This is an absolutely true as I chronologically wrote it (read till the end to understand what happened **) and you may have several thousand dollars looking at you right now and you don’t even know it! How I Stumbled Upon Several Thousand Dollars And I Did Absolutely No Work To Earn IT!

Today around 9:30 am (11 April 2019 – Thursday), I observed a man walking around on the southern edge of my property. I went out there to see what he was doing. He wasn’t armed so I left my .40 caliber Glock in the house. For years, since I moved on my property, I’ve had armed men (hunters ???) come out of nowhere roaming near or on my property (trespassing). Anyway,…

He stated he was mushroom hunting and he’s knows the new neighbors to the southeast of my property. He initially made a comment about the trees on my property but I paid him no mind. Who cares?

Then he observed my roof. It needs to be replaced and he stated he was a contractor out of Saint Louis, MO. I already had 02 people lined-up to give me quotes for a shingle roof and a metal roof. So I was skeptical about him being a roofing contractor. But I studied-up on roof repair and he had all the roofing lingo down and terms I was aware of.

He gave me a handwritten quote and explained all the details in the work that needed to be done and was going to throw-in some odd job repairs on my deck and carport / garage roof.

But the money-making part isn’t about my roof. After he finished his 45-minute quote on my roof, he went back to talking about the trees on my property.

I have:

  • 01 Rubber Tree
  • Several Locust Trees
  • Many Oak Trees
  • Many other types of trees

But the tree that ‘raised my eyebrows’ were the walnut trees. He sighted the huge size and straightness of the walnut trees and the first one he pointed out in my backyard, he stated and here’s a quote: “That one is worth $2,000.00.”

The first thing I said was “What? What did you say”

 He knows a guy in Kentucky that’s a logger. And he buys certain trees and resells them. I must have at least a couple dozen walnut trees on my property that are worth several hundred to a couple thousand dollars each.

As a matter of fact, he pointed out another walnut tree just several steps from the 1st one and stated the other walnut tree is worth a couple thousand dollars too.

So I’m SERIOUSLY CONTEMPLATING, having this logger come on my property with his crew and ‘harvest’ pre-selected walnut trees.

Walnut wood is a hard wood and used to make expensive furniture and even stocks for weapons. And you can bet some nice hardwood furniture is going to cost some BIG BUCKS because it will last a very long time.

So if you live out in the country like me, do you have hardwood trees like walnut trees on your property?

Most Important Note:  I went on the internet and saw the prices of walnut furniture. Man oh man – the prices were from a few hundred to several hundred dollars a pop!!!   I saw a nice polished-up walnut coffee table for about $700 bucks! I bet I got 45 walnut coffee tables in just one of my walnut trees! What’s 45 times $700?

1st UPDATE:  On 17 April 2019 (Wednesday), I missed a call but they left a voice mail. It turns out a representative from called me. I called back and he asked me about the size of the walnut trees on my property. He stated:

  • Go hug the trunk of the tree and wrap your arms around it. If you can barely touch your fingertips, that’s about the minimum size of the walnut tree.
  • First set of tree branches have to be about 06 to 07-feet from the ground.

So I told him I’ll call right back and went outside to measure the first 02 walnut trees.

  • 1st Walnut Tree: I went and hugged the 1st walnut tree and couldn’t touch my finger tips. I needed about another foot (12-inches) of arm length. And the first tree branch had to be a good 08 or 09-foot from the ground.
  • 2nd Walnut Tree: About 30-feet away, I went and hugged the 2nd walnut tree and couldn’t touch my finger tips. I needed about another 07-inches of arm length. The 2nd tree branch had to be a good 07 or 08-foot from the ground.

I immediately called back the logger, and told him my 02 walnut trees meet his specifications for harvesting. And these are only 02 of the many walnut trees on my property. I have yet to walk my property and verify exactly how many walnut trees are big enough to harvest.

He stated, he’d try to make it out to my location within a week or so to verify and mark which walnut trees are eligible for his team of loggers to come out cut down and haul off the walnut timber.

I asked him about the oak timber on my property and he stated at this time, there isn’t a high demand for white oak, therefore the price of oak timber isn’t cost effective.

A couple hours later, I went to the library to download close-up color pictures of walnut tree trunks and leaves to INSURE the identity of the walnut trees on my property.

** It turns out them trees ain’t walnut trees. The trunks match perfectly, but they were what I thought they were – oak trees. The leaves didn’t match what walnut leaves are supposed to look like. When I first saw the leaves, ‘oak’ popped into my head. Probably white oak trees.

HOWEVER, if you have walnut trees on your property and they are big enough to harvest, you may have a bunch of money growing on your property.

IMPORTANT UPDATE:  I have a section of my property to the north that has no vegetation.  About a month ago, I planted  63 oak trees (hardwood) at the rectangle perimeter of this section of my property.  I also plan on planting a couple hundred more oak trees.  I also plan on planting 50 – 100 black walnut trees.  Why?  As I stated before, walnut trees at maturity (30-years) are BIG BIG BUCKS!!!

Yeah, you so “So what – who cares?”

I’m planting all these trees, especially the black walnut trees as an intrinsic value (mature in 30-years)  when I decide to sell my house and property.  I already know my property will sell real quick all by itself.  I just want to add a motivating factor to sell my house and property.  Who knows, maybe I can get a bidding war started and get an extra 20 or 40 thousand dollars.

The new owners know they got a gold mine slowly growing in front of their eyes.  And even if they live here several years and decide to move, they can pass-on the same gold mine to potential buyers.

If you live out in the country or just have a big front or back yard, consider growing at least a few black walnut trees and start growing your own money-maker.

DON’T BELIEVE A WORD I’M SAYING.  Google the high price of mature black walnut trees.  It will surprise you.

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