and Chloramine Vapors.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide +  Vinegar  =  Parecetic Acid (corrosive acid).
  • Ibuprofen +  Alcohol  =  Torn Stomach Lining.  Ibuprofen is a drug used to relieve pain, fever and inflammation.  This combination taken on an empty stomach can cause tears in the stomach lining.  Milder afflictions include ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems.
  • Medicine +  Grapefruit Juice  =  Increased Absorption Of Drugs (could lead to lethal overdose).

Hydrogen Sulfide:  Hydrogen Sulfide is also known as ‘Detergent Suicide’, ‘sewer gas’, ‘sour gas’, ‘stink gas’ and ‘sulfane’.  Hydrogen Sulfide is a VERY DANGEROUS – KILLER TOXIN that can easily be manufactured using common household products.  Hydrogen Sulfide suicides originated in Japan in the late 2000s and migrated around the globe and to the United States.  Hydrogen Sulfide suicides in the USA are growing.

Hydrogen Sulfide is so dangerous it even threatens the lives of first responders (police, fire department, EMTs, neighbors,…).  Hydrogen Sulfide is a flammable, colorless, heavier than air – gas that is produced by Mother Nature (decomposition of organic materials), yet easily diluted by the surrounding outside air.

However, when home-made Hydrogen Sulfide used in an enclosed space (vehicle, closet, bathroom,…), it is a SURE KILLER to the suicide victim and all first responders.  The killer gases of Hydrogen Sulfide (at 1,000 parts per million [ppm]) can last as long as 74 hours.  Initial symptoms of exposure to Hydrogen Sulfide are:

  • Loss of smell
  • Inflammation to respiratory system
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rapid or slow heartbeat
  • Delirium
  • Sweating
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Skin turns blue (lack of oxygen in the bloodstream)

Hydrogen Sulfide is easy to make using common household chemicals.  Due to liability issues, I will not annotate the step-by-step process for making Hydrogen Sulfide, but you can easily find the directions on the internet or at your local Library.  See Killer Potato Gases below.

Killer Potato Gases:  Of all the ’09 sure death poisons and venoms’, you gotta pay attention to this 100% sure killer.  OK, let me tell you the true story.

I bet you like salted French fries just fried like I do.  But did you know potatoes could be killers – namely Killer Potato Gases.  The Killer Potato Gases are called glycoalkaloids and glycoalkaloids from rotting potatoes wiped out an entire family except for the lone survivor, an 08-year old girl.  Here’s the true story.

Most of the Chelysheva family living at Laishevo, Russia was wiped out from the Killer Potato Gases from rotting potatoes.  These gases accumulated in the Chelysheva’s celler where potatoes were being stored.  These potatoes were stored way past their expiration dates and rotted.  The rotting potatoes formed killer gases called glycoalkaloids.  And over a period of time these killer alkaloid gases accumulated in their enclosed, non-ventilated cellar.

Approximately 03 September 2013, law professor and head of the family, 42-year old Mikhail Chelyshev went into their home cellar where potatoes were being stored for the winter.  After a few minutes, Mikail didn’t return.  He was overcome from the Killer Potato Gases and suffocated.  Not returning with the potatoes, his 38-year old wife was Anastasia went to the cellar to investigate.  She too was immediately overcome by the Killer Potato Gases and suffocated to death.

Neither Mikail nor Natasha returned from their cellar and now their 18-year old son Georgy went into the cellar to investigate the status of his parents.  Georgy entered the cellar and he too was immediately overcome from the suffocating glycoalkaloids gases.  The only two remaining members from the Chelyshev family are the 68-year old grandmother Iraida, and little 08-year old Maria Chelyshev.

Iraida knew something was wrong in the cellar and wisely called a neighbor for help before she ventured into the mysterious cellar where 03 of her family were located but never returned.  Iraida alerted her neighbor but failed to wait for help and went into the cellar by herself like Mikail, Anastasia and Georgy.  68-year old Iraida went into the cellar and again was immediately overcome and suffocated from the Killer Potato Gases like her family members

The neighbor arrived keeping little Maria from going into the cellar.  The neighbor called their local police and they secured the Chelyshev home and investigated the loss of the 04 Chelyshev family members.  Now you know the facts of Killer Potato Gases so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  Potatoes contain glycoalkaloids which is a chemical compound also found in poisonous plants called Nightshades.  Under the right conditions, glycoalkaloids increase in the potato and could be a killer threat when inhaled and / or eaten.

Mold Could Be All Around You – Slowly Killing You:  It’s estimated that 50% of all illnesses may be caused by indoor air pollution (home & workplace) in the name of mold.  Being exposed to water-damaged indoor environments invites exposure to different types of mold like Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Penicillium and Stachybotrys chartarum.  Stachybotrys chartarum may be the most toxic mold.

Also called ‘black mold’, Stachybotrys chartarum is a greenish-black mold and grows on dust, fiberboard, gypsum board, lint , paper and wood.  It’s estimated that as many as 25% of all buildings (homes and workplaces) in the United States have water damage which invites sickly mold.

Mold Exposure:  Exposure to mold causes a variety of sickly symptoms like:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Allergic rhinitis (most common)
  • Bloating
  • Blurred vision
  • Body temperature regulation
  • Chronic cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Difficult word finding
  • Disorientation
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Headache
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urinary frequency
  • Joint pain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Mood swings
  • Morning stiffness
  • New onset asthma (most common)
  • Poor memory
  • Red eyes
  • Sharp pains
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sinus congestion
  • Static shocks
  • Sweats
  • Tearing
  • Tingling and numbness
  • Unusual skin sensations
  • Vertigo

Lipoic Acid To Counter Mushroom Poisoning And More:  According to the CDC, amanitas cause 90% of mushroom related deaths throughout the world.

Most people and even doctors are not aware of lipoic acid (also known as alpha lipoic acid and thioctic acid) and its life-saving benefits.  Lipoic acid is produced by your body and is a powerful antioxidant.  It is both water soluble and fat soluble meaning it can access all parts of the cell to effectively fight free radicals!  It also one of the most POWERFUL liver detoxifiers ever known!

Let me give you some background information on lipoic acid as a liver detoxifier:  Approximately 20 years ago Burton Berkson, M.D., Ph.D, while a medical resident at Case Western Reserve Teaching Hospital Medical Center, was asked to treat 02 terminally ill from mushroom poisoning.

One of the most deadliest poisons found in Mother Nature is called alpha amanitin and it’s found the amanita mushroom.  Eating the amanita mushroom causes irreversible liver destruction and death in 60% to 90% of cases!  Dr. Berkson already had a Ph.D. in biology and his thesis was on mycology.

Remembering an abstract on lipoic acid countering the killing effects of amanita poisoning, he called a friend at the National Institutes of Health who sent him some lipoic acid.  Dr. Berkson then treated both patients with about 800mg administered in 04 infusions of 200mg.  The lipoic acid COMPLETELY REVERSED THE LIVER DAMAGE IN BOTH PATIENTS!  Both patients left the hospital in a few days!  Lipoic acid has other therapeutic uses also.

In Germany it is used to treat diabetic neuropathy because its antioxidant properties demonstrate a tendency to regenerate damaged nerves.  It may also lower blood sugar levels and may be helpful in protecting and maintaining healthy eyes by increasing Vitamins C & E in eye tissue.

Radon Gas Poisoning:  To better understand the sickly and killer effects of radon gas that could be infiltrating your home right now – I put this segment in a Question and Answer layout.  This segment was taken directly from The Gettysburg Program (complete 600+ page version found at   www.survivalexpertbooks.com).

What is Radon Gas and how does it get in my home? 

Radon is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas that seeps into some homes as uranium deteriorates in the soil below the foundation.  Radon is the decaying product of radium and uranium, present in nearly all rocks and soils on Mother Earth, including granite, shale and phosphate.  Concentrations of radon in indoor air are expressed as picouries per liter (pCi/L) of air, a measure of the rate of decaying uranium.

The EPA believes no level of radon is safe.  Guidelines recommend homes with levels of 4.0 pCi/L or higher should be modified to reduce radon concentrations.  This deteriorating uranium could be almost anywhere.  Sources of radon may be found in well water, building materials.  However, a principal source of radon is soil gases seeping into a home from cracks, holes in the foundation walls, floors, pipes, sumps and other openings.  By design, tightly-insulated and poorly ventilated homes can draw radon gas into the home because of the “negative” air pressure.


Can Radon Gas hurt me? 

In 1984, a worker at the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant in Pennsylvania inexplicably set off the radiation-checkpoint alarms within the plant.  Reactor technicians couldn’t make sense of it because this employee’s job as a plant engineer required no contact with radioactive materials.

When officials checked this employee’s home, they found the culprit.

It was radiation from radon gas seeping into his home and being carried into the plant on the employee’s clothes.  The employee’s house was built on top of a uranium-rich geologic formation known as the Reading Prong that goes through Northeastern United States.  The employee and his family were being bathed in radon levels nearly ONE THOUSAND times higher than those radon levels deemed safe under federal guidelines.  The employee and his family were exposed to high radon levels equivalent to smoking HUNDREDS OF CIGARETTES A DAY and receiving more than HALF A MILLION CHEST X-RAYS A YEAR.


Before you purchase that house or move into that rental apartment, ask about recent radon testing.

Rat Piss Killer:  If you military types out there find yourself a POW getting whooped on every day and figure your days are numbered, here’s another technique to incapacitate your captors so to escape.  Odds are you already made friends with a rat and you feed the critter food scraps and water.  Well start collecting its urine.  Even if its dried out it may still be poisonous.  Its piss may contain a bacteria, known as Leptospira interrogans.  Leptospira interrogans is a killer and if doesn’t kill your captor it will put him in ICU (Intensive Care Unit).  And if the rat’s piss doesn’t contain any Leptospira interrogans, you still may at least get your captor real sick, thus he’s out and a new “green” captor is taking his place that you may increase your odds of escape.  See Non-Chemical Rat Poison.

Note:  For all you non-POWs out there reading this; RINSE & CLEAN all your newly purchased soda cans and other canned goods for Leptospira interrogans.  Leptospira interrogans has killed innocent victims after drinking from a contaminated soda can.

Shake, Check And Look:  Texas Rangers always shook, checked, and looked.  For what?  In the Texas territory living out in that hostile environment you had to shake your bedroll, check your boots and look around you for venomous snakes, venomous scorpions, venomous scorpions, and a cactus nicknamed the “horse crippler” (Echinocactus texenis) that would maim a horse in a second.  And it hasn’t changed.  Whether it’s a short stay or a long stay in any desert environment anywhere in the world, you better Shake, Check, and Look like the Texas Rangers!

Most Important Note:  The bad ass savvy Texas Rangers employed ‘Shake, Check And Look’ all the time and YOU should too.  I (author) live an an old house that was built in 1971.  And I gotta tell you, this place is a magnet for all types of spiders.  Most are harmless.

But one spider that will send you to the hospital is the venomous Brown Recluse spider.  Once it bites you, the skin at the bite site will eventually rot away if you don’t do anything about it.

I myself have used the famous Texas Ranger ‘Shake, Check And Look’ and have found Brown Recluse Spiders in my clothing and while cleaning my house.  So, now you know so You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere!

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  Now that you read & viewed ‘09 Sure Death Poisons And Venoms’ You’re Ready Anytime Anywhere.  However, before you go out on your next outdoor adventure, please re-read “How To Plan Your Outdoor Adventure!”

09 sure death poisons and venoms

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