Can I Use A Squirt Gun For Self-Defense In My Home?
YOU have the right to defend yourself and family in your home against intruders. No weapons? I’ll show how to use a water pistol that will STOP anyone who…
Continue ReadingWilderness Survival, Health Survival, Crime Survival and Money Survival!
YOU have the right to defend yourself and family in your home against intruders. No weapons? I’ll show how to use a water pistol that will STOP anyone who…
Continue ReadingTHOUSANDS of international survival applications, techniques & tricks for YOU. 52+ Survival Books. Wilderness, Health, Crime, Money and Other Survivals.
Continue ReadingTHANK YOU for your wise interest in the “104 Anytime Anywhere Survival Newsletters” and my decades of International Survival work.
Continue ReadingIn my previous blog posts, I talked about active shooters and how to counter an active shooter in close quarter battle (CQB) without using any conventional weapons because in most cases (99%), coward Active Shooters go after a crowd of defenseless unarmed victims. You don’t see coward Active Shooters targeting police departments where all the…
Continue ReadingOn Friday, summer afternoon, 15 March 2019 at approximately 1:30 pm, Brenton Harrison Tarrant published his manifesto on the internet. His 74-page manifesto was titled ‘The Great Replacement.’
Continue ReadingMost Americans and most people across the globe probably couldn’t show you where Rwanda is on a map much less know what happened to approximately 850,000 Tutsi’s during what I call “100 Days Of Hell Here On Earth!”
Continue ReadingTexas Seven Escape & Evasion! On 13 December 2000 (Thursday), after days of selecting members of The Texas Seven and detailed planning, the ringleader and his accomplices executed an escape. They escaped from a maximum security prison – the John B. Connally Unit located near Kenedy, Texas (southeastern Texas – Karnes County). The Texas Seven…
Continue ReadingScams Swindles Rip Offs And Cons! Everybody gets ripped off at one time or another or sadly multiple times. Some lucky poor folks only get ripped-off by a few hundred dollars while sadly some poor folks get ripped-off by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Here are some Scams Swindles Rip Offs And Cons so you…
Continue Reading84 True Crime Stories Made Into Movies! The list of ’84 True Crime Stories Made Into Movies’ are based on TRUE crimes in the USA and the world. Many of the following True Crime Stories you can find on YouTube, Amazon Prime, Netflix,… and other internet providers. Learn from these true events made into movies…
Continue ReadingOnly Defense Against Close Quarter Slaughter! Several times over the years I have woken-up to check out the latest news on my iPhone. Again, another mass shooting at another school where innocent students were slaughtered by a fellow classmate(s). I want to give you some of my military training which I tried to civilianize –…
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