Here’s some real quick info to SAVE YOU MONEY on packing materials!

Do you need boxes for birthday gifts, Christmas presents or other occasions?

Do you need boxes to pack your stuff for storage, moving,…?

To prove my point on SAVING YOU MONEY, I have the receipts to prove it.  Check this out.

I just purchased 04 (15-inch by 12-inch by 10-inch) cardboard boxes at the US Post Office for a total of $12.97.  Their boxes are of high quality, no doubt.

I just purchased 04 slightly smaller cardboard boxes at WalMart for a total of $02.35.

That’s more than a $10 in savings!!!!  BUT WAIT!!!

How would you like to get piles and piles of cardboard boxes for FREE FREE FREE!!!!

Every 03 days out of the week more or less, WalMart gets a huge WalMart truck at their receiving dock.  And inside  that truck are THOUSANDS of products.  And guess what those THOUSANDS are packed-in?  Yes, cardboard boxes.  Cardboard boxes from tiny to HUGE!!!

And in the evening when those CAP-2 Walmart Associates start unpacking those THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS of products to be shelved, hung, displayed – then they got PILES & PILES of empty boxes that need to be gathered and stacked on carts to be carried back to the receiving to where the compactor is located and then crammed into the compactor.  And if the compactor is already full, then they have to wait for somebody to make a giant 700-pound cardboard bail and that’s another 20-minutes, blah blah blah,…

But guess what.  In the evening when those CAP-2 WalMart Associates are stacking those shelves with fresh products right out of the cardboard boxes, that’s when YOU COME BY and ask for FREE BOXES.

They are more than happy to let you have them empty flattened-out boxes cause you’re saving them time from messing with all them cardboard boxes.

I know what you’re asking next.  What about all those designs on the box when I want to send them across the country?  No problem.  This is what I do.  I simply

  • cut the box on one of the vertical creases
  • turn the box inside-out
  • re-tape the cut vertical crease
  • fold-up / interlock the bottom 04 flaps
  • pack it
  • fold-up the top flaps
  • address it
  • tape it up real good with clear packing tape
  • send it off using your favorite carrier vis USP, USPS, FedEx,…

Hey, I checked-out all the boxes.  A box is a box.  And you don’t have to pay for them if you don’t want to.  Besides WalMart, there are plenty more other stores all around you that are deluged in boxes and would like YOU to take em’ off their hands!

So SAVE your hard-earned money and go get you a couple piles of FREE cardboard boxes!




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