Do you believe in Mind-Over-Matter? I certainly do because it started happening to me when I was 18-years old (keep reading).
Real People – Real Mind-Over-Matter!

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10 Amazing Cases Of Mind-Over-Matter
Right now, I’m going to tell you about my very first Mind-Over-Matter experience that happened to me when I was 18-years old when I was a senior in high school.
And here’s a list of the Mind-Over-Matter Applications that I (author) experienced starting when I was 18-years old:
- Author’s 1st Mind-Over-Matter Experience
- Author’s Own Dowsing Technique
- Author’s Own Mind-Over-Matter Application To Ignore Cold Temperatures
- Author’s Super Memory Trick
- Author’s Mind-Over-Matter To Nose Dive Heart Rate & Blood Pressure
- Your Own Healing Hands. Reiki Works And Here’s Proof
- Flaming Stress Buster
- Wabisabi Stress Buster
OK, let’s get to Author’s 1st Mind-Over-Matter Experience.
Author’s 1st Mind-Over-Matter Experience:
Time: Spring 1973
Location: East High School, Pueblo, CO
Subject: Author’s 1st Mind-Over-Matter Application
I sincerely believe and actively take part in Mind-Over-Matter Applications. I’ll tell you why in a second but let me remind you of a true story that happened to me in high school.
It was my senior year in high school and I was talking to a friend by the soda machine. Back then I’d always always drank grape sodas.
Well, I put my money in the machine while talking to my friend. I just “brailed” my way through the motions of inserting the money, selecting the soda, grabbing the grape soda, opening it and began drinking without looking at the grape soda – all while talking to my friend.
Well, I drank at least half the soda. While in the process of swallowing a gulp of the grape soda, I looked at the can to realize it wasn’t a grape soda but a cola!!!!
As I looked at the can the tastebuds in my mouth went from tasting grape to tasting cola!!! I fooled myself – I was so sure I was drinking grape soda – the cola didn’t register on my tastebuds!!!!
This is absolutely a true story and ever since then, I’ve been interested in Mind-Over-Matter applications.
Do you want another? Let me tell you about this Mind-Over-Matter Application I did right in front of 06 – 08 military co-workers. Here’s Author’s Own Dowsing Technique.
Mind Over Matter: Placebos Prove Powerful…Even When People Know They’re Taking One
Author’s Own Dowsing Technique:
Time: Spring 1985
Location: Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Subject: Author’s Own Dowsing Technique
One day while working at the US Army Special Forces (Green Berets) Weapons Branch, I was sitting in the weapons bay – classroom where we taught Phase II Weapons to Special Forces Candidates (02-month course).
Sitting around during our lunch break, one of the cadre broke out a deck of cards. They played a bit and then I said something like ‘let me show you all something.’ There were several cadre (06 – 08) eye witnessing the following event.
I told one cadre to shuffle the cards and pick out a single card and show all the cadre but not to let me see the card that was picked. At any time, I never any of the cards.
I told him to place the card in the deck and shuffle the deck. He shuffled the cards and I told him to pass the cards over and let another cadre member shuffle the cards.
About half a dozen cadre got their turn to shuffle the cards. I then told them to take the deck and cut it and place the two sections of the deck side-by-side.
I then took my right-hand – palm down and placed it or hovered it over each deck. I did this back and forth 02 or 03 times to confirm my choice.
You see when I placed my hand over the deck that had the card they picked, my hand – namely the tips of my fingers would tingle.
And sure enough the fingers tingled. I said “the card is in that deck” pointing to the deck. They looked at me like I was crazy.
I told them to discard the other deck and deal the remaining cards into 06 – 07 decks with 05 or so cards per deck. They did what I told them.
With several smaller decks of cards in front of me, I again hovered my right-hand – palm down and hovered it over all the decks and once or twice more to confirm.
I stated “the card is in that deck” pointing to the deck of only several cards.
Looking at me strangely, I told them to get rid of all the other cards and place the remaining several cards side-by-side. They did as I requested and again, I hovered my right-hand – palm down over the remaining several cards. I confidently stated “That’s The Card” pointing to it.
They looked at me like I was nuts and flipped over the card I picked and the room BURSTED INTO SHOUTS. They asked me how I did it – they thought it was a trick so I did the same “dowsing for cards” again (02 – 03 times) to prove myself and again I picked the correct card.
Once I proved myself, one cadre member wanted to take me to Las Vegas and others wanted to take me to some local poker games in Fayetteville. I declined stating “it doesn’t work that way.”
How did I pick a card that they chose? I never touched any of the cards nor had any idea what card they chose. I myself didn’t consciously pick the card, my ‘tingling finger tips’ chose the card.
How does this hand dowsing work? I’m not sure, all I know is that my hand – fingers tingle. It’s a form of dowsing. I have never tried to do this with other applications to find things like water, oil, minerals, precious metals, lost things, missing people,…
This is a true story – I’m sure those former SF weapons cadre that were present that day may not remember me as a weapons instructor but they will always remember me for that special magic-like application to pick out 01 specific card from an entire deck of cards using no trickery, no magic – JUST PURE 6TH SENSE.
I have this saying in this unique Survival Book:
6 Real Life Cases Of The Power Of Mind-Over-Matter
Author’s Mind-Over-Matter Quote
“At The Conscious Level We Are Bloomin’ Idiots
As Compared To The Subconscious Level –
We Could Be Super Human!”
Joseph A. Laydon Jr. – 27 October 1998
And there are 72 more Mind-Over-Matter Applications in this unique Survival Book below. Get it now to discover real Mind-Over-Matter Applications. Who knows, you may discover that YOU possess Super Human abilities!!!

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